Cutting Glass Bottles for Craft Projects

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hey guys Doug here we're cutting models today now this is a total flashback to when I was a little kid when I was a kid we had this little craft kit they used to sell in stores for kids to cut bottles because back in the day all bottles had painted on labels so if you wanted like a coca-cola cup or a hires root beer cup II would just cut that bottle and smooth the edge and you'd have a cup of that bottle so basically what I'm using today is the exact same thing that I had as a kid only mine was a nice blue color today we're going to cut some old wine bottles here I went and robbed a bunch of guys recycling because these are really nice bottles and I got them all I soaked them clean the labels off them and the sticky stuff by the way regular old mineral spirits eats that like gunk right off real nice so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna cut wine bottles and today I'm gonna focus on making lamp lamps lanterns candles stuff but there's a thousand different uses for cut bottles this little jig here consists of just rollers three of them are rollers one is a glass cutter and these are adjustable depending on the size of your bottle so you can do a small ball big bubble but I have this set right now to cut a wine bottle here okay so all weird you're not really cutting I shouldn't say that we're scoring the bottle depending on the height that I want to keep I think I will actually move this one up a little bit let's do all different random Heights but anyway you would think that the harder you push on that the better the score or the better the cut but that's not true all I'm gonna do is just roll that around I'm just doing a light scoring a harder scoring actually is detrimental to the process so and we stop we don't double score just the single score on there like that I don't know you can see that you see just a little lying around there all right so let's see ketil's done let's let's try and cut one I'm gonna take my hot water here heat up that area okay then right away I'm gonna take my cold water which isn't actually cold it's just out of my well it's not ice water or anything I'm gonna cool it we're just gonna go back and forth like that a couple times what we deal with here we go hot water basically back and forth probably won't take too much more now we're cooling it I can see that scoreline opening up can you see that so guaranteed now when I do the hot it's gonna come right off there we go there is our first piece that's a beautiful cut look at that cut it's probably my best one I have ever done don't rub your fingers on there but my goodness that's fantastic all right let's do another one gonna place my bottle on there I'm just gonna roll it around not too hard and I don't want to double score it so as soon as that's touches the other score mark I'm gonna stop I think that's it yep you can see that let's score light around there tub here get my boiled water keep that bottle up all right take my cold water and that score line the first thing you see is that how it kind of opens up a bit you can't maybe see that but I can see a little bit here there there it goes all right that one's not not as perfect as the last one but definitely look at that that's a nice one again so I got four really nice ones here but I also have a bad one cut on a bad angle I got one it's a really nice cut but it split on me so I don't know what the percentage would be but if I wanted to have two good ones I think I tried bring four bottles to the party because yeah you just don't know let's take this one here and I like to just go a little bit heavy at first [Music] yeah that's a hundred and a hundred and that was her that was a good cut but a hundred just takes all there but from there I'm just gonna take my wet sandpaper and I guess this is I looked all over good what two Chinese symbols on it but I think I found I'm telling you to me that's good enough you can spend as much time as you want on this but like I said for craft purposes I mean that's good if you're drinking out of it obviously you're gonna take your time and put a lot of time put a nice round edge on it I just want a nice clean edge that's not won't cut you when you touch it so we're gonna put our bottoms all of our bottoms we're gonna save them for another day but obviously it's not doesn't take Weston to know that that could be a glass or a Vaz or anything anything you want to do with it but we're putting them aside because we're going to deal with them today my whole goal from the beginning was all about candles and lighting whether that be tea lights even these little wait here we go little flicker flicker lights that are very safe or even the candles alright so I whipped up a couple things to use with the bottles now my models are still dirty I haven't cleaned them at all but let's just talk right off the bat here I made this little little stumpy piece here and I drilled a hole in it the color upside down and put a candle in it and that will hold the candle yeah that one's kind of fun in my driftwood box I picked up chunks of old brick like this so the same thing you want to be work with wood but the same thing works you know it's different right yeah then I got a little bit carried away on the lathe and I did some turning so same idea let's give this one down here same blog still stolen cedar from Shawn now we have a little bit like that okay now this one is not meant for a candle like a tea light and I'll show you why let's say you take your your bottle and you know you've got you've got a hole in the top but what happens to your candle when you put that over top it takes a minute but eventually sucks the air out and it's out alright so when I was fooling around like well how the Sam hell am I gonna get that to work and I saw this little hole right here that I drilled something else I said I wonder if I do the same thing and have a little bit of air flow via this little hole if I'll keep it going and sure enough that worked so now the projects that I use a candle for I've incorporated a little little air air slot little air hole that you can draw air from the bottom and come through all right this one here was the cedar hydro pool I took the took the edge off [Music] [Music] doesn't take much so this is a this would be an any so now my ball fits inside of that so now the air can come in the backside and feed the flame so there you go first after making that one and that's shape I thought let's take a piece of bark and did the exact same thing so same idea the piece of Burque one other idea too is the dollar store picked up this little looks like a cork but it's a light don't set that on my thing now if you're gonna go that way you wouldn't put the little pilot hole yeah there is 1 million ways to use these bubbles and stuff but I had the lantern candle things on the brain and so that's what I went for but let's light them all up together let's get some lights off here here we go look at that display oh my goodness one more light would you look at that and that is how we'll end our video thanks for watching guys hope you like this kind of thing and I will catch you on the next one see ya
Channel: Doug Linker
Views: 25,393
Rating: 4.9825411 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning, lathe, recycle, recycled bottles, cutting bottles, candle lantern, candle centerpiece, glass cutting, crafts, handmade, maker, led lighting, candle
Id: 7_e7-uvKiHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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