Winter Warmers With Gordon Ramsay

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my all-time favorite shepherd's pie what's the secret behind a really good shepherd's pie i would think the vegetables you use and growing in it so we're going to use leeks and onions and they'll start browning off the mints you know no color no flavor i've never forgotten that you know that yep so good to have color gotta have color otherwise it puts that grey tinge on the shepherd's pie that looks sick greasy and cheap and nasty they don't want that do we and i know you don't do cheaper nasty let me clear your peelings now all right thank you very much there's no nails in there now is that no don't be chicken i remember your amazing shepherd's pie and that lovely little restaurant used to work in in sheep street in stratford so you never got food sent back no sometimes they complained that there were you never ever got a complaint no how long do you work at that restaurant for six shoes six years oh hello chilly what are you cooking i'm gonna make okay i sort of modern version of nanny's shepherd's pie dad shouldn't manny be doing the cooking because she's the better cook excuse me right mum would you would you chop our onion please daddy yeah oh gosh your eyes are gonna water daddy what's in this spot sorry in there we got a delicious steamed treacle and date pudding let's just separate it for you um how do skeletons call their friends how do skeletons call their friend i'm not too sure on the scalabone i'm just gonna tilly come on okay so two cats are in a race one is called one two three and the other is called under 12. who won the depends who's the fastest cat one two three because under 12 cats sank [Music] oh goodness tells why do you make a nice cup of tea for honey you want me to disappear thank you bye so give that a little fry off okay nice quarter these jokes they get worse oh she's certainly having a bit of fun sauce worcester sauce that's gonna give that really nice spicy seasoning oh thank you okay tomato puree in you could put a ton of tomatoes in this if you want you could yeah put that mince back in there once it's drained i'm just going to put a little touch i know you'll go crazy at this a little touch of red wine really why the red wine well because i'm going to make it nice and rich okay reduce the red wine down yeah and then start covering your with your stock now i'm gonna bring it up to the bowl okay and then get some fresh rosemary okay like little taste yes please does it hot it's a little bit hot be careful as it cooks out the wine and the alcohol will disappear it will be delicious trust me now good spring onions we'll chop up yeah and that's going to go through the mashed potatoes it's going to sit on top of that nice nicer i like that savory yeah delicious mince that's laced with all that red wine nice so sprinkles into there please mum and i'm gonna drain off the potatoes hi there hello hello oh hi jack hi hi hello hello jack have a nice day school yeah oh yeah yeah so we'll dry out those potatoes and then mash them no oh can i mash them would you um holly slice a little knob of butter in there for jack please so what was the restaurant you worked out there were you a chef cook i love the diplomacy were you a chef i was a cookie exactly that not really you used to help me with these little right you kids do no potatoes these are nice and fluffy aren't they aren't they and do you want mum look delicious mashed potatoes yeah with no lumps in there hey weren't you getting it huh it's great having you back in the kitchen mommy now yeah seriously brings back good memories no just why'd you do that dad i just want to fork it to get it nice and spiky so i want that nice crispy topping and then lightly grate that cheddar cheese on top and that goes in the oven literally 20 minutes 180 minutes jack can you on the door people that looks lovely doesn't it even though you said you didn't like it earlier okay back in the day mama's meals all came with two veg and this is no different but with a modern twist braised peas and carrots with a fantastic homemade mint butter shepherd's pie glazed on top that looks lovely doesn't it and then the carrots that's why i didn't put carrots in let's put them on the side i'll see this is my ultimate childhood dinner shepherd's pie with crispy cheese champ topping sweet buttery peas and carrots now we're gonna make a delicious beetroot risotto we need to get the shallots just slice them in half and then just chop them like that okay okay now have you ever made a risotto no i haven't actually shallots please into the pan for daddy add a sprinkle of salt and pepper along with a couple of crushed cloves of garlic once you start cooking the risotto it's really important to have your stock gently boiling away if we're adding cold stock on top of the rice all the time it just slows down the process generally you cook a nice wide flat pan if you cook in a deep pan all the rice sort of cooks at different temperatures what stock is that in there dad because that's a vegetable stock yeah because you can't have different stocks if it's more vegetarian can you have chicken stock i made that mistake once putting beef stock in the vegetarian soup did you no i didn't matilda are you sure i'm positive i'm joking fry off time how nice does that smell it smells delicious rice in that's a bit of a different rice this is elboria rice it's a perfect rice for risotto now it's really important to sear the rice if we were just to put the stocking without sweating off the rice it goes all starchy so keep on stirring for daddy it's just gonna make a fun day no flambe on the risotto to go with our deep red beetroot theme i'm adding red wine followed by the first ladle of stock to get things started now we're off wow it's giving it a cloudy sort of look what's happening to the stock the stock is reducing down and the rice is sucking it in that's right so the rice is actually getting nice and plump one of risotto is live when it's like this now we can't stop cooking there we have to kill it all the way okay ready for the next ladle i'm ready good girl here we go ladle in so we have to make this for literally 20 25 minutes and we're nursing it all the way beetroots peel them rub them a little bit of salt and sugar yeah and a little bit of aged balsamic vinegar in there roasted them i'm gonna grate my parmesan how's that rice doing the rice is doing good now that is exactly where we want to be now look look at that nice glossy textured rice so beetroot i want you to put two thirds of the beetroot in there for me saving one third for the top good sprinkle the parmesan in there for me please all over nice it's like it's snowing again and then we're just gonna get some nice butter in there the butter gives the risotto a really nice gloss look at that beautiful let that come down let it come down first all right get your spoon in there now for daddy beautifully there you go good wonderful shake it risotto should be like lava it just flows out and then the rest of the beetroot on top and then finish and some extra virgin olive oil on top i'll pick up the bruschetta you take that to the table okay let's go danny this is my ultimate vegetarian dinner an anxious roasted beetroot and thyme risotto
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 472,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay shepherds pie, Gordon Ramsay winter recipes, Gordon Ramsay vegeterian recipes, Gordon Ramsay risotto, Gordon Ramsay risotto recipe, Gordon Ramsay meat, Gordon Ramsay veggie, Gordon Ramsay cooking
Id: 8xr_OQtlhoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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