100 Yr Old Pie Crust Recipe & Demo

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hi and welcome back to my kitchen today I'm going to make Nikki's grandmother's pie crust recipe and it is over a hundred years old Nikki's grandmother was born right after the Civil War the Civil War ended in 1865 so she got this recipe from her relatives and so it's over a hundred years old and it's absolutely the flake iasts I've ever made so into the bowl I've got three cups of all-purpose flour a teaspoon and a half of salt just regular table salt and a quarter of a teaspoon of baking powder not not soda powder and I've had it in the freezer so that it's nice and cold I actually put this bowl in the refrigerator so I'm going to add a cup of ardh now the last time I made this and it was real flaky I didn't use lard at in heaven so I used shortening the most popular brand that begins with a C that's what I used but I'm going to cut this some lard in half and this is the way I did it last time I'm telling you this is the way I'm going to try to make this as easy as possible so that everybody can have a flaky pie crust I'm only going to put half of it in now it's one cup but like I said you can use shortening now I'm going to use this pastry well I think let me turn this off and let this thigh just a little bit because it is frozen solid and then will be bad okay we're back the first thing I have to tell you is that everything needs to be cold as cold as possible that's why I put my flour and the quarter of a teaspoon of baking powder and salt I mixed them all together and put them in the freezer and then in a separate bag I put the well this time I'm using them lard but the last time I made it and it was very flaky I use shortening so just be sure everything is cold another thing that I want to tell you is if you're upset about something or angry don't make a pie make some bread because the more you handle this the the tougher it's going to be so you want to have according to Nikki light hand in a merry heart when you're making crust so the first half of this shortening or lard is going in like they normally tell you to do it now I want to tell you that though I came up with a quarter of a teaspoon of shortening because Julia Child says that's what a pinch is and that's what I used last time and it worked out perfectly so this is going to get pretty much combined in here just turn your bowl it makes it easier try not to use your hands because your hands are warm and you want to you want to keep everything cold you don't want to heat it up these are too big so I'm just going to work on those a little bit get them down to the size they should be now one of the variations that you're going to hear me say is that you're shortening has got to be the second half that I'm putting in is got to be the size of like dried pinto beans not completely mashed up to look like coarse meal or small piece it's got to be larger without large chunks of butter or shortening you're not going to have a real flaky crust I tried this and it proved right all right that's the first half now I'm going to put the second half of the shortening in and we're going to do the same routine but these are going to be left larger and when you have to scrape off your pastry blender use a fork because you're not adding any Heat all right you can see that I've left these larger if you have to touch your dough use your finger tips that's the the coolest part of your hand other than the very palm of your hand this right here in the center that's warm you don't want to you don't want to do that all right now this is where a lot of people get confused say I'm going to break this up just a hair more it's the ice water now I know that this is going to take at least four tablespoons which is a quarter of a cup of ice water and I have added one tablespoon of vinegar and it doesn't matter if it's cider vinegar or white vinegar so I'm going to take it I'm going to add it to this flour now the vinegar keeps the gluten from it keeps it relaxed and it makes for a better pie dough so you see and you see I'm not going at this like it's I've got to make it in ten minutes I'm not doing that because it will make the pie crust tough so I don't know how much I had it almost almost another quarter of a cup and we're just gingerly mixing that in and it's still not enough you see there's too much flour so I'm going to dip into this ice water another time I'm gonna be a little slower this time about how I add it still too dry and I'm taking this slow because there's a lot of people but a lot of you out there that haven't ever made a good pie crust and I'm just trying to show you about what it's supposed to look like dip it in again their difference lotta loose flour in there you don't have to worry about every bit of it but you need to get it so that it all is coming together and I haven't seen that yet let's see if this will form a ball or mash together like it should we're not needing it we're just mashing it say I'm not happy with this consistency I'm not happy with it so we're going to add a little bit new water and we'll continue to move this around lightly yeah kind of a ragged look to it hey there that is a mall right there don't worry about the little extra Chrome's that are in there and I learned my second ball because this is a two crust pine that we're making and the bottom needs to be just a little bit larger than the Tong put a little bit more on the first one that I did all right yeah that's that's about right right there okay the half that I'm not going to use right this minute I'm going to put in the refrigerator to stay cool and I'll bring you back after I've done that alright we're back and I'm working on a pastry cloth and if you don't have one I highly recommend that you get one one thing I want to say about the last segment is that you have to work quickly and I didn't because I was trying to give you an accurate you know a better sense of what was going on all right this is my dough I'm going to use my rolling pin it has a cover on it if yours doesn't have a cover don't worry about it just dust your rolling pin and roll out this dough and keep your pie plate close by so that you'll you can measure to make sure that you have enough dough rolled out because you want it in an inch or two larger than your pie pan because you've got to this dough has got to fit into the pie pan and also come up the sides now another trick that I show that I saw on King Arthur Flour is if your dough is too dry get some ice water put it in a bottle little mist and spray your dough once or twice don't go overboard with it try to roll in one direction at a time let's say here's my populate what you see is this is plenty big and you can just take the edge of your pie dough and roll it up on your roller and then roll it right into the pan it's just so much easier then you can just lift it up can you all see me get it over here I'm sorry lift it up to get the sides and and do this quickly to do it as quickly as you can if you see little spots of shortening don't worry about it it's going to give you some nice crust all right this is some probably need to get some scissors here trim the edges a little bit I did I tell you I put my pie plate in the refrigerator and got it cool because I want to keep this pastry cool I want to keep it as cool as I can keeping it cool and working with you know a light touch is what's going to make you have a much better pie crust now I've made an apple on brown sugar and honey apple pie so now I haven't done this on video and I think I put two apple pies on there so I'm not not going to put that one on there I guess you all must realize I like apple pie of course it's not my favorite but it's you know more accessible than tart cherries which I always have to buy in a jar alright so here's my apples with the honey and the brown sugar and a little bit of salt in there and I'm going to pour these in to my pie crust all right there we go try to keep them a little ways out from the edge of the pie now I'm going to set this aside put my pastry cloth back down now I bought a pastry cloth on Amazon and when I got it it was very thin and it did the job but I have to tell you that I went looking for something better and I found this pastry comp at a website called Oklahoma pastry Qualcomm and get this heavy and you can have your choice of stitching on it you can either get it finished hem one as I did or you can get a whoops or you can get a one that's sprayed at the end and the freight is pretty too and it will fray that it won't fray beyond the stitching okay so here we go with our pie crust for the top do it as quickly as I can but and this paste we call I don't know if I can show you this or not if you'll see it lift you see that it comes with a non-skid mat it came with a lot of goodies I'm not getting paid for this I'm not oh you know this is I'm not a sponsor or anything like that I'm just trying to lead you in the right direction I also got a free oh they they sell different things I can't recall what all they do sell at this moment I don't know what that is but anyway um I got a free bag of biscuit dough and a recipe for some scones they're just very kind wonderful people there and this this pastry cloth is heavy enough that I can pass it down all right I'm pretty sure this oh yeah more than large enough so I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to pick up the you see how nothing sticks to this pastry crumb do you know how much easier that makes making a pie oh my goodness so let's see I'm going to push my cloth to the side now get my PI over here and then I'm just going to roll it out on top of the pie whoops the Daisy and I didn't quite get it on the way over but you see it's easy to adjust you get that back a little further can you see all right I'm going to cut the edges off preheated my oven to 425 degrees I'm going to make some slits in the top of this I'm going to crimp it and then I'll bring you back hi the tie is done isn't it a beautiful pie and look at that crust now I'm a crust lover so you know if you don't want such large crimping then you know when you cut the trim your edges of the dough just trim them shorter this pie is still hot look at that crust oh my gosh it is so flaky I'm going to get this piece out mine it cooked it is too hot it's going to slide everywhere guys see that pie look at that piece of pie Oh if it wasn't so hot I wouldn't have this down in the bottom actually I'm going to get a little spoon and get it out all right the main reason that in there I wanted I just want to show you the flakiness of this pie when we get it in here see if I can't get this in closer look at that oh my gosh and that's a big hunk because you know I told you I like I'm a crust lover but this pop oh my goodness it is so flaky let's give it a taste hmm you know it's like eating a puff pastry that's how good it is it's delicious I hope that I have given you all the instructions that you need to make this pie crust just remember a merry heart light hands when you're adding the water to the dough move your fork like this instead of stirring be ginger with it you know and you can test it in the bowl just like I did and it was too dry and I had to add more when it starts sticking actually sticking together you know you have enough and don't forget that if you if your pie is too dry your dough get a nice little um spritzer and just give it a couple of them spritzes with this and just kind of rub over it with your hand it's delicious guys kudos to Nikki's grandmother oh my goodness it's wonderful this this pie was on brown sugar honey pie with just cinnamon because you know that's all I like and it's it's very good too so you see the layers of I'm going to let me zoom in you see those layers that is flaky pie crust well I hope you try this recipe I hope you like it and it becomes a go-to recipe just remember to keep everything cold just keep your shortening or lard in the refrigerator not in the freezer and you won't have to wait for it to thaw out I thank you for coming and spending part of your day with me I appreciate it please like and subscribe if you haven't and until next time you take care
Channel: Hands That Cook
Views: 573,827
Rating: 4.8404236 out of 5
Keywords: Crust, Pie (Type Of Dish), Cooking, quick, easy, fast, company, holiday, lunch, dinner, supper, snack, Recipe (Website Category), pie crust, pie dough, how to make, how to make a pie crust, how to make a pie dough, old pie crust recipe, google pie crust, google simple pie crust, google pie dough, google pie crust recipe, google how to make pie crust, google, youtube search, you tube search, youtube search pie crust, you tube search pie crust recipe, google best pie crust, #best pie crust
Id: dZ7zOcly9lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2015
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