Winx Club - Season 7 Episode 8 - Back in the Middle Ages [FULL EPISODE]

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back in the middle ages [Music] you shouldn't force things flora i'm not forcing things [Music] [Music] i just want amarok to make friends with squonk that's what we both want huh hmm i think you just need to give it time if we leave it up to squonk it could never happen so oh look who's here squonk your new large friend wow see it's working no squawk don't be like that what's wrong with you amarok apologize right now you're never gonna give up on this are you just like a girl insist things go their way whether it makes sense or not that that animal shouldn't even be here it's a temporary solution and it wouldn't hurt you to try to be nice to skunk you know as hard as i try he's still so ugly you shouldn't have said that to him next not the armchair no the glasses oh not the books [Music] no not my plans sit amarok oh bad bad magi-wolf calm down flora amarok didn't do anything wrong he was just playing do you think this mess is a joke [Music] guys what's going on we heard so much noise we were just having fun right little one i'm sorry to interrupt your fun but we have to leave on a mission roxy needs to see us in her room right away hmm [Music] welcome winx i have to show you what i've learned that's right little one [Music] it's the planet earth the quill cat was a fairy animal species that used to live on earth in the middle ages evidently its fur was magical so it could be the fairy animal with the first color of the magic universe the same animal kalshara and refillius are also looking for we have to find it before profilius does using the stone of memories he stole from roxy let's activate our stones immediately [Music] not [Music] well this is earth but are we in the right time look over there huh [Music] that's the fairy animal roxy showed us what is it doing on a poster that was totally him the quill cat catch him lazy somebody's coming let's hide [Music] he's gone that way captain that's not true i saw him going that way losers you let him get away again secondly you let him get away too captain that's undeniable how dare you you cheeky losers move we have to catch that magic cat did you hear that if we want to rescue the quill cat we need to act now magic winks butterflits [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] fairy of technology flora theory of nature aisha fairy of waves stella fairy of the shining sun please let's move [Music] [Music] you're trapped foul feline [Music] now we'll deal with you [Applause] what are you waiting for take him losers [Music] but wait yeah wait i just let him get away again we're just a couple of roses after all losers and cowards i'll do it i'm an expert at catching magic animals watch and learn first i nimbly approach him and then [Music] i catch him [Music] that's some impressive aim those things are very sharp i'm aware of that now you're my little monster stop and who are you can't you tell we are amazing stylish fairies hmm we want you to leave this poor creature alone he didn't do anything wrong we've been ordered to imprison any and all users of magic which would seem to include you seize them is he talking to us huh i liked him better when he just called us loser cowans huh [Applause] [Music] you do not treat fairies this way they don't do it out of spite stella they're afraid of magic musa is right we must stop them without hurting them [Music] i'll do it [Music] retreat [Music] nice move stella thanks that was fun [Music] huh [Music] oh no the quill cat it's gone look there are more trees with that poster wanted capture this feline on site caution it is a magical and very dangerous creature seems like these people believe magic is bad they certainly won't be any help we'll have to find the quill cat on our own and before brafilius does that evil wizard could be here already it's right it's bright oh it's bright it's bright what are you babbling about perfillius [Music] come here [Music] my goodness oh when it lights up it means it's activated do you mean to tell me you've forgotten how to use it no i mean yes well it lit up by itself it's been a while now i'm not sure but it could mean that um that the winx used it why didn't you tell me before you have to go after them and stop them try not to fail again brother if you can of course telshara don't worry kaushara now deal with it khalsharah [Music] [Music] no no no no [Music] of course my hat [Music] what am i where are you who knows where that poor scared animal is gone huh through the forest always you fly oh please don't fly into the sky winghead creatures what are you your fairies your feathery i know it's true [Music] i am a prince so never you fear listen dear fairy and fly over here listen dear fairy oh so at the request of their son the king and the queen welcomed the six mysterious creatures to the royal palace [Music] hmm the script is good orlando but who is going to play the six fairies obviously not me i'm already playing both the roles of the king and the queen [Laughter] me neither i'm the prince and the musician oh right but somebody has to play them [Music] a kind good day to you brave soldiers let me introduce to you the rainbow company myself orlando the minstrel and the esteemed leader of our company sir yes yes all right but i suggest you leave this place immediately oh the forest is enchanted magical creatures and fairies wrote these woods magical creatures let's go now relax there is no danger hmm there will be plenty of danger if you meet this nasty beast you mentioned fairies before would you like to play the roles of the fairies in our play can [Laughter] don't even think about it we are returning to the village now orlando how do you know that this magic animal is not dangerous the quill cat is friendly i know him when i was young it used to come and visit me every time i sang my song i think i've just found someone who can help us [Music] girls huh hey girls musa what's up i found someone who knows the quill cat it's a boy named orlando what are we waiting for then stop aisha we don't want to draw any attention no problem and so that day no and so that day the king and the queen called their son no no and so the king and queen called their son [Music] oh my dear darling son did you really see some fairies fret not mother it is true fairies do exist and they will help us good gracious can you show us how so the young prince went to the magic lake and uh but is this the end um [Laughter] don't lose your head we'll just have to improvise yes okay but we still need more actors how can we improvise six whole ferries [Music] huh hello [Music] [Laughter] three four five and six they are six excuse me my friends and i were wondering if you could help us we would like to find a quill cat there are posters of him all over the forest they say he's magical and we are very interested in magical creatures so no problem my name is orlando and i'll help you musa hi musa i can take you to him even now if you want i just need my loot but you have to help us first hmm [Music] you must act in our play there are still several crucial roles to fill so and what roles would we play you will be our fairies fairies you say i think we'll be very good at that we quick let's get to the village we have the ferris we have all fairies climb aboard if you wish my fairies do you think we're gonna have a dressing room a makeup artist and all that stella we're in the middle ages is the village very far away it should only take as long as a song through the forest always you fly oh please don't flee into the sky winged creatures what are you your fairies your fairies i know it's true [Music] you
Channel: Winx Club
Views: 4,737,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winx club, winxclub, winx, Season 7, Episode 8, Back in the Middle Ages
Id: KbTJ5QRWxf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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