How To Play Wingspan With Designer - Elizabeth Hargrave - (Quackalope Games)

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hello hello welcome to quack elope I am here with Elizabeth Hargrave the designer of wingspan and we are going to teach you how to play the game so there's some other how-to plays out there on the market there's some really really good heavy game or how to plays are even not so heavy there's there's a whole mix like we're entering a crowded field this game has gotten a lot of attention so you I mean you got a you got some big shoes to feel no pressure no pressure you in game your own game our sort of aim is to address something that you said you hadn't seen a lot of reviewers do because it's a newer feature in the new printing and that's gonna be the swift start right right um it's something that we realized especially as wingspans started getting picked up outside of the gaming world and more with birders who haven't played as many board games before that it they could use another little push getting them started so I think this will be helpful to gamers and non-gamers like but I want to make sure that people understand sort of how to jump in with that first play with the sister yeah so our our main goal for this video if you're if you're a gamer welcome we're glad to have you here but if you're new to this hobby if you got this from Christmas you know some family members gave it to you and you're diving in and going what have I signed up for or one of my family members signed up for we're also super glad you're here and we want to give you a video that can get you on to the table out of the box without having to go through these as heavily right at some point you'll probably still need to reference them there's some rules and mechanics and things that we just can't cover in a in a tighter video but we want to get you to the table for the first game or to kind of off this video and off of this off of this QuickStart guide yep so I take it away great on the top when you open your box you are gonna have three separate rule books the this one is the main rule book which will have all of the rules and there's an appendix that you really only need if you have a question about a particular card and how it works you look up bird by bird what the cards do because each bird card will have unique mechanics and each bird card also specifies what they do but this is a little bit of a deeper effort but as Jesse said they watch this video don't worry too much about them anything with the Ottoman on it you can ignore completely unless you want to play solo which is also an option in this game so that's the automatic rulebook and these cards with this gear symbol on them yeah you can just totally set this aside if you're gonna be playing in a group now before we dive into this QuickStart let's cover just the stuff we have laid out here on the table this is the stuff that people will have gotten out of the box while they try to get set up right right okay so you have five different colors of eggs the colors do not matter you can mix them all together and the way you're gonna pack it back into the box there's actually a little diagram on the inside of the box how to get everything back in you're gonna want them to be in two of these containers and then these food tokens come in big sheets of cardboard you got to punch them out and you can mix them all together and those use the other two of these containers so there's like eight pieces of plastic that are these square little containers so each one is a bottom and a little lid mm-hmm and then you're gonna also punch out a bunch of these little square tokens that go on this mat so this is for different goals that you're gonna have as you play the game over for different rounds you're gonna stop and score each one of these and we'll talk more about that yeah we'll dive into that just know that these fit in right here right and they deal with victory points so your end scoring yep so don't worry about it quite at the moment and then there's a bird feeder you get to put together mm-hmm that's a little arts and crafts project you also have some beautiful dies five beautiful dice and you roll on a and I was just - you know a way to roll the dice and not have them go everywhere and knocking things over on your table but also you'll be keeping track of which dice are in this tray and which ones have been taken out and that's actually an important thing in the game and then I think the the last few things we have here we have our stack of bird cards we have a few face-up that's going to be a market place where you can draw bird cards we'll touch on that in just a bit we have our first player token yeah end game scoring cards or sort of challenge cards right again similar to this these are just hidden your personal ones and these are ones everyone is competing for and then we have our main player board here in the center this will be every person that's playing the game will have one of these in front of them and this will be where you're taking a lot of the actions throughout the course of the game right so now that you're familiar with general terms of what everything is yeah swing into the swift star so there is in your box a ziplock baggie that has four players worth of Quick Start guides on them so this these are gonna give you your starting hand for the game and directions on how to take your first four turns or so in the game so you're gonna look at the top of the player ooh this one this one starts with ducks we're gonna have to uh jesse is it duck fan well you're on you're on quack elope so this one says you start with the canvas back okay and Vaux's swift and three food tokens so you get an invertebrate okay and a seed and a fruit alright that is your starting hand the way the rules say to start is to get five bird cards and five pieces of each different kind of food so there's five total there's also fish and rodents or small mammals so this and and then to choose among them and this is basically simplifying that and just saying nope just start with these two cards in these three foods and the reason for this is if you're going through the rule book that first stage of the game really builds out your strategy for the rest of the game so once you know this that's a really fun and interesting like start to the round but this being your first time it's our decision to make if you've never played before this sets it up for you immediately you'll have something that can work right so these four setups are sort of guaranteed to get you up and running so you know and the player numbers don't actually matter then just to track it that there are four different ones here so you do the same with player three so you look and find the white thread it's Swift mm-hmm and the scaled quail and the branch and and so this player would start with three cards and then two pieces of food in a vertebrate inosine yeah okay after we have our sort of starting hand and our start and resources drought what's the next step that this is going to run us okay so the two cards that you're starting with are you're gonna be holding them in your hand most of the game you could also if you're not comfortable holding them in your hand if you want to play it open you can just set them out in front of you but not on your board yet but it's a significant action when you're playing them out onto your board and this this large instruction sheet that goes for each player is going to walk you through your first four turns and it's gonna walk you through some of the main actions the game but the basic structure of the game is that you've got four different actions that you're going to choose from you're going to do one of those actions on each term so either play a bird or play a bird you're gonna gain a food lay eggs or draw a bird cut so those are the four things that you fundamentally those are your four choices every time you take a turn okay and the structure of the game is that you're gonna play over four grounds which I mentioned mentioned earlier and you're gonna use these action cubes to keep track of how many turns you've taken each round in the first round you start with eight action cube so you're gonna take eight turns so let me work every we're gonna do four of these yeah yeah let's go ahead and work through this you can kind of demonstrate and supplement so turn one play the canvas back in your wetland so step a is going to be place an action cube and they play a bird row above the first column where the card goes so take one of your action cubes okay and you're gonna place it above where the bird goes so in this first column these rectangles are where you're gonna play bird cards okay B play your canvas back in the first space in your wetland discard your seed token and your fruit token to pay for it so so the cost of each bird is these symbols here so the first symbol is what habitat it has to be played in to so this bird absolutely has to go in the wetland Rose for instance the Swift here will show the stochastic a woman's and if there's multiple icons those are multiple locations that's a choice you can make okay and then the second information here is what food this bird eats okay so that's obviously a scene and then the second one is this is actually the symbol for a wild food so it could be anything it could be anything you happen to start with but fruit and so you're gonna discard the seed and the fruit and it looks like we're holding on to the invertebrate the green worm here yeah because the Swift actually requires that that could be true yes so that would be a good choice okay it's all set goes back into the into the main pool yeah and then once you have for this bird with its food and put it in the right habitat it is going to be on your mat for the rest of the game in that spot okay I have to pay for it again or anything and it states that the birds power is not activated now you'll do it when you use the wetland right what does that mean so that is a fundamental thing for the how the structure of this game works when you use any of these three spots so not playing a bird but when you gain food when you lay eggs or when you draw bird cards on a future turn you're gonna activate the first open spot here and then you're gonna go through all of your birds that you've played into that row and do if they have this brown power on it see it says draw bird cards then activate any brown powers in this room and it specifically says on the card itself when activated all players draw one card from the deck right so every brown card will not only activate when you do that row but also tell you exactly what it does yes okay there's a few other symbols on here let's go ahead and just touch on what those are so people are familiar with these cards yeah so the feather the number next to the feather is how many points this bird is worth at the end of the game and game score that's it yep so now you're gonna have four points okay you're our head I'm winning the round symbol is the type of nest that this bird has sure and this bird has a star there a star is wild forests okay so the reason that nest might matter is on things like the end of round goals or the bonus cards or sometimes even on other birds you may see things that are looking for a specific nest type so for example this end of round goal is looking for the number of eggs that people have on birds with that specific boldness symbol so this bird would count towards that because it's wild okay um this bird wouldn't because it lives in a cavity nest okay so this would not count towards and then the egg symbols on there are the upper limit of how many eggs you can have on this bird so I can have a maximum oh yeah where yeah whenever I do a lay an egg action right okay which we haven't gotten to yet sure moving down this move your action cube to the left part of your player map where it says play a bird this marks that your turn is over so I played I'm just gonna be moving your cubes from the right to the left I paid the food cost I played the bird down and you know this is just shifting to the side yep okay while your turns are simple moving the action cube may seem unnecessary they can be very helpful later in the game so it's good to get used to doing that now yep good to know turn 2 so we'd let everyone else around the table go correct and then we'd come back to our turn again yep on turn 2 it says place your action cube in the space to the right of your canvasback and then do the actions shown in that space draw a card if there is a bird that eats invertebrates that might be a good pick so that would mean I'm playing here yes okay and let's talk about drawing bird cards so and this symbol on your mat just means that you get to draw one card mm-hmm and when you draw you can draw any of the three face-up cards from the tray or you can just draw blind from the deck okay so and this is recommending since you have a bug you might look for a bird that eats a by BZ bugs plus something else sure but you can you know that you also have this bird in your hand still is it super concerning social one thing I might want to look at would be just some of the player power and as you get into the in-game strategy that'll become more apparent so you can draw one card and then you have the option if you have eggs in this space to spend an egg to draw a second card okay and that same iconography is going to go throughout the rest of the board as well right draw two cards here draw two cards pay an egg for a card draw three so on and so forth but since you don't have any eggs yet you haven't in the lames action the only thing available to you is just to go ahead and draw on card so I'm gonna take this painted Bunton here because it does eat at least one worm yeah and that's kind of what the rule suggested we do and that'll just go into my hand right yes okay so set that down does this refill automatically it refills at the end of your turn so you're gonna activate all of your birds in your rug before you refill it okay so the next step is going to be move your action cube onto your canvas back and choose whether to activate the canvas back and allow all players to draw another card we recommend you do it this time so in the process of moving down to this kind of far left section I'm stopping here on the canvas back and reading this this brown piece I text so all players draw one card from the deck right okay so we're gonna do it from the deck means from the facedown cards right so we got a shipping Sparrow very very cute and that'll just go into my hand as well is there a hand limit in this guy there is no hand limit so I could get as many cards fact one of the bonus credits that you can have at the end of the game is just to have a lot of bird cards in your hand because you have at least eight cards in your hand you'll get seven points for it you get some extra victory points nice move your action cube to the left part of your player map and then refill any empty spaces on the bird tray with a card from the deck so that's when the this will get cycled and everyone else will be able to pick from that with the marker that's the first stage so now you've taken two turns each you played your bird with your first turn it went around came back and you've played and you've drawn bird cards with your second turn and you can see that because you've got your two cubes on their map okay turn three here play the boxes Swift in your forest so I'm gonna place the action cube in the play the bird row above the first column so that will be here yes same is the first action and then play your Vox is Swift in the first space in the forest discard your invertebrate token to pay for it so it'll be this one here yeah the first spot in the forest is going to be up top here okay and I have to get rid of this because the food cost is a single worm right and then after I've played another bird I'm gonna go ahead and move the action cube down to the bottom of this line now this card also has a power but that doesn't activate at the moment does it correct when you play a bird you do not activate the card unless it's a bird like the painted bunting which has a win plate ability specifically says we specifically says when you played the student otherwise you're not activating birds when you play them okay let's move on to the fourth phase here and that'll be kind of the Swift start guide so you've taken your three turns it goes around it comes back to you okay place your action cube in the right of your Swift in the first uncovered space of your forest it's gonna be right here yeah okay and do the actions show there so what are the actions across this top row here so this row is where you're gonna go when you need to get more food which is what you need now because you've got two birds to play but you don't have any food for them because it on the tube you've already played so you're gonna go here and this die here shows that you get to take one die out of the bird feeder it happens to always have the fruit on top when it's on your board but that doesn't mean anything you can take any one if these well and we would have started the game with all five in there you can take any one of the dice that are in the bird feeder so I could take a cherry I'm going to take a fish and is this an either/or that's an inner or so you get interesting you or a bug well both of my Birds down here currently require either a seed or a bug so I'm gonna take this and maybe just go ahead and pull over a week yep sounds good okay and then what's the second icon down here you can discard a card to take a second food to edit the bird feeder okay there's not any more food that I really want for the cards that I'm playing at the moment but I mean I may need some down the road this is the point where you start having to make your own disregards as you're playing go start start guide because you've gotten cards that are unique to this place you start developing your own strategy yet yeah and then the iconography continues down the rest of this line so as you fill out these rows you'll always take the farthest right action right so here it would be gain two food gained two food and discard a card to Game one and Game three just like the the cards down here and just like these eggs here in the center let's go ahead and touch on what this row does if we were playing an action queue in this area sure so you would play it in the first open space and you would lay two eggs okay which just means that you take two eggs from the supply and you can put them in any of your birds that have space for them and remember this number of a guy icons it's how much space that bird has for eggs I could put them both here although actually laying them on a star nest bird is usually the best decision because of the way that that can interplay with the goals sure and no eggs are important for just two major regions right first is going to be end of game scoring they could relate to victory points depending on sort of hidden cards or just you know eggs on birds our victory points correct all right which we haven't said yet which we haven't said yet yeah so each egg on a bird card is going to be worth one point at the end of the game yeah and then the other area where they're very important is going to be the play a bird action up top here you'll see the farthest right zone here starts indicating one egg and then two egg as you play kind of down the row so if I was gonna play another bird card down here in the wetland I would actually need to pay an egg in order to place that card down there right pay an egg just means just like food you take an egg off of one of your bird cards and you place it back into the general store measure the symbology here you get two eggs and then what do you do to trigger this right so this is any food okay whenever you see this symbol it just means any food it's the five different colors of the pieces of food yeah so you can discard any food to leave one extra egg so sort of the same repeating pattern here just card a card to gain a food discard a food to gain an egg discard an egg card right and back around the top and so you mentioned the egg cos up here which are very important but it's important to remember that these only apply to this plant bird row yes you know the size of this map is really constrained by the size of the box this is a standard board gain sized box but this play a bird row here is equivalent to these other three and in the sense that when you're placing your action cubes here you're you're taking this action in this row and this cost only applies to this play of bird action it's not a header for the other column chart sometimes and let's go ahead and finish this this term we just played down here I decided to take a wheat from the bird feeder I just set a dice over to the side when this is empty or down to the last remaining piece of food everything can be mural yes okay so right now for example if you spent a card to take another food out and turn a fish so I add this to the discard pile the next time that someone goes to take food out of the bird feeder yep because all of the dice are showing the same thing there's only one type letter only one type left they have the choice they can still take fruit if they want to you sure but they have the choice if they want they can reroll all five dice okay and that refills the bird feeder all five of them are gonna be back in the tray and it'll give them more choices now if you or in a situation if they decided to take the last two pieces of fruit then all five knives get reroll correct so okay I will go ahead and reroll all of these because it's one of them and the last thing that it says to do here on the sheet is to go ahead and move this down to the swift reactivation you you gained food and some you haven't finished this room yet yep yeah so we're moving down when activated tuck a card from your hand behind this bird if you do gain one worm from the supply okay so tucking is another mechanic that means you're gonna be putting a bird card underneath another card talking can relate to victory points at endgame as well yes so it's a mechanic that can increase scoring at the end right each card tucked under your bird is worth a point at the end okay basically anything on top of your card or under your card is worth one point okay and different cards just like this one will specify different actions you take okay so this one specifically says tuck any others that relate to laying eggs drawing cards tucking cards we'll say it directly there yeah okay and then finally we are moving our cube down to that final area that's what I was just gonna say I saw you definition out for it and that is the the end of our fourth term that's the set up for the Swift start guide I think we gave it and some examples that got more than four cubes on we did yeah I was I was showing off I was showing off the eggs and I'm triggering that middle row turn five and Beyond you'll need to pay an egg to play another bird in your forest or wetland so you may want to lay eggs soon if you need to you can always use two food tokens as one wild so that's a specification up here there's a little bit of iconography it shows those random food tokens the kind of color wheel that's indicating that you could always spend two of any type for one of any type so in this example if you had a bird that ate fruit and you're looking at this bird feeder and you're like well it's gonna be a long time before I have a chance to get any fruit because you know there's none there you could choose to spend your seed and your fish as a fruit instead okay and I can just get you unstuck it's you know a little more expensive so you don't want to do it a lot but it can get you unstuck when you really want to play a certain bird and you're just not getting the food out of that bird feeder absolutely what other sort of mechanic should people be aware of when getting into this game let's talk about the victory points just a little bit what are the different ways to score when you get to kind of endgame and then let's break down these four rounds that you're taking up that's great so I just grabbed the the score sheet in the end of the game just to walk through the different you'll score for sure so the birds again the points are just on the bird cards next to the little feather symbols yeah we've got six points here on our board right now and by the end of the game you know you might have nine out of ten Birds and you know 30 or more points from your birds no bonus cards we haven't talked about it okay and this is something if this feels overwhelming and you're just starting you can just not give people bonus cards it's your first game but at the beginning of the game you're gonna deal everyone two bonus cards they're gonna look at their hand of birds that they've got and they're gonna pick one and discard the other so that you're picking your personal goal that you're working on for the rest of the game mhm if we were dealt these two with this particular hand of birds neither of these eats fruit so I might pick the one that says for birds that are worth less than four points we're gonna get extra points we've only got one so far and to score any points at all you have to get five to six Birds they score you three points that's how you know if you have seven or more birds that are worth less than four points that's gonna give you six points okay and so that will be one of the scoring mechanics so this is one of the things that you'll score at the very end of the game and you just keep that in your hand for the rest of the game and and score it at the end and see if you can achieve and you can ignore it I wouldn't let it derail your game too much if you're just not getting your the birds that you need for it it's compared to the total number of points that you can get in the game this isn't huge but it's a nice little piece of direction if you're wondering what you should be doing in the beginning of the game it's something you can focus on sure and and then there the end of round goals which have been sitting here and we've referred to them a couple of you can walk through a little bit more how it's gonna work so you're gonna play out your eight actions during the game right and you're gonna have all your cubes on your board you've done the things and then after everyone has played out all of their action cubes you're gonna look at the the goal for that round and you're gonna see who has the most or you can there's actually two sides to us so if you played with this blue sign and the goal is total number of birds on your mat we would say okay we have two birds on our minute and so we would put a cube here and we'd get two points at the end of the game for them all right if you're playing on the green side of this mat its first place second place third place so if we have two birds out at the end of the first round and someone else has three then we'd be in second place and they'd be putting our cutie mm-hmm and then the number of points that you get at the end of the game is is marked hamon and now an important thing to note about these end of game scoring they are randomized and each one has iconography on it that is able to be referenced in the appendix correct correct so if you have shuffled these and set them out and you're not quite sure what they do a good suggestion is to go through the appendix and just read those lines tied directly to those icons right the other thing to note is let's say both players have two bird cards so they're tied for first and second place right they both place a cube there and then split those points in half right right so you'd add up the four points for first place plus the one point for second place that's five so they need to get half you don't run it down unfortunately so it'd be sent two points each so that's the next stage or score and what else do we have and then so once you've done sort of your personal goals and the end of radicals and your birds you're gonna count up like I was talking about all the stuff that's on top of your birds and under your Birds okay so the eggs are one point each okay there are some cards that like you they say cash food on this bird CAC AG and caching is usually birds storing food for winter right and so in the game what that is is you're just putting that food token on the bird card now they should never spend it as food okay and this is very different from the food you have in your supply right cuz usually you're taking it just from the supply it has nothing to do but sometimes it comes from the bird feeder but you're storing it on this bird and it's just straight-up points at the end okay yep and then we also have our eggs and our tuck cards correct okay so those are all one point each and then you're just gonna count them up at the end of adding all of that up to you know figure out who's one who's really built the most efficient kind of engine by the end right so you may have one person that's going for really high point Birds you may have another person that's putting out tons of eggs at the end of the game it can actually be quite difficult to tell who's ahead until you do all the math of how it all adds up so the one of the last main kind of mechanic things that I want to touch on is going to be these rounds there's going to be four rounds in a game and each one is going to be based off of how many cubes you have so at the start of the game I'm going to start with or everyone's gonna start with eight cubes we'll place these just like we did in the first part of this tutorial playing bird cards gaining bird cards getting food until they're all down here on the left side of our platform indicating that we have no more actions left all right after that one of these cubes is going to go up here onto the top of the round so as the game progresses you're actually getting less actions per round but you'll hopefully have the option for more things to kind of trigger an impact because you'll have more of these when activated abilities and stuff like that so right so in round two you'll have seven cubes and then you'll score one of the goals and then in round three you only have six cubes left and you score one of the goals and then in that last round of the game you're only gonna have five turns yep yeah quick it is very quick it starts ramping up yep yep but and this is the second part of this sort of the the end of the video for those that are watching this brand new players playing off of this but they still want to win their first game talk a little bit about what type of game this is and a little bit about the mindset or the strategy someone might think through when getting into it what should they be paying attention to um so this is what we often call an engine building game you're trying to get something going on your mat that you can keep coming back to that's gonna keep giving you your stuff that helps you get points later hmm so early in the game you know all the Swift start cards are sort of set up this way you want to be playing birds that are relatively inexpensive that are giving you things sure frigate bird is giving you a card and this bird is giving you a food at some point mid game you're gonna be getting lots of stuff you need to start switching into scoring points so playing those higher point Birds playing the birds that are sucking lots of cards or other things like that so yeah there can be a lot of strategy there and then you know thinking about how how full do you want your grassland to be so you can be laying more eggs because eggs are just straight up yeah one thing to definitely keep in mind is as you're placing down bird cards so let's get a few that can can go into the grassland here I can find a few of those as you're playing down your bird cards you'll always be activating when you take an action the farthest right available open space and then whatever birds trigger along the route so if we wanted to be able to lay a lot of eggs at endgame we may want to get down here to three or four eggs at a time when you're in taking that action so something to keep in mind building out your birds getting some birds onto the table that are not only giving you stuff early game but let you take these endgame actions is something to keep in mind right so similarly it can be super helpful to get a couple birds in your forest or in your wetland early because you really need that the three-unit cards early in the game so you can start developing your strategy start getting heavier Birds down and everything like that and the one other thing that we haven't talked about we briefly talked about the birds that have wind plane powers so that you know when you play this on your mat you're gonna do the thing that it says on it this one in particular is to draw two new bonus cards and pick one of them and keep it okay um but there are also these birds that have pink peppers and we haven't yet so these activate when someone else in the game does something okay and the cowbirds were actually the inspiration for this whole thing really today well cow birds and real life do not build their own nests they only lay their eggs and other people in other birds okay Ness Ness parasites so this cow bird when another player takes the lay eggs action right when they activate their grassland realm this bird lets you lay an egg on another bird with a bull nest okay so if I'm playing and someone else so I take a turn and say I'm playing a four player game if any of those other three people lays eggs on their turn I get to lay an egg on a bird with a bonus okay and then when it comes back to me it resets so that's the once between terms right so then I take a turn and then until my next turn if anyone lays eggs I get one egg once but if all three of those people they eggs you don't yeah because it's only one time between turns okay so that's how you you use those pink powers this turkey vulture once between turns when another players predator succeeds we haven't seen a predator bird come out in this example the turkey vulture also gets food you'd see this will be a predator predator so predators have this symbol on them it's sort of a skull and crossbones simple improv it makes sense with a predator yep um so Golden Eagles go hunting in the deck okay they look at the top card in the deck and if it's wingspan is less than 100 centimeters it tucks the card beneath that bird I drew tuna but so you would draw this great blue heron which is way too big for a golden eagle teeny maybe not actually Golden Eagles can eat like sheep but in the mechanics of businessmen who can except this game this Golden Eagle cannot eat this great book here because the great blue herons wingspan is 183 centimeters so we haven't actually pointed that out this is the wingspan of each bird on here yep so because it can't you just discard that card but if I had drawn up but if but if I had drawn a black necked stilt its wing spans only 74 centimeters so it's under this bird and shows just a point at the end of the game so that's something that every time I come to the wetland oh I'm using the Golden Eagle as I activate that row it goes looking and I might or might not get a point yeah and it's usually these predator birds that are the ones that will be actively talking there are other ones that roll the dice that aren't in the bird feeder that go looking for mice yep but the same kind of that may or may not get you a point every time you activate it yeah so that's kind of the the rundown of the game hopefully people should be able to hop into the Swift start guide understand what's going on and then after they've they've got through either a game or a cycle or maybe one person at the table and then they can dive into the lake the main rule book the appendix yeah and figure out some of the my new chef yeah and you'll see like the one that we used for this exam got a bird into the forest in the wetland and there's another one that gets a bird out into the grassland so you'll see if you're playing a multiplayer game you'll see a lot to see all the different pieces of the game happened just as it walks people through their first four turns yep for sure cool thank you for taking the time to swing by and and do a little how to play on wingspan and this is this is one of many people's favorite games of the year but but certainly one of mine oh it's been so fun to see everyone playing it yeah it's busy game uh if you guys have stayed tuned to this point in the video hopefully you got this for Christmas or this is one that you're like excited to get down to the table it really is a lovely game you should play it like tomorrow or now whatever the case thank you so much for staying tuned leave a comment down below tell us where you got the game from how you kind of stumbled across it are you a hardcore gamer kind of already in the board game world or is this one that's the family gifted you because you just like birds a whole lot whatever you do though remember to do the important thing get out and play some games we'll see you next time thank you
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 88,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, tabletop, wingspan, stonemaier, game, board, elizabeth hargrave, hargrave, bids, birding, bird watching, game desinger, publishing, marketing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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