Will this 1985 Jag XJS Run and Drive? V12 POWER!

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welcome back to pole Jag garage Oh wrong Jag this is the Jag we're after today this is an 85 xjs with V12 power and it hasn't ran for about a decade and in Jag years that's like half a century so I bought this xjs for the wheels I paid 500 bucks for the car these cars are basically worthless but it does have some good parts somewhere under the hood we have a genuine V12 and all of its problems I bought this as a parts car I just want to see if we can get it running really only wanted the wheels because they're awesome and I wanted them for Jag 1.0 and it's not in terrible shape but it is actually very Rusty this is more typical of what you would find in the midwest on a jaguar there's basically no floors in the car the interior is not too bad it's got the fine Corinthian leather or something these engines produced about 300 horsepower back in the day and this car was actually capable of 160 plus miles an hour it's almost kind of a Supercar for the time I don't know I want to experience what a V12 is like so I say we try to get it running I'm not going to lie to you guys I've already thrown a battery in it to make sure it would crank when I bought the car and it did crank that's as far as I went we have a lot going on here like what is that it's a Crown Royal bag we've got missing plug wires looks like something's eaten most of the wiring in here and we all know how good British electronics are and how resilient they are a bunch of stuff in the trunk which is always a great sign you know this is what you want to see you want to see lots of parts in the trunk oh that's not a Union Jack but I can smell the fuel varnish like strongly already I'm gonna guess that the fuel tanks probably destroyed and at first and foremost we're probably going to pull the boat tank that we put in the other Jag out put it in here just to so we automatically start off with a fresh fuel system let's see what else we have in here though spare tire cover it's kind of cool also the owner did give me this Jaguar belt buckle when I bought the car for 500 he threw that in you know he stole it from someone actually I stole it from him shock it's a good sign oh a fuel pump an even better sign God intakes air filters what's this that is a Jaguar sunglasses case oh wow oh fancy so these use an external high pressure fuel pump this guy right here and that's a 40 PSI pump into their filter right here so there's you got your main fuel tank in these cars and that feeds this little surge tank down here so if you're cornering this little tank always maintains fuel in it they both rot out really bad because it's a jig well it's happening again we're going to disconnect that and install our official Jag fuel system whoa things use like a half inch fuel line that's because it's so powerful because it's a jack no stop gotta stop there it's yellow yeah definitely bad gas ah geez yummy it's not that bad if I'm being honest you think it would run probably would but since we're dealing with fuel injection I don't want to push it because those injectors stick with nothing it's not like a carburetor where it's just like okay guess it's got a half inch Inlet and then a 3 8 Outlet on it conveniently Jag fuel tanks are they're interchangeable easy to swap pretty sure that's a boat tank no it's not at all it's Jag tank there we go now I'm gonna try to just crush this half inch hose down to this 3 8 bar but yeah I hope that works after I do this I want to try to take one of the lines off at the engine and try to flush out the line now here's the inlet side of the fuel line I remember that from the other Jag look how dry all these hoses are there's no way this not a chance that this works at least they're easy to get to though I think I'll bust this fitting loose and just see if we have if we get fuel out of it and what it looks like let's see if this catches on fire not yet all right let's try to cycle the key see if any fuel comes out up there hey we've got uh dome lights see you know the other Jaguar dome lights work too they made some good dome lights I'll tell you that there's a freaking Bumper in here here's the key oh it's definitely not stolen so nothing nothing not see no leaking or I don't think I gotta I didn't hear the fuel pump kick off I don't even hear that trying to run that could be bad probably is oh there it goes it's running go check Wait nothing there's there was fuel in the rail when I when I took it off fuel came out of it you got a little bit of fuel okay it's Brian it's not even trying to run right now but it is hot I think it's shorted let's pull the fuel pump out of the other Jag and throw it in here this is the new fuel pump that the guy I bought Jag 1.0 from put in it and you can see it's in really good shape you know he cleaned that tank out with a log chain he said we'll try this I did order one if I needed a new one see if this thing has any life left oh the chalky milk let's say we flush that a little yeah yeah oh there we go a little bit better yeah that's quite a bit better still not great but it's better I could see through it yeah yeah let's go engine oh well that's good oh my God it pumps well that works a lot better now we need to let that kind of evaporate evaporate a little should we run this just for a second maybe yeah it's gonna fill that up yeah apparently I only had touched it for like a second all right all right I'll tell you when to stop uh yeah that's pretty good good enough to See Ew is it bad is foreign just go this way it's not that bad I think that's runnable yeah well we gotta wait for this um drenched engine to kind of evaporate a little I'm gonna hook this back up and I noticed we're missing a spark plug wire so maybe we could address that oh here's the missing one right there oh we just replaced that and then then it's gonna run for sure yep does it have oil oh looks like brand new actually oh yeah well anyway there's a spark plug wire okay help yourself oh thank you plug it into the cap and the missing one was up here somewhere towards the front on the driver's side bank there's a bunch of poop around it oh what did I touch that well I mean it's you know well you can touch with your fingers actually but uh yeah there you go okay oh it's fixed now for sure yep doesn't need anything else nothing else like I don't know what does this stuff do or this or that any of this or this everything so I'm going to hook up the battery and we're just going to check for any fuel leaks as it primes the system you hear it running I don't think we should be here running it's probably filling a cylinder full of gasoline try to crank it okay if it Hydra locks and breaks then well the video's over yeah the battery kind of sucks uh you know that noise we were hearing yeah it was the return line huh so the return line works really good actually um plug that off before cargo boom probably oh okay you'll find this in every Jag service manual you know just get a chunk of hose and then just plug it off what will this do So eventually it will fill that tank and it'll start coming out of the top of it now oh okay we may have to plug the return or find a way to run the return into this or try to run that factory tank but I'm guessing that thing's not any good it's Gotta clear some space in the Jag all right take two all right let's see if it runs Maybe I got the key on I'll disconnect the fuel pump and then we'll test for voltage at the coil this thing actually has two coils there's this coil and then all this this spaghetti and meatballs of wiring runs all the way up here to the front to a second coil up there and that's for high RPM operation window racing and you'll jug yep 12 volts on it 12 volts on both sides of it that's not normal 12 and 12 on both sides how about we eliminate that coil for now okay and just try to run it off at one all right well you crank and uh I'll see if there's anything coming out of the coil all right yeah it's sparking now let me hook up the fuel pump again I don't think we have fuel I think it's all bypassing on the return I'm gonna check for power at the injectors try both wires because I don't know what they do all right nothing nothing I don't know anything about this stuff but what I do know is that you need a pulse from the ECM to fire the injectors and we're not getting that and what it probably is it seems like is it needs to have a signal from the spark to the injectors and we checked for spark at coil and at plug and it does have spark but it's probably not getting that signal from the ignition module to the ECM so the ECM is not telling the injectors even tried to do anything if I had to guess this appears to be one of the signal wires that was attached to this ignition module and it is incredibly brittle and falling apart and looks like something's been chewing on it so I'm going to try to replace that see what that does also that is a GM ignition module inside of that Jaguar ignition amplifier or whatever so that means that probably works you probably just want to pull all these connections off and clean them so you can check for corrosion so if I were a betting man I'd say that this is the wire that sends the signal to the ECM that's clear in the trunk of the car I'm pretty sure this is a shielded wire and this Shield is actually grounded so I'm going to try to just ground The Shield to this just so it's got a really good insulation I'm going to give it our best shot but uh I'm not putting a whole lot of effort into this so you may just see us start parting this thing out and you know working on the jag jag somebody's been in here and has just I mean mangled the wiring of this car what do you do with this you know I'd have to get a schematic and rewire the entire car and it's just a parts car you know is it really worth it let me give her a little air maybe all right so I did hook up these two wires here to the injectors because they kind of look like they went together it's doing something that's injectors is it not yeah yeah I can feel it I might have had them backwards the passenger side Bank injectors work all of them driver's side bank has none but if I ground them I can get them to work and I'm pretty sure the way these work basically you have alternating see all the white the blue the white the blue I'm gonna guess it triggers each one alternatively you know there's white and then a blue and a white and a blue as it's running of some sort of configuration fairly certain that the injectors work try to work them a little bit and I don't know see what that does because I don't care about it I just could have JD bump it till the gas comes out of the exhaust if you can see it just pouring out of it fuel pump is unhooked so we're safe there you go batteries are dead now let's throw a hot one in it now that it's freed up again we know we probably have a stuck injector or did have it it may be gone now I went through and clicked every one of them and they seemed to work so if we get it to crank here's what we did I wired that side's bank of injectors to this side's bank so they will open and there will be gas in it somewhere and it should run Maybe okay just in case it doesn't I'm going to hold open the throttle blades and you break clean that side of the engine we will become the fuel injection and if it still doesn't crank fast then we probably are gonna have to pull plugs and you know do this correctly but that's no fun [Music] [Applause] so close [Music] oh my God this scared me so bad are you all right yeah I'm good uh big fire by the way um foreign just a little bit it ran though it did Rush now we're just gonna let that burn it's something to do with what I've rigged up here but but I can't ground like there's no signal coming from the ECM to trigger that bank of injectors but let me try something else here so we have four signal wires right two blues and two whites right now I have the blues going together well if I alternate them to the whites that'll work for sure [Music] hey guess what happened what did the exact same thing as last time weird well I don't think it has a stuck injector anymore so there's that yeah it would have hydrolocked by now I'm in the next like timing like when you have a distributor in wrong and then it backfires you know Fireball you know the difference is the fireball points down here instead of so we can actually catch things on fire tremendous vacuum leak Maybe would catch the car on fire it would make it backfire yeah that's a tremendous vacuum leak right there it is wait this hole this thing goes right into the intake well it's missing a whole bunch of stuff I mean this is yeah you know they're supposed to be all kinds of stuff over here I'm just gonna check the firing order so this guy here is one a and they are labeled actually and then oh well that's 6B so we are missing that one and we were missing the other one that we left off by accident that might have been part of our problem oh there's there's six people yes yeah yeah let's go ahead and catch the car on fire again but now we have two more cylinders to burn so yeah thank you fill it up all right wait Jay is the fuel pump hooked up it's not oh my God now stand back little fire well now we have no power to the injectors oh wait yeah we do we didn't a second ago but I'm not getting any ground see that yeah or that one's stuck try this one yeah nothing let's start getting a signal from the ECM again I bet if I were to uh take this that's engaging them right yep but we're losing our signal from the ECM again which is what we had the first time and then we fixed that signal wire and it seemed like it worked carburetor yes kind of come on baby yes [Music] I have it on the floor spoken in it yeah lots of fuel clean up I don't know what that is Dodge but it's idling it is [Music] hell's going on in this thing I don't know [Music] now you want to work huh all right thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] well oh my God yes the Jag will run and it runs just like a Jack now we obviously know fuel injection is better than a car oh it's so much easier what the hell was that dude I think we might be on to something here though I think we have tremendous vacuum leaks and that's why it won't yes run but it is idling what is this though oh that's um I gotta say that's a first um so this started to work this other signal wire so that's what I don't understand necessarily is what changed that made that signal wire star all I did was just put my foot to the floor and just keep cranking it until something happened it worked though so uh I call that Victory yep and now this is going to get bone yarded and turned into other Jag Parts but we might keep the V12 although it doesn't seem to be particularly good yeah but they do make a two four barrel carb intake for it I found and I am kind of interested in that um I'm trying to get hold of the company because it's like 800 and I don't want to spend that on this but if they were to provide it well I certainly wouldn't say no also I think this will fix some of the running problems but I think we're on to something here man we are foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't like that is that no yeah I was retarding it see if it'll start again yep oh I forgot the key oh yeah dang it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] was it on fire yes it was is it currently on fire it might be oh it smells oh it's just leaves and stuff so gas dripped all over the ground oh God it started a fire oh my God Jesus it drove it's actually running decent though yeah it's going oh it's about big fire big fire oh my god um oh big fire big really big fire now super sure that's just driving around in a car it's on fire well I'm just gonna put this back it here that's why it was in there it was meant to be there keep the car from catching on fire well of course it's a drag and so such is life here's two vacuum hoses uh I'm guessing they go here so our game plan here is just to make sure everything's connected that can be connected get it to run again and Pull It in the shop and that way we can work on it once it starts to get dark I mean I'm gonna guess that's a vacuum leak yeah I don't know but it won't hurt to do this let's see what happens foreign [Music] of course I think the throttle position sensor isn't working oh it's not getting any kind of input [Music] [Music] [Music] that's better [Music] [Music] I saw the smoke come back I got scared I actually put the driver's side bank and checkers back onto the passenger side bank because it seemed to run better that way [Applause] running decent yeah the electric fan kicked on the bolt holes in these throttle bodies apparently go straight into the intake that's vacuum as soon as I put my finger over one it idle them so I think all the bolts are in the truck oh good it's on fire again oh that's good wait is it it smells like it I don't know there's no way to see well I guess we'll find out well I can't find any more metric bolts that'll fit that so we'll just make our own metric bolts just like this yeah there we go ah fixed oh hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's running on at least six thank you it's definitely long not running at all no that popping or hearing oh that's the uh fuel building up in the cylinder oh yeah it does burnouts yeah it's normal it's a jug no [Music] oh that's normal probably gonna have to idle it back up yo yeah yeah all right oh my god um well we should probably get out though yeah just get out of the smoking car fascinating oh it's fine hey look at that bumper fell off classy cars these we're gonna fire it up again I have the driver's side injectors wired up correctly now uh and if so if the ecm's working right it should run them if it's still running weird I'm gonna put everything back to the passenger side bank I don't know or care I'd defile the Jag yet again oh man that that was a lot easier I think that might be it that much worse here we go let's go rip this thing while it's still alive thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] trying to get it to clean up or something yeah it doesn't want to what'd you do I don't know nothing that I'm aware of well all right so I think the next thing you'll see us do is uh pulling parts off of this and putting them on the other Jag that's all I got I I don't I don't want to mess with this anymore it will run and drive and I have experience now true the seven power out of the Jag [Music] he's going to become a tale of two Jags clean this thing out see if there's anything of value in it then we're going to clean the wheels up on it throw some new tires on them and then put them on Jack 1.0 oh they were a frequent fly of Terry's Jaguar parts exhaust manifold studs oh my God they spent a lot of money on this thing thermostat gasket thermostats brake pads limited transmission warranty it had the transmission rebuilt in 2007 at 83 000 miles it has 90 000 miles on it now so this transmission it's a turbo 400 has 7 000 miles on it that's a pretty good find there we'll be keeping that oh they had a Carfax done on it well that's good no issues well you could definitely trust a Carfax um yes Jaguar yo Jaguar dealer wants you to have this total Driving Experience tape as a token of our appreciation you'll purchase of your new xjs Neva has a more exciting car than offered with so much to so few sophistication performance jig trying to figure out where you put stands under the car and there is a jack spot for it but uh if you're wondering why this thing is parts well um the whole rail is gone now to this side this thing is doomed before we take these off and put the new tires on I'm gonna clean them up this lip is supposed to be machined all the way to the spoke not black inside there it's going to look a lot better I think oh yeah we'll clean these up with a little thinner and some steel wool how's that one kind of looks good going pretty good oh yeah I got this one done just broke it Loose we'll pop it off of here and put our new master crap Avenger GTs on there hold on two three and we're still waiting on four please hurry up Sir oh yeah I'll have a dinner to go to in my Jack [Music] well that desperately needs a lug nut stud now that is spinning where's the grease cap is it in the wheel yes oh oh yes that's where I left the grease cap uh yeah so now we have two what that studs that are actually working my God what do they do to this thing these look like weird lug nut studs too I could put a tack on the back side of them yeah and then weld them in the other Jags able to steal these well I just realized you have to separate the brake caliper to get the rotor off and I don't really feel like opening that kind of worm so what we will do is take the brake pads out of this car because they actually were like brand new before we do that I'm going to go ahead and completely butcher it and make sure that it's a nerve-wracking situation every time I pull a wheel off a bit from now on by just welding these lug nut studs back into place does it look like I got it yep yep so the cool thing I just noticed is you grease these wheel bearings kind of like a trailer bearing with a greaser in it whatever's in this thing seems like a lot I don't um it's just really empty these are convertible brake pads meaning you can pop them out without taking the caliper off that comes from like racing you know it's some of the Jegs Racing Heritage pull these pins there's one Pistons are pretty far extended because the pads wore so bad two rectangles very sophisticated highly Advanced shapes you used pads off the other car are about double what the other one was there yeah yeah just gentle easy now it looks like a proper jug yes Wheels make a car man [Music] [Music] they have returned yet again to the Jegs kind of got to fill content this video somehow so I figure we should take Parts off of this Jack and put them on the um better Jag this has really nice symbols on the back and these are falling off yes as a matter of fact it's incredibly rare and expensive I paid 500 for this car these cards are not worth anything by the way anybody who thinks they are I am actively trying to purchase another Jack but I don't want to spend eight thousand dollars on one because they're you know horrible but if I could find one for three or four grand or you have one with a V12 let me know because I do want one that's better than this one and it has a V12 you know why not a third time's a charm it'll be super glued it on so it'll hold up for at least one car wash this tail light lens is better it is kind of scratched up we should change that out I'll let you do that it'll have one nice tail light lens and the other one will still look like it emerged from an oven I'm gonna get on the wiper assembly here I'm gonna take this thing off because I think it's under here where's the wiper motor at probably under the damn dashboard or something I don't hear the wiper motor try to run on this whenever I've tried it before that's a problem but I can definitely tell you that I don't think oh you know why these aren't attached to anything because they're loose yeah yeah that'll do it every time I don't know there's got to be something else going on here so I'm going to take this one apart just so I can kind of see what it's supposed to look like the wiper arms themselves actually you bolt in and hold this thing in mystery continues kidding me they were kind enough to put the wiper motor somewhere where you can access it and also somewhere where it gets rained on perpetually really stupid but also very nice at the same time [Music] you'll note that the motor here is covered in Orange RTV probably to keep water out I guess these are cables I think that means inside here is probably a little gear or something Have You freed it from its Moorings it is free free okay math fairly easy yeah I also didn't realize it has a bulkhead plug that you can easily unplug and figure out if we have a voltage problem or a motor problem we'll plug it back in and and see what we get for voltage tried to do something did it yeah once we want to see Power just somewhere there's power okay well I mean if it's got power going it should be working so uh I think I'm just gonna go with the motors bad and we'll swap that one in before we uh reinstall these you know go ahead and make them brand new again look at that brand new Jag wiper arms seventeen thousand dollars will trade for priceless works a lot [Music] while we're waiting for paint to dry why don't we swap out the valve covers I picked these up from lopers in Phoenix and never installed them so now's a good time I think you want to zip those off yes I'll disconnect the battery so you don't hit the field wire on the alternator must be stuck on there yeah sometimes she's hung up on something that's for sure it's a look like inside what do you think goo goo 30 000 miles right huh yeah yeah [Music] spec spec we will just cover this up and now it is a thirty thousand mile engine oh it looks cool it does look cool I wish I could put an air cleaner on it but uh can't because it's the hood so we're gonna have to cut a hole in the hood and put a hood scoop on it but that's another video's problem yes probably around the same time we'll be putting the turbo that's in that box uh probably somewhere in here all right we plugged it in let's see if it uh Works before we go all the way here hey [Music] doesn't sound very good but maybe you won't hear that while driving no let me get down to my spanner and with the spanner I will tighten the windscreen wiper assembly back into place then we will attach it below the Bonnet right here they don't park there's also a couple look at this wiper switch does anybody know what a d means on a wiper death it Cycles once and then parks in the wrong position and they've never park ever if I didn't shut it off it just shuts off on European cars the wipers park on the driver are on the left side of the car because the steering wheel is over here on American cars they're supposed to park over here however it looks way better if you park them on that side and whenever I hit the D button whatever that does it Parks them on that side so at least I'll have a way to park it oh yeah those are gonna work great foreign okay well it needs wiper blades obviously but uh they do work it's better than no wipers okay well I think for our final Act here I'm just going to remove the hood struts off of this thing because you know not that this one doesn't work great but it's a two by four deity is going to carefully zip these off after I get them a two by four to hold up the hood right now you take it off now it's gonna well yeah but there's still one you have a lot of confidence in the Jag Hood strut but look at that let's see like 100 bucks right there nice he actually laughs the hood inside push on that it'll come down does any because it's a Jag you actually latch the hood inside of the car I don't know if I ever showed that it's a Jag so you have to latch the hood yourself with this this time on a tale of two Jags in his eyes Sir Jags a lot of jagging ham here to try to get this Jag to run again maybe probably not probably not but we needed to go away so let's see by the way guys uh I have a contact with a company that makes four barrel intakes for these two six cylinder four barrel intakes for one of these Jacks I think I'm gonna do it and so I think this thing will stay around if you want to see like roadkills vet cart but a Jag cart let me know because uh I think we could do a vet caught but with style and class and sophistication in a Jag I hope the snakes are gone in here oh they probably made babies [Music] rub's really good huh it started better than I thought it would [Applause] [Music] throw nothing I've met for it to be this way for some reason this expertly modified ignition switch is no longer working I don't mean it was done I have repaired it don't worry it's taking a break [Applause] well clearly it's not interested right now so uh we'll just have to help it along a little room tow vehicle [Music] this old Ford sat for like 25 years and uh I pretty much just put gas in it and it worked might be a little superior to the Jag Maybe [Music] right where the neighbors could see it and there you have it folks yes that 85 Jag xjs would run once and not anymore and the other Jag is much improved now yes much better but really well what have we learned today that the real winner is the LTD I mean look at that thing God it's magnificent I mean it's just better in every way anyway thanks for watching pole barn garage and we'll see you guys next time let me know what I should do with both Jags should I make a Jag cart um too much work I don't know what do you think then the other Jag turbo it I don't think it's too much work but I don't know you guys let me know what you what do you think I ought to be doing hey make sure you're following the Instagram and the Facebook and uh you know make sure you give a like and a follow and all that crap because that helps me out so and keeps you in the loop so see you guys next time
Channel: Pole Barn Garage
Views: 267,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pole barn, car, junk, pile, roadkill, rat rod, project, vice grip, digs, jyd, vgg, vice grip garage, pbg
Id: BygboLgGlqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 39sec (3159 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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