I AM GOING TO MAKE IT // Triathlon Motivation 2020

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when you got an idea you want to move on you might not have the money you might not have the education you might not have the support of the resources you need what is that something that can keep us going that will enable us to act on our dream what's one of those keys that will begin to help us to discover the secrets to our dream comfort zone is dangerous when you're comfortable you are at most thing nope the comfort zone is somewhere you need to you should never feel come you should be happy and dissatisfied you say to yourself every day it's possible let's say that every day to yourself it's possible because what does that do see it begins to change your belief system so the way in which we operate ladies and gentlemen it's a manifestation of what we believe what's possible for us whatever you've done up to this point all that it it's a duplication it's a reproduction of what you believe subconsciously that you deserve and what's possible for your life anybody ever tell you you know what just be satisfied with what you got don't believe get him away from you should never be satisfied with what you got because they get more makes you into something better all the time don't let anybody tell you a man you know once you can meet yourself with compassion then you can begin to let go of whatever it is that's really with your mindset you can get back on track you can refocus and don't wait till Monday and that's a mistake that everybody makes the reality is reading a book or going to a conference or having a great conversation where you get this golden information that's all fantastic but what makes mastery is execution on the ideas not the ideas and so no idea works unless you're willing to roll up your sleeves do the practice invest the time put in the effort do the work I think we've all observed a lot of people who they love reading the books they love showing up with the courses they do all the online training and nothing ever changes and they say well you know I don't know why it doesn't change why my life doesn't change why my thinking doesn't change why my performance doesn't change why relationships don't change well it's because ideas don't work if you don't execute on them so if you look at the great business builders you look at any great performer one thing that makes them great is their grit one thing that makes them great is their hunger to practice one thing that makes them great is they are willing to sacrifice I mean yes they're passionate but did you know the root of the word passion is suffering you've got to be willing to suffer for your vision you've got to be willing to suffer to reach BIW best in the world you've got to be willing to suffer the ridicule and laughter of your critics and your cynics to get to a place called world class a lot of you feel stuck because you're waiting for some kind of external force to either push you and pressure you to change and to be great and to be amazing or you're waiting for somebody to give you permission you're either sitting back because you need some sort of external motivation from somebody it's gonna push you or praise you or pressure you in order to change or some life circumstance like maybe in your past you've experienced trauma or you face something really scary and that was the thing that made you change and then the second thing that people wait around for is permission look those may or may not comment if you are somebody that is sitting around waiting for some external force to come and do the work for you that is such a losing bet it's unbelievable maybe you'll get lucky maybe somebody will come but more than likely no one is coming the only kind of force that will truly create change in your life is you the internal kind of force I hate to say it but for those of you that feel really really stuck and you keep thinking that somebody's got to pick me or somebody's going to discover me or somebody's got to give me permission to write this book it's it's ridiculous this is external versus internal force and what you have to figure out if you're stuck is are you the kind of person that is guilty of needing wanting and waiting for external forces people an event some outside force to kick you in the ass they will finally do the stuff that you've been dreaming about doing I want to tell you something no one's coming no one the people in life that get what they want are the ones that aren't waiting for an external force to validate their dreams to inspire them to give them permission it's the people that realize that success that happiness that control it comes from the internal force and what is the internal force it's you it's you it's you being able to realize that no one's going to do the work for you it's you realizing that your ready in fact even as you start working toward the things that you really want to do you're definitely not going to feel ready and you're going to feel outside your comfort zone and that's normal and you start to feel like you're stretching yourself you just stick in your scrawny neck out there and you're taking some risks that's amazing because you're growing now let me give you the secrets of success or I'm gonna prevail your few errors in judgment repeated every day for one month starts the weakness starts the disaster process you can imagine what happens to six-year now here's the formula for success a few simple discipline practice every you started a whole new process called I'm telling you you have begun the process of turning your life around and if you keep up that process not only with your health habits but with your money habits with your communication habits with your sales habits and management habits and every other habit that you got if you'll start that process eliminate the errors and replace it with disciplines practiced young you start this process of life change immediately after today you don't ever have to be the same again only by choice you don't have to walk out of here the same as you walked in only by choice you can start a whole new process you say when the throne isn't that simple yes it's that simple where else would you start but with an apple you don't have to start with something staggering what if you should be walking around the block for your good health and you don't [Music] what'll that do in six years I'm telling you the word is disaster you could and you should and you don't here's an even stronger word you won't I mean don't might mean you're careless won't probably means you're stubborn and either one's called disaster good should don't I'm telling you that's why at the end of five years I've six years I found myself with pennies in my pocket nothing in the bank creditors calling could should won't could should don't he's called disaster now how do you change all that the next six years I got ribs next six years I became a millionaire by the time I'm 31 I'm a millionaire how about that you say well mr. Rome what happened well strangely enough during that second six years of my economic life the government was about the same I'm telling you taxes were about the same my negative relatives were the same I'm telling you the economy was about the same and prices were about the same and everything else was about the same circumstances were about the same then how come I got rich how come I totally changed my life I was not the same somebody says well what did you go to work on to do all that I started with my philosophy I started amending my errors by doing some better thinking changing my mind coming up with ideas that I didn't have before I met my teacher and once that whole process started for me I'm telling I changed my whole life within a six year period I was never the same and I've kept up that process all these years one of the reasons why I'm here is to continue my craft I don't want the day to come some day somebody says you should have heard Jim Rohn ten years ago when he was really terrific guess what I want people to say I heard him 10 years ago but you should hear him now I'm telling you the man works on his craft I'm gonna need the man's gun sir I'm telling you the man doesn't miss a trick I'm telling you he's worked hard on himself that's why he's able to deliver like the same thing can happen for you as a teenager it could happen to you as a mother father at the business person at the salesperson running a business doesn't matter management wherever you find yourself this is the process called personal change what I say is not with you to start with your own philosophy your philosophy is going to determine whether or not you go for the disciplines or continue the errors that's called potential and everybody has it within their we'll be so happy for me to find out at age 25 mr. joke sevens throne you don't have to change countries but you do have to change in a butanes philosophy not country [Music] turn around your skills you can become capable powerful sophisticated healthy influential all the other equities that you can possibly walk out of your life using the only stuff there is and not trying to change any of this stuff appreciate all of this stuff with all of its ups and downs with all of its history of why it works and sometimes it doesn't work don't challenge this don't have to ask for another planet you don't have to ask for another country just ask for another book ask for another similar ask for another idea you can start this whole process personal life now I could spend the whole day on philosophy that's where it is if I could get you intrigued with that enough to study it enough to ponder it to where you'd pick up the commitment like I didn't say hey as simple as an apple a day as simple as the walk around the block why not start right there if you don't start there where else you're going to start might as well start where it's easy and then go to the more complicated just because if you can't handle the complicated the simple disciplines how can you handle the complicated you know what passion is passion is an emotion it's an emotion without an action passion will get you nowhere inner drive will get you nowhere unless you act on it but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerds or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming some reason or another you just haven't done it and you know you want to do this you really want to do this but you don't know why you haven't done it we know that this is not easy because in order to begin to reinvent your life you've got to make a conscious deliberate determine but you really got to put all of yourself into them it's very challenging to add to do most things that among the things that prevent us from acting is the fear of failure and if you've already failed you don't want to fail again the pain of that fear it's not real the only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future it is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist that is near insanity do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice you have to act on your passion you have to act on your inner drive don't let those feelings stay inside you you gotta know what to do with them you gotta know how to make them work in order to get what you want don't keep it inside prayer is great contemplation is great but if you don't take action action action all the rest is waste you have to actually show up every day yourself forward to work these treatments and not only show up every day and once in a while its yourself I mean every day you have to actually take an action that moves you forward not just research not just thinking look the power of an intention is great but without any initiative it's dead right a dream is great but without any movement it's dead you have to be moving towards everyday keep every single day momentum going and if you don't do that there's no G if you find your passion you're gonna have this tremendous energy a sustainable energy but momentum requires you always do the next thing that keep the momentum going and the reason you get yourself in a passionate place is so that you change your life and the only thing that changes your life is making a decision so while you're in this passionate state that's where you make decisions most people don't use their imagination constructively most people use their imagination destructively they imagine what they don't want we've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we do want if we will take and sit down with a pen and ask ourselves what do I really want what do I really want and write it now and then make a written description of it in the present tense writing causes thinking thinking creates an image and you get these images going you're building a vision in your mind it's the visionaries that changed the world think of them the fact that I can sit and look into this camera and you can sit and look at me on your phone or on your TV or on your laptop that was the result of somebody's vision generally everything you've got the clothes you wear the house you live in this microphone that's in front of me it was all a result of somebody's vision it's not an accident you and I have a marvelous imagination and everything starts with a vision then goes that's how he did such beautiful work he said first I dream my painting you're never ever ever ever going to feel like doing the things you need to do in order to have what you want you're always going to need to push yourself you're always going to need to parent yourself so what is the net advice on this what what is the bottom line the bottom line is no one's coming no one no one's going to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the TV off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that job that you've always dreamt about nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you and because you're only ever gonna do the things that you feel like doing right now or that feel good right now unless you understand that you've got to parent yourself you got to push yourself you're not gonna make your dreams come true you're just not we're not wired that way you weren't born that way you weren't that way when you're growing up and you're certainly not that way as an adult and there's a tremendous amount of liberation that comes when you accept the fact that you're always going to need to give yourself a push success is an elusive thing right what is it and I think it's very interesting that if most people can't define success well it means you've made X amount of dollars or but if you make X amount of dollars you spend more are you successful or what means you come from happy every day okay how do you know when you're kind of eight you know so I think success is a funny thing which is we all seem to pursue it but we don't know how to measure it or actually how to define it so how do you pursue something that you can't measure fascinating so when people say to me how do you measure success the question we all have to ask ourselves am i successful I don't know I mean I had a good year last year and what does that mean does that mean I made a lot of money does that mean is really happy oh I'll let you decide right maybe neither maybe both I had a good year last year but am i successful and the answer is no I don't feel I am because I'm trying to build a world that doesn't exist yet I'm trying to build a world in which 90% of people go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work that they do so I definitely took a step a big step forward towards that goal but I'm still so far away so somebody said to me then how do you know if you're successful and the answer is if it can go by itself and so what is more interesting to me as a measurement of success is not the the the markers per se it's not the the financial goal or the the size of the house that you want to buy those a nice thing go for it those are but those are not measurements of success those are just nice things to collect along the way for me it's momentum I want to measure momentum which is you know when something is moving and you start to see you lose momentum you like oh give it a push because if you don't get a push it's gonna stop and an object in stasis is much harder to get going it requires a lot more energy to get something started than it does to keep it going right and so if you don't let it stuff and you can keep going into this you know it still might slow down down there but you can get it going again much easier and for me the opportunity is to get the ball rolling fast and faster and faster and faster and faster and bigger and bigger and bigger and Slyke a snowball and my responsibility is because it's not rolling downhill yet it's not on automatic yet I need to still keep it going to find that critical mass where it can go and at the point it can go by itself without me then I will find something else to do and that may not happen in my lifetime I think we must all stop measuring promotions salaries and these things but rather measure the momentum of your career does my career have momentum can I see it moving in the right direction can I see it gathering Moss you know can I see that it's easy becoming easier for me to keep the momentum it's becoming easier for me to grow the size of this thing it's it's requiring less effort that's the thing we need to measure that's the thing that we need to be cognizant of which is the momentum of our career is not just the the markers that we think define our success you
Channel: szTRI
Views: 75,867
Rating: 4.8803148 out of 5
Keywords: triathlon, sport, motivation, swim, bike, run
Id: EuBxklvquc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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