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welcome back to KYT in this video we're gonna break down the top ten things that you need to know when camping in the winter I think that was pretty good a little something oh thank you yeah yeah thanks in this video we are not going to sugarcoat winter camping the fact is everything is a little bit more fatiguing your trailers gonna feel a little smaller and everything you do is going to take more time it's totally true but hear us out if you are ready for a good time you love skiing you want to be outdoors and you want to create some new memories in your RV mm-hmm winter camping is where it's at so the first thing we learn is that it's helpful if you stay in one spot for a little bit longer yeah reduce the fatigue by extending the time that's why we have been at 12 days at Tiger Run RV Resort in Breckenridge Colorado yes mind you the nicest RV Resort you've ever stayed at but this way all the ideas that we're going to share with you today you only have to do once per your visit so let's just dive I'm done one and done so now let's dive in to tip number one troll pain before we left we upgraded from these 20-pound propane tanks to these 30 pound propane tanks and the reason they're out is because these were out getting refilled so now I have these as spares but what you want to do when you upgrade your propane is you'll have to get likely a new rod holder you could buy the whole kit online for $30 and I thought no way I went to Home Depot and I got a 3/8 rod threaded all the way down the advantage to a rod that's threaded all the way down is you can take that little fly nut and go all the way down the tube and you can secure your 20 pounds or you can secure your 30 pounds I learned the hard way that the 20 pound refillables they're like american gas and and blue rhino was a total ripoff not only are you only getting three point eight gallons for a five gallon jug but you're paying twice as much for it so just upgrade to the thirty pounds get the rod and you'll be all set meet my best friend the space heater we have a very good relationship why I'm not running through all of our propane and he's keeping our rig warm but one very important tip is to place them appropriately in your rig so it doesn't prevent your thermostat from going on keeping the rig warm especially your tanks under the underbelly of your rig space heaters are great but you're going to quickly realize is if you plug one too many into your rig chances you're going to trip a fuse so what we've done is we've run an extension cord through our slide and plugged in directly to the electrical panel now if your RV camping at an RV resort like we are your electrical panel is going to become your friend basically we're using this panel to provide power directly to the engine block heater in our truck we have a quart running to the space heater under the rig we've got a cord running to the light that we have in our utility bay and we're providing power to the heat tape to keep our hose from not freezing the issue is most electrical panels in our vehicle park are gonna have one outlet and this little guy right here isn't gonna fit so what we bought is this guy basically a three way outlet with a bit of an extension this way we can provide power to all the things we need preventing your hose from freezing is probably the number one priority once your rig does not have running water everything changes you can't do the dishes it's hard to use the restroom things like that become difficult so what I've done is I've taken our standard hose drinking water hose I've wrapped it in this insulation and I've taken this heat tape and tucked it in there a lot of people take electrical tape and they wind it up like a candy cane in this case I've just taken some duct tape and I've just kind of like secured it every couple feet or so on the two occasions that our water has stopped working when it got down below zero degrees it was not because of the hose it was actually because of where the water was coming out of the RV park basically it's a metal spigot and that will tend to freeze so what I've done is I've taken a little bit of exit extra insulation and I've wrapped the spigot and then I wrapped it up with tape to just prevent the spigot from freezing and I did the same for where it actually enters into the rig those are probably the two most likely spots that your hose is going to freeze okay one more step that you can take to prevent your water hose from freezing up is to keep the area where your water connects into the rig to keep that area warm and for this I've got a simple 40 watt bulb this 40 watt ball and keeps this area about 65 degrees just be careful when you're putting a hot bulb into an area like this that you have it correctly mounted okay let's talk about what happens when you don't have time to insulate your hose and that's why I got this guy basically this is a heated hose from camco I didn't initially get it because the reviews on were kind of mixed but here's what I learned when you want to stay somewhere for just a night or two there's no way you're gonna inflate your hose but stop the heat tape and running off your fresh water can sometimes have some issues so I thought I would get this to test out for those one or two nights days just in colder temperature like let's say if it's like in the 20s or the 30s and you're like you should I bring my hose in or not this is what I would use so because I haven't used it yet go to keep your daydream calm forward-slash winter camping you'll see the blog on this particular episode where I can talk about more details more experience in things that we learned after we shoot this video okay let's talk about the beloved sewer hose in the wintertime it's even more of a problem basically when the temperatures are in the 20s and the 30s you just want to keep a nice gradual slope right down to the drain when it gets down into the teens and the single-digit numbers in Fahrenheit that's when you want to only connect when you want to drain your gray or your black leaving it connected could create something called a poopsicle this is where your ice cream comes from no one wants that now let's have a hypothetical conversation let's just say that you got this brilliant idea to run your sewer hose under your RV skirt and then only pop it out at the last minute to go into the drain I don't know who in their right mind would ever do something like that let's just say hypothetically your entire rig started to smell like a urinal don't do that you can't always hang out outside in the winter and that's why it's super important to install vent covers they're great when it's snowy or rainy because you're gonna want to be inside but still have circulation they easily install over your current vent and drill in from the side so you're not putting any holes in the roof it'll be really great to lower condensation and keep the airflow moving when you're inside okay now it's time to talk about our RV skirt whoo doesn't ginger look sharp we really do think that the script means ginger look just a little bit better so anyway this is an easy snap RV skirt and very true to its name because Trish and I installed this back in Arizona ourselves you should tell them what happened all right I'll show you this is Tricia side right here is my side I wanted I wanted some I wanted to breathe is just a little bit this is getting cost Republic in there we're getting tulle MP and you wanted to use this tool I did it but let me cut real quick oh is that how I act when I give the tool it's just straight straight down just straight down all right don't we here's a tip here's a pro tip here's an amateur chef here's my trick tip don't lean over with a cutting tool and be like it's just straight down get the level draw a line so here's our new plan our plan now is to make a new seam here cuz I'm sure we'll have extra hopefully we have 10 feet extra now easy snap our V skirt came actually recommended from the KYT insiders and when it reached out to easy snap to kind of get more information turns out that Rea who's the president of the company was a subscriber of KY DS so he ended up hooking us up with this shirt so we can kind of share with you some of the results that we've had and I will say I was a little skeptical when we first got started and season four because we were in temperatures around the 20s and we didn't have the skirt on and everything was fine I was thinking maybe this was a little bit of overkill well when the temperatures got down into the single digits that's when this skirt really started to shine it is about 10:30 at night it is 1 degree outside and 25 degrees underneath the trailer it is 58 degrees in the little water utility closet and 64 degrees inside so yes the RV skirt is definitely working and because it's the easy snap system Trish and I installed it when we arrived at tiger run in exactly 11 minutes Tori what time it was when we started she said three o'clock I asked her what time it was when we finished she said 311 let's talk about one of my other favorite upgrades since the motion sensored battery-operated LED lights and that is this little tool right here basically this comes with three sensors I have one sensor outside the second sensor directly underneath the rig where the water tanks are the third one in the water utility closet where I have the light and then the inside temperature and it has ittle min and Max so I can find out in the last 24 hours what the lowest temperature is and what the highest temperature is this thing has been awesome since we've been in the winter so this and everything else we've talked about in this video you will find on the KYT Amazon page you get easy access by clicking that link let's talk about staying organized the truth is you are going to be drowning in boots jackets and undergarments one of the ways that you can stay organized are these awesome clips you know I love command we started with these kinds of command strips but now I've evolved into this kind of a command strip it has like a little grippy rubbery top part so that it's easy to hang all your jackets but having a place to come in and throw all these extra layers is great otherwise they're gonna end up on the beds and in the dining area and you'll have nowhere to sit okay let's talk about how to keep the moisture outside of your rig starting with a slide topper we have teamed up with carefree of Colorado and they hooked us up with this slide topper that we have absolutely loved and we cannot wait to share with you the install video that we did with Jarod Gillis with all about RVs essentially keeping snow off of your slide is important because if the snow were to freeze up like ice it's gonna function a little bit differently than water and the ice could actually go uphill and into spots of your RV that water might not normally penetrate not to mention it's keeping all the debris and the leaves and everything else off of the slide so we've loved this carefree of Colorado has been a pleasure to work with and there's definitely more information to come on that okay the other area that water can get into the rig is potentially this end cap we have been struggling with keeping this end cap water tight for a long time and before we left we actually teamed up with Cedric and Jackie who own visions Mobile RV they're actually cavities subscribers that we met when we're at it car and so they came out to us and they helped us read secured all the screws that go into the wood under here then we use Pro flex to basically seal up underneath that way this whole area is now watertight if you're ever going through Phoenix and you need some mobile repair I'm gonna include the link to visions mobile repair it down below so you can reach out to them they'll come to you problem solved hopefully you're drinking a warm cup of cocoa or tea because we will be in a moment to warm up after the video we have ever done absolutely freezing okay and we're at about 9500 feet so we like we get out of breath talking yeah so there you have it that's everything we know about winter camping actually that's not entirely true what's the other thing we now see we're gonna learn more from the comments yes and there's gonna be things that we wish we would have said maybe a little bit differently and there's give me things that we wish we would have gone into more detail and for that you can go to keep your daydream calm forward-slash winter camping and there we're going to elaborate a little bit further on some topics so that there's some really great comments and we're like oh that's a good point we should mention that we can update this video yes some things in writing so definitely go over there and check it out so we are super excited to share with you all that Colorado has to offer and hopefully inspire you to get out there and do a little winter camping yourself yeah it is it is harder but I'm telling you what we've gone snowshoeing we've gone dog sledding we've gone we've gone skiing with Vail Resorts and it has just been so much fun so a little harder a little more fatiguing but definitely big reward a big reward I mean I think the snow can be a lot of fun if you don't have to be in it if you choose if you choose to be in snow it's a lot more rewarding yes that's it for now and we'll see you next weekend [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Keep Your Daydream
Views: 1,286,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, rv winter camping, how to camp in the winter, winter rv living, how to stay warm in my rv, how to stay warm in your rv, rv, rv life, rv living, travel vlog, tiger run rv resort, rv frozen pipes, top 10 winter camping tips, breckenridge co, keep your daydream, kyd, travel trailer, freezing, camco heated hose, how not to freeze in my rv, rv newbies
Id: 2sORrlTH2hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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