LED Setup: Using Multiple Data Pins + WLED Configuration. EASY Setup

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in today's video I'll be going over the setup process and how to connect multiple LED strips to different pins using an ESP device plus I'll also go over how this can be done using the latest iteration of domestic automations Plug and Play controller that comes with wled pre-installed for this walkthrough I'll be using a little 5 volt 20 amp power supply from BTF lighting I already have my live neutral and Earth connected which will eventually be plugged into my wall outlet and a lot of these supplies have a switch somewhere that you can toggle between 110 and 220 volts so double check to make sure yours is set to 110 since that is what the vast majority of all outlets in U.S homes are wired for and looking at the front you can see that this particular device has two negative and two positive terminals for us to work with so I'm first going to take a red 18 gauge silicone wire and put into one of the positive posts on the supply and I did attach a wire ferrule to the end but this isn't necessary as a bare wire will work just fine next I'll be doing the exact same thing but this time it'll be a white wire and it'll go in one of the two negative terminals then just make sure to tighten both screws so that everything is nice and secure now before moving on I want to thank Aura for sponsoring this video so a recent report by cyber security Ventures predicts that cyber crime will cost the world over 10 trillion dollars annually by the year 2025. with more and more of our personal and financial information being stored online the risk of falling victim to online fraud is only going to increase in years to come Aura is the number one rated solution and offers complete protection for your Digital Life using proprietary technology to not only detect but help prevent cyber threats and fraud from even happening in the first place they have an A plus rating with a Better Business Bureau and they've been featured on Forbes Bloomberg Wall Street Journal and more I'll leave a link in the description for you to sign up like I did for the completely free 14-day trial so please make sure to check it out as it does go a long way in helping to support this channel moving on I'm going to take two five slot Wago connectors and attach them to the red and white wires we just connected to our power and ever since I started using these they've definitely made things so much easier when it comes to these little setups so thank you to all those who recommended that I give them a try next I'm going to take my first LED strip that I've already soldered my own 18 gauge silicone wires to and if you curious about that easy process I already made a soldering for beginners video that goes over this and a few other things with close-up footage that you can watch if interested now I've yet to strip back the ends of these wires so I'm going to quickly do that foreign wire connected to the LED strips 5 volt copper pad and connect it to the Wago clip going to our positive terminal on the supply I'll then do the same with our white gnd or ground wire from the LED strip to the wiggle connector going to the negative post on our power then I'll be bringing in a second LED strip and doing the exact same thing that we just did in the previous step and for this example I'll be using an esp32 board and as a reminder I'll leave links to everything I'm using in the description so at least if you're in the US you'll be able to get the exact same stuff you're seeing here now the easiest way I found to get things connected from this point is to use some breadboard jumper wires and I recently found these thicker 20 gauge ones that have been working out great and I'll use the red one to connect it to the VIN pin and the white one for the gnd pin right next to it and for my data since I'm going to be using multiple pins I'll connect one jumper to the D2 and another to the D4 pin right next to it next I'm going to take another wiggle clip and you can use either style you'd like and attach one to each of the ends of our green breadboard cables coming from the ESP device and as you can see they do fit perfectly and when clamped in they're not going anywhere once complete just go ahead and connect your data lines from the LED strips into these two pieces and finally we can finish things off by taking the red jumper wire from the ESP device and place it in the Wego clip with all the other red ones and then likewise with our white gnd cable to all the other white wires so now that we have everything wired up it's time to turn our attention to wled and if you don't know how to get wled installed into the ESP device you can watch the quick walkthrough video I did of that easy process but the first thing I'm going to do is open up my Wi-Fi and connect to the wled-ap and if it asks for a password I believe the default one is one two three four and in case you're wondering I am doing all this on my Android phone but the process is pretty much the same on an iPhone or web browser once connected I'll go into the Wi-Fi settings and enter in my home network and password and then hit save and connect next make sure you're back on your home network and then open up the wled app hit the plus icon near the top right and then click discover lights it should say that it found something and once it does hit the check button again near the top right from here click on where it says wled to get to the main page and then the gear icon for configure and then into LED preferences now for most of my projects I usually have the brightness limiter set to somewhere between three thousand and five thousand milliamps but you can put whatever you think is best for your particular setup and need then scroll down a little bit and under LED output we first need to make sure we put the type of lights that we're using I am using ws2812b strip so I can leave it as is so for length it always defaults to 30 LEDs which is fine for this example but normally this is where you put the total number of Lights you have connected to one of the data pins and the gpio is where we need to tell wled what pin we do have the lights connected to I use the D2 pin so for this one I'll enter in two you can scroll up and hit save and you should immediately see 30 LEDs on your bottom strip light up since this is the one we have connected to D2 now let's go back into LED preferences and screw scroll down to where we just were and hit the plus icon right underneath and this is going to open up another place for us to again enter in the same information that we just did but only this time since I used the D4 pin as my second data output I'm going to put 4 next to the gpio pin on this one and just like above you can enter in the type of LED strip you're using as well as the number of lights connected to this output once complete scroll up and hit save and you should now see 30 LEDs light up in the top strip which is connected to our D4 pin I'll quick choose an animation and you can see that wled is treating all the lights as if they're in one continuous strand even though they are not connected to the same data pin and the beauty of wled is that everything is customizable so if I go back into LED preferences and for the lights connected to the D4 pin which is my top strip I can click reverse and then save and then see how things change up now another thing you might want to do is control lights and groups for this you can click on the segments tab at the bottom it defaults to have the total number of LEDs that we put during the LED preferences setup but let's say you only wanted to control the first 30 LEDs all you have to do is change the 60 to 30. I can then add another segment right below and for this one it will automatically have it set to control the remainder of the lights which is fine for this example but you certainly could break this into even more groups if you wanted you'll now have the ability to control both segments at once or you can select each one individually which means any color or animation you go back and choose will only be implemented on the segment you've highlighted now if everything that I just did seems way too complex for you to even want to try I recently came across a new controller on Amazon that has wled pre-installed and designed to turn this entire process into a simple Plug and Play solution so let's quickly go over how you get two strips up and running using that product to start things out I'll be using a 5 volt 15 amp power supply which can be plugged directly into the module next for our first LED strip we're going to be plugging it into the connector piece that comes pre-installed on every module and for our second strip I'm going to show you a few different ways you can go about getting things connected so pretty much all LED strips come with this extra attachment like you're seeing here I'll use this and strip back the wires just a little bit more now I'll bring the controller a little bit closer so you can see but there's this block that has push levers that you can use to insert the positive ground and data wires from this extra piece into which I'll do now the red will go into the positive on the left the white into the middle negative and green into the data slot on the right now you can just plug in your second LED strip into the connector piece just like we did in the first one for the second option I could simply cut off the black clip that every LED strip comes with strip back the wires and again insert them directly into the positive ground and data slots like we did in the previous step and this will have the same result and finally if I did solder my own wires to the beginning of the LED strip like I did in the first example I can just again plug those wires directly into the slots so getting wled configured on this is pretty much the exact same as the first one but there are a couple additional things to mention first the data pins being used for this product are two in one which are the numbers you'll be putting into the gpio field the other thing is that this controller has two LEDs attached to the board which are being used as sacrificial pixels this gives the data signal a huge boost so if you need to put the LED strips far away from the module the data will be able to make it to the strips with no issues but if you don't want the sacrificial pixels on the board to actually light up next to skip first LEDs simply put one and you're all set for our second LED strip that we have connected I'm going to change the number of LEDs to 30 set the gpio PIN to 1 and make sure skip first led is set to one if you don't want the LED on the board to be lit then hit save and you should be all set up so another cool thing about this controller is there's a 10 amp fuse built into the board as a safety feature because of this just make sure you keep the brightness limiter on wled set to 9000 milliamps or below now if you want to see how using multiple pins looks on a larger scale with more LEDs and animations I'll leave a link to a video I just made a couple weeks ago where I used this technique that you can take a look at if interested so that about wraps it up for this video thank you all so much for watching and as always I hope you have a blessed day
Channel: Chris Maher
Views: 143,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32 board first project, esp8266, how to connect wled to my network, how to get wifi connectivity to wled, neopixel, 2023, plug and play wled controller, wled plug and play, wled, ws2812b, getting started wled, wled led strips, wled on esp8266, esp32, esp32 led strip control, wled controller, wled to esp8266, wled to esp32, ws2812b controller, wled esp32, esp32 led, esp32 wled, connecting leds to esp32, flash wled to esp32, wled with multiple pins, wled 2 strips, wled setup
Id: Zzi5UIGnY2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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