Windows 10 KB5034441 Update Error 0x80070643 (need to manually resize partitions to fix the problem)

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[Music] Microsoft recently rolled out new security update Windows 10 KB 503 4441 that aims to address a security vulnerability that could potentially allow attackers to bypass bit Locker encryption using the Windows recovery environment wi re however some users encounter difficulties during the installation receiving error install failure the root cause of the error is usually because of the insufficient size of the recovery partition to complete the update Windows 10 creates a recovery partition usually around 500 MB which is not large enough to support the new windows re image windr dowin file causing the error when attempting to install the update Microsoft suggest manually resizing the recovery partition fix the update error first open command prompt as administrator run reagent tc/ info command 2 to check the win re [Music] status next disable the win re using command reagent ec/ disable to shrink the OS partition and prepare the disc for a new recovery partition run disk part then list disk now select the OS disk using command sale disk and the same disk index as winr to check the partition under the OS disk and find the OS partition run list part to select the OS partition run sale part and the partition [Music] index next run the command to shrink the [Music] partiton [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Srikant Sahu
Views: 23,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KB5034441, Windows 10, 0x80070643, Update failed, Windows update, Windows 10 update, Windows update download, Windows update error, Windows 10 update error, Update not installed
Id: Wc0JkHYH_5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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