Years After His Death, John Wayne's Wife FINALLY CONFIRMS The Rumors

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well there's no use potting around I'm willing to die trying to keep them question is are you willing to die trying to take them discover the untold side of Hollywood icon John Wayne known for his rugged charm and Unforgettable roles John Wayne dominated the big screen for over 30 years capturing Hearts worldwide but did you know he once narrowly escaped a serious injury while filming a western earning him the nickname name The Duke now we uncover a surprising Revelation about his life that came to light only after his passing revealed by his close Confidant dive into the hidden story of this legendary actor and learn the secret that was kept from the world for years from Maran to the Duke when a hefty baby boy weighing 13 pounds was born on May 26 1907 in Winterset Iowa no one could have guessed he would grow up to become the legendary John Wayne known originally as Marian Robert Morrison his birth was even noted in the local paper the Winterset madonian this big baby who would soon earn the nickname Duke because of his constant companion a big dog named Duke was destined to become a symbol of American toughness and grit Marian's early years were marked by his family's move from Iowa to California where his father worked as a pharmacist IST settling in Glendale young John Wayne was an active and bright student he attended Glendale Union High School excelling in sports academics and extracurricular activities he played on the football team was a star in the debating club and even contributed to the school newspaper his leadership skills and friendly personality made him popular among his classmates a local fireman nicknamed him little Duke because of his dog and the name stuck Wayne however preferred Duke over his real name and it became his identity in his teens he worked in an ice cream shop and through his job he got to know people connected to the Hollywood Studios sparking his interest in the film industry Wayne's Ambitions took a hit when he was not accepted into the United States Naval Academy due to poor grades instead he went to the University of Southern California on a foot footb scholarship Standing Tall at 6' 4 in he was a standout on the football field unfortunately a body surfing accident led to a broken collar bone ending his football career and scholarship with no way to pay for his studies Wayne had to leave the University of Southern California a setback that turned out to be a blessing in disguise Wayne's Connections in Hollywood led to small roles and behindth scenes jobs in films over over time he worked his way up eventually becoming one of the most famous actors of his time his strong voice commanding presence and cowboy charm made him a perfect fit for westerns and he became a beloved figure in American Cinema however Wayne's rise to stardom wasn't without its bumps in the 1970s his outspoken conservative views on issues like the Vietnam War and civil rights sparked debates and criticism his opinions which were at odds with many during that time showed that he was a complex person not just the tough Cowboy he played on screen how John Wayne became a Hollywood star John Wayne's rise to stardom began with a simple favor Coach Jones who was friends with silent Western film star Tom Mix gave mix tickets to see the University of Southern California games to return the favor mix along with director John Ford offered a job to Wayne as a prop boy and extra in movies Wayne later said that his walk talk and tough guy image came from his friendship with Wyatt ER who was a good friend of Tom Mix Wayne's early work in films involved very small roles during this time he became close friends with John Ford who often gave him minor roles one of his first uncredited appearances was as a guard in the 1926 film belli's the Magnificent Wayne also appeared in football scenes with his University of Southern California teammates in movies like brown of Harvard the Dropkick salute and maker of men Wayne's Big Break came while he was working at Fox film Corporation he was credited as Duke Morrison only once in the movie Words and Music director rul Walsh saw him moving furniture and thought he looked perfect for a leading role Walsh cast him as the star of the big trail when it came to choosing a screen name Walsh first suggested Anthony Wayne after a famous General from the Revolutionary War but the studio head Winfield shean thought it sounded to Italian they settled on John Wayne and Wayne wasn't even part of this decision his salary was increased to $15 a week a significant amount at the time the big trail was supposed to be a huge movie it had a budget of over $2 million which is more than $32.8 million today it was a massive outdoor film with hundreds of extras and Grand scenes of the American southwest which was still mostly empty back then to capture the beauty of the Landscapes the movie was shot in two formats the usual 35mm and a new 70 mm WID screen process called Grandeur the Grandeur format was meant to show off the stunning scenery on a larger screen but most theaters didn't have the equipment to show it although some people who saw it in widescreen stood up and cheered the film didn't make much money and was considered a failure at the box office however modern critics have come to appreciate it as an important film The Big Break Stage Coach John Wayne's early career in Hollywood was a mix of struggles and breakthroughs that paved the way for his eventual stardom his journey from small roles to becoming a celebrated actor is a testament to his determination and evolving talents after the commercial flop of the big trail in 1930 Wayne found himself cast in minor roles in larger films for instance in 1931's the deceiver he played a corpse which certainly wasn't a glamorous role he also appeared in the serial The Three Musketeers in 1933 a fresh take on Alexandra duma's class tale where the heroes were soldiers in the French Foreign Legion set in North Africa despite these small parts Wayne's presence in these films was barely noticeable Wayne's career began to take shape as he starred in numerous low budget westerns these films produced by monogram pictures and mascot pictures Corporation became his training ground from 1930 to 1939 Wayne estimated that he appeared in around 80 such westerns often called poverty row westerns due to their low budgets one of these was Riders of Destiny where Wayne became one of the first singing Cowboys although his singing was dubbed these roles gave Wayne a platform to develop his skills in riding and other classic Western techniques he learned from season stuntman including yakim makut who taught him to perform stunts and fight scenes together they created new techniques for onscreen brawls that made fights look more realistic Wayne changed the way Heroes fought in movies before him Movie heroes always fought clean only knocking down the villain politely Wayne changed this by making his character fight dirty using chairs and lamps to win fights convincingly Wayne's Big Break came in 1939 with John Ford's Stage Coach Ford had trouble getting funding for the movie because Wayne was mainly known for his bovie westerns but Ford believed in Wayne and struck a deal with independent producer Walter Wanger though actress Clare Trevor got top billing stage coach was a major hit both critically and financially this movie turned Wayne into a mainstream star Louise Platt a cast member even mentioned that Ford predicted Wayne would become the biggest star ever because he embodied the every man so well World War II the star who stayed home when the United States entered World War II many Hollywood stars joined the war effort Wayne however didn't serve in the military because of his age and his family status which gave him a deferment even though he wanted to enlist and wrote to John Ford about joining his unit Republic Studios where Wayne was the only big star under contract resisted losing him the Studio's president Herbert J Yates threatened to Sue Wayne if he left and the studio intervened to keep him out of the draft Wayne tried to join the office of strategic Services the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency but his application was unsuccessful instead he toured United States bases and hospitals in the South Pacific with the University of Southern California a group that entertained American troops from 1943 to 1944 during this tour he also reported back on General Douglas MacArthur's performance as requested by the head of the office of strategic Services William J Donovan this contribution earned Wayne an office of strategic Services certificate of service Wayne's inability to serve in the military became a source of regret for him later in life his widow suggested that his later strong patriotism stemmed from guilt over not having fought in the War leading him to become a super Patriot Wayne's first color film was Shepherd of the Hills in which he starred alongside his longtime friend Harry carry in 1942 he appeared in reap the wild wind directed by cesil B demill this Technicolor epic featured Wayne in a rare role with questionable morals alongside Ray Milland and Paulette Goddard like many stars of his time Wayne also appeared on radio programs he was a guest on shows like the heta hopper show and the Luella Parsons show where he often recreated his movie roles in 1942 he also starred in his own radio Adventure series three sheets to the wind playing Dan O'Brien a detective who pretended to be an alcoholic to solve cases though the show aimed to become a film it never did and no episodes featuring Wayne have survived in 1949 Wayne was offered the lead role in All the King's Men by director Robert rosson but turned it down feeling the script was unamerican ironically bradick Crawford who took the role won the Oscar for best actor that year beating Wayne who was nominated for Sans of iojima through perseverance and adaptability Wayne transformed from a struggling actor into a beloved Hollywood icon setting the stage for a legendary career turmoils in career John Wayne experienced a defining moment early in his career in 1950 he lost the role of Jimmy Ringo in the gunfighter to Gregory pek this happened because Wayne refused to work with Columbia Pictures due to a grudge against its head Harry con who had mistreated him in the past con had bought the project specifically for Wayne but Wayne's bitterness was too deep leading con to sell the script to 20th Century Fox peek got the role that Wayne desired but was unwilling to compromise for in 1952 Wayne co-founded a production company called batj the name was inspired by the fictional shipping company batj from the film wake of the Red Witch a spelling error by Wayne's secretary changed batj to batj but Wayne let it stand through batj Wayne produced many films for himself and other stars notable Productions include seven men from now which marked the beginning of a famous collaboration between director bud bicher and actor Randolph Scott and gun the man down starring James aress as an outlaw Wayne became famous for his role in the high and the mighty directed by William welman based on a novel by Ernest K Gan his portrayal of a heroic co-pilot received wide Acclaim Wayne also played aviators in movies like Flying Tigers flying leathernecks island in the Sky the wings of eagles and Jet Pilot Wayne appeared in nearly 20 films directed by John Ford over two decades this includes She Wore a Yellow Ribbon The Quiet Man and the wings of eagles his performance in fors the Searchers is often considered his most complex role marking the first time he called someone Pilgrim on May 14 1958 Wayne made a cameo as himself in how canters I married a woman which starred George Goble and Diana dors later that year on October 2nd the Barbarian and the Geisha directed by John Houston and starring Wayne had its New York opening Wayne and Houston had many disagreements during the making of This film in 1959 Howard Hawk's Rio Bravo premiered featuring Wayne alongside Dean Martin Ricky Nelson Angie Dickinson Walter Brennan and Ward Bond later that Year John Ford's The Horse Soldiers co-starring Wayne and William Holden premiered in shreport Louisiana Wayne's portrayal of Genghis Khan in the Conqueror however received negative reviews from critics in the 1960s Wayne both directed and produced The Alamo where he played Davey Crockett his work earned him an Oscar nomination for best picture that that same year he also starred in North 2 Alaska with Stuart Granger and Ernie kovat in 1961 he co-starred with Stuart Witman in the curos on May 23rd 1962 Wayne starred with James Stewart in John Ford's The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance the following week hatari premiered featuring Wayne in Africa capturing wild animals later that year Wayne appeared in the longest day an ensemble film where he earned a substantial salary after a dispute with producer Daryl F zanic his role in How the West Was One directed by John Ford was another notable appearance Wayne's final collaboration with Ford was in Donovan's Reef in 1964 he led in Circus World with Claudia Cardinale and Rita Hayworth in 1965 Wayne had a Cameo as a centurion in The Greatest Story Ever Told and starred in In Harm's Way and the Sons Of Katie Elder Wayne's 1967 films included the war wagon and El Dorado a remake of Rio Bravo in 1968 Wayne co-directed the Green Berets a pro- Vietnam War film which was a rarity in Hollywood at the time that same year he played a lead role in Hell Fighters a film about oil rig firefighters his role in True Grit earned him an Academy Award for best actor in the 1970s Wayne continued to make an impact Chisum featured him as a cattle ranch owner while Rio Lobo saw him dealing with Confederate soldiers Big Jake was a critical success with Wayne playing a father tracking down kidnappers his role in the Cowboys was praised though he was briefly considered for the National Football League draft which was later invalidated he starred in The Train Robbers kahill US Marshall mqq and branagan in 1976 Wayne's final film was the shoest where he played a dying Gunslinger mirroring his own struggle with cancer the film received positive reviews and was seen as a fitting end to his illustrious career throughout his career Wayne's performances left a lasting Legacy in American Cinema his roles rang Ed from Cowboys to soldiers and Pilots to detectives reflecting his versatility and enduring appeal controversial political views John Wayne was not only a famous actor but a strong Conservative Republican too he was known for his anti-communist stance in Hollywood even though he voted for Democratic President Franklin D Roosevelt in 1936 and admired another Democrat President Harry S Truman despite supporting Republican Thomas E dwey in the 1948 election in 1944 Wayne helped start the motion picture Alliance for the preservation of American ideals a conservative group and became its president in 1949 he was a big supporter of the house unamerican Activities Committee an organization investigating alleged Communists Wayne starred in the 1952 movie Big Jim mlan to show his support for the house unamerican Activities Committee his anti-communist views were so strong that he supported blacklisting people in Hollywood who had communist ties this meant they were denied jobs because of their political beliefs interestingly Soviet leader Joseph Stalin supposedly wanted Wayne killed because of his outspoken anti-communism even though Stalin liked Wayne's movies Wayne also supported Senator Joseph McCarthy known for his aggressive pursuit of suspected Communists during the 1960 presidential election Wayne backed Republican Richard Nixon but showed patriotism when Democrat John F Kennedy won by saying he hoped Kennedy would do a good job despite not voting for him Wayne used his Fame to support conservative causes including the Vietnam War he produced and starred in the film The Green Beret in 1968 which supported the war in 1960 Wayne joined the John Burch Society a far-right group but left when they claimed that adding fluoride to water was a communist plot he supported Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential race actively campaigning for him Wayne's high-profile made him a top Republican figure in Hollywood wealthy Republicans in Texas wanted him to run for office in 1968 but he declined joking that people would wouldn't take an actor seriously as a political candidate instead he supported his friend Ronald Reagan's runs for governor of California in 1966 and 1970 Wayne was even asked to be the running mate for George Wallace in 1968 but turned it down instead campaigning for Nixon and speaking at the 1968 Republican National Convention in 1971 Wayne wrote to President Nixon a friend advising against Nixon's trip to China he included some negative materials about Henry Kissinger who helped plan the trip Wayne had a different view from many conservatives on the Panama Canal he supported giving control of the canal back to Panama aligning with President Jimmy Carter on the issue this put him at odds with Republicans like Ronald Reagan and others who wanted the United States to keep control Wayne's support of the treaty even led to him receiving hate mail for the first time in his life in 1973 actor Marlon Brando sent a Native American activist Sachin Little Feather to reject an Oscar on his behalf protesting the treatment of Native Americans in films Wayne was reportedly so upset that he tried to remove her from the stage needing six security men to hold him back however later investigations suggest this story might not be accurate Wayne had a sense of humor about his political views critic Roger Ebert remembered a time when Wayne showed him a bathroom with a photo of Hubert Humphrey a political opponent humorously placed there Colorado congresswoman Pat Schroeder recalled Wayne giving her a lighter during the Vietnam war with an anti-communism phrase inscribed on it illustrating his strong anti-communist feelings even though Wayne's politics were controversial some like left-wing activist Abby Hoffman admired his style and integrity comparing him to a formidable dinosaur in a 1971 interview with Playboy magazine Wayne made headlines for his comments on the Vietnam War race relations and social issues he believed in white supremacy until black people were educated and Justified taking land from Native Americans as a survival necessity he criticized social welfare programs believing people should work rather than receive handouts and had harsh words for those who protested against police or defended criminals this interview resurfaced in 2019 leading to calls to rename John Wayne Airport due to his offensive comments Wayne's son defended him saying the interview was taken out of context the debate reignited during the George Floyd protests in 2020 and in July of that year the University of Southern California decided to remove an exhibit dedicated to Wayne following student protests Wayne's three marriages John Wayne was married three times and divorced twice his wives included Josephine Alicia Sans who was of Spanish American descent as well as esparanza Bower and Pilar pallette both from Latin America with Josephine he had four children Michael Wayne Mary Antonia Tony Wayne laava Patrick Wayne and Melinda Wayne Muno his marriage to Pilar brought three more children Isa Wayne John Ethan Wayne and Marisa Wayne several of Wayne's children followed him into the entertainment industry for instance Ethan Wayne also known as John Ethan Wayne appeared in movies and television including a role in a remake of the atam 12 series Ethan has also been featured on the History Channel's Pawn Stars where he authenticated items related to his father's career Wayne's Grand daughter Jennifer Wayne is part of the country music group runaway June showcasing the family's diverse talents in addition to his family life Wayne was involved in various personal and recreational Pursuits that enriched his legacy inspired by his wife Pilar who was passionate about tennis Wayne established the John Wayne tennis club in Newport Beach California in 1973 though later renamed the Palisades Tennis Club it reflected Wayne's commitment to his interests Beyond acting Wayne's personal life was marked by dramatic moments including stormy episodes from his marriages his divorce from esperansa Bower an actress from Mexico was particularly tumultuous marred by allegations and conflicts despite these challenges Wayne's Charisma and sense of humor endeared him to many traits that were as evident off screen as they were on screen Wayne's romantic relationships and friendships further shaped his public Persona after parting ways with parar he lived with Pat Stacy his former secretary until his passing in 1979 Stacy later published a book detailing their life together shedding light on Wayne's private side apart from his personal affairs Wayne was known for his distinctive appearance including his hair which he famously covered with a tupe his candid acknowledgement of this fact under scored his downto Earth nature and sense of humor Wayne's wit and humility were further reflected in his philosophical outlook on human nature emphasizing the importance of recognizing the positive aspects of others Beyond acting Wayne had a deep appreciation for literature favoring works by authors such as Charles Dickens Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christy his affinity for reading included Classics like David Copperfield and historical novels by Conan Doyle illustrating his intellectual curiosity outside the spotlight Wayne's interests were diverse he enjoyed playing chess and was often seen engaging in games on film sets his enthusiasm for the game was shared with colleagues and Friends providing moments of camaraderie amid the demands of his Hollywood career Wayne's passion for chess also showcased his competitive spirit and strategic thinking qualities that mirrored his approach to life in addition to his Hobbies Wayne had a fondness for firearms often using his favorite Colt Single Action Army revolver in his Western roles this preference underscored his connection to the rugged characters he portrayed on screen further cementing his status as a cinematic icon Wayne's Health battles including his bout with lung cancer revealed his resilience and courage in confronting personal challenges his decision to go public with his diagnosis underscored his belief in raising awareness about health issues urging others to prioritize preventive care Wayne's advocacy left a lasting impact influencing attitudes toward discussing illnesses openly as a Freemason Wayne was part of several Masonic lodges and held significant memberships within the fraternity his involvement in Freemasonry reflected his commitment to the principles of Brotherhood and community service aligning with his values Beyond his Hollywood Persona secrets of John Wayne John Wayne lived a life marked by both Fame and hidden turmoil his relationships with women particularly his wives reveal complexities that go beyond the glitz of Hollywood these women like pette and Chata played significant roles in his life each leaving a unique Mark Pet's story with Wayne was fraught with the unexpected amidst divorce proceedings she shared news of her pregnancy however Wayne fearing Scandal that could tarnish his career convinced her to undergo an abortion this decision kept secret by pallet for over two decades underscores the pressures of maintaining Public Image in the spotlight despite this Pet's forgiveness and eventual disclosure in her Memoir shed light on the personal sacrifices made behind celebrity facades Chata another of Wayne's wives presented a more tumultuous relationship known for her volatile nature highlighted by an incident where she nearly shot Wayne chat's life after their divorce took a tragic turn spiraling into despair she lost her life in a Mexican Hotel consumed by alcohol at just 40 years old her dramatic end reflects the darker consequences of Fame and troubled relationships John Wayne throughout his career was meticulous about preserving his public Persona His Image as a strong stoic hero on screen contrasted with the complexities of his personal life despite efforts to keep his Private Affairs hidden Revelations over time have brought some of these secrets to light among these was his affair with Marlene Dietrich which was known publicly yet other more scandalous aspects of his personal life remained concealed during his lifetime the lives of pette and Chata illustrate important themes Beyond mere celebrity gossip they highlight The Human Side of Fame its pressures sacrifices and the toll it can take on personal relationships for pallet the decision regarding her pregnancy underscored the clash between personal values and the demands of a public career Chata on the other hand represents the tragic consequences of unstable relationships exacerbated by public scrutiny these stories remind us that behind the glamour of Hollywood lies a tapestry of human experiences love betrayal forgiveness and tragedy Wayne's efforts to conceal his personal struggles during his lifetime reveal the lengths to which individuals may go to protect their Public Image often at Great personal cost we hope you enjoyed this video see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Page Of Wonder
Views: 182,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity, celebrities, celeb, celebs, hollywood, sitcom, actors, actresses, historical, vintage, film, movies, television, viral stories, pop culture, movie star facts, scandals, 60s tv, 70s tv, tv shows, tv stars, hollywood star, top 5, top 10, top 15, top 20, rumors, Hayley Mills, Jay North, Marc Copage, Erin Murphy, Lisa Loring, Butch Patrick, Angela Cartwright, Johnny Crawford, Ron Howard, then and now, child stars, stars of the 60s, stars then and now, John Wayne, the duke
Id: 8rr21tyQ68A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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