Wind Waker Randomizer Ep3 - The Legend of LINK'S CABANA

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every confident I think I should try to fly [Music] [Music] push anything welcome back to the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker randomizer to catch you up this is what's happened in the last two episodes that's a crotch this will be the third and final episode of this series I thought about editing this into more shorter episodes but because of the engagement on YouTube I decided to cut it down into one big episode I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments section Down Below on this my ultimate goal is to drive engagement to Legend of Zelda randomizer so that I can actually have enough engagement with this series that it doesn't tank my channel not gonna lie editing down this large video took me over two weeks and I'll probably make about 25 in ad Revenue we picked up last time with uh not really doing much of anything we ran around got a bunch of checks and today we're getting back out there I don't know what's possessing those trees to continue trying to grow there but hats off to you you are an inspiration this run is impossible would you try it again it is possible able it I might not be able to beat it it is possible has to be by the rules of the randomizer don't randomize and start you off with the ballad of gales the warp song Yes just you frightening how strong is this one thinking of beating no no no no oh got one oh yeah you're gonna make me kill sticky [Music] okay probably the best thing we're gonna get here this is it this is the best thing in the game this is grappling hook 100. [Music] I'm out it's the toughest thing I think I've ever done in this entire game everything else pales in comparison to what we just experienced here today I got mail son of a [ __ ] give it to me good evening that is for Huts we have one letter here's the letter look how this kinky ass mailbox spits on you no complaining hot ledgers God damn it wallet or bow treasure chart number one Numero Uno or like numero oh no oh no I'm uninstalling this game [Music] at this point in time chat convinced me to download a Tracker which keeps track of everything that we've gotten thus far so if at any time you're wondering about the progress of the randomizer check the top right thank you chat I've got that we got that Cabana deed no Maggie's let her know moblins let her know note to Mom no delivery bag yes hook shot yes power bracelets all right we're tracking it now you guys know what I got and what I don't got [Music] boom grappling hook allow me a brief query you perchance no pictographs with colors mystical creature in a place called The Forest Haven it's uh are we supposed to mail the letter put it in thank you what else can we put in this mailbox mailbox is kind of Juicy I'm gonna put the soup in my butthole soup anymore [Music] uh you guys ever watched that documentary about the people who love to do coffee enemas got them oh knock it till you try it I guess all right I'm gonna give it to you you ready you better take it [Music] is that well I feared the secret light had been extinguished forever for your efforts I shall place this one inside your box come on now hand me your pizza box for only a moment [Music] I'm gonna vomit I'm gonna vomit you just flattened that Firefly turned it into pulp and then printed A Goddamn treasure map on it didn't you you sick bastard if the hole under the rock near where you get the winds Requiem lift The Rock oh you can lift this one holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] couldn't lift the other ones [Music] oh we got bombs mom hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on slow your roll there beetle bombs [Music] where are they did I not get any bombs with it did you give me an empty Bomb Bag Bomb Bag is not the item bombs I think I know what happened it was the bomb upgrade not the bombs the frick did I just buy I'm gonna come back with bombs and literally bomb Beetle ship sea of Thieves style murder him and then this stuff will float to the surface and I'll just take the rest oh sure you can't just carry that much please now only purchase what you can take with you my entire life every plan that I had for my life moving forward was dependent on those bombs get the Bomb Bag upgrade not the Bomb Bag itself knowing where the boat is but still missing hurts oh my God are you kidding me sploosh Kaboom guy what is this you were the worst battleships Blues Kaboom player I've ever seen we got that in 14. that was the best we've ever done ever and ever will do [Music] [Music] well now what don't put your Wind Waker in there you dumbass oh you know what there was actually a cheat there's a cheat that I know of and and we can attempt it really quickly I've never done it before we get attempt it to see if it works something like right here I don't know I'm gonna get up there and you gotta be able to roll in a certain direction and you go through the wall like that yep that's the one then we can swim to the back of this without having to need bombs for it right we're gonna swim into this cave okay plus one of course the Game Wouldn't allow you to get something like we're not gonna get bombs in here considering it took bombs to get into here the game knows that right and it's not uh expecting us to use cheats so I don't expect to get something that good the telescope it's a thing hit 500 times it doesn't say 999 on this one it doesn't say it you have Liars again I remember though he goes absolute ape [ __ ] uh let me get close to a hundred and we're just gonna wanna probably just block uh and back up if the camera ever goes wonk you guys practically on a timer spaghetti that's 500. all right I guess we're gonna go for nine nine nine nine nine nine just in case [Music] impressive huts I lost counted how many times you struck me you have learned all I have to teach Master Huts Master please take this [Music] there this is it I can feel it it has to be it I'm I'm I actually do feel it gonna be good it literally has to be good we've gotten everything else Bob [Music] awesome stuff light ring chart it's ah I think it's actually pointless all right we got the last purchasable item and that's it for Rock Spire for now does that mean it's done it's done kablamo we had all of them whoa whoa now what well done Hutch with the shards you've collected the Triforce of Courage there's no complete blast we must make for Hyrule quickly and I'm supposed to do the pearls first and then the Triforce go to where the Tower of gods is Maybe [Music] I don't think we're supposed to be able to go down this yet it doesn't even say anything on this so we're back in Hyrule when we haven't been able to get here first it's like Back to the Future is it invisible do I need the I need the shiny field [Music] just need to kill these guys maybe well this will be ugly [Music] I got the wrong guy [Music] double whammy oh you guys know where to run we sick so much for this telling me there's nothing I could possibly get yo so I gotta go back up and then go back in that's the third pearl baby we're gonna go into the Tower of gods and we're gonna get that one item that we can get and it's going to be bombs and then everything else will be ready watch probably inside of the Tower ah yep boom foreign good luck pretzel yo mom like pretty much every single dungeon we can do now and by every single dungeon I mean Dragon Roost and Forbidden Woods massive find yeah we're gonna try to get a treasure the first treasure that we see will stop we'll see if it's anything other than what we think it's going to be which are just normally rupees right this is the one chest that we missed up here last time when I finally figured out that you could climb up and do this with the grappling hook wow changed my life careful careful [Music] let's check one of these map things that right there was not convincing you're saying that I need to open up the the charts I I feel like it's been showing me all of them without needing to open them up it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be really telling if we only get rupees we will still not know but if we get anything other than rupees even a treasure chest or a chart rather would be basically telling us that these are really important to do oh that's one of the uh chests that's right they do they go away much much sooner right you just gotta be good or use the map [Music] and we'll see we'll see if these ones are any different more bottles for soup I'm gonna say yes they're important Heroes charm mystical's trinket gives you more ability to see life forces of foes I don't remember ever even getting that originally [Music] Duncan treasure check that's the Quiver upgrade so it doesn't actually count [Music] wind Gods Aria diarrhea what is that one this is our first other song that we've gotten well chat what do you think we should try to do the dungeon first whatever gets the bombs sooner probably the dungeon then but we'll probably have to come back to the dungeon so we're gonna get through the dungeon like a big portion of it and then have to go do the entire dungeon again later but we came all the way this way before and got stuck as we needed to swing all right it's dungeon time uh it should be a breeze because instead of having to do all the stupid stuff that we were supposed to do before I can just basically go like this [Music] about yourself forward hey that's good that gives us an item check oh you're you're full of [ __ ] you are so full of [ __ ] yeah made a great error treasure chart 10. all right one comes with you've been chosen come on let's go yeah you get to name the spike ball what's this one called Tyrone Clarence will Mr spiky we'll go Mr spiky there's a thing up here too oh whoa likes we almost we almost went down and that one we're about like doing this spikes spikes down chat well My Heart Will Go On more spikes hey you got the big key already let's go [Applause] [Music] riveting riveting [Music] I was able to save one of them I would have sadly we weren't oh that's one buddy like Dad that's you Mr spiky I found you there's a way to cheat this probably is Mr spiky you're you're flying oh my God spiky more like Peter Pan oh I fell no bud well in the poison water I think you float stay there okay don't move and can't help my come here I don't think I can get into the poison water and live well you can go down here at relax I'm getting back come on there we go there's your chart 39. the map is in the master key chest guys be careful there's baby on board would you guys knock it off you're gonna hurt the kid no I just hurt the kid you see what you just made me do I I murdered my own son no no spin moves allowed with Mr spiky all right buddy you coming with me you're new Mr sputt no no goodbye that's the last one [Applause] hanging by a thread huh I went a little too long in there I'll admit too far under Mr Spike three like the aesthetic of this boss split oh mirror Shield bro all right we gotta figure out how to get up there without lowering this whole thing here's what I'm thinking that we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and get funky with it better be okay because then we can pull this one out halfway jump up this pull that next one out halfway jump up that yep yep yep there we go okay what that was weird whatever whatever we got it Another Empty Bottle command Melody hey all right now we can go do that one other dungeon skull hammer is required I guess for everything else [Music] thank you you chose this I didn't want this violence the master sword bro Legendary Blade with the power to repel evil once wielded by the legendary hero himself oh we got a tingle statue too it's cool I mean it's it's not the fully functional Master Sword I think there's like two more things that we gotta get now carry more air more arrows 99 arrows without a bow the prayers of the earth stage have restored the master sword's former energy all right half power we got a half power Master Sword there was but one last step before it comes the true Master Sword once again um look at all the treasures that we got and all the red circles [Music] remember this again spectacle I'm so confident I'm leaving tell me what I get when I get back ah [Music] angle that's you know it's an item and they get a whole nother thing too when we get them all a full heart container that's a boss that's a boss crab right there have you gotten any treasure charts inside of another sunken treasure yep we did do that big money no whammies oh four Swords yeah I never played Four Swords never played Minish Cap Another Empty Bottle I'll take it foreign ER use your magic power to create barrier around you I don't think that unlocks anything no that's completely unnecessary we're really filling out this the sheet it looks so much better now when chat when are we gonna do the water Quest [Music] later never [Music] spoils buddy dude the Tower of the Gods was [ __ ] loaded spoils bag now we can do 21 things all right all right all right all right all right all right all right that's big news we got all the stuff despite the fact that we didn't have the bag not the Paris no that's the bait bag hello gotta get these updrafts that was the weakest updraft I think I've ever seen in my entire life someone gotta catch me am I gonna catch it you son of a you got it [Music] foreign [Music] take your head out explosion Kaboom 2 257. what's the record 260 257 really wow that's some great flying but not quite great and talented I have no more advice to share with you all that's left is to cast your luck to the wind and just fly fly boy fly you're kidding right I I that's as far as I could possibly go that was further a little bit [Music] wow that's so much cooler that you win one extra meter yard you blew past my brother's best record of 260. despite tying [Music] your hands on any two jelly please I beg you bring it to my shop there's always got to be a potion maker but you know what I don't think you can replace the witch this is even the old hag music the women are witches but men are scientists what is that about Nintendo it's ready at last my new chew jelly concoction [Music] is that could it possibly be this these are rare this is tough blah blah oh I gotta make this [ __ ] I'm gonna snort some right now the blue Powder that's a pretty at last [Music] here goes okay she's an idiot dum da dum that's right you nailed it right on the head I gave you this now give it back one for the price of 20. it's one of those skull necklaces that my daughter Maggie brought back from The Forsaken Fortress alright boy I'll give you this as a tip it's gonna be another Joy pendant it's gonna be a skull necklace are you kidding me Everyone's an idiot around here what are the odds of the randomizer doing that you imagine if I only had 19 and they were locked behind this I was once quite poor myself and dumb I am still dumb but now I have money you are dumb you are really dumb you're my freaking [ __ ] that's pretty much everything well uh everything that we can do to not do the water Quest again chat I'm gonna go farm pendants these guys just have an infinite Supply in their back pockets might die if she gives you one more necklace for the 40. it's gonna be bombs bomber skull hammer the teacher's hiding something and she's trying to be all Coy give me one necklace back like oh I don't have much big it's gonna be big chop item is so rare close your eyes dear this item is so rare there's not another like it anywhere in the world [Music] to be annoying [ __ ] you stuff I'm glad I'm not being absolutely pricked in the frickhole by all these Fricks bobbiness keep it up holy [ __ ] was worth it now chat you have to take a shot 32 locations available to me one of these days chat we're gonna find the bait bag and it's gonna be just like the world will be our oyster [Music] [Applause] we're gonna do this fairy as well [Music] bro that adds one new location one I can now do cyclos that's it that's it I could do the cyclos guy all right let's use this Hammer huh you got mail we got mail too the Hammer's pretty dope I gotta say I like the ark hello good morning here's your letter I've recently received some golden feathers from my boyfriend who mentioned you all right uh honestly treasure chart maybe even a Triforce Chart bombs a feather bait a pair [Music] it's just a bait bag with extra steps Island that looks like a pinched off turd yep there it is boating course oh food langel yeah Knight's cross symbol of a courageous night but not just anyone can gather them no it takes a soul who possesses not only power but wisdom and courage as well any courageous Soul who gathers 10 of these crests can learn a powerful new sword technique might to learn that technique now even though you're only seven heed my words say that he's seven [Music] oh do you guess 11 13. [Music] you got in the mall please wait a moment as usual Fire and Ice arrows these bastards holding out on me I'm trying to save the world and I just had this in their back pocket [Music] two fairies now with the hammer that seems odd one was push the buttons down and the vines go down and this one you push the button and the fire goes away I just think that's weird come on I'm here [Music] the bombs we go from uh 40 possible locations up to 72 possible locations nearly in go mode I know right we could just finish the whole thing right now this thing spits on you straight up Beetle ship ship shop ship bombs up to 90 bombs up to 99 now we got all the bombs we went from Zero to Hero oh that's Batman's cave foreign [Music] how weird is the Wind Waker by the way like they couldn't think of any instruments so they like made him a conductor with a little stick that he's like coffee stir stick who came up with this idea give him something really cool like bagpipes I don't think it can be too close is that good he's conducting the wind I know but it's lame as hell is what it is egg pipes he could be pushing the wind out creating the wind okay it is a bag of wind tell me that it's not it's more sensical than a coffee stir stick or an accordion I don't know some of them and any woodwind hello it's got wind in the name look at how pale this [ __ ] is dude holy [ __ ] that's pale wow Earth God's lyric it opens up a lot don't just take a pictograph of my face can you be sure to get my whole body in the pictograph you're looking stunning this Pokemon Snap a pictograph hey buddy ah this girl actually buddy this is the girl I've had my eye on lately wow she really is that pretty I mean just seeing this pictograph reminds me of how gorgeous that girl is but no I'll never be happy with just a mere pictograph never you should only go for looks that's the only thing that matters and also the best thing you could possibly do is find a partner in the world that's super hot thanks Nintendo he's like hey can I borrow that pictograph machine for a bit I gotta take a deluxe picture this will really get her that phrasing was creepy Oh you mean the phrasing where I alluded to the fact that he's gonna take a pictograph of his wiener oh they're dating hey it's you listen to this will you like I did it I worked all my courage to talk to her is totally The Right Move he's like yelling right next to her she's super hot two of us we're going to start dating don't you make a delightful couple I'm so happy and that's why I want to share some up and I see you it's a treasure chart 17. taking care of it what is she supposed to give a mere husk of an island oh right there ice ring that's ice ring it's not supposed to do it timed thing right now [Music] and there's only one thing here it's supposed to be like confusing as to like which way to go I'm not gonna take me down that's a powerful Arrow wow it's been viewed with the ice powers of a goddess can we go oh it's still timed I forgot about that I was like oh we're done We're not gonna find too many more useful things okay we're just gonna bum around until we happen upon the bait bag all right this is Ice Island it's gonna allow the fire arrow in there now couple of chests on this one Fire Island was lame this one's full of stuff oh hey look at that there's also this [Music] okay it's the bait bag we're in business there ain't nothing we can't do anymore besides the Cabana deed Don't Stop Me Now having such a good time [Music] oh Sky close oh we just basically gotta go island island now especially with the bait bag and the pear got lots of stuff on this side of the map specifically I'd like to get that southern fairy Island that's right next to us what's up light arrows with that added still cannot get inside of gannon's tower all these fairies blowing on link how does he not have covered uh I'm wearing a mask wind Temple no this is Earth Temple we just got the ballad of the earth God and the command Melody excuse me let's try these uh light arrows sweet [Applause] delete it I hear it oh the hands are back can I just shine a light on them just don't get grabbed okay no you're such an idiot I hate you hey you finally awake yeah I don't understand why I need to do this like really weird thing where I take over her body like you're saying why can't I just ask her nicely surprise [Applause] [Music] crazy idea light Arrow why even waste time well I use more word when few were do well I lighter I don't remember who this boss is [Music] Dorko oh yeah weirdo [Music] oh that's not how you kill him what am I supposed to use to kill him climb up on him Yoho Blow The Man Down [Music] your Bowser um lighter for you light arrows you get a light Arrow you'll get a light Arrow you get a light Arrow I think it might actually be faster just to slice them I'm not gonna lie all right you know what let's try diplomacy use the super spin yeah that might actually do it [Music] he didn't like that that does just work really so much for inconvenience that's really convenience foreign [Music] for getting all five tingle statues it's 500 rupees only a little bit left to do after this and by a little bit left to mean everything that we've never done most of the games uh let's see here one dungeon two dungeon three dungeon forsaken Fortress ganon's Tower we gotta get some mail from the mailbox I mean that's it's busy we got the bait bag we got all that stuff we're gonna have to travel around we got some more or like farts on my right that's shark Island that's right next to us headstone dude we didn't even get the one in the top of the island oh my goodness looking at the top I think it's a bait bag thing try it out see what happens our first seagull oh adorable don't hit the wall easy there buddy look at a stupid little feet it's another pair oh this game's sense of irony this is Peak irony I thought it was this thing I thought it was 100 rupee this is just a simple 10. oh man we will do zimmelon eat your food you too good for your food no I got enough room for one of you Ticky come here we have our sticky it's all I need [Music] eat your damn food sticky sticky you come back this instant get over here you little floppy bastard get get in here come on scare mama like that oh I see him he's on me he's on my six he's on my sex captain we're going down Captain light arrows deleted oh yeah this one's just nothing but fire arrows and potentially one more one way off in the distance all of them were deceived where another torch was made knocking it out of the park inside the tower the gods people have 13 checks this is where we got stuck last time we weren't able to get in for this area [Music] oh shut up is this the first dark night we were ever supposed to see get up there's nothing left to get right so like what is the game gonna offer me oh I gotta call him first my bad I gotta text him first Snapchat you have a five-day Snapchat streak in order to activate this guy you think they had all this technology they'd be able to like create one of these dudes that has legs there's a thing there light Arrow [Applause] the bird ran into the laser beam uh probably bomb that's a good one [Music] so pop can now be open you have found a runestone [Music] the compass the compass to the dungeon that we just did all right look here old man we have the hammer so we can get into this thing now wind sample that is oh so dude I forgot about you look at that little Macar butt look at his little butt uh oh the car look out he got a run by my bad he's dead my car more like making a call to the funeral home can you open it my car oh that'd be adorable what's over here run that means beyond all of you besides me of course I have light arrows oh that's right and then I let go and then I go flying yeah that makes a lot of sense by the way just just tons of sense made right there because I weigh less when I take them off and put them in my pocket there's only one way to fight these guys okay and it's light arrows like Let There be lights let there be more light I'll tell you want more light no I should have seen that coming many baby penguins have you killed in Mario 64. I log on every other day just to drop a penguin off for Old Times Sake I hear uh a hand you know what that means that means I get [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] had nothing to do with the original song that I played he's like that's cool I'm gonna play this other song so anyways here's Wonderwall this game is Just Flappy Bird with extra steps oh it might not make it just get it get some height my car get some height not that much height that you scrape the ceiling you idiot oh a car run so this is Pleasant to listen to dad do you feel that does that feel good acupuncture I have a more fancy hat night [Music] and that was the mini boss good luck in hell why does it come out of his ass because he doesn't have pockets [Music] one of them lived the prophecy foretold of a sticky oh man I really thought there was gonna be something for killing all the enemies there could be a hidden one in the pots though I guess [Music] you can see on the map obviously that there is a chest you probably gotta kill the spiky you shut your mouth that's slanderous oh Dairy this is where it is [Music] no seriously Spike you don't listen to them okay what am I missing here I don't want to kill my spiky do it there has to be another way there you happy are you happy Chet hey I'm pretty happy don't work that bastard was a liar it was a double crossing me the whole time oh boy you know what shoot the light Arrow [Music] nothing well now you pissed [Music] I'm gonna skipped this entire dungeon chat one silver rupee I got the same prize for throwing a fat pig we're done with that we can't go to Dragon Roost but we can go to The Forsaken Fortress all right and I think it's Beetle time ten points try to get to 30. 30 just to get the silver membership what is it 50 for gold membership don't mind me I'm not just gonna go out here and start ripping bombs let me just throw the bait in the ocean or something yeah I guess I could set bait to like this right but I gotta do it three times [Music] 16 points by giving them a pair like what is what kind of drugs are in this pair things that we just gloss over we have such a hard time with metal boots being put in our bag and not weighing anything but we we have mind control through a pair and we're like yeah that's fine that's 30 bud I'll send it to you shortly post box oh you dick I'm gonna control my car and stuff through a magical wand yes that was given to me by a god beetle is selling these pairs beetle is a god confirmed you said you'd send it in the mail it's like suckers driving the boat off into the distance oh [ __ ] you're a lying sack of [ __ ] I'm gonna pretend that I'm gonna send him something nice in the mail but it's gonna be a one rupee it's gonna be a point zero one percent back on all cash purchases sends you five dollar iTunes gift card Roblox or Roblox 55 56 57 58 59 all right back to business as usual I'm gonna get to the top of the Forsaken Fortress and they're gonna give me the last key to get into Dragon wrist I can just feel it our first time at The Fortress in this let's play usually you go back there a couple of times oh fine [Music] you imagine if you had rats in your walls have had bombs [Music] I can't do it with the light arrows chat oh no I have to try [Music] how about now oh Chad bad news okay don't you think he could just not give me a chest you know he could just be like you won the battle now I'm not going to give you the key [Music] they see me but they can't arrest me oh oh God no oh my God what are these spiky things supposed to even do are they to prevent you from driving your car up here no okay let's say don't you camp me on the other side no Nae Nate itself right to hell oh no Wham out of my way bird and that's how you fight Birds fun fact is there an intruder fill your entire Fortress up with water to get them [Music] because that'll do it stop doing your stupid stuff doesn't work blowing a little bit of air at me I Am The Wind Waker [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign s are like quick Shine the light on it [Music] so water Quest where's my prize dangle mess with me again try it that's right there's more where that came from I hope that just Zapped all of your pairs out of existence we have left is it actually the flipping withered trees are you kidding me beetle you finally sent it to me didn't you four letter four get the other letters because we didn't go to the Forsaken Fortress [Music] what [Music] just paid 201 rupees for 50 rupees spit on me Daddy notice the silver membership holder thank you for your frequent patronage of beetle shop ships since you have earned 30 points you have been granted silver membership fine gold membership blah blah blah [Music] so if I am correct about this we have to literally take this water and sail to the island without teleporting before the water goes bad let's say what is it 20 minutes here we go thank you have to do all the trees in 20 minutes oh oh no I thought it was one at a time oh my [ __ ] god chat oh my God put some water on it see if it grows into something else [Music] I don't even get a cut scene and this bad news chat we don't we don't have anything else to go to do that's it tingle chests can be obtained with bombs how I didn't get any of the tingle chests I'm missing the last Master Sword power we don't have the Cabana indeed never got it we're missing a bunch of treasure chests we have not done everything inside of dragon Roost Cavern should we see if we just magically got a key somewhere and we just didn't realize it that'd be dumb right there's no way that that happened Chad's got to be right there's got to be some way that we can maybe finagle something with an item that we weren't supposed to have yet in this dungeon and uh just cheat through it this is the room that maybe we can use our Leaf to like cheat the Chad probably wants me to throw a water uh thing down there oh you know what I could just fly down in there when it goes down there's a little doorway down there Chad I'm doing it chat no one saw the door oh man we did this dungeon so early though like what could we have gotten how much faster could we have beaten this damn thing gets another pair you shut your mouth you shut your parent mouth it's telling me there is a chest over there is there a chest over there is it a tangle it's the master pair I there's no chest there have we been through here am I dumb there's no Gameboy Advance connected single tuner you're a liar bomb there [Music] [Music] just plays a bomb there oh so we gotta go into every single one of those Dungeons and just drop a bomb down is that what you're telling me gosh if we could have done this early and had five thousand God damn rupee bag to start off with ah I hate everything [Music] fun oh you know what I can't get back up someone said something about using ice arrows holy [ __ ] that still did not work acrovoice I'm in this is a nightmare guessing that one's called dark room we should just light Arrow blue stories over the dragon died can you cut those down I guess I'll just cut them down then fine [Music] I have questions I do did it again you idiot I want a Spin Attack I'm trying to charge it up you have to swing first now see I can't [ __ ] do it can I start to spin before I even get on the platform I started over here got a gun [Music] this is the toughest thing I think we've done the entire time can't you you physically cannot do the spin move There's A tingle chest right here you're saying I can get it with a bomb tingle you actual douche [Music] okay tingle chest Hub room uh gone done no more [Music] [Applause] [Music] take me back I didn't know there were ones that teleported you tween dungeons I missed the opening cutscenes I know that like speedrunners don't like that kind of stuff but for the boss fight it makes sense [Music] come on hook it [ __ ] it you're telling me he's stuck look at how thick that thing he's a he's a giant dragon chat you can't pull that off look at he's free now he's free go Blue bee whatever your name is no he sat there and he was dangling his butt like oh no I sure hope you don't bite me again [Music] I poked the dude in the eye oh my God is that it that's it we could have gotten this from the start we could have this ages ago the master swords returned its blade once again houses the power to repent of evil look at it now it glows Chad do you think it's important for me to 100 right now all right 64 yes I guess we're gonna full clear because that's what chat wants oh we gotta get the tingle chest if we wanna freaking did this I could have done that when I was jumping through the pot so we could have tingled remember how upset I was about the uh the charts before I realized that we actually had to dig them up off to the tingle four Chest locations accessible are gonna be raging this has to be the Cabana deed right it's the last thing that we can do [Music] you tell me that the Cabana deed is in gannon's Tower king of demons lord of the land holder of real estate no wonder Gannon is so evil he's a landlord their goddess has flooded higher rule to plummet his property value this will get him you want to own land ganentrification Master Sword light Arrow arrows [Music] [Applause] everything floods linked eyes horribly oh that's right we gotta fight the bosses again oh my God that's not our kid if only would have had that tree water would have gone quick [Music] excuse me [Music] [Applause] you cheated [Applause] [Music] why is he cheating so hard that's not something I want didn't see that I'd lay theirs up my sleeve dick I don't want to continue on if I gotta find this Cabana deed is it a soft block if it's inside the Cabana uh well I mean we can beat the game the hell [Applause] and marionette it's been born in prison [Music] I think you skipped the maze somehow foreign [Music] Target the tail Maybe [Music] speedrunners skip the strings snipe the tail [Music] so now we're just going to go ahead and fight Ganon beat the game and not 100 we wasted all the time 200 without 100 percenting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I was honestly waiting for the Cabana D default we're back in the The Maze once again I was not supposed to kill a phantom Ganon with the light arrows it says here upon defeating Phantom Ganon in this room a chest will appear but you guys are saying that there is a chest in the abyss dump into the two four one three hole all right am I supposed to kill him legit now [Applause] [Music] Cabana deed I believe [Music] okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this yep okay I remember this one last heart piece has to be in the Cabana there we go what is it [Music] holy [ __ ] chat the last thing the legendary that is that the deed of Cabanas the cabanade you deed it how long were you waiting on that stupid joke why that's are you are you the new Master are you master Huts so pleased to hear that name Master Huts please be gentle on this fine door the legendary the knight's crust we were supposed to get a heart piece zero locations available 305 locations checked that's a hundred percent besides the fact that we're missing a heart piece 99 is cool too final boss is Grandma that'd be really funny if they randomized it so much so that like they had different skins for bosses they could just be random characters stop swinging you're embarrassing us the three best spikies that we lost along the way come on come along you appear to be covered in sea urchins we're going oh you're just supposed to cover you attack a can [Music] did she take my bow she took my light arrows has this guy ever stop [Music] oh no he's all mad cuts her head off [Music] could I get the bow back can I get the bow back Tetra give me the bow roll attack [Music] oh I decided I'm awake now [Music] oh it's the Cabana deed the wind is blowing in my cabana [Music] I don't remember being that tough that's let's get to the Cabana I am the true lord of the Cabana I lived regretting the past letting my cabana deed slip through my fingers not a day of my life has gone without my thoughts turning to my cabana that's Wind Waker randomizer chat almost 50 hours in the Dos thanks for watching on YouTube let me know your thoughts I'd like to do more stuff like this in the future Legend of Zelda Cabana 3. like I said thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts
Views: 18,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, legend of zelda, zelda, randomizer, random, roguelike, stream, fail, funny, clips, edit, gameplay, secret, location, find
Id: 2gSgsUZop00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 22sec (3922 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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