Witnesses Of Real Life Superpowers Share Their Stories - AskReddit

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a tiny woman fully jumped over a three meter high wall what is the most superhuman thing you have ever seen anyone do had my Chevy 1500 fall on me the jack slid out in the jack stand folded under the weight the rotor pinned my fight to the ground my step-brother who was like 5 feet 6 inches mind you grab the bumper and lifted the truck up enough that I was able to slide out didn't break anything but tore a lot of muscle on my thigh I thank him every time I see him because it messed up his back he's not a big guy what he did was a feat of strength that I do not think I could do and I'm a lot bigger than he is my dad was trying to get into knife-throwing one of my younger brothers grabbed a throwing knife and throws it at another younger sibling my dad reaches out and grabs the knife point first before it does any damage he was barely cut due to the thick calluses from his job I was only 12 at the time and I was really impressed about how good his reflexes were I worked at McDonald's for a summer with this tiny old asian guy named Ponyo he had three jobs and spoke very little English every now and then Ponyo would spend $100 to pay for 100 ice cream cones then say ice cream free today and let kids get ice cream without paying for it he also exemplified the old Asian kung-fu master stereotype and did backflips in the store lobby which was pretty cool I work in a major trauma hospital in London and we once had this young boy arrive in the middle of the night whose arm from the elbow down had been completely sliced off by a machete the policemen arrived a few minutes later looking as white as a sheet holding a bag with the arm inside this boy is knocking at death's door the arm has a torniquet on but he has lost so much blood that even after 16 units the highest we could get his blood pressure was around 87 systolic within about 5 minutes of being inside our department the boy gets rushed off to theatre and when we turned the corner all of a sudden we see the trauma surgeon running along the theatre floor his sterile gown flying behind him looks like a goddamn cape and it's like something out of a freaking movie I wasn't present for the surgery but I know he did it he spent about 15 hours but he reattached all the vessels the ligaments and everything needed to be done for that arm I think after a few months it was pretty much fully functional again might seem pretty non superhero but to me he is a superhuman in New Zealand after the Christchurch earthquake a few years ago there was random footage of people helping it collapse buildings etc in the background of one shot clearly not really noticed by anyone at the time was a dude picking up massive chunks of concrete walls and building he was just tossing it out of the way like it was made of paper the country as a whole nicknamed him increa bro Hulk his response once media figured out who he was was that the weight of what he was grabbing hadn't even occurred to him he just knew there were potentially still people alive under it so it had to go when I was in college all students in our city used to go party in the same street filled with bars in that street there's also a fry shop where the owner would take like 10 to 15 people's orders at the same time without writing them down and he'd never mess up an order he was a living legend and I've never met a person who studied in this city that didn't eat at that place like it would be 4 a.m. and there would be lines of drunk students out the door and not once have I seen or heard of an order being messed up while nothing gets written down it's insane unfortunately he passed away a few years ago his son took over the business and shares the same talent in high school my marching band director could control the weather we lived in the rainy south near the coast where summer storms were common it never rained during practice all four years of high school the one time it did the director threw his little clipboard on the ground and just stared up at the sky and it just stopped he was a strange man watched a friend of mine get kicked in his junk with enough force to make hiroshima and nagasaki look like a joke while in a heated argument with some girl he just took it and continued arguing like this attempt to ruin his day did nothing to him at all when I was a 6th grader I rode the bus home halfway through the route the bus would pick up kids from another school these kids would often encourage the bus driver to speed over dips and bumps as it would launch the kids a few inches in the air she never did it until one time when she took a bump at 45 miles per hour kids hit the luggage racks flew across seats and the emergency door at the back flew open and this ten-year-old kid fell out of the bus now the bus was slowing down at this point but still traveling fairly quickly and this kid rolled back to his feet in one fluid motion sprinted up to the bus and left the five or so feet back through the doorway like he wasn't forcibly ejected from a moving vehicle I had a professor who learned the names of every single student in all of his classes some of which had three hundred-plus and a lecture and a little bit about each of them he could go up to anyone who had been in his class in the past few years and have a relevant conversation about their interests in what was going on in their lives to be fair he had a great system in place to allow him to do this he took photos of each student with their names and memorized them on flashcards and he had a ton of student aides who each got assigned a subset of the students to get to know much better and talk about it the student aid meetings and he assigned a lot of meaningful personal assignments ask students to talk about how the subject applied to their lives in class and held fun extracurricular events for extra credit but still going to all that trouble care about and really get to know every single student was pretty superhumanly awesome if you ask me he absolutely changed my life my husband lifted the front of a VW car off of a child who had been hit and had his neck under the front wheel this saved the kid's life and he was awarded by the police in Tower City he really hurt his back but he said the adrenaline rush was what got the car front off the ground one of my friends gave his last ten bucks to a messed up and freezing-cold sitting on the sidewalk my friend spent the next week starving until he got some money stuff like that didn't matter to him he never brought it up once never complained nothing that's my definition of superhuman my dad was really smart with math every time I asked about an equation or formulas he would always know in a second what to do he helped me to understand math and how to use it later on I asked him why didn't he become a math professor it was because he had PTSD and didn't want to affect the school children with his traumatic backslashes and see him sad sadly he passed away in 2018 of a heart attack at the age of 50 I was working in a clinic in - mum bought in a floppy blue newborn baby the doctor on duty was a man who stands six feet six inches we put the baby on a trolley and the doctor undressed the baby and lay his hand on the baby's body the doctors hand pretty much covered the baby's whole body the doctor then directed me and two other nurses as to what he wanted us to do he was so calm and so so clear and he saved that baby's life the baby had pneumonia and hypothermia it spent two weeks in ICU I only worked with him for a short while and never really told him how awesome he was saving that baby I know that's what doctors are supposed to do but he did it so well and so gracefully my granddad I know everyone thinks their family is a bit like this when their kid but he's slightly different for context he is a slight five feet for average man retired to a warm country nearby usually 30 to 35 degree in summer and in all these stories he is between 72 to 77 years old I once turned up at the airport to see him and grandma picked me up as he was busy turns out busy was that he'd looped rope around the chimney stack two-story house and was hanging out of another loop almost upside down painting the house with no visible way of having got up there except climbing the rope from the roof my grand take me to the supermarket and when we got back he was 35 feet up in a pine tree sawing a branch that was getting in the way of his view of the green on the Golf Course next to us he stood on the branch he was swing me and him went to the hardware store and on the way home he became convinced that the suspension in his 90s Toyota was squeaking I do car stuff too and couldn't hear it in the time I took to go around the house and get into my swimming trunks he'd got the car up on a jacket axle stands dropped the whole rear axle off the car dismantled one of the hubs and was sat on a tire inspecting a bush he asked me to dig a short trench for some lemon trees due to the hard volcanic soil in the 35 degrees heat at 11:00 a.m. after two hours I gave up and went for an ice-cream planning to try again at 3 p.m. I came back at 2 p.m. and he'd finished it himself I'd not even got 1/3 of the way through I once came back from the beach and found him balanced on one leg on the top step of the ladder under the eaves of the house in one hand he had a full-size workshop Here Come pressor the big on wheels kind and that the other hand was spraying under the roof tiles he was coughing furiously I went inside and asked my grandma what was going on she told me he'd filled the air compressor with a weak chlorine he'd made from pool supplies and was trying to smoke out some bats I went back out and could see the bats were just staring back at him he gave up soon after I could barely lift the compressor off the ground I got my finger trapped in my bike chain when I was reattached it to the COG my finger wasn't able to just pull out or even move the chain my dad came out and snapped the chain and half as if it was nothing when I was learning to play ice hockey as a child we had the usual kid who thought he was hot but not nearly as skilled as he thought fast as held but no accuracy whatsoever still better than I ever was though we practiced at the local rink so it didn't have plexi above the walls and one day this kid has a moment where he decides to try a slapshot puck completely goes off course and headed toward the stands and one of the coaches just skates by and plucks it out of the air he throws it back on the ice and shakes his hand looking mildly uncomfortable before skating up to the kid and sending him to the box for being a thought of him as coach spider-man forever after that a welterweight Cambodian in an exhibition plus gambling MMA match about nine years ago a Cambodia whose parents had to deal with the Khmer Rouge for the scars of that his whole family were super poor dude was completely illiterate mathematically in language but oh sweet Christ could he fight I've watched him five four times but the one etched into my memory is one with this opponent an Aussie stand-up fighter roided-up five feet eight inches five nine dude Aussie lead with a left jab uppercut feint and then a heart right hook Cambodian broke the fist of the jab with his own left horizontal elbow and moved inside the Aussies hook for a right hook of his own whole fight was maybe three seconds Aussie guy was knocked cold and his left hand was super broken anyone here who's boxed or done some serious competition knows that kind of BS belongs in the matrix I will never unsee that I was with a family friend helping out in the back garden this was in France where everyone's back Arden's are the size of a small island anyway as we're doing some weeding we hear commotion coming from the front we run over in the quraan dough's handbrake failed and it rolled over the dog trapping the dog under the car this woman ran over to the car and just lifted this heavy off-road vehicle like it was a piece of paper the dog is fine by the way and if you google the car it will come up with the new ones it's the 1998 one I haven't personally seen it but back when I was in first or second grade I had a classmate from Sri Lanka who went there on a family vacation he was supposed to be there for about two weeks I think in the middle of his vacation the big tsunami hit the area he was in I still remember sitting in the classroom and listening to our teacher telling us that they didn't know if he was okay because they hadn't heard anything yet he came back a week later than he was supposed to and he was okay as was every one of his family members he told us that they had been on high grounds and had seen the water disappear from the beach just below them there was a three meter high wall of some sort and when that tsunami came close people started running away from the beach a handful of people came running towards the place that they were in and he and his dad ran down there to get people to safety there he saw a tiny woman who wasn't able to climb the wall as the other people did so she jumped over it instead a tiny woman fully jumped over a three meter high wall being so young we were all amazed but it wasn't until I was a couple of years older that I realized it was because of adrenaline in bootcamp they have you do this contest called pugilist ticks it's the classic stuff you see on marine commercials helmet and a giant q-tip that you battle with it's harder than it looks and hurts they had us fight each other on a bridge so that anyone losing their balance would fall if you won you kept going until you lost some people would get smashed right away or win one and then gas and get crushed etc I got lucky and defeated two people on the bridge before gassing and failing to block a blow directly to my head fell into a pit of shredded tire bits below and retreated to my platoon next I see my buddy go up he's much stronger and bigger than I am I expect him to down a couple guys but what ensued was ridiculous he literally felled like eight or nine guys in a row couldn't be stopped so they started pitting two against him at a time this didn't work and he messed up six more guys before they literally just called the exercise and trotted us off to do something else there used to be this old black guy living near me in Philly every day he do the craziest BS and he was in his 60s first every day rain shine or snow he put on a pair of short shorts and sandals at 5:00 a.m. and went for a 12 to 20 mile run he'd get back at a dish if he did 12 miles he then went for a swim at the Y that was just the everyday but I've seen him do crazy stuff like he got locked out of his apartment building so he very quickly scaled up three stories to his window I saw him do a standing jump into a trash can for a $5 bet he was seen everywhere because on top of running he liked to walk we lived in North Philly and I'll never forget my surprise seeing him in Pottstown apparently his brother was visiting a friend and he wanted to see him so the crazy bastard walked 45 miles down on the river front he liked to fish after a storm part of a wall eroded and collapsed and dropped large stones onto his favorite spot each probably about 100 pounds and he was there tossing them out of the way he loudly exclaimed hoo hoo I'm thirsty one day at our nearby park while filling up a gallon jug from the spigot he said it loud enough that a good number of people looked at him just in time to see him take the gallon and chug every last drop right there then he refilled and said something like this gonna be for later he also would do pull-ups on monkey bars and just not stop like he could just go for as long as he felt like in addition he regularly did flagpoles and could hold it for about 2 minutes he got shot three times during a mugging in the chest and walked to a hospital four miles away because Frankfort general is Shh which was down three blocks from where he was shot getting off the El finally he ate huge meals I'm talking like comical quantities of food he would dumpster dive things like Dunkin Donuts or pizzahut or Philadelphia pretzel factory to get literal trash bags of food that he'd sit on his porch and eat I remember watching in awe as he ate a five gallon bucket of watermelon slices in another time he just ate bagels one after another it was like five bags of them he wasn't a big dude and you could just watch his stomach expand like a balloon then there was the time with the Wawa milks a Wawa milk truck broke down on our block and lost power in the heat the driver was taking the milk out of the truck and asked if anyone wanted any because corporate is sending a trash truck to get them as they have no more refrigerated trucks available that could get there before the two-hour mark at which they have to be trashed we all took a few except this guy he said yo my man is they free was told yes and said ok and carried shirt full by shirt full to a cooler putting them in then more inside I assumed to his fridge he put ice in the cooler then went back to the truck driver to play chess cards and talk to him while holding a small trash can they talked for over 5 hours before the trash truck got there the whole time he drank milk after mini milk after mini milk filling up the can with empties he worked his way through a full crate of whole milk when the guy left who went inside and threw more ice into his cooler later that night he was outside drinking a milk thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the conspiracy playlist let us know if you have similar stories share them in the comments
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 208,099
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts superpowers, reddit super powers, reddit superpowers irl, reddit superpower story, reddit best super power, superhuman strength, superhuman strength real life, super powers, real life super powers
Id: 7-Lf8iyfF9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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