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hi everybody and welcome back to my kitchen this is Linda and I want to say I want to start off by saying I'm going to make another pie crust but this is a stress-free pie crust you don't have to watch your water or the kneading process or this this crust is going to turn out perfect every time and during the holidays or any other time but especially during the holidays it's just so stressful you got all of this baking and cooking to do and I'm going to try to eliminate that for you and and get it down so that it's so it will make your holidays or any other time that you have to do a lot of baking less stressful alright this is 2 cups of all-purpose flour believe me when I say this is Stressless 2 cups of all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon of salt mix that up get it mixed real good you know the one thing I remember about my mom is she was a cake baker the only pie I remember her ever baking was lemon meringue and that was because my dad liked it he loved lemon meringue pie and she was a good she was a great Baker but you know back then way back then I don't think they made pre-made pie crusts I I don't believe they did but if they did I don't remember it but I do remember the cakes that she baked all right this is a vegetable oil and it's just a little bit over a half a cup just a little bit over and this is 1/4 of a cup of milk [Music] I'm going to put the milk into the oil get it stirred up and you know you know I don't keep milk you all know that but a good thing to keep on hand is the nonfat dry milk because you can go to at any time and it's always there for you when you need it so that's what I've used nonfat dry milk and we're just going to pour this into the flour [Music] and I'm going to start stirring this [Music] with a fork as you can see using oil eliminates the problem that you might have if you're using shortening because you cannot overwork this dough it's going to be very hard to mess up this recipe very hard so you can see the texture of it now I'm going to get in here now with my hands got a little bit left remember you can't overwork it and you see there we go this is this is the consistency of it it's so just this is what you have to get used to and it looks oily but trust me when I tell you that it um it bakes up light and crisp and in just something that you won't be disappointed in I'm going to take part of that out shape my little disk here a little bit and on the top I'm going to move this back so I'm sorry I want to have plenty of room on the top of it I'm going to put another piece of wax paper and as you can see there's no flour on my work surface and all I'm going to do is roll this out and you're going to be very careful in the beginning because you don't want your bottom wax paper to get wrinkled just makes it harder now each sheet of wax paper is 14 inches wide so you know that's penny wise 4 or 9 inch 8 or 9 even a 10 inch pie plate plenty big and I'm going to keep turning this and I keep hitting my tripod and I don't mean to so you start off lightly but as you get it rolled out you can add more pressure until you get it as round or as large as you think it's gotta be I'm making a 1 plus pie but this this some video is only going to be for this pie crust because I baked this already I've used this recipe and I'm telling you that is very worthy of anytime you want to put in it and I I wanted to share it with you now I got this rolled out I've got my top plate over here and I think this is a deep-dish pie pie plate we'll find out shortly but the way to tell if it's large enough is to turn your pie plate upside down and you can see when we back off just a hair [Music] somebody told me not to use the word hail but I've got room enough all the way around I'm going to roll it just a little bit more because I want it to go down into that pie plate perfectly and come up the sides and then I'm going to show you an easy way to flute all right now what you do after you get rolled out as you take off the top I got this over waxed paper all right take off the top put it back on turn it over take off the bottom then we can fix up it's going to feel a little bit oily but trust me when I tell you that this is excellent so here we go I'm putting up my pie dish on there I'm going to put my hand underneath and just flip it flip it like that and this should already be loose because you have taken the wet paper off and and then placed it back on to loosen it up so that this part won't be hard for you to do so here we go now I'm going to add it because I didn't get this perfect I'm going to have to patch first thing you're going to do oops is lift up your pie crust and get it into the corners of the pie dish and if you don't lift it up and you try to stretch it it's going to shrink a lot of times it shrinks so the safest thing to do is to lift it up and pusher your own pie crust into the corners just like this and I'm not making a double crust your pies so we're going to make do with this got a little hole right there I'm just going to mash through it just remain calm just remain calm all right now I'm going to go ahead and turn this under got a little bit of extra right here and I'm going to use it somewhere else so we're just going to continue to turn this under you don't have to knead this [Music] everything you saw me do was enough so we're making like a little mountain all the way around this time trust a little bit Ridge some places probably won't be as high as others because you know pie crust homemade pie crust is not perfect and [Music] the sooner that you get to know that the more it is you're going to be I'm a little bit short here so I'm going to take some that I pull it off and just fold it on there and I'm really short right here so I'm going to do the same thing right here [Music] you don't have to worry about this getting warm there is nothing you have to worry about when you're making this crust and most people they'll they pinched and get a little closer they'll pinch like this to do their their thing they're what I do well I don't know if I have enough to do this we're going we're just going to use one finger because I did not roll this out long enough you just put one finger in there and pinch it that's all you do you pinch the finger so that it makes a little zigzag design that's it [Music] and when you bake this up whatever you choose to put in it isn't the dough this dough is light and crispy and not at all oily not at all and I'll show this to you when I bake the pie that's going in it [Music] but that's our lesson for today and if you have any questions just put them down below because I'm telling you you're going to like this crust it's perfect it is a perfect it tastes wonderful I was shocked because I've used other oil base pie crust and I was not happy with them and one that I tried was just very ordinary but this is exceptional so for anybody that saw you know wants to get through the holidays stress three free and not stress over making a pie crust this is the easiest one I can think of and I hope you try it Merry Christmas to all of you will have wonderful holidays and make a lot of memories and we'll be back with the pie that there's in this thank you for coming in and spending part of your day with me you all take care and God bless y'all I forgot to tell you that I got this recipe from a website named the winter family no fail pie crust if you want to watch her make it great and I remembered that I had this much pie crust leftover that I didn't use so I patched up the low spots with that I like God bless happy holidays Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Channel: Hands That Cook
Views: 428,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google, google pie, google pie crust, google easy pie crust, google stress free pie crust, google no fail pie crust, google crust, google homemade pie crust, google easy homemade pie crust, google no worry pie crust, google beginner pie crust, how to make, how to bake, how to, no fail pie crust
Id: TjQVfkm17NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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