LOW BUDGET Details For A High Performance BUILD

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hey friends we are driving about 45 minutes outside of austin texas and we're going to meet a builder named scott that i met at the humid climate conference in austin who tells me he's been watching the build show learning a bunch of my high performance techniques and using them on much more affordable houses than what i typically am building so let's get going [Music] and i see a white truck let's assume that scott shall we awesome all right here we go scott hey man how are you good how are you good thank you for having me on the job site thank you for coming all right so scott i promised these guys that are watching this video that you would show us some high performance details on a budget tell me first off i'm seeing that you're uh taping your foundation to your uh framing yeah that bottom plate detail is really tight how are you tightening um you know obviously the the body of the walls looks very very tight you've got the zip tape everywhere it looks like you've used some various tapes and stretch flashings and such on any of your penetrations but how about your addicts you know we're slab on grade here in texas so how are you air sealing between let's say walls and attic space sure and um if you don't mind i'll just start kind of where you started and we'll talk about the bottom and work our way up let's do it sounds good so this is the uh the the sega tape yeah um this is it's not that expensive of a detail um so this is something people can absolutely do on their spec homes well um that's what these are these are speculative houses that's right um so what i used to do is i used to finish the slab first and have my guys keep the tape one inch down and then that would be covered with the siding but with these kinds of framers that work on spec homes you know they're they're moving very fast um it's real difficult to keep that straight line and i would see it dip down below the siding sure and so this is actually a detail that i learned i think from one of your uh someone you interviewed once um and now we're so what are you doing we're gonna put the tape on before they finish the slab here okay with the underpinning and they're gonna underpin it over this later so that it's completely hidden smart so in other words you'll drop your siding down and then you'll underpin that's right and if you're not familiar with underpinning all scout and i are talking about is it's basically a stucco coat right on top of this concrete you can see this is concrete that's got some honeycombing totally fine structurally but not the best looking [Music] just aesthetically there's nothing wrong structurally with it and because this has a kind of fleece backer it'll accept a stucco coat on there so you're just putting a real thin stuck okay on the foundation that's right and so working our way up let's let's just look at um this house um working our way up of course we're using the zip sheathing and taping the seams and then flashing every penetration yep and we're flashing it in a way that's keeping air and water out smart um so that one's been covered up with a mounting block that's just a mounting block that siding goes up against okay yep but this would be an example of something the way we would tape around a little stretch tape you start at the bottom you worked up then you hit the top and then you put an extra piece on there for a little belt and suspenders i like that scott exactly and these penetrations are a bit high but look at that man you've got to imagine there's going to be a deck here beautiful so this spigot is for the deck this is going to be for an outdoor kitchen oh killer an outlet for the kitchen yep yeah and then that's uh an outlet and uh cable in for mounting a tv love it um but with the um with the outlets i'm using the um the arlington inboxes i love this and i just for those out with an extra piece of zip sheathing and then i'll use um you know we always keep big stretch on hand so i'll use big stretch in between the pieces to kind of seal that up smart and then this is on a piece of one by something one by two maybe what are we seeing there scott why is that bucked out with some one by twos well this house is going to have a rain screen and the rain screen is established with these one by twos got it so it's a three-quarter inch roughly uh out rain screen that's right got a real nice air gap uh and that's right it looks like your windows are bucked out as well that's right so that it it comes out too so all you did was just did basically a 1x4 on top of the sheathing and then you installed your window and taped it to that so it's perfectly water and airtight but that window flange now is brought out so that when his siding goes on he's got enough depth right here right to reach into that siding you'll see we've got some different brands of uh tape here but that's just because we have it left over from another job and i'm using it in a spot that's yeah another one without yeah smart man reuse everything you can on a job site okay so working our way up um you know we like to frame in a way that uh most framers can do without a whole lot of education so for the most part we're letting them frame the way that they know with you know not the monopoly framing but just with you know the overhang uh built right from the beginning so in other words the rafter tails are are sitting on top of the double top plate they're not tails it's true rafters that's that's right and you're not using trusses you're actually hand framing these roofs that's right okay gotcha and then walk me through the assembly after that then after framing's right so um they'll go ahead and install zip sheathing as the soffit first and so that's zip shading you know in the soffit area gets taped to the wall okay and so that's what's you know giving us that continuous air barrier at that corner and then they'll go ahead and put the hardy fascia on the way most of these framers work is they like to put that hardy fascia on as a way as a straight edge so when they go to deck the house they've got kind of a straight edge to work off of so we'll go ahead and let them do that but then we'll with something like big stretch the zip soffit okay to the back side of the hearty fascia how about that and then moving up you can actually see a little bit of that um the fintrum tape tapes the the fascia to the roof decking so basically i have my air barrier going through that that fascia what a genius idea scott i have never heard of this before so uh it's hard to visualize because our because our hardy is on but basically what you've done is you've taken your air barrier up the wall across the soffit and up the fascia and then your spray foam at the roof line which will go inside the house in a second we'll complete that air beard on the underside of the roof deck all the way to the ridge and then back down again yes so we're totally complete from here all the way up to the ridge and back down over so in effect you've created a monopoly framed house but you've done it with kind of standard framers standard framing techniques exactly well done scott that's impressive i've never heard a thought of that before okay guys we're cutting from scott's job site to show you one of my job sites what i learned from scott i literally implemented the very next day uh normally when we've got rafters coming through like this and this happens to be a truss brief we would bird block in between these rafters we'd spray foam the backside we might go back and liquid flash that bird block to try and air seal it ahead of time but scott showed us a better way sheath your soffits with zip system sheathing and then where your soffit hits your sub fascia which is this two by here tape that joint for air tightness and scott was running a flat soffit this house has an angled soffit so where it's angled we're going to go ahead and seal that see that light coming through there we're going to seal that joint with some liquid flash we might have to do it in two passes because it's a bit of a bigger joint right there but we're using zip system liquid flash which is a fancy caulking that's both water and airtight sticks perfectly to zip system sheathing and now that joint will be perfectly hair sealed and of course watertight we're not super worried about water under here though but now when we spray foam this cavity when we come in to this house and spray foam this roof line the underside of this deck we'll spray foam into this cavity but we're not using the spray foam for air tightness we've got a belt and suspenders approach by tightening all this up great job scott i absolutely love it it sounds like scott spoke with joe stiebrick about this detail and i'm loving it i think this is a great detail that takes kind of standard construction and takes it to the next level all right back to the job site you know the first time i did this it was on my personal house and we had a 0.6 ach 50. how about that and what i like about that is that i didn't do anything extraordinary i mean everything was kept real simple um i mean i did probably pay attention to detail maybe a little bit more so than a spec home because i you know took took my time on it sure um but yeah in general i think with this method anyone can achieve a pretty tight house without without going over the top on on methods hello scout let's go uh let's go inside and let's talk about a couple of your interior details sorry okay so we're going in the garage here we're gonna point something else out timmy scott oh no i was actually just gonna tell you because i'm constantly experimenting always all of our house there you know that's the cool thing about uh building high performance spec homes where you don't have a customer and there's no specifications yeah it's nice um it gives us that opportunity to experiment on the next three houses that we do we're going to use joe stiebrick's idea of using the seal sill as the furring strips it makes for a much smaller air gap but in this climate that's enough yeah um makes sense and really the main reason i want to do that is because it's going to make the trim details a lot easier for the framers and when i make that easier they're going to do a better job yeah it makes sense i like it and speaking of furring i'm guessing this is what you're using for your rain screen fern they are furring strips from home depot cheap effective i haven't like to point out they're not pressure treated they don't need to be pressure treated right and these are the wider versions that were used on board and batten areas um so the layout is a slightly different depending on what the siding is going to be really smart i'm noticing uh looks like you've got 24-inch on-center framing too scott going on here as a standard we're doing advanced framing 2x6 24 inch on center with that we're doing the open corners and open wall connections um we're usually putting our headers at the at the top plate let's go see that i'm looking forward to that and uh drywall's up in here i'm assuming because that's going to be your air barrier uh for the house to garage connection and i'm assuming that means you're spray foaming this wall as well that's right so um obviously this wall does not have the same details as the other exterior walls yeah i consider it an exterior wall because on the other side is unconditioned yeah but because it doesn't have those details we're going to spray foam here um on a custom home we're going to take those extra steps where we just sheath all the way through yeah you could zip achieve that but on a spec house you need to be cautious about your dollar that's right makes sense and then what what's the white uh what am i seeing right there the bottom plate it's um the big stretch caulking it's smart it's really just an extra measure because we've got our air barrier on the outside already um and that's primary but everything i do on the inside is just an extra measure little belt and suspenders i like that so he's got some big stretch here uh on his full exterior plate as well and then i'm noticing scott like this bay right here has some blue spray foam on that bay what does that what does that mean what are you so indicating with that blue spray foam aside from the garage wall um the house is going to get bibs in the walls the blown in fiberglass it's really cost effective you get a good r value per inch for sure and it's pretty thorough when it comes to getting around pipes and everything yeah and probably what half the cost of spray foam or so that's right and so the only exception is when it comes to any spot where i have a penetration going on we'll go ahead and have the guys uh spray from those areas and the walls yeah because you've got some daylight coming through here right even though it's been sealed with some tape on the outside some spray foam in there will really help make sure that you've got that built-in suspenders and you're not relying on the spray from for air tightness but you're using that as your belt when you've already got suspenders on right exactly right and is that what's going on here too you've got a uh another outline right here as well uh yeah and the reason this wire is like this when the electricians come i literally just have them drill a hole poke the wire through and then i come back later personally pull the wire out install it arlington inbox myself for it out tape it seal it it's awesome it's completely sealed on the outside the only thing that's not sealed on this box are these punch knockout boxes so before they come and insulate i'm going to either sink a tape over them or caulk over them yeah and you're also then spray foaming as well and spray foaming that's super smart belt and suspenders i like it so then these can lights that are here are inside your envelope uh your air conditioning envelope because this is looks like some framing for a second floor above us there's a second floor this was an afterthought though um you know again like i said before framers that kind of work in this spec home arena they're they work fast yep um lots of things happen before you can catch them sure um on this particular house we had a lower pitch roof in the plans and actually this uh this happened when i went to the humid climate conference i was gone for two days i come back and they put a higher pitch on the house and we ended up with this gigantic attic and uh and so that's when we we thought okay you know what we're gonna make a bonus room up there oh heck yeah that's awesome and so now we have a bonus room and then i had a corbett who does my manual jays he adjusted everything for lunsford that's right yeah so um he adjusted the whole calculation so that we know what to supply in there now we don't actually have that supply in there yet then hvac guys still got to come back and do things gotcha but that will be uh supply in there and then also supply in the attic i love it so uh back to the advanced framing 2x6 is 24 inch on centers standard double top light which means that we're not as worried about making sure rafters are perfectly aligned on each stud which of course is right ideal but we do that most of the time yeah but um and then you've also got your headers it looks like perfectly sized you didn't oversize them and they're pushed to the front of the sheathing so that now scott's got room for insulation behind those headers right there and some budget windows i would say uh yes these windows are probably perfectly acceptable these come from home depot again on a custom home or we're obviously using a better window yeah but for a spec home these windows work i have these windows in my house that's 0.6 ach 50. wow that's awesome so it works yeah it works well and the other thing i'm noticing is you know swing doors and and not a lot of extra penetrations right he doesn't have a giant slider somewhere that would be really leaky uh so you're able to get away with more budget windows and doors but yet still get some really good performance out of those i like that scout that's impressive man um talk to me about labor and you know building a high performance house at a you know more friendly price point how's it been working with subs finding people to do some of these details uh does it require more oversight are you on the job constantly are you going back and redoing some things uh yes and also i know the frustration that that uh a lot of builders are having is that subs are just really busy and so if you're asking them to do one extra thing they'd rather go to another job site than do yours that's exactly right that is the challenge um you know if i were a big custom home builder and i had my own crew and i was training them all the time it would be totally different um but this is sort of the the spec home world i mean we do two three customs a year yeah um but with doing so many spec homes we're dealing with these people uh i mean they work fast they just want to get in and out it's a challenge um but really i was up for that challenge uh i wanted to come up with methods that these people can do that they have the skill for that they don't need a lot of training for um so that you know that's the reason i come up with these methods but then in addition to that i've got to be here all the time yeah and when we have multiple jobs going on at once it's i'm driving around all the time i'm checking things i'm trying to catch things before they happen yeah and you're a one-man show scout too my wife helps me okay but aside and we have a we have a one laborer okay that kind of helps with clean up and single solitary employee but yeah that's pretty much it it's impressive what's the do you mind me asking what the price point on this house for sale is going to be i mean this from what i'm seeing this is much higher performance much better details than some of the production builders that i walk through their houses uh you know i suspect right i would think that uh this would be a pretty high price point based on the details i'm seeing here it's okay so this home will be a little bit higher than some of our others um it's going to have a few extra details i'll get into that in a minute but like the house next door is a good example of a house that we would build all the time it would fit into that 80 of homes that we build category that home over there is just when it's when it's done it's going to look like any other home because you know everything is going to be covered up yep um but in reality it's it's built for performance that's going to be below one ach 50. have a really good hp access thing yeah that's pretty good um but our goal with doing all of that is to keep the price point competitive i mean we're selling these spec homes to people that that don't even have never heard of high performance have never heard of indoor air quality they don't even know that it exists so as they're purchasing the home they're learning about this stuff as as they're going through the process of purchasing um but the thing is is to just to sell them on that those performance details early on i've got to educate them before they put the offer in so it's a it's kind of tricky um you've ruined them for other buildings though haven't you right i mean you're doing all these details i could do all that education and try to sell the homes for more but i also have this mission you know i told you before on our website we have this slogan home building as it should be because i look at these details and um lots of people think they're like real special you know they've never seen anything like that before um but really it's it's home building as it should be this is all homes should be built in a way where you're trying to keep water out and control of your air yep yeah and what i'm loving this that none of this is special besides maybe uh some sega tape which was made in uh you know europe and switzerland other than that you're seeing regular old products that you've got either at the you know uh the local home center or the local lumber yard but you've done it in a thoughtful way i mean uh you know even just as simple a detail as a california corner this three stud corner right here insulation is gonna go all the way back uh he's been really thoughtful about hey spray foam guys spray foam this area here as a belt and suspenders um spray foam this area as a belt and suspenders bibs right here i mean it's just you've done things really smart you'll notice that i put big boxes here because i used to spray paint this little circle there and i learned that they just don't put enough there just spray it for a second and walk away yeah so now i kind of put big boxes there really smart and now that we're inside just to help guys at home understand where that double top plate is that void that's above there the spray foam is going to be down into that void and will help insulate and air seal that okay scott got me a ladder so i can go up and show you but what we're talking about here is his soffits are air sealed and closed and so when i poke up here with my camera you're not seeing any light in here and that's because the zip sheathing that you're seeing right there is the soffit and that's been taped and then where that 2x4 is where the rafter comes out that's been taped so this is perfectly air sealed before spray foam and the spray foam contractor is going to get up here and run his spray foam gun all the way up in here fill that whole cavity with spray foam and that'll be part of the um exterior air sealed envelope but the spray foam is not being used as an air bearer it's been air sealed already way to go scott that's awesome in the past i've kind of relied on spray foam as an air sealer and have been disappointed but as a backup air seal it works real well and then the other beauty of spray foam is that it sticks to surfaces so you know as the spray foam guys spray foam to this roof line especially like a hip roof like this it can stick all the way up and will insulate that roof line now scott you mentioned that you've had you've got bibs in the walls have you tried bibs in the attic as well i have like i said i've i do a lot of experimenting at one point i wanted to get away from foam um when you see flaws it's really hard to get those guys to come back out and fix it yeah i also don't like that it's it's not totally environmental environmentally friendly it's it's a little bit toxic when it's being sprayed but i've tried other methods and when you are building a house with valleys and hips um so it's really difficult to get bibs up there or bats the labor cost is usually more than the foam i will do that still in the future when i have a more simple roof um but for the most part foam just makes sense it in the energy efficiency um is going to make up you know it's going to the pros are going to outweigh the cons yeah but i like how you vary it too right so your walls are bibs here uh and all this square footage is going to be all bibs so he's saving the money where he needs to save the money and then just using that more expensive spray foam where it's important which is sticking to that roof deck right and getting into those cracks and crevices uh although really your bibs is going to get into your cracks and crevices it's just the ability to stick to that rooftop that's exactly right what i wanted to say is that i'm not using it at the roof deck because it it has so much higher r value or it's a better insulator you use an open cell phone i'm using it so that it sticks to the top of the roof deck because i want to condition my attics i mean just conditioning your attic and having all of the hvac system and ducts within that condition actively condition space meaning that i've actually have a supply up there yep um that makes a huge difference for um the load requirements of the house yeah um and actually i want to i'd like to get into the some of the hvac details if we can let's do it you want to go up and talk about this sure okay so this will be a bonus room for you they kind of opened up because this roof line ended up being a much higher pitch so this happy accident by the framers i would say gives you a little extra square footage um talking about your hvac system scout sure um it's funny because just yesterday a worker was asking me he was saying looks like a normal hvac system what's so different about it and my first response was well first of all it's probably about half the capacity of what another spec home builder would put in this house and that's for several reasons first of all the other builders aren't um coming up with a good insulation strategy and making their homes airtight right so the load requirements are different but on top of that hvac contractors are do not know how to do manual j calculations that's right yep so i mean that's that's sort of a bold statement but i have been through in this area i mean dozens of of uh hvac contractors and none of it looked right yep and the way that i met corbett first i hired him to check the work and what he was able to do is point out very specific things that they were getting wrong in there yep it's funny because when you ask moshe fact contractors um you know to explain how they did the calculation they can't explain it they can't point out a detail and said i put this number there because whatever and so because corvette was able to give me specific reasons and explain the whole calculation i trusted him so now instead of him checking the work he just does our map our calculations now that's awesome um so you have any idea what your square foot per ton is on this house well this is a two ton unit now this one is going to be um it's a is variable speed okay indoor and outdoor um that's not typical like i said this home has a few extra features yeah the one next door is more typical of what we would do okay we would typically use a single stage yep condenser single speed again keeping the cost down um but that home is probably next door is 1800 square feet somewhere around there um it's probably gonna get a ton and a half wow so like 1200 square feet of town or so again that's a good installation strategy good air barrier but also doing the calculation correctly yeah that's right because that single stage condenser it's small but it's going to run all the time and it's going to be dehumidifying all the time and that air is going to be filtered all the time a typical house here in this area is going to be way oversized and that machine is turning off and on off and on all day long yep it's never able to dehumidify it's not filtering that error and it's not efficient yeah smart can we crawl back here and see what you got what's this piece of equipment on the right here what do we got so this is the erv oh nice a fantag erv how about that in a spec house i love it the erv is going to be standard um even in our cheap homes okay so scott's making the standard i love it the reason this is not an extra feature is because uh no matter what home we're building we're building tight yep um and because of that i need the ventilation to be balanced it's funny because our makeup air system at my personal house broke so when i turn my range hood on the front door literally opens by itself it's kind of funny i got to get it fixed but that that just goes to show what's happening to a house when it's being depressurized yep uh you know you're gonna pull in you're gonna pull that humidity through the wall assembly you're gonna pull in contaminants it's not good for the durability of the house for sure but it's also not good for comfort and health either yeah so yeah an erv is going to be standard this particular one is very cost effective this fan tech model is it's you don't have another model number do you it's the um it's the 150 okay they make two versions so 150 cfm as well that's right okay um but most of the time it runs i love this because it runs in low speed 24 7. yeah so it's pulling just a little bit of air out all the time and is it tied to bathrooms or kitchens bathrooms and laundry okay is where it's coming from killer um and you don't have an exhaust fan in those areas besides the rv then no what builders would call fart fans yep there's none of that no neither because you're these pulling up now we have buttons in the bathroom and laundry room which boosts it so when you push the button it'll kick this into high for 20 minutes love it kill it and then it's got a wall controller as well so that you can manually control it if you want to yeah now heat pump for your uh furnace i'm assuming right i don't see a gas line running in here that's right yep heat pump this is a this one happens to be a bosch and i haven't used it before i don't see a lot of that in the marketplace it has been very difficult getting hvac equipment lately has it um i mean we have had houses completely finished and then sit for three months before the condenser comes for it um it happens that the smaller units are harder to get like the 10 and a half ones but at the time my guys told me on this unit um he had it well it was available that he could get and um and so we're trying it i mean look the quality comes from the install for the most part sure um yeah although you do want a good system of course and then you've also got it looks like a real nice thick pleated media filter right there before it uh comes into the return side it took me a long time actually to find this hvac contractor i went through many of them um but this guy i'm very happy with good um looks tight he follows my direction in terms of the manual j it's strapped nicely in design um but when it comes to the install they're doing a good job yeah it looks really good now another thing to point out here you'll see our fan tech makeup air kit ah nice i got that in my house no killer the standard thing like next door again next door is our more standard home in a standard home we're going to put a just a simple damper that's connected to the hood and it's going to open up when you turn the hood on and allow that air outside air to come in to make it up okay to keep again keeping the house balanced um the reason i have this here in this house is because this particular hood is has higher cfm gotcha and a damper is not going to work you know even a big damper is not going to be enough to make up for a hood that goes up to 900 cfm okay i need a powered fan to blow it in that's right and then that one's also going to uh filter that incoming air it's probably got a nice filter box in there and some of them that's right cold climates have a heater on there as well just like a little hair dryer exactly like resistance you really probably don't need that here i know um i mean we are bringing in that hot humid air um but um but keeping it balanced is is important i mean and it's just when they're cooking it's just when cooking is going on that's right turn it off when you're done yeah and but the important thing here is i've got you know this has the silencer on it and the hood has the remote blower um so to keep it quiet in the kitchen that's nice you know it's for indoor air quality it's important to use the hood when you're cooking yeah use it otherwise those contaminants are going throughout the house a lot of the time people are not using their hood because it's so noisy yeah they just want to turn it off and get rid of that noise so here you know it's we've got a pretty good one that's gonna be quiet and hopefully people will use it well done scott good stuff man doing these kinds of details when it's not specified and really no one's really looking for it yeah but doing that has enabled some interesting opportunities to come my way yeah um because now we are starting to get these really interesting jobs um we've got one that's coming up actually that um this big house um the guy is all about high performance you know all about indoor air quality all this and we've got architects and we've got a whole team and so really is this is going to become my my dream job so awesome scott i would have never had that opportunity if i didn't just start doing these things on spec homes yeah no so uh so this house spec house no owner attached yet you've done the details really well what would your competition be doing you know somebody who looks at this house that is not interested in high performance necessarily uh if they looked at your competitors or what other spec houses are being built here in this area what would they find what would be the kind of standard construction details well commodity osb no no seams taped bottom plate not sealed roof to wall connection not sealed [Music] would they even be solid sheets i mean a lot of places in texas there's cardboard sheathing oh we see that all the time here or just tar paper rivers cardboard i stopped at a job site and took a piece of cardboard because i couldn't believe that they build houses out of cardboard i couldn't believe it yes they do all over the place i don't know if that's worse or some of them just put the sighting right on the studs i mean that's done here there's no there's no code enforcement in this area believe it or not um so you see all kinds of and we're not in a seismic zone so we don't we don't often have the kind of seismic requirements we definitely have wind though and anytime uh houses go wrong you see lots of crumbled houses that had cardboard sheathing right um and i will say this that one trend that i see all the time is i always like to say that the most vulnerable spots of the house are typically the spots that are the least protected yeah the most vulnerable spot of osb is going to be that bottom edge of it because that's where the water is going to end up and wake up yep close as you drive around you're going to see they've got their cheap type woven tyvek products barely stapled on it's being ripped apart all the time yep but then it doesn't even go to the bottom the bottom edge is exposed well what's what's the most vulnerable spot of a window yeah it's going to be the bottom corners that's right that's where the water is going to end up that happens to be the only place that goes unprotected yeah because they'll put a piece of moist stop on that window seal and then cut the corner where it's vulnerable terrible drives me crazy oh pretty good the other thing is um the reason so many people think my job sites are weird is because they see houses like this that are being roughed in before the sighting that is not done around here [Music] typically what you'll see is they frame all the way through put the siding on and everything yep poke all the penetrations through the siding and everything the whole assembly and those holes will never be sealed ever i mean this is permanently open scott you just you just mentioned what i think is the biggest rookie builder mistake that i see veteran builders big builders small builders builders have been around for 30 40 years doing all the time is framing the house siding the house putting all the exterior cladding on and then bringing the trades it's a nightmare uh and it just can never be done properly but you've uh waited the zip sheathing is on and taped now the trades are coming in he's got plumbers and hvac guys and electricians coming and then we'll side the house so you can make sure that each one of those penetrations is properly water sealed number one which is most important and then air sealed and as we've talked about in my videos if you've been paying attention anytime we air seal we bug seal as well and our clients will pay more money for that air sealing they may or may not pay more money for but what i love about this tour of scott is nothing i'm seeing here with the exception of maybe his bottom plate tape detail where he's used a little bit more expensive tape there nothing is out of the ordinary nothing is really particularly expensive but it's just taken some thought and care from you as the boulder scout well done sir really really impressive hey before we end the video would you mind giving me a quick tour of your uh job trailer sure i know you're a little a little nervous because you felt like it was messy but let's go check that out real quick i put the ac in there because my original idea because i want to be on the job site supervising all the time yep but i also have office work to do i mean i run a whole business i need to respond to emails and assemble my schedule online and everything so my original idea was put an ac on that end this was going to be my work desk i have my ac and work here while i'm like checking on people um it never worked out that way though yeah because it's better just to be hot and sweaty and get it done i keep a fan at my feet often in reality in reality i am running around all the time yeah and my office work is done at 4 30 in the morning as a busy small business owner that's right all right so i'm seeing some good stuff we've got a couple sashco products some more flex some big stretch yeah he's keeping every last bit of a zip tape smart we pick it up off the ground all the time that's money that's dollars right there uh he's got some leftover flashing tape from another job he's keeping this is that sega fentrim if you're not familiar uh this is that fleece back tape and they sell it in different widths uh and it's gonna be millimeters probably on the website but that's your basic four inch right there and this is particularly cool products because it will stick to concrete as well as zip system sheathing so you don't want to use the zip tape where you're sticking to concrete this isn't intended for it this is specifically engineered and designed to stick onto their sheathing which is a perfect match for their sheathing tape but when you get to that sheathing landing on concrete that's one he's varying here however i'm seeing you guys something else here we always keep our guard on hand because any time we have a penetration or a detail that is difficult to tape around yeah just go ahead and liquid flash around it liquid flash i do that on my doors all the time because i'm using smaller doors and a thicker wall yep so the flashing is a little bit more difficult yep and anytime you've got shims on the job i love that you're keeping two varieties yeah these are the composite shims for outdoor use anytime you see these if i perfect for anything that's going to get wet i'll shim up under a door um with these i like to keep just a slight gap under my door so i'm letting the water run out and then i back damn it on the other side with the liquid flash love it so in a way it's it's a sight built door pen yeah totally um getting door pants out here is a little bit more difficult um yeah like you can't just run to the store and grab wires and i see you've got your high-tech shim cutter as well which is like 90 percent of the builders use their cordless uh right oscillating tool for a shim cutting i love it man anything else yeah i mean i keep all my you know all my flashing details if you're not familiar that's a quick flash boot for hvac line sets which which clean up really nicely and then that's your arlington inbox right right let me see that real fast just in case people haven't seen that this is that recessed box so instead of that really ugly bubble cover this sits really nice and flush but like scott showed you you got to air seal it because it comes into your cavity a little bit but man they look a lot a lot nicer scout can't thank you enough for the tour man really really good work my friend thank you uh guys if you're interested in any of these houses under construction we're in bastrop texas uh and if you're thinking about a custom home and bout strap you should be calling scott uh how can people get a hold of you scout uh they can visit our website demorahomes.com okay and are you on social media at all the builders could follow your work and what you're doing no really i'm not i'm not a um i i would like to get into that maybe some just haven't i just haven't been doing it i'm not a big social media no big deal all right guys thanks for joining scout and i for a little tour of high performance on a budget i learned some things i've been really really impressed with scott super fun day on the job site guys if you're not currently following me hit that subscribe button below we've got new content here every tuesday and every friday follow me on instagram or tick tock otherwise we'll see you next time on the bill show [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 697,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: fjwjeoLi6X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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