Wizard Subclass Tier Ranking (Part 1) In Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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this week's episode of our show has been sponsored by stibbles codex of companions which is now available for pre-order at the ghostfire games online store designed by our amazing friend logan at runesmith this book is jam-packed full of crazy critters to add to your games your characters can befriend these companions and follow them on their adventures so for all of you that have a party that is notorious for building up a small menagerie of adorable followers this is the perfect way to get some rules for that so that you can control the chaos that such creatures bring so you can add all of these fun and adorable little monsters to your adventuring party by pre-ordering the book using the links below stills codex is coming off the rails of a fantastically successful kickstarter campaign and is now coming up for pre-order for its eventual delivery very soon so check out that pre-order in the description below and now on to this week's episode my name is monty martin and i'm kelly mclaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes welcome to our channel where we cover everything dungeons and dragons including advice for players and guides for dungeon masters we upload new videos on tuesdays and thursdays so please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode it's been a long wait but this is part one of our tier rankings for the wizards subclasses in dungeons and dragons 5th edition wizards are blessed with a plethora of subclasses so this is going to be a three-part series to begin with the fourth part where we cover the new tasha subclasses coming down the line so today in this episode we're going to be looking at the first half of the subclasses available in the player's handbook part two is going to cover the other half of the php part three is going to cover the other ones that have appeared in other books and part four uh which will be coming down the line will be covering the new subclasses and tasks cauldron of everything if you look on the screen right now you're going to see the criteria that we use to rank the subclasses we've pitted the subclasses against each other and not those of other classes we also don't take into account the flavor role playing of the classes as anybody can choose how they're going to role play them and role play them really well we might touch on some multi-classing although that is not a core mechanic that we are looking at when deciding the ranking of these subclasses we consider all pillars of play when we are ranking the subclasses it is not just their raw combat efficacy we are looking at how well the subclass augments the character's ability to contribute to exploration scenarios as well as interaction scenarios and negotiations as well as investigating and being that repository of magical lore and arcane might that we expect from all wizards furthermore many of the wizard subclasses are based around this theme of specializing in a school of magic however they're not restricted to the schools of magic so our rankings are not going to assume that the character taking this subclass restricts themselves to their respective school of magic because you don't need to play your character that way and you can involve as much or as little of the school of magic that as you want to when you're playing one of these subclasses there's a lot to discuss today so let's get rolling it should be noted that the core eight wizard subclasses all present a similar ability that is a savant ability that allows them to scribe spells of that school of magic into their spell books for less time and cheaper we aren't going to discuss that for every single class because it's the same for all of them and it's a pretty average ability that they all get so with that let us dive into the school of adoration wizards who are focused on defensive magics that create arcane wards and dispel the magic of rival spellcasters right away they have an ability aptly called arcane ward they have a magical shield that absorbs damage this shield has hit points equal to twice your level plus your int mod it takes damage for you first and when it's reduced to zero hit points the damage carries over onto you fortunately though you can recharge your ward by casting adoration spells and your ward regains hit points equal to twice the level of the spell that you just cast at level six you gain project ward which allows you to use your ward at a distance of 30 feet to help out an ally by absorbing damage for them at level 10 you gain improved ad duration now you can add your proficiency bonus to ab duration spell casting like counterspell or dispel magic this allows dispel magic and counterspell to be used still at third level but still effectively take down much higher level spells when you have to roll the dice to see whether or not you dispel or counter the spell lastly at 14th level you gain spell resistance this gives you resistance to damage from all spells and it gives you advantage on saving throws against spells i just say i like the abduration wizard but i find it a little bit bland and defensive as someone who's played many wizards over the years i like the defensive features of the app duration wizard they definitely make you a little bit tougher they make you an awesome anti-wizard wizard but i do find that a smart player really doesn't need these defensive features when they're playing wizard if you are worried about your wizard being squishy the arcane ward is like boosting your constitution score by four and gives you a little bit of self-healing this can really add a lot of toughness and defense to your wizard but it doesn't really augment any of your offensive or control capabilities which means that if you're playing your wizard release well and you're using your spells really really well you might never need them in my books the best defense is a really good offense and i've ended far more combat encounters with a well-placed spell and never ended up having to take damage from a spell or get hit with a melee attack and the app duration wizard doesn't help you do that in any way so for me it's a b i think that the defensive features are great if you are worried about your wizard being squishy but i don't think that this allows you to do anything that you couldn't do already with your wizard and certainly i think that wizard the wizard spell list has tons of great defensive tools and they which are more than enough to keep any wizard alive this is gravy on top of that it's good gravy but you know it's not the beef i'm going to disagree with you a little bit here and i'm actually a little surprised in my disagreeance because the app duration wizard was very low on my radar but the more i looked into it and the more i sat with thinking about these options the more i started to feel like this is actually an a tier subclass here's my reasoning all wizards have access to the same spell list and that spell list is a great toolbox really regardless of the subclass you're picking you can have a tool for every situation now some people are really good with tools and they open up their toolbox and they know what the 40 different wrenches and screwdrivers are i open up my toolbox and i know how to use a hammer and one other tool and a lot of players i think when they take the wizard aren't going to be this necessarily smart wizard player that you're talking about and i don't want to say that nobody's smart when they play a wizard i just mean that there is a learning curve with how to use all the tools that a wizard has perfectly versus when you're a new player playing a wizard and you're dabbling in spells and trying to figure it out and for a long stretch of the learning curve of understanding how powerful a wizard can be i feel like having defensive features on a wizard is really really great not only are you going to be able to block a lot of damage coming at you and let's be honest even when i played a wizard for my one of my first characters that wizard went down quite a bit yeah and that wizard got damaged quite a bit and having an extra shield or a ward on that would have been great when you look at something like the improved app duration which allows you to be the shutdown king for other enemy spellcasters you can really change some clutch situations in the game i just think they'll if then if you are in a situation where you have to counterspell a spell i really don't ever want to roll that die i want to have the assurance of upcasting the counter spell and the times that it matters even with the bonus it's an impressive bonus don't get me wrong there's something about that that doesn't that that it still is a gamble i think you and i play wizards a little differently and although i agree with you there are more situations where my limited higher level spell slots i really want to keep for those higher level spells whereas i see an opportunity to counterspell and there's always that weight of oh man do i upcast it so i can just get rid of this spell or do i cast it in bank on the roll with the app duration wizard you are less likely to blow higher level spell slots on counterspell because you can more reliably count on using the appropriate spell level slot for it but there's still a chance it doesn't work yeah but there's i mean that's dungeons and dragons yeah that's true i think that this is an a i think that this actually makes a really great case for a more sturdy wizard we haven't even talked about spell resistance just blanket spell resistance at 14th level is going to be good a lot of high level campaigns deal with enemy spellcasters and you are not going to worry about them you are actually going to be clutch in the situation of being able to stand up to enemy wizards shut down their spells absorb damage and be a game-changing element on the battlefield but i mean at the same time any wizard can cast global invulnerability okay you're right but can any wizard counter spell as good as this one no that's true can any wizard absorb damage the way this one does no all right you convinced me i'll i'll give it an a but i i still i i don't think it would ever be my first pick like like i come back around to it i'm like oh this is how i'm going to play an absorption wizard and the answer is no this is the time that i'm going to play another one of the other subclasses i agree with you on that but that's also because i think there are three or four other wizards that i'm ranking a or s as well and those are my first choices but i think the app duration has a really good avenue that a lot of people will enjoy might not be you and me okay but i think it's good you make a good argument we'll give it an a next we come to the school of conjuration this school of magic focuses on summoning extra planar creatures to fight for you like demons devils and elementals conjuring up utility items to use in the field or magic to poison your enemies with or even using teleportation magic as well it's a very diverse school of magic actually and one of my favorites in the game let's take a look at what the conjuration wizard actually gives you though first of all you gain minor conjuration this allows you to summon small items and trinkets into your hand the item has to be less than 10 pounds and smaller than three feet in length and it is visibly magical this has to be an object that you've seen before and it can last for up to an hour and you can only have one of these items at a time still can be really useful yeah all you have to do is see the key on the guard's belt to be able to conjure up a copy of it at six level you gain benign transposition this allows you to teleport 30 feet or you can swap positions with an ally as long as they are willing to do so this requires an action to do so and it recharges on a long rest or if you cast a conjuration spelt it will recharge as well at level 10 you gain focused conjuration and your concentration on any conjuration spell simply cannot be broken by damage ever at 14th level you gain durable summons any creature that you summon has 30 temporary hit points on top of their existing hit points the conjuration wizard is something that i really enjoy the concept of i like the idea of conjuring up minions and monsters to fight by my side and conjuring up magical entities and spells what i think the problem here is is that the things i wish i got out of a conjuration profession as a wizard i do not get with this subclass it takes until 14th level and late game for me to actually be able to buff my conjures which i think is one of the more essential pieces of this and i find that it comes on really late i do think the teleportation ability is really cool swapping places with an ally or teleporting 30 feet is always going to be useful so i do not think this is a bad class i also think that the conjuring a minor trinket or object has a lot of implications for creative players so what i think this package is delivering is some really cool features for creative players but not all players are going to use these to the most beneficial and i also wish there was actually more here that added to my abilities to summon and the power of my summoned creatures things like 30 temporary hit points on a summon is cool and not having to roll concentration checks on my summons is cool but there's a lot of other concentration spells that i do still have to worry about and also both of those combined don't really give me the master of minions that i feel a conjuration wizard could be and although i'm not comparing this to other classes i will say that there are better summoners out there which means that as a person who wants to fulfill my conjuration needs i might not look at the wizard as my first go-to meaning that this subclass for me ranks as a b i think that there are enough things here to play around with and again creative players can have a blast with some of these abilities i just wish it did more for my conjurers i agree this subclass is by no estimation one of the best summoners in the game i think it's pretty far from it in fact they're no better a summoner than any other wizard um the benign transposition is neat but it's an action to use it and it recharges when you cast conjuration spells and i think that it it's it's a hard sell when it's an action to do this 30 foot teleport when you already have misty step which is a bonus action teleport and still lets you do something else i think a lot of wizards naturally invest in their ability to concentrate on spells either by taking warcaster or getting the resilient feet anyways and as you said the the list of concentration spells on conjuration only is a pretty narrow limitation if this had been so an ability that you got earlier like at level six and applied to all your spells that would have been cool and i just i do ultimately feel that the subclass needed something along the lines of like your summons are kind of better but it's definitely one of those early 5th edition subclasses where the designers were worried about making summoning too powerful as far as the ability to just conjure up any object it's very hard to quantify just how creative somebody could get with this ability and i think if you do have someone that is truly brilliant that has the right opportunity it's like bam but the limitation that you have to have seen the object probably prevent and the fact that it's also visibly visibly magical really shuts down a lot of the shenanigans that you could pull with this because ultimately it's like whatever object that you need just pull it out of your butt right so i agree i think a b is appropriate for the for this subclass yeah at the end of the day i don't think anything presented here is bad it doesn't take away from the wizard in general but like you said i think a really important statement is that i feel like any school of wizard can be good at conjuring this does not make me feel like i'm better at conjuring it gives me some useful tools that a creative player could could have so much fun with which in the right campaign makes this a really strong candidate for a great wizard but if i want to play a conjurer i might look at what i get in the packages from other wizard subclasses and then just take some conjuration spells to have my minions and monsters can you foresee how we are going to rank this next subclass it's the divination wizard the school of divination concerns all sorts of magic that is used in omens for seeing the future gathering information and spying on one's enemies and allies and the school of magic comes packed with a very unique feature right away at second level called portent at the start of the adventuring day you get to roll 2d 20s and you record what those results are thereafter whenever you or another creature within range you make an attack roll an ability check or a saving throw before the die is rolled you can just choose one of those two roles that you made earlier and say no they get that result once you use that result it's expended and you can't use it again and then you re-roll this whenever you take a rest and you get new rules every day but this ability basically gives you the the power to instead of rolling the dice exactly know how the dice are going to come up on two die rolls over the course of the day at sixth level you gain expert divination when you cast a divination spell up to fifth level you can regain a lower level spell slot of up to fifth level this can actually do this thing where you can string together divination spells and cascade downwards getting a bunch of free casts of various divination spells for example you could cast true seeing and that would give you back a fifth level spell slot which you then cat used to cast scrying which gives you back a fourth level spell slot which you use to cast arcane i which gives you back a second level spell slot which you use to cast clairvoyance which gives you back a second level spell slot which you use to cast detect thoughts which now gives you back a first level spell slot so it lets you kind of bring a lot of information into play even though many good divination spells also happen to be rituals there's many that aren't so this is kind of a fun way of gathering lots of information and getting more out of your spell slots at 10th level you gain third eye which gives you a magical vision you get to choose this vision and reset it when you rest the vision options include the ability for dark vision to see invisibility to see into the ethereal plane or to read all languages and once you choose one you get to just keep that until you're incapacitated or you take a long or short rest you can change this whenever you finish a rest as well so you can adapt this to whatever form of magical vision or sight that you need at 14th level you gain an extra port and die and now you can roll three dice instead of two this is a phenomenally powerful subclass in the hands of a player who knows what they're doing um and also in a campaign or with a dungeon master where your ability to use divination magic is going to be relevant portent is a jaw-dropping power but it is a very difficult power to use often times most people see this ability and they say okay so i'm going to roll these dice and i'm going to get like a two and a three and then i'm going to cast hold monster on the bad guy and that's going to cause them and i'm going to use the portent to cause them to automatically fail the saving throw the problem with this is that sometimes you roll your port and dice and you get a 17 and a 12. and it's much harder to figure out what to do with those now you can use those to succeed on an attack roll or a saving throw which is awesome you can use those as your initiative role but when the dice don't come up in your favor it's a lot harder to then use portent in that amazing encounter shutdown sort of way the other big problem that doesn't always get this discussed is that portent doesn't get you around legendary resistance the wording of legendary resistance says that when you fail a saving throw you can choose to succeed instead so if you cast hold monster on a dragon and choose to say hey dragon here's your two on your saving throw that dragon can go nah i got legendary resistance and that's a tremendous waste of the port and ability so on paper portent has this mind-blowing thing of making your spell automatically stick but i can tell you from playing two divination wizards it doesn't always work out that way it doesn't always work out in your favor and sometimes you also play adventures where your divination spells just don't work out of the abyss messes with divination magic in my own dungeons of drachenheim campaign the entire city of drakenheim is covered in a magical haze which impairs divination magic and that's a really important plot point and it basically shuts down scrying contact other plane and all that super fun divination magic that you would normally use to gather information about a dangerous dungeon there's tons of spells and magic items that shut down divination as well and so if you're playing in a campaign with a dungeon master that wants to shut you down as an information wizard they can do so very very easily and then you end up going ah this this subclass is not quite is not quite what it's cut out to be there's a part of me that thinks that there's actually a really compelling argument to give the divination wizard a b bet you didn't see that one coming at the same time my divination wizard was phenomenally powerful and did some insane things because important and in my heart i want to give this an s because i feel that portent is that good but i know at the same time that i have encountered the limitations of this ability and i don't think that it is the best ability in the game for making your spell stick it's it's it's tough because all of your arguments are valid and uh you and i both discussed that this is one of our favorite subclasses in the game the divination wizard does this really miraculous thing where the element of dungeons and dragons that is based on luck which is the dice rolls this is the subclass that gets partial control over the luck and fate of the game system itself which is incredible not to mention that something like that cascading spell casting that we talked about means that a divination wizard relying on divining and gathering information basically gets a slew of free spell slots to do so i wanna i wanna interject about that one thing though because the thing is is i have to admit i've only pulled off the cascade once i okay that's that is very fair as well but i will also say that getting free spell slots for any casting of a divination spell so you cast a divination spell and poof you get a but this is the whole problem kelly is that the divination spells themselves that you would expend a spell slot to cast have a very specific purpose so as far as divination spells go there's scrying is actually the only fifth level spell that you would normally cast to get a fourth level spell slot battle i'm not talking about the cascade anymore though yeah i'm just saying getting a spell slot back which can happen yeah i've seen you use scrying uh when you had spell slots blowing i've seen you use arcane eye when spell slots are blown so there are going to be many cases in the game where you do as a diviner use a divination spell even if it's one but then another spell slot pops back that to me is a really key element here and i i'm not disagreeing with you i do think that this is really hard to pull off and what's really a challenge here is i think that when we make the case for this being a b subclass which i don't want to do because i think it's an s as well okay okay the b case is when you get dungeon masters who shut down divination which i actually think not not necessarily the campaign because i'm going to argue as well that in drackenheim i use contact other plane i used some divination spells really effectively and there were cases to be made for using them we couldn't use them to spy on our enemies in the city but we could use them to gather intel in other ways so having a dm who shuts down divination completely and doesn't give you what you're hoping for out of divination is not a good dm player relationship if you come to the table with a divination wizard and your dm is like scrying doesn't tell you anything because i don't want it to well now you're just shutting down the entire thing that this player was excited to do i i just want to say though i've had that exact experience in multiple adventurous league games but i don't i don't think that's good and so by giving it a b we're saying dms are going to be jerks about your divination match it's not but it it's it's a really it's a really tricky thing because yeah the divination wizard just casts crying and sending and the adventure is over um and there are adventures that that hap that can happen so the dm has to shut them down it's a weird thing ultimately i do think that this is an str subclass but i i'm i just want to share my experience of the limitations of what that means i can accept that and i think it's important for our audience to understand that we're giving this s because the divination wizard has a way of bending the the literal luck of and d in its favor however there is a case to be made that this could be a b subclass you might bring a diviner to a table with a dm who shuts it right down and you're going to feel like garbage playing that character at that table and wish you had played something else and that's unfortunate because i think the divination wizard offers a really unique and interesting play style so finally we come to the enchanting and enthralling school of enchantment magic this offer often deals in subtle suggestions but also has a tendency to dominate its foes right away when you take the subclass at second level you gain the hypnotic gaze power this power allows you to walk up to an creature within five feet of you and use your action to hypnotize them they are incapacitated their speed is reduced to zero and at the start of your next turn you can continue this effect by using your action again they do get to make a wisdom saving throw the first time you walk up to them but once they fail that wisdom saving throw as long as you continue spending your action and stay within five feet of them they remain incapacitated and immobilized by your magic what is very unique about this ability is that it neither requires your concentration and it doesn't have a limit to the number of times you can use it the only caveat here is that if the creature succeeds the initial saving throw or breaks out of the effect and any damage does break the effect it cannot be affected by it again until you finish a long rest so this means you can use this power over and over and over again to incapacitate your enemies while concentrating on another spell it's like getting a cantrip that incapacitates foes that just has a range of five feet at sixth level you gain instinctive charm if you're the target of an attack from a creature within 30 feet of you you can force the target to make a wisdom saving throw if it fails the saving throw you can move the attack to another target other than you within range of that creature this works on melee attacks ranged attacks and spell attacks you don't get to choose the target the creature simply has to choose the nearest target which is either not you or not themselves and if there's multiple that are that meet that criteria they get to choose but again like the hypnotic gaze power there is no limit to the number of times you can use this it's simply based on the target if a creature makes its saving throw against this power you can't use it on that creature again but as long as it continues to fail at saving throw you can just brush those attacks right off at 10th level you gain split enchantment if you use an enchantment spell that targets a single target you can have it target two creatures instead the list of eligible spells for this ability is insane it includes tasha's hideous laughter tasha's mind whip hold person hold monster suggestion otto's irresistible dance power word pain power word stun feeble mind and power word kill did i mention dominate person and dominate monster because it works on those two lastly at 14th level you gain alter memories when you charm a creature with an enchantment spell you can have it forget the time that it was charmed the amount of time that the creature can forget is equal to one plus your charisma modifier and the creature has to make an intelligence saving throw if they fail you can choose any amount of hours equal to the highest amount you can and decide how much they're going to forget enchantment is known for sleep and hypnotism but you should not sleep on this subclass i think that the enchanter surprised me when i first got into d d i read all the wizard sub classes and i don't think i ever revisited the enchanter until maybe in the last year when i started rereading all of these to do these videos and what was interesting is i think i did sleep on the enchanter i think that these options present really really unique and interesting play styles basically the way that i look at this first ability the hypnotic gaze is almost like the monks stunning strike but you don't have to punch them it's a stunning strike can't trip so you get to walk up to a target and grab their head and just be like all right i'm controlling your mind now you don't get to do much more than just put them into a daze but there's a lot you can do with a creature in a daze instinctive charm is a really powerful defensive ability and i actually think works really well against a group of ranged attackers who are trying to hit you if they are all within 30 feet of you that means that that you can deflect those attacks to another creature within 30 feet if you if you have allies by your side it may not work the best as you're just kind of moving those attacks onto your allies but as a squishy wizard having the fighter or barbarian take those hits instead i hope that they're okay with that because i'm going to do it but if you're surrounded by enemies then you're having enemies attack each other and that is excellent not to mention when we look at split enchantment like see a later sorcerer with your twin spell garbage goodbye i can twin spell better than you and some of the spells that you can twin spell now are really good spells it's so amazing we make the misconception of thinking enchantment is just charming people but the list of enchantment spells has some of the most powerful battlefield control spells in the game and being able to hit two targets with those powerful battlefield control spells are going to be combat ending and if you have three targets then you mind control or you dominate monster on two of them and then you use your hypnotic gaze on the third and you're good to go so there are some really amazing things that you can do alter memories is actually my least favorite of all these abilities but i don't care they're so good and there are so many uses here i am surprised that i'm giving the enchanter an s tier it totally is i think it is possibly one of the best battlefield controllers in the game yes its lower level abilities are shut down by immunity charm but just when creatures with immunity to charm start becoming common you get split enchantment and can now just paralyze them with hold monster which is not a charm-based spell but still an enchantment spell so there's lots of diverse play here and i gotta say i built an npc villain that was totally built around the altar memories power that use it with dominate person and the idea of mind controlling someone and have that person forget the experience of being mind controlled is crazy cool in in just what you could do with it again i'm surprised because i thought going into this maybe a year ago when we started doing tier ranking and i thought of the wizards my first thought was well the enchanter is going to be garbage because i would never play one i might play one it might be one of my favorite wizard sub classes who knew it is really good and i i think i think people read the first two powers and miss the fact that there's no limit to the number of times you can use these abilities because you you see that sentence which is that boilerplate sort of sentence which oftentimes when you read an ability in the player's handbook you start seeing oh you can use this once you finish a long rest and you kind of go okay yada yada that means you can use this ability once per day but you can that's not the way these abilities work hypnotic gaze and instinctive charm are not restricted on the number of times per day you can use them you can only use them once against a creature and if you're using them in battle like great like you just incapacitate them while your party beats up everybody else and then you know then they're done yeah so i i think the enchanter has to get a nest here from us and i think that everybody should give it the chance to shine because it will so up on screen right now these are the final rankings that we have given the first four subclasses in the player's handbook but let's take a look at what our community thinks about 20 of people gave the school of app duration an s-tier ranking with about 45 of them giving it an a-tier ranking and roughly 27 giving a b ranking to the school of ab duration with the remainder falling in c and d but just a couple slivers there i think quite solidly i'm glad you talked me up to the a because our community really loves the abjur i actually really appreciate that people agree with me on this because yeah there's there's some good elements in the observation subclass when we move on to conjuration we're looking at just a very small sliver for ester only about four percent where 25 give it a 45 or so give it b and another 25 or so percent give it c with just a small amount for d so again very much this lands in the b tier and people are in agreeance with us you don't need to see the future to predict this ranking 62.9 of our respondents gave the divination wizard an s-tier ranking with 22 giving it an a and only 10 giving it a b with only a slight sliver for the c and d rankings okay it's definitely an s tier i i apologize for my faithless display earlier i should have seen that coming i do think though that there is the case to be made for dungeon masters who might shut down divination magic but if everybody's playing the way that it's supposed to this is an s tier subclass when we look at enchantment this is where views start to differ only four percent or so gave it the s tier with 24 giving it a 42 or 43 giving it b and another uh 27 or so percent giving it c and just a small amount for d this puts it safely in the b category from our community i too was thinking of giving this a b and it wasn't until monty and i had a deep conversation about the implications that i realized this is a very powerful subclass i do think though that perhaps maybe there is a case to be made for the resistance to charm or maybe some of these elements are harder to use than i'm giving them credit for but it's it's hard to say i think that there is really powerful options in the enchanter that have flown under the radar for a long time yeah i think it's worth a second look at the enchanter if you did give it a b ranking or lower and really look at those abilities and consider how the character might work in play both in and out of combat i think it's a very potent subclass and worth a look i i see the argument that immunity to charm is very common and can be a frustrating thing to experience for the subclass but i don't think that that is insurmountable and the split enchantment ability like i just i just want to remind folks that split enchantment works with tasha's mind whip tash's mind whip doesn't worry about the charmed effect and that means that the wizard's 18th level feature which allows you to select a spell that you can use at will would let you choose mind whip so now you have twin mind whip as your go-to yeah yeah yeah so i i i definitely do hear you and maybe monty and i are crazy but i like being crazy maybe we're just hypnotized by the gals of the enchanter so let us know if you disagree so up on screen right now you're going to see again our final rankings for the subclasses the first four in the player's handbook next to that you're going to see the community rankings overall we had very similar opinions monty and i are just under the spells of an enchanter right now and need to deal with that the wizard itself is a bag of tricks there's such a good spell selection and so many different ways to take the wizard that really the subclass is just kind of the little added flavor you want on top of your already amazing spellcaster and all of the options presented have something cool and unique i hope that our opinions help you decide which ones are the most satisfying for you to play so this has been part one of our wizard subclass tier rankings in dungeons and dragons fifth edition tell us your opinions on the wizard subclasses in the comments below the videos that we create on our channel are made possible thanks to the incredible support of our patreon community if you enjoy the work that we create here on youtube please consider becoming a supporter of our show by following the links in the description below and don't forget that our live play dungeons of drakenheim is coming to kickstarter we've partnered with ghostfire games to bring this campaign to life as a fifth edition module you can follow the links below or go to drakenheim.com to join the mailing list and get up to date on all the information regarding the kickstarter and don't forget to check out our live plays in the worlds of drakenheim which is tuesday nights at 6pm eastern on our twitch channel you can find all the previous episodes right up over here and we are almost unranking all the subclasses in dnd 5e you can find the full list of all those episodes right up over here please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 344,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: Zsv-rzxj51E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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