Winchester Mystery House: Secrets of the Mansion

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walking through the twisting maze at the Winchester Mystery House evokes a mixture of feelings the mansion is beautiful yet bizarre more questions arise than answers was it madness or was it misguided genius that drove Sarah Winchester to build obsessively until the day she died the fascinating story of the Winchester house has its roots in deep personal tragedy after losing her infant daughter Annie to a childhood illness and 15 years later her husband to tuberculosis Sarah was consumed by grief living on the Eastern Shore at the time the bereaved Sarah visited a Boston medium to help ease the pain of her tragic losses Sarah's deceased husband William Wirt Winchester was the munitions baron who produced the Winchester Repeating rifle also known as the gun that won the West the medium is said to have explained to the wealthy widow that her misfortune as well as her fortune were the result of the countless lives lost to the Winchester rifle Sarah would bear the wrath of those spirits unless she took precautions the remedy Sarah was to make her surroundings attractive to kindly spirits who in turn would keep the evil spirits at bay she was to build a house on which work would never cease and as long as this occurred she would live eternally so in 1884 Sarah traveled to California purchased an eight-room farmhouse in San Jose and began the work that would never stop until the day she died she hired 22 carpenters who build 24 hours a day for 38 years the result is eerie corridors snake through a maze of shadowy rooms stairways rise only to end abruptly it's ceilings doors open onto solid walls it's easy to get lost here but some think that's just the purpose Sarah wanted to confuse unwanted ghosts yet provide a comfortable respite for the spirits she wished to entertain to this end she spared no expense with an inheritance of twenty million dollars and an income of $1,000 a day cost was no object
Channel: Tam Communications
Views: 791,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghosts, Haunted Mansions, San Jose California, Tourist Attraction, Sara Winchester, Winchester Mystery House, Winchester Rifles, Winchester movie, Winchester documentary, Winchester Mystery House movie, Winchester Mystery House san jose, Tam Communications, Tam O'Connor Fraser, Susan O'Connor Fraser, Helen Mirren winchester
Id: Obf1vFaCBSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2009
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