Winx Club - Season 5 - Final Battle

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foreign because it's the first meal of the day breakfast is served yum [Laughter] that looks good ah I just adore breakfast and also lunch hmm and dinner and of course regular snacks so I have a healthy appetite I'll work it off and I know how dancing what a great idea dancing is great exercise but it's so much more than that when you dance you connect with your true self and your feelings well I'm in me too Flora aren't you coming oh of course [Music] Flora do you have a minute Crystal I'd like to talk to you about Helia oh [Music] Flora I want to apologize I never meant to come between you and Helia look at the wings [Music] Flora I want you to know Haley and I are friends but he's in love with you [Music] I wish I could believe that [Music] everyone hello [Music] Aisha hello Roy foreign [Music] foreign wow now that's a pair of shoes [Music] but where did they come from the mirror when you open your heart and dance the mirror knows it [Music] mom dad [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] forever Skye [Music] forever Gloom [Music] [Laughter] Flora don't go we know you're sad [Music] and we know why but we are your friends forever so open your heart and dance with us oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] Flora you are the only one in my heart you're the only one I love ohelia Flora dance with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the mirror knows what's in my heart Helia that I love you and I always will [Music] Flora [Music] I will be Emperor I will activate the throne I just need a fairy a fairy who was mastered cyrenics Aisha [Music] uh oh Tressa narreas has an Aisha try Tanis sent an army of his mutants to the pillar of light we will defend the pillar but we need help we need the breath of the ocean summon every cell key in the infinite ocean no problem cousin we are on our way right winks it's not that simple we're surrounded oh and the mutants they were once our friends our family we can't hurt them we understand but we will find a way to get you the breath of the ocean without destroying the mutants without destroying the mutants and how are we gonna do that emotions [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] wow there are like a million mutants here and that means titanus is here hey let's go Shields up wings come on Winx [Music] and stay together [Music] the winks and look there's my darling cousin Aisha surround her bring her to me now trust out the breath of the ocean [Music] thank you winks [Music] selkies of all the oceans I summon you Gates of the infinite ocean they're all opening [Music] oh let me [Music] [Music] selkies defend the pillar of light repel titanus beasts to me so nereus thinks he can take me I'll crush him mutants attack all right [Music] [Applause] let's go thanks [Music] thing like teamwork [Music] [Music] let's go you guys [Music] [Applause] nature punch yeah all right Flora thanks [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you are such a sneak I see I'll make you sorry you said that when I'm Empress like that's going to happen whatever come on you guys [Laughter] [Applause] cousin Aisha I've been looking for you well you found me yes and me no no Reyes [Applause] I have had enough of you brother funny I was thinking the same thing ah God it ends here you are so wrong this is just the beginning there she is grab her foreign [Laughter] no please wake up please no need to beg Aisha he's done for him watch out [Music] no raise [Music] oh no Reyes please don't die [Music] guardian of Sirenix I have been summoned by your desire to save your cousin Aisha oh you have worked hard to realize your destiny what is your wish I wish for narayas to live your wish is granted [Music] [Music] oh Aisha Aisha [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that's right cousin your Sirenix Power now belongs to me [Laughter] just call him emperor I'm coming [Laughter] [Music] oh no [Music] out of my way are you sure we're coming [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm not going to let titanus get away again come on [Music] [Music] [Music] they need help go dead old hurricane [Music] how much farther to the emperor's Throne we're almost there Bloom we must get there before titanus activates the throne laughs [Music] [Music] at last my dearest icy yes at last darling try Tanis now that I have Aisha Sirenix powers I can finally activate the throne and rule the infinite ocean as Emperor with you by my side beautiful icy as my empress I can't wait [Applause] [Music] yeah get ready everybody they're coming for us [Applause] [Music] what is happening look the gate is opening they're all leaving where are they going wherever they're going we're going to come on come on [Music] magnificent I'm here I'm ready to rule with you as your empress I am [Music] love you can't mean that you promised me you said I would be empress [Applause] try to do this [Applause] you would destroy me only I rule here [Music] not so fast fish boy you're not the Emperor of us stormy Darcy I thought you two weren't speaking to me we're not but you're still our sister and we're still the tricks dark Sirens convergence you cannot stand against me your powers are pathetic I cast [Music] for Android [Music] we are in my home Waters the ocean of Andros yeah but what are we doing here bigger question what are they doing here no we are near the palace Aisha's parents quinterodor and queen naiobi the only members of my family that tritanus has not harmed and we're going to keep it that way let's go foreign [Music] the water is rising so fast at the palace look Hold Your Position we must defend Andrew right terrador what's happening come Naomi take my hand oh what should we do we must get above the water this way terrador don't worry my love we'll be safe in the tower come quickly [Music] no tritanus's power is greater than ever so we'll just have to fight harder Serena find Daphne and Aisha we'll deal with tritanus it's between me and you now brother I have no brother ah Rebecca thanks Roy no no Stand Fast whoa [Applause] foreign [Applause] ah there are too many of them I know but now there are more of us princesses [Music] hey the winks [Music] let's get this party started we can't hurt them true but we must stop them foreign cool yeah Spring's better for Andross dignette [Applause] nice forward [Applause] get back [Music] Winx will hold them off king terrador and queen naobi are both trapped somewhere in the palace on It come on you guys [Music] courage my queen terador do not despair my dear naobi oh no [Applause] oh no no no oh Naomi stay back Beast yeah [Applause] ah [Applause] yeah hey you guys defense [Music] of sound we have got to get them above all this water and I know how with your permission your majesties [Music] [Music] you'll be safe now thank you Winx we'll make sure of it oh man there are even more of them we're never going to beat so many of them yeah but we've got to try let's go winks Neptune's sword your PewDie weapon can't hurt me I rule here you are nothing dragons you cannot defeat me [Music] go for the Trident we have to destroy the trident foreign [Music] all right my trident [Music] [Applause] is pollution it's gone [Music] Aisha Daphne you're free mother father [Laughter] you saved us foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you have destroyed me [Music] Daddy foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] come on [Music] mother father brother we Rejoice that you have returned to us try tennis you brought great evil to the magic Dimension and all who live here but through the efforts of many good people you have been defeated and now my son you must be punished for what you have done brother do you have anything to say only that I'm sorry I didn't Crush all of you when I had the chance oh try Tanis try tennis you leave us no choice we banish you from the magic dimension you will pass through the gate of Oblivion and never return [Music] the Gate of Oblivion Carrie he totally earned it [Music] oh [Music] guardian of Sirenix dear Bloom I am so proud of you you have banished the deepest darkness and greatly pleased Destiny what is your wish I wish to break the Sirenix curse and end its Legacy forever your wish dear Bloom is granted [Music] Tiffany bloom [Music] foreign [Music] from now on we will not be divided between sea and land but United as one family and with all the planets of the magic dimension let there be peace for all of us foreign [Music] and the Winx where else on stage but there's no stage here hello Andros this concert is to thank everyone for all the support and help they've given us [Applause] hi and I'd like to give a special thanks and all my love to my family best little sister in the known universe [Applause] [Music] send it to neverend like a fairy tale That Never Ends we'll let this dance begin close your eyes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] haters [Music] we can dance [Music] the troubles behind us dancing party planets everywhere the music reminds us in it together celebrate with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Winx Club
Views: 111,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aisha, Bloom, Flora, Layla, Musa, Stella, Tecna, the winx, the winx club, wings, winks club, winx, winx club, winx club songs, winx club transformation, winx transformation
Id: glQ5rY6uBsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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