DIY Guide: 8 Essential Sensors to Give Your Smart Home Superpowers

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If you had one superhero sense, what would it  be? Now Superman can shoot lasers out of his   eyes, but can he turn on your lighting  automatically? Dr Horrible can create   a freeze ray and turn things to ice, but  can he control his thermostat using Wi-Fi   microcontrollers? And I'd say something about  Deadpool, but he's a Welsh fan, so he's perfect.   This video is designed to introduce you to  some unbelievably powerful yet super cheap   components that you can master to give you  superhero powers. If you want the powers of   heat, motion, light, sound, air, moisture, load and  much more, then you really need to watch this. I want to give you a short, sharp introduction to  all of these sensors so that you get that tingle of   excitement of what you could achieve. I'm not going  to be overly laborious, and this isn't meant to be   a spoon-feed tutorial for each because there's masses  of tutorials and and guides already out there on   all of these. These components are constantly  getting upgraded, so what I want to do is give   you a sense of how accessible this stuff is now.  I want to give you the component names to then   google. This is actually half the secret; once you  know that such a thing exists as a temperature   sensor and it's called a BME280 (where are you my  little lovely?), then it's actually pretty easy to   just google BME280 and get a detailed guide and  videos on how to do everything on whichever chip   that you're using. I'll start off fairly slowly to  talk you through the process, and by the end I'll   just be flying through at a high level as by then  you'll be able to think for yourself. I'll assume   a few things: one that you have home assistance  set up. If you don't know what this is then watch   my other videos. You really need to get it set  up. Secondly, you should have an ESP32 chip and   at least one of these sensors because, well, that's  what this whole video is about. Other than that you   just need to pay attention. Quiet down there at  the back. Now there are many variations of ESP32   chips. Some have cameras, others have LED screens on  them, and you can use these when you get a bit more   experienced, but I'm going to use a basic one to keep things simple. Let's start by getting the ESP   chip running. Two things: first plug it in. That's it! You've completed the first step. I'm being flippant,   but I want to stress throughout this how easy this  stuff has become. This little chip is packed with   useful components, it's Wi-Fi enabled, bluetooth  enabled, ultra-low power consumption, and it has   a surprisingly nifty little processor. What this  means is that you've just created a standalone   device that you can put anywhere in your home. If  you think what room you have a plug or USB socket   in, well it's kind of everywhere isn't it? And  even if you wanted to attach a battery or solar   panel, then the ultra-low power consumption makes  these very effective, and they can last a long time.   So what we have now is a little microcontroller  that's running happily away, but it's doing nothing -   the rough equivalent of a PC that you've built  and turned on but there's no operating system.   So the next step is to install ESPHome. This again  is super simple. Visit this page (I've put this link   in the description as well), then click ESPHome  and follow the simple instructions. This installs   ESPHome as an add-on to Home Assistant. This is  a central hub for all your ESP chips. It doesn't   just handle installing code the first time but it  enables Wi-Fi connections which then allow over-the-air   updates. So you can have 20 devices in your house,  and if you change some of the code you can just   click to install instantly to them all. You can  also write code and debug it, validate code, check   the logs...really everything that you need. We've  now got a super powerful hub for our devices and   a chip running away mindlessly. What we want to do  now is connect this chip to the hub and install a   basic operating system to it. Once you've got your  cable connected you can just plug it in and click   to 'add device' in ESPHome and it should take you  through the steps. Clicking connect should pop up   the USB port selector and you can select your  device there, and then you're away! It steps you   through the process of installing the initial  OS on the device, like naming your device. Once   this is done your device will be connected to  your home Wi-Fi automatically, connected to Home   Assistant and ready to rock forevermore. You can  disconnect it at this point if you want and all   the updates you make will be done over the air.  So we have now, in a matter of minutes, set up   ESPHome to act as a central hub for endless  devices and connected your first ESP32 and   installed the basic software. We're basically done!  The next step is is about connecting up sensors, so   let's go through eight of the most common to  show just how easy it is. Let's start heating   things up with a temperature sensor. Wouldn't it  be cool - pardon the pun - if you could measure the   temperature fluctuations around your house every  second of the day? Imagine being able to trigger   devices to turn on and off based on temperature  thresholds. Well that's super cheap and super easy.   Let's start with the venerable DHT22. If you google  each of the sensor names in this video you'll see   just how cheap they often are. It'll shed new light  on the mark-up you pay in all these commercial   devices. The DHT22 is a very simple temperature  sensor and a great place to start it has three   pins power, ground and data. The first two just  power the device and the last is how the sensor   readings are sent to ESPHome and Home Assistant.  Now to wire this up, you just need to connect each   pin to the right place on the ESP32. It's pretty  simple. The power goes to the power, the ground   goes to the ground and the data goes to one of  the data pins. There are loads of pins on each   chip. This gives you the ability to create even  more complex sensors, like if you wanted a single   chip that monitored temperature, light levels, noise  and more, well you just connect up to different pins for each data feed. But we'll keep  things simple for now. I've picked GPIO23 for my data -   you need to remember that for your code later.  Almost all ESP32s have the pins written on the   board, but you can also look up your model online  to see all the diagrams and guides. So coding   time! This is where the penny may drop on just how  awesome ESPHome really is. It's already handled the   vast bulk of the code for you, so you don't need  to worry about Wi-Fi configuration or bluetooth   management, energy settings, encryption and all that  stuff. You just need to code the sensor and that is   as simple as you could imagine. We write 'sensor'  to let it know that the sensor is attached, then   we confirm the platform as DHT for this sensor as  it's a DHT22. All this is available on the ESPHome   site, and they do a great job of giving sample  code for everything. Then we put in the pin that   it's connected to. As I said earlier, I'm using GPIO23. We put in the model number so it knows how   to interact with it. This is all the code you need  to set up your sensor. Now, to create sensor values   that get tracked in Home Assistant we just type  what what they are, so temperature with a name of   'Outdoor Temperature', and we can also add humidity  which this sensor tracks in the same way. Now,   I'm keeping this code super simple, but one more  thing we'll add is the update interval. This is   handy as it naturally will affect the amount  of data that flows into Home Assistant and the   energy use of the device. That's it! You've created  your first sensor. You now just click to install   it and it'll do all the hard work for you. If  in future you wanted to change the frequency,   name, sensors or anything, you can just edit it  from here and broadcast the new code over the   air. Cool eh? Let's quickly jump into Home Assistant  and you'll see under 'Integrations' the new sensor   is already appearing. Clicking on it and you can  see the values coming through. How exciting! And   finally, let's jump into a dashboard page, create  a graph, and bang! We've got a detailed sensor that   tracks the temperature and humidity constantly. And  how easy was that? We can use this sensor easily to   trigger anything we want - change light colours, play  sounds, turn on air conditioning or simply gather   the data to build your knowledge of temperature  fluctuations. Final point: I'm deliberately picking the   cheap components for each of these demos to make  it as accessible as possible. There are definitely   better sensors out there with improved accuracy.   The temperature accuracy of the DHT22 is fine   for general sensing, and the humidity is actually  a proxy sensor by inverting the temperature. For   most use cases, I'd actually recommend the BME280 as its much higher accuracy is really handy.   There's also the newer BME680 which is even  better, but naturally the cost goes up a little.   each time, so just pick what suits your use case.  You now have the power to install a temperature   sensor. But, my little acolyte, I can see you crave  more. So let's get moving with motion sensors. I'll   assume you know now how to set up the ESP32 chip,  and we can just jump directly to the wiring and   the coding. This is the HC-SR04. They're again very  cheap, and it works by sending ultrasonic waves   out and then measuring the response times.   Because there's two of them, they can work   much like two eyes do and judge distances by the  difference in response times. The wiring is very simple, coding is very similar - again we just have  a trigger pin to send out the pulse and an echo   pin to read the waves bouncing back. Tther than  that it's simple, eh? You'll already know what   the update interval does. This is worth considering  carefully for your use case. If you want a motion   sensor for a room, you might actually want it to be  quite slow so it's not hammering back readings   all the time and triggering on and off. If you want  something like my hands-free light and music volume   controller, well then you might want it to be much  faster to allow a smooth control of light levels.   This is where mmWave sensors come in. They're  very similar, but their sensitivity is exceptional -   sub-millimetre, as the name suggests. So they will  detect you in the room as long as you're breathing.   And if you're not, well it might be a fitting end  for your smart home to fade the lighting and music   in time for you leaving this mortal coil. [Robotic voice: Katie has been deactivated. Oh this is quite dramatic]. Let's   now grant you the power of light with lighting  sensors. For this we'll use a BH1750, which is a   little sensor that happily detects light levels.  You're becoming an ESP pro now, so you know what to   do. The code is very similar. Just define the name  that you want for your sensor, the update interval,   and that's it! There's an option value for the  address that you can set if there are any issues.   By default it sets it to 0x23, but if you have any  problems just add this and set to 0x5C and you'll   be sorted. Again all this is covered in brilliant  detail on the ESPHome site. Save, compile and   publish your code. And we now have a light sensor  that you can use to do all sorts of cool things.   Again, there's loads of even better sensors - the  APDS9960 recognises colours, so you can have it   trigger a different action based on the colour of  the room. I'm not done with you yet. I want to hear   you squeal with I can measure it  with my sound sensor. Let's use the KY-038, a nifty   little sensor that measures sound. I don't even  need to tell you now what to do. You know the drill,   and the code is very familiar. Only thing to call  out is the attenuation variable. Without getting   too nerdy, because the ADC or the Analog-to-Digital  converter on the ESP chip is sensitive to the   input voltage, you need to cater for this. As you've  got a 3.3 volt input, you just need to enter 11 DB,   and that's it. And as you getting a little more  comfortable I've added some filters to the code.   These basically let it smooth out noise levels. If  you imagine a normal sound wave of, say, you talking   it's very noisy waves as it's literally noise. And  let's say if you were in a dungeon, then the human   ear would consider it noisy, but this sensor would  more accurately describe it as quiet punctuated by   the sound of whips and screams....until final....silence.  So to make it more useful, you want to average it   out a little to give you a general level of noise.  That's it! Now you have a sensor in your house that   monitors the sound levels. You can also use it as  a simple burglar detection for everyone...except ninjas.   Now, I can hear you panting with anticipation, but  is the air you're breathing clean or dirty? Now   let's think about an air particulate sensor - things  like the HM3301. This has a little fan that sucks   in air, blows across a sensor and detects PM1  2.5 and 10. The code is super simple, the wiring   is super simple, and you're sorted. I will paste the  code in the description for each of these. You've   now got a sensor that detects dust levels to let  you know when you need to hoover or if you suffer   from hay fever. if you have a workshop, it can alert  you to dust levels being dangerous. There's so many   cool uses of these sensors, but most importantly it  gives you the data about your environment so you   can understand it better. Okay, hopefully that's got  the juices flowing, so why don't we measure them. A   moisture sensor. Imagine every plant in your house  being able to scream at you when it needs watering or a dashboard that shows all their moisture  levels, the temperature in the rooms and the   humidity levels. To do this you just need one of  these dudes, called a capacitive soil moisture   sensor. There are loads of types, but I'd go with  a capacitive sensor as they're less prone to   corrosion than the resistive types, and naturally  as they're in soil and water it'll be getting a   little bit exposed to that. The code is simple -  you just need to name the sensor and pins, as   always, and set the attenuation for your device.   You'll notice two filters: first the calibration.   As the device doesn't know what you're going to  use it for, you need to set the values for what   wet and dry means. If this was measuring whether  your pond was drying up then wet would be very   wet as it would be completely immersed in water.  If it was measuring soil moisture, well, then wet   would be a much lower value. You can naturally set  these values in home assistant too, but it's handy   to control them from the device itself sometimes.  You can test the values by checking the logs in   ESPHome as you use the device, or just use Home  Assistant to read state values for the sensor.   I've also added a median filter as another  example of how you can filter out noise. This   basically takes a median size of three readings  and will send the new median every time it takes a   reading, thus smoothing the results. And that's it!  You can now measure moisture super easily. But   let's talk about one more example, where you start  to get components like b-parasite. This is where   you start to see that some options combine things.  This nifty little open-source approach monitors   moisture temperature, humidity and light levels.  And it all gets powered by a little battery that   can last for years, so you could stick a bunch of  these in your garden beds and have unbelievable   details of how your plants are doing all in one.  Okay the HX711. This is a load sensor. The code is   super simple and just needs a bit of calibration.  So you'll need a precise weight, say put a 1 kg   weight on it, and if it reads 810 then put that  number into the filter. This can be used for lots   of things. Obviously a scale is handy. Again you  can get even more precise devices based on your   use case, but you could easily have a device that  monitors the amount of coffee beans left in your   pot or sense when someone steps on your doormat,  whether someone is on a chair or trigger when   a precious jewel is lifted from its place, and so  on. MPR121 capacitive touch sensor. These detect your   touch, just like your phone screen. Differing  models have different ranges, but it's pretty   cool to create a button on a material that senses  through it, a device that triggers when you tap the   material in different places. And finally you'll  very quickly see how you can start to put these   sensors together into combined all-in-one units. As  you add more, inevitably it gets more complicated,   but it's all achievable. Companies like Apollo  Automation are great examples - love their stuff! So if you want a quick off-the-shelf solution  with an absolute battery of sensors already   available, go for it. You may think that this is  all now easy, and in many ways it is, but there   are three tips I'd like to share to save you hours  of headbanging. Things will of course not work some   sometimes, but it's amazing how many of them will  be down to one of these three reasons. Number one:   connect directly to the device running ESP home if  you're struggling. This takes out lots of potential   issues with your home network setup, device  authentication and more. Number two: check your   USB cable. I know you're sure it's a data cable, and  it's definitely working. But you'll be amazed at   how often this is the cause of problems. It's  that chaos of USB standards again. Top tip: get one   of these. Just plug the cable in two places and  bang! It tells you exactly what cable you've got.   Number three: look at the data sheet for your exact  microcontroller and sensor. Just google the name of   it. Again, you'll be amazed at how often something  changes with a new model, and that's the source of   your problems, and you just need to change the  data pin you're using or something similar. So   that's it. You now have the power, but promise me  you'll only use your powers for good. I hope this   video has helped demystify some of these chips and  sensors and you're able to fly off into the world   to make great things. I'd like to thank the real  superheroes of this video who are soaring past my   head: my Patreons and YouTube members. If you'd like  to see more videos then think about joining. Links   in the description as always. Oh, and many thanks  to all of the wonderful developers of ESPHome   who do such a great job in helping make the world  of microelectronics accessible to everyone. Hwyl Fawr. [Music] uh
Channel: Hands On Katie
Views: 44,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esphome, esp32, smart home, home automation, diy tech
Id: sk7iLVKk4FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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