Winx Club - Season 7 Full Episodes [1-2-3]

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foreign [Music] here we are oh finally ah I'm worn out shopping day in Magic City was beyond magical Beyond exhausting you mean all we did was run after you from one shop to the other in case you forgot Stella all these shopping bags are yours and they're really heavy [Music] and what we need is a miniaturizing spell why didn't you do this like four hours ago I didn't want you to miss out on the thrill of helping me Stella [Music] had Mr sparaganda is going to give us so much grief about this relax I know a secret passage that can get us back inside without being seen step only where I step and don't make a sound get ready girls what is that thing we'll find out later first we have to stop it Tecna Flora get those girls to safety you with me oh [Music] oh oh come here little one nobody is going to hurt you mistress araganda uh did we wake you up we'll talk about that later ladies what did you feed it [Music] just as I suspected the can Gourmet must eat only fruits and vegetables because candy turns it into a rampaging nightmare you are the keepers of the alphia natural park don't forget that [Music] [Music] as for all of you I'm sure you have an excellent reason for coming back so late [Music] in my office now I'm very disappointed Winks you are the best fairies in Alfia ah you should be setting an example for all the students you're right headmistress it won't happen again there's another reason I asked you here the alphia natural park tomorrow morning you're all going to accompany me to visit it I'd like for you all to see it foreign because you're going to plan the Park's grand opening party party did somebody say [Music] a grand opening party can you imagine it's so exciting I don't know if I can get to sleep well I know I can no I'm sorry it's so late is everything all right oh you poor thing here you go oh see you tomorrow girls wear something sporty it's gonna be a day in the open air leave it to me I'll work all night huh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] wake up sleepyheads the Fashion Show is about to start unbelievable oh you better believe it Aisha prepare for a jaw-dropping fashion juggernaut [Music] come on uh not that jaw dropping we are about to travel through a park filled with wondrous animals and our Styles should reflect that [Music] ladybugs really oh or if you prefer something a little Wilder [Music] oh well Stella we might need something a bit more practical and discreet you mean something with no style whatsoever after all we are just tourists in the park tourists did you say I can work with tourists [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] we love it [Music] you finished laughing Kiko I've got a tourist outfit for you too laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] nice to see you wings we're ready to go along with the two keepers a friend of yours will also be joining us Roxy hey girls I thought who better than the fairy of animals to get the kangor May safely back to the park [Music] Facebook we better get this show on the road our poor Kiko won't have any carrots left [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming here was a wonderful idea headmistress thank you bloom I created this place as a refuge for all the fairy animals each one of them is a unique creature with its own special power or Talent there are some animals in the park who are already extinct on their native worlds but here they can live peacefully safe from any threat this place is massive how can you guard all of it from Intruders and predators we have something better than walls or gates to protect the park we have this [Music] a magical barrier only those who have fairy magic can pass through questions [Music] welcome girls Welcome to our fear natural park [Music] well then the keepers and I are going on an operations inspection you girls take a look around and see if you can come up with some nice ideas for the grand opening party next week never fear the queen of parties is here this is such a wonderful place it's all so beautiful I would like to dedicate a song of Harmony and serenity to all the animals that live here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in my eyes never seen anything like this anymore [Music] [Music] here you are little one go and try to stay out of trouble this time huh what did it see [Music] Kiko come back here [Music] [Applause] Kiko boy today is not your day is it don't worry he's not going to hurt you it's a dig mom he's called a dig Mall because let me guess because he digs holes [Music] oh it isn't funny Kiko are you okay little did mole he looks just fine this little guy sure has a tough head [Music] [Music] Chico something must have happened to him the scream came from over there thank goodness you're okay [Laughter] oh that bird of prey is not a fairy animal girls the animals do not attack each other then we have to find a way to save that dig mole take Kiko someplace safe girls fairy up Magic Wings Bloomix [Music] area of Technology wings [Music] that turkey doesn't know who he's dealing with that birdie bully should pick on someone its own size [Music] nice try but this Buzzard belongs behind bonds morphix cage [Music] I got you [Music] Stella we need to follow it foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this calls for some shock and awe [Music] volcanic [Music] [Music] huh oh no [Music] it got away Roxy it was incredibly strong exactly what kind of animal was that I've never seen anything like it I'm so sorry girls we couldn't protect the Dig mole [Music] this is very disturbing news indeed girls that bird of prey came from outside the park head mistress it definitely had fairy Powers it attacked us and crossed the barrier like it was nothing I'll do some research and find out what species it belongs to but why did it abduct the Dig mole we must solve this mystery [Music] [Applause] brophilius get out here welcome home dear sister and I'm not alone brophilius behold oh [Music] the last Jake baller the magic Dimension you actually did it don't sound so surprised I always get what I want now lock him up hey where are you going don't let him get away get him fella don't be scared nobody wants to hurt you save your breath brother the filthy creature is obviously smarter than you okay do I have to do everything myself you can't stick your way out of there [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I'm just getting started yeah oh my God that rodent is but the first step on the road to our Triumph very soon I'll have an army of fairy animals at my command [Music] at last my lifelong goal will soon be in reach now these animals might seem harmless or even useless but I shall turn them into a mighty Army that is mine to command but to do this I must have the fairy animals ultimate power [Music] The Secret of this power was entrusted to The Dig moles and that is the last living dignole I have to make it talk [Music] sure thing I'll bring it to you you do remember the spell of course I do yeah maybe I hope free [Music] [Music] animal trapper [Applause] foreign I'd say that you've earned a reward oh thank you thank you thank you if you had brought me the dick mole like I asked you no wait wait I could do it I remember the flow oh no floating foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] ah a [Music] we have so much to discuss you and I come on let's move [Music] you're late we never imagined that a dangerous creature with fairy Powers would enter the park I've done my research that bird doesn't belong to any known species couldn't find it anywhere it doesn't make any sense head mistress faraganda why would it abduct the dignole I couldn't say but I fear the worst all fairy animals play a key role in the balance of the magical Universe even the smallest of them has a magical power or secret which could be very dangerous in the wrong hands there must be something we can do we should find other dig malls and figure out what their secret power is unfortunately we can't dig moles are nearly extinct the one the bird took was the last of its kind and it's not like we can go back in time to find others on the contrary that's precisely what you're going to do huh huh welcome to the hall of memories [Music] this is the stone of memories it has the unique ability to send you back in time we could actually go back in time to when more digmos lived mm-hmm we'll find some dig moles and solve this mystery right Winks yeah yeah we're ready headmistress faraganda I have no doubt that you will succeed girls now stand back [Music] [Music] [Music] they're beautiful are these little time machines huh you could call them that they are all stones of memories they are your tickets into the past they are all medically connected to each other and they all light up even when only one is activated but their power is very dangerous if you change the past in any way even accidentally you could alter the present huh you can trust us headmistress now off you go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes but in the past that Crest proves it try not to attract any attention we need to keep a low profile it's not like anybody will recognize us girls you're late that voice no way it can't be you're lucky I haven't already shut the gate otherwise headmistress mavilla would be the one dealing with you no tell me that isn't lighten up Griselda why are you always so uptight hmm it's really Griselda all right are you coming with us the exhibition's about to start sorry but the headmist just asked me to monitor the entrance I cannot leave my post whatever the rest of us don't want to miss the fairy animals exhibition hmm [Music] an exhibition with fairy animals that could be exactly what we're looking for fairy animals and it looks like they live here in Althea [Music] and a court event and a ball rat playing with each other [Music] a flock of culinary [Music] I wonder why faragonda never told us Althea used to be like this well I see why she never mentioned what used to pass for style around here of course Stella can make even retro look good [Music] I think we'll blend in now Stella now let's go see if there are any dig moles living at this Alfia oh sorry sorry sorry I'm super late that girl's animal is a dig mole and I'm not sure what but there's something familiar about her we should go talk to her hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so cool wow welcome to the annual Fairy Animal exhibition as you know training these animals is an essential part of a fairy magic education huh it is so I hope you have all learned your lessons well [Music] let the exhibition begin [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] I had no idea a radcon could be so calm and obedient foreign [Music] skittish it's almost impossible to train them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah wow hmm [Music] and now I will have the Dig mode jump towards uh towards uh ah towards this fruit yeah oh no uh Moon fruits make carrots go crazy [Music] oh no [Music] wait [Music] laughs [Applause] stop [Music] [Music] should we do something stop them no hey hello [Music] pop it's okay scared [Music] this is my fault I have to fix this I know we're not supposed to expose ourselves but no it's time to take action [Music] Roxy fairy of animals [Music] magic Winks blue mix Fairy of the dragons nature [Music] fairy of The Shining [Music] sunflowers of Technology [Music] [Applause] [Music] Musa fairy of musics Little Mix [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we really didn't need this you scatter the crow rats and we'll go rescue that fairy drum [Music] s [Music] protection of waves digital room you need to calm down oh my God [Music] I see the problem [Music] [Applause] thank you wow [Music] she's fine she just fainted huh dear beetles they're dangerous and aggressive we need to transform no they'll attack if we make any sudden movements [Music] that's a real fairy animal tamer huh [Music] are you all right yes thanks to you guys [Music] not only did you ruin the exhibition and put the entire School in danger but you've also lost your Fairy Animal terribly Unbecoming for a fairy I'm sorry head Mr smivela being sorry isn't enough baraganda that's our head mistress faragonda huh I must thank you all so much for your Valiant intervention are you from another school yes from a place where all fairy animals live free in their natural habitat you don't approve of our methods my dear our program is based on the Tome of nature this book contains all there is to know about fairy animals but I do hope you will find your visit to Alfia Pleasant and educational [Music] [Music] come on cheer up it wasn't that bad it was a disaster but thank you anyway I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet I'm faraganda oh we all know who you are I was actually impressed by your skills it's rare for a dig mall to bond with a fairy but my digmo ran away faraganda we'll help you find him wow really the metamorphosis symbiosis test is about to start you better hurry oh no I need to brush up on this quick [Music] can you shut the door please the examination is about to begin the key to metamorphosymbiosis is focus Hub serve as I Channel The Majestic one horned eagle [Music] slow as a snail ah theraganda I once heard you say you would like to become the alphia headmistress one day if that is still what you want you need to be quick like lightning a quick ticket to class quick to learn zap I'm sorry and where is your Fairy Animal her dignole escaped and she made my scary runaway too hmm you have got to get your act together young lady be more like kalshara show them my dear [Music] that bird looks familiar [Applause] now that is a first straight example of metamorphosymbiosis sup you score a perfect A Plus on the exam and you may be excused calshara thank you so much professor and you too young lady leave my classroom and don't come back until you've recovered your dick ball what you heard me [Music] I let everybody down again head mistress mavilla would know what to do because of her book that is a brilliant idea what is a brilliant idea why borrowing the Villa's book of course that book contains the secrets of every kind of fairy animal did moles too it could help you win back everybody's respect welcome and please come in I'm not in the office right now but if you leave a message with my pellet fly I'll get back to you wait for the beak it's a nothing important I'll come back later [Music] foreign [Music] mom mom oh yeah metamorphosymbiosis test East that loser doesn't chicken out the ultimate power will soon be ours well what can I say I am the greatest my dear friend I actually got it now I can find out how to fix everything ah I'm very impressed with you it's called the valley of fruit it looks like you'd be able to find more than one dick ball there huh wait I need to return the book to mabilla's office no huh you don't uh but I just mean I'll return it for you you can trust me okay thanks [Music] the first step toward gaining the ultimate power is to find a natural source of wild Magic guardians of nature I entreat you all grant me entry to the very animals Hall foreign get her into trouble there she is huh I had missed I mean uh paragonda what's up fantastic news girls I figured out how to find my dick mole I just have to go to the valley of fruit scream but how exactly did you figure it out [Music] wild magic You Belong to Me Now foreign [Music] who could have guessed that those dirty little Vermin hold the key to the key to the ultimate power [Applause] I'm taking this [Music] why are the fairy animals running away what are they afraid of please tell me this is not my fault what did you do good question my pellifly recorded your voice during your little visit to my office can you please tell me why it is that I just found the Tome of nature on the desk in your room I'm sorry headmistress I borrowed it from your office without asking but kelsara promised she would put it back so you're saying this is all calshara's fault up there that bird um [Music] headmistress it can't be a coincidence that kalshara is flying away after reading your book and during all this faraganda you'll come with me and help me restore order to the Fairy Animal World we're her friends we want to come along and help very well where do you think we should go first to the valley of fruit well definitely find thin moles there [Music] don't you recognize your own sister brophilius it sounds like you but what happened I'm a master shape-shifter now thanks to Wild Magic yeah animal that's horrible you finally have the chance to wield the ultimate power and you back away guys you don't want it anymore don't thank you [Music] go and fetch me one of those dig moles dog go get it boy good doggy [Music] [Music] try actually using your new powers [Music] no voice if it isn't faraganda and the gaggle of newbie losers kalshara is that you you're so changed it's called wild magic you should try it sometime huh let's teach those two what magic can do but if we transform mavilla will know we're not real students we don't have a choice these dig moles are our mission we have to protect them from kalshara Magic Winx blue mix Fairy of the dragonflame Flora a fairy of nature [Music] fairy of The Shining Sun Aisha Ferry away [Music] of Technology [Music] Roxy fairy of animals [Music] get the digmost with your animal magic [Music] of the valley Rise Against balls [Music] it's getting all of them aim at the Giant's body to weaken it [Music] foreign [Music] and soon it'll drag all the Dig moles underground with it for phillius your Monster is taking all the tignals I need at least one right try it come here to your master oh you don't attack your master what's wrong with you why are you doing this you are my best student and you were a competent head mistress you taught me about the power of animal magic huh in fact why don't I show you just how much I've learned oh I've learned to put a bit myself now little kitty time for you to go to your cave [Music] I totally just saved you sis oh look how cute you are the giant seems to be protected by Nature we can't stop it with our powers the Jiggles are fairy animals if we free them they'll know how to defend themselves I think we can do it if each one of us hits one of the Giants arms but what if we hit one of the little furry guys we just have to be better than usual winks a game [Applause] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not possible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is me please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come back [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you girls Nature has given you the butterflex power because you have proven yourselves the true Defenders of the fairy animals that is why we came here I guess we don't have anything to hide anymore hi sweetie it's good to see you are a good pet a good friend but now it's time for you to go live your own life go run free [Music] are we just letting them go we were supposed to find out their secrets we'll do it when we get back we'll find our answers somewhere at Althea well done faraganda today you have acted not only with wisdom but with insight and compassion as well huh you have all shown me how wrong I've been fairy animals need to live free I wanted the school to be their home it has taken me too long to realize that it was only a big cage to them so I'm going to use the magic left in the very animal Hall to erase all our memories so that no one can remember these Unfortunate Events so you won't remember anything nothing that way no one will be able to misuse or abuse fairy animals again [Music] goodbye girls thank you for all your help very Gonda we will see you later and I do believe I have found the perfect place for the Park Grand Opening party it's good to be the party queen oh I wonder what she meant by that
Channel: WinxClubEnglish
Views: 740,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season 8, serie 8, winx, winx 8, winx club, winx club full episodes, winx club movie, winx club songs, winx club trasformations, winxclub
Id: 7YvFVc5XxtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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