Looking at CHEAP Land to Live In a Camper On (LEGALLY!)

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good morning everyone are you familiar with the TV show House Hunters or House Hunters International in that show a person or a couple or a family are looking to move and so in the show on each episode they look at three uh usually three different properties and they do a tour of each one and a walk through and then at the end of the episode they choose one and then they say like 6 months later and then they show the family happy in their new home we're going to do that today but with l in Arizona and specifically Northwestern Arizona specifically Mojave County so we're getting super specific we're looking at pieces of land that you can park an RV or a camper on and you can do that legally and you can live in it legally as long as you meet a couple of basic requirements and we'll talk more about those requirements later on in the video as we go on in the video now am I looking to do this am I looking to to live in a camper on some land in Arizona uh not really but I do like looking at land online and I like looking at cheap land and I like thinking of possibilities of what I could do in the future and so this part of Arizona has very cheap land you can get an acre of land for a couple thousand dollars uh my requirements in this video for the pieces of land that we're going to be looking at are that it has to be Road accessible I think the cheapest one we're going to be looking at is about $3,000 if you want to go to like the $2,000 Mark you can find pieces of land for that price but they're like in the middle of nowhere and there's no Road access to them you'd have to build a road to get out there so for our purposes that's not especially practical and so I am about 15 minutes from the first spot that I wanted to show you and I'm also going to be showing you the little towns that are nearby that are close to these Parcels of land and uh I'm not out of town right now I'm actually at a lake this is Lake me the famous man-made lake near Las Vegas the Hoover Dam is the dam that created this Lake I'm at the upper end of the lake basically where the lake starts and Grand Canyon ends so Grand Canyon is over this way and this is the lake obviously and so I'm kind of in that area Las Vegas is really not too far as the crow flies from here but there's no Direct rout you have to take a really roundabout way to get there and it's actually raining right now I've been rained on off and on all morning the weather is kind of miserable today and I'm not actually going to be buying land today but I will tell you at the end of this video which of the several properties that we're going to be seeing I would choose if I were to buy the land and again if I were to buy the land if we were so I'm married I I have a house we live in Wyoming and if I were to buy land here it would be for my wife and I to come down here for like a month or two each winter so basically we'd be uh snowb biring in our camper on the property and so that's kind of the the thought process that I have that's the use case that I theoretically have in mind for theoretically purchasing some of these properties so this is the first town we're going to be taking a look at this is called me view named for Lake Meade of course population is 1500 and in this town There's a gas station couple of bars couple of restaurants a post office couple of stores there's a Family Dollar a few minutes down the road this way that's a small grocery store and so this is the general area that our first piece of land our first property is located in it's about 10 minutes down the road this way but before going to that property I wanted to show you guys what we have going on in town here's the gas station that building right there is the little Library this is the me view Chamber of Commerce which has uh several small businesses inside of it there's a uh Little Restaurant there called the waffle cone here's a bar and restaurant this is Boat House Cafe and and Grill and then we have Big Al's Trading Post on the left and the post office on the right okay now we'll go out to the property I'm at property number one this is 1.25 acres for $4,950 if you pay in cash or you can Finance it for between $125 and $250 a month so let me show it to you so first thing I noticed is that the road coming in here is absolutely terrible uh it's actually a high clearance road to get here from this direction I came in on this road here maybe the road is better over there I don't know I'll go out that way and see but there were two like really steep foot high edges to these two washes that I had to cross and so the property goes from about the wash here over to like here and the distance between me and the Land Cruiser is about the same distance over here again that the land extends to if that makes sense so I'm standing basically in the middle of the property and the thing to note about this is that most of this probably isn't very buildable because I'm on a hill as you can probably tell uh this area down here totally doable you could park your RV down here and uh then you'd have this hill as some privacy or just for some nice views you know put some put some chairs up here put a little a little deck or a Viewpoint up here and it's actually pretty nice you don't have neighbors too close to you so you have a little bit of privacy the closest neighbor is this home right here that I just saw has a water truck that pulled up to it and so they're getting refilled with water that's one thing to note about this area and for all of these properties that we're going to be visiting today I think you could theoretically put a well in but most people have have big water tanks and they have water delivered to those tanks and so as far as the requirements for living legally in an RV or camper on these properties uh the first one is that you have to have a septic tank installed and that costs about 75,000 or $10,000 somewhere in that range uh and then you have to pay like a couple hundred dollars a year I think it was 170 something dollars a year for some sort of permit uh I don't remember what that permit is but I was talking with a friend about it shout out to Jason and Jen and Deb uh they live in uh not this place but a nice plot of land and they have a couple of campers on it and they live there and so I was chatting with uh with Jason about that that's if you want to live here fulltime that's what you do if you want to just Camp here like occasionally you are legally allowed to do that for two uh let's see it's you can do it for 14 days at a time and you can do it for up to 30 days in a year and you might be saying oh it's my land I should be able to camp on it whenever I want and okay sure but that's not what the law says and so two weeks in at a time two weeks at a time uh and you can do that a couple of times in a one-year period And so you can do that without having to install the septic or anything like that you can just camp on your raw land over here what do I think of this property it's actually pretty cool I I kind of like it it's got Joshua trees it's just not very accessible uh both in terms of the road and then also as far as the property itself goes you can't really build up on that Ridge but uh I can imagine like a nice little camper or a a tiny house over there this would be an awesome little little Hideway and there's power close by just across the street there are some power lines so if you did want to build something a little bit more permanent or have a little bit more uh comfort while you're out here camping or living in your in your camper then that would be doable I'm on my way to the next town now but I wanted to stop at kind of an intermediate town that I think is kind of a cool funky little town and show it to you guys I'm not going to look at any land here it's a little bit more expensive this is called Dolan Springs and uh land here is about you know starts at like 78,000 uh so we're not going to check it out but it is a little bit bit of a more interesting town and the scenery is a little bit better let me show you we have nice Mountain views this is the Mount Tipton Wilderness and the the land around here has a lot of Joshua trees on it so again it's kind of nice Joshua trees are pretty uh pretty attractive plants to have on your property we have a crepe place and a sub shop and a juice bar a Dollar General over in that direction and then over here we have a hot dog place and a trading post and souvenir shop see what I mean about it being just a little bit more a little bit more colorful maybe a little bit more interesting down at the far end of town There's a a Family Dollar and there's a Mexican bakery that I just went to and got a doughnut and a Concha and uh yeah cool little town Dolan Springs and so again the land here is similar to the land out by me view but a little bit more expensive because it's a more interesting town the views are I don't know if they're better but the mountains are a little bit closer maybe a little bit more accessible although you are farther from Lake me and then also you're closer to the main Highway out there so if you want to go to a bigger town it's easier to get to you know you're closer to Las Vegas closer to Kingman and so yeah this is Dolan Springs let's now go on to the next town we're now in the third town and it is Golden Valley Arizona population about 8,000 and this entire Valley is populated but the actual Town itself like the amenities of the town are pretty locally concentrated along the highway right here the highway is pretty busy it's two lanes going in either direction the town of Kingman Arizona is about 15 minutes over in this direction and that's a that's a city it's got a population of about 30,000 I think and in the other direction to my left is Laughlin Nevada about 25 minutes away so from here we can see some of the town of Golden Valley we got gas stations we got a Subway we got a Sonic another gas station and so again it's just spread along along the highway here but the town itself extends a long way like the town limits go a long way in either direction and the next property we're going to look at property number two is actually not even very close to the the town center of Golden Valley here it's like 25 minutes to the South so let's uh let's head over in that direction here we are property number two is this 1.13 acres $3,999 and again this Valley out here where we are is Golden Valley in between the mountains over to the west and the mountains over to the east this is all Golden Valley but the actual town of Golden Valley is about 25 minutes in this direction the town of Kingman or the city of Kingman which is bigger is about 18 minutes over here first impressions here this area is way more open and the Flora is less interesting you like desert plants like there there aren't any Joshua trees here or anything like that but this is $1,000 cheaper about $1,000 cheaper than the last property you do have uh let me show you the other kind of properties around here the neighbors that you would have out here so really there's a mix for example over here we have a traditional Sticks and Bricks siteb Built home and over here we have what looks like a shed some people use these sheds as tiny homes I can't quite tell if that's just being used as a shed or if that's being used as a tiny home we have a camper over here not a whole lot in this direction and then over here looks like this guy's using it mostly As storage I think he is let's see there is a camper right there and then he has a shipping container and a water storage container on top of that then he has some boats and other vehicles over there too so what do you think worth $44,000 and again at this spot you'd be able to camp on it for a couple weeks at a time for about a month of the year or if you want to be permanent and legal here you would need to put in the septic tank for between 7 and $110,000 then you'd probably want to clear like a path clear out a driveway to get your vehicle in here I don't know how much that would cost to do uh you could of course also do it yourself I don't know if you can see this but that kind of Aqua or teal outline is the the rough uh the rough outline of this property and it's definitely deeper than it is wide it's about twice as deep as it is wide right now I am at the back corner and so from here here to there to the car is all this property if you want a little bit of an idea of how much land this actually is there you have it this one also has much much better Road access than the last one although at the last one on the way out that side of the road was way better than the side I initially went in on and so if you were to be in the market for a place like this to park a big camper on to park an RV on then yeah you'd want to keep that that in mind I'd be much more comfortable bringing one of those here than at the first place at the start of each house Hunter's episode the person or the people moving will be talking to a realtor or to their friend or whoever it is that's helping them find uh their new spot and they'll say okay this is what I want I need this many bedrooms this many bathrooms I want this I don't want this I want to be kind of in this area then the realtor will take those things into account and try to find the perfect place for them but sometimes the realtor or whoever is helping them kind of gets something out of left field or something that doesn't really meet the requirements that the person had but still could be a good option and they they sometimes call that the Wild Card house and I have a wild card property to show you guys it's not really super cheap land but I think it'll make sense once we get there once I show it to you and it's about 15 minutes away so let's go take a look okay guys let me show you what we have here so this is a 1.13 acre lot with a little cabin on it 240 Square ft the brush around the cabin so it looks like the entire property has been cleared which is nice I think that would be less of an issue with uh with the rodents and snakes and everything like that and sorry for the wind it just started started picking up a little 8x10 shed with solar and a little wind turbine and a 300 galon water tank then there's a little covered patio right there too as part of the cabin there is no septic tank here according to the Zillow listing but that can be installed of course and they're asking $27,000 what do you think is that worth it for a piece of cleared land with a couple of little structures on it and great views I mean there's really no one in this immediate area the closest neighbors are let's see looks like over here there are some some trailers it looks like on the drive here I passed by just all kinds of of little homes I saw a bunch of campers I saw motor homes I saw a pickup truck camper without the truck like a truck bed camper I saw a a regular house like a siteb built home what else did I see I saw a couple of tiny houses I saw some sheds that were turned into into tiny houses so I mean there's all kinds of stuff out here it's an interesting place to just kind of wander around I'm not going to go take a closer look at here like I don't want to go here into the windows I think that's kind of weird interesting little wild card don't you think uh the next spot we're going to go to I think is the farthest out it's over in this direction somewhere uh I don't really remember any details about it but I have that all written down and I will tell you the details once we get there okay guys well I'm still trying to make my way to this third spot the road here is just terrible i've been driving on a dirt road for a good 20 or 30 minutes and it was not a good dirt road that it was super Sandy in places some big rocks in other places some pretty big dips and others here so this this is a Road apparently and the the other end of the road goes up here that's impossible you can't drive up that and so I'm angry uh this is a stupid property do not buy this do not buy any land in this little area this is this is not an investment this is a scam this is a land developer trying to cheat people who haven't been to this property this is so dumb uh but I'm I'm almost I'm almost there I think it's just another couple hundred feet but yeah this this big Gul here stopped me in my tracks well I'm there it goes from the road kind of off in this direction that means it includes this dry wash down here but who cares this is stupid do not buy this land I mean I mean there there's a reason there aren't any campers there aren't any homes out here it's because this land isn't really accessible unless you wanted to build this by hauling in like a few 2x4s at a time there's just no way you could practically live out here and the the road getting back to the highway is just going to get worse and worse over the years like this is this is a terrible idea I hate this spot this is a little street sign that they have have here but look at what they're calling a street I mean that's not drivable that is not this is not a street that property is 1 acre and it'll set you back $2,999 I wouldn't take it if you gave me $3,000 I'm in a bad mood cuz I drove that stupid road coming in here and I have to drive it back out again so let me calm down a little bit let me go find a campsite somewhere in this general area and then we'll talk about each property that we saw and then also each area that we talked about I'll see you at Camp assuming I can get out of [Music] here welcome to Camp beautiful spot great views nice and quiet nice and private no one else around and to top it off do you see that that little bit of Road in the middle right there that is actually Route 66 so I'm camped about half a mile from the Mother Road that's pretty cool but let's get back to the task at hand if we were on house hunters or land hunters in our case what would we choose what would I choose let's start with the the towns first as far as the towns go I like this is my my ranking I liked Dolan Springs the best and then me view and then Golden Valley Dolan Springs was just kind of fun quirky colorful I liked it uh me view was small but it it felt kind of close-knit and it had everything you need and then Golden Valley uh the reason I'm just putting it down low is that uh it's just not that pretty of a town and it's not that Pleasant to like interact with the town because of that Highway that's going through the middle of it uh it's like a 55 mph Highway and you have to pull off of that to like go to the gas station or go to the restaurants or or whatever and there's a lot of traffic on there going to and from Kingman it's just just not super Pleasant from that uh that aspect and then as far as the land goes you know which one I'm not choosing that third one was terrible no one should buy that land so that leaves us the first two the me view one the one that was up against a hill that had a couple of Joshua trees on it and then the one that was in Golden Valley and was more flat I think that if the scenario is that we are using this as a place to park a camper for the winter like if we're snowb I think the answer has to be number two the Golden Valley Property the flat one because you can get a camper there you it would be very hard to get a camper to that first spot even on the on the side that was that was better where the road was better I don't know if you could really like turn around on that property if you had a trailer on your vehicle and so just based on that it would have to be the Golden Valley one and I like the Golden Valley area I like the I like the mountains around it you know the views are great I like that it's close to Kingman and so I think that's the spot that I would go to so that was the $4,000 property I think now if I can make my perfect property I would probably have the location be somewhere around Dolan Springs but again as I mentioned earlier in the video those are a little bit more expensive getting into 78 $9,000 for those pieces of land um but it would be in that area and it would have some Joshua trees on it and it would be flat and yeah I think I think that's that's about it I think that would do it so let me know what you guys think uh the the real question though is so I don't have a camper right so this is all theoretical we don't have a camper but if I did have a camper would I rather buy a piece of land like what we saw today or would I rather just Boondock on BLM land camp on BLM land like we're doing now there's so much public land in the west that if you don't want neighbors it's much easier to find that without paying like a billion dollars it's much easier to find that by boondocking than by buying property it's It's Tricky I think that if we had a camper I think we would just be boondocking but if we found the right property like if we had that that property with the little cabin on it the $27,000 one I really liked that spot again that was in Golden Valley great location a little bit farther from the towns and a little bit harder to get to it was it was more driving on dirt roads to get there but that was a really cool spot I really liked that the inside of the cabin by the way was not really I mean it was finished like there were there were walls on the inside there was drywall on the inside but there weren't like there was no kitchen there was no bathroom it was just an empty box inside it was a nice looking white empty box inside and so I think of all the things that we saw today I would lean toward that I would lean toward the $27,000 property I thought that was a great little spot but hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what you think let me know what you would do if you were in the hypothetical situation that I described if you were if you had a camper and you wanted to come south for the winter or west for the winter what would you do would you buy some land or would you just Boondock I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts thanks for watching guys and I'll see you in the next one be sure to check out Adventure knoow my new site where you can gain access to a map of all of my free camp sites plus monthly bonus videos that you won't find anywhere else learn more at Adventure knoow and for links to everything else SUV rving related visit SUV rving.com links to these sites and more will be in the video description
Channel: SUV RVing
Views: 524,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suv camping, suv rving, travel, road trip, camping, camper, vanlife, vandwelling, truck camping, adventure, hiking, arizona
Id: 28QVDp1M3qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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