Will This Ai REPLACE Blender Artists?

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AI generated 3D models are here and in this video I'm going to explain how they're made if they're worth using and how this affects the 3D industry as a whole will 3D artists be getting fired how can you ensure you don't get left behind and will this be the end for thousands of 3D users across the globe well let's find out it's no secret the AI has come a long way in the past year I'm currently in high school and I'd say at least half the students in my school use chat gbt to complete essays assignments and even pass their class classes in fact I'd go as far to say that AI has become almost essential for people nowadays and earlier this year I uploaded a video about Chachi BT and how to use that with blender it's now my most viewed video on the channel and this was probably the most major development for 3D artists coming from AI but the question has always been sure maybe it can help us to make 3D models or animations but when we'll be able to do so completely that is from start to finish on its own well that day has finally arrived so what is this tool well I introduce you to Luma ai's Genie it's a Discord server you can join for free and well how about I just show you in the form of a brief tutorial first join the Discord server then go into one of these uh Genie U what do they called channels and you can use the slash Genie prompt to type in whatever you want it to generate I'll do Super Mario N Post now if you hit enter to send the message it'll give you four different AI generated 3D models that you can choose from I personally think this second one looks best so I'm going to click the refine two button now here's the thing for this you're going to have to wait around 20 minutes but once it's done you'll be able to download a very highquality version of that 3D model and boom weeks of worth done in literally like three or four clicks okay so now that you've seen this in action I'd like to provide my thoughts on whether or not this technology is actually worth using which of course is going to be very important when I get into discussing if this will end up replacing artists or not so obviously this model I've generated here looks incredible you could throw on a rig and have a full-blown animation that would look absolutely stunning I mean the modeling honestly just blows me away honestly the one issue I have here is the textures as for right now it only gives you a single image texture without roughness or bump or anything like that now obviously this is very easy to fix I actually have a blender add-on called quick Shader setup and what this lets you do is quick one button open the texture you want and it will set up bump uh roughness reflection all that stuff for you so so like I said this is an easy fix and doesn't require more than like 30 seconds and by the way uh the add-on link will be down below if you're interested I will mention this is an amazing tool for generating like cartoon characters or Landscapes or maybe background props but I did recently see a video by the fellow blunder YouTuber top channel one-onone in which he tries to have the AI generate a car model and let's just say the results uh weren't great so overall I know this is kind of a vague answer but yes this is definitely worth using in in some cases and in others not so what I'd say is use this every chance you can get uh but don't be disappointed if it's not perfect but my one big piece of advice is anytime you're trying to model something from now on just see what the AI does first uh this could save you a ton of time and yeah if it doesn't look great no worries just make it yourself like you normally do okay so now the question we've all been waiting for uh will this replace 3D artists well first you need to understand there are actually many jobs that 3D artist can fulfill you have modelers animators designers Whiting and material artists and then you have a general artist that pretty much do everything I will actually mention by the way that different names are signed to different artists from Studio to studio so don't go commenting that I'm incorrect about the names or whatever cuz you'll just look like an idiot anyways my prediction here is that as more and more of these AI models come out uh these more specialized positions will start to fade away while more broad positions will still be needed for example let's say that over the next year materials become pretty much all AI automated which by the way doesn't sound like that crazy of an idea well then material artists will be in quite a panic which obviously sounds harsh to say but it kind of just is the truth and I think we could see the same thing or something similar here however even if AI can generate models can generate textures an can generate full-blown animations like something like casket or um someone still has to put all these different elements together someone has to assign the AI generated texture to the AI generated model someone has to parent the AI model to the AI generated animation rig so please don't view this as a scary and harmful thing instead uh recognize it for what it is and truly ask yourself the question how can I use this myself to better the outcomes that I'm getting right now how can I improve my work and workflow with this new technology so as for the question are 3D artists all going to get fired I really don't think so at least not for the next 5 to 10 years but either way I really hope this video has been helpful my add-on link will be in the description I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Benji 3D
Views: 36,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, blender animation tutorial, Cgi, Benji 3d, Tutorial, blender tutorial, blender 3d, how to, 3d modeling, blender cycles, 3d animation, reference images in blender, blender tutorial for beginners, advanced blender, advanced blender tutorial, 3d industry, blender animation, blender guru, blender donut, Blender 4.0, AI 3D models, will ai replace 3d artists, ai 3d industry, blender ai, blender chatgpt, chat gpt
Id: SQmreDAjkN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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