8 Days Camping & Building a Bushcraft Survival Shelter with My 5 yr old Son

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Luke here at the outdoor Boys YouTube channel and I'm here in the woods of Alaska now I'm going to be building the ultimate bunk bed Bushcraft shelter my five-year-old son Jacob's gonna be joining us it's going to be a great time we're gonna eat good food and you guys are gonna enjoy this video [Music] thank you that's a footprint of a snowshoe hair right there those are Snowshoe hair poops and sure enough there's a rabbit right over there as long as I pretend like I can't see him he is just gonna sit right there there he is just stopped to look back at me see if I'm chasing him if you ever scare up a rabbit just be cool and they'll usually stop right before they get out of sight to look back at you yeah Deadwood for our shelter and for a fire I think this looks like a pretty good spot right here foreign between these three dead trees but I'm going to need to chop down at least 12 15 dead trees I need a little snack break because I got a very Alaskan lunch here okay if you haven't spent a lot of time in the Alaska Bush you might not be familiar with pilot bread it's a shelf stable cracker kind of like a Saltine with less salt and it's one of the four basic food groups in the bush here in Alaska now pilot bread is a little bit dry so you need something to wash it down with and for that I like powdered Tang and if you go out in the bush and someone offers you orange juice and bread there's a good chance you're gonna get this got some smoked wild caught sockeye salmon to go with it um all right got a good pile of trees going here I need to take all the limbs off them to do that I'm going to use a Japanese NATA this is like a hatchet with a chisel Edge oh foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign thank you I've only been here for three hours and the sun's already steady oh it gets dark so quick up here all right guys here's my bag of lamps about five pounds of just lights we have 18 hours of Darkness here so you got to bring a lot of lights and a lot of batteries and this right here is my box of batteries so I've got 16 GoPro batteries and a backup battery for my cell phone and for my GPS that weighs another five pounds so between camera batteries and camera lights I've got about 10 pounds of gear I bring with me at a minimum on every one of these trips foreign I'm sure I'll find those in the spring all right well I didn't get as much done as I was hoping but the sun has sat and I'm running on Twilight so I need to hurry up and get some firewood and gather up everything around the camp because it's going to get really dark real quick I brought along a couple Caribou hides all right the hairs of a caribou are Hollow so they make really good insulators all right I'm getting hungry I need to cook some dinner oh that dry dead Pine goes up like gasoline oh the temperature's dropped I'm gonna bundle myself up a little bit oh foreign you know cold tank is okay but when you heat it up it's like wassail or spiced oranges it's actually really good all right guys it's time for dinner and I'm gonna be making something special I'm roasting lamb shank oh I love lamb got a touch of olive oil here just want it oily so that all the herbs will stick to it we're gonna set it over this fire and just sear the outside oh yeah nice sear on that now we're gonna roast it Slow and Low I'm just gonna go ahead and add some rosemary thyme and parsley to the roast thank you oh my goodness this smells amazing and it sounds amazing I don't know what it is about shelling peanuts but they taste so much better when you shell them yourself I think it's a metaphor for life you just enjoy things a lot more when you have to work for them all right got a little Indian butter curry and some instant rice to go with my lamb here we're gonna start boiling that up [Applause] oh oh my goodness that is so beautiful I also brought along a couple pieces of naan too because you know why not foreign there we go guys roasted lamb shank butter curry and naan that is oh it smells amazing all right we're gonna try out this lamb shank that is so good I don't need lamb enough oh just salt and Pepper's so good uh Curry's good too oh I am stuffed all right all I need to do some dishes it's time to get ready for bed I was getting into bed and I knocked my pillow Into the Fire and I jumped down and grabbed it but the damage was done now it's got a little hole in it I've got a little stuff sack my tarp came in now I'm gonna put my down jacket inside and we're going to do a little DIY pillow ah there we go not too bad of a solution gotta be careful I want to make sure I don't drop anything else in the fire including myself luckily I don't roll around much I think I should be okay I'm gonna put up this camera I'm gonna see you guys in the morning oh good morning oh man I slept really well last night I was so warm with this bag when the fire was still going it was heating the platform from underneath and it would just be this nice gentle warming feeling coming up through the mat but even with the fire out I'm still a lot warmer than sleeping on the ground I mean the ground just sucks the heat out of you being off the ground makes a big difference but I think it's time for me to get up and build the fire and make some breakfast oh boots are nice and Frozen oh I feel like ski boots [Music] it's a maple syrup all right it is hard to beat blueberry pancakes with maple syrup all right time for seconds here oh when I was a kid me and my family would go camping here in Alaska and we would go berry picking and pick wild blueberries and Mom would make blueberry pancakes every morning this brings back a lot of fun memories all right I think it's time to start cleaning this party up thank you Hey Jake you doing good yeah I'm such Western oh yeah you good yes hey Jacobs give me a high five I'm impressed you snow shoot a long way bud yeah you didn't rest that much should we started getting cam set up yeah ready here go like that this one's heavy but I get all that snow off our bed all right guys this is me and Jacob shelter for the night I want to finish it up I want to go ahead and put some walls on it and get it all battened down because it's a lot windier today so we're gonna be a lot more exposed to the element well finding dead trees a cut won't be a problem about nine out of 10 trees here are dead already in the summertime this place is a massive forest fire risk so thinning out some of these dead trees won't be a bad thing ah okay okay how you doing Jake you getting cold yeah oh what's called your hands yeah let me see your glass okay go we're gonna stick him in Daddy's pocket to get them warmed up we got some backup gloves they are mittens one of your gloves dry in my pocket when those feels better then we can switch your gloves back if you want thank you yeah hey Jacob are you feeling a little cold you want me to make a little bed for you yeah okay we're gonna take off your snow shoes I've taken my boys camping in some pretty gnarly conditions and one thing I've learned never skimp on the kids sleeping bag because if all else fails you can always put them in their sleeping bag Hey Jake you feeling better you like your sleeping bag yeah your feet nice and toasty all right like that you ready for some hot dogs yeah all right you're doing a good job with that Jake you like your hot dog yes that's hard to beat a hot dog over a campfire you're nice and toasty in your sleeping bag you want me to get rid of the smoke okay I got Jacob fed and warm now I need to go ahead and process all this wood one thing I wanted to change about this fort after my last camp out was I want to make this platform a little wider oh foreign nice little pile of Timber there Jakey a little hungry you know what this is cookie dough that's what the cookies look like before you put them in the oven [Music] you like that oh laughs it was dad what do you think Jake is that pretty cozy in there it all up like how are we gonna cook harder whoa I've been working like a dog from sunrise to sunset but unfortunately that's not a very long time here in Alaska gotta bust out my lamps a little bit ready too oh I'll tell you these ice fishing sleds make really good beds for little boys you put them on a couple logs so they're up off the ice just put a little foam mat in the bottom of this thing now that'll make a cozy little bed didn't I oh you probably need a pillow huh you want a little headlamp [Music] it is now first off they they are scared of people because people kill wolves don't you worry slippers little camping booties to keep your feet warm you can wear these in your sleeping bag yeah see no cold toes I think we should build a fire don't you oh wow this shelter just jumped like 20 degrees it is so warm in here but I gotta keep this fire mellow I don't want to melt my tarp well me and Jake are sitting here around the fire and we're having a conversation about wolves what do you think about wolves Jake you worried about any wolves coming and getting us did Daddy tell you you're safe yeah do you believe Daddy no the wolves are scared of people will stay far away especially if you have a campfire the biggest danger around here is Moose but just give them enough space and they'll leave you alone oh that fire was roaring it was getting to be a bit much in this shelter so I went ahead and moved it outside and took some of the coals and put them right here I'm gonna go ahead and start cooking some dinner all right as usual I got a little something special prepared for dinner we're gonna have some Philly cheesesteak sandwiches this is gonna be good oh all right we're gonna get Jacob some food hey Jacob Jacob buddy [Music] oh we we lost you there bud you how about a big sandwich yeah that sounds good what do you think of that does that look good I like this you like this Jake yeah it is hitting the spot I think I might need to have another one of those all right I got something a little special for dessert here oh look at that it's got strawberries raspberries blackberries blueberries cream look at this we got pie for you you want me to spoon it into your mouth just because I love you so much and you're so tired where you like you like dad's booting pie into your mouth oh yeah we don't we don't feed you pie in bed at home do we is that good yeah there's no point in leaving leftovers right oh that was good oh hold on I got you oh that was good all right guys I'm gonna read Jacob some stories my dad used to read to me and my brother when we were out camping this is a collection of true bear stories from around Alaska some of these stories are a little bit intense so I'm gonna try to pick an age-appropriate one here the bear then lunged at him and they embraced in a death struggle the man using his knife and the bear it's fangs and Claws well we've had a good time reading stories and eating whipped cream but Jacob's falling asleep and I think it's time for me to get my bed ready too oh you know guys I'm pretty proud with the progress I made on the shelter and I've got a lot to do tomorrow so we're gonna have a full day full day tomorrow but I better get some sleep I'll see you guys in the morning well good morning it's about an hour before Sunrise it's me and Jake are doing well it's a little cold in here but uh we're gonna get a fire started get all nice and toasty again yeah did you get attacked by wolves all right Jake you want to get some breakfast we've got little uh raspberry strudels and chocolate croissants because we can there you go watch my fingers I also got some chicken and apple uh breakfast sausages here we're gonna cook those up I also got a couple eggs here we're gonna cook those by the fire stick goes right there what there we go well listen I got a bit of building to do today so I'm gonna go ahead and clean this stuff up and uh then we're gonna get to work foreign sounds like the jokes while fat jokes thank you foreign all right let's test it out [Applause] now I just need to do a little trim up I need to make these edges nice and clean make these logs all the same length all right well not too shabby that is a sharp looking shelter right there yeah I'm proud of that yeah when you pull the tarp over the top that thing will get sealed up really good I'm pretty happy with the progress we've made today unfortunately I'm not going to get a chance to camp in it tonight because Jacob do you want to go home and see Mama yeah yeah I got a little bit left I want to do on the shelter so I think I'll save that for my next campout there you go you good yeah you like it when you ride out in your sleeping bag oh oh there's tons of bunny tracks here Jay that's where the bunnies have eaten the bark off the tree that's what they eat in the wintertime I can see it we're almost there all right we made it and looks like some animals have been visiting this is a moose track from only a day ago so many rabbit tracks here let's see if they went inside yeah there was a bunny went inside our Fort we had house guests you know that's pretty hard to do with snowshoes on there Jake there we go now go try that ladder yeah now you're climbing it like a champ why don't you use the shovel clean off the snow there oh okay [Applause] things [Music] how you doing are you getting cold Jacob do you want to get in your sleeping bag yeah get some Caribou hides down there we go these snowy boots off get yourself all warmed up get down deep in that sleeping bag you want me to get your blankie okay there you go ah Jacob's such a trooper he's been following me around in his snowshoes for the last two hours but his fingers are all cold so I threw him in a sleeping bag gave him some toys in his blankie he's good to go if you're gonna take kids out in this weather have a good sleeping bag a good sleeping bag can fix a lot of problems foreign foreign foreign thank you all right well the shelter's looking pretty good I just need some final touches I really need a chair in there foreign thank you all right now that we got that done I think we need to get some firewood chopped up Sun's starting to set time to get out our lamps oh now they got my lights on I think I need to get a little organized here this is a bit of a mess all right there we go oh this Fire's just barely started it's already warming up this shelter just concentrates that heat so well there we go now we're cooking with gas why is this warm yeah you like the trail mix bud yeah you're probably pretty hungry huh I got a little boy who told me he's hungry so we're gonna go ahead and get a hot dog going oh no that's a good looking hot dog the white-bellied Jacob hides in his burrow and eats his prey you like your hot dog all right it's time to start cooking some dinner and I've got this big cube of butter here with rosemary basil and garlic in there and we're gonna just sit this by the fire and let it get all melty and mixed together well I got a sweet potato here and I've split it long ways and put cinnamon butter inside and wrapped it in tin foil we're gonna throw it on the coals and let this thing slow cook until it's nice and soft you getting too hot Jake there we go here's your slippers and all these little Camp booties are nice all right are you hungry yeah I'll get you some crab legs well the sweet potato is almost done so I think it's time to start cooking the main course king crab legs look at these things check out this is just one king crab leg it's over two feet long look how thick that is too so much meat on these things they're so delicious now you think about crab legs they're always pre-cooked so all you got to do is just heat them up and eat them I take my pot holder ah look at this massive joint that is a solid piece of meat right there dip that in the rosemary garlic butter hmm there's so much meat on these crabs that one knuckle was like a whole lobster tail look at this oh yeah look at that sweet potato oh oh that sweet potato is good got a piece of cornbread for you too oh okay these are on the outside with crabs take a little bit of this meat okay a little butter on there king crab sweet potato and Cornbread you ready do I hold it yeah yeah you can hold it [Music] oh there we go look at that plate of food oh that's so good hmm that rosemary butter is so good oh I just inhaled that well guys I got a belly full of food and I am exhausted so I'm gonna go ahead and get my bed ready and get into my sleeping bag but uh it's way too hot in here I've got to go put this fire down otherwise I'm gonna roast tonight all right all right oh my socks are kind of sweaty so I'm gonna take my socks off and stick them in the bottom of my bags to dry I want to put on these slippers keep my feet warm all right guys it's late it's time for bed I'll see you guys in the morning all the sun's up but I am slow getting up and at them it's nice and toasty in my bag oh this is the hardest part of winter camping oh I'm so brave when you first start the fire it just fills the thing with smoke once the Fire gets hot though it clears the Smoke Out there we go it'll warm my boots up a lot of ice on the inside of this tarp snowed just a little bit last night there's a lot of condensation and ice on this tarp how are we doing all these are all nice and toasty oh my socks are nice and warm and dry well since I'm up and about I'm gonna go ahead and put my sleeping bag away don't want it falling in the fire or smelling like smoke melting sleeping bags has been a problem lately foreign things straightened up in here a little bit I think it's time to start making some breakfast hey good morning Jacob good morning Daddy you hungry not right now Jake you want chocolate croissant I've got hot chocolate to dip it in uh let me test it out make sure it's good um you like that all right guys for breakfast we're having steel cut oatmeal all right you got a lump of butter and some brown sugar there you go you're gonna have the rest bud foreign all right if I've said it once I've said it a million times steel cut oatmeal is so much better than instant oatmeal um fills you up properly too Hey Jake you like the oatmeal yeah it will oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber ah feels nice to have a belly full of warm food well now that we got breakfast out of the way I think I need to clean up a little bit lace is getting messy okay all right buddy gets you here get in there Hey Jake you good yeah foreign Jacob loaded up somewhere in there you cozy [Music] yeah I wish somebody would pull me in a sled while I was snuggled in a sleeping bag that'd be pretty nice well that's Bear poo right there they're starting to wake up so many rabbit poops down there well today is the day we're going to put a roof on this shelter and seal it up [Applause] foreign [Applause] to get a little hungry I think I might make some lunch I got some beautiful white bratwurst for lunch I love these white brats foreign thank you foreign there you go that looks pretty tight it's not going to be waterproof but it'll keep a light drizzle off me and definitely keep the snow out thank you foreign but I think we got it buttoned up pretty good oh I gotta tell you what it's nice up here so much of that fires heat is coming up on this platform toasty warm I think it's time to make some dinner I got a little potato there foreign this is a Tomahawk Steak and it is a gorgeous one um oh that is a good steak oh my goodness this is so much food but the good thing about winter camping The food doesn't go bad I'll just uh put that in the snow and it'll be good for tomorrow a little salt and butter on a baked potato not bad at all it's been one heck of a meal all right for dessert I've got Ling hee movie flavored gummy snacks from Hawaii anything covered in Ling hee movie Powder is amazing if you've never had lingi movie Powder it's uh really hard to describe but you should go to Hawaii and try it out that was an amazing meal but I've got a belly full of delicious food a warm fire and a cozy shelter so it's not a bad day shelter on fire and y'all better go deal with that [Music] catching your shelter on fire is a major issue all of this wood right here is dry and warm and if a fire starts it spreads pretty quick now if you're awake and paying attention you can put it out pretty quick but if I was to sleep up here when that happened I could be engulfed in flames before I realized what was going on and this stuff up here is really dangerous if this stuff catches on fire I am not going to be able to put it out in time when I'm sleeping in these shelters I'll often Let the Fire go out or I'll keep it really small and make sure it is far away from the walls and in a shelter like this where it's a little bit hard to get in and out of uh I got to be extra careful so I'm probably not going to sleep with the fire on it's not that cold tonight I don't need it but in the meantime I'm just gonna make sure the fire is a little bit further away from the walls well guys it's getting dark so I'm gonna go ahead and make sure I've got enough firewood for tonight and tomorrow morning nothing worse than getting up in the cold and then having to go out and gather firewood foreign exhausted but it's not quite my bedtime so I'm going to turn on an audiobook I'm going to Shell some peanuts and I will see you guys in the morning oh it's so cozy in my sleeping bag but I have to use the bathroom so bad I think I better get out get the fire started oh that fire warms this place up so quickly it's nice all right I think it's time to get some breakfast made foreign breakfast we got some smoked pork chow bacon homemade crumpets that had made a few days ago Fried Tomato egg not bad at all butter and crumpets is hard to beat if you never had them they're kind of like thick pancakes really similar recipe to pancakes oh that was good well I think it's time to start straightening up well guys I'm heading home but this is not the end of the video first I want to go get my son and my wife and bring him over and show them the shelter but also I need to take the shelter down so that's something else I'm gonna do and I'm going to show you too foreign let me get the Caribou hides out and you guys can hang out on the bed while I get some lunch made all right should I get a fire start get some lunch made all right let's do it here mama let me hand you the lunch there's some gummy snacks in there thank you oh that's for you yeah you don't get to do this very often do you guys like eating gummy snacks in the fort here good we got some hot dog sticks here okay my first all right yeah you like your extra long hot dog stick I do this there you go you like that is that a good lunch so mama what do you think is this shelter warm yeah I'm really cozy I love the hide I'm sitting on it's soft yeah no this is pretty cozy I'm fine I like how the heat comes up underneath your bottom and warms your bottom up yeah it is nice especially yeah all right it's time to tear the shelter down oh we gotta pull this all apart make sure there's no paracord no trash all right let's get to it all right foreign well there we go it's all taken down and all that Woods ready to be chopped up into firewood well babe did you enjoy it is oh you're good you ready all right let's go well listen this was fun I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video if you want to see more videos from the outdoor Boys YouTube channel don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every Saturday morning if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that Bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 10,524,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, bushcraft, survival, log cabin, survival shelter, survival camping, bushcraft camping, bushcraft log cabin, winter camping, cold weather camping, camping in Alaska, camping in snow, building as shelter, camping in a shelter, no tent camping, primitive camping, building a survival shelter
Id: rxJQXa3jfsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 3sec (4023 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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