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and you said it before before Michael it is it's real sense of gratitude each athlete none of them taking for granted the fact that they get to race here exactly today's when the forecast here in Kailua Kona Hawaii on the Big Island temperature today 88 degrees top temperature Celsius wise 31 Road temperature is going to be 85 right now it's going to heat up to about 120 out on the lava fields that's 29 degrees right now water temperature up beautiful 82 degrees you could take a cake of soap out there and have a nice little bath I would suggest that for you were there Michael 28 degrees and humidity and 74% right now but the wind speed only 3.5 miles an hour but guys 18 knots right now in Harvey it's going to kick up a little bit is it going to pose a problem that right there is the weather here but what's it like out on this iconic racecourse let's have a close look at the map through and through let's go on over to TV grease Bella and explain the swim our athletes will get started this morning walking down those steps we just saw into Kailua Bay one of the most emotionally charged starts in sport it is a very simple elongated rectangular course with just two simple right-hand turns when the athletes will then make their way back to that same set of stairs what it will exit the bay and enter transition one and then once out on to the event 'im bike course it is one lap a little mini warm-up loop in town before you head right up the Kuakini and back down into town the crowds will send you right out onto the historic and famous Queen Kaahumanu Highway the Queen K as we Carlisle call it here for short all the way through those lava fields out out and away they go it can be desolate lonely windy and hot and then once you get to a final turning point in Kauai high the road trends up up in a way towards hobby at nearly 60 miles you'll find yourself in a completely different climate somatic illogical zone and you will turn around and come right back and do the same thing again but no almost 2200 meters of climbing that's almost 6,000 feet of vertical change back through Kauai high all the way up the scenic point past the air point and then you're gonna come right on in where you transition for Discipline number three unlike the bike course the run course is relatively flat they head out to pahoehoe Park when they'd make the u-turn at three miles back to Palani Road which is the hill on the run course out to the energy lab back into town on the Queen Kaahumanu highway before running down the famed alii Drive for the finish line of the Vega Ironman World that's it Craig the cannon has sounded this cannon had started this race for years getting these guys underway right now the professional men in the water and look at it the white water can tell you right now how hard these athletes are kicking churning up those waters of Kailua Bay the roca swim course we talked about it very very unique and I think the most notable point is that there are only two turns that gives you almost 1.2 exactly almost 1.2 miles before you take one turn Greg well Chi joined but getting called through 100 meters across to the other side of the clue ease all the way back into the courtyard by Marriot King Kamehameha Beach Hotel that's what they're going to be aiming for the landmark will be the east tower as they make their way back into town 739 from amber Joe Matt and here they come guys we got Josh hamburger first on looks comfortable looks composed he goes underneath washes off with some fresh water yog pretty young for Dino decides to come to the front and research up into the front of this course and set the pace making one morning for Dino going past the 8 station and making sure that he gets his bubble super and I can't wait to see it right now Jodhpur Dino from Germany in front of Mark tending with the winds all at the same time Michael just Timothy O'Donnell accelerating around the you know yarn from Dino there he was struggling with the bag then we can see also Alistair Brownlee made a very seven degrees and climbing in 61% um--if drops in the middle of the day but in the afternoon it comes back you are looking at beautiful overhead shots of the North Kohala coast of Kona Hawaii the Big Island that is the host of the Vega Ironman World Championship record it just doesn't have this nice just see what happened here is Patrick Langham ADEs way up toward Kauai high looking fine just going through this section but right there really really quickly just pulling across to the side of the road making a move and I just have to interrupt here we got Patrick Langer just pulling across to the side of the street right now this is right at the turn to Kauai high it doesn't look good for Patrick Lang and he's lost touch with the provement now being consoled coach your significant other cracks you completely you're feeling bad and it just takes you it gets you the way out that's what's happening so the withdrawal of our defending champion has been conferred courses in the world that is the iron men asia-pacific championship pins in 2020 now as we go back to Sebastian King lay Michael looking good Sheila is looking amazing he's rolling through this man won the race in 2014 and then he's also taking home those Ironman 70.3 titles but he knows this race he loves this race and he goes for the win but Sebastian Kela he told us about how to handle this race how to attack it Sebastian what does he have to say to us let's take a listen if she just gets stronger and stronger as the the marathon goes through and I think that's something that you know that's gonna be the difference between Perry marathon time and a lot of the other marathon runners back-to-back champion yarn from Dino in 15 and 16 now making his way back into the inside of the last 10 miles here we both well 11 miles to go he's coming up on the Kona Airport once he hits the International Airport right here turn into the pier and this is it he is going to drop that bike freeze running shoes right now off into the change tent of wonder you got that here he comes he's rounding the corner he's on the mat and he looks perfect I mean this is an athlete that he it was a nightmare year for him laid down an incredible bike ride and check this out because this is a all about sportsmanship right here you can see the yawn for Dino and Kenworth extends the hand out the same man on the road running down into that section energy that this is the new section snap of it to the camera a huge fist pump he deserves it so yog for Dino and their historic day here in Kona and look at this support that he's getting at the bottom of Palani Hill right now just representing inside of one mile to go the record seven hours 52 minutes and 39 seconds that is the world championship race record not the overall world record in the global series of races but now John Ford II know he's going to be a three-time Ironman will champion and look at them he wants it he's trusting that upper 40 he's calling for every bit of energy coming out of those things right now he has muscles that are that seem you eat he's a very tall equity stand six three tall look at this guy he's inside of one mile to go right now two more rides that would be hawala to finish line of this iconic race arguably the most grueling one-day sporting event in the world beyond Farina is now making his way to the finish line predictions have him coming in under 750 with his pace he's currently running and again this is math but the math we have show him at a 749 so taking two three minutes off of that course record and again this is not something that he probably started thinking about at the beginning of the day the the goal get back be competitive go for the win then and leave once you're in this final stretch you could start to realize wait a second this is mine people were yelling tube he's looked at his watch but this I'm predicting the 750 or for a kick hunter based on what he's doing right now I've sat down with the opera denied before Navas team you know Yana 38 years of age [Music] but I'd love to keep on doing it uh pushing myself hashtag hashtag because I can and today if he breaks that world record the world championship record right here in kailua-kona Mustang because like him hashtag I NW see that spoil he's gonna enjoy this he knows how painful it was to be here last year obviously physically because he had the injury but also emotionally because he had to sit on the sidelines and he's gonna enjoy every if the offer Dina gets across the line he breaks that will release going straight to the day the time before he gets up but he will be beat down there by indecisive in the Farina a champion Olympic JPB the same year a 2008 Thursday night Emma he's lovely watch into the Australian Sports Hall of Fame so this family has a great reputation of being incredible athletes mignon for Dino right now he is the man of the hour inside a half a mile to go he's seven minutes and 50 seconds hopping on Timothy O'Donnell in second place after Dino has really put the middle down the pedal to the metal he's turning rods who all alive rode a quarter of a mile to go he's trying to take the inside line he knows he's on wall championship record Pais and look at that the team is a Scoob athletes as he makes his way right sit under the way each one and that's it for the day that's it how we're looking at it this is the moment this is the hot corner on the run this is the second time he's run this stretch and that favorite stretch of alley Drive is just around that next corner give us your honest opinion DGP unexciting today required and conditions up in hobby that somebody could break seven hours and 52 minutes I did not think the course record would go down today when we saw that the swell in the swim today we saw the winds up in Javy we know how humid it's been all week I did not think that record was in jeopardy I did but not all day long you know what I thought it was when she rode away at the airport when she dropped everyone it distance himself from everyone that was when I said this man came here to make is mark so right now chasing down nobody up the road except for island breeze and the celebratory towards but this folks as he makes his way down alii Drive right now yatra be no he's gonna soak it up here at 38 years ago old page the 2008 Olympic Games he was first place collecting the gold medal that was one of the things that he wanted to strike off his list another thing that he wanted to strike off was an Ironman World Championship victory he did that in 2016 he came back sorry in 2015 he came back in 2016 and he was able to repeat his champion over the next two years he suffered some injuries a back injury 17 and then in 2018 after he won the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Port Elizabeth South Africa he Tora he's sacrum and a stress fracture he spent the most part of the winter out as an injured athlete but he rebuild himself and he now reinvented himself as the Iron Man world champion beyond for Dina tonight [Music] he was simply brilliant today he's gonna bring it home for a third Ironman World Championship victory and now creating history as the first chairman athlete to win three Ironman World Championships the 2019 iron man's world champion the Vega Ironman world champion is young for Dina of Germany he has taken the world championship [Applause] [Applause] championship record comes down today 7 hours and 51 minutes away to the official time to come in very good getting the championship refill again most frequent but a new championship record for the time of 2 hours 42 minutes and 43 seconds in Modena also just me at the finish line here inducted into the Australian Sports Hall of Fame two nights ago joins him at the finish line now being met by Asian that is Felix prettier but this is what may be training for for a very long time [Applause] we just have to spend a little time embracing what they've got down there and here this travels with these massage therapists right there from spine he lives in Girona spiney hails from Germany lives in Australia as well and there we go we knew he was gonna hit the deck he has given it a monumental effort today was nothing simply sort of brilliant as we go down and save you listen that Mike Riley who's joining the ant for Dino in just a few moments for his post race interview here today but Rodino here he now will be under drug protocol and he doping is right here on the spot so young Freddie no absolutely exhausted in a great race today the 2019 vigor Ironman world champions in a new championship winning time of seven hours and Sydney wanna change [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah I'll tell you what you look relaxed watching you today but on the inside we could kind of tell you know after two years of pushing through it and happy no right here and all of a sudden you're back it's got to be one heck of a feeling honestly I mean this last week it's been it's been such a roller coaster and thank you all for reaching out I got so many messages and it just made me realize that for all the nerves and all the hard work from in order to be able to appreciate it and then one more people shout as you go get your date the time like bloody timely mail on I just want to finish choice on a joy so thank you all for shouting Acuna done without you [Applause] like there's an always gonna end up it's gonna get the Bombers course record you probably didn't think that was gonna happen honestly um I honestly I don't care about the record it's fantastic but we all know it was a great day two years in a row of fast fast times and it's the championship it's though it's the Wimbledon of our sport it's the greatest feeling in the world and you know after walking here two years ago it's a bloody good feeling to run form in a cage well yarn you're an amazing champion and this corner crowd you gotta love them out there huh they are amazing I mean it's uh it's such a unique finish line I mean you're out there in the energy lab by yourself starting it out and trying to not look in your competitors eyes and really what you're doing is waiting for that for the little alley drive to send which is probably the hardest 500 meters in our sport is the descent down allahi aleeh my legs have shouted so yeah thanks for shouting me to the line and thanks for being here you're amazing oh yeah Rodino again you are the very young ironman world champion well an average time of 609 s on the run today per mile its sub 248 where he said Iran forming a case well your will under that today yawn you ran a 242 good enough for a World Championship winning time of just over 7 hours and 51 minutes but now let's bring the Americans
Channel: Triathlon Endurance World
Views: 896,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ironman kona, ironman kona 2019, ironman world championship, Jan frodeno, ironman Triathlon, ironman motivation, kona
Id: arC5Q6fD5g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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