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is this the no is this the guy that i deleted all this stuff can i speak to that guy oh what did he do i deleted every 37 000 files off his computer yo guys what is up scammer vaults here bringing you guys another scam bait video in today's video we got a pretty mad scammer in this call here um totally just wiped this guy's computer so it was pretty hilarious so if you guys like this video make sure you give it a like also if you want to follow my library channel my twitter my instagram all those links will be in the description below but other than that i will see you guys in the next video peace okay i clicked accept and now it's on another page it says waiting okay just a second okay okay and just wait for a while okay okay okay and i'll uh i'll pass the line my technician he will guide you and he will show you how many files they corrupt your computer okay just a second so like my whole computer's got a problem yes okay i'll show you it okay okay hello yeah hello yes sir hello a good day this is leonardo shawshenko i'm the senior executive manager over here how are you doing today i'm doing fine how are you i'm doing great thank you sir i guess i got this issue now though so that's a little that kind of sucks but yeah you know i'll get there so what is the main issue that you've got well the guy the other guy told me he said that my stuff it like on my computer like somebody got into it somehow and now like it i got like something corrupted yes sir just hold on just give me a minute just let me check it out for you okay okay just click on request evaluation please click where oh this green button you just click on request evaluation okay and just click on here okay okay i did that and i just told lunges can give me one minute oh okay for your computer services for the computer services for the three years i did 3.99 okay no problem so what we'll be doing is you know because we are not you know i'm gonna provide you the services for two you know like three days and you do some technical issues uh-huh so what i'm going to do is i'm going to reimburse you back in the 399 okay so we'll still be keeping that but the 399 will be reimbursing you back all right wait so what am i getting back you're getting back 3.99 sir is that does that mean my service is going to be like ended or what's gonna happen with my service uh well it's not gonna get ended you know basically you know you're not gonna be receiving services for three days because there is some technical issues thirty six thousand files over here and due to the koi 19 situation in the most referred technical employees aren't at work oh it's so slow oh it you can see it here it's deleting the files on his computer i mean a problem i'm going to give you one application uh-huh three days after three days no you'll be um seeing your services back up again okay so so like my computer won't be like by itself for that long then only a couple of days is it fine if i just like leave it off during that time because i don't want to like mess up and up and you know get something on it i'm not very good with this stuff yeah that's why i got that's why i had the support you know so because i wasn't you know thank you yeah you get what i mean yeah just give me a minute okay he's downloading zeke leader what wait what's he doing obviously it will be back so let me give you the free version for it just hold on oh and this is this is the the security software just give me one minute okay yeah i just asked is this the security software yes sir this is the free security software what we're gonna be installing ccleaner is not an antivirus or is anything security related okay yo look his his mic is lagging did you come back on service sorry what'd you say you're a little quiet hello yes sir i'm here sir yeah i just said you're a little quiet it's kind of hard to hear you because you're a little quiet okay sir i said you know the cc cleaner is a backup application oh that's better i can hear you a lot better now um okay and he immediately goes quiet again look it's taking so long to delete his internet is so bad as it's deleting his microphone is like cutting out because they're internet so bad i want to go for like a sis key but what am i gonna do here this internet is horrible ah i can't believe they're telling me see cleaner if people for anyone who doesn't know ccleaner is like those apps you'll get on your phone to clean your phone to delete files that you don't need stuff like that that's what ccleaner is let me get this running first do i need to pay for this one no it's a free one as you can see over here at the top you know the left hand cleaner see that oh yeah yeah i see that over here you know free for home use okay uh so why am i playing the free version that we're giving you with the backup because you know your main services aren't going to be working so this cc cleaner is gonna be taking care of it you know okay oh my god he's so his internet is so bad and once you know this will protect my computer for the next three days yes sir yes sir absolutely and then after that three days what's going to happen then after the three days you know your services that you paid for and they're going to be coming in guy think that i just paid them so they will be taking over and that's why he's doing this you know now i think he thinks i just paid just that you know as of for now you know as of for now going out of business you know not a big way actually you know we have some technical problems so we're going at you know a very quick for like three days so you wouldn't be having the security system that i gave you is a backup application it's lagging so bad you should be taking care of your computer for the next few days and then after the next three days your normal term as soon as the problem gets you okay sorry what you can't you're still a little quiet just let me give you the refund form okay oh the form okay yeah you're kind of going in and out a little bit there i couldn't really hear you for a second and the amount that you paid you know the 3.99 and from average bank did you paid your function what was the name of the bank sir the name of the financial institution uh first state first state yes credit union yes okay 80 oh 34 000 total of 37 000 oh my gosh they got so much crap on here it's like as he starts using the the computer trying to click on things you're already there he just lagged yeah i'm here can you hear me so did you use your debit or credit sir i used uh for the payment i used credit yeah mastercard look at master credit it only failed three hundred ninety nine percent of his files are good oh man this is the one take your time fill it out please so wait what do i need to do here this is your one page refund form so just take your time fill it out for the refund sir okay okay now i'm going to open up the page yeah i see it here so what do i need to fill in the form okay just hold up okay [Music] no oh did i hit it i can't oh no i don't know if i hit it i clicked on it but the all the lag no they unplugged it they unplugged it wait wait wait i don't know if they know it's me because he acted like if it was hold on we just wiped 37 000 files off this guy's computer found this is key i think i'm not sure we're going to call back and i'm going to ask for the same guy we're calling back we're calling back i'll be like like call us it's still yeah he totally unplugged it he unplugged it it thinks it thinks he's still connected so i'm gonna disconnect him here we're gonna call back i don't know if i don't know if i hit it because i clicked okay i don't know because it was it was really laggy i i can't call that one i can't call that one i'm just gonna say we failed it i'm not sure but let me call back oh man hello hello yeah hi so my name is mark and i'm calling you from computer refund department how are you doing today yeah i was just speaking or someone in my fault my phone call got disconnected your phone call disconnected yeah they were helping me here i was about to fill out this refund form and then our call got cut off it just went silent so i called back so what do you see on your computer screen right now well that page with the numbers on this any desk page came back and i see the page it says western union oh he hung up he hung up oh they might they probably know hello what happened yeah my call got disconnected again oh they so dope they know they know they know there's a video here what the [ __ ] it's a scammer going hello hello hello hello four sorry this mailbox is full and they didn't pick up to my call hold on uh let me call them with another number seems like most of the files i got i didn't download too many files but it seems like most of them um are these are mostly people's like information and phone numbers yeah like call back it has people's numbers that they want to call back and such and then this this listen to this listen listen to this here hold on no hello hello hello hello it's a scammer going hello hello hello hello i think he was trying to test the microphone and see if it worked on the computer okay i'm just gonna call it back i'm gonna call him out hello yeah hi sir my name is mark and i'm calling you from computer refund department how are you doing today yeah can i talk to the guy who got his computer screwed up i beg your pardon the guy where i deleted all his stuff and messed up his computer can i talk to him you know what's the name of the guy so his name is ben yeah let me talk to him there is no bench with you well i'm talking to one right now so pass the phone to the other bench so i can talk to him but there's no ventures over here yes he's there i deleted all his files i downloaded some and then i went for assist key i think you know who i'm talking about let me talk to them are they cowards okay he's right there just hand him the phone they just hang up he says oh he wants to talk to the ben chude and they laugh and then he hangs up hello yes thank you for calling computer refund department how may i help you oh yeah i've i've got my any disk here i have my any disk here it's open do you need the numbers it's his [ __ ] head he just hangs up oh my gosh hello [Music] i deleted every 37 000 files off his computer 37 000 for the computer yeah i deleted it off his computer i i think his name is like uh robert or something just let me talk to him just say the guy just say just say hey the guy who got his files deleted just asking the call center be like the guy who got the the say the syskey say that say the sis key see the siskiy yeah yeah okay okay i can hear him in the background come your internet on and update so he just hangs up oh my gosh these guys these guys they just don't care they don't care they call one more time i might have to change numbers again it's just ringing yeah i'm at the change numbers again they blocked me on that one oh my goodness i'm not these guys really don't seem like they care but you know there's like eh or the guy really just doesn't want hello hey yeah what happened yeah you all got your files deleted what happened sorry i got all your guys's files when i was when i was trying the sys key you remember that no i don't remember that i got 30 i got 37 000 files deleted on your computers oh listen listen listen listen listen hello hello yes yeah is this the one that got his crap deleted the [ __ ] mm-hmm you feel like an idiot did you look on your desktop i will [ __ ] your mother your son i won't do anything [ __ ] okay i gotta call one more time you suck my toe hello hi so my name is mark and i'm calling you from computer refund department how are you doing today yes can i talk to the man who was very mad whom do you want to talk to he said he said suck my mother suck my toe suck my face all these things i'm sorry sir whom do you want to talk to he was talking about sucking and all this these things he was it was very weird can i talk to him just know did you receive the call his name is ben chod let let me speak to him he is mad because i deleted his files let me talk to him there is no bench over here so yes oh this is this is you again no ben told no you're all ben chodes what do you mean scammers you ban chord they're blocking my numbers don't do there he goes all right i'ma end this video here uh this this recording too hello hello hello what the hell all right i'm gonna end this i'm gonna end this video here if you guys liked it please give it a like i'll i'll post this recording on uh tsu along with the post i make about these guys so check that out if you're on tsu but yeah i'm in this here hope you guys liked it if you did like it give it a like and if you aren't subscribed already hit that subscribe button we're nearing 800k um so that's crazy but yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video i'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 169,938
Rating: 4.9650922 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, Pro, scambait, rage, scambaiting, Exposed, scammerrevolts, scammer revolts, sr, SRArmy, scamming the scammers, WIPING 37K FILES OFF A SCAMMERS PC, thousands of scammers files deleted, scammer rages, funny scammer rage, scammer prank call, comedy scambait, DELETING A REFUND SCAMMERS FILES, refund scammer, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, Destroying a scammer's PC, SCAMMER RAGES, scammer trolling, funny scammer prank, angry scammer
Id: PnAYdWf9-rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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