Look and Live: Coming Back Seeing (Sunday Replay)

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welcome to evangel fellowship to our special guests thank you for choosing evangel fellowship as your place of worship be sure to download the evangel app to stay connected today is come back sunday want to learn more about small groups service groups or specialty groups be sure to meet a project merge member outside after service for more information and a chance to sign up to be a part of one of our groups we are always stronger together evangel nation you know what time of year it is it's men's week that's right men's week this year the men from evangel and zion place are teaming up together all week to fellowship and to give all glory to god there will be a 5k run walk event on saturday september 25th at 8 am to help fight the war on hunger all proceeds will go to the pdynf community garden and the pdynf food pantry registration is only 25 we are also seeking volunteers who would like to help out during the race sign up by clicking the link above then on sunday september 26 10 a.m we welcome our friend bishop courtney macbeth from calvary revival church why because i spoke the word of god there are times in your life you got to look death in the face you got to look sickness in the face you got to look financial hardship in the face you got to look wayward children and grandchildren in the face you got to look addiction in the face and not beg god not hope for a change but in jesus name devil back up see you you talk to somebody say do you want to be free oh yeah man i want to be free but the issue is not do you want to be free the issue is how bad do you want to be free everybody wants to be free everybody wants to be blessed oh yeah man but how bad do you want it because this freedom is going to cost you your plan to walk in it in everything that god has for you it's going to cost you your plan after service the men will have the power car show which will include trophy prizes food fellowship free haircuts and more men we are asking that you invite your friend brother cousin uncle to our weekly gatherings and sunday service be sure to check out the full itinerary on the evangel app or at evangelword.org ladies and gentlemen it's almost time to celebrate the fragrance of our house lady barbara t lockheed let's make this a memorable occasion send a special memory or picture to ladylockit's 70th birthday gmail.com by september 26th to join in on the celebration on thursday october 7th 12 noon we will be providing free lunch from selected food trucks for the first 200 attendees you will also be able to learn more about how you can participate in stopping the war on hunger sign up for your free admission and lunch pass on the evangel app or at evangelword.org we strongly suggest all evangel members to share this event with those in the greensboro community singles college students join in on the fun as we go to the state fair on saturday october 16th departure time from evangel is at 7 30 a.m advanced tickets are only 10 13 at the gate be sure to register at evangelwort.org or through the evangel app by friday october 8th because of your giving we can continue to advance god's kingdom we've updated our rockets grill provided food to the pdyna food pantry and pop-up pantry that allowed us to serve 50 000 meals to date upgraded our evangel sanctuary and so much more please prayerfully consider what god is calling you to give towards legacy 2021 this sea will be sewn into the continual advancement of the power play center bold scholarships to support local ministries like our food pantry and community garden foreign ministries to impact and connect families like never before equipment to continue to enhance online ministry and general campus upkeep submit your commitment on the evangel app or at evangelword.org thanks again for joining us here at evangel fellowship where we provide biblical solutions to promote successful discipleship in life family and work through evangelism entrepreneurship education and encounters yo hey what's up all right have that event oh man on september 26th we got men's day [Applause] yes 5k run saturday september 25th register now okay cool and what else is going on at evangel we got to preach word on sunday pastor macbeth out of north virginia he will be right here on the campus of evangel fellowship after that we have a car show we have free giveaways we have free haircuts we got food fellowship you don't want to miss it right here the evangel fellowship sunday september 26 at 9 30 a.m hallelujah hallelujah for those of you that are in here that believe the promises of god and those of you that are online if you believe that every promise that god has spoken over your life is going to come to pass can you jump to your feet hallelujah and if you're at home wherever you are jump to your feet and tell yourself you're gonna live and not die you shall live and not die hallelujah no matter what the enemy tries to throw at you no matter what trap he tries to set no matter what's going on around in your life you shall live and not die hallelujah even david said in the book of psalms 27 and 13 he said he would have fainted how he not believe the goodness of the lord in the land of the living all david was saying is to not face it's to not give up you shall live somebody say i'm gonna live i said i'm gonna live now say i'm gonna live to see it happen come on say it like you mean it i'm gonna live to see it happen can we encourage you on this morning [Music] [Music] gonna live [Music] to see [Music] you're no matter what the enemy tries to set up [Music] no matter what's going on around me i will live live live live [Music] all right come on come on come on come on anybody excited about jesus anybody excited about saying his promise [Music] hands together is to put a praise on your lips put a praise in your feet [Music] you're gonna live [Music] live [Music] come on if you know you're gonna live to see it happen hallelujah [Music] live live [Music] now [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whatever you do here [Music] what are you social [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] if you know you're gonna live for it [Music] hallelujah [Music] because his report says i am healed his report says i am still his report says i am free it's reported [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] says [Music] [Music] keep your [Music] looking at me [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] determined to live [Music] let me live tell the devil you shall live [Music] me [Music] [Music] i'm coming out [Music] i'm coming up i'm coming up [Music] baby [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] still here [Music] she [Music] hey [Music] every day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i apply the [Music] [Music] [Music] it's know [Music] come on if you know the blood works have you ever had a situation in your life that you knew you couldn't do nothing about it no matter what what happened you knew that there was nothing that you yourself couldn't do anything about it but when you begin to pray and cry out to god hallelujah god knows how to get our attention don't he i said he knows [Music] is nothing that nobody can do to stop what god is fixing to stop what god is turning around [Music] when i was a little girl having seizures [Music] [Music] i didn't [Music] [Music] but y'all see me standing here on a day [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] he came through he made a way he came through everything [Music] so [Music] can y'all help me say that real quick [Music] the plastic [Music] [Music] anybody know that it works [Music] is [Music] [Music] watch you declare what somebody say live [Music] the bible says he that believeth in me will never die i don't care what it looks like i don't care what it feels like as long as you can believe you can live [Music] and why don't you just declare in this sanctuary i still believe hallelujah [Music] father god we thank you for this presence that's in this place i thank you god that living is not an option when we believe you that you came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly i pray on this morning god that you will speak to us that you will set us free i think you even now god that you're even unlocking our understanding to believe the scriptures we shall live and not die and proclaim the word of the lord we thank you god that is seeing you we live we move and we have our be i pray that you will cause the scriptures to be enlightened to our path and a lamp unto our feet transform us oh god on this morning cause the word to go forth with power and clarity and fulfill that which you sent it out to do in jesus name amen and amen come on give a little one more hand praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah had not been for the lord on my side i don't know where i would be you may be sitting in the house of the lord could you do me a favor sound men could you let me know when i can switch yeah just let me know when i can switch just give me a thumbs up or something to let me know when i can switch hey man y'all gonna do that thumbs up good good okay all right because i really don't want to preach from this handheld because this is a preacher's mic hey man and i'm trying to teach today okay so so help me out amen all right let's turn in our bibles to john chapter nine verse one through seven john chapter 9 verse 1 through 7. it reads like this as he passed along he noticed a man blind from his birth his disciples asked him rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he should be born blind jesus answered it was not that this man or his parents sinned but he was born blind in order that the workings of god should be manifested displayed and illustrated in him we must work the works of him who sent me and be busy with his business while it is daylight night is coming on when no man can work as long as i am in the world i am the world's light when he said this he spat on the ground and made clay mud with this saliva and he spread it as ointment on the man's eyes and he said to him go wash in the pool of siloam which means scent so he went and washed and came back seeing since this is come back sunday i want to take a few moments to talk from the subject title look and live subtitle come back seeing come back see as we look at this passage of scripture we understand that this text takes place early in jesus ministry jesus is found teaching in the temple he has ascended to the position of rabbi as we do a little research we recognize that there were 18 miracles in scripture that were requested and there were 15 that were initiated by christ and i want to submit to you this is that many of us cannot find a point to identify with in this text because we have not been blind but i submit to you that we are all born with disabilities whether they are physical emotional or spiritual ones in fact i want you to take a few moments to think about your weaknesses and how god has worked through them so this man that we find in the texas blind and oftentimes blindness leads to begging it puts you in a posture where you become the borrower and not the lender so this miracle that we read about it takes place during the feast tabernacle as it was celebrated in jesus time and in the temple they were light lamps but many times they would leave one lamp unlit which was symbolizing that the messiah had not yet come but would come and so this makes it very strategic because jesus declares that he is the light of the world i want to also submit to you that this particular passage of scripture takes place on the sabbath on the sabbath the sabbath is a day that was designed for rest and recovery according to the pharisees and sadducees there should have not been any work taking place to the law keepers of moses but jesus decides to perform this miracle on the sabbath one day i'm a preacher message when religion does not work yeah because he performs this miracle on the day where religion does not work because jesus reminds us that man was not made for the sabbath but that the sabbath was made for man and so again jesus introduces himself as the light and he saw a man hear me that could not see him jesus initiates this and he sees this man differently than everyone else sees him and while jesus is looking on him they realize that this man was born blind and so the disciples asked some questions they asked the question who sinned this man or his parents sounds a little messy to me that they would ask those questions who sent this man or his parents now let's do some deductive reasoning uh if he was born blind he didn't have time to sin but sometimes when you are going based upon religion and tradition some of the things you say don't even make sense and so they're asking this question and jesus responds he says neither he says this is an opportunity for glory so watch this instead of jesus explaining why he redirects to how god will and can use it because there are some people even on this morning that are asking god why and god does not always give us the reason but he gives us his purpose jesus allowed blindness but he also overrules this blindness because this man like many of us was born to give god glory i want you to hear that because many times we have a theological struggle with the fact that god allows something to happen does not give us the reason or the purpose for it reason for it but he gives us the purpose for it and many times we get frustrated as a result of that reality i'm gonna just rock with the handheld so so so as we look at this we understand that this man was designed to give glory to god and hear this the miracle was unprecedented in other words um there was never a time in history according to the books that someone was healed that was born blind right and so jesus is dealing with something that they had never seen which is prophetic and that you may think that you've seen it all but god is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think according to the power that worketh in us and so this miracle was unprecedented in other words god doesn't have to duplicate nor repeat himself because he's always creative and yet this man was ignored probably because of his disability like many of us are ignored because of our weaknesses but jesus does something very significant the bible says that he reaches down in the clay and then he spits in the clay and he makes what we call mud so you have to understand this john is writing very strategically he wants to make it clear that jesus is who he had proclaimed because the bible says in john 1 the in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and so now he's making no distinction between himself and god because you know when genesis god reached down into the dirt informed the man he spoke to all the other creatures but he puts his hand on man he puts his breath in the man and so people that knew the scriptures would make the connection that if god did it in the beginning i'm john is saying that's a new creation that's coming through christ yeah that's a new creation and so while he's doing that he's recognizing oh he's telling and communicating to everyone that i'm just as much god as god himself i'm not a lesser version we are the trinity god the father god the son and god the holy spirit and so you have to understand that jesus is doing something very very significant he tells this man to go wash in the pool of siloam and then he went watched and the bible says he came back seeing he went washed and came back seeing he went washed and came back seeing he went washed and came back seeing i believe somebody's about to come back on this morning now watch this first of all you have to hear this that this man he walks blindly he walked blindly yeah yeah he walked blindly because many of us can attest to walking blindly now some people you've been blessed enough to be able to ask the question are we there yet but i submit that there are probably some people even on this morning that are asking the question simply where are we going because every now and then you can walk blindly the bible says that we walk by faith and not by sight so watch this just because i can see everything clearly doesn't mean that i should not be making progress that i should not be walking can you imagine this man he's feeling his way around because the bible um says um that he goes to some i don't know if he had assistance i don't know if he had an entourage i just know somehow he moved from one point to another blindly and many of us are using the excuse that we can't see to keep us from making progress but if you can hear you can move because faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of god so the bible says that he walks blindly and walking blindly is not the easiest thing sometimes god only shows us the next step but he doesn't show us the entire staircase you have to understand that many times you're going to have to have a discipline to walk blindly that's what it means to walk by faith just trust that the next step is going to be the right step because i'm following god's instructions and so this man walks blindly he did not stay there in his position but he walks blindly he makes progress blindly sometimes he have to make decisions blindly and it doesn't it seemed like jesus would have walked with him and in fact jesus did not does not even tell this man what he's going to get when he walks he just walks blindly yeah some of you don't know the struggle of walking blindly you can't even imagine the struggle but jesus had the expectation that you can still make progress even when you can't see it might slow you up but it shouldn't stop you yeah yeah i don't know how long it took him but he he walked blindly then second he he washed blindly yeah i'm not gonna be before you alone we gotta get to communion he he washed blindly he washed blindly he washed blindly now he says to go wash now hear what he does not say he does not say go dip like naaman he says wash because action can and often does create belief action can hold faith and watch this increase it jesus may ask us to do something to increase our faith in the desired healing or wholeness of what can we do to help ourselves be ourselves now i want to submit this to you because sometimes you're walking blindly and you're doing it almost with sarcasm that i would have to wash blindly that i would have to walk blindly i remember it was the year 2012 of our lord and uh my dad called me i was at an aim convention and uh you know my dad didn't really hustle me too much when i went to the aim convention but this time he was upset because i was not sitting in the front my dad knows me well enough to know that i sit in the back all the time but he says why were you not sitting in the front i didn't see you on the camera and then my dad made a request he said make sure you go and shake bishop blake's hand and tell him your daddy said hello i said daddy that's impossible i'm in the back of the church it's all these people i'm not getting to bishop blake today and he said didn't you hear what i said i said why are you homie about speaking to the bishop and so i remember like it was yesterday i i did it i i was upset like maybe my dad ain't thinking straight right now for him to tell me to go and speak to the bishop so i walked up there because i want at least i went up there and daddy i told you it wasn't going to work so i'm walking up there and when i do it for some reason bishop blake just wanted to linger to make me a liar and i was able to shake his hand and fulfill the assignment because sometimes god will ask you to do things blindly it won't make sense to you you really can see how it's going to happen but he still will ask you to go wash blind now watch this washing he put dirt on his face right he put dirt on his face he made the situation more messy he made sure that he was absolutely blind he he wasn't just legally blind he was absolutely blind after the mothers on his face then he says wash now many people think dirt represents the world in other words he had to watch some bad thinking he had to wash um strongholds off his face before he could ever see because many times it's the strongholds that keep us from seeing it's our way of believing because we see based upon the way we believe because our beliefs shape our perceptions and yet this man washes blindly doesn't make sense because obedience is one of the sure signs that you're on the way to come back because god does something he changes the stick to a scepter he turns the pebble into a missile with david and in this time an opportunity he turns to spit in mud into a bomb because god has a way of working a miracle when you obey him when the servants obey god blindly he turned water into wine god can work a miracle because obedience again is the key to your comeback once you prophesy yourself say i'm on my way back and so a comeback is to return to a place of stature significance and well-being with the lord is to return to a place of stature and well-being with the lord watch this he walks blindly he washes blindly but there's one thing he can't do blindly he worships seeing. and the bible says that he comes back seeing when he came back he was now looking into the eyes of the very people who looked down on him when he came back people had a problem but nobody tried to prevent him from leaving when he came back and some people would be okay with you leaving but they struggle with your return yeah the prodigal son's brother did not oppose him when he was trying to leave but he did oppose him when he was trying to come back yeah yeah he it was hard for him to worship him by simply knowing his voice he had to know who he was because i submit to you that your comeback ends with returning to the same circumstances in a different condition preach pastor oh i said your comeback ends with returning to the same circumstances in a different condition okay you don't really know that you've been healed until you can return back to the same circumstances but you handle it differently because you're in a different condition i want you to hear this because it's very important the truth of the matter is one of my favorite movies of cartoons is the lion king you understand that when simba left simba was in one condition but when simba returned simba was in a different condition to the point scar did not even recognize simba because he looked like mufasa the father if i wanted to preach lion king i would preach it like that [Applause] and when you're going to have your comeback many times god will allow you to return back to the same circumstance but it won't be a repeat because you're in a different condition i remember in the 90s when michael jeffrey jordan returned to the game of basketball he came back to the same circumstances but he came back in a different condition you remember for the first time he wears number 45 because when you're making a comeback you might return back to the same circumstances but you won't be in the same condition with some of you say pastor you're too carnal well let's go to the bible the bible um says um that there are many people that return back to the same circumstances but in a different condition you remember joseph joseph was crying the last time his brother saw him because he was afraid he was disappointed he was discouraged but the next time he's seen his brothers he's crying because he realizes he's in a position of power and even though he sees the circumstances he's in a different condition he says what you meant for evil that god meant for good even though i'm seeing the same circumstance that made me cringe i got a different perspective now because i got a different condition than what you saw me in the last time you saw me i want you to understand that that's very necessary that we have different conditions and then understand this um that the prodigal son again he leaves but he comes back with a different condition to the same circumstances he didn't come back high-minded he came back in humility and the truth of the matter is he was restored because he came back to the same circumstances in a different condition it was the leper that came back to jesus watch this on the same circumstances but now he's in a different condition he comes back healed because when you come back from something god will send you back to the same circumstances but he'll put you in a different condition they don't like this let me preach about jesus i don't think you can lose with jesus jesus when we saw him on palm sunday he's riding through jerusalem on a donkey right but the bible says when he comes back he's going to be on the stallion he's coming back to the same circumstances but he's coming back in a different condition and so understand that this man in john chapter 9 has to return back to the same circumstances but he's coming back in a different condition that's my prayer for you on this morning that you may have to go back to the same home you may have to go back to the same job you may have to go back to the same relationships but i'm praying that you go back to the same circumstances in a different condition watch your prophecy out of yourself say i refuse to return the same way i can that's what a comeback is some of you think that god's going to deliver you out the circumstances but he's trying to empower you to overcome the circumstances because greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world so when you sit in church god says i'm transforming you by the renewing of your mind that you might prove that perfect and acceptable will of god because i don't always change your circumstances but i will change your condition you can call this a comeback the truth of the matter is um god is trying to get us to the place to understand what a comeback really is he changes our condition but does not always change our circumstances and watch this you're not going to always have the crowd to verify that he's changed your condition because they were questioning whether this was the same man after they saw his condition changed don't always expect everybody to sign off that you've been changed that that that you have been approved for come back you got to prophesy to yourself that the way i left is not the way i'm coming back yeah say that to you so the way i left is not the way i'm coming back yeah yeah the way i left the relationship some relationships you left god's calling you back to but it's gonna give you a different condition to be able to deal with the circumstances that's what he does for john chapter nine he comes back to a town that's familiar but they're not familiar with this new condition now this is my question this is my question my theological question it just hit me like a ton of books i think this is isages where i'm going to read between the lines based upon what's already been presented now my question is i stated at the beginning of the message that jesus initiates this healing that this man does not have the same predicament as blind bartimaeus you remember blind bartimaeus he cries out jesus thou son of david don't pass me by this man doesn't cry out anything but yet jesus sees him and starts picking with him my question is why now we know in john chapter 8 that jesus had just dealt with some hostility and he has to walk through the hostility to even get to john chapter 9 and yet he stops and looks upon this man who cannot even look upon him why does jesus do that the bible says in john chapter 9 verse 38 it says they can put on the screen it says then he said lord i believe and he worshiped him he said lord i believe and he worshipped him lord i believe they worship now this is after the miracle he didn't even know who god was before the miracle the revelation hits him after the miracle and he said lord i believe and he worshipped him so so i've tried to do some deductive reasoning and when i looked at it uh i came to the conclusion that the reason i believe that jesus engages with this man it's because he saw a worshiper in him everybody else saw him as a blind man but jesus sees a worshiper in him how did you get that conclusion pastor what's turning your bibles to john chapter 4 verse 23 put it on the screen i want to just teach a little bit from now on worshiping the father will not be a matter of the right place but with a right heart for god is a spirit and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the spirit and truth your translation process he's seeking those that will worship him and spirit in truth this is the same gospel we read that in john chapter 4 and our story picks up in john chapter 9 so john is building an argument that when you're a worshiper god looks for you while you're seeking him god is seeking you and so i believe he looked at this man and saw this man have the potential to worship and understand this the bible says that this man was born to give god glory and so god sees an opportunity for worship and so this is why this man is changed because worship is the measure of return value we attach to the goods and services provided by god and so worship is a response worship is a response worship is a response and because god saw the future and he knew this man would come back seeing and since he was seeing clearly god knew that he would also be a worshiper because i believe that the reason this man returned was to return his worship i believe this men realized that i really don't deserve to be in this predicament but i came in and i encountered god and i need to return my worship now watch this he returns back to the voice and he doesn't recognize him as the son of god yet but when he recognizes him as the son of god his response was worshipped because he recognized that god had had his hand on his life his entire life and that god opened his eyes to be able to see clearly and jesus did not just fix his physical problem but jesus fixes his spiritual problem can i submit this to you god's not satisfied just with dealing with your exterior but god wants to deal with your interior and god touched this man to appoint his interior was revived and as a result he worshipped can i submit this to you that this man seals his comeback with worship oh let me preach to somebody can i preach to somebody if miracles are produced through worshipers then it seems like i need to worship to produce miracles because the truth of the matter is i believe that jesus is the same yesterday today and forevermore i believe if he can see a worshiper in you then whatever is wrong he'll make it right but here's the problem god will do things for us and we'll have amnesia and won't return back to him what's his can i submit to you that's the reason i come to church because i realize that god did not have to say me that god did not have to bless me that god did not have to raise me so every time i come to church is to return my worship i know some people are tired of logging in but every time you log in you're returning your worship and in fact god loves worship you remember the one leopard that returned god asked the question where are the other nine because i should have got more of a return than this see i want to submit this to you that jesus had just experienced rejection so now he was looking for acceptance and when he finds acceptance he said if i be lifted up then i'll draw all men unto me god is looking for some people that will return worship god says i'll give you the raise if i know i can get some worship out of you i'll give you the job if i know i can get some worship out of you i'll fix your family if i know i can get some worship out of cause you were not born to have a fixed family you were born to give me glory and if i can get the glory out of your life i'll move mountains if i can get the glory out of your life i'll turn things around if i can get the glory out of your life i'll turn things in your favor if i can get the glory i just want to know on this morning can god see a worshiper in you oh some of y'all looking too cute that's why you're stuck in your setback but if you want to move to your comeback you've got to seal it with the worship [Applause] so this man did not just return home but he returned to the heart i worship sometimes you're tired doing what's right but now i like the apostle paul it's my reasonable service you remember the woman that broke the alabaster box everybody was criticizing her he said they they have been forgiven much they love much in other words when you realize what god has done when you have a revelation of who god is it increases your worship it increases your ability see some people think you foolish but you should have met me before i met jesus i was on a one-way trip to hell but god delivered me and from the rest of my life i'll give him worship whether it makes sense to you or not and be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that you might prove that perfect and acceptable will of god and so god says i'm looking for your response you remember that time you said you were gonna never do it again and then you did it again and i forgave you again i'm looking for your response you remember that time when you didn't make good business decisions and your money got funny and your change got strange and i showed you that i was jehovah gyra don't you forget i want to see your response god brought you to church on today because he wants to see your response and he could see a worshiper in this man let me ask you a question can god see a worshiper in you worship is not something you initiate worship is a response when you say god fixed your marriage and he fixed it and now you're too busy for him he he says he says i'm looking for a response i believe that god is looking for people that's not looking for him when he sees a worshiper in you because watch this jesus already had his end game he was born to bring me glory here's the thing here's the thing he had to revive his spiritual man as well as his physical man you think your real problem is a physical matter but god says it's a little deeper it's a spiritual problem and he says beloved i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers and he said i want to touch both because it's easier for me to revive your exterior than your interior and the way you know you're on the way to a comeback is that you worship and while the musicians are playing so softly listen you can walk blind you can wash blind but you can't worship blind jesus said you don't know what you worship but we know what we worship and so why the musicians are playing i want to give us an opportunity no keep standing on your feet see y'all get tired on god y'all praise the lord and set sudden i'm tired but i think about all the time she stood up for me if your legs work you should be standing because they couldn't work if it wasn't his grace [Music] somebody's saying god i need this god says i need what i need to as well if you give me what i want i'll give you what you need [Music] and i won't worship and i believe everyone today god is saying you can't have a comeback unless you don't unless you come back to worship you know today we're returning to the heart of worship i want you just to begin to open your mouth come on and stretch your hands towards heaven open the eyes of our hearts lord we want to see you we want to see you we want to see you we want to see you god i'm not asking you to fix my problem right now i just want to say thank you for everything thank you for life health and strength thank you for a mind the sound thank you for my family thank you god that the weapon that was formed it didn't prosper thank you for keeping me thank you for preserving me thank you for redeeming my life from destruction god i bless you on this morning i worship you on this morning i don't take it for granted that you work this miracle in my life i don't take it for granted that you open this door in my life and i worship you i worship the bible says this man bows and worship my day just about right where you are and just begin to worship the lord it's because of his mercies that we are not consumed i worship you because you kept my body from coving i worship you god that even when i caught kobe you didn't let me die i worship you o god in the beauty of holiness i got a revelation of who you are i worship you because you're jehovah jireh i worship you because you're jehovah rapper i worship you because you're jehovah [Music] i worship you because it's jehovah niecy and i worship you because your lord of all heavens your throne and earth your footstool i worship you come on i need somebody just to worship god for who he is everything i need i find in you my god shall supply all of my needs according to its riches in glory through christ jesus all i have belongs to you woke up all i am belongs to you i'm coming back to the heart of worship where it's not about me but it's all about you come on i need you to stretch your hands i just stretch your hands like you know god has made a way like you know that god so open the door [Music] god forgive me for being hard towards you forgive me god for being balanced and callous thank you god that i can see you now i was designed to give you glory get the glory out of my [Music] life get the praise out of my life [Music] for the rest of my days i worship you for the rest of my days i'll give you glory [Music] my praise is what keeps me alive my worship is what gives my life purpose and freezing and i worship [Music] can we just do something really quickly give me two minutes i want you to take a few moments just to think about all god's done for you [Music] i'm not talking about stuff thinking about when you got saved about before then think about everything god's done for you [Music] think about every request you made that he responded to i want you just to think about that [Music] think about every time he bails you out [Music] think about every time he lifted your head think about every time he had your back [Music] think about when he was your best friend when you were your own worst enemy think about how he hung high and was stressed wide for you and for me think about how when nobody else wanted you he chose you i know you were somebody now but when he found you you were nobody i know you start after now but think about when nobody was seeking after you [Music] i want you to get that in your mind and for the next 20 seconds we're gonna turn it up i want you to give god a praise that says god i can never repay you for what you've done for me but i will return my worship i need to do that right now one two three [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] come on i need you to shop when i count to three now we're not gonna let the music drown us out we're gonna be like bartimaeus we're gonna get louder he's redeemed my life from destruction that's why i praise and worship but never get boring to me [Music] here we go that's not like you were once blind but now you see [Music] now blind people worship a certain way but seeing people worship a different way so when i count to three i want you to shout like your voice is going to reach heaven i want you to shout until the angels get intimidated by your worship [Music] one two three go ahead [Music] here's our worship here's our worship here's our worship here's our worship here's our worship here's our worship [Music] here's our worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] i once was blind but now i see [Music] i didn't know why i was going through that but now i know i was designed to give you glory i see i see i see i see i was blind but now i see it it wasn't about the cars it wasn't about the house it wasn't about the success it was about giving you glory i was blind but now i see it wasn't about the position it was about your glory it wasn't about the promotion it was about your glory i once was blind but now i see [Music] you blessed me to bless you i once was blind but now i see [Music] [Music] it wasn't about achievement it was about glory [Music] get the glory out of my life i don't like what i'm going through but get the glory out of my life i was blind but now i i see [Music] it wasn't about me seeing or being blind it was about me giving you glory [Music] listen some of you need to return back to christ because he deserves your life because he gave his life for you [Music] and i hear the spirit of the lord say i bless you so you would turn around and bless me [Music] he was looking for the other nine but they didn't turn around to bless him even though he had blessed them and god is looking for some of us to bless him because he's blessed us and that's what we call worship [Music] and some of us are asking for more blessings and we haven't turned around to bless him for the last blessing he blessed us with and we're frustrated because we're looking for the next season the next level and god said you didn't bless me from the last level i believe he opens his man's eyes because he sees a worshiper in them your greatest ambition should be a worshiper [Music] abraham's greatest test was the test of worship [Music] you think it's about the career god said i don't need the career i need glory if your career does not translate to glory then there's no good to me [Music] that's why when i get you to that platform i need you to turn around and tell people about me because it was never about you in the first place and that's why he tells this blind man it wasn't never about you it was that i would get glory [Music] i got messed up sometimes in ministry because i thought ministry was about me and not about god giving glory so i got upset about how people treated me about the struggles i had to face with me because it was never about you even with the internal struggles that i have he said it's not about you it's about me getting glory out of you when i was blind i thought it was about me when i started to see i realized it was about him the disciple says it's about him his mother or he's saying god says not about neither one of them it's always been about [Music] worship is blessing god after he bless you [Music] he asked us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice because he already did it [Music] a tithe is not something you give a tithe is something you return because he gives seed to the sower so i only can return it because he gave it to me and worship is just recognizing who gave it to you [Music] it's my response david said what should i render to the lord for all his benefits it was worship lord help me to respond correctly come on give a little one more hand praise if you love him [Music] oh that's my response he's been too good [Music] it's my reasonable service i hope god has taken off some scales on today and you can see there's really about bringing him glory and if god believes that you'll bless him he doesn't have a problem blessing you somebody i need to pray god bless me so i can bless you he'll do it listen if you don't know jesus christ it's your personal lord and savior and you like to return you can raise your hand and um you can respond to that call and if you're watching online you can just write i need jesus right there in the comments section i'm gonna give you an opportunity to return back to the heart of worship nothing else matters if god doesn't have your life your life is what he gave his life for to give you life and life more abundantly and he wants to meet you right where you are this blind man who couldn't see returned back to jesus and gave him his life and when you do the same god can cause your life to go to a completely different dimension because he's able to lift you and cause you to be seated even in heavenly places god is able so why don't you surrender on today he's been too good for you not to return your worship the bible says he draws us with his loving kindness and on today he wants to draw you why don't you receive jesus christ let us know that you made a decision for the lord and we would love to welcome you to the family of christ if you don't have a church home we want to make an appeal to you an extension to you to join this community we're not perfect but god is perfecting us we would love for you to be a part of the evangel family i believe you can come back seeing you can come back see i don't care how far you falling god can bring you back i don't care how long you've been blind even if you've been blind from birth god can bring you back and we know that god is able to do that why don't you just allow him to come into your heart and to change you and to make you brand new he's able amen i want to give you an opportunity this is third sunday as we get ready to close i want to give you an opportunity if you're here today you say pastor you know what on today i recognize that god has been good to me i got to be honest i got slack in worship because it was hard for me to remember all of his benefits but just looking back over my life on this morning i realized that my proper response is worship and i agree with you pastor one of the ways that we worship is through giving you know today i would have returned my tithe because he's my source for some of you said god's been so good to me i want to give an offer because the reason god allowed increase to hit your life is because he saw you turning back around and blessing him [Music] old saints used to say i'm blessed to be a blessing and i want to challenge you some of you you know you can never repay but this is my worship this is my thank you jesus i want to challenge you yeah there's many that can do that return your tithe and give your offering i'm not going to even put a price on it today because you can't put a price on it [Music] i can never repay this is my worship but i'm going to challenge everyone on the side of my voice to return something something that means something to you [Music] some of you just going to keep it a hundred some of you got you can do more but worship the lord [Music] watch this when abraham returned his son god gave him a whole nation he was the father of a son but after worship he was the father of a nation because you can't bless god without him turning around and blessing you so i'm gonna challenge you to do that amen give a lot of hand praise [Music] you might be born a certain way but you don't have to be buried the same way god is able how many of you got something out the word today [Music] all right we're getting ready to go home before we go home let's get ready for holy communion to turn them your bibles with me to first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 through 26. [Music] first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23. through 26 you can put it on the screen so the people at home can see it [Music] we'll read it together when you get it on the screen [Music] great [Music] it reads for i received from the lord himself that which i passed on to you it was given to me personally that the same night [Music] lord jesus was betrayed he took the bread [Music] he said this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me thank you for the body that was given [Music] in the same manner this is why he deserves glory [Music] he took the cup [Music] after supper saying this cup is a new covenant between god and his people an agreement confirmed with his blood so as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death until he comes again okay hallelujah [Music] holy communion listen listen today is come back sunday and as we've advertised this opportunity for people to come back to reconnect to [Music] find their place so they can do their part the life says every joint every connection supplies now to make this very clear that jesus works a miracle where he feeds the five thousand but before he could work the miracle he told him to break up into groups not only one of the ways that god uses us in great communities is through groups and god gives grace for groups and favor for groups so i want you to walk out prayerfully asking god to lead you into your place so you can do your part and present reasonable worship to him because of his goodness for those that already volunteered that already support we salute you on this morning and we thank you for your contributions you help us to do what we do and i just believe that we're better together so thank you in advance but as you walk out just walk out prayerfully asking god to help you there should be somebody out there to serve you with the merged t-shirt on and we would love to just talk with you if you have any questions if you have any concerns because we want you to find your place and be a part of what god is doing here let's get ready to go home father god i thank you for your grace your mercy your loving kindness i thank you for your hand as upon our lives i thank you now that you're the greatest power so we'll never be defeated bless us god as we leave this place but never your presence and bring us back at that point in time more in love with you then when we left in jesus name amen amen god bless you we love you please walk out safely continue to practice the three w's until next time [Music] you
Channel: Evangel Fellowship Church
Views: 400
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _yebWmdsGQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 39sec (5259 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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