ESP32 Guide 2024 | Choosing and Using an ESP32 Board

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today in the workshop we're looking at esp32 boards we'll check out every esp32 series including some brand new ones to help choose the perfect board for our projects we'll also preview the new ESP boards manager 3.0 and use it with one of the newest esp32 Dev kits it's an esp32 day today so welcome to the workshop [Music] well hello and welcome to the workshop and today we're going to be working with one of our very favorite microcontrollers the esp32 now it's the beginning of 2014 which means this September the esp32 is going to celebrate its 8th birthday and in the 7even plus years that we've had this little microcontroller it's branched out into a number of different Series in fact there's about a dozen different series of esp32 and not every one of them is the same they have a number of different features there are esp32s that are single core there are esp32s that are dual core there are esp32s that run on a risk processor there is an esp32 with a 13bit analog to digital converter some esp32s do not have Bluetooth there is even a new esp32 coming out that doesn't have Wi-Fi or Blu Bluetooth and yet some esp32s can also communicate using thread matter and zigg protocols so there is a variety of different esp32s there's also a variety of development boards built around these esp32s when I checked Digi key the other day they had 248 different development boards and I happen to know of a few ones that they don't carry as well and so choosing an esp32 for your project is getting to be a little more complicated so what what we're going to do today is going over the state of the esp32 we'll look at all the different series including some very new ones one that was just announced last week so we can see where the esp32 is at the moment then we'll take a look at a bunch of development boards both boards by espressive and other manufacturers and we'll try to pick out a couple of boards that you can use specifically for your projects and as a final thing we're going to do today because we're entering into a new year this year expressive is going to be introducing version three of their esp32 boards manager for the Arduino IDE and you can already try this out because it's in Alpha so we're going to do that and we're going to use it with one of the newest esp32 Dev kits that won't work with the old version two of the boards manager so there's a lot to cover today let's learn a little bit more now about the espressive esp32 espressive systems was founded in Shanghai in 2008 the company produces Wireless chips for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and its Target was initially consumer electronic devices in 2013 espressive introduced the ESP 889 wi-fi system on a chip which became very popular in tablet computers in 2014 espressive introduced the esp8266 that same year another company AI thinker brought out the esp01s Wi-Fi module this was based upon the ESP 8266 ex chip but the esp8266 had a secret at least a secret it was keeping from the English language World due to lack of documentation the secret was that the esp8266 was also a microcontroller that same year AI thinker brought out the node MCU the first microcontroller board based upon the esp8266 along with improved English language documentation and libraries and a board manager from espresso the esp8266 quickly became a popular microcontroller among experimenters in September of 2016 espressive produced the ESP 32 this was a vast improvement over the ESP 8266 and had many more features in IO ports it also had both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth unlike the esp8266 espresso produced extensive documentation and development kits for the esp32 the esp32 is quickly risen to become one of the most popular microcontrollers in the world and rightfully so as it has many features but note that not every esp32 has the same features the esp32 has now been divided into a number of series The Original Series the esp32 the esp32s series The es32 C Series and the ESP 32h series the esp32 series is the original ESP 32 it's a 32-bit MCU and it's available as either a single or dual core microcontroller it also has a camera bus a hall sensor an SD interface and a floating Point Unit in 2020 espressive introduced the esp32s series with an improved microcontroller available in both a single and dual core configuration note that the S2 does not have Bluetooth it only has Wi-Fi capability it also has a 13-bit analog to digital converter a difference from the 12-bit converter used in the other models the esp32s series of camera bus and the S3 is capable of supporting external memory also in 2020 espressive introduced the ESP 32c Series this is a series of risk-based microcontrollers all of them being single core the C2 was designed to replace the esp8266 the C3 has the addition of a real time clock and the C6 has the addition of being able to communicate in thread and zigby protocols as well as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in 2023 Espress have introduced the ESP 32h Series this microcontroller was targeted specifically for iot applications it's capable of supporting external flash and can be used as a thread end device along with a second microcontroller very recently in early January espressive announced the esp32 c61 at the same time they've also announced a new library and the ESP matter SDK the c61 can be used as a microcontroller but can also be used as a co-processor for another microcontroller the initial announcement was only for a system on a chip device but it's probable that espressive will produce modules and eventually devkits for this as well this microcontroller supports the i e 802.11 ax protocol for wifi 6 it also supports matter protocol last year espressive announced the esp32 C5 with availability possibly in early 2024 this is the first dual band ESP 32 having both 2.4 and 5 GHz wifi capability it's capable of supporting external flash and it can also be used as a co-process processor this is a Wi-Fi 6 compatible device but its release date is unknown another announcement that should be released this year is the ESP 32 P4 this is a high performance microcontroller that not only has a 32-bit dual core risk processor but has an additional single core low performance processor as well note that this microcontroller does not have Wi-Fi or Bluetooth you would need to use a second esp32 device for that the the release date of this performance esp32 is unknown espressive provides the esp32 in three different formats the most basic format is the system on a chip or S so these are the core esp32 integrated circuits these devices are intended for large manufacturers who can wire these up and also get the required certification for the final devices the esp32 modules are PR prewired system on a chip devices contained in a module or small printed circuit board these devices are shielded and have been FCC certified these are very popular for manufacturers and advanced hobbyists who can create circuit boards to work with surface mount devices because they're already pre-certified you don't have to go through that expensive and timec consuming process and finally espressive also produces a number of Dev kits these are development boards that use modules and or system on a chips these boards come with additional features including things like displays and connectors for things like USB and others so they're very easy to work with devkits are intended for both developers and hobbyists because of the wealth of VP 32 products it might be difficult to figure out which one is proper for your project and for that expressive has the esp32 product selector this will allow you to use a data base to select the correct esp32 for your application of course we're not going to limit oursel just to expressive development boards as there are many esp32 boards from many different manufacturers so now let's go and take a closer look at this amazing microcontroller and here we have a bunch of what else esp32 boards and this is a collection of esp32 boards some of them new some of them old some of them made by espressive as espressive Dev kits some of them made by other manufacturers there are esp32s here with internal antennas esp32s with external ones some of these esp32 boards have displays on them a few of them have cameras on them there's even one board down here at the bottom that has two esp32s on it and so this just shows you the wide variety of esp32 development boards that you can get and we'll be looking at a few of these boards in a bit more detail a little later on in this video so now that we've seen the variety of esp32 modules and Boards it's time to start working with them and of course we're going to be working with either Dev kits or development boards from other manufacturers now the first thing you're going to need to do with your board is to be able to Power It Up the esp32 is a 3.3 volt microcontroller but most development boards accept 5 volts because they have an onboard voltage regulator or charge pump or buck converter and it many cases you're better off powering it with that of course when you're developing the way to power it is just with the USB port and some of the new espressive esp32 Dev kits have two USB ports you can use either one of those ports to power up the board after you've powered up the board we're going to need to program it and over here you have a number of different choices as well you'll have to pick a programming language and there are some fairly esoteric ones you can pick for example you can use JavaScript script to program the esp32 if you really want to but most of us are going to confine ourselves to using either C+ Plus or Python and by python I mean either micro python or Ada fruit circuit python these are both interpreters designed to work on microcontrollers like the ESP 32 the most popular method of programming with C++ on the esp32 is to use the Arduino IDE along with the espressive ESP board's manager the Arduino IDE is the simplest programming method and there are thousands of examples online and here on YouTube of using it it's also the method you're going to see here in the dronebot workshop due to its popularity however it does have some limitations in that it doesn't accept every single esp32 board and not every esp32 feature is exposed still it's a very easy way of working with this microcontroller a more advanced method is to use platform IO platform IO actually works under another interface and the most common method of running it is to use it under visable Studio code platform IO offers an improved interface and improved Library management over the Arduino IDE it's a little bit more difficult to use but not much more difficult for advanced developers there's the ESP IDF or iot development framework this is an application provided by espressive and it's the most most advanced and complete method of working with an esp32 every esp32 board and feature is supported however it should be noted that the ESP IDF is not beginner friendly when working with python one of the simplest methods is to use the MU editor this is available for all platforms and it's designed for beginners and is very easy to use another full-featured editor that's also very easy for beginners is a th IDE we've used a IDE on many applications here in the dronebot workshop and it can not only be used to edit the code on the microcontroller it can also be used to install the micro python interpreter another option for editing python code is to use paker paker is an application that runs under visual studio and it's a very Advanced python editor you can use paker along with platform IO to make VIs ual Studio your One-Stop IDE for programming the esp32 now the esp32 has been out for over 7 years and during that period I've accumulated quite a few esp32 development boards and I'm sure there's a few of you out there who are in the same boat now some of the older boards are a little bit harder to identify they don't use modules instead they're using system on a chip and if you don't know the specs of the board it's pretty hard to tell which esp32 that you're working with well there is a way to do that and that's by using ESP tools now the full-fledged version of ESP tools is a Python program that you run on your local machine and espressive has instructions for doing that with Linux with Windows and with Mac but there is an online version of ESP tools as well it doesn't have the full feature set of the one that's installed on your computer but it's actually very useful you can use it to determine what type of an esp32 you have as well as other things like loading the boot loader onto a broken esp32 so let's go and work with the online version of ESP tools and so this is the online version of ESP tool now I've got the screen magnified right now because the activity we're going to want to observe is going to be in this console and I want you to be able to read it normally it's a bit smaller and more compact to screen now you'll note from the URL that this has been hosted on GitHub and you can also download the source code for this if you want this is a JavaScript program so you could run this on your own web server if you wish to have your own version of ESP tool online of course if you're going to go through all that trouble I would say just download and run the python version on your own workstation and these tools are so useful that they're going to become the subject of a future dronebot Workshop episode but today what we're just going to do is use the online ESP tool to identify the ES sp32 that's on the esp32 development board now uh the utility is very simple interface you can see there's a box here for B rate and that's about the only thing you have to adjust you should set this down to 15200 it'll actually work at the higher B rate but what it'll do is it'll reprogram your ESP 32 to run at that b rate and most of them default to 115200 so do that after that you'll uh need to of course hook up an esp32 and I have no shortage of esp32s as you know over here I thought I'd start off with a couple of spark fun boards I've got uh two cables here one that's USBC and one that's micro USB and that'll cover everything I've got here and the two spark fun boards are interesting to me because this board is probably the newest esp32 that I have it's based around an esp32 C6 and this is likely the oldest esp32 that I have I bought this right when the esp32 came out pretty well it's the ES p32 thing the original one and I also have the ESP 8266 thing by the way and so actually let's try the thing out it's uses a micro USB so I'll just plug that into it and it lights up so it's connected now we go into the program here and we look at connect and we'll click that and we have to find the port that our ESP 32 is on and you'll see a lot of ports but it's going to be pretty obvious when we find it there it is down over there and we'll just do a connect to it and down here we're connecting and there you go here it's identified it and it's an original ESP 32 here's the actual chip itself and the Crystal is running at 26 MHz which is pretty slow for an esp32 these days but of course this is a very old one and you'll notice you get a number of other options once you do that and as I said you can do a lot of things with this you can uh reload the boot loader if you wanted to using this tool you can also use this tool to copy the contents of one esp32 and place them onto another one so again it's quite a useful tool but we're going to disconnect right now over here and we'll try another esp32 we'll try the newest spark fun and this is with USBC and I'll connect that up and we'll hit connect and we'll have to look and it's at the top over here and I'll connect to that and there we go and there's a ESP 32 C6 revision Z this cryst is running at 40 MHz which is what most modern uh esp32s run at the Crystal runs at 40 MHz and they multiply it uh to get the actual clock frequency and so uh this is how you would identify esp32s and I could go through all of the different ones that I have over here if I wanted to and identify them now of course A lot of these boards use modules and the type of esp32 is written on the module but it is a useful utility nonetheless as I said it does a lot more than just identify esp3 2 and it's a good one to know when you're working with your esp32 board now I think by now it's pretty obvious that there are a number of different esp32 development boards that you could choose from now you could go out and buy one of the espressive esp32 dev kits these are great boards they come with pretty well all of the pins exposed and of course they're very well documented there are also boards from other manufacturers and some of these boards have a number of additional peripherals in addition to the ESP 32 they have sensors on boards many of them have displays and interfaces it can be a bit confusing with all of that choice so what I'm going to do now is show you a few devkits and development boards to help you select an esp32 board that is perfect for your application now when you're selecting an esp32 development board there are a number of different choices that you have obviously I've got a small selection here compared to the number of boards that are are available and of course some of these boards are older and you're not going to be able to find them anymore but the selection criteria behind them Still Remains the Same now you'll notice I've got Boards of all sorts of shapes and sizes and shape and size is actually an important thing if you want something really really tiny you might want to restrict yourself down to a little board like this one from Cino or this one from DF robot or this new one over here from spark fun uh now the thing with these tiny Boards of course is because they're tiny they don't have as many IO pins but if you don't need a lot of IO pins perhaps you've got sensors that are all I squ C or something so they only need a couple of pins these kind of boards can be very useful in fact the board like this also has quick connectors on it so if you are using iqu C sensors you could connect them up without any kinds of pins or soldering or anything like that so those are features that you should look for if they're replicable to your situation another thing about the size though is that some development modules such as this one for example are very large they bring out all of the pins but they do have an issue and the issue comes when you go to put them into a sess breadboard when you go and try to do this with it uh you'll notice that you're blocking off one entire side of the breadboard you can only connect to one side now I do have a style of bread board that will work with those and that's with the power rail down the center you can put it across and get at the chip on both sides these are great boards unfortunately I think Jame Cod does not distribute these anymore but of course you can make your own just by taking two sections and putting a power rail down or you can just choose an ESP Dev board that fits and is breadboard friendly and a lot of the newer ones do like for example this is one of the newest esp32 Dev kits and if you put this one in it does work on the breadboard uh you only get one pin on each side but you do at least get one pin and that's all you really need uh another thing about some of these Dev kits is that they have extra features like some of these ones here have cameras and I think you're familiar with these already these ones have displays on them and a display is a very handy feature uh this one over here has pretty well everything it's got a display and it's also got uh Laura on it as well so if you're trying to build a Laura module you can look at something like that now if you're going to go for one of these and there are a lot of them from a lot of companies one thing I'd advise you to do before you spend your money on it is to go and see what documentation is available go to their Weeki go to see if they have some kind of forum where people are talking about this and are exchanging ideas about it because some of these can be very hard to use also take a look at any of the example code they have and look at the date on the example code are they continuing to update it or is this just a product they made and then they're basically moving on to the next one uh because these boards are going to cost you know $ 20 $30 a pop and so when you're going to spend that kind of money on a board you do want to make certain and it's supported and you can do a lot of things with it if you want a board that's truly supported these uh espressive Dev kits and I have quite a few of them over here these are great CU of course they're supported by expressive and they make larger Dev kits as well too this is one that's called the ESP thread rout uh thread border router and it's For Thread and zigg protocol and it has two different ESP 32s on it and you can actually if you can see this they're in two different sections you've got a separate uh uh USBC connection for each one of these can program them separately and this can be used as a router between uh different networks it's for thread or for zigg uh this is a very new one this is a older one this is an audio board for experimenting and it's got things like a microphone a speaker Jack a headphone jack on it over here uh it's got a a connector for a lipo battery and a lot of these boards have connectors for lipos these ones have them underneath and uh that's a handy thing that the board will also char charge the LiPo battery through the USB and so that saves you a lot of circuitry if you're building something that needs to do that this is obviously for use with music it even has buttons over here for like play and stop and things like that and a Micro SD card in it as well and so these kind of kits can be great if you're trying to just focus on one specific aspect of the sp32 another Choice when you're uh looking at these boards is boards like this for example have an external antenna connector so you need to add an external antenna whereas many of these boards have an internal antenna uh the choice will depend you can get better performance with an external antenna not necessarily one of these tiny antennas but this connector will also connect to a fulls size antenna uh but if you're going to Shield your board uh inside a metal case you absolutely have to use an external antenna but of course for convenience an internal antenna is great but you might not get the range this is a good solution for an internal one if you have the space for it that can also get range cuz this is is a dual antenna design it's another one of espressive uh esp32 Dev kits and so as you can see there's quite a variety that you can choose from when you're looking for an esp32 board so I just advise you to look at whatever your situation is if you're just an experimentor the dev kits are great cuz they bring all the pins out if you're looking for something tiny you might look over in this neighborhood over here and of course if you want cameras or displays limit yourself to boards that have that feature now with all of those esp32 development Boards out there it can be a bit difficult to choose one so I brought a few out here for your consideration now the first one we're going to look at is this one it's the esp32 S3 devkit C bi espressive and this is a great board for experimenting because it's uh brings out pretty well all of the esp32 S3 pins so some boards only bring some of the pins out and you might be following along an experiment and find out your board doesn't have a relevant pin this board will have it it's also got the two USB connections although on this board they are micro USB and I tend to prefer the USBC but other than that and the fact that it's a bit large for putting into a project or something I think this is a great board and at $15 I think it's also a very well-priced board so it's certainly one that bears consideration its cousin over here is the ESP 32 C6 dev kit and also from espressive of course and uh this is a great board if you want to start working with thread or zigg stuff because the esp32 C6 is specifically for that it's also got the two USBS and on this board they are USBC which I like quite a bit it's even got a jumper over here so you can measure current which is a interesting feature it's also very economical this is a $9 board $9 us now this one we've seen before it's the Arduino Nano esp32 board I like it because it's an Arduino Nano because I have so many prototyping accessories for the Nano the Nano is also very breadboard friendly uh and of course there's a lot of circuitry that's been made for the other Nanos that you could adapt to the ESP 32 it's got a USBC connector on it as well on the negative side on this board I think it's on the pricey side for what it actually is this is a $20 us board now this one from TT go you've seen it before I actually used it in the project where we built the machanum wheel robot we used this for the remote and this is a board that as you see has a display on it this is an esp32 the other ones I've showed you so far have been either the S3 or the C6 but this is an original esp32 however it's very economical it also has on the back of it a connection for a lipo battery which can be charged off of its connector which is USBC this is a m $8 us for one of these so this is really good from Lily go and this is their TT go series now they also have another one as well uh called the T display uh S3 and of course that uses an esp32 S3 it also has a larger display on it and the display is also a touchscreen that one goes for $21.98 I don't have one but it would also be worthy of consideration if you want a board with a display as I was saying earlier you want to make certain you get a board with support and I've seen this support on these Lily go boards are is pretty good so I would actually recommend that you take a look at one if you're looking for a board with a display and finally another board that we've used here before is the ceduo Shia esp32 ceduo actually makes a couple of these they make uh another esp32 board as well but this is the S3 it also has a daughter card you can add to this and we've used that before with a camera on it one thing to note though if you do put the daughter card on this thing tends to heat a bit but if you look at the size of this you can see why it's a good recommendation now because of that small size it doesn't have as many pins on of the course so you're not going to get as many IO connections but for a lot of circuits you don't really need that many it's got a USBC on it it uses an external antenna and it's very very inexpensive this goes for $749 and of course very tiny easy to tuck away in a circuit board so there you have some ESP 32 boards for your consideration of course there are dozens more out there but if you're looking for a board for an experiment or a project you might want to consider using one of these ones now you certainly don't want to confine your selection of esp32 development boards to the ones I just showed you there are many many Boards out there many of them that I don't have over here today and there are new ones coming out all the time again the thing I caution you is to make certain that there is adequate documentation make certain that the manufacturer's documentation doesn't just consist of links to the spec sheets for the esp32 and maybe the uh display that's on the board Etc but make certain they actually have code um if there's a community built around the board it's a good thing because you might have some trouble getting some of these things to work and it's nice to know that you'll get some support I've got three other boards over here that are also contenders and we've seen them already during the video but I'm just going to bring a closer bit of attention to them the first one is this htech board over here and this is the Laura V3 uh htech board and it has an ESP 32 S3 chip on it as well as the name would imply a Laura transmitter receiver and as you can see a display on the front if you look on the back it also has a connector over here for a lipo battery and it'll charge the battery through its USBC connector this board's also available uh for about a dollar or two more with a little case that'll hold it it'll hold the external antenna that it requires and even has a thing for the push buttons in the display so you can get a very nice portable Laura module uh for next to nothing uh now these are very well priced and there is a community around them and you'll also find some videos on YouTube about these things so they're worth considering if you're going to be working with Laura I showed you this board a little earlier as well and this is the one from spark fun this is the one that has the esp32 C6 and of course the C6 is the one that has support for things like thread and zigg and if you're doing iot applications that are working with thread and zigg this is a very tiny little board it's got a built-in antenna it can also uh be connected with the quick connector over here so if you're just using uh I squ C connections you don't even need the solder to it and it's got a connector for a battery as well and a USBC connector very tiny it brings out a few of the IO ports over here now I haven't actually had a chance to really play with this I only got this 3 or 4 days ago but this is a spark fun board and Spark fun products are always excellent and well documented and supported so you wouldn't go wrong buying something like that and this is an interesting one from DF robot it's another very tiny one it's about the same size as a ceduo sha maybe a little bit larger but not much unlike the sh it's got an internal antenna it's also an esp32 S3 and it's called the beetle uh esp32 S3 and it comes with a little daughter card as well that even has a camera connector on it and a place for doing prototyping and it's as I said priced around the same as the uh ceduo Shia an under $10 board and if you need uh the esp32 power at a small package something like this is really something worth looking at and again there are many other boards out there just make certain that whatever you choose you have documentation and support for now when you're working with the Arduino IDE you'll be using the espressive esp32 boards manager to connect to your esp32 the boards manager provides all of the different driver files required as well as a number of libraries and a great deal of sample code now the current version of the boards manager does not work with the latest versions of the esp32 so the latest expressive esp32 Dev kits will not work with it however they will work with the next version version 3.0 and expressive has released an alpha copy of that that you can try so what we're going to do now is we're going to install the alpha of Express of boards manager 3.0 into the Arduino IDE and we're going to test it out with a couple of the newest Dev kits from espressive and so I have my brand new esp32 uh C6 dev kit connected up to my computer and I've got a USBC connection to the uart USB port because this has two USB connections it can also be used as a USB device it can emulate a keyboard or a mouse Etc and for that you can connect to the second connector now this is a brand new board and out of the factory it's cycling through some kind of a fancy blink sketch that goes through the RGB LED that's on it and Cycles through all of the colors but if I go over to my uino IDE I go to select the board and I'm using Windows right now by the way because I wanted machine that I haven't done this to yet and I've already done this to my Linux box it is on com 10 I know that but if I look for an esp32 C6 I don't seem to find anything and that's because the current boards manager does not understand it so that's why we're going to install the alpha copy of the version three and so in order to do that you do it exactly the same as you would for any other boards manager you go into preferences and in preferences you can go into where you have your board's managers and you can add another one and here's the line that you add and of course you don't need to copy that off the video you'll find that lined in the article that accompanies this video on the dronebot website so you're going to say okay to that I'll say okay to this and you'll need to close and open the Arduino IDE so I'm going to close it and then open it up again and it says that updates are available for my libraries and for my boards and the board update should install quite a few things now because it now sees a new board manager and there it is it's actually processing it right now so this is going to take a little bit of time for it to do that but once it finishes doing this I will have the new boards manager and so then then we can see if we can now recognize the esp32 C6 board once that's been installed okay so my uh installation of the new boards manager is complete and for the record it took about 10 minutes of copying files but of course the esp32 boards manager has a lot of files in addition to all of the different drivers for the different boards it also has sample code and libraries and so back in the Arduino IDE we can once again down to com 10 and see if I can find an esp32 C6 now and I actually find quite a few esp32 C6 boards here and uh so here's the esp32 C6 I also see the spark fun board that I have as well the other C6 board so I can use that I'm going to select the one the dev module over here and we're going to say okay and that's my board right now and of course the easy way to test one of these is a standard program the good old blink sketch and so let's C for good old blink and here's blink and all of its Glory I don't think we really need to go over the code let's just see if we can change our RGB blink sequence to a plain old blink sequence and uh it would appear that now I have a different blink here it's once a second doing a very quick blink of what appears to be a white segment on the display over here I don't know if you can see that it's a bit difficult to see I apologize for that but it does indeed work and now I'm able to work with my esp32 C6 Dev module with the Arduino IDE instead of having to use the ESP IDF and so this will make it a lot easier for you to work with the latest boards now of course this is Alpha code so you'll have to make a decision yourself as to whether you use it personally I don't really have a problem with this one because I figure for the Legacy boards the code is probably identical it's just the code for the new boards that might be different there are supposed to be a few extra features in this as well for those who don't want to run Alpha I can understand that you might want to wait until it's beta or until it's released but if you'd like to use the Arduino ID with the latest boards this is the way to do it and uh it seems to work pretty well after reviewing the video from the last shot I could see that there was no way that you could possibly see that little white LED blinking and I apologize for that it's very difficult to see even when you're not using a camera and so what I did is I went back into the blink sketch and I wrote the world's worst code I just basically put a two in place of LED built-in in order to send it right to uh pin number two this Dev board for the built-in LED actually uses a library it doesn't go to one of the io pins and so I've wired up an LED to pin two uh with a 150 ohm dropping resistor to ground and as you can see plainly it is now blinking away and so this does indeed work I am capable of programming the esp32 C6 board with the Arduino IND using the new Alpha of the esp32 boards manager and so I think you can see that the esp32 is a pretty versatile microcontroller and with the number of different devkits and development boards you're going to find one that is exactly perfect for your needs now if you need more information about the esp32 you'll find an article that accompanies this video on the dronebot website and there's a link to that article right below the video while you're on the website if you haven't yet please consider signing up for my newsletter it's not a salesletter just my way of letting you know what goes on in the workshop and of course it's free to sign up another free to sign up thing is is a dronebot workshop forums if you're having problems with your esp32 or if you just want to talk Electronics with a number of like-minded individuals The Forum is the place to go it's also free to sign up and on the free to sign up list we also have subscribing to the YouTube channel if you haven't yet I'd love to have you as my next subscriber all you need to do is click on that red subscribe button and also click on the Bell notification and assuming you've enabled notifications you'll get notified every time I make a new video so until we meet the next time please take good care of yourself stay safe out there and I'll see you soon here in the dronebot workshop goodbye for [Music] now [Music]
Channel: DroneBot Workshop
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32, esp32-s3, esp32-c6, esp32 tutorial, dronebot workshop esp32
Id: u5unB24lhC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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