Wiz Khalifa Takes a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair

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Wow. The tone of this really bothered me, not to mention that polygraphs have been debunked for a long time.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nauticalsandwich ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 03 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That laugh is ... creepy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 03 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And for those interested... he came out with intentional ASMR for W mag.

Edit: my apologies, he did asmr with Fuse. I thought W mag because they do celebrity asmr.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/venusvoo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 03 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so what I'm holding here it's going to measure your breathing mmm I'm gonna do a breather arms up is your name Cameron gibreel Thomas it's Tomas but yeah do you go by the name Wiz Khalifa sure do are you about to take a polygraph exam do I have to say yes you can't say like exactly so you nervous about this interview yes really yeah you seem pretty calm I'm good at that so we're going to start by talking about weed I love weed is that a lie that was truthful are you high right now yes yes I'm high did you just smoke yeah all the way over here now I'm telling too much of the truth I'm like snitching on myself do you have any on you right now no Lisa nah he's good he's clean do you smoke every day yes multiple times a day hello right when you wake up yeah absolutely before you go to bed yes sir in the middle of the night for sure in the middle of the night sometimes I read in an interview that you spend 10k a month on weed mm-hmm is that still true it's probably more now yeah up next music is there a song by another artist that you wish you made let me think no nope do you think that mumble rap is a good direction for hip-hop yeah would you say that biggie is a better rapper than Tupac yeah hmm why is that feel like pox like flicking me off for saying that you big it was a better lyricist populist like real life like to say stuff that people have been through and biggie he could create a story both are a great art form but I respect the the lyricism of biggie for sure do you enjoy listening to your own music yes so with rolling paper to coming out mm-hmm did you draw a lot of inspiration from the original hmm yeah yes well this album be as good as rolling paper gonna be better yeah straight up my best project ever yeah my hair looks good in that picture let's move on to collaborators is Snoop Dogg your best friend yes who smokes more you or Snoop Dogg me what about you or Seth Rogen me yeah what's up Seth were you on the Eric Andre show yes you seem very calm on the show despite the insanity it was a crazy experience at any point were you actually freaked out oh yeah when they do can to order my lunch and he had his dick out yeah so that show isn't fake dude had his dig out were you on clueless gamer with this man oh yes when I was playing uh that one guy he looks fried in that picture did he actually smoke with you I don't want to give him to my business okay and that's the truth that I don't want to give out anybody's business when you played Matteo on American Dad okay did you audition for that um they just had me do like a reading for like three or four times yeah is there another cartoon you'd like to be on I was on Bojack horseman that's one of my favorite cartoons I was on there you know I want to be on Teen Titans bill I don't want to be on Ricky Morty yeah me too think same game was it your idea to collaborate with Miley Cyrus I was actually her idea maile I can say out loud that she smokes pot without getting in trouble up next we'll talk about philosophy do you believe that we have free will no why not because a lot of the stuff that you want to do for yourself you get in trouble for or slowly but surely throughout life they try to teach you that that's not what you're supposed to do then you're supposed to do what people around you think you're supposed to do like expectations and that takes away from free will do you believe that we have a soul no because like a soul is a thing like you can identify a soul like we're we're just this thing you know I'm saying I'd like to put a name on it and call it a soul you get a visual like a like a ghost or something like that and I don't I don't believe in that I was believe like energies and things like that do you think that love is just a feeling um no I don't think that cuz it's like I feel like love is like a living thing like it doesn't like breathe but there's just there's so much that you can love and there's so much that you can get love from that it can't just be a feeling like and everybody doesn't feel it you know what I mean so I was like if it was a feeling like you get punched in the face you feel that so love is bigger than just something that you feel yeah do you think it's more than just chemicals I think it's like a an equation that nobody is like figured out that this plus this equals love but it exists is it now no is now now No it was now just in he said ever not now when is later cuz you need like be like I want this right now like no you know later and then that'll be now but it's later let's go back to weed if there's such a thing as being too high too hot as in temperature too high Oh - hi that dude look like he's enjoying his life right now I don't think there's such thing no no no okay what's worse being too drunk or too high too drunk why is that drinking it's hard to come back from in the in it affects your body stoned it's the way to go have you ever smoked weed with Willie Nelson No what about what these guys Cheech and Chong yes really hmm when was that I was too stoned to remember the last category essentials have you ever been on reddit mm-hmm do you manage your own social media accounts mm-hmm so you do your own posting yes do you ever just eat a whole tub of ice cream in one go no I don't like sweet is there anything you do binge alcohol but not like Oreos do you know how many tattoos you have do you have a favorite tattoo yeah my mom's name and my little sister's name can I see them my mom is peachy on the back of my arm my little sister right here I got my brother face tattooed on me too as well it's newer woman so I'd be forgetting that I got that but that's another favorite soon do you play video games yeah are you into fortnight no I like to watch people play the only reason I didn't play dough it's cuz I'm gonna get addicted and I want to be doing my plan for tonight you guys don't want to see that version of me you guys want to see me out being productive rapping taking care of my kid not playing for tonight he's Wiz short for wizard no I wish that dude was very wise he is short for anything it's just like I was already like technology and so people call me a ways cuz I'm smart young wheeze hey do you do martial arts yes sir that's a nice psyche well have you ever been in a real sparring match yeah plenty oh did you win they don't really win when you spar you kind of like learn I got my ass kicked a couple times for sure yeah are you part of the Illuminati oh yeah is that really the truth no final question at any point in this interview did you lie and we didn't catch you I don't know if you caught me I told some non truth stuff so do I get out of jail you're not in jail okay
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 18,434,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wiz khalifa, wiz khalifa 2018, wiz khalifa rolling papers 2, wiz khalifa interview, wiz khalifa weed, wiz khalifa vanity fair, lie detector, lie detector test, polygraph, polygraph exam, polygraph test, wiz khalifa and snoop dogg, wiz khalifa miley cyrus, wiz khalifa seth rogan, polygraph exams, lie detectors, lie detector exam, celebrities take a lie detector test, wiz khalifa tupac, wiz khalifa notorious b.i.g., vanity fair
Id: 53nsgJIGDBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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