Wine Bottle Cutter 30 seconds Perfect Edge Glass Bottle Cutting GreenPowerScience Guitar Slide

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I was storing bacon grease in a glass jar in the fridge once, and I wanted to keep some grease I finished cooking with, so I thought I would add it to my saved grease. The glass split perfectly were the warm grease connected with cold grease almost instantly. Nice smooth, even cut. I never tried it again, but I think that might be a good way to cut a bottle.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/DrDeadite 📅︎︎ May 21 2010 🗫︎ replies

All of his videos are great. He's a real backyard experimenter. He gives a lot of description as to why certain things work and others don't.

10 minutes is long, but he's compressing his hours of experimenting and getting it wrong as well as the point where he gets it right. You learn a lot from his videos.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/sk8king 📅︎︎ May 21 2010 🗫︎ replies

tl;dw: Score, run seam under boiling water, then cold, then boiling, then cold, and alternate hot and cold until glass is cut through.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/drewc 📅︎︎ May 21 2010 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how hot the water is. He wasn't being scalded at all.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/office_reference 📅︎︎ May 22 2010 🗫︎ replies

this seems like a fun thing to do even though I have absolutely no use for cut bottles, really zen, make the perfect cut

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 21 2010 🗫︎ replies

I worked in a glassblowing shop for a couple years and have cut gods know how many boro tubes and rods. The easiest way is to score the tube, spray a little water on the score line, and then push the tip of a heated up glass rod into the score line. It instantly cracks and gives you the most perfect cut imaginable. you dont even need to score all away around the rod. When you get better at cutting tubes you can just score around the tube and snap it with your hands. I doubt you could do it by hand with a wine bottle but I'm sure you could do the other method I mentioned using a plumbers torch and a scrap piece of glass.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 22 2010 🗫︎ replies

What irked me is that he said that you can put the pieces back together again and it'll hold the water in. But when he demonstrates it, he's holding his hand on the top of the bottle 'applying pressure' but also holding the bottle closed. This creates a negative pressure inside the bottle, which is what's actually holding the water in.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/riplin 📅︎︎ May 22 2010 🗫︎ replies

Attention whore of a cat interrupts the filming session.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Cameljock 📅︎︎ May 21 2010 🗫︎ replies

10 minutes for a 90 second demonstration? Jesus, get to the point.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Roninspoon 📅︎︎ May 21 2010 🗫︎ replies
hello there I'm your host Ian Rojas and today I'm gonna be showing you how to cut some glass bottles now there's a lot of different methods for cutting glass bottles one of the methods uses a rope where you take a string tied around there dip the rope first and alcohol catch it on fire let it burn they dip this in cold water and you actually break the glass you stress it you end up with edges that look something like this the other option is to take a glass cutter put a score line on the bottle and then take a blowtorch have a go at it with that heat the glass up dip it in cold water and you stress the glass again another option is to fill the bottle with oil put it in the freezer drop a flaming object into the oil cause the oil to heat it cracks it none of those methods really create a nice clean edge so what I did was I asked some of the experts people who've actually cut hundreds of wine bottles or thousands of wine bottles I told them that I want to save the bottle to make the glass out of or for our projects to make a vacuum chamber but I also wanted the top because we need the top to fit on there nicely to put something in it basically they they all tell me that because of the type of glass that's used for beer bottles which are actually harder to do and wine bottles that you can't get a perfect cut basically it's impossible to get a nice clean cut well I want you to see something so this is a combination of the burning rope and a score line you can see that you end up with edges that look something like that this is one that I did a while back ago this is a beautiful Grey Goose bottle now this is one reason why you want to do this because you can make some really nice Christmas gifts or cups this was done with a grinder I grind it a little edge in it and then shipped it away using a little hammer to break the top part off then sanded it the problem is is you end up with stress lines that come down into the area that you want obviously I could bring this down but then we would have a goose without a head that wouldn't be very attractive so I showed this to one bottle cutting guy and he said this was excellent work actually you can see that we got a nice edge around there and generally the rule of thumb is is it takes about anywhere from ten to twenty-five minutes to an hour to finish a glass like this depending on how good you are now beer bottles are probably the hardest thing to do and you can see this was done with the scoring and using a blowtorch the exciting thing is when I got to this bottle here this is the top part that's supposed to be unsalvageable and this was that glass as we come closer over here you can see that this one is really good there's just maybe if you want to make a cup maybe five minutes of sanding of the most he finishes edge nicely this glass is very difficult to do that fits on there near perfect and my favorite is the absolute bottle this actually if you put force there will hold water and won't leak at all this fits together perfectly it fits like it's a perfect cut why what really so this fits on there perfectly and this cut is pretty pretty easy so what I'm gonna do is show you what I have here is a wine bottle cutter that I got off of the internet now this cutter was about $45 it's got something to hold the bottle up there so you can turn it and you have a glass cutter here in future a future video I'm gonna be taking these rollers and making a setups you could probably use roller skate wheels or just about anything you want to be able to just set the bottle in place and be able to turn it and use a regular glass cutter because that's all that this is it's just a regular glass cutting edge put a score line there and a score line there so you can make tubes out of bottles like this for now I'm gonna be showing you with this one now it's important to mention some of the common mistakes that most people make when they do this they recommend that you will the glass and everything's cleaned perfectly before you start I found that that's really not necessary now the biggest mistake that people make is they put too many cut marks into the glass they feel the deeper they cut it the better off it's gonna be so what you want to do I'm just gonna zoom in on this so what you want to do is make sure that everything's nice and firm in place and that's all you need right there that score line right there is gonna be exactly where the glass cuts this is the point where people who know how to do this and somehow end up with results that look like this don't understand the properties of glass they'll take a high intensity blowtorch and they'll heat the bottle up then they'll dip it in water to shock the glass a blowtorch is just way too powerful what you end up doing is causing stress all throughout the glass you just need it right there now if you've ever had a cup of water made a cup of tea and you put hot water in the wrong type of cup you may hear the glass stress and crack and you actually will put fine lines in it that's all you need to cut a wine bottle you just need hot water you don't need a blowtorch you don't need a flaming stream you don't need anything that intense laughs it's very sensitive to temperature changes so we want it to break right on this score line if we overdo it with the heat it's never gonna break there it's gonna do something like this where it breaks in all different places so I am gonna get some boiling water and I'm gonna pour it right along this edge so I am at my shop sink right now I have the bottle I have a stream of water running this is cold water okay I have a flashlight set up this just helps me see where the glass is actually stressed and cracked and I have a teapot full of hot water the cutting device that I used to cut this comes with a little hammer that you can tap and shatter the glass and end up with fragments and then spend a half-hour cleaning it up that's pretty much worthless what I'm gonna do is show you what to do you slowly it's good idea to wear goggles when you do this just in case something strange happens but you you take and you pour very little hot water you slowly heat the bottle up right on that line you just pour it lightly slowly slowly then once it starts to heat up the glass then you go a little bit and then you just run cold water over it now what's gonna happen is the lights gonna change through there you're gonna notice that this glass bottle has cracked all along that seam so I'm gonna do it again you just go real slow a little bit of water let the heat build up and boom there you have a perfectly cut glass you can see that the edge is nice and smooth this fits on this is this would take about maybe a minute or two to sand down with the Emery cloth or with a piece of sandpaper and what's even more impressive is your top part is salvageable so you could basically seen this back together with some silicone to make a vacuum tube or whatever but you'll notice a huge difference go through YouTube and look at the videos of what people do look at the ones where they catch them on fire they use blow torches and you'll see that their edges they do not end up with anything even close to this this is a a one-shot deal this you can probably do 20 of these an hour if you were not really good at it and it's a great way to make Christmas gifts and recycle glass to another water bottle that I just did this literally took me 30 seconds to cut it is score hot water slowly and you're done and nobody will have a cut that nice you can get they say that you should expect about a 50% success rate when cutting bottles I'm actually at about 95% with this method the only time that you're ever gonna mess up is if you do too deep of a cut or you go over the same area too many times if your water is poured on too fast and when you pour the boiling water on that cut lightly slowly and that alone will do it I mean it just instantly stresses the glass and pops it perfectly this can go back together this one cold I'm gonna fill this up with water to show you something okay you see how it's leaking out there now watch this with a little bit of pressure it completely seals it seals it right back up this will hold water for as long as you keep it on there and then if you let the pressure loose of course it comes out I'm your host Dan Rojas thank you for watching and enjoy our videos [Applause]
Views: 8,197,614
Rating: 4.8536425 out of 5
Keywords: WINE, BOTTLE, CUTTING, GLASS, CUT, BEER, MAKING, BOTTLENECK, GUITAR, SLIDES, Kinkajou, GREENPOWERSCIENCE, FRESNEL LENS, SOLAR, GREEN, POWER, SCIENCE, greenpower, science, parabolic, Solar Energy (Industry), Wine Bottle, Bottle Cutter Cutting a Beer Bottle Best Method greenpowerscience, Soldering, Iron, Stress, Soldering Iron Stress, Wine Bottle Cutter, Crazy, Russian, Hack
Id: sFXngPx3w3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2010
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