how to fix update error encountered KB5034441 and 0x80070643 windows

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uh hey hello hello everyone uh this is Amo uh today we will do uh will resolve uh the problem of uh this Windows update KB 53 4441 when you try to uninstall this update it will gives you this error uh and this error it is because uh uh low space uh of your uh recovery partition of C drive you know so windows cannot uh install because of low space we don't have enough space in recovery partition so uh in Windows here in Windows Form it is you need to do all all these structures and it is H you know it is maybe a little bit risky so we have another uh solution of this to resolve this problem so uh you need to uh do uh to increase your uh uh recovery partition you need to click right click on this BC and click manage so and uh Check Disk Management and you see now my health recovery partition this was this one you need to increase its size so how you increase this size you see this is help no increase even you have unlocated space so uh today before 1 hours ago I have this fault code when I tried to install the update but uh my uh healthy uh recovery partition it was 500 megabyte it's about half of this uh space so how I increase this it is easy you need to install this tool manyi tool Partition Wizard free version you need to install it uh from official website just Google it mini tool Partition Wizard so uh when you install it just check this one uh don't take the uh uh don't check this check only this okay and then it will gives you like this it will gives you like this so how you you you need to check your C drive this make sure you have enough space uh right click on it and uh choose move and resize okay you need to uh come in here and click like this you need to put here one gigabyte you know to make 1 gab no more 1 gab is enough and you then you need to click okay I don't need to uh re unloc now because I do it before hour an hour so you need to B uh click okay here like this and it will give you this notice you you need to uh do yes and restart now it will restart your computer but before it oh I so sorry when you allocate when you locate 1 gab you need to press here apply okay here and then apply it will gives you this message you click yes then restart now you after this your computer is Will restart don't worry it will gives you like this uh you need to wait until it gives you here 100 percentage it's a depends about uh your your uh SSD your drive speed uh it's about uh I think uh from seconds to 10 minutes uh and then your computer will uh launch up correctly no problem okay like this then your computer is restarting so uh then uh when your computer Windows is launch up and you need to come in here uh again and choose this one gbt recovery partition it doesn't matter if if it is MBR or gbt no problem okay just take recovery partition you need to right click on it and choose extend like this and you need to check this unallocated space and you need to press okay then go to here and check for updates okay this is what you need to do so and we'll update will install it correctly no problems no fault code nothing happens okay have a good day guys peace out I'm sorry but uh I need to say this but you know this is my first time and uh you know my English is not good so I hope uh you can understand me correctly and I help you enjoy to help you guys bye-bye have a good day
Channel: sam Libya
Views: 10,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mpCbhxCn0RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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