Winx Club - Season 6 Full Episodes [13-14-15]

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here we go [Music] you can feel [Music] we had the magical week held captive by the vampires bloom Musa Tecna Aisha and flora almost lost their vital energy but with the help of the Pixies Stella was able to defeat the children of the night and rescue her friends from their grasp light triumphs over darkness and once again evil is defeated [Music] blue girls how's dinner coming along we're getting hungry is it almost ready it's so nice to have everyone together under one roof the end I certainly appreciate all of your help Pixy butterfingers five-second rule now for the homemade pizza dough you are going to love this recipe I used to make it with my dad all the time and it's so good now let's see first up flour ready flora here it boom [Music] 2 teaspoons salt and 1 teaspoon sugar now easy time flora and Rick till when until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl oven ready almost chef Ayesha Musa how's it coming um gooey and rubbery oh yeah definitely gooey what seems to be taking so long no one better to turn up the heat than the fairy of the shining Sun I mean really happy to be hanging out with you guys again good because there's no getting rid of us now are you sure you didn't add too much sugar without you bloom the emotional and physiological vibrations of the group were completely out of whack hmm in other words we missed you you're the best Bloo this sauce smells delicious and now for the veggies YUM right it goes blugh sounds like quite the process in there hope you're keeping high yeah mom you know what it's all under control nothing to worry about almost done Oh pizza will be out in a jiffy just pulling off I mean putting on the final touches just a few minutes longer it'll be worth the wait lunch is served count me in for second sweetie me too my I thought you said you were only going to have seconds well I guess I musta lost Trevor ladies and gentlemen I would like to propose a toast to our dearest bloom not only are you a fearless leader and chef but you're also the greatest friend in the world to blue [Music] [Music] [Music] Selina you've been using the legendarium quite often on behalf of those witches I hope you haven't forgotten your ultimate goal of course not ash Ron but to free you I need the powers we've been gathering from the magic schools Selina come with me well the Winx are having a precious little pizza party whoop-dee-doo boring Oh remind me never did pizza again I remember that thing was bloom like that oh I'm so happy you girls will be sticking around a while longer yeah we found out that fairy godmother Eldora lives right here in gardenia of course she does this is the drawing I was telling you all about I was only like six years old is that eldora's house yes I think so you used to spend hours playing there and now it's time to go back yeah with all the Pixies no I don't think they're going anywhere we'll be back it's all coming back to me as if I was just here yesterday bloom I'm sensing such large quantities of magical energy I know I was immediately drawn here and it felt so at peace [Music] hey little guy I think he's trying to show us something so what are we waiting for follow that butterfly I'd say we're definitely in the right place eldora's house must be close [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] energy can't you feel it hello you must be out Dora do it's me bloom hmm I am most certainly I'm El Dora hmm hmm but you bloom reminds me of a flower ouch it's me it's you why didn't you say so welcome welcome girls I'd like for you to meet my azaleas well and the best part of my begonias what's that wonderful aroma I made my special illusion tea just for you you're just going to love it it's simply divine like nothing I've ever tasted before oh no it just smells so interesting what's that over there Eldora oh you like my magic flower cactus she's been in my home for quite some time now Oh however she can be a bit prickly see her in the summer months the bones I woke up now let's get to why you're really here shall we interesting so that's the infamous fairy godmother she doesn't look like anything special to me I can't let the Trix find out that I know Eldora yeah what's going on nothing has blocked our spying magic before it must be eldora's cottage well that means we'll just have to pay grandma ferry a little visit and break up that Tea Parties sounds like the perfect opportunity for an ambush perfectly wicked come on sisters let's drop in on our favorite fairies field trip only now you stay here and pick out something especially nasty to read hmm that's what I do best so girls how can I help you fairy godmother do you remember my friend that I played with here in your garden no please dear just call me Eldora oh I believe you're referring to Selina yes Selina I'm afraid a lot has changed since you two play together fairy lives here I want to be a fairy Winston you both a strong magical potential but with Selina I knew that she could benefit from extra guidance along the way so I decided to become her fairy godmother and take her under my wing I started by teaching her flowers at first and then we progressed into much bigger ones please be gentle with the landing a bruise it sounds like Selina was learning to be a good fairy hmm so why the change I was the keeper of the Alexandria library I brought Selina there and showed her the legendarium the heard about its powers but never had I tried to use it until that very day a long time ago there lived a hawk spirit of a dangerous being very high feather he's real what do we do [Music] dangerous the legendarium really was I traveled all over the world looking for a way to lock it yes but once I returned from my search things took a turn for the worse Selena in here hello Selena what who are you I'm a charm work with me and I'll teach you how to harness all the powers of the legendarium really you can do that why of course Selena I can give you the most extraordinary powers right this very moment show me what you've got now you are the witch of snakes Selena Selena what were you doing nothing just reading but that's a Chiron he is the evil sorcerer who created the legendarium only to be trapped inside these very pages you must stay away from this book Selena understood but I felt a change in her she was not the fairy she used to be an evil power was lurking deep inside her one night in the light of a full moon Selena declared her loyalty to a Chiron I choose you a Chiron and with that she stole the legendarium and fled from the forest of flowers and now I am afraid that Selina is trying to free him well then we have to stop her before it's too late something tells me that even the Trix don't know the whole story you're right Aisha the Trix have no idea that they are the ones being used but aldora were you able to discover anything about locking the legendarium well there wasn't it's coming from outside Winx let's check it out you barely even scratched it surely I should have known it's a Trix Winx don't let them near Eldora [Music] music are you ready wait yeah then let's show them what we got taking up floor guard Eldora everyone else follow me same old song and dance volcanic attack [Music] Ayesha watch out icicle I just love it when the tricks get what they deserve there are so many legends from the forest of flowers however will not pictures one oh wait this one looks like fun once upon a time the forest of flowers was haunted by a malevolent force legendary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] raise the forest of flowers and whoever lives in it [Music] tell me those are kind garden spirits okay Winx let's take them on from all directions [Music] oh the Winx are in trouble um should we help them don't worry bloom we'll stop them they'd better watch [Music] that was amazing can you believe it did you see the look on her face I'm so over the legendarium the legends keep getting more and more dangerous here they come again wait for it oh I was hoping for another cup of tea but you don't leave me any other choice well there's more than one story about this sacred space once upon a time in the forest of flowers lanisha's grew in abundance these magical flowers protected all of the forests inhabitants [Music] yeah well Dora who would have thought she had it in her let's get out of here [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] Thank You fairy godmother no course dear after all I feel a bit responsible for what happened it's not your fault Selena chose evil over good and besides you've got us now well that is a delightful thought together I know we can stop the Trix and selina Eldora you were about to tell me something about the legendarium yes but first we need to find somewhere else to gather tonight now that the Trix have found my cottage it's no longer safe oh maybe we could sleep inside an old tree I'm sorry what I have a better idea let's go to my house that's a great idea bloom oh just let me gather some lanuza flowers what tykes oh hell Dora it's very kind of you but we're good after the Winx finally me tell Dora the fairy godmother tells them that in order to enter the legendarium world the Winx must travel to tier Nanog to obtain magical items feeling optimistic the Winx together with El Dora traveled to the island of Tiernan AAG to get those items and enter the legendarium world [Music] here we go [Music] you can feel [Music] we had the magical week Blum revealed another key clue to finding fairy godmother El Dora one that is linked to blooms childhood days spent playing in the forest of flowers when the Winx arrived at the forest they met El Dora but were interrupted by another one of Selena's menacing attacks brought forth from the legendarium [Music] mom dad I want you to meet El Dora the fairy godmother very nice to meet you oh how auspicious it is so wonderful to meet blooms mother today of all days yes sunday is a good day to meet my parents now now I may not hail from these pots but I've lived on earth long enough to know about Mother's Day oh happy Mother's Day sorry mom don't worry about it dear thank you nice to meet you oh it's very unique plant it is delightful isn't it oh this is a magical plant it requires special care and attention special care huh Pixies think you can handle it wow that was an odd choice for a gift Mother's Day happens to be a great time to reveal my new spring collection [Music] [Music] the Poland it's circulated I've got this you're next I suppose I should start telling you how to lock the legendarium Oh how to cook chicken Milanese oh here we are by reading the book Selina can summon any number of wild creatures from the legendarium world a dimension where fictional characters are real so the legendarium is a link between our world and the imaginary world yes and to lock the book we will need an item that was once part of the legendarium world I take it you're going to tell us where to find that item well it is complicated but I found a lead in the tome of fairy history let's see various enchanted artifacts can be found on TNN AAG but I searched the island from top to bottom and nothing I suppose it's just useless pointless no worries we have friends there who can help us ah splendid I just know you girls will find a way to lock the legendarium [Music] sisters the energy from the magic colleges that we conquered is very powerful and now we will channel it to increase our dark powers [Applause] these stones are great I feel their power already hey what about me don't I get any holiness since when did you become so needy you've got your little book isn't that enough some people are so greedy come on sisters let's go take our new powers first first step conquer the mystic school of cheer nan our Winx what a wonderful surprise it is such an honor to see you again Beulah it's great to be back here I love that you turn Morgana's Castle into a school for fairies what a great idea we learned a lot from you Winx it is our goal to spread that same mission of hope [Music] [Music] what happened do you pixies taking care of my plant [Music] I believe these may be what you're looking for all those what I think they are yes Eldora they are long ago seven ancestral fairies crossed over from the legendarium world to the real world they brought with them these magic wands which contain the mythix power there were once fairies in the legendarium world of course and from there they traveled to all the worlds of the magic universe including the earth amazing may we the legend says it is impossible to hold them until a fairy has proven herself before the wands we have fought against every monster there is I think we've proven something let's try to be humble these wands contain some serious magic but you are their keeper so you can just give them to us right I'm sorry or not hello there dear wands what can we do to prove ourselves trouble come on sisters let's do some damage oh this is too easy cue the berries as queen of the earth fairies I demand that you leave now what do you say sisters yeah me neither [Music] very away [Music] [Applause] [Music] music oh my turn hey Trix I hope you know what you're getting yourself into because we have recruited ourselves a new fairy bring it I see which is prove your power obliterator wing that's our life is to love gorgeous natural twist quickly Oh No the witch has got into the school [Music] fairies are so weak you think you can stop us [Music] enjoy it now boom it seems that the tricks will not share their power with you so he'll let you free me now leave something else in mind something even stronger lose dragon flame I've had about enough of this I sleep Denisha that's nothing here's what's coming next Oh nebula is stronger than I thought maybe but not as strong as us you've got that right sister take it away stormy wait it looks like the trucks got an extra boost from power it was only a matter of time before we beat you Winx once and for all Wow boom we've never seen such powerful magic thank you you saved us you're welcome but just remember you've got just as much strength inside of you to [Music] long time no see Selena what are you surprised to see me again didn't you miss me can't help you people it's too dangerous and I know deep inside Dora was lame she just wanted me to follow the rules she never gave me any real thanks to the power of the Dragons blame I can free a stir on the only real friend I have I won't let you [Music] without blue your predicted we are finally invincible I'm going to take cover that's right run along [Music] it's about time bloom for me to finally finish you off don't you agree I've got to find my strength I can't let the Trix win well it's not like you to go down without a fight that's it I seize power is radiating from that stone [Music] the energy we gained is back in that dragon skulls which is we need to prepare another plan let's roll looks like bloom tune it again you managed to be I see even with her silly necklace we have way to go home Winx you fought bravely and you saved tier nanohub college I will take that to mean that we have successfully proven ourselves before the ones come on Winx this is what we've been waiting for the ones recognized us as their rightful owners the time has come to enter the legendarium world magic [Music] very epic dragon [Music] [Applause] [Music] Miriam wait [Music] very um music [Music] marry on the shining [Applause] [Music] - very of Technology [Music] I am loving this mythix look this is - Wow that must be the way to the legendarium world exactly Winx we stand before the wise doorway to the world's keeper of all knowledge if my research is correct the new owners of the ancestral wands it is an honor because of the witch's evil the legendarium world's power is spilling into the real world if we don't stop it it could destroy the magic universe we are looking for help we must lock the legendarium for good then you will need the legendarium key first you must find the fantasy emerald and the silver spear when you find these objects in the real world you will cross into the legendarium world and only with these two items will you be able to magically forge the legendarium key how can we find the in world and the sphere your walls will guide you in the real world is anyone else - only thrown off by this whole real world legendarium world thing I know let's go back to LCL and try to get a better understanding of how to use these ones hello I'm Daphne blooms sister I teach the history of magic it is such a pleasure to meet you fairy godmother Oh call me el Dora dear Daphne do you know how to use these wands to search for magical objects cuz that doorway was totally giving mixed messages I think I have just what you need mythix wands [Music] here it is now raise your wands and repeat after me mythix insight there are a number of legends about that Island then that shall be our first stop not just yet outdoor no faragonda it's nice to see you again now as per Bloom's request everything is set in the courtyard for our celebration greeting students and welcome to mother's day at healthier [Music] hi happy Mother's Day oh how sweet thanks bloom and now people all around when did you learn to cook like this she's been practicing maybe I should leave after all this party is just for mothers but you are our fairy godmother today we celebrate you to celebrate Mother's Day we've prepared a little entertainment for you come on everyone let's hit the dance floor celebration Neela sorry but you know we can't do this without a wardrobe change raise your boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after the weeks urns the ancestral wands the doorway to the world instructs them to find the fantasy emerald the first item needed to forge the legendarium key their mythix insight reveals that they must travel to Calavera island where they learned that they need to search for a hidden pirate treasure [Music] here we go [Music] we had the magical wings after defeating the tricks on terni nog Eldora and the winx having proven themselves worthy received the ancestral wands which allowed them access to the legendarium world face to face with the doorway to the worlds the Winx soon learned that the wands are an integral piece to finding the legendarium key [Music] winks check it out not that sunshine wave and and these outfits are perfect board Stella loving it I feel like such a local I'll do my best [Music] looks like we got company [Music] hi wicks hey blue hey Stella hey sweet a day on the beach windsurfing wakeboarding all right guys we're not here to play in the waves we are on a mission we've got to find the fantasy emerald it's the first step in locking the legendarium for good if that'll stop the Trix I'm here to help me - hi Stella Oh Brandon you look so cute and beachy Oh Stella so good to see you Daphne okay Winx [Music] it's picking up something the fantasy emerald must be close by but not on this particular Beach there's a cave called bajo mundo according to legend it's where pirates hid an incredible treasure then maybe that's where the emeralds is let's go we're right behind you bloom so according to the doorway to the world's this fantasy emerald will form the first part of the key and then the key will lock the legendarium forever yes then the clips will have less power to attack the magic school for us so the sooner we get to this cave the better then it's time for Sun is surf maybe a little nap but the Emerald won't be in the cave fairy godmother the Emerald doesn't exist in the real world those grabbing vines will pull you right off your seats I see it's been a while since I've been out on a field trip excuse me we're looking for the bajo mundo cave what did I say the mere mention of bajo mundo cave frightened exiting on the cave name eh it's ok grabbing vines she won't hurt you are you ok we didn't mean to scare you but we need to find that cave then you must talk to the wise woman of Calavera you'll find her Hut in the clearing you go we'll stay here and look around for clues right Stella you good I am now legend has it that the occult a ship thunk in front of bajo mundo cave the most feared pirate ship of all the seven seas I've heard of it even after they became zombies the Pirates didn't abandon their treasure they just moved it into a secret hiding place Wow do you know where it is underwater off the island where the old lighthouse stands great we'll zip in get the Emerald and still have time for fun in the Sun you must be careful when the fog rolls into the island so too does the occult and all of its zombie pirates with fog come Sambi pirates that sounds too crazy to believe perhaps child but with every legend comes a bit of truth [Music] hey Winx there's the guys we didn't find anything did you the wise woman said the cave is just off the beach with a lighthouse you mean that one oh that must be it and no fog means we're zombie free come again just a little legend no worries I know the perfect way to get there let me guess a Hydra planning platform a catamaran with sail maximising nav system not even close come with me the Trix refuse to share any of their powers making it impossible for me to help free you then we need to do something about that I want them gone hmm I have an idea offer the Trix the power to enter the legendarium world what will that do just you wait now all that's left to do is to tighten this down and tada the perfect vessel seems primitive and slow the wind is a super powerful energy source with no carbon footprint so the raft is not only fast it's eco-friendly too couldn't have said it better myself I'm not getting shipwrecked on that thing I have an idea how about these they're made of morphix strong yet flexible and will cut right through the waves what do you think I'm digging they're sweet and quite the sleek accessory come on guys the raft is faster and safer who's with me Riven Helia come on sky I am great come on Tecna let's go and teach them a lesson we're almost ready what else Stella and next up a must-have when surfing let's go [Music] here you go Daphne they can come on let's be the first ones there [Music] yeah thanks for hanging with me Tecna no problem rudder set how about you sailors right then we're ready to go alright terrific Timmy [Music] just center your weight and pull the sail in like this [Applause] I know we can go faster than this [Music] that's what eat my dust [Applause] [Music] takes belief [Music] yeah North by Northwest at 11 knots trim the sail by two degrees all right now we are traveling at 1.4 times the speed of the wind next company later board it I'm not so sure Oh time those seats victory is ours [Music] [Laughter] do you guys need a hand now we're good bloom see you over there okay we're clear now let's try to catch up Thanks get it thanks kids we get it ready for a little swim Timmy with you always [Music] oh the fog is rolling in not good look there's a submerged cave that's got to be our way in so much for staying dry hey Timmy how's the water here delightful you should try it okay [Music] cool not seeing any treasure seems to me that the Pirates would be experts at hiding their treasure so let's spread out what about under these rocks hey Thoren we'll give me a hand over here yeah there could be a hollow wall Oh nothing over here let's see what I wanna say [Music] [Music] the ones are glowing the fantasy emerald must be nearby but we're wait we'll never find it here outdoors said that the emerald is in the legendarium world that's right [Music] if they managed to lock the legendarium then we're back to square one not on my watch let's pick them out now but how our black stones are gone well you could no forget it what I mean nothing Oh out with it bookworm I could get you into the legendarium world and you'd have plenty of power to eliminate the wings oh you can do that and you're just telling us this now something gives there was no reason for you to enter the legendarium world before so why now the Winx are going to use their wands to enter the legendarium world you could be there waiting for them then let's go yeah any time now Selina let me tell you the story have three powerful witches they had an insatiable appetite for power and they hated everything good especially fairies [Music] we've got to go this alone the ancestral wands can only take us into the legendarium world okay we'll be waiting for you on Calavera Island good luck I wish y'all Dora was here to send us off did somebody say my name El Dora we're just about to go into the legendarium world just don't spend too much time there you could get stuck in it's fictional world Oh for everything but I'm sure you'll be just fine nah excuse me my little delusions are thirsty today bloom she makes it sound pretty serious are you sure you're up for this please be careful go in grab that emerald and come right back we've got this don't worry ready Winx yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today oh boy [Music] technology [Music] there [Music] where are we I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is the occulta again with the fog we're close good because we need to get out of here not so fast berries Darcy time to walk the plank flower girl I'm gonna get you bloom try [Music] that's nothing some real power [Music] lucky for you those darts are attracted to eat good luck [Applause] [Music] but we got our new mimics powers [Music] [Music] [Music] natural camouflage yeah you fairies don't stand a chance don't worry I promise it will only sing a little on board so much for an afternoon at the beach the Winx and the Trix must all face the zombie pirates of Calavera the Winx use their new powers while the Trix experience enhanced magic of the legendarium for the first time will the Winx ever find the fantasy emerald and can they do so before getting trapped in the legendarium world forever [Music]
Channel: WinxClubEnglish
Views: 11,570,476
Rating: 4.4782224 out of 5
Keywords: Winx club, Winx, winxclub, Winx Club Transformation, movie, Winx Club English, Winx Club song, winx club songs, episode, season, winx, club, season 7, winx club season 7, winx club full episodes, winx club movie, the, winks, bloom, musa, aisha, stella, tecna, flora, bloomix, sirenix, charmix, enchantix, believix, sophix, lovix, harmonix, hd, exclusive, Animated Cartoon (TV Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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