Win-Win Negotiation: How to Negotiate Effectively with Dan Lok

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(fast-paced dramatic music) - When you put together any kind of deal, you got to think is ... People always talk about how to put together Win-Win deal, or how do you do that? The first step is you got to find out what drives the other person. Let me walk you through the process that I go through; just mentally, just coming with this off the top of my head. If I'm putting a deal together, what I look for is, first of all I want to find out: What's their goal? What's holding them back? What's their background? What are the intangible assets that they might have, that I might possibly could leverage. Sometimes they might not even be aware of what they have. They don't even know. But, I want to do a very thorough interview or understanding, a conversation, okay? So, what's your goal? What's holding you back? What are the intangible assets or even tangible assets do you have? Who do you know? And what's your goal? And most importantly, what's holding you back from achieving your goal? So in this case, look at the older gentlemen, he wants to sell pretty quickly. And he wants all up front. He wants 50 grand. And then the supplier, of course, wants to grow the business. Once you know the hot button, okay let's works something out. And then you can put some kind of deal together. I used to believe that ... And I used to preach actually this, that marketing is the highest ... The most important or the highest dollar, the most valuable skill in business. I used to believe marketing is. Now I'm a little bit older, and a little bit more mature, I actually think deal making is the most valuable financial skill in business; because deal making is always all about OP. OPM, OPT, OP whatever; it's all about other people's whatever, whatever forms, whatever they have, and then putting that together. Because I've done, and we just October, DJ knows this, we just did a deal because I'm on camera, I can't name the program, but anyway, we did a deal where, it's not our list, not our list, not my list, other people's list; not even my product, not my product, somebody else's product, okay? And it was as $6000 program, we put it together. We engineered the whole thing, put the whole thing together. We did about a quarter million dollars in sales, in about 30 days. That's all other people right. So you put down something like that together. So deal making versus ... Marketing is great, don't get me wrong, I'm a marketing guy. But sometimes, deal making, when you can put these Win-Win deals together, you could grow your company so fast. Instead of just doing one customer at a time, which is okay, a better question may be, instead of getting one customer at a time, which customer can I get, that if I get that customer it will help me get a hundred more customers. Whatever industry, if I could get, I'm just making this up ... If I could get Microsoft in the IT industry, even though maybe I'll lose a little bit of money up front, but if I could get Microsoft, how can I leverage that to get other companies? Versus just I'll take anybody, please, anybody. I'll take any client. Instead of doing that, well strategically who can I get that could get me a hundred more clients? Who could I get that would get me hundred more, a hundred percent more impact, maybe a thousand more percent impact. Does that make sense? Yeah. So think about that. - [Announcer] 10 times your finances. 10 times your business. 10 times your marketing. 10 times your life. Hit the subscribe button now. (fast-paced dramatic music)
Channel: Dan Lok
Views: 23,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet millionaire, online millionaire, internet entrepreneur, become an entrepreneur, online business, entrepreneurship, Dan Lok, internet marketing, build a business, how to start your own business, start a business, create a business, vancouver entrepreneurs, vancouver millionaire, financial freedom, financial success, motivation speech, motivational speaker, inspirational speeches, business success, grow business, entrepreneur advice
Id: biMJdV_2LLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2015
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