Winter Family Easy, Never-Fail Pie Crust

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go hi I'm Linda and I'm here to demonstrate to you how to make the winter family easy no fail pie crust we've been making this same pie crust for 40 or 50 years in our family and it's always been found to be easy almost impossible to ruin and so many people have asked us for the recipe that we thought it was time to make a youtube video showing how you can do it in fact you should know that when my children were eight and nine years old I taught them how to do this and they have been making pies ever since fact we've had family gatherings at Thanksgiving with 35 people and thirty-five pies we're so much into pies or this family but this is a very easy pie crust using oil as its base which makes it very hard to ruin because you don't have to worry about the pie crust getting tough the more you handle it we will post the entire recipe on the little part below the video screen on YouTube so that you can see it it starts with two cups of flour with two tablespoons of flour removed so you can see here's the first cup of flour and then the second cup of flour here when I'm removing a tablespoon it's approximate okay and then we use a teaspoon of salt more or less and mix that all together to that you want to add the liquid ingredients and that starts with a half a cup of oil and I always just to make things a little bit easier to roll out a little bit flake here I always put in just a little bit more and a half a cup to that I have 1/4 cup of milk this is just 2% milk and then this together and then you pour it all at once into the dry ingredients that are in the bowl now this gets all stirred up and it starts to clump in a ball now sometimes the humidity can cause it to be a little bit you know moister or not as moist and so the important thing to know is you'll get used to the texture of it you just get right in there and get your hands dirty in it and it will start plumping into a ball if it turns out to dry you can always pour a little bit of oil on your hands and just mix it in don't add extra milk so I'm looking at this and it feels a little dry if it's too if it's too moist you can put a little bit of flour on your hands and add it but I'm just going to add a little bit of oil to my hands and put it in another thing you can do if it's a little bit too dry is just not mixing all the little bits ok so you want to get it all kind of clump together and then you separate this into to approximately the same size balls this is for an 8 inch or 9 inch pie crust we just use them Bree calendars tins which are 8 inch and they work great now because this is an oil you don't have to roll it out on the counter and flower which makes it's so much easier to clean up this case use wax paper and you roll it out between wax paper so I take one of these I kind of flatten it into a disc put it between the two sheets of wax paper I roll it out now while you're rolling it especially the beginning you want to roll very gently because if you don't roll gently it'll make the paper on the bottom get all wrinkled and just make it a little bit harder at first this may seem difficult for you but after a while you could do it new sleep is so easy and my son has been making pie every year for Thanksgiving since he was eight or nine and he's a champion pie maker now he prefers to make the crust in the filling but he sure likes to eat my pie now you'll notice that I'm turning this a little bit as I go and this just helps me roll it out round because as much as possible you ain't wrapped and as it flattens out completely you can press more hard you can press harder so that it it will become bigger the goal is to have the pie crust the pie um the one crust to be about two inches bigger than the pie pan when you're making a two crust pie it's not quite as important that it be as big as when you're making a one crust pie because there's a two quest point you have the crust from both the bottom crust and the top crust available to flute when you get to that point with a one crusts I only have the one so it especially matters then to lower out big enough and a weight enough is to turn the pie pan on top of it you can see that I've got a couple inches around it now the easiest way to get it off as you take off the top put it back on and then flip it over and then take off what was the bottom that stuck okay and then for the bottom crust I just turn it right up upside down put my hand underneath I flip you carefully let it come off if it breaks for any reason just patch it back together if it's too small you can roll out a little bit of crust you see this fell off we can patch it back on you don't need to moisten it like you would with traditional crust you just patch it together with your fingers and it works great if you're making a one crust pie at this point you would flip the edges you would roll it all up into a little mountain on each on the rim and then flip them but because we're making a two crust pie in apple pie I'm not going to flute the edges yet if you're making a one crust pie where the pie shell is baked first you would even pierce the bottom with a fork so that when you bake it it wouldn't kind of balloon up in the baking process now this is going to be an apple pie so here are some apples that I've prepared just from the traditional Betty Crocker apple pie recipe and I'm putting them in here the thing that I've always felt with apple pies or other fruit pies is if I look so much nicer after they're baked if you really mound the fruit up so make sure you're not skimpy on the fruit because they always shrink and go down as you bake so you want to make sure the apples are nice and and mound it I always seem to end up with a few extra the better a few extra then not enough always put a little bit of butter or margarine to help the juices be nice and flavorful this is what they call in pie crust pie recipes dot with butter okay so we're going to put this to the side for a minute while we roll out the top crust we can use the same waxed paper sheets we'll take the other disk that we set aside before put it right here and we roll it out again now this pie crust recipe can easily be doubled sometimes if you're if you're going to wit make bigger pies and several of them you could for instance you might have one two plus nine one one crust file you could double the recipe and make two ten crust pies one with two crusts and one with one crust or whatever you feel like I've had my kitchen full of of teenage girls or young adult girls all learning how to make pie crust all rolling out pie crusts on different cars all at the same time before so don't worry this pie crust is very hard to ruin and it tastes very good in addition it's low fat because it only uses 1/2 1/2 a cup of oil for a recipe that has 2 cups of flour unlike most lard or butter crust that use 3/4 or even sometimes a whole cup this year only uses 1/2 so it's memory and calorie but it takes every bit as flaky and as good as the other it's suitable for sweet pies and savory pies quiches meat pies anything you want to do with it okay let's see if we think this is is picky enough looks to me like it's big enough so we'll do the same thing we take off the top and put it back on again turn it over take off what was the bottom carefully now this takes a little bit of a wrist action and at first it will seem very awkward but it will it will get you'll get used to it I usually this sometimes because wax paper is rectangular it's a little wider one way than the other so I'll turn the pie so that the wider way is where there's the least crust on the top so you just grab it grab the little pie the pie crust - and flip it okay okay now where we come we come to fluting the edge now you'll get the nicest looking food at edge if you make a little kind of a mountain all the way around first and make sure that looks kind of nice before you actually flute it here - if it's a little bit dry you can put a little bit of oil on your fingers just to help with the process of making it come together nicely make sure you've got both the top crust and the bottom crust and the apart that you're grabbing and fluting if it's way too much for any reason you can take some off if it's too small if you come out then your little mount was kind of small you can take a piece that has fallen off and just add it to it no trouble no mess and it works very well now after we've got this all fluted I'll show you I I like to use these pie crust shields on it because especially when you're baking a two crust pie that bakes for an hour 50 minutes or more sometimes the pie the rim of the pie shell the fluted edge can Brown faster than the pie so the pie shield what it does is it helps that not get too Brown and the one thing you need to know is most of these commercial pie shields if it says it's for a 10-inch pie it actually only fits a nine inch pie plate because otherwise there won't be room for the fluted edge I don't know what the people who made it were thinking but they've got it all wrong so this is an 8 inch pie pie pan and I've got a 9-inch pie crust shield that I'm going to put on it in a minute okay now I've got a nice little Mountain it's not perfect but hey it's homemade we want it as beautiful as possible but it looks nicer if it's not not identical to every other pot now there's two ways to flute I prefer to do this method where you take your two fingers and you put your thumb and you pinch it between it other people especially those with long fingernails like my sister will do it this way or this way you know depending on how long their fingers are so you could do it either way the point of the fluting there are two reasons for the fluting one is it's pretty the second thing that the fluting does the purpose it has is it helps to catch the juices because as you cook especially a fresh fruit pie like an apple pie the juices will accumulate and they start building up and the high fluted edge helps retain the juices so they don't run all over the bottom of your your oven in addition I always when I'm cooking a fruit pie I always put it on a cookie sheet that has a little rim around it so that any juices that run out will accumulate on the cookie sheet instead of on the bottom of my oven now last thing you need to do is an icy item for the knife here but I can use a spoon as you need to cut a little a little indentation in the top of the crust and you do that so that the steam that starts rising during the pie baking has a way to escape so the top doesn't just kind of explode off the top there are other things you can do sprinkle it with sugar or brush it with beaten egg yolks you can be one of those things you can see that this nine inch pie shield is a perfect fit for an 8 inch pie crust and I'm going to put it on this little pizza pan which has a nice rim so it will catch the juices and then I'll cook it in the oven for the amount of time that it says in the Betty Crocker cookbook which is it says 425 degrees for 50 to 55 minutes I usually put in about 400 and cook it longer the main thing is you need to make sure that the juices are running and and bubbling around here and that's how you know it's done but this is how to make the winter family flaky quick and easy pie crust you can see it only took a few minutes from start to finish you can do this every night if you want to have pie and don't be put off from having pie any longer it's in your power to do it enjoy
Channel: DDvideopost
Views: 243,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastry, dough, Linda, pie, crust, recipe, easy, oil, perfect, quick, low-fat, flaky, best, waxpaper, basic, simple, piecrust, scratch, how-to, make, Winter, homemade, never-fail, dessert
Id: SB47fVLpLZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2010
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