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I'll land over to my friend who I think it's my cousin we're still trying to work it out we had the same last name and Kendall McDowell who's actually from here and I said I actually don't people say that my songs are sung around the world and and I know that to be true but I'm actually never hear them because wherever I go I'm the one singing them so so it was kind of cool to hear somebody singing one of your songs so thank you quieter for that yeah I'm going to read a passage of Scripture now it's going to seem like the most awkward uninspiring unencrypt sure to open up a Friday night that you've ever heard in your life it's not the kind of scripture that'll make you shout when you hear in some scriptures you want people from the preachers reading them you start hey man you know um this is not gonna be one of those but but by the end by the help of the Holy Spirit we pray that it'll make sense to you some chapter 137 Psalm chapter 137 and I have the ESV in front of me I don't know if you have that up there I saw you use the King James earlier I decided to use the ESV because at home I use the NLT but I figured you probably don't use that here I use the NLT you do I'll see I'm trying to be y'all y'all dressed up and nobody dresses up in Florida it's too hot for that but but I use the ESV right here and then maybe we'll switch switch back I use the NLT often for ease of use simply because we don't talk in Shakespearean English anymore and so but whenever there there is a need to to make sure that we are matching original intent of the Greek or Hebrew we find a translation that does it best and so we'll do that in Psalm chapter one 37 verse one through six it's do you have yes me here yes okay all right I'll read it anyway everyone has a device on their phone now see they put up the NLT and I have the ESV right here but okay I'll read the NLT since you have it right here in front of me amen I feel like at my home now beside the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept as we thought of Jerusalem we put away our harps hanging them on the branches of the Pope luxuries for our captors demanded a song from us our torment has insisted on a joyful him sing us one of those songs of Jerusalem but how can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a pagan land if I forget you O Jerusalem let my right hand forget how to play the heart if may my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I fail to remember you if I don't make Jerusalem my greatest joy father I pray that you connect these things together that you've given me as a burden for this house and specifically for this man of God and I pray Lord that he would be encouraged the house would be encouraged and all of us would go to another level in Jesus name I pray that you demonstrate your glory and your power amen he may be seated he may be seated um as long as I can remember I know that most of you don't know me in this capacity but this capacity of my life is actually overtaking my former season and what I mean by that is that I had no idea that the Lord was going to use me in the area of worship the way that he did I just gave him my yes he has a way of of doing things that will go far beyond because I've learned that yes as an unfolding work it is a word that once you give him to God he takes it and and he continues to invite you into more yes and so because of that he was doing that and because I'm continuing to say yes the Lord has continued to bless my life in ways that did not know that he would I remember talking to a pastor in Nigeria who called at one point and and said to me congratulations on the success of your song and and I remember at that time saying you know well praise God thank you it wasn't me just this is a woman she said um I know that it wasn't you I'm actually saying to you congratulations because the Lord accepted your song and because he accepted your song he took it around the world and so I've been blessed because the Lord has accepted some private worship but since I can remember that the deepest long longing of my heart the deepest cry of my heart has been to see a significant move of God a significant outpouring of the Spirit of God and that has been my pursuit that has been my longing that has been my desire and I thank God that I'm walking in a in a moment in time right now where I'm seeing the fulfillment of prayer now now I know that we like to see instant answers but I want you to know that the fulfillment of prayer that I'm walking into is the answers to prayers that have been prayed for almost 25 years yeah he took in a moment and begin to to unfold some answers to some things that we've been longing for and and I actually want to speak to some of that tonight but in order for you to understand it that when I'm speaking from it's not just a theory alone of a something that we're actually walking in the Lord has has moved at our house a deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando Florida in such a significant way that we've never been the same we've been marked by God in a way that has changed everything about the way that we live everything about the way that we think everything about the way that we talk everything about the way that we interact with one another everything about the way that we interact with the world the Lord when he gives you in encounter not only do you know that you've had it but you know when you add it you know where you were a genuine encounter is not just some nebulous thing somewhere I know that on May 22nd 2016 I had a life-altering experience I know where I was under what I was doing and since that time the Lord has begin to do things among us that that that honestly people write about or or actually pastor they people literally literally fly from all over the world just to come sit in the atmosphere one particular Sunday a couple of weeks ago and we don't actually do a lot of you know acknowledging of things like that but I'm one of our pastors as the up and they said hey you know I know there's some people here from another country and sorry want to acknowledge them and other people started calling out their countries and it wasn't even any special day or anything like that but there were 21 different countries represented in the room because of people who are saying I want to be atmosphere where God is moving because there is a hunger in the earth is there a hunger in this room yeah um the Lord begin to do some things among us that are pretty astounding I don't want to take all of my time or or or leave you here all night long because of our church they make fun of us for how long our times of gathering are they used to they used to say oh and that's the church you got to go pack lunch and you know stuff like that because everybody else would like you know they'd be at Golden Corral and be done eating by the time our people could get there but they stopped making fun of us when people started getting out of wheelchairs they stopped making fun of us when people came in blind and left with their sight they stopped making fun of us when paralysis started getting reversed they stopped making fun of us when tumors started falling off they stopped making fun of us when deaf people began to receive their hearing they stopped making fun of us when he showed up I'm not just telling you theories everything I just name is just some of hundreds of miracles that we've seen the Lord do in significant ways and so there is one that I promised the Lord I would tell everywhere no matter where I go even if you've heard it before even if you've heard me before I still tell it because I refuse to rob God of his glory cuz I've learned that testimony creates faith for the future I've also learned that future that we're talking about could be now yes our executive pastor pastor Jason he and his wife are very blessed because they have 10 children everybody's like whoo they have 10 children but while they were pregnant with number 9 Jessica his wife began to feel really awful in her body and so it got progressively worse over the course of the day and so she called her husband pastor Jason is my brother basically and and said and you actually she didn't call their son called and said dad you need to get home something's wrong with mom so he gets home ask her what's going on you know she's in tremendous pain her her her head her neck area and that kind of thing and so he's asking what's your pain level and she says it's a 10 and he's thinking any woman who's given birth to eight children who tells you to her pain levels that and you might want to get her to the hospital and so they take her to the hospital they're looking over a number of different things she's actually pregnant with number nine at that point and so they take her to the hospital they're looking her over and and they suspect that she has spinal meningitis and so they begin to look over these these things and so you know they're coming up with their plan and so pastor Jason said well wait before you work on my wife when we need to pray and so he brought all the doctors and nurses together said BNE hand it's gonna touch my wife needs to be touched by God yeah so he brings them all together and and so they pray and after they pray that the doctors say we think the best solution is to transfer her from this hospital to another hospital that can better take care of her and the baby at the same time so they prepare to transfer about ambulance or so and getting all the things ready and he's gonna now follow the ambulance in his car and and go to the other hospital but on the way to his car one of the nurses said mr. McMullen do you mind if I walk you out to your car and talk to you what you thought was kind of strange but he said ok because how many of us know that God won't interrupt the plans of the enemy so so this nurse said hey I might lose my job for this but I need to tell you because I saw that you're a believer because you prayed I want you to know that I'm a believer so I want you to know how to best pray for your wife he said I know that they told you that if they think it's spinal meningitis but I want you to know that they're looking for something far deeper they're looking for an amoeba in your wife they think that she may have an amoeba now for those of you who don't know what an amoeba is and the media is a microorganism that that lives in freshwater whenever the water gets above a certain temperature amoeba can live it's a microorganism and enters your body through your nose and eat your brain there are the death rate the mortality rate of all people in the United States who have ever contracted an amoeba is 97% only 3% of people have ever lived in fact what NBC News reported just this past August that is only four known people to live by this amoeba in United States history so now they say okay they I want you to know how to pray so he calls me says faster let's pray that it's not that and of course me not knowing what it amoeba is I'm like run to Google real quick and that shouldn't have done that then I was like okay yes yes we definitely need to be praying because now I'm looking at you know my brother possibly losing his wife and so they pray we pray the church is praying around midnight or so he calls and he says it's a pretty solemn voice and he says hey man they found an amoeba and Jess and so at this point now I've already told you at the end before the beginning so I'm just got to get to the story now I'm telling this testimony that at this point they're they're dealing with this and they're talking to her and they're saying okay you know literally there's a 2% chance the medicine if the medicine it's so powerful when we administered the medicine could kill you but if we don't give you the medicine that amoeba will definitely kill you and so this is what we're faced with so they start to say well where were you she says well I went swimming with the kids at a lake and well how are the kids so they called back home only to discover the six of the kids now have the same symptoms so they so they now rush all the kids to the hospital now this is a situation where the CDC is involved and a number of different things and in fact they were beginning to prepare for the news outlets to come and do the story about how this family of seven people contracted an amoeba and expecting them to die but that was night one we had an opportunity to pray amen what they wanted to do what they told us they wanted to do the next morning was was drill a hole in their heads in this skull to put a direct line of this particular antibiotic medicine into them hoping that they might have the opportunity or they wanted to lower their body temperature because the amoeba travels to the warmest part of your body which is the brain so they want to lower their body temperature keep them even from moving so they could administer this medicine and do all of these things but as I said before the church pray yes I want you to know I want to fast-track this story I want you to know that the next day some person a nurse that they had never seen before had never been on the case before he had never interacted with before step on the bed and told Jessica have you heard the news she said what news she said no amoeba she said excuse me say that again she said no amoeba the lady walks out and I never saw her again what I want you to know is that 24 hours later her and all six of those children were completely healed without medicine just so you understand you're giving God praise that it's good but just so that you understand the magnitude of it to our knowledge we keep searching but to our knowledge that sickness has never been healed in the history of the United States without medicine until now thank you Jesus this is the God we serve and this is the season that we are in so as I told you before I was watching NBC Nightly News and Lester Holt was on talked in and he talked about all these cases and how only they were only for known survivors in the United States but this amoeba and I looked back and I said no there's 11 because 7 of them are in our church every day pastor when I walked into church I walked past several people this should be dead but the Lord that's a woman in our church then this pan she jumps up and down down front right Kendall every single Sunday and she was paralyzed until the Lord healed her I'm just trying to get you to understand the kind of season that we are in why why would I tell you these things because there is a word for this generation there is a a word that is on the lips of this generation that some people have experienced but most people have not and so everyone's talking about it and it is the word revival and I can tell you that we are in a time where the Lord wants to release it but it does not look like we've lowered its tender to revival does not happen on our terms I know that there's a certain time and I'm not gonna mess with you too bad tonight but I know that it's a certain time that we're supposed to get out tonight but I do want you to know that the appointments with God are not on our schedule they're on his [Applause] in fact we are not he is not in our presence we are in his meanings in when he's finished [Applause] they they okay most most of the miracles that we've seen which we stopped counting around 400 but most of the miracles that we've seen have happened after we dismissed for those who are hungry enough to stay for those who are hungry enough to be in his presence and so I want to talk for just a few minutes just a few minutes just to stir something up and and I was sitting here and I was just wondering Lord you know what specifically I know he gave me a passage of Scripture for you a few days ago but actually I was sitting here wondering what specifically I'm the Lord sent me here for and then I realized it was four year pastor but the rest of us get the benefit [Applause] whenever I really came I wrote down this this sentence because I didn't want to forget it when the Lord spoken to me the way that he did my assignment typically whenever I travel is to provoke hunger now the the word provoke has has you know kind of a connotation to it for some it stirs for others a defense and I recognize that there is always some level of offense whenever you begin to testify and provoke hunger why because one of the things that it does is it actually challenges and confronts where you're living because I've noticed now be in the social media world that we live in I'd notice that that if I if I go to a pizza place and I take a picture of my slice of pizza it gets more likes on Instagram than when I post the empty wheelchair and I was trying to figure that out but why is that why why would the church why would we not celebrate that and then I've come to understand that for some people it's an indictment of our own prayer life it's a person it's an indictment of our lack of faith and one of the things that God is doing is he is he's raising our low expectation we are we are if we would be really really honest and I'm sorry if I'm not I'm really sorry if I think it's just something I have to say but but we are we are we are anytime where we are way too comfortable in church [Applause] yeah yep we want God on our terms we we we are okay with people coming to church every week and leaving with Devils because we live in a society right now that is teaching us unfortunately how to grow churches without God's concert so to get the crowd in and and everything else and this is what you do you got to have this program you got to have this you got to have that in fact at the time we planted churches you know we wanted to get information so we go to church planting concerts and stuff like that nobody at a church planning conference told us how to cast out a devil nobody at a church planet conference talked about a prayer meeting nobody energy I'm sorry I'm sorry listen listen if we're gonna the kingdom is not just in word but it's in power and it's going to have to be a generation that learns how to walk in the power of God there's going to have to be a demonstration I'm sorry but when somebody who used to be paralyzed is now walking tell me that my God doesn't he'll tell me that he doesn't deliver so incredibly comfortable we we want God on our times we want him to to do the way that we do and and you know it's gonna have to come a point even and in our preaching um there there are times it gets a little messy most of the time at this point we just kind of bind them up and tell them be quiet but there are times when we're preaching Devils can't take it no no no they can't they can't they don't want to they don't people can't come in with these demons in them and then under the power of God stay the way that they are [Applause] we know at some point you're doing something right I'm faster I just got back from Africa less than a month ago and I thought once I landed on us Shores I'd be all right because there's different kind of things over there we need to get prepared because we used to demon to just shake and make noise we not use the ones that fly or disappear in front of you okay we just use the disruptions you know we just take him out you know we're in the airport at JFK waiting for our flight back to Orlando when a witch starts following us trying to curse us she can't stand that we were just sitting there we didn't even do nothing she just couldn't standing we were sitting there where are the people with power okay III don't so we talk about revival as if it is a cluster of services with a couple special guest speakers that preach us into a frenzy and then we go home living the same way doing the same thing and so tonight this is my sentence God put it in my heart to speak to the unspoken frustration that comes from the god-given internal longing in knowledge that there's more God sent me here specifically to speak to the unspoken frustration that comes from the god-given internal longing and knowledge that there is more here here's the issue there is more now here's where most of us would agree but and if I said something like this it'll typically elicit a response in church but but for those who have been feeling it that the visceral response won't just be shouting there'll be something that are awakened um most of us are we come to church and we leave and and for those who I'm sent to tonight you're the ones who are saying there's got to be more than this see for the comfortable you're good you don't you can't wait for me to sit down I don't like this he ain't tuning up he ain't making me shower here none of that but but for those who are aware because because I I just want you to know that that the patriarchs of all they live with an awareness of another realm that was more real to them than the one that they're in they live under a heavenly influence and so therefore those who live under a heavenly influence the talk of cars and houses doesn't faze you the talk of blessings upon blessings does not faze you because that's not what you're interested in you're interested when you don't talk about Peter are you gonna talk about Paul I want to know that if I walk past somebody that if my shadow hits them that they can be here I'm sick of walking into the break room and people got problems and there's not enough power in my life or in my mouth to see a transformation that is radical I don't just want my whole charts to be saying I want my office to be safe I want my family to be safe I want everywhere I go to experience the very power of God because there is more somebody shout there's more [Applause] [Music] where is this deep deep sense in the hearts of those who are being prophetically stirred that God wants to do something great in this season I [Music] asked you to help me preach earlier just shout I was born for this whenever there is a deep longing in the hearts of people I want to give you some prophetic contextual language so that you will understand that your longing is not your longing it's God's our God is unchanging and eternal he moves and he operates not seasonally but generationally he he is not bound by the constraints of time he's he he lives outside of time in fact it is very difficult for us to even imagine or process eternity we can't even do it because everything that we do thinks linear everything that we do think sequential to think about a God who began the beginning but before the beginning always was always is and always will be there is no into him but there was no beginning to him it is difficult for us to even fathom the eternal nature of God our belief in him does not make him god he was God before us give me God after us in fact a lot of times even in the circles of faith pastor we typically tend to teach the ideology that if something doesn't happen is because of our unbelief but I want you to know that unbelief is not kryptonite to God it unbelief does not keep him from moving he heals in the presence of faith and he heals in the presence of skepticism it doesn't affect his power it might affect what you see but it doesn't affect who he is that's who our God is he can do whatever he wants when he wants how he wants so then if he lives outside of time and he doesn't he doesn't just operate in sequential order now the reason why this is prophetically important for us is because for those of us who cannot get out of our own way to believe that God does not operate in a linear fashion or he does not operate in a sequential fashion what we will convince ourselves or what the enemy will convince us of is that there is a certain time by which God has ordained that certain things will happen and therefore we believe that they can't happen now but I want you to know that time is not just sequential time it's actually the servant of faith eight-time is actually a slave to fade time actually obeys faith when faith is operating and its fullness it causes things that we call future to happen now [Applause] because he does not live in time stay with me I'm not trying to be too deep but I want you to understand because there's some of you in this room that when I talk about revival or when other people talk about revival um we do it unnaturally we always say things like it's coming but I want you to know that revival is a present thing eternity is not sequential eternity is an ever-present now the omnipresence of God is not just that he's here there and everywhere at the same time the omnipresence of God also means that he fills all times at all times which means that he's in the past in the present and in the future at the same time you're saying pastor you're Santa whole bunch of stuff right here stay with me how is it that Gentile people could receive the promises of God before the natural manifestation of the cross how is it that the Centurion man in Matthew chapter 8 could receive the blessing of grace early how did how did that happen how did that happen he was an outsider to the Covenant just so that you understand the nature of that outsiders to the Covenant at that point they didn't even have the law to read so they didn't even know what promises were available it would literally be like the Jews who are standing in a circle in the Gentiles just overhearing skew let me say what is it are you there's a moment when it's gonna be a blessing to pour it out if there's a moment when it's gonna be a blessing pour it out I want it now [Applause] the syrophoenician woman in Matthew chapter 15 it's not bread for me it's not meat for me to get the children's bread to the dog yes Lord but even the dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from the master's table a Gentile woman he said woman great is your faith he said to the Gentile readies your faith what happened they received the blessing of God in our minds early or was it because the Bible said that before the foundations of the world the lamb was slain and if he was slain before the foundation of the world it didn't happen in a certain year it happened before we ever got here which means that time served faith is that too much for you [Applause] somebody shout there's more there's more revelation he's not withholding stuff from us as many of us were just not asking can I say that again he's not withholding stuff from us it's just that many of us aren't asking or we stopped asking okay that's another message the eternal nature of God is this he's his desire is always the same God does not want to withdraw from generations God is actually looking for people who want him so so whenever God who is eternal who never changes whenever we begin to sense a specific thing stirring in the earth when we sense its stirring it is an eternal longing that's looking for an expression in other words it means that that the heart of God is not being expressed in the people of God the way he wants and so what we begin to sense when the heart of God is not being expressed the way that he wants we call it urgency there's something that we sense the reason why revival is on the lips of everybody it's because there is a generation that needs it I didn't forget Psalm 137 I'm just working um there's a generation that needs it and so God begins to cause it to stir in the hearts of people so that they come to church or or they're in the community of believers but they drive home you know like there's more they don't they don't know what it is and for some of them they've never even heard it it's just something that God puts on the inside of them because he he wants to stir you to the point where you don't get comfortable God God has a way of doing that he has a way of provoking your cry you can you can ask Hannah about that because the First Samuel here she is married to a man named Elkanah and when she's married to Elkanah because she hadn't produced any children yet of the fruit of her womb was closed um he he married another woman named peninnah all my life I'm I heard people say pnina and then I went your Bible translation thing and her name is peninnah so I didn't say wrong okay but if you want you can call it banana Stephan Stephan whatever that was my little moment of levity cuz we're gonna go deeper y'all missed it you missed your chance to laugh right there the Bible says that every year they went to Shiloh to offer up sacrifices and and that that he he would give peninnah certain portions of meat but because he loved Hannah he'd give her other portions I mean and the Bible says the year after year peninnah would taunt hannah this is this is what the scripture says year after year she would taunt her um look look how many children I have look what I've been able to do for him you know stuff like that I'm unfortunately we had that same thing going on in church culture this is I know for those of you who are not pastors and ministers you don't worry about it but but but basically on what happens is there's this one up that happens whenever a pastor meets say I know that this just doesn't affect everybody right here but but you know how many you running doctor orders are the kind of stuff that goes on and people are trying to compare because they're like what we got this many people coming and we have this many services and we have this many campuses and we have this many way and what do you have and I want you to know that that's not how God measures this is going to be vitally important for us to understand prophetically God is lifting his hand off of a sauce system you say what is a saw system a song system is a system that learns how to lead without the presence of God a song system is a system that changes itself when it sees that people are leaving a strong system of this system that refuses to wait on God when it sees that waiting on God causes the numbers to dwindle it begins to do what looks like a religious act but I need you to know that if you do that and you don't wait the moment you start counting numbers and change God will take the same them from you and he'll give it to somebody like David who will wait on him okay that's another message all over the place [Music] so she talks Hannah it's at a point where it reduces Hannah to tears now this is an important thing here because just because it hurts doesn't mean you ready for change just because it causes you to cry doesn't mean you're ready for change just speak up just because it frustrates you doesn't mean you're ready for change not until you are willing to go to the Lord are you ready for change and so the Bible says that she gets up and she goes into the temple of God as she begins to cry out in such a way that her her lips are moving but no sound was coming out and Eli who was the priest at the time saw her and said why must you come here drunk and she said no sir I'm not drunk with wine or any strong drink but I've come here to pour out my heart before the Lord and then he says we'll go let it be done unto you now here's what I need you to know here she is crying out to God how did she get to the point where she was crying out to God may I suggest to you that God put peninnah in her life to provoke her to cry because if not she never would have some of you you just wish that problems would go away but God puts them there because he knows that if they're not there you won't cry because while she wanted a son he wanted a prophet so he could not allow her to be quiet because he didn't want her silence to not partner with what he wanted to release in the earth is it possible that he puts you where you are doing what you're doing feeling what you're feeling because where you want one thing he wants revival [Applause] he will he will bring us to moments where he will stir us up in such a way that he makes us uncomfortable there's certain things you can't pray away as much as you want to pray it away I wish I wasn't gone to that hour God knows for some of y'all if you had money you'd stop praying so he leaves you like that [Music] so he stirs us he he provokes us to cause us to know that there's more now this particular scripture that I read to you in Psalm chapter 137 is a peculiar scripture for a particular reason it's a peculiar scripture because of of who said it this this this is actually why I'm here that this particular scripture was was was written about a generation who was in Babylonian captivity now the interesting thing about being in this Babylonian captivity was the fact that it was prophesied that they would be there now now the prophecy about them being there most of us are aware of and were able to quote because in Jeremiah chapter 29 but before Jeremiah chapter 29 there's a whole group of things that are happening in this in this time period um God is judging a nation for the sense of Manasseh Manasseh was was a king that that was horrible and he ruled for fifty five years and in ruling for fifty five years he did all sorts of horrible things in the house of God he he he put up shrines and Asherah poles and in BHEL worship and all sorts of things in the house of God and he tore down the high places and and all of his stuff and Josiah becomes king and he and eight years old and and he gets the book of the law when he finds out how things are supposed to go he restores proper worship but then right after him all the rest of the kings begin to do evil things on the side of the Lord and so the Lord was not going to wink at the wickedness of the evil kings and so best but he's like I'm going to judge this nation and this is the part where people don't want to shout right here so I will give you a history so you could be quiet for a moment hee hee I know that that the nature of our God and we should be so grateful for the nature of our God when when he revealed himself to Moses and Moses said show me your glory and he called out his name he revealed aspects and nature of his character that should make every single one of us grateful he said I am full of mercy that's a good moment for you to give him praise right there [Applause] he said I'm gracious I am slow to anger we ought to give God praise some of us are more in love with judgment than justice so because of it we're just hoping that God would distract down people who do bad but just forget don't forget about you if he comes for one he comes for all so so so he's not going to wink at at the the sins of the nation and so I'm he he begins to to prophesy and what he begins to prophesy he says and I know you know this stuff but he begin to prophesy he says listen I'm going to destroy Jerusalem I'm gonna send you into captivity I'm going to judge you for your sins I'm going to deal with this I'm not going to allow people who say - they belong to me - continue to live this way so I'm gonna judge the nation and it's going to seem to you like I'm withdrawing myself but the interesting thing that happens and this is one of the reasons why we have to be so careful because this is happening in our mission right now the excellent thing that happens is when he prophesized these things false prophets raised up and said God's not mad he just wants you to be happy some of y'all this is this is one of the reasons why it's important that we remain in prophetic atmospheres that teach us the Word of God and right balance and right perspective because otherwise you have whole groups of people that will come to church every single week and they'll get two steps to this and four steps of that and three steps of this and they'll go home and they'll say well where were such a progressive Church and we we know how to handle our money and we know how to have we know how to have three steps of good dating relationships and we know how hug but don't know the Bible [Music] [Applause] see a lot of people don't want to clap right there because we're in a generation that says make it about me but I want you to know that this thing is not about you the last book is the revelation of Jesus Christ not the liberation of humanity we are supposed to look like him we're supposed to talk like him we're supposed to be at some point if we're going to believe that there's more there's gonna have to be something that calls us up to a higher level it's not a revival just because you show up so these false prophets they begin to to rise up and tell the people it's not going to happen so so Jeremiah prophesy he's like listen you're gonna be there for 70 years you're gonna be there for a long time the false prophets saying no no no you're only going to be there for two now this is very important for us to understand because and the word of the Lord did come to pass God did allow them those people to enter into Babylonian captivity for 70 years now what what Jeremiah prophesied to encourage the people he he wrote a letter to encourage the people because now that was confusion in the land this is one of the reasons why God raises up true prophetic voices in every season God raises up true prophetic voices in every season so that he can give you professor understanding and now it's up to you whether or not you believe the word of the Lord I believe what makes you feel good most of us just want to feel good God his agenda for our life is greater than our feelings mm-hmm we we we we we love to say things like come to Jesus he has a wonderful plan for your life he does but it includes you die redefine France he just quoted it earlier if any man wants to be my disciple he must first deny himself take up his cross and the SLD graduates they got it they flee he says to them I want to encourage you yeah this is going to happen can I read it to you cuz cuz cuz we notice can we put up Jeremiah chapter 29 Jeremiah chapter 29 it's it's it's good most of us can quote this in our sleep it's one of the one of the scriptures that most people know really well there's this there's a few scriptures that people seem to be able to quote I know the plans that I have for you says the Lord thoughts are good or not he able to bring your hope in the future an expected end we can quote that we like that one oh that you would bless me indeed enlarge my territory we can quote that one if somewhere along the line the Millennials favorite scripture is judge not can I just say that we're not judging you your fruit is and then it's a really really really difficult part right um I'm so like I'm so out here not only will you know a tree by the fruit that it bears but but I really want to help you this will help you in relationships this up your friendship this will help you in business and this will help you identify real Christians from fake Christians you ready a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit so if you see good fruit it's a good tree if you see bad fruit it is a bad but but he can change no it's a bathroom whoa I just saved some of y'all I'm in Jeremiah chapter one I need to be in Jeremiah chapter 29 thank you Jesus verse four that says the Lord of Hosts okay God avenge Roxy okay you can keep the New Living Translation I'm do this for y'all and y'all wore a bunch of suits oh I thought you I want to be the reality I will gladly change this one that's what I do at home this is what the Lord of heavens armies the God of Israel says to all the captains he is exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem keep in mind they did not know why they were there they were confused as to the season that they were in I'm getting back to Psalm 137 but it is connected to this okay this is what the Lord of heavens armies the God of Israel says to all the captives exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem build homes plan to stay plant gardens and eat the food they produce marry and have children then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren multiply do not brundle away and work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sit you into exile pray to the Lord for it for its welfare will determine your welfare this is what the Lord of heavens armies the God of Israel says do not let your prophets or fortune tell us who are with you in Atlanta Babylon trick you do not listen to their dreams because they are telling you lies in my name I have not sent them says the Lord this is what the Lord says you will be in Babylon for 70 years but then I will come and do for you all the good things that I promised and I will bring you home again for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord they our plans were good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope God was saying I know that you don't know what the plan is but I know the plan and the plan the reason why I sent you there was for your good to give you a future and a hope I sent you there on purpose you are where you are because God designed it [Applause] now he told them you're gonna be there for a while plant build houses have children let them have grandchildren which is to say you're gonna be there for a while but here the people he sent into exile he sent them there to save them because all those who stayed in Jerusalem when it was destroyed they died citizens gonna help some of you who are in seasons that you don't know why you're in them and you're gonna recognize that God sent me into this season to save me not to destroy me I know I don't like it right now I know I don't like where I am right now I know it doesn't feel good right now but you're gonna see in a moment that God sent you there to save you and to keep you so there was a generation that was aware of how Jerusalem was and they went into Babylon but the scripture says have children marry them have grandchildren which is to say that there was a generation who was born in Babylon who was never in Jerusalem I need you to catch this up and go back to Psalm 137 and then then we'll wrap it up there was a generation who was born in captivity that did not know Jerusalem or its former glory now now we see a number of things about the Exile the exiles were the ones who led by the rubble rebuilt the temple the temple where the greater glory who is Christ Jesus himself entered in but those who saw the farmer temple in its former glory they wept because it said it's not as great and it's not as glorious this is akin to the same ones who want to compare every current move of God to something before I need to help us right here because because because if we're gonna see a genuine move of God in this season you can't keep comparing it to old school if superintendent Otis is about to lead you into a move of God it's going to be very important that you don't keep comparing everything he does to what was I need to help us I told you I came here for him and the rest of you get the benefit the generation born in Babylon the generation who was born after the generation who was born for revival was the generation that wrote Psalm 137 verse 1 can we put it back on the screen [Applause] [Music] by the waters of Babylon there we sat and we wept as we remembered Zion that is the most peculiar verse you could ever imagine because a group of people were weeping over something they had never seen I need to help some people who actually feel like God is about to stir something but yet you're longing for something to happen that you've yet to see but there's something on the inside of you that people can't seem to understand why do you keep talking about a place you've never been to I need you to understand that God wrote in the DNA of this generation that we are supposed to have a move of God in other words what they were saying well don't tell me that where I am it's normal to wake up some people because because this particular passage of Scripture begins to speak to some things deep on the inside because some of us including your pastor are longing for a move of God and then you're saying well well have you seen it before or have you been here before because we have this lie you ready you can't lead people to where you've never been had Moses ever been to the promised land I'm just trying to tell you you can't lead people to where you're unwilling to go but you can certainly lead them to where you never but [Applause] it ain't always got to be the old way God is doing something new and where he's leading us to we have not been this way before that's what he told Joshua stayed back from the heart because she haven't been this way before but because you're following the presence of God you know you're going in the right direction so the scripture the scripture he says by the way waters of Babylon this is gotta help some of you but don't know why you're crying at night some of you who don't know why you're frustrated some of you who don't know why you're disillusioned some of you who come to church and and you you you you love God too much to stop coming but you hate it when you come enough to consider not coming and so you citizens if we will be honest if we beyond he's saying God I love you too much to stop coming to church but if it's like this another Sunday I don't know a pocket can we be honest in the room because if we be willing to be honest in the room he just might show us the deads law [Applause] are you why do you feel this way while people in this room right now can't even be quiet I'm not asking you to because it's purring something in you it's causing something on the inside to say you speaking to this the spot that I was created for I was created for more than Nyssa I know they're supposed to be Maya I was born for something more than this I don't want to go to church and not see power I don't want to go to church and not see people here I don't want to go to church and not see people delivered there's something on the inside of me that says faster if you call a prayer meeting and midnight it might be five of us here but I'm so hungry I'll be here and if you ask us to stay all night I'll be here because I was born for this there's more it has to be a place of permission go ahead and cry out to God that's it that's it that's it that's it I gotta give you I gotta give you 60 seconds right here something you've been waiting you've been waiting for me to stop talking so you could I just got to give you 60 seconds come on open up your mouth right here just this is a generation who's saying in Greensboro North Carolina we want more we want more it's that all's at all I said I'd give you 60 seconds you took 15 are you hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah the generation longing for something they had not yet seen [Music] this is what happens to a generation born in between which is what our generations on the earth right now there's a very interesting transition that is taking place there's a generation of people who have seen a move of God but because of when it took place in this nation many of them are transitioning to glory and so now you have a generation task to lead on the earth right now born in between they weren't born when they were born in captivity but born for revival it is the reason what God is doing what he's doing in the earth right now there's some we're so stirred for something they've never seen but what happens to the generation that's born in captivity and why it is important for prophetic voices like this that provoke you it's because in every generation there is a temptation from those who are complacent those were the captors and verse 2 the Bible says this on the Willows there we hung up our liars did you leave me out of it did you take me out of new living you back in the esv now okay it's fine keep going verse three you're fine you find it it's all the same verse three four there our captors required of us Psalms and our tormentors Murp Murp it's actually joyous rejoicing saying sing to us one of the songs of Zion in other words play Church show dance act like everything's fine some of y'all is messing with you every Sunday we shouting and we dancing but nothing's changed every Sunday we hucking and him but nobody's here every Sunday we've dancing for our breakthrough when you gonna get one I just offended okay the captors said sing us one of the songs of Zion in other words in natural language act like everything is normal this is where we have to resist the urgency to go back to normal so many of us are so wired to make things normal that we hate confrontation you can come to church every week and sit next to somebody that you hate instead of being reconciled because you want it to look like it's normal [Applause] we're we're so wired to want to go back to normal and I came to provoke some people tonight that it is important that we resist false normalcy I want to help you I want to help you I want to help you because I've learned something I am tired of being called different no no you say what do you mean oh you're different because you pray a lot or you're different because you don't go here or you're different because you don't do this or you're different because you don't listen to that no you're different I need to help us real quick it is not normal to not see healing it is not normal to not live righteous it is not no no no we're not gonna say that it's normal for you to get in bed with whoever you want whenever you want that's not normal there is a standard that God it's calling people too he's still holy he's still righteous we still pray we still fast we still seek God we still pass before we still turn our place we don't counsel that's normal [Music] it is normal to cast out Devils it is normal to see people delivered it is normal to hear a testimony that the things I used to do I don't do anymore the places I used to go I don't go any it is normal for a drunk person to stagger up front and leave sober that's you we have gotten to the point we have gotten to the point where we have lowered the standards not only of living but revival so we're calling everything else revival that isn't and therefore we're singing the songs of revival but no power we got the language of revival on our lips but nobody's changing the devil is a lie he's not gonna cause us to lower our standards to the point where we're gonna say that revival is just a full service with a special speaker that ain't revival revival happens on the inside of an individual when I change with my tastes have changed when my sight has changed and when my life is saying I'm walking living breathing revival and the power of God and slowly to my life I refuse to sing a song in a strange land how long for something how can we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land how are you asking us to pretend like God is here I long for Jerusalem why did they long for Jerusalem or Zion because they had a word from the Lord the generation pastor that was born in captivity lived by prophecy see we want to silence a prophetic voice in a season many of many of us want to act like it doesn't exist like God's not still saying things to this generation and and but they lived all they had was a word from the Lord that I will return you which is a slate there will be a revival in your generation that was the word and so what they said was we long to see the word of the Lord that has been prophesized over our generation come to pass and until it does I refuse to fake Church does a cry get started when the people say it is saying it there's more when the people say this is not it and there's more you have just learned the beginning of a crime because tonight that's part of my reason it's a provoked your crime the kind of crime that when I leave here and when I stop preaching there'll be something that you'll be laying in the bed and you have to get up and pray in the sphere because you're saying that's more than this the kind of prayer that when the worship is over it's not over for you because you got an alabaster box and when you break it open the fragrance of your worship it's going to fill the whole room in fact some are you're going to learn how to worship at a level that offends other people and it's gonna be okay because everybody's gonna know there's somebody who's gonna have an account with God and it's gonna be me [Music] [Music] it's not normal to be complacent no no that's not that's not normal it's not normal it's not normal sinus rafet ik boy that's not normal I'm almost finished I'm way later than your service normally goes I'm I gotta stop this floor you want all come from Ito it's not normal to live in a society where sin is celebrated in the upright living is vilified it's not normal to live life as if you don't need him most of us our faith expectation is so low that basically we offend God by the size of our prayers we pray for stuff that would happen with or without it and then if it happens we say it's God and if it doesn't we're silent so that way we feel like we can don't have to defend God yeah it's offensive to god it's a prayer prayers that are so small it doesn't even need him but that's how we live we live that way we this is they said they said this and i'ma finish verse five if I forget you O Jerusalem let my right hand forget his skill another peculiar verse how could you forget something you've never been to unless he put it in you I'm fascinated by this passage of Scripture I gotta stop I could just keep talking and talking but I gotta stop I'm fascinated by this passage of scripture talks about Abram he's in Genesis 15 he's listing all his complaints before God like you know you promise me that you're gonna do this you promise are you gonna do that I'm gonna have a son I have a son Eliezer a servant in my house he's gonna get all the blessings of everything else and what good is all your blessings going to go to somebody who's not even heir of mine God says I'm Eliezer it's not gonna get the blessing but but do something with me come out of your tent look up and count the Stars if you can if you can that's how many descendants you will have in other words God saying get out of your small thinking what I want to do is so big you can't imagine it now the next verse just makes this jump and says and even believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness in that context you would just think that he believed God about the stars but it was more than that from that moment he lived under heavenly influence Jesus said that Abraham saw my day and rejoiced and welcomed it when Abraham looked up he looked and God showed in the future and showed him Christ that's why the Bible says in Romans that God accounted it to him as righteousness in other words even though the scripture says there was no none righteous no not one because he believed early Hebrews says he welcomed it from afar off God included him in the blessing he were walking in right now we call it the blessing of Abraham what is the blessing of Abraham the reception of Christ so that shows us that God that the Bible says in Hebrews about Abraham and all the patriarchs that they lived as foreigners in the land Abraham would did not spend all his life looking for came in he was in Canaan and didn't consider Canaan the promise because he saw Christ some of us will actually be anything we prayed for but still be longing for more why because God puts in us something that we can see at a level that causes us to say and I listen you can bless me with the house you can bless me with a car you can bless me with money you can bless through a relationship and all the stuff that the prosperity teachers to tell us that we can have but if I forget to Rosa if I forget that there's more let my right hand forget it okay all right I think I think I think you got it verse six and I'm done let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth don't let me talk about anything else if I do not remember you if I do not set Jerusalem just so you understand some versions say Jerusalem some versions say Zion what is the word is talking about right there revival Jerusalem and Zion are a representation in that scripture of the promise of God for revival if I forget revival don't let me talk about anything else this is the burden of our generation what are you talking about some of us in this room God has wired us this generation he's literally wired us so long for more and anything else that causes you not to long for more is not of God now remember when I talked to you about Hannah and I said this about Hannah I said pnina peninnah provoked her to cry out because while she wanted a Sun God one of the Prophet not only didn't want a prophet he wanted a system changer because he was the last of the judges to institute a new line of kingship by which Christ would come so he needed somebody to cry out for what he wanted to birth in earth but this is what happened and this is what happens to everybody which is one of the reasons why I came to help your pastor tonight when Hannah begins to cry out to God pastor her husband came to her and said why are you so downtrodden you have me aren't I better than ten cents Elkanah represents the spirit that comes to you to try to tell you to be happy with what you have once you're aware that there's more this is what happens I'm not gonna sit down right here but this is what happens every single time a prophetic voice comes along to tell you that there's more there's something else in the atmosphere called a religious spirit that tries to tell you that what you have is all there is the devil is a liar and so is that religious system and that religious spirit that tried to tell you you don't have to cry for more this is good right here shouting and dancing it's good singing is good no no no this is not good I want to see deliverance I want to see a city team I want to see a nation on fire I want to see a generation who rises up who loves God with all of their heart I want to see a revival that kind of thing that doesn't just shake our church but shakes this city when car hits this house he wants to hit every house when he hits every house he wants to hit a city the devil is a liar volcana it's about to be silenced in this generation this religious fear that says be okay with what you have is being exposed because there is a generation that says I will not forget I was born for revival if you want it lift up your voice in this woman and cry out to the Living God [Music] come on the kind of sound that lets God know you haven't forgotten the kind of sound that lets them know that you wanted the kind of sound that lets him know let's a night be denied it doesn't have to be next year it doesn't have to be five years from now it doesn't have to be five months from now it can be right now [Applause] [Music] I have a question is that your level of hunger or do you want more it's not your level of hunger is that all you want or do you want more if you're willing to cry out for it you're going to tip the scale for the days of divine interruption well into this house the days of divine interruption will enter this house the days of divine interruption will enter this house the kind of thing where the program is destroyed and all the people walk it's God and he gets his glory because there is more [Music] [Music] I know it's a district meeting don't just crown for this house crown for your house crown for your house crown for your church crown for your city crown for your region crown for your family we're going to see me a favor we're not gonna forget we were born for this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is for your region this is for your region this is for your region God doesn't intend to leave anybody out of rival he intend to release revival [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Evangel Fellowship Church
Views: 31,590
Rating: 4.9268928 out of 5
Keywords: #evangelfellowshipchurch #boldconference #bold #williammcdowell #cogic #greensborochurches
Id: EgnGZ6EwS2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 17sec (5057 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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