winter reading vlog: snowy books, mental health chats & cozy days at home

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[Music] hey what is up dear friends welcome back to my channel i'm very excited for this week's reading vlog i've been waiting like all year and all since last year to start um the wintry cozy magical snowy reading vlogs they are my favorite i am very passionate about snow i love snow and snowy books i love and are even dearer in my heart than spooky books which is crazy um and which is also why i'm so excited to be working with an app again that i used in my last reading challenge or just book organization um reading themed either in like the spooky season and now this time we're doing the winter season which i'm so excited about and that app is of course literal who are also sponsoring today's video so thank you so gosh darn much i'm gonna be using their app all this week to organize all of my wintery magical reading but something i didn't want to mention that they're doing which is very very cool if you want to give them a follow on instagram because they're going to be posting about a giveaway that they're doing over on their instagram feed and their instagram story because they are doing a 25 days of giveaway they are literally going to literally going to be selecting a winner every single day from december 1st to december 25th each day the person who wins will win a 20 gift card to either a locally owned bookstore of their choosing or an online independent bookstore of their choosing which is so cool and really nice so the entry requirements for the giveaway vary but if you want to go check them out on instagram they will post everything about that there and they're using the hashtag literals25daysofgiveaways so yes i'm really excited for this vlog um we've already had so much so much snow yeah that's how excited i am but i decided to do my nails i decided to try like making this one a little bit of like a snowflake and then the rest like blue and i really like them so i'm very excited to take you throughout the week i already have a couple snowy books and christmas ebooks on the go and i'm excited to just build this tbr because i've been stockpiling all of my cozy books and i even made a whole bookshelf full of winter stuff which i think i've already mentioned in several videos but welcome to this vlog i'm so happy you're here and let's get into it yes okay it's sewing we're going out there because oh my gosh like look at that you can't even see it's beautiful [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so welcome to friday i don't have class today um and i'm so happy about that because look i did not bring gloves so my hands are getting a little um frosty but cannot wait to get in from this curl up with my book and some mocha it's just so beautiful so beautiful all right hello it is a little bit later i have been really not that productive since my walk in the snow it's just been kind of one of those days where i'm like what do i do i'm just like walking around my apartment being like i have stuff to do but what should i really do so i ended up um just putting on some makeup because i'm thinking i'm filming a video and i kind of wanted you can't really oh my eyes like my eyes been twitching yeah you can see that oh my god my eyes been twitching all day it's so annoying it's like this when i do not get a good sleep i did end up editing a little bit of a video and cleaning a little bit of the apartment but last night i was actually so productive because i spent literally like a good three hours deep cleaning um both my bathroom the kitchen i must have done like four loads of laundry including like all the towels kitchen random kitchen stuff and mats as well anything else that could be cleaned and go in the um washing machine just because i felt like i hadn't done that in a while and it was just it just felt really good to do that like after my test was done i didn't have any big responsibilities on me but i actually do need to check what my test on monday is for because i haven't actually even looked at the format or anything yet and today's only friday so i do have some time so that's fine but now i'm just like humming and hawing being like do i want to film this video do i not want to film this video it's my december tbr and like i think i know what it is so i'll probably just end up filming it because yeah but i do want to do a lot of reading tonight and i probably am going to finish editing this video [Music] i also really want to read more of for the wolf by hannah witton because this is the other book i'm currently in the middle of i am 58 pages through i am loving this so much i think this is finally a little red riding hood retelling that i'm gonna love like it's just so good it's adult dark fantasy and we're following red it's a pretty i want to say not like complicated fantasy world but there's a lot going on so it's set in this world that she's in one of the kingdoms that borders on the wilder wood which is a forest that is said to be quite dark and harmful and it's also where it said that the gods from the world and the or the kings everyone used to worship the five kings they were taken into the woods and essentially like killed or kept kept calf captive by the wolf who lives in the wilder wood and so in the hopes of bringing back these five kings every time a second daughter is born to the royal family of this kingdom i think it's called validen the second daughter is always sacrificed to the forest and the first daughter is always like trained to become um the heir to the throne kind of thing so red or radaris is the second daughter and so she is sacrificed to the woods and she just made it into the wilder woods but she finds out that the wolf is actually a man he's not a wolf at all and there's actually other secrets about the wolf that she's just learned which i'm not gonna say but there's so much writing about nature um and moss there's so much moss in this book and it's just really really good so far like i'm loving the evil spooky really dark vibes like the trees literally want to drink your blood in this book and it's fantastic so i would highly recommend um i hope it keeps going the way that it is because it's so good so far i cannot wait to learn more um and just like get into the world and see what's happening in the wilder wood because red also has a shard of magic in her from when um she was younger and she went into the woods with her sister when she wasn't supposed to and like she got cut and the woods essentially drank her blood and so um it inserted like a shard of power into her and now she can um kind of work or she like has this semi-destructive plant magic so that's interesting but anyway loving that i also went out today where did i go i stopped at the post office and then i went to the drugstore to pick up a few things because i ran out of my face wash i'm so sad i was using the green tea face wash from wishtrend which i loved i used up the whole bottle but um it's a south korean company so they didn't they don't have it here so i just decided to pick up for right now the sarah v face lotion nope foaming facial cleanser um because i've heard so many people talk about this and i'm really hoping it is good so i just got this one this is the normal to oily skin one so we're gonna try it out see what happens and then they also had a whole bunch of christmas candles or winter candles and so i did pick one up because like the designs on them were just beautiful this guy has a pull over on it with like the northern lights they also had like one with foxes and reindeer and they were just so cute but i got the polar bear one and this is snow and ice it smells really good it also has like a hint of cinnamon hearts i want to say so yeah that is the weird little drugstore hole um but it is now eight o'clock so i think what i'm going to do is put my pajama pants on i want to play a little i want to play a little bit of some video games tonight that i've been really enjoying um but then i need to go to bed early today although i'll probably read some of this in bed too because i have a very early dentist appointment tomorrow and i don't want to go i hate going to i don't hate going to the dentist i would just rather not go um but i have to go to the dentist and then i have some errands from this morning or tomorrow morning all right so i am in bed now and i'm gonna spend a little bit of time reading for the wolf i got up the page 106 and one thing i'm really liking is the plot i think the plot is so cool with the forest um being alive the forest being a character and we have the wolf who is actually just this guy named eamonn and essentially like he's is revealed that he's actually trying to protect um or like to keep out the monsters that come through the forest because essentially like um the lore like way back when none of this is really spoiler at all um but there were a whole bunch of like monsters and shadow monsters running around um the kingdoms and terrorizing people and eventually they all got locked away into the wilder wood um in a section of the wilder wood called the shadow lands very original so the forest essentially like keeps these monsters inside um but they are trying to get out and essentially the wolf's blood is one of the things that can stop the spread of the shadows and um just you know keep things under control and like i don't really know like we don't really know yet how red ties into that because of course she has a sliver of power herself from the forest but we just met a few more people in the woods one negative thing i will say about this is that the writing is quite repetitive um in the descriptions concerning like okay the word moss has been mentioned about 56 times like just i know there's not really a lot of synonyms for mosques it's just like an action scene will happen where like a tree will come out and attack red or someone and the same kind of description will be used multiple times in different sentences and like this one mini action scene that makes it drag on for this interminable amount of time and i'm just like this could have been over i don't need to read three sentences about what moss is doing um unless they are beautifully worded sentences and unfortunately a lot of time they aren't um it just feels like sometimes the author doesn't have like a very clear sense of what should actually be happening in these scenes with her writing that's just like the vibe it gives off kind of because they're just kind of repeated thrice for no reason i'm just gonna read a little bit more and relax put on some winter ambiance and have a really good night snowing very softly so yeah first of all i want to say thank you so so goddamn much because i woke up to two thousand two thousand two hundred thousand what um subscribers this morning two hundred thousand of you guys um i i don't like the word subscriber i just want to call you 200 000 friends that is literally insanity i don't know why i went british just because it's so insane but thank you so much um i just can't believe it i felt like i just like i don't know where a hundred thousand more of you came from i can't even wrap my mind around it really like it doesn't feel feels super weird but i just want to say hi if you're watching this thank you so much if you recently found this channel hi welcome to this place i hope you are liking your stay here um please tell me where you came from tell me how you're feeling tell me how you're doing tell me a little bit about yourself if you've been here for how long has this channel been up i think like two years actually i don't know i'm gonna have to check on that but if you've been here for a while and you've never introduced yourself i would love to say hi to you um and hi if you're watching this and don't want to introduce yourself that's also totally cool but i just wanted to say thank you and it just yeah it just came at a really good time i've been having a really rough couple of weeks my anxiety has just been so high it's just so frustrating each and every time and i've just been in a lot of pain for a lot of different reasons and it's just been a little bit of a nightmare recently which is really strange because i was doing so well and i was thinking like oh my gosh remember like i was remembering when i used to go through really bad periods um usually like really short bursts of like intense anxiety and i was like hey i haven't haven't done that for a while and then like the next week it was just it went all downhill i had i had a very was it yesterday no i think the day before i just got smacked in the face with like the biggest panic attack i've had in a while um and that was really exhausting i i'm like i'm grateful because it's been a while since i've had one but it was just really bad and i kind of just did not deal with it very well i'm just so thankful for my roommates and to be able to live with someone who is so kind we're best friends and i can just like have someone like have a really good support like right here i think i'm coming out of the rough period right now but um i just keep getting hit with like either really bad headaches really bad cramps um i've been having a lot of just random pains in my body like for the past two weeks it's been more like more days where i've just been in pain than not which is frustrating especially when i just i just want to get stuff done i want to live my life i want to you know be able to go and write a test and not be um feeling like i'm not performing my best because of my body because it's not working the way it's supposed to for some not not not working the way it's supposed to but just you know being a body and going through pain and i have to have to respect that but it's not something i love however it does make me really really grateful for moments when i'm not in pain like right now almost right now almost right now um it's just every single time it feels like coming out of a cave like coming out of the show um and falling back in love with the world and like getting us to tackle things um it's like a really good feeling but is it worth it i'm not sure so it's just been a rough it's just yeah it's just been a few weeks and i just wanted to do a little mental health update because i think a lot of it is i'm not blaming school i'm not blaming academia because it's not academia's fault um it's my fault for not looking after myself and i've always been someone who's put um school whether that's literally even elementary school which was stupid why did i try that hard or university first before like what i need before recognizing my own needs whether that's just like continuing to push myself to do more research to work harder to just like spend the time putting my energy towards academia when in reality i need to take breaks i need to take care of myself i need to take care of my surroundings and stuff like that and so that's been rough and i my pizza the moment of joy um but yeah that's definitely something i've struggled with a lot and i know i always get a lot of comments um of people struggling with that too and a lot of requests for what do you call it like time management how i manage my time and stuff and in reality a lot of the time i wouldn't really call it time management right like i would just call it not not managing myself in favor of managing um whether that's youtube or school mostly just school honestly um but yeah there's an unnecessary amount of pressure there and for what at the end of the day is just a grade i know i'm gonna pass no matter what i don't really think i would never be in danger of failing at the end of the day is just a grade and my grades have been very very good so i'm just not sure why i continue to do this to myself but i've been getting better at it recently i have and making uni content and just like talking openly about these issues especially ones that have been so ingrained both in myself and probably ingrained within me from you know being brought up in school for so long um but yeah yes so i am just really motivated though to just get back with my reading i'm gonna be on christmas break soon winter break like i said and i'm so excited to read all of the wintry books and just to like feel better take a long break from school which is going to do wonders for my mental health i know it um because it definitely does always plummet when i go back to school that is something i don't enjoy even though i love university makes me quite happy but um in a different sense it also takes away a lot of the things that um are in place to keep my mental health healthy so yeah anyway this has been a little ramble i hope you're doing well if there's anything you want to share anything you'd like to see anything you want to talk about feel free to pop it down below but i'm gonna go put this pizza in the oven i'm excited let's go [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh this one's so cute right [Music] it's very rustic experience [Music] i have lost my family [Applause] guys [Music] do [Music] um [Music] so [Music] um it's so pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] wow it is snowing so much it is so beautiful we just ordered in and i think our delivery driver is going to take a very long time to get here and i've already had like one of these so mistakes were made but wow i can't even see like it's just a white out [Music] now [Music] my coffee is good today all right so we have embarked on our winter reading journey challenge adventure um and i am so happy i have a lot of updates with this book because this is the first one i'm gonna be reading um in this vlog i think i've already said that i've already updated you guys but now i'm exactly 300 pages through um and i have a lot of thoughts so have i already explained what this is about kind of if it sounded like it was confusing while i was explaining it it's because it kind of is and there's still some things i'm just a little bit foggy on i like the complicated world building but i'm really unsure whether it needs to be this complicated because it is a fantasy book that centers a lot around the past and the characters ancestors and like what came before them it's kind of doing that circular um mythological repetitive time scale thing where actions just keep being repeated that freaked me out but it was just my charger i didn't know what that was um looks like a snake the red and neve are sisters nevis the firstborn and red is the second born so 300 pages in what i will say red has obviously gone to the woods we've already talked about this but it has been so repetitive i think this book could have done with a lot of extra editing a lot of editing because the scenes are just very repetitive um i think i already told you that red as well had that shard of magic in her from when she and nev tried to destroy the wilder woods so that red wouldn't have to go there and be sacrificed to the wolf but most of the books so far most of red and the wolf's relationship and where they are because the synopsis does reveal that the wolf is a man and the man is just this dude named eamon has just been them really doing the same things like trying to save the trees because a lot of the trees um are trying to alert the wolf so that the wolf can heal the trees so that the trees don't let out the shadow lands um and release the five kings that are trapped in like the shadow lands where the demons and monsters are but also where these kings are so so much of it has been that there's a lot of like terminology a lot of different things concerning these trees but i was already telling you guys how the writing was feeling quite repetitive but now the plot itself is feeling quite repetitive however we have learned a few new things and i'm actually really enjoying it's kind of a relief when the perspective switches back to neve who's still in valid in like the kingdom because i'm sometimes i'm honestly feeling like i'm enjoying her perspective more most of this book is definitely set from red's perspective but yeah i just think this book could have done with a lot of editing love the premise i love the idea um i just don't think the execution is super strong i'm not sure if this is her debut novel it might be so i'm excited to see where it goes i've already seen the cover for the second book i don't think it's so i don't know when it comes out and then one of the last things i wanted to kind of say is that there is a romance in here it falls under one of the tropes i'm not going to say which trope but it is between red and the wolf obviously but i just don't feel like the chemistry there to me it's just not super existent i'm just like okay you guys like each other um i just don't think the relationship is written very well and i'm just i wish i was into it but i'm just not into it i don't really care that much i feel like like i don't really care i much prefer neve and like her perspective and what's going on um in her world and in her relationships actually which is interesting because i wasn't expecting that i usually love love love the little red riding hood um aspects and i keep saying that but it's not really little red riding hood at all it's just she has a red cloak and there's this dude who's called the wolf so yeah um i just wish the world building was a bit stronger concerning the ideas because i think they're really cool ideas i love the idea that fantasy does with like the returning cycles and like you have to break the cycle of what you know came before you that was my update on that i am 300 pages through i'd love to finish this soon i think i have like 130 pages left or something but um i really don't know where it's going because not that much has actually happened that is the first one i want to cross off for this challenge and then we will start something else but i did actually i did start something else actually that i'm reading alongside this so i will let you know um what that is too today the plan is that i am very busy because tomorrow is the dickens vs tool story live show for resurrection by tolstoy and i need to get my notes in order there's some research i want to do on resurrection um and there's just some other things that i want to get done but i really do need to get my notes out and prepare for the debate so that is what i'm gonna do right now i think i'm gonna take my coffee and then move to the couch with my laptop and write a bunch [Music] okay i think i just finished my notes for resurrection and that feels really good because i had so much to just get out i ended up actually reading a couple of critical essays on it um just so i could get a little bit more background and something i did not know was that um tolstoy himself was in like quite a similar position to nekolodov because nekolodov in this book seduces a young woman and then basically ruins her life but tolstoy did the exact same thing when he was younger and a lot of this book is him like i think regretting that clearly he said he regretted it but he told his biographer that he seduced like the chambermaid of one of his family's houses or something and then she was dismissed and she died i was like wow i did not know that tolstoy big yikes um but anyway i got a lot of my thoughts out which is so great because like i just i knew i was angry at this book but i didn't realize how angry um and just how like strongly i felt towards it especially the ending so like i went through and kind of annotated it and then put out my thoughts um just type them up so i'm really excited for tomorrow's debate um yeah so that feels good to have my notes done and now oh yes the other thing i started was a christmas carol by dickens um because this is our book for december for the dickens versus toll story and i'm loving it it's so nice to get out of resurrection and get into a christmas carol i'm only 10 pages through but this is a reread for me and i'm loving i'm annotating it this time as well and it's just been so good like the lines in here are just so pleasantly beautiful the way that scrooge is described he carried his own low temperature always about with him he iced his office in the dog days and didn't thaw it one degree at christmas no wind that blew was bitter than he no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose no pelting rain less open to entreaty foul weather didn't know where to have him i just love like the snowy atmosphere and like the whole thing with fog as well in this one candles were flaring in the windows of the neighboring offices like ready smears upon the palpable brown air the fog came pouring in at every and keyhole and was so dense without that although the court was of the narrowest the houses opposite were mere phantoms the ancient tower of a church whose gruff old bell was always peeping slightly down at scrooge out of a gothic window in the wall became invisible and struck the hours and quarters in the clouds with tremulous vibrations afterwards as if its teeth were chattering in its frozen head up there the brightness of the shops where holly sprigs and berries crackled in the lamp heath of the windows made pale faces ready as they passed it's just so good i'm loving it so much so i'm going to read a little bit more of this today i've been trying to just read it really really slowly so that i can just like be with it as long as possible because i'm really really loving it this is my first time physically reading it last year i listened to the audiobook which i also recommend but um yeah so that is the other book that i'm currently physically reading [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i got a package uh it's like 9 00 p.m now but i've been listening a lot to dune which i'm not going to talk about in this vlog because it's going to be in a different um reading vlog actually i'm doing a whole one about dune and then the movie too which i'm really excited about i haven't started the movie but um i've also been really inspired literally just yesterday and today to get back into playing music because it's been a really long time and i don't know why like winter and christmas time always inspires me to like crack out the flute um so you saw me playing flute which was probably very rusty because that's the first time i picked it up in months i haven't i haven't i've not opened my flute case since moving to this apartment but that was really fun um yeah like there's this piece from ratatouille i want to learn and i was just really nice playing a lot of the studio ghibli um pieces that i've grown to love so much um and i don't know if you can see you probably can't do a finger comparison but this hand i still can't feel my fingers my fingers are numb because i played guitar last night for like hours um and mostly because my mother taylor swift just has been inspiring me to sing a lot and also to try and play guitar and sing which is something i've never done but it's really hard i did take guitar class in high school but it wasn't it was just classical guitar so it was no no chords or anything really like that um which i love classical guitar it's great but like learning how to strum and like do the chords is not something i've ever done before so i've just been doing that myself but man i don't think i should have gone for as long as i did because it's still numb and very puffy and painful um and i was so sad i couldn't play today because like it just hurt so bad that i couldn't do it so just waiting for those calluses to reform and then we'll be fine but the whole main topic of this thing was that i got a package this is from my amazon wishlist and this is from one of you guys thank you so much i actually started reading it already because i got too excited this is from morgan thank you so much it says dear emma i just discovered your channel and it is a treasure i want to read this book so bad so i gifted it to you that's so nice thank you for being such a light in the world full of kindness and coziness love from france thank you so much because it is a diary of blood oh my gosh i've been seeing so many people read this recently and i just i just i wanted to read it it's a reimagining of dracula's brides and like it's so pretty it's so so so pretty smells so good and like i said i literally just started reading it already i'm 10 pages through because i don't know if i'm really gonna pick this up but like i couldn't put it down once i just like picked it up i was like oh my gosh i need to keep reading like the writing in this that was the main thing i've been hearing was that the writing was just so so good um and it is it has been oh my gosh so in this we follow one of dracula's brides whose name is constanta and that's pretty much all i know it's just that she is right now getting turned into a vampire by dracula i really really really want to read this and it's not that long so i might just do it i might just pick it up anyway i will render you as you really were neither cast in pristine stained glass or unholy fire i will make you into nothing more than a man tender and brutal in equal measure and perhaps in doing so i will justify myself to you to my own haunted conscience this is my last love letter to you though some would call it a confession i suppose both are a sort of gentle violence putting down an ink which scorches the air when spoken aloud i don't know for the wolf is kind of like going like this you know um but i've heard nothing but good things about this so anyway i'm really excited about that i want to thank you so much thank you so much for sending this to me i'm so happy to have this in my hands like it's been a while since i've been like this excited for a new book so thank you so much um and then i do have some other stuff i need to be doing but tomorrow is the debate so i want to make sure i get a good night's sleep although in honesty i have not been sleeping very well recently because i have been adoring like staying up very very late and waking up very very late i don't really know why that's been a thing but that's been the situation so i i do imagine tonight is going to continue into like a very late night vlog of some sort so we shall see but i'm going to finish editing up this video i think and then i really want to play guitar like it's killing me does anyone have tips can i like make this go by faster can i like scrape off my i'm just like learning all too well obsessively like playing it over and over again last night sounded like complete poop but that's okay um but my fingers have yet to come back from the grave and i even had to sacrifice my nails are way too long realistically but i did have to sacrifice like half of my beautiful winter gel nails for it so that was a bit tragic but anyway i've been having fun with that so i don't think i should play the flute right now though because i have a feeling i'm gonna get yelled at so this is turning very rambly let us edit this video okay so i read a bunch of this actually i have around 60 pages of this left um uh i kind of guessed some of the things that was gonna happen so that was like a little bit disappointing but um i'm just like excited to see where it goes i think there's just like the world building isn't a hundred percent um intact or like believable to me because it just seems very like murky and stuff like everything that has to do with the forest and the trees and the rules is just a little bit too abstract for me um and i have to keep like kind of reminding myself what things are and why things are happening um but yeah i'm very tired now i'm very very tired it is almost 11 o'clock actually um i've been sitting here listening to dune trying to decide if i want to have a cup of tea or not or like a matcha but it's literally almost 11. kind of wanted to finish this tonight i don't know if that's gonna happen but i might just crawl into bed or try reading a little bit more um we'll see this is okay but like it's definitely gone way downhill in enjoyment level for me because when i started it i was so in love with this so enamored but it's just really gone downhill unfortunately it's not like i'm not hating it it's just not a book that's like wowing me or it's gonna be a new favorite um so yeah but anyway i am going to listen a little bit more to dune or i might actually i don't know what i'm gonna do i might just go to bed um we'll see what happens i haven't really decided yet good morning guys i am very sleepy but i decided i wanted to read a little bit of this in the morning which is cool because i've mostly been reading this at night but i'm actually almost done i don't know if i'm going to finish today i'm on page 381 and i have a lot more thoughts about it but i could potentially finish it today because um it's actually much less than that since there's a huge excerpt from the second book at the back so we will see but i'm gonna sit down read some of this finish my coffee and see how far i get stop it i just sat down to film and it started like it's like snow blowing everywhere so pretty this is amazing i love this such a good time to stay here and talk to you guys about reading updates well we while i stare at the snow i guess but um i didn't manage to finish this this morning but i am definitely gonna be finishing it today so i'm excited to give you um my final thoughts on for the wolf and also check off one of the winter books that's on my winter reading challenge tbr and also start a new one i'm so excited to start so many books right now but i did get to page 406 and the thing i wanted to update on is just the romance i think i was saying before that i was not really feeling the romance but now i'm just like absolutely not feeling it i actually think that red the main protagonist is one of my least favorite characters and a lot of it has to do with like the way that the romance is structured because i just think it's really bad romance writing if i'm being honest um the main just like the plot and the religion and the darkness and the creepiness of the woods is like the main thing that i am loving this book for i could really care less about red and eamon who is the wolf and their relationship if i'm being honest just because i don't think it's very um it doesn't have a lot of body to it you know what i mean like it's just very tropey to me almost like insta love in my opinion and they really haven't known each other for very long but the good thing is that the book has really picked up at the end now i was getting a little bit fed up with the middle because i was telling you guys that i was finding it very repetitive but um the ending of the book is actually i'm really enjoying it and i'm really enjoying all of the darkness and the there's just so much about like blood and like the blood and the forest and the trees and like coming together and like forests invading bodies which is really cool um we will see when i get to the end like what my final rating is because i honestly don't know yet because like i said i'm just really enjoying like the darkness and the spookiness of the woods um and the different trees and magic and stuff like that so the goal is to finish this today for sure um and then i did read a little bit more of a christmas carol since the last time i talked to you guys i got to page i think 14 in a christmas carol and i'm really really loving it like the quotes are just so beautiful hi i'm blue i look blue i look blue so here it is here's the last update of the vlog i did manage to finish for the wolf thank goodness but actually i'm very happy with the ending like i was just editing the vlog and i was very grumbly about the middle half of this book which i still stand by but it really picked up and i really like the ending and i'm actually so excited to continue on with the series because i was kind of thinking that maybe i wouldn't just based off of the middle slog but like the ending really picked up i loved everything that happened a lot of it gave me princess mononoke vibes and i really really liked it like it was just so dark and spooky and it had some of my favorite things happening um and i really really really love the ending actually so very happy with that i think my final rating for this is gonna sit at like almost four stars which is still very very good but i just don't know if i can give it the full stars because um it just felt like there was a lot of mushy gushy wobbliness in the middle if that makes sense so the next book that i'm going to be picking up is the enchanted sonata though by heather dixon wall work so excited for this one look at how pretty um in the little tassel so i think i'm gonna start a new vlog for this one because this vlog has gotten very very long and lengthy cannot wait to just keep checking off these beautiful wintry books from my literal list if you guys want to check out literal it's a completely free app um if i haven't already said that but there will be a link in the description box um and if you also want to get on board and try to jump in on their 25 days of giveaway then do it because it looks so because it looks so fun um so yes thank you literal so much i'm so i have so much fun doing these like little challenges i just want to keep making them so so excited to start this thank you guys so much for watching i hope you're doing well um i'm freezing like i think i am actually looking blue because it's very cold today but i'm gonna log off and i'm gonna try to get warm and i will see you guys very very soon so i love you so much have a wonderful night ciao [Music]
Channel: * e m m i e *
Views: 34,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EObjDpbyYG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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