Rogue Subclass Tier Ranking (Part 2) in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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this week's episode of our show has been sponsored by our friends at ghost fire games who have just launched their new kickstarter the seeker's guide to twisted taverns which is live now on kickstarter till march 6th this is being developed by logan at runesmith and he is creating 14 entirely unique tavern locations for you to explore filled with all sorts of new characters items monsters and mechanics and secrets abound to delve into these amazingly creative taverns will stretch the bounds of fantasy and maybe give you a nice reminder of those wonderful cozy days spent in a bu in a bar with some good friends the campaign is live on kickstarter until march 6th so check the links below to join in on the revelry greetings my name is monty martin and i'm kelly mclaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes welcome to our channel where we cover everything dungeons and dragons including advice for players and guides for dungeon masters we upload new videos on tuesdays and thursdays so please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode this is part two of our subclass tier rankings for the rogue in dungeons and dragons fifth edition in this video we're going to be looking at the four subclasses published for rogues in xanathar's guide to everything the inquisitive the mastermind the scout and the swashbuckler part one of this video covered the assassin the arcane trickster and the thief so make sure that you go check that out in the links below if you want to check out our part one of our rankings if you look on the screen right now you are going to see the criteria that we use to rank the subclasses we've pitted the subclasses against each other and not those of other classes also keep in mind that we do not take role playing into account as we think that all rogues have an equal opportunity to be wonderfully role played we may consider multi-classing at times but it is not a core mechanic of our ranking system and of course we look at all elements of d d play when we assess these subclasses it's more than just how well they perform in combat it's also how well these subclasses augment the core classes ability to contribute in exploration scenes as well as problem solving and interaction moments or negotiations diplomacy and of course with all the rogues activities cloak and dagger thievery backstabbing deception all that good stuff that rogues do when they're not stabbing people in the back we are also still working on assessing the new subclasses introduced in tasha's guide to everything and in the coming months we're going to be releasing several videos to showcase what our thoughts are on these new wonderful subclasses there's a lot to discuss today so let's get rolling so first up kelly and i want to look back actually at our rankings from the first video particularly because as we were looking at these four subclasses we felt we kind of made a mistake with our ranking of one of the subclasses from the player's handbook in the weeks that have passed we've had lots of conversations on our youtube channel and in our discord regarding the assassin rogue and we think that maybe we might have been a little too generous with it as such previously we gave this a b ranking but thinking around of our own play experiences our own thoughts and the comments that we actually made in that episode and the rankings that we're giving out to the other subclasses today we've decided to downgrade our ranking for the assassin from a b to a c which feels a little bit more appropriate given the overall context of all the other subclasses and the comments that we even made and the comments that were received on the assassin so the first subclass that we're going to look at from xanathar's guide to everything is the inquisitive a subclass very much inspired by the heroes from detective fiction and pulp fiction stories that hard-boiled detective with an eye for detail very much the characters like sherlock holmes uh or any other sort of hard-nosed sleuths that get in and are able to see the clues where no one else can right away at third level you gain ear for deceit if you're trying to determine if a creature is lying through an insight check if you can count any role of a seven or lower as an eight instead you also gain i for detail which allows you to now use a bonus action for perception or investigation checks if you're looking for hidden creatures or clues you also gain the insightful fighting feature right away at third level as a bonus action your rogue can make an insight check opposed by the deception check of another creature that you're fighting if you win the check you now can sneak attack that creature as long as you don't have disadvantage on your attack rules this ability doesn't have a range it doesn't have any other requirements and it is not ended unless you use it again against a different creature or one minute passes at ninth level you're going to gain a steady eye so now if you move less than half your speed you can now gain advantage on any perception or investigation checks as well at 13th level you gain unearing eye provided you aren't blinded or deafened you can now use your action to detect the presence of invisible creatures illusions and shape changers when you use your action in this way you know the creatures are present or that there's an illusion present but it doesn't give you any actual insight or detail as to what the deception actually might be only that it's happening and that it's there you can use this feature a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier a minimum of once and you regain these features all on a long rest and at 17th level you gain eye for weakness now if a creature is under the influence of your insightful fighting feature you can add 3d6 to your sneak attack damage so i'm going to declare my bias right off the bat and say that i've always felt that insight and perception are two of the most clunky skills in role-playing games in general it's not something that dungeons and dragons gets right and there's a ton of other role-playing games maybe with the possible exception of gumshoe that completely fail to handle these skills in any reasonable way they always feel like a binary check it's like either you made the check and you see it there uh or you failed the check and you don't it also came as a surprise to me that the eye for detail feature let you make investigation and perception checks as a bonus action because it didn't actually occur to me that there was an action i had to look it up to remind myself that there's actually a search action that can be used in combat because by and large when i run investigation checks they usually take several minutes and perception checks are things that are almost done as a reaction they're not always an intentional thing the way the inquisitive engages with these skills is just non-functional and i would probably tell a player that wanted to play this class at my game that this class is just not going to work with the way that i run d and d so in that respect it's a d ranking for me because it's just it's just broken like these features just don't work those features aside the insightful fighting is actually a pretty great way to reliably land sneak attack and you get this pseudo true sight feature which i just wish was flat out true sight to be honest like i don't understand why it would be op for a rogue to be able to like call up true seeing once or twice per day and the eye for week this is a great bonus damage feature that comes online at a very high level i overall think that this subclass is still kind of feels like a c i think the best thing the subclass has going for it is the insightful fighting giving you a really reliable way to land your sneak attack uh not a lot of creatures in the game have good deception checks so by and large you're probably gonna have expertise in the insight you're gonna totally steamroll these checks you can try over and over and over again to land them it just feels like to me the other outside of combat features are totally dead with the way people actually play insight investigation and perception checks in in my world perception and investigation are skills that are often used outside of combat and very very rarely come up in combat there's very few times in any campaign that i've run or played in where in the middle of combat you need to look for something or decipher a clue which means that being able to use these skills as a bonus action is actually irrelevant because outside of the action economy of combat you can just use perception and investigation as you see fit i think the real stars of this subclass are insightful fighting unerring eye and eye for weakness which are really cool and for me make this ac subclass because it does offer something but at the same time steady eye eye for detail and ear for deceit don't really offer anything that i find useful at the table now there might be great campaigns that are being run out there that are very much hard-boiled detective investigation driven campaigns and i too love those concepts i just i don't run dnd in a way that makes this subclass useful there's a very strict and draconian way of running these skills where um you end up with a style of gameplay where players say i would like to perception the room or i would like to in in like investigate the room and then you roll a skill check and they either find it or they don't i prefer a style of play where players like describe how they're looking for things and how they're looking for clues and in general if they describe it in a way that engages with the environment i don't even have the check rolled i'm just like yes you found it so i prefer a little bit more of a um engaged and interactive style of play when it comes to investigation that is very much again i think i mentioned this off-handedly it's very much inspired by robin law's gum shoe system so i kind of grabbed the gum gumshoe system of like the player's action and intent and what they say and how they say what they're going to do matters more than what they roll on the dice what's really hard for me is like i i'm obsessed with old school film noir uh gritty detective stories i love like harry dresden sherlock holmes i i love these depictions so when i heard about the inquisitive rogue coming out initially i i was so excited because i wanted to play my sherlock holmes fantasy in dungeons and dragons campaign but it's tough it's tough for me to say that it just doesn't deliver on that fantasy in a way that makes sense in the way that we run the game now again i i i think we're going to give this a c could somebody play this and have a great time as the investigator yes but not at the not the way that we run the game and not the way that i've seen most other dms that i've had the joy of playing with not in the way they run the game either so there is a version of the game that the rules here imply exists that the inquisitive rogue would be good at and maybe if you are excited to play the inquisitive rogue and you find a table where these abilities are going to be useful it might be great but i'm i'm having a real hard time seeing it and i think it's it's yeah i i i just don't it just comes back to that whole idea of like if you've got a player that really enjoys the investigative style of gameplay it's not about putting the right subclass in front of them it's about preparing as a dungeon master to run an investigative mystery style game and that's much more on the dungeon master and how they present the world and how they run the scenario than any of the players abilities next up we come to the mastermind who is the greatest schemer of all the rogues they are the whispers happening behind the throne the conspiracy theories the illuminati they are the ones plotting out masterful schemes to thwart even the smartest enemies when you take the subclass right away at third level you gain the master of intrigue feature which gives you proficiency in disguise kits forgery kits one gaming set and two languages of your choice you can also spend one minute listening to a speaker of a language and learn how to unearringly mimic those vocal patterns so that you can blend in with native speakers of that language also at this level you're going to gain master of tactics which turns the help action into a bonus action and additionally if you're using it to help an ally attack you can do that at a range of 30 feet instead of five feet as long as the target can see and hear you at night level you're going to gain insightful manipulator if you spend a minute observing or interacting with a creature outside of combat you can learn some information about its capabilities compared to your own the dm gets to tell you if the creature are equal superior or inferior in regards to two of the following characteristics you can ask about its intelligence score wisdom or charisma score or class levels if any at 13th level you gain the misdirection class feature and you might have to read this one over a couple of times to understand how this works and i'm willing to bet a lot of people didn't even realize this was even a thing if you are targeted by an attack well a creature within five feet of you is granting you cover from that attack you can use your reaction to cause the creature giving you cover to be hit by the attack instead this rule is something that people forget about a lot i forget about it all the time but your allies grant cover which is a plus two bonus to ac against range attacks so if you're standing behind one of your allies and an enemy is shooting you you have plus two to your ac at 17th level you gain soul of deceit which means the creatures can no longer read your thoughts through telepathy or any other means unless you allow it you can also present false thoughts by succeeding on a charisma deception check contested by the mind readers wisdom insight check on top of this no matter what you say magic that would determine if you're telling the truth or lying cannot do so you always appear to be telling the truth the mastermind is a really interesting subclass to me because i think there's a couple of features here that truly stand out and are really awesome there's a few that for me that are kind of in the mid-range and then there's a couple that i actually don't like at all and so you kind of get this mixed bag of of abilities where something like the master of tactics i think is one of the greatest rogue features the ability to throw out help actions at a range of 30 feet as a bonus action means that your rogue can give the party advantage on their attacks every turn if they want as a bonus action but then we get something like insightful manipulator and i might be a little biased on this but i think abilities like insightful manipulator are some of my least favorite abilities in dungeons and dragons for me they seem like information that i don't necessarily care about and knowing it doesn't really benefit me in many ways the other abilities here are kind of mid-range for me and so as i'm looking over this there's some great options but overall i think this is a b subclass i don't think that it's great enough to be outstanding in a lot of campaigns but i do think that with the use of some of their abilities in certain campaigns that they could stand out as really great rogues i think there is one thing that you could use finding out someone ability scores for but it's really difficult with the way this power works and it would be if you know if someone's intelligence wisdom or charisma score is higher or lower than yours it might help your other party members figure out what spells to target for saving throws against that enemy maybe your wizard is trying to figure out whether they should use banishment hold monster or mental prison against an enemy and maybe you can figure that out but because it's dependent on your own ability scores if your intelligence is 10 your wisdom is 12 and your charisma is 15 and your enemy has you know they could have higher than all of those but it's not going to help you figure out which one is the lowest it's also tough because it has to be used outside of combat so you have to talk to your enemy to determine this beforehand for at least a minute without engaging in combat so that makes it even a little more difficult to use overall i think the ability to take the help action as a bonus action and to give out advantage in combat to your allies is the coolest feature of the mastermind and probably the one that you can actually build a playstyle around again none of these features are bad and you could certainly play a cool political intrigue campaign where these abilities are super relevant especially the basically always on glibness that lets you evade magical detection which is actually a very unique but high level class feature i wish it wasn't a 17th level feature because then it might actually might see use in some campaigns but again the help action is just advantage on one attack role you help one person on their next attack against that foe so there are limits to the help action as to how useful it can be you're gonna feel very impotent if there is a bard or a druid who brought fairy fire actually you saying that made it paint this vivid picture of the roku standing on the battlefield analyzing everything throwing out help actions be like you need to attack that guy now this person needs to be hit by this spell they actually have a few things going on and i think played properly and in the right setting i i think that there is something here that is kind of unique and interesting for the rogue i think the mastermind rogue brings something interesting i think it's a little undercooked overall so for me it's a b-minus i i think you can absolutely make the help action thing in combat work i think you can use some of the other features the extra proficiencies are all cool all well welcome this just doesn't have a lot of oomph to it and and i think that if you're interested in playing that arch schemer sort of character i don't know if the rogue is the right vehicle for it when i put it into an entire package together i i do think that it's a worthwhile play style for people who are interested in it is it the best rogue out there mechanically and in all aspects of the game no but for a person who likes the rogue and really likes this concept of the mastermind it's not going to fail on the delivery of that concept it has enough going for it that i think it's fun well many rogues are associated with urban environments and thieves guilds some rogues are more at home in the wilds and there's lots of opportunities for roguish skills to be valuable even in the wilderness enter the scout who in many respects is feels like a very way of like hey do you want to mix some ranger in your rogue here's a subclass for you and i think this subclass actually delivers on it pretty well let's take a look at what it gets so starting at third level you gain skirmisher and that makes you hard to pin down you can move half your speed as a reaction when an enemy ends its turn within five feet of you and this movement does not provoke an opportunity attack you also get proficiency in the survival and the nature skills and effectively expertise in them as well so your proficiency bonus is doubled for for checks that you make with these skills at ninth level you're gaining superior mobility which increases your walking speed by 10 feet and if you have a climbing or swimming speed it also increases by 10 feet at 13th level you become an ambush master you gain advantage on initiative checks and the first creature you hit with an attack during your first round of combat becomes easier for all your allies to hit and they get advantage on attack roles against that target at 17th level you gain a sudden strike now if you take the attack action on your turn you can make an additional action as a bonus action and you can apply sneak attack to both of those attacks this is a great 17th level ability for a rogue uh this is an awesome subclass yeah i really like this i think it's real first of all i think the scout is a wonderful pairing to multi-class with a gloom stock stalker ranger and take a bow or a crossbow like five levels of gloom soccer ranger five levels of scout rogue it's like ugh i love the fact that you get a bonus your speed and then you can move half your speed as a reaction it's perfect for playing with a ranged character that is going to be using a crossbow or a bow so when an enemy ends their turn within five feet of view you get to move away so if they were there at the start of their turn and didn't move you get to move away which is great it helps you reposition and if they moved up to you they can still smack you in the face but then you're gonna get to be able to retreat back just make sure that you know you don't accidentally uncanny dodge instead of doing this because it uses your reaction uh i think this is totally worthy of an a the ambush master and sudden strike abilities at late level are actually two of the better rogue late level abilities oh yeah i i actually think that like aside from the oh you have proficiency in nature and survival skill which let's be real almost every subclass in the game has a throwaway third level something like this it's like you gain a cool third level ability and usually an okay third level ability i mean nature and survival are pretty good skills and they come up often enough in campaigns that i i think that they're still useful i i just think that this is one of the better rogue subclasses it's really well designed and there isn't a single ability presented here that makes me go ah they're they're either pretty good or better and and it's great i think it's a great subclass it's definitely eight tier uh i i say that it's an eight plus in my books i i agree i think the the irony of it is is like you look at the formula it's brutally simple the non-combat feature is simply extra skills plus expertise in those skills if more rogue subclasses just followed the model of giving you two extra skit like expertise and two extra specific skills like that would be huge like if we went back to say the assassin and said yeah assassin you get expertise in intimidation and stealth and inquisitive we're just gonna give you expertise in investigation and insight and get rid of all those other fluffy features and just let expertise be a strong feature on its own i think those subclasses would be much stronger in their non-combat ability the scout wins through pure simplicity the scout actually has no additional way to sneak attack which is something that a lot of the other subclasses give i think the scout actually might be a really good candidate to use that new aim feature in touches yeah because you can use your reaction to move so you can scoot away and aim you can reaction move away and then on your turn not move and steady aim yeah to make sure that you have that sneak attack yeah it's great yeah fascist thank you fans of the princess bride your subclasses here the the swashbuckler embodies the classic duelist rogue one with a quick one-liner and equip for every single situation a rapier in hand ready to engage in a duel with a very very witty rapport with their enemy starting at third level you're going to gain fancy footwork you learn how to land a strike and then slip away without reprisal so during your turn if you make a melee attack against a creature that creature cannot make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn you get a free disengage as long as you attack the target also third level you gain rackish audacity this ability allows you to add your charisma modifier to your initiative roles but it also gives you an extra way to land your sneak attack the way this works is this you don't need an advantage on your attack roll to sneak attack a target if it's within five feet of you and no other creatures are within five feet of you and you don't have disadvantage on your attack role at ninth level you gain the panache ability which is basically the ability to call somebody out for a duel you can make a persuasion check contested by the creature's insight check and the creature must be able to hear you and the two of you must share a language so it needs to be able to understand that you're calling it out if you succeed and the creature is hostile to you it now has disadvantage on attack rules against any target other than you this effect lasts for one minute and if the creature is not hostile to you it is now charmed by you for one minute note that because you've charmed the target that means that you have advantage on your charisma checks against them which is a pretty huge way to just you make one check off the bat one persuasion check boom you have advantage at 13th level you can use a bonus action to gain advantage on any athletics or acrobatics check you make during that same turn and at 17th level you gain master dualist if you miss with an attack you can actually choose to make the attack again with advantage you can do this once before you need to take a short or long rest so kelly you are currently playing a swashbuckler in our shadows of drackenheim campaign and i have to say as a dungeon master i have been surprised at how often all these abilities have been relevant in combat encounters we're we're only at level uh seven right now so only rackish audacity and fancy footwork have come online um but both of these abilities have been incredibly relevant on a very regular basis it really brought back that princess bride feeling and allows you to be that charming duelist rogue like zorro or the characters from the princess bride uh i think that there's actually multiple characters that you could basically oh yeah and enigma montoya and the man in black are both swashbuckler rogues definitely and like fantasy aside the abilities not only deliver on that fantasy but they deliver well on it i think that fancy footwork again i use this all the time rakish audacity comes up all the time and actually the great thing about rakish audacity is yeah it gets a little complicated because if there's another creature within five feet of you other than the one you're targeting then you don't get sneak attack if that creature is an ally who is also within five feet of your target you still gain sneak attack so really the only time that this doesn't give you sneak attack the only time that you can't get it is if you're outnumbered within five feet of you by creatures when you're surrounded by two enemy creatures on either side of you or there's two enemies side by side and you can't move without provoking the attack but then you can kind of get around that in a lot of different ways the swashbuckler rogue is actually a great social rogue yep and there's not that many rogue options that say hey maybe you should take charisma as well but this one says take charisma and be awesome at it you know make one persuasion check and then now you got a friendly acquaintance you make friends really easily yeah come on you can trust me but what does make the things like the rakish audacity feature and the inquisitives feature quite valuable as well as the arcane trickster's ability to have a familiar innately that can help them uh or just be a positioner to to key off on is that sometimes your allies aren't going to work with you i don't think that the swashbuckler is as good as an arcane trickster this this is the problem so if we just look at all the other rogue subclasses aside from the arcane trickster i think the swashbuckler is an s i think it is the s tier uh rogue subclass now we introduce the arcane trickster but agreeing that the arcane trickster is the best does that force swashbuckler down or is swashbuckler still ahead above the other options the swashbuckler is better than the scout but it's not as good as the arcane trickster the arcane trickster creates abilities for the rogue to do things that they just can't do here's the thing though and i think you and i both have a biased um if i were to ask you what your favorite classes to play are it's almost inherently spell-casting classes this is this is true this is true and same with me we are both spellcasters at heart it's what we steer ourselves towards so obviously the arcane trickster allows you and i to play into the nuances that we understand with the magic and casting system of dungeons and dragons that aside if we look at the rogue as a rogue saying well obviously if you give any class spell casting you and i are going to argue that that's incredible the swashbuckler for its rookishness is the best of the best one thing that came to mind was if you took magic initiate as a swashbuckler and picked up booming blade and find familiar with magic initiate that would be crazy good it would be insanely good to do that and you would possibly be eating the arcane trickster's lunch if you did that i mean you're the one playing it and you're the one playing it in my campaign it's it's a hard call yeah i i've been thoroughly impressed with the art with with the swashbuckler if it wasn't for the fact that i'm not the best rogue player i'm really impressed as well there was questions about whether i should multi-class and the answer is no because i'm excited about the other abilities i'm going to gain i'm just continually excited by the swashbuckler rogue now again i i am playing it at the table so there is a bias here because i'm in love with my character i'm in love with the subclass but it's delivering it's delivering everything i wanted it to deliver i i don't think that any other rogue subclass is doing its thing so often as the swashbuckler is doing its thing and doing it well i say we give it an s all right all right i i will go go along with that i'm still iffy on it i think we're definitely an a plus yeah yeah but we'll we'll let the bias guide us i think in this instance uh we need to agree that the arcane trickster is the better the best subclass but if you don't feel like adding spell casting to your rogue this is by far the best subclass yeah and and someone brought up the point in one of our comments that if you don't pick good spells with your arcane trickster they're not and the swashbuckler is pretty idiot proof like as you said you're not the best player at playing a rogue but you get it and this is actually an argument we've had before with other subclasses is that sometimes variety actually means that there's a chance for a mistake whereas with the swashbuckler there's no chance for a mistake here no no and in fact the swashbuckler helps cure the mistakes that players will make in landing their sneak attack because if you're 1v1 being somebody you can sneak attack them that's idiot proof yeah if you look on the screen right now you're going to see our rankings for the rogue subclasses presented both in the player's handbook and xanathar's guide to everything but let's take a look at what our community thought so we asked our community to vote and tell us what they thought were the strongest subclasses and rank them for themselves and looking at the inquisitive here's what we got 19.9 of respondents gave the inquisitive an a wow 43.9 gave it a b and 25.3 gave it a c with slivers of about five percent giving it a d and an s respectively so overall this is a b ranking from the community weighted towards the c side so it's a b minus from the community overall when we look at the mastermind we have a 21.2 percent for a a 43.2 for b a 24.2 percent for c and seven percent for d and only a very little bit for the s tier again landing in the b category but slightly more middling than the inquisitive it's more a straight middle b rather than leaning towards the b minus so that sounds about right to me eight point eight percent of our respondents gave the scout an s-tier ranking well 39.3 percent gave it an a and 36.1 gave it a b with 13.4 giving it a c and just a sliver giving it a d ranking quite solidly this puts it in the a ranking but definitely a lower a ranking with a very heavy lukewarm response on it people are positive enthusiastic about the scout rogue overall it adds great features some people again said that the scout rogue is everything the ranger wants to be i'm not sure i agree with that but certainly the scout is a great alternative play style to the ranger presented and i think uh speaks to the positive response in the community as offering a bit of an alternative option for people who like the ranger sort of game style but want that on the rogue baseline as we move into the swashbuckler we see here pretty much exactly what i was expecting 38.9 gave it the s tier that is the highest amount of s tiers of any rogue subclass that we saw from the community 40.4 give it the a tier 15.6 with b and very very little for c and d clearly stating that the swashbuckler is in fact one of the strongest subclasses landing very safely at a split between a and s here and monty and i also were kind of split between whether it was a or s here so i think we're in agreeance here that it is it lands in an a from the community but only by a few percentages so many community respondents echoed one of the points that we touched on earlier as well where the swashbuckler you can't get it wrong the arcane trickster you can you if you don't take the best spells with your arcane trickster uh see our arcane trickster guide for what those are um you can wind up with a character that isn't as good as the swashbuckler so while the arcane trickster does have a slightly higher potential i do think that the swashbuckler really is a solid and excellent subclass so up on the screen right now you're going to see again our final rankings and next to that you are going to see all of the community rankings and generally speaking i think the rogue is a great class with a lot of potential within its subclasses some are stronger and some are weaker but we actually gave nothing the d-tier rank here because i think at the end of the day the rogue is just a really fun character to play and depending on the way you want to go with it there's a subclass out there that will speak to you so many of the best rogue features are not in the subclasses but just in the rogue core class itself expertise uncanny dodge cunning action sneak attack all of these things are amazing features so a subclass is only just a small part of what the overall goodness that is the rogue is giving you which means that it is very possible to play an excellent rogue with any of these subclasses it's just that the scout the swashbuckler and the arcane trickster stand head and shoulders over the others i think because they offer features that are gonna come up really often and be really impactful when they do come up whereas the other rogue sub class features are either going to be amazing when they do come up but they're not going to come up that often which is what's holding those ones back so this has been a look at our subclass tier ranking for rogue subclasses part 2 in dungeons and dragons 5th edition tell us about your favorite rogue subclasses in the comments below the videos that we create on our channel are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity of our patreon supporters we have a fantastic community on discord exclusive for our patreon supporters that you can join by following the links in the description below you might be interested to hear that we have a kickstarter launching later this year turning our dungeons of drakenheim live play campaign into a fifth edition module we're partnering with ghostfire games to bring this book to life and you can follow the links below to join the mailing list so you can be up to date on all the news regarding this kickstarter and don't forget to check out our live play untold tales of dragonheim which is airing on tuesday nights at 6pm eastern at dungeon underscored dudes you can find all of the previous episodes from our campaigns right up over here and we've been ranking all the subclasses in dungeons and dragons 5th edition for every other class you can find all the videos in that series right up over here please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 372,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: BXK6nqkfLp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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