HE LEFT ME! Surviving A Winter Snow Storm in My Camper Van Alone (RV Life)

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says severe weather alert actually a winter storm warning what I guess it's wow because I know before it said maybe like some flurries I would say winter storm warning remains in effect now from 4 a.m 4 P.M so basically all day kind of kicking off overnight oh no yeah it's like heavy snow expected up to a thousand feet and I'm 7 000 feet up now [Music] we'll see you tomorrow take care of all that stuff quickly love you [Music] all right so I built up the tank with gas picked up some groceries and now we're heading back up to Fletcher view we had a great holiday uh weekend had a great holiday uh down in Las Vegas and it was great so now we're heading back up to Fletcher view to kind of just soak in some more of the winter wonderland that's up there we really do enjoy winter camping get some work done up there but I'm heading up right now by myself so Dave is actually taking the car which we had an appointment to get service it's doing all that stuff getting service and taking care of some errands um and we'll come up tomorrow so I got the kitties with us we're hiding Bailey was just sitting up front here so we're gonna get there I'm gonna set up by myself wow I'm gonna set it up we're gonna make them proud I'm gonna back into that spot perfectly I'm gonna be proud so the last time I drove this desert snow on my own was we were testing the heat up I think I went to the Valley of Fire I was kind of testing out the heat before we had a big trip coming up and I've ran into a few little hiccups in the beginning but ended up being a great test minus the heat actually working now we know the heat works that's Flawless so this time it's kind of weird it's still very weird not having like Dave by my side and it's just weird you know especially driving this by myself and it's fine I mean I'm comfortable driving does it snow at this point but woof this is my time with your man next to you okay so something goes wrong which we hope is not mad today all right so we're not too much farther about 2 000 more feet to climb we're at 5 000 feet in elevation and I'm already noticing like it's windier than last time we were up here and you can definitely see a lot more snow on the mountain which is going to be nice so it should be wonderful oh he's gonna really love this I think it's gonna be a fun experience they're going to be up there and I'm gonna be more snow oh that is cloudy Central all right we better be careful oh those clouds come low those clouds are I just passed 6 000 feet in elevation all right 6 000 feet up in elevation the clouds are really low right now I can see their love oh are we in for something because it looks and I have a weird cane sandwich it smells like a snowstorm I don't know just all right we are arriving here at Fletcher Campground and it looks a lot different today than it did the last time through here it actually looks like the clouds are really low and we may be in for a snowstorm it looks like there was snow already wow boy oh boy fun times coming up all right I think the host is off duty so I am gonna have to do this first come first serve four yay we'll take four let's park this puppy I am just what this is like oh oh um this is what this is awesome I did it one one take I'm in I mean I did it I did it high five high five high five high five wow like that that's like one of the benefits of having a smaller rig like this because what I did it but let me show you this part John hold on let's go outside all right see look at that look at that Park job there's my power there's Desert Snow there's my little picnic-ish area which right now looks totally drenched and so maybe it was raining might have been some rain up here snow mixed with rain but that is such a great Park job all right enough with the weather report look at this look how beautiful this is right now although the clouds are awfully low but I am close to the bathroom which is nice and they're heated so yay good call for that all right time to set up it's gonna be interesting right Macy's look at her she's so excited it's gonna be very interesting today getting set up because we are such a routine Dave and I have our own routine getting things set up that it's almost natural to start doing it that way now that I'm going to be doing all of the setting up it's going to be interesting to see how we get this done oh are you so ready to help me oh you oh she's ready let's set up oh Mommy's little princess I'm sorry do you see this Nummies you know me snowys because you like me snap cutie all right before we get set up princess daily needs her water she's like some cold water yep our cats they drink bring water see and she loves it hi coobies [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] just to have a little bit more light at night here but before I put out anything else like the rugs or my tablecloths I better check the weather first because if it's gonna like rain that's the last thing I want to get soaking wet are my uh rugs as well as my tablecloth so it is freezing though it's probably dropped another two degrees right now so it's like 35. it's cold all right I better get the inside going foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so before I pour myself a glass of wine kitties are now fed I am just gonna take a walk to see if there's any neighbors here you know just to know who's here because right now it is just Moi I have not seen the host which says he's post off duty he's not here and so far every spot is empty so maybe they know something I don't like maybe we shouldn't be here of course keep your eyes peeled I'm by myself and it's getting dark so we don't want to roam too far not one person here so January 3rd someone's supposed to be here first to the third so they're already gone it's close to the bathroom but look there's not one Soul here that's going all the way down oh my goodness and those mountains that you before you could see completely covered temperatures definitely dropping so we might get some snow oh man I definitely feel like I should get back there pour myself a glass of wine okay I'm going back far enough there's no one here but Moi right now so it's time to Wine w-i-n-e down maybe that host will come here because if he doesn't who's gonna be digging us out I don't have a big enough shovel yeah let's not worry about that first wine [Music] foreign [Music] let's give Dave a call see where we are at with the weather because let's see if we're right okay so okay so I'm sitting here with a glass of wine now and I'm curious to know can you tell me what is the weather gonna look like up here because I smell snow yeah well hold on let me look yeah I'm curious because um I came up here and it just seems awfully the clouds are really low it's cold it's about 38 degrees when I got here yeah I'm just looking oh my God there's a uh it says severe weather alert actually a winter storm warning what I guess it's wow because I know before it said maybe like some flurries I would say winter storm warning remains in effect now from 4 a.m 4 P.M so basically all day kind of kicking off overnight oh no yeah it's like heaviest snow expected of 6 000 feet and I'm 7 000 feet up now yeah and it says between it's about seven thousand it says six to 15 inches oh my God yes wind gusts could be pretty high too yeah seriously oh man I think I should probably I took out like the uh chair and I was gonna like start thinking about at least starting a fire um but I don't think I'm gonna do that tonight I'm gonna keep everything sort of like inside if the wind is going to be picking up oh my gosh and you're looking at this right from the weather uh I can see how the roads are because they might they might even like shut them down if it's this bad yeah I don't know if I'd want you driving in like that if it's gonna be like that much of a wind gust and almost 15 inches of snow that's crazy yeah I mean a worst case scenario is I'm I'm gonna have to just muster this um by myself and then come back down once everything kind of opens up do you know what I mean we might have to let me I'll keep tabs on the weather hopefully it's not too bad I can make it oh no definitely let's stay close up stay in touch and um yeah what I'm gonna do right now is just go out and put the chair back in because if it's going to snow I may even bring the Bear in because if it's gonna be like snowing in the morning it's like he's gonna be covered that might not be a bad idea yeah all right well I love you I'll talk to you soon bye oh my God oh my God we could get up to 15 inches of snow and he's not here oh he loves me alone he left me all alone well you have two cats oh my God and and technically this is the first snow no storm we've ever been in now we've been in snow but this is a a snowstorm and of course I'm gonna muster this by myself well I got you guys with me so yikes I better get those chairs in um thank God for good wine and so if we are gonna get an I think we're gonna be okay I went grocery shopping for two it looks like it's just gonna be me up here and before coming up here I filled the fresh water takes about 75 so that should get us through at least till storm and they can clear the roads but uh oh yeah it's at about 50 miles an hour wind so I secured stuff outside so it's time now for us to wind down we got the heat it's nice and cozy get ready for bed watch a little bit of Netflix after I do a little bit of work right Bubbies bye Missy's somebody's ready to probably play as soon as I turn off the lights anyway good night you guys we'll see you in the morning foreign [Music] good morning good morning hold on one second one sec you know there's nothing like that first sip of coffee to really make you think you can get through the day so woke up this morning you guys quick update and it is snowing and it's accumulating so it looks like the weatherman is right this time and uh Dave's gonna sit tight because looks like we're still in that winter storm warning and it's gonna be between 6 and 15 inches of snow so I'm gonna Brave this alone up here with the kitties and you and we're gonna get through this so I feel a little bit better prepared because we have food and I have food enough for two when I went shopping before coming up here so I think it's time to get dressed and assess get dressed and assess get dressed and assess how much snow and what's going on anyway good morning foreign you two good morning Bobby so okay you're gonna hold on for it you're gonna make the bed today right you're in charge of making the bed so I'm gonna be in charge of giving you a quick morning Brushy if you like Brushy because you're so fluffy mommy gives you a good Brushy because you love it you love morning brushes yes you're gonna give me a rolly police oh that's mommy's Cutie Pies mommy's Cutie Pies all right I'll get you in here rolling over next yeah I like depression I like when you brush my back nice gets rid of that loose hair so I don't have hair balls you know I don't like the coffee with hair balls in your bed so keep brushing me babe keep brushing me good morning oh dinner comes the morning stretches say hello to everybody give kisses hello everybody family says good morning all right mom's gonna get out in the snow and check it out out there here we go all right so I got me bag of winter clothes ah so you definitely need ah winter weather puns which is like snow pants meets wind and rain check you gotta make sure they still fit oh oh yeah they still fit gloves I have two pairs I need the gloves of actually these gloves that have holes in them they're actually gloves Meats mittens so they're functional so I can work and then if my hands get cold I can cover them up like hello loves Jack hat check coffee check all right let's go check it out let's go outside now I have to go get my boots that's important but where keep the head chest the back and the feet warm and you're in good shape [Music] foreign [Music] Force out in it now this place is definitely known I'm not sure if you've seen our last video to have a lot of mountain lions more than usual the good thing about freshly packed snow is I can actually see prints before they get kind of either melted and I know exactly what they look like so definitely going to keep my eyes open for that but this is just you can definitely feel the altitude because you're also about 7 000 feet but we are in a winter wonderland you and me me alone here kind of crazy and I think I hear the plows on the street so they do a fairly good job here I guess keeping the streets clean especially since you're kind of on this kind of incline decline to keep things safe you're on a mountain you know but it's just beautiful the weather right now and it's kind of a wetter snow I can see it's gonna toughen up later on because it's about 35 34 degrees so it's a little bit of a wet snow although it's accumulating pretty fast and it's supposed to continue on throughout the night so yeah this is where we're going to be for the next few nights we're gonna make do of it I don't know I don't know if I'll go snowshoeing without day by myself not sure how appealing that is knowing what we know here and the last time we were here were pretty freaking scared here in the mountain lion stories and just hearing incredible creepy sounds so not sure now this time in particular We're alone so they could be off in a distance and it's so quiet up there now because there's not a lot of foot traffic I don't want to be that first pair of feet walking up there I don't know just saying [Music] foreign so if you're daring and I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable because it's early on in the day I don't know I may do a little hike up there uh tomorrow once the snow kind of finishes but right now it's kind of this wet snow so I feel like I'm getting drenched and it's getting cold but there's a lot of cool spots and Nooks that you can if you're willing to hike up and once you make it to the top of that there's this really sort of nice flat Highlands that you can Overlook the mountains and see some of the mountains up there it's pretty cool and a better View all right so that is about as high as I'm gonna go right now I'm definitely gonna start heading back towards Desert Snow um maybe make some lunch and uh shovel around the camp a little bit before it accumulates and gets too heavy or I'm not gonna be able to shovel at all but she says I don't have babe I'm strong but he's stronger just just saying but this is really beautiful that is so peaceful right now you know I was pretty nervous at first and now I'm realizing as long as I can sit tight it doesn't look like there's going to be any spots that are going to fill up which last time talking with the Campos spots fill up pretty quickly here but it's pretty empty I actually just noticed we have a neighbor he's way down there she's way down there and uh their cozy little spot and uh the host is here because look just notices someone who came in and plowed that's usually the host job so things are looking somewhat up here but we really haven't hit the I heard the wind's gonna pick up and it's gonna get a accumulate quite a bit later on so hopefully that's not the case but if it is I'll be back here live reporting to you here on let's turn it up world it almost looks fake like perfectly round balls it's almost like fake snow but it's not it's just that it's a little more dense I guess because of the altitude as well and not as soft and fluffy but almost like little tiny mini snowballs hey and look at this desert snow in the snow baby wow how you feeling Big Boy your first snowstorm you look fantastic you're great you look great bud so I didn't go back I'm kind of enjoying being out in the snow so I want to show you something so if you decide to come here to Fletcher view you can actually just get a fee envelope and it's kind of some of the spots are first come first sir which is the one that I nabbed and you're allowed up to 14 days so as long as you have the funds for it you can stay here at the third uh 14 days and that fee is 33 for the small space kind of like the one that I have and then what you do is you just take the fee envelope here put your fee in you're listening spot clip out your coupon put in front of your space and then you drop it into this little bin here the pay fee here bin just just in case you're thinking hey where is this place at it looks really beautiful and snowy and lovely yeah pleasure view campground okay really quick so I just connected with the camp host you know sometimes they have better Radio Systems and weather than I don't know most people so I asked her sorry I'm coming like back up field here so I'm a little winded is the snow gonna hit 15 inches you said no we'll probably about seven inches here it'll stop late tonight but Lee Canyon which is about 8 500 feet up they're gonna get a foot of snow that's a ski area so that's crazy that's crazy but it's awesome [Music] [Applause] foreign so even though Dave cannot be here with us in the snow hubby can still be here with us in the snow so let's call let's FaceTime him let's give him a quick EST time what's up yeah yes it's all over my head say hello to everybody hey yes it's coming down so I was just telling everyone we're gonna get about six to seven inches here according to the host but up about 8 500 feet in Lee Canyon it's gonna be about a foot of snow I'm sorry you can't be here right now but it's better it's safer that you know the roads are kind of really weird I walked out of and just took a look at them they're plowing they're doing a great job plowing but it's coming down as fast as they're plowing and it's like thick it's like it's almost like snowball see there's the host there he is in the back there he goes say hi Bob [Laughter] um but it's almost coming on like ice balls little mini snowballs yeah hey well all right anyway I love you I'm gonna go snow we all miss you love you all right love you bye whoa that was so cool see and it's it's gonna continue I feel better I feel a little better I'm connected with them I can speak with him you guys can speak with him ah I think it's time for some lunch I'm freezing time to go in [Music] so before we fully call it a good evening and head in stay warm for the rest of the night inside Desert Snow back there just a quick little update you can see it is still coming down and it's pretty uh it's pretty cold right now so it's actually turning into more of that fluffy type snow but you can see like look all the trees the roads are covered once again and it's coming down and of course with the wind it just makes it a little bit more difficult but I one thing I've learned you know originally coming from New England here is you got to be prepared so I have layers upon layers on multiple sweatshirts this is just a kind of a neck Gator to kind of keep your neck warm and my hat unfortunately is all soaking wet but look how look at that there's no signs of it stopping right now they say tonight but uh I'm gonna see if I can take the I'm gonna take droni up and maybe you can kind of get a glimpse of what it looks like above sort of that Peak boy it's really coming down looks good oh and for those of you wondering like how's our heat holding up in here well I have it at about a steady 68 degrees um I lowered it a little bit to 67 during the day and then I have a small space heater so it keeps it nice and toasty and there's a little bit balance I'm not using up too much of the propane I am going to use an induction cooktop inside since I am plugged in here which is great look at that already fully covered I'm looking like yeah that's no woman but it stays nice and toasty so I'm going to show you in a little bit how much propane I use as it's been kind of running constantly but it stays so warm in there because the insulation in desert snow so he's kind of made for this weather that's so much that's my mouth in it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] about 67 most of the night during the day I made lower to 65. and there's the temp stick you know it's kind of a makeshift thing that I have they have a little taped just so I can monitor the actual temperatures when this shuts off because this here is the thermostat so once the temperature reaches 67 degrees it cuts off and so it's pretty insulated in here one thing that I do is I'll put up this thermal blanket you see here as well which also helps to decrease the cold air on this compartment which since Dave is not with me right now I don't really need to utilize that front space except I can use it as extra storage so oh and one other thing actually two more things I'm not sure if you can see that but the last reading was about 4 26 it's 441 right now and it says it's about 66.5 so it's pretty accurate in terms of the Heat here so it's nice and cozy so with it being super cold outside let me zoom in on that right there you see the mofika let's see how much gas you've used so I still have one full tank and I've only touched I think like a quarter of it right there so I have tons left uh in there as well and this has been kind of running throughout the day the heat so we're in good shape mom's t-shirt super comfy I mean look and cozy everybody's cozy I mean even Brady's cozy oh but that is is that stretching is that a position I don't even want to ask what you're doing over there cleaning himself doing the cleaning and of course there's nappy nappy lady she just loves to sleep all day and play I just probably wore her out from playing with their little Flamingo I did some Flamingo chasing today oh Flamingo cheese just don't turn upside down you get the wrong impression now before I start dinner today's my band workout Day friend of mine Christine from uh Irene iron travels is really trying to get me into shape and I feel it's been it's been great so what do we have on the dinner menu for tonight well we're gonna have chicken stir fry so I got some chicken strips already pre-cut and I'm gonna have some vegetables a whole bunch of certain vegetables in there now it's interesting because I've never cooked inside the RV except one time I made breakfast a long time ago obviously because I don't like to make a mess it's a small kitchen space I usually cook outside but since it's like a blizzard out there right now we're gonna cook inside so I'm trying to like makeshift things like okay here's my pad my little also doesn't go spilling and then I'm gonna cover when it Cooks I'm gonna use some aluminum foil um to kind of cover on top while it Cooks to keep it from splashing all over the place that's having a lot of work to clean up afterwards so anyway that's the plan so let's get cooking okay I never had this happen before so I tried to open up the vent the max vent to get some circulation in here while I'm cooking so it Cooks out and it did not pop and I think it's because it's Frozen I mean obviously it's the only time it's it's been in the ice and snow like this so I think it's frozen so hmm what do we do I have a good old blow dryer that does it [Music] oh the joys the joy of the joy life and I could slap a window okay so that did not work so we're gonna crack a window maybe the door while we cook but hey if you have any ideas on how to unstick a Max fan when it's snowing besides going up on a slippery roof leave in the comments below because I would really appreciate that [Music] foreign [Music] and with that I'm about to have some chicken stir-fry a little side of organic spinach and I'm gonna pop open this and do a little Netflix and chill it's been quite a day it's still snowing outside which is it's somewhat kind of serene in a way you look out the window and you see this beautiful white snow and it's nice and toasty in here so I am exhausted you guys what a day I'll see you guys in the morning oh that is so good Dave waterproof [Music] I need a little taster [Music] good morning good morning okay so the sun is shining the skies are blue the storm is over but um I'm still buried and all that [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God all right this has been quite an experience you know I had no idea what I was getting into coming up here and then of course Dave not being able to come up here because of a snowstorm you know Dave does a lot of the work on the outside handling things like turning on the propane and setting things up out here while I do the stuff on the inside so I had to kind of pace and take things one step at a time and you know what we did it we made it through the snow storm we made it through the snow storm now one thing I have to make it through is cleaning off this damn heartbeat there's a lot to do so the sun is Shifting um it's going to be getting dark at some point you know it gets dark early here up in Mount Charleston so that means it's going to start getting cooler and the roads are wet so I don't want that to turn to slick stuff so I am going to clean off this RV head out down into the valley so I can meet Dave I'm so excited to see him all right you guys we'll see in the next adventure foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: LetsTurnItUpWorld
Views: 926,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv life, van life, winter rv life, winter van life, letsturnitupworld, turn it up world, van camping in heavy snow, van life winter, van blizzard, winter storm in a van, living out of a van, rv living, surviving a snowstorm in a van, surviving a snowstorm, camper van in snow storm, camper van in snow, camper van in winter, snow, rv, full time rv living, full time rv, winter camping, snow camping, full time rving, winter rving, rv camping, snow storm, snowstorm van
Id: wvAdafo8hl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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