servus friends and welcome to this new video
yes today it starts part 1 the hardware not instead of a
three-part series on the subject of led handicrafts with w led and so that I in
my videos do not always have to link to other videos that actually have nothing to do with
the topic just so you know how to meat how to
what solders together or does something else I thought it makes sense to make a small series
as well and since we can see exactly how does this work
with the hardware how does it work with the software how does the integration work in
the euro program exactly these three parts there will
also be we start today with the hardware so what is possible sp 32 82
66 led strip ring leds resisted whatever everything that goes with it
next video will be about the software so flashing how to operate w led what do I have for it
and in the third part of the still donor crazy
it will be about the integration in europe there is 1000 different
possibilities there are w led to use there are thousands of controllers that support
you can use it with arduino with do anything else I can use umpteen different
led strips I limit myself to what I always do we will
first look at 32 we will look at the sp 8266 we will look at it hurt 28 12 leds to look
at the strip ring shape or otherwise pretty much doesn't matter and
that's it that's actually the basic tool for smaller what the projects what means smaller
for smaller to medium-sized projects in the framework I would like to
and in the course of this time also in the full yes I have sent many e mails why do you
not make any before resistance to why hit an alko for voltage
stabilization and why you don't have this why you don't have that and that's why today
we will start the topic hardware and as I said it
is about the sp 82 66 or sb 32 why why then will we eat wws 28 12 b look
at us very briefly I will say why you might make
sense s k 68 12 would this time we will look at why you can
resist it if you want or why install anelka can if you want how to install rally with
if you want just to make the whole led strip tension-free
so that it no longer consumes electricity even when switched off and we will address
the topic of security to customers yes how can I secure the whole thing with
a backup if not then I will also try no matter what
I time no matter what I do to link you with the matching w led
that means linking I will show in the video where it is so that you just get to know where
I can look for all this where can I read the how
works yes because many people ask you could have read sometimes I think we just don't
know exactly with so much information how do I pull the lord how do
I have to understand that that's why I just try to holistically
and just as long as this intro will probably already be the first video because there is
a lot to discuss a lot to show but shit doesn't matter
it has to be stopped and I believe many people will then benefit and
I say it now even before it starts I have already in the
Admonition get people it is electric voltage electric current on the five full time not
dangerous but on the 230 volt side dangerously watch
out if you don't know what he does there just keep your fingers away so and
so much first to get in and we see each other again right after the intro and catch directly
with the first point on to equal [music]
yes and then we come to the topic number one selection of the microcontroller because you
have the choice between the esp 82 66 and the esp 32 I have always used the esp
8266 in my past projects used because I have been using it for ages
and that has always worked the stop that runs for the
most projects on completely sufficient meanwhile I have to say the sp 32 of the cost plots
more at amazon at least that's what we're talking about the
esp 826 6 of 8 eur 49 currently and the esp 32
from eight euro 99 but the esb 32 offers me a few advantages to
example in winter much more in the software of esp from esb say already in
of the software em w led have a few more functions but an effects for example then have by slider
more where then I can play around a bit with your effects you can quickly very nice thing
then have there for example, if you use the soundtrack function
and connect a microphone renew controller and
wants your light to still blink and make and does depending on the function that it hears
it has there even more 2 d effects than with the esp 8266
in the company and In addition, you have the possibility of a
2d led matrix with the esp 32 connect the also via w led to control and
two led matrix if I that doesn't say that I just have some rectangle
or any other shape where the leds stop in and these are the advantages for the few
cent easy you can just take with you that's why I will also do my future projects in sp
32 and no longer with the esp 8266 then I am
simply prepared for the future I don't have to worry about us
works who still has an esp 82 to 66 at home or just drove around in masses usually ordered
you don't panic the individual you can use for everything yes they are tip-top so you
can do big projects make with well over 1000 leds at all no problem
only sometime when I start more eg to be used as three LED strips in parallel,
for example with the esp 32 which is possible or start the led strips big very large projects
my stripes or whatever I have on it in segments in some cases still some effects
per segment per output and heap shit wants to do with what should happen
at the same time then goes the esp 8266 just sometime in the knees and then
makes completely different esp 32 sense because who bring many more frames per second to your
led strips or leds can be called the esb 32 and in fact one speaks
of frames per second and since it is just quite simple fact of the
spd 32 just has a higher frequency he can just work much faster and just recovers
more from so long talk short the controller we have dealt with it and we go straight to
the next topic about the leds with the led strips I am relatively short
because for me there are only two versions in question and there speak
I from the ws 28 12 b and from the sk 68 12 rgbw
I currently use 100 in all my projects the w s 28 12 b led when I
just think great to have the inexpensive the easy to handle and the has a very great farewell
I am simply top satisfied with it alternatively
I would still use the s k 68 12 rgbw see the has the advantage if you want to see
it as an advantage that the still no end led only for the white light with on
it so I have a sector there will be rgb then the color
mixed and one led punishes the then takes care of the white light yes yes that may be
that you at the s k 68 12 has a bit more beautiful light when
it comes to wise light but also dws 28 12 b makes great
white light i can go from cold white to warm white I can just as well adjust my light color
I am so top satisfied and that's why I use the also on
w led you can get the whole list at supported leds view this relatively large
since actually no wish remains open yes I go here now
not on leds or leds that need more than 12 full or on the led strips that need more than
12 full here you can yes I do all my projects with
54 could also use 12 24 volt whatever because you have to
you then just fool yourself in principle exactly the same chance yes all this is all not complicated
the ws 28.12 I for myself it means of choice therefore
we will also everything with it and whether they then in the form led strip
or led ring or led matrix is or however this led is arranged it doesn't
matter the principle is always the same in principle
you can buy 128 12 w led individually and a led flash somewhere flash to sparkle yes
and then we are already on the next topic and namely
power supply since I don't want to go so far now
go into depth because there we can discuss to death what makes sense that makes no sense
what you need what not there would just have to take a calculator
and a bit calculate i use for led strips to to five meters with 300 leds so 60 leds per
meter I use one night on per power supply an led as it 68 12 he is 28
12 b is specified with 60 millimeters you would extrapolate that to 300 leds
we would come to 8 10 ampere that means my power supply has in principle 10 ampere too
little the 18 ampere but also only needed if I set white so when
I go there and colorful lights up then I need a
fraction of the current at white content all three colors fully on and that is as if a
pile of current is drawn I have already done the test with me but I have
so with 8 10 ampere operated I have it with eight ampere operated in the
white light and the brightness hardly differed itself so completely
honest is just hardly visible to me hardly visible and alcohol I then prefer a small
narrow good eight ampere power supply where I know
that works where I know that has a surge protection overcurrent protection and short-circuit protection
in it before I want to get them such a huge box and
the performance anyway do not need in the end yes the advantage of venice also
that you can set in the software how much maximum current there flow of it accordingly
it then regulated also the brightness down that you never overload
your last run but as I said then everyone has to know for themselves
what he does that is very easy to calculate one like it 28 12 led
needs 60 billion worst case and just calculate the number of your leds and scale then know
you how much current he needs in the maximum case with the power supply we have to of course
also over the feed-in talk I feed 1 5 meter strip with my
eighth via power supply only once a namely exactly in front if you
have ten meters then worthwhile if then of course you feed in again in the middle
at 15 meters weld in again at 20 again the works wonderfully so I have a project from
my brother and I have project my brother has a project
he 20 meters leds once around the ceiling rome has fed three times four times fed in
at the end still fed in and that's it but can also just try yes see
that then quite simply when you have the led strips on it
and he notices, for example, in the setting knows that somehow the rear meters of the
led strip yellowish are and the front ones are nice
white la vista ok shit too little electricity since I still have to somewhere
in between, remember that he does not use too thin cables that you can calculate everything
from because we talk then later when assembling over it now it
is still about the additional hard we want to yes this time
among other things, install resistors yes we will install the 470 to resistor in the
data line and yes there you always hear the stories man you have no resistance in it because
we can the first led stretch and and old cheese no that
is not so or not so anymore the resistance is actually because it limits
the current in the data line and there actually flows
only too high current if we put on the data line of the voltage but the
led strip itself is not yet supplied with voltage then there can be a high current rhine
flow the first led can be destroyed the rest of the led strip
works that happens maybe if you are tinkering and feed the led
strip separately from the microcontroller yes and then on
once turns on the microcontroller first and turns on cds with 32 zb first and which already
sends data and the led strip does not yet have voltage
then this can happen usually but we connect microcontrollers and LED strips
to a power supply and if I then turn both on or the
power supply activated then both has simultaneously power turns on also nothing broken but if
you later resistance redeem and good is how it works
everyone can it can also do or leave it can happen that
the led breaks without resistance if on the voltage supply is voltage-intensive if the
voltage for the led strip is too low and you the
nice data series can of course flow over the data line again too much current yes that
is of course important that we use the right clothing of
an exciting that you have a good mesh device where the voltage
does not collapse and and resisted in my eyes relatively unnecessarily but who
wants to do it can do it that's why we will all install it afterwards so then to the topic
elko topic alcohol there I would say you can do
but you do not have to do anything the same as with the
resistance if you have good power supply which brings a clean voltage then I do not need
an elko what makes because a elko in elko the I have in the in the power
supply between plus and minus there is then charged and slow
again discharged and thus that is never empty I always have a uniform tension from a good
clean DC voltage yes and it just makes sure that I have no ripples on my voltage or
that I can bridge short voltage drops meanwhile when the voltage at the input drops until
the elco then discharge is the maybe at the input
again and I have a continuous voltage at the output
as hofer anyway has other buffers for the tension and if you are good
power supply has what brings out a clean DC voltage I also damn well no l co at the
I don't care if I have my matte power supplies that I use I have measured the voltage is
wonderful and if I then install 1000 micro bike elko now times completely
honestly there are no such tension slumps and if at some point there is such a thing
in it then something is right other not so I also so yes a topic where many
have to say and are you insane that he is without being operated then
you just have to be clear to yourself you need it or need it
it is not definitely a construction and does not harm the things cost patient also makes
no problem I like it in my project do not do today what exceptionally
so that you see how it works yes then are already
at the next topic level shift have which we do not deal with today at all I will not install
but I will briefly explain what it is so that
you are easy this and what works and what does not in level ship that just ensures it
there just makes out of an exception after tension relaxation y in this case we have
to wes 28.12 led strip put on the table and e.g. 2 1 30 of the led
strip is supplied with 5 volt but the esb 32 also brings its if in only
3.3 volt out so let yourself be there do not deceive you supplied of course with
5 volt since I have a voltage converter on it which from your
five full 3.3 volts makes with it runs the microcontroller that is on it which of course
also brings its outputs also only 3.3 volt out so and in the data
sheet for the ws 28 12 b led is just in it the voltage on the data line must be
at least 0.7 times the supply voltage that means at 5 volt supply
voltage what the led strip or the led ring what also
always needed we would have to have at least 3.5 volts on the data line
everything else can lead to problems yes and now it is so there once quite quite
early revisions since it may have happened sometimes yes that you have heard once and
then that has not really works and flashed and made and then you built
level shifter so that I wanted the 3.3 I wanted on mine on my data line on simply five can
fully level up and then it worked again these days on in my opinion
absolutely unnecessary I have so many led projects running here and all work with 3.3
volt from the esp 82 66 or from the esp 32 completely problem-free
so I will also do not treat today but you have heard if you
have problems in the led strip or for example their data line
is eternally long and you then have suspenseful or no idea what there are things
which is called level shifter which make a house more expensive 3.3 volt voltage the
from the da from the data pool of the company from the port from the pot where the data
then go to the led strip the five volts and that's it and with that
you will be on the safe side yes but I have it as I said so far
not yet married the next topic is then topic release release we will also tackle today
yes who a bit sport wants to save electricity because the
uses the very clear and that is what it is about
200 leds ws eight us so like it 28 12 b so if you have eg led strips where 200
leds on it and you switch over the software w led with your mobile phone for example just
so off then it consumes one watt in the switched off state
so you calculate about 1 watt per 200 leds if you do not
would like well or has a huge project and wants to save the last little bit of electricity
then you can rally install w led supports this even then you
install rally and the rally ensures for that it simply takes out the complete
LED strip and then you have the 1 2 3 watts depending on how big you
your project is there it depends on you have just saved that would be today also do we
will rené install there you can then also look
at how it works w led supports that as I said that I
everything wonderful is not a problem and the hand it can also make sense I just again
a higher waschl effort but good so is next to last and that
we will today also a tree the topic of backup is still to be addressed
yes I certainly do not ab ab my projects as said the power supplies I use which are short
circuit safe this have overcurrent protection overvoltage protection the
all no problem that works wonderfully because I don't need to worry but a bit
is afraid of this can of course install a fuse in the power supply to the led strip
I also have parts here that we can then already look at as an example yes you can do you have
to but has not increased again the effort and
always depends on what you have for power supply you trust the or
not yes and so I went through with the whole theory I did it a bit fast but we
will talk about everything again anyway if you put that together right now and that's
exactly what we do now let's go to a workbench and start to step
all the components for step plug together and alabama after enough
about each individual component to the same so and then put also directly
I have here the esp 8266 with which we work I just shot myself in and whine the esp 230
and first of all I have announced it will also explain how to get on where to do what
then the first thing we have to do is find out where can I do with the esp 82 66 and
where with the esb 32 connect my led strips or my ws 28.12 leds
and that's all just go to the page of w led and there is
then in the area multi stripes support we look first in the
section esp 8266 only then I can use the gpu 0 1 and 0 2 now I have but
at the beginning said we can three led strips afterwards on
the small pictures and yes that is also possible that stands
a little further but with a restriction we can still use the
However, 103 use with the restriction that only smaller than 50 leds
use because the port is just a bit slower for whatever reason just go so we can
here use gp1 gp2 and gp3 with less than 50 leds
and with the esp 32 is exactly the same because we look a bit further down
but here is no matter where you here what is then in every free port that is available
I'm not interested but just a maximum of ten LED strips at the same time
so and now is here but nowhere gp 1 2 3 at fc 32 stands on the
back but here stands for example tx d-4d agree lauda funny things and
it does not fit with the choose the page so you have to look in the data sheets because
there is also a bauzeichnung montag falls next to akzente
livery there I always find that fast the pictures are still really nice
and then we first look at the small esp 82 66 and the topic co2
this is the p4 so co2 is here at the page with d4 described and that was there
also suddenly such a described here with tics we also find yes
and the 3 series described here with rx the same at the esp 32 there you can then
also look again in the data sheet or in the in this diagram and there it is
not different only here in the case we have it good because the a26 is for example
also described with 26 and 18 is described with 18 yes there they have a
learned a bit more because you have to look similar always as I can in principle every
new open here use the esb 32 and could be used as ten led
strips parallel to lions at esp 8266 just on tx on rx and on d 4 and
so you actually get there relatively quickly on it if you just know where you can read
that was already the the all the magic behind it and now I'll take
the esb 32 away and we'll start right away with the sp 8266 in parallel, the
same of course here as you solder the to solder cord beepegal any free port
and good so for soldering is already very important that you even know
what soldering was anja I do it the other way around we have here
an led strip and it has strangely 5 cables that come out of there in principle you only
need three and it are the ones below it that also have a plug
and if you strip it exactly on the led strip we see here first two small arrows that is
always the direction now point in this direction that means
here is in front and somewhere in the back at the other end that is still
wound up with me here is the end and we always connect to the very front of the microcontroller
or at least shit no matter where I could finally cut off the also here the led strip and their
microcontroller on loosen or cut in the middle and on people no matter we know but it goes
in this direction that means then in principle only so much
as here is my end and here the next stripes can connect but also again with the arrows
in the right direction yes yes I hope you have understood
so and there are now also things on it we see at the top is gnd
if you put it to us maria the cables here so we see
at the top knows so we are we know I go n d then stands here in the middle de 0 waits
that the data port the is here the green and below is only 5 volt
aha power supply the red so I know wisely on ground green on the data
output that was the story with the gp europa and red comes afterwards
to plus 5 volt and now we still have to use the two
well and they are just parallel to the white and the red
soldered here on that means I have here again the possibility to connect ground and my
power supply plus 5 volt to connect and that's exactly how we do it we go afterwards
and connect our power supply to the two individual lines and at the same time
you can then down here namely also under voltage and can connect here quasi the microcontroller
then it will here via this cable automatically supplied
with voltage and runs here completely self-sufficient yes and then
lie the led strips for it are usually such plugs here already such cable pieces
and that is then wonderful since I can connect this here to my microcontroller
and on the other hand I can just plug in my LED strip and then white
I with controller is supplied the data we come over on the led strip and here I have
afterwards my power supply and just like that we do that are so lay what solves yes and
what we do now I found first of all on and a very simple
thing together that means only power supply esp and led band and three sees ground circuit
and then we start and extend the whole we then extend the whole
thing by resistance in the data line we extend the whole thing by
a carnation then we extend the whole thing by a fuse and at the very end
was that it can still be extended by a rally and the whole thing to switch off and
same topic as it progressed step by step and then I start I have here such a small tool
that hides so a bit what I do but I am relatively blind
me helps the magnifying glass but is in principle also shit irrelevant
I'll just show it again afterwards what I did then then
does he count that and I don't do that in real time now we rewind a bit in front of
me my people these are basic requirements that
would just have to get somehow I have a few tools afterwards the
let's take a look at it later but on the micro and scooter board I just have to solder somehow
it's easy the best and get out of the connection and
go [music] so and that's it already we soldered the on
it and in principle is already the majority of the work
done yes again to show us I have the red cable on 5 volt
connected the already to five power supply then I have connected the white cable fg that
stands of course for ground and the green cable on
d 4 and so does it work like this you were already our
mini controller so first of all we have the plug right now
already on it to connect in it then afterwards with our led write because it should not yet
that first time we took care of the power supply
of the whole and there he has power supply and I have
the mains the power supply that I use for projects up to five meters so also
really with 60 leds per meter I actually use this for everything I have below in the video
description linked and you can look at that is top and it is really so I have that also
re-measured you need even at 300 leds so with the 5 meter led strip of the
really 60 leds per meter has so 300 leds since he does not need 8 10 amps herget times who
has the possibility can gladly measure times takes led strip with
five meters 300 leds hangs then you hang multimeter in between and look
there he comes maybe to 4 5 ampere at the color white I know you
should normally then dare to leaf but speech measured it is half as
wild and well whatever we do here diligently you have so
somewhere two cables from your power supply these are red and black there have
the 5 volt and gnd as ground and that must now somehow here with your led
strip connected and now there are several possibilities on the one hand could
you solder that now and then somehow that the cables just solder together and then afterwards
shrinks also drum make or I can use marco klemm that does that do
I actually like very much yes I just need a dog on cliffs and plugs my cables then well
if you so a little better turned together plugs my cables
in there so I will now exactly if you still get them right
rum holds so I will do now also because it is simply easiest the fastest
and that's it the same we do now for must get in the
do the same as still for the - in this case and zack
zack finished and now I have quasi here from the side you come only five
volt and - from my power supply that goes to plus and minus from my led
strip bnd and plus 5 volt and that in turn is connected to plus
and minus here for our microcontroller and the d4 have already connected
that means purely theoretically if I now plug this in here and last voltage on my power
supply gives that so my complete circuit here is also supplied
with voltage then should be there now actually already what happens I just make
it tension at our small town was I quasi manufacture now also the leds lights
works and thereby don't wonder why the lamp didn't play on the
esp before already w led on it just with it if I have wired something here so that we
can also see it is actually happening what yes and that is
our smallest led project that means without much effort now have easy
with a power supply what brings us voltage in here with 2 wago terminals with which you
then connected the led strip with our power supply and here with a small wss I say already
28 p with a small esp 82 66 and this adapter plug
therefore we have in principle already a finished working small
project the led write we can live where you want wonderful that was it already more
you don't really need to know not even know which
led city on it we talk about it in the next part how to operate it and how to flash and
back and forth but in principle there is that was already
all the witchcraft and parallel to it is with the esp 32 work exactly the same only
that I just here the red just here on 5 volt connected the white cable on
this on gnd to closedness and the green stop on
any gp europa that has more salary available then
would that now shine just like the difference is only here I have to say first in the w
led software then to which place do I have because now my led strip
on it by default will be part the d4 now uses the esp 82 66 and that's why
it already works like this I switch the voltage again house from the
power supply and we continue with step number two namely we solve
the resistance in this green line herewith and the first led to
protect yes now I have already explained it earlier in the entrance that can be that I
with my power supply my led strip before but my esp 8266 not just
with the DC voltage here as I did it but operate the
separate operator for example with the battery or no idea with
the second part anyway yes and then of course it can
occur that the esp 82 66 or the sp 32 that one of the two with what I
use already running and here via the green line already sends data to the
led but the led strip itself not yet is supplied with voltage and then can flow
here over a large large current that on the one hand unhealthy for the
but here will definitely or with high probability destroy the only the led yes if you but so
builds as here we operate our strip with a power supply up here on the two separate cables
and feed our esp drives directly from the then also
here then this can not happen at all nevertheless the question stood in the
space resistance back or forth necessary or not we solve the 1 and that is actually no
hexenwerk in principle had to yes in series yes to in the data line in rye
rye rye always means I have to cut open somewhere here now that I do
also just ne I have to cut open somewhere here now and now have to cut the resistance
so I don't know but this happens here a soldering
into the green cable and there are again clearly many possibilities
I can create it on the page and on the page out here to
can solve shrinks also make it yes there are a thousand possibilities I have there
what really great team found that I wanted to show despite and there are there for people
who are not so I would like to solder or at the same time
their shrinking would also like to have so I have found such a concept and it
is a full cool thing somehow because here I already have a shrinking even with lö are
in it yes that means I can in principle such a zone such a connection
in the simplest way I just plug on a side my main cable in and on the other side
for example you the resistance yes and then heat it completely
simple and elevated are in there is a relatively low melting temperature that means if I heat
this now then the solder joint is automatically connected
to each other here tip-top clean and I have simultaneous electric shock
drum and that's exactly what I want to test now we will just try this I have the things
namely never used like this before and in principle
I just have one of the things here by the way, he also finds it and the video
description I have a bit shortened you can see it yes because this
is just too long spoken to me two of the share I just want the
resistance in between the other is always easy one side of cable off and I have also
from the resistance the foot a bit shortened so that he there quasi
I have before that the salary quasi here so half
half still hidden is actually this should work well now I do it as I said
also for the first time and I just put it over here so that the strands just in the
area of this still hard lötzinn and every resistance of the superiority
exactly the same and push I'm a bit right about that I think
reasonable from he has already resisted but do a bit more no matter since I now no hot
air from you have tried the whole thing a lighter it
should go the same way also means now times the whole thing times
tear and hope that this is now of course liquid in there I can already see the
solderinn becomes liquid and the electric shock shrinks wonderfully
to and dust and that should have been that already now push that was a bit off and let's
a bit cooling down is of course a bit very penetrating
in the vehicle then but you have clearly seen there are now
already run in there has made a connection with those with the flashing with the resistance
and the electric shock has dragged around right here
meanwhile can touch it is fine and I have here a really clean connection
on simple way and at the same time a current flow hose
tower and exactly the same we do it on the other side as you can see we have here a
really clean connection without nonsense without anything and I have also shrunk right away
with metro it is clean soldered and it works that we
can now also test directly yes resistance is in it our first LEDs quasi protected we
have done our first protective measures quasi I just plug the esp 8266 back on my power
supply in the socket and you see exactly like before
the whole thing lights up and has they basically nothing changed only that all
those who are afraid for their led can now just say I have then
again stand in it is nothing more can happen yes that was the first measure after the
I was often asked and I would continue with the second directly and this is the co I have
therefore bought big such a whole set about 30 just a out and that
serves yes in addition, quasi the voltage that comes
here from our power supply here our led strip supplies that the simply always
more stable if we have a power supply so a bit of a bad 5 volt
has tension or if it breaks down for a short time the elco here supports it then and simply
ensures for the fact that here is a nice clean voltage
is a short voltage dips can also be bridged without
that something happens here or the colleague saves here or something else like
said if you have good power supply you don't really need it we make ourselves but still
with it times know how to do it and that means that already
when the tension has to stabilize yes somewhere for example here
only and - where he can also take care of it jan now of course it does little
sense because you somewhere on the side where our power supply is over there already crazy
50 plus - drink here to install on best is always you at the as close as possible
to the led strips run or on the microcontroller if you write here between
micro and roland led not the ultra long cable connection
and that's super easy to do just like with the resistor micro because you have to
be careful with normal capacitors no matter at the elko is important there is a here - well
this is the page where here also this gray stroke is at the same
time recognizes what also on the feet of the long Russian in plus and the
short feet - and you have to be completely careful that we really - on -
connects and plus plus and stood he namely go hopps and that can go in the worst case
even with a daily smelling loud bang end like this and now of
course I could take the parents I could put my feet here
a bit of trimming or at least I make them the same length of time then I have less work
soldering and could e.g. the ergo here on the plus time so the not with
the gray stroke a thick minus is on four +54 floors and the - foot
on gnd solder then it will be already done but that she first of course
shit that would be here then lounging up can be difficult to
because close together so of course I look that I somehow here in the power supply pure
war and is again easiest if you have wako clamp and that now really no joke plus on
the red Russian - here it says - on the gray strip
of course to - to and already the is built-in and that's it and
now we can plug in our power supply again what us here the
the tension again provides now we have an l co trainer the whole stabilized we have
a resistance in which the first led supports i
think our power supply again and you see everything still works still no difference at all the
simply rolling their service would be necessary which it is just absolutely not at the moment
yes and there this is already the mystery solved by the alcoa to integrate such a simple
city and as I said if I turn now as I stupidly
stuck in baku or if you solder the one from me on your led
strip on your board or whatever into your power supply brings it does not matter main
thing if you wanted to use it closes put it right around and it's just somewhere
between plus and minus and best always as I said as close as possible to the
devices that he then also with the just wanted to protect in this case he wanted
to stabilize the voltage for the led strip and for the microcontroller because
look that brings somewhere there in the direction I do again on there at all even
no problem everyone stood installed and the elco it installed so that would be the
theme and has it always already at the next step the backup yes I
so I ordered a fuse switch is certainly not the nicest link also below there you can this
insurance from the outside automotive yes from the automotive sector
in I don't know what I'm fishing out as a trainer who we just fished out
no matter will definitely be big enough because it is quite shot
and yes there are a thousand variations I just took the one now and let's put it
just go we have a fuse switch and in this case there is simply a cable loop on it the
you have to cut open and the fuse does not do anything else it only ensures
that if here overdose itself are also that are also metal wires in it or a thick
metal wire if there is too much current flowing over it, the thin wire gets hot and melts
or wired burns what also always and interrupts the power supply
so it is important that the fuse logically the first link in the series is
that we have our power supply there arrive the five over the
via ds red cable and this is our first link from here everything is operated
that means if any part here spins in the back and short circuit
I something goes wrong and too much electricity flows here in the back he has to secure the
very front the Switch off the power supply and exactly for
the reason baumann the also here at the front a
this is done again quite simply we take our goal and get used to
isolate that a bit from we have to connect it with something yes
and in my case super easy I can yes here simply open the wako clamp can pull
out the cable from our power supply again here with it
must smart looks this is now what comes from the power supply plugs out for my fuse a drive
with me in the drawers hope that another brand of the wind once enough to
another was clamp and connects here my power supply
and of course again the backup and now we go the whole thing once everything
by what happened here now as I said we have the blues from the power supply and a power
supply is here over there arrives here is connected via this
clamp to our fuse entrance so I no matter how romandie trete
I say now a few entrance yes then it goes out here again on the next
clamp and from the clamp it goes on our led strip and about the led strip have said yes
before also just our microcontroller supplied and
what the vulture was still sick and that was it again and already
we can turn our voltage back on the whole thing lights up again our esp works and the
security ensured that here would now flow too high current through because something
happens in the back yes everything that now attaches to this plus
I now protected via this fuse and there would only have to be on eight
give that you just make right backup pure it is important who so if you now have a 15
at the insurance in takes a look at the one thousand different variants and if he now
starts 15 am versicherung rein macht ja für eine nacht
am per netzteil ja oder für kabel die einfach nicht für den strom gemacht
are now we have the fuse not itching when it burns there in the back quite clearly as
you have to look that you have a fuse gets the to your power supply and to
what it does here so fits with a power supply as well as I use
me with eight ampere that may apply eight ampere I would of course make a fuse in which
somehow just over eight ampere is from me nine yes
that I know if it gets really critical at the back of the day the
backup also triggers this is very important but I say
it again I have already said it at the beginning where I did the theory a bit if you have power
supply the short circuit safe is power supply has the
overvoltage and overcurrent protection in it then you do not necessarily need that
yes for all those who want to sleep better who do something like this and in what form
you do it now with so nem adapter as I said I have linked it below or anything
else does not matter yes you do not have to this baku clamp here
we can also use it soldering and shrinking around it you can do whatever that connects
you a PCB tinker year for the advanced with plug
lemon on it where you then jammed all that yes the
be the completely free but you to fly set up here on the table to show that easily it
is with marco just clamp just a great thing and the
lift also yes that's sure that you can do that you can already
so and you just have to make sure that then, for example, with the elko that you just do
not last forever around is armed the must then then somehow
be glued tied up with country chamber that eg
the two was clever so plugged together then I have a nice cable harness here and could
just use the ltc nice to connect with each other and yes even
if it always excites many and many mean that I burn everything nonsense in me
the bude take off damn again electrician tape yes and
just redevelop this and you have a nice strand shitless now quite honestly for me that I
stuff there and this one that works well now don't let you do anything
persuade yes the next week was that once do is the rally but here I clean up a bit
and then we still look at how can I turn off the inch LED strip completely because it is
safe so that if I now do the part here and now via my mobile
phone or via the wdr or whatever the microcontroller here tell the esp on 2 662
sounds now times the led strip off then it is still so that the
here still runs the foam on standby always runs the wants to know when it goes
again on but the actually bad thing about it is that the leds even in the switched off
state 1 watt per 200 leds need that is little but there are just
people who want to save that and then if you also build a rally what you do the
same as told then a little more about it I make clean is right at the rally is now the
whole a bit more complicated because or that's why I have it relatively
lifted until the end and I already know the video film length but yes good
we see yes there is a lot to tell yes and maybe still helps we have chapter mager blabla
no matter there starts with the one with the current
you can switch over this rally here can now 10 ampere
switch yes at 30 vdc 10 ampere still 230 volt 10 ampere switch we need
DC voltage as I can switch so 10 ampere I operate my LED strips with an 8 am via power
supply at least up to five meters in length and three
maximum 300 leds with the 8 am via power supply so I can look at this this
buy records wonderful I also have a lot of and can cut my strip with it
but if I now have a bigger project just to switch more electricity in the city I can
forget that then I would theoretically need either larger the
relay which is certainly also somewhere on the market but so the city dinger
are just 10 10 ampere I can of course also 234 release
parallel hanging that would also not be a problem but by default supports the w led
companies would only be a rally that means I can choose in the companies would be in
which pin hangs my rally since I am completely free to say there it hangs on it and there
it sounds I have a second rallye then the firmware has to rewrite itself
and recombine it for me and that will be short and complicated
you don't do that if you have bigger projects and absolutely need in rallye then you have
to be in the internet a bit of the knowledgeable like you
that how that works that would not treat us today I go to
as before assume that I have one night on per power supply that we have a maximum of
five meters led strip with maximum 300 leds and then that's wonder were as I said how
led leaves us the free choice to which port will it then be that is nothing
problem at all if he such a rally module would then also have to
pay attention to it except for the current that the times at least ten on
up to that is a 3.3 volt rally because we have our esp controllers the
we operate with five of us on the power supply but there at the back the voltage converter
on it and he makes there 3.3 volt out so that the dic here of the spd
runs just with 3.3 volt and accordingly, it also brings to its output
only 3.3 volts so you have to be honest what with 3.3 volt
can handle so much and now the whole thing is briefly complicated again
I quickly get the whole kladderadatsch theme built here and they also completely
since I have not changed anything now that means I just go through our power supply is
over here here come the voltage in goes over the fuse always
plusminus goes among each other goes over the fuse goes to our
problems there times the l choir pinched and from there it goes then on our led strip so
to here everything top in order the whole thing
does not work as just again a wonderful from the led strip it then goes over the stripping
that were already there the three back on and his esp 8266 in the
if there is still the resistance in it and of course also supplies it with tension so
that it works but now we want to separate with the rally
the led strip from the tension so that the pure no no unnecessary
electricity consumed if it is out of itself and that means theoretically the led here
would have to go into the power supply the our led strip with voltage supplied now but
you can imagine if I now says the rally sounds and the trend
here the tension that is like when I just go here with the scissors
or with a side cutter just cuts through clear our led strip not off but at the same time
is also our micro and scooter off and then we
only do it once and don't get all the shit anymore
because our mini controller it must be constantly on standby which needs a continuous voltage
so that it also knows when I press again in my app makes the led
strip then so that the weather can react very important
so we can't just stand here now on disconnect here and say there
actually now israel iran is the easiest but not that means we have to decouple that we
have to decouple the Move microcontrollers to the side of the power
supply wherever continuous voltage and the relay then separates
us only the side where exclusively the led strip hangs on it and we will just
do that now could also track that wonderfully and off you go [Music]
so and that was his I already we soldered everything on by gestures times completely
short through when I have solved the black cable on gray then then to the g there we
have already the white cable soldered from the led strip on
that was hardly I have connected the rudder to three to the 3.3 volt
here 3.3 volt because his attitude he with 3.3 volt works the needs 3.3 volt and
I have here for the pin d7 decided as a control signal so the
rally on and off because there I just had a gap in between
and basically no matter which pin you take yes and that
let's connect now at the rallye as well as heard there we have also heard the inscription
vcc there so the power supply that would then be the red
and then we have once but of course must first occur before you have to there
a cable plugs in but then we have once in in the
stood with us the green the afterwards the relay switches that you can the the
attached to the seven comes in the middle here of course the same game first appearance
and therefore by the way I have now say a kind of revealed or something to
it I would like to show this again now I usually do
I sit there with such individual and so screw connections always revealed on it because
they break at some point and it's all not so good but now it's just
a matter of demonstrating so you know how to
how to connect something like this and the gray the ground from time immemorial from
the esp 8266 it comes here of course to gnd at the very
bottom and that's it in principle already and in principle we could now switch the relay
yes so we have everything connected glass is not yet lastra we could
now check if we can hold that yes because the
you can hear the rally through a clear all-round clear click and just try it out
from this we exclude the dsb 8266 will to switch how to
have previously tinkered together says that means that they have still everything standard
we have only in addition on the bsp 82 66 still a relay
on it and the switching now and to this seems to be the limit circuit again
pure on the power supply now you can already see since I also such a roll led
on it then the rally manually switched and the led strip is on and if I now the led strip
off sounds via the w led app switches the relay
also off also belongs clearly it lifts a bit on my once microphone
I now turn on via the app and I turn off via the app that I see has all
this wonderful works and now we just have to make sure that
the rally that here is now wonderful really switches and its led strip switches
and our microcontroller still at the same time
makes constant tension gets and we can actually implement that relatively easily now I do
the disconnect microcontroller here again when
I now have our microcontroller rally circuit for the first time
sometimes separated away and then we simply separate the led strip
just so that it is then better to see also completely from the power supply that means
I now have here our power supplies plusminus which goes up to here on the scale
and that's it in our led strip is go again yes and now we have to think about
what do we switch because exactly at the led strip we switch so
not in the - this way the - we switch the the power supply the
+5 gets yes that means in principle we can already say because I want to switch the yes
pending the already times my elitist it should be wrong handled here
is our soul circuit the I now hang on to the output and
why this joins me here if you now the upper so middle middle bottom in that doesn't matter
because clear here I have passed in the switched off state
and here not well so from top to middle I have by sick from bottom from
middle to bottom or from and to middle not if that has attracted
is just the other way around then here is the passage away and you not in principle
just a change switch because I but in the w led app this
this peña that controls the whole thing can turn around so can just say
when I turn on the led strip makes here and when I turn off in macchiato and then I can
do that namely can also make inverted that current behaves
of course overall also at the current that means in principle
can I do it afterwards as I want I now just use the upper one that finally the led strip
on the front yes you should also screw on before and the only
thing I stop then afterwards I have to try it out in the w led
app to make it right when I then in padded signal just and that's it
that works again why right from the start wants to make it work the must just open balls
close afterwards it is but end piepegal that means our led strip
depends on it the power supply now we only need from our power supply the voltage which
here of course through looping is quite clear and for this
we need again a piece of cable I I still have something interesting on the
roll because she does not prepare and we just do it quickly there
On the one hand, of course, we put back into the clamp where the
five volts arrive and on the let's then clearly make the relay on it
let's first screw again on we look again exactly how it all then in which direction
now drives that he knows there exactly so sandbahn picture here
still our mass around and we can now reconnect them where you want we can put them here in
front with round hang we can but also just as well put
it back into the indy was clever of course ground
come from and that's it and if we look at it now chamber
from our net participation of old am a bit too high coming from here
hammer plus on the wako clamp from the expectation lemme gema into the rally of
relay back out on the led strip that means when opened off here on
here between there are no 5 volts on and when closed here you are 5 volts on the led strip
is connected wonderful now we have the small
problem that our microcontrollers do not work yet
I would connect the now here again to the plug on the led strip and the rally would
open here who of course here also small 5 volt more on it
because the led strip and no more voltage then the hmi controller of the sp 8 6 6 4
I would go out would never get on again that means we have
to of course now from the very front yes from here where our 5 volt
Of course we have to feed our microcontroller now and I do that now in this case as I
just cut me off the red cable what is responsible for the five wood power supply now
just pinch me this here sometimes the wako klemm down and
now I have already said this will be a bit complicated so complicated is actually not
at all but just here from the circuit here to the table that alone
is already to show the other two cables that the
control cable and the mass I can leave here on the plug because we only switch on the
five volts and from mass is always constantly on that we
have not separated anywhere that means there I just plug again because the
normal plug on yes and if I put that somehow halfway here
gets that you can show that again so in principle we have over the cable from the very beginning
always still the white the green connected who knows
where to our esp 8266 here goes the is yes over the plug over the led
strip over the cable with our baku clamp connected where the gray the
mass of - there comes and the green is anyway connected via the plug
with the led strip sure that data signal for the led strip
and the power supply for the microcontroller for the s&p 8266 got us directly from the
power supply via the wako klemmer na so it goes here but pure over
the fuse in the wako clamp then once in the rally in there
we strip from it to the led and once via the fuse via the wako clamp directly on our microcontroller
the stowing with is supplied with voltage and
that was all and I can turn it on now in principle, we'll
do it quickly now and then let's see whether this is perhaps even randomly connected
correctly or whether it is still in the w led from
have to change so that it works so I have just hung something again very briefly and
I have the lower two took me that the led bothered me
that was namely so that the led always in the switched off
condition on were the switched on state from therefore I have now taken here the two lower
was me just prefer but see that I basically no matter
why you do that the expense I just normally open and the
output is just normal closed and if that switches then is just the closed and the one here is
open it is relatively wurscht I wanted so therefore
I have now taken the middle to the cause and now we would have the whole time I have already
activated the power supply that means everything is powered and we are pretty much all dead
and now I just turn on the led strip via the w led
and we look at what happen you have heard it that led has switched
led strip lights up wonderful when I sound out the first led strip
and then turns israel out of our esp sleep will still
be powered I have him at any time via the app again
switching it on can be switched off via the npd and switched on again so
he see this works wonderfully I hope you listen to the click here also here at the led of
the rally and it was already more he needs on
the topic actually even do not know that they are easy to connect
at the end in the combination of everything yes resistance l
corelli is that backups I have from the relationship still is that just a cable
wuurschtel because you really have to look how to do it then everything neatly laid maybe
in the case packed or even applied to a circuit board
however that was there completely free I went today
just the kv fork of the whole with it just time that I actually
no witchcraft I switch again from clack and the led strip is complete
voltage-free and I now also see primarily flowing now still 69 milliampere which is
of course the circuit here the runs and the spd runs but no matter how much
led strip the yes their heart on it would have a respect a maximum of ten
ampere it would just be only 69 milliampere tiles and that's it and other current without
relays just flows objection that means another objection per 200 leds
yes so much on the subject we now quickly go through the last point and
that's the easiest to do it but here very briefly on
what to prepare because I want to do this really fast so that the video does not get
longer so and the last what we look at I just that no matter if via
led strip or recession led accustomed it is heavy it 28 12 b and
he just as easy to connect I have already prepared this here as I said I wanted to save
a bit of time here must close so we are no cables on these things here you
have to solve it yourself and on the back is
simply g1 or déi 5 volt gnd and the eu under de star the input of the whole there
must be our data line 1 5 volt very clearly since a 5 volt voltage does
not have to be supplied on it and at gnd quite clearly again our ground our ground our
mass our - our earth what just from our power supply at the front
they have to be connected before everyone is always connected to each other I have already
soldered this here and in the principle you could now just a second lion
here then you take second ring next to it or from me
also in led strips I can now also take the led strip and the green the control line simply
here at de and then this would be my first strip in ring
shape since it would then go on to the second and there I could,
for example, work on the w led also with segments and make gimmicks whatever I like I
wants to show it very briefly afterwards that it works we need as I said first 5 volt and
ground and I think it's easier from our rally circuit
yes I already have that here briefly opened because I take the 5 volt
of course from the switched rally side of just that is
saves now unfortunately 303 black cables taken but does not matter yes wants the deer wind
with it I have to show myself and shine with rounder
that means our led ring is also about the relay with 5 volt
supplied or no longer so that here now times work I think yes and gnd as earth I get
me exactly from the other side then end it in gray connection on it
he is already walking around here and I get now also from the wako
can take clamp just on the was clever because it is just no one free and so it goes just
for me times sometimes faster and easier so and has the
ring already times with power supply and now I have to connect
the data pin and I just close it I could now for example
at the back of the micro ami control that is already on the led
strip subsequent row it would just travel that then the leds from the strip the number
only this number then with it and then I could share
there these are segments group segment 1 does something with the
strip and segment something in a circle however we now just connect parallel to that means
I wants to light up only briefly and therefore
necessary they are simply at the led strip very short on the the middle
pin on on so where the data pin number arrives when swiping
this is now a bit more what I tell here I know but I know it has managed to unlearn
we have the the green cable which he the data on the led strip transmitters
that has the middle there is also the strip and I need yes yes
somehow also data for our ring and I close this now just then garbe has solved itself
no matter we immediately I just close this here in parallel
with that means every command I strip the led
gives our ring also the number of leds is not the same but
it's all about demonstrating and more the crowd flooded out well
I think now again nice pure therefore please do not make such a shit and jammed double
and triple miracle and also used in the eagle revealed when he
so screw terminals I just have better but it's just about
basic understanding how this is managed and now let's just assume I have no led strips
on it I connect it quasi to my micro and roll to the
b4 just the data finan we get somewhere we now also from rallye 5
volt and get me measurements from the wako clamp that we just made with controller one
to one the same three cables you have here and talk about
all the time are just these three here and that's it already now I can reactivate
my power supply and you see led strip lights up because I but
now times ne obligatory away and I can now here as well the the colors
set room to roadie set times to blue and then to green and the
works wonderfully whether that the son of al Aryan or son strip that what
you have now connected all the time step by step works with any form of leds ws 28 12
b and so on and so forth no problem at all and
I switch off now then clicks again our kelly clark and the whole show tension-free and
that's it so much for the whole topic I know that in the cinema film I shot
I did not nearly as exciting but very very very long around
but the chapters have lean to luck and we see now very briefly to a small final word
and yes to yes and that's it finally I almost want to say because I
I shot the video for a long time and just as long it became and I did it at the beginning
presented differently so show a bit with diagrams briefly explain so and so close what to the
works of course much faster as if you first go a bit into
the theory and afterwards the whole thing really at the table
shows how to do something and so there is a lot to explain actually you have an hour
longer to talk about it and make it even more accurate however there
are chapters meager I have it at the very beginning yes and in the
middle and everywhere already said x-times you can go from point to point
bring what you are interested in and can then just see live and I know that
also from the circle of acquaintances it is just
but better when you see how to connect this and then nothing can track it really had in
real life and not on any schematic that basically depicts
the same thing but only with many people just anyway
problems so now usually not even longer I just say that the part 2
soon it comes because w led to breeder areas was only short w led on the two usb ports
and then topic step by step the software from a to
z through with all the possibilities that there are exactly
again the one with the rally that you pull again where do I put that with the race that
you just soldered yes I just wanted it not with here a dazzling and keeps the whole
thing still drawn out in the length yes because such a video
hardware including by the way software that he was then for three hours he had no idea
how to set the that's why we do it in three parts and
then we have everything together I hope that many
many people can pull something out of it that profit benefits from it and say goodbye I am fixed and
was finished were really a lot of work we see
at part two [Music]