ABANDONED 21 Years-Will This Corvette Run and Drive? CHEAP Vette Kart

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welcome back to pole barn garage where today we're going to be working on the finest of garbage this 1989 Corvette I bought out a car lot of three really junk cars you're going to be seeing coming up I bought the 68 cutless the 71 lemon Sport and then this $89 Corvette for $500 it is worth every penny let me tell you we've got the arrow package on here we've got the Hideous '90s Wheels we have all the peeling waterborne clear coat you could ask for the natural water feature in the roof it's very fancy we have the theft recovery special and worst of all we have tuned port injection inside we have quite luxurious accommodations in the C4 vet there seems to be a horiculture experiment going on here there's all kinds of things growing in the floors she's got the digital dash uh yeah it's pretty fancy custom uh steering wheel here you can drive that with handcuffs saw no problem let's pop the hood and see what's under there I haven't even looked at it uh how do you do that here it is oh there it is right there uh I don't think it works well I don't know how to open this oh that did the trick who knew under here we have one of the worst things ever devised by man the T port injection we can see if it will work but I was when I loaded it on the trailer I noticed that the fuel line looked like it was cut in here somewhere yeah there it is at least I'm assuming that's a fuel line uh that's going to make things difficult and you know this isn't going to run anyway so maybe we just go ahead and start by throwing a carburetor on it I suppose first things first let's see if it cranks and I'm going to do that by just throwing a battery in it and see what happens mhm yep yeah maybe I'll hook this up and the car will just burn itself to the ground immediately and and then we won't have to worry about any of this you know and I could just move on to something better oh electric Fan's running oh my God all kinds of stuff is happening what on Earth stop why interesting any gas coming out of there maybe you're just a vapor hose that'd be cool I there's no way it runs right oh my God everything's on stop stop it now thankfully someone has taken the liberty of removing the key oh cranked it cranks good it only shows 106,000 Mi it's too bad this thing is so trashed well everything shuts off my butt is very very wet now obviously we got no fuel probably have no fuel pump I mean that's got to be the fuel line right I I keep going back and forth on it yep look it under here at the gas tank that ripped off line is definitely a fuel line check the oil in it make sure we're good there oh yeah full oil I think she'll uh she'll be a runner well I have made my decision we're going to rip all this off and put a carburetor on it uh to keep things simple now also I kind of want to make it into a vet cart before all the hateful comments start it's a C4 Corvette nobody cares and also has no title and it's just trashed man but we can have fun with this well the first step to getting rid of this complete disaster of the intake is removing all of it you see so this is assembled with the second worst thing known to man and torque spits got to remove our throttle cable and our TV cable for the 700 R4 in this and we will have to uh make sure we reinstall that on the carburetor kind of like when we did that Jaguar that has the small block in it uh last summer it could probably do without the cruise control or this car is headed and we now ever so gently remove the air cleaner hous very gentle get our upper hose off here these are just awful I mean there's no room in here you can't do anything got wires and computers and stuff I don't really like driving a calculator there it goes bone dry just how I like upper intake should be pretty much ready to come off of there come out of there now come Jesus it's got more things attached to it of course 7,000 vacuum lines and wires hoses and that stuff just everywhere God excellent excellent excellent yeah let's throw this right where it belongs in the scrap Heat next step here is going to be remove the fuel injector rails I think and then we can access the lower intake remove it I think I got to pull the runners off before I get to those rails is that not have the the fuel rails come up I mean what come on there we go little sticky might have a little barnish in it you know okay how did that help me doesn't appear to have helped me at all as far as I'm aware what the hell is this thing is this thing need to be here what is oh god what the hell is that you know what I'm getting out the death wheel goodby smog pump thing yep ah ah yes what is does any of this stuff do nobody actually knows what is this thing for nobody knows nobody nobody knows what this is ah yes well there we go see now that's out of our way and we can disconnect fuel lines pretty easily there that was easy sh that is full of varnish excellent yep like to get this Runner out the rest of the way I got to pull this valve cover so I'll just gently move this wiring bit now taking a peek inside the valve cover will kind of give us an idea what kind of shape the engine's in too oh of course there's so much crap in these cars you can't even remove a valve cover yes it's requires a game of operation to do that lousy bolt right there an eigh of an inch would allow you to remove the valve cover like that much why why why are they why were they like this in the'80s what was wrong with them I'm going to go ahead and make sure that this is never a problem ever again like magic the valve cover can come off now it's amazing a miracle really all that so I could remove this so I could remove the intake this is why nobody likes this crap goodbye now that said this engine is in very good shape inside it looks like very very clean aluminum heads here pretty exotic stuff for 1989 and what we got to do next is pull the distributor out of it this is number one on these and they're secured with bolts that you can't access cuz they're back here it's really nice and handy so uh there we go there that's how you do that the easy way we just want to take a note of where our rotor is pointing right now and it is pointing basically directly at the transmission dipstick which is pretty handy I'm just going to make a mark on that dipstick that way when we drop our new distributor in which you have to change the distributor these are locked out at zero they have no mechanical Advance CU they have computers that do it for it or whatever you'll have to put a standard old school distributor in it and these are a roller cam typically you need like a bronze gear on a roller cam but these Factory cams are a little bit softer than the aftermarket ones so you don't really got to worry about that too much and out you come you know working on this uh has made me realize that I never actually want to own one of these that I care about even remotely look at I mean there's just no room for anything want to take a guess where this is going that's right in the scrap peep goodbye at last we can remove the lower intake manifold oh no of course I have to remove everything attached to it in order to remove anything imagine doing something as simple as replacing take a thermostat on this thing I mean that would be a nightmare this thing's maybe not in the best of shape yeah dump all that stuff right down in the engine that's great little cleanup work to do here it's just full of nutshells hindsight being what it is I probably should have done this [Music] first so these are roller lifters you can tell cuz it has the spider thing in the middle and what that means is the lifter does not spin in the board it has a wheel on it and it rides on the cam pretty high-end stuff for the late 80s uh it's a good small block to build from here's the intake going to go with here it's a generic Summit Racing dual plane I picked that up at a swap meat for 30 bucks be great candidate for this I'm a little concerned with how much room I'll have around that oil sending unit in the back here so let's just give her a quick test fit before we commit and yeah there's plent PL room it's going to look just fine in there and one good thing about the C4 here is the way the hood opens you can just crawl right in here so I'm going to build my China of walls out of some RTV I personally don't ever use the gaskets and I like to smear just a little bit of RTV around the coolant ports to help position our gasket and also takes up for any pitting or anything in the surface of the head I like to give them about 10 minutes just to skin over a little bit and then I figured they're ready to go looks like the RTV smooshed out pretty nice all around I got this complete set of intake bolts off of Holly's clearance they're for a big block Chevy but I think they'll work on this I think they were like $2 I mean come on always Torque from the center out yeah there we go torqued that's exactly the correct foot poundage actually it's in newton meters it's pretty complex stuff let's go ahead and put a distributor in it got this uh random used Chevy distributor at least I think it's a Chevy distributor had that laying around we'll throw that in we're going to drop it in try to get it to point at that transmission dipstick okay so it's gone past just a hair might have to get a big screwdriver turn that oil pump back you got two things you got to deal with when you install the distributor and anything you got the oil pump drive and you have the teeth on the cam the Chevy the oil pump Drive is just a blade so so if you could just get down on there grab the oil pump drive shaft turn it back just a smidge and we could try to redrop in hopefully our gears will mesh correctly we can get that thing to point right where I want boom right at the dipstick that gives us enough room to play with even if we're off a tooth or something like that I'm just going to change out this one valve cover gasket here uh cuz I had to remove It Slam this back into place here now that I've got that bolt out of the way we should be able to just drop it right in right just that easy just so simple lots of room in here oh yeah there we go I'm kind of having a some issues with the angle of this dangle here and uh cuz if I put a normal Chevy one on it's not very good is it we kind of need one that just goes straight let me go dig around a little more see what else I can find I got a used thermostat here out of something who knows what and then some random water neck here that seems like it might work and I have a random really long hose here that might work turns out that the radiator hose I found under my workbench is an exact match see you just plop it right on like that and she's good to go all right there we go some a 600 Holly uh vacuum secondary nothing special should get the job done no problem for this thing bolt that down get the plug wires on and running out of daylight so that might do it for today Rob this throttle bracket assembly off the Jaguar uh just to make things easier cuz it has a 700 R4 uh bracket in it however I think I'm going to have to flip this bracket around so I can get a little more tension on that cable it's very critical that that gets set up correctly a little bit sloppy but she already self adjusted you can tell it's maxing out the cable cuz it's moving the whole bracket uh that's probably pretty close we're not going to know for sure till we drive it then we can f tune uh I got to figure out how the hell I'm going to hook this to a carburetor and I'm thinking a few zip ties will probably do the trick uh so we just shove that through there it kind of lands where it needs to land up here and uh then we just you know zip tie right through those holes and it'll work fine what could possibly go wrong here nothing nothing at all oh my god I've done some stupid things and this is one of them well I've returned to the vet here and uh I've done I did a few things last night put a heater hose nipple in it we can hook that up we have to plug this weird little teed off line for the heater hose there got to plug that so we don't spray coolant everywhere you know I didn't have a plug for that so I just put a shut off valve in the intake there to plug that hole hook up vacuum lines brake booster PCV the vacuum advance uh probably going to have to plug this EGR crap it may not be necessary right away but we will have to do it we got to find a 12volt keyed power for it and then hook up a boat tank a fuel pump and see what happens I'm kind of just scrunching for everything I can find here uh you know I'm trying not to spend a ton of money on this thing today is Thanksgiving so Happy Thanksgiving to all you I hope you had a good one that's why it's kind of late in the day I don't know how much I'm going to get done today I'm barely functional if I'm being honest we'll get what we can done it's supposed to snow in like 2 days so I got to at least get this thing to be able to run and drive into the shop uh before that happens look up the brake booster and uh notice it's made in Australia this weird also this car has been off the road since 2002 21 years ago that uh explains a lot salvages vacuum line for this submissions garbage aha commence the beeping and the worrying and the buzzing or not well that's a little concerning oh there we go that's incredibly inconvenient keys on let's see if we got any power on our Factory coil wire here we might that makes things pretty easy hell yeah I'll take that let's see if we can find a fuel pump power you know it would be cool if we could use the original fuel pop power seems I've angered this thing somehow it no longer wants to crank everything comes on we got power everywhere got no cranking maybe it's a neutral safety switch not really sure but we'll deal with that in a second let's get our boat tank mounted and everything uh oh wow it actually worked okay wow the shocks are even good still n that's installed there be any fuel pump wiring in here maybe ah hey I bet that's a fuel pump relay well this uh white wire whatever the hell it is seems to have power that'll work let's make sure it goes off with the key it doesn't okay that will not work there we go mhm there's bound to be some wiring in here also that is a steel tank so I'm glad we're going boat tank cuz h no reason to take a chance on it right oh yeah I think we made the right call there that's junk that stinks now one of these things is bound to be fuel pump there we go purple and black seem to be power for the fuel pump that'll work Clacks all wired up conveniently just routed everything right through here it's beautiful uh all right so we can clean this up now that's ready to put some gas in it it works we got to make the damn thing crank though that shifter won't move let's start there let's try the approach first hey there we go please work well I don't know what the deal is it's getting cold and dark though I'm going to poke around up here in the wiring see if I can't find where the actual start terminal you know from the start terminal on the solenoid of the starter runs uh and then if we just put Power to that it'll crank we have power on the distributor we have a fuel pump it will run I didn't have any luck up top but however uh you can get right to the solenoid it's right on the bottom of the freaking car so I hooked up a jumper wire here let's touch it to the battery see what happens all right guys you have to pardon the lighting you know not all of us have multi-million dollar shops to work in and some of us have these things called jobs we have to work around too and of course we'll make this better later but I I really just want to get this thing to run hell yeah all right let me turn on the fuel pump key and uh see if it makes some noise let put some gas in it first we got gas now let's see what happens be good to me girl oh yeah all right come on baby I know it's cold woo let's get that timing dialed in what the hell is that what the hell is that well she's a runner for sure that looked like the backing plate of the water pump like it's got a hole in it or something it's just pouring out of there I don't think K seal is going to take care of that uh so I'll get a water pump on order for this thing it's a special one of course it is kind of smells like fire not going to lie it's probably fine we got to plug that that EGR pipe there uh as well as these that's why it sounds so weird but oh overall I'm pretty damn happy with that good morning everyone it's a Brisk and beautiful morning and by that I mean it's cold as hell so let's get this piece of crab started and try to pull it into the shop uh I'm going to air up the tires I think it's got one or two Flats let's see if we get it started check the transmission fluid hopefully the damn thing goes into gear that's kind of important also it's missing a steering wheel I forgot about that I better go find a steering wheel I don't want to trash these tires driving on them low you know they got got a lot of life left in them can't hardly tell that they're flat just cuz of the how low profile they are I uh feel like my life is probably in danger right now ah right out of the scrap trer will this work let's see um I guess not oh yeah it kind of does it's that telescopic wheel let going to throw us for a loop here trying to figure out how to make this you know not suck looks like the inside of that bar bearing has come apart in here uh maybe that's why they had it tore apart so on these telescoping columns this part just slides right out I think there's like a really long bolt that threads in here and that the whole like turns the whole thing and then it won't slide out anymore I just took a screwdriver it was able to tap around on that make it quite a bit better just driving that in obviously it's not going to last we should be able to just put a little tack weld on that just retain that bearing it'll work fine well that lasted for about 2 seconds I don't know we'll we'll have to deal with that once we get it in the shop let's see if this heap of shit'll start got something in it yeah let's try it [Music] [Music] I don't think it has reverse but it moves forward all right the brakes work huh oops it's not good in here uh it must be pretty low on transmission fluid it moved at first let me get down to the flat ground here and we'll check it again yeah it's not good it's got fluid it's only about a qu low we'll try it see got transmission's junk I've got it up in the air I wanted to make sure the shifter is actually moving the linkage and it is I think the trans is probably launched okay I just put it in gear and it moves what the hell what did I do well let's put it at the shop I kind of think we got a sticky solenoid or something in it hey maybe we can work with that I can't explain that at all I think I'm going to run up and get a filter for this thing it's some fluid and we'll we'll throw a transmission filter in it and just kind of know clean it up I bet that fluid is just nasty and sticky uh it's worth a shot I would have just gave up on it ripped the motor out of it if it wouldn't have pulled in here so you you got a second chance at life life here all right just just play ball cold weather moving in I went ahead and winterized shop here you we're uh that's that's insulated it's like r58 7/3 yep we're waiting on a transmission filter for this while we wait for that why don't we go ahead and throw a water pump on it I have a bolster here this is a company that makes these little organization trays and with they're like made out of silicone right so you can just stick bolts in them and hold all your bolts it's pretty handy I've had them for a little while I always forget to bring them out I I'll drop a link down for them not paying me to say that or anything I just they watch the channel and they're cool company you know they have to remove this giant dinner plate off the front of the engine you see you know what this does JD uh no nothing we're going to serve dinner on that bad boy later and also you might notice the nostrils that we have installed well not installed but set on there for aesthetic purposes I think we need the nostrils this is in my way let's make it not be in my way anymore yeah this is in my way yeah this thing's really up my way well it's less in your way now it is but there we go now it's now it's really not you know much in the way wait if it falls off I'm not going to do that we'll be smart today this is how well made these cars were look how many body shims were that good Lord we don't need to buy those for a while there she goes well that was easy there we go easy God bless that waste block there's one of those thankfully working on all the sophisticated more modern vehicles like this are uh this is so much better and easier than an old car like instead of just like two bolts to take the water pump off you have to disassemble the entire front of the engine it's so much better you know it's really more sophisticated twice the amount of work yes exactly that way they can bill you for twice as much ah see come on we're going to lose the shop there's a hose here that runs through it oh my God this is so dumb I love new cars yeah it's great isn't it be thankful your car is a 59 it has one thing you imagine like growing up working on cars in the 50s or 60s you know everything is user friendly and then they come out with this crap and watch those fuel lines you know you imagine if I wouldn't have disassembled most of it already what a at least that's out of the way now we can take the water pump off wow JD B to get the ratchet um stuck good job Judy thank you um hopefully we can still get this off I'm pretty sure it'll just pop right off once you get down past all the BS it's just a regular small block in here oh water pump that's right there we go oh I got a winner here guys I can't even put my finger through that oh it's a winner you know why look at that that little rust hole there mhm uh I'm going to guess that it had a leak there and they just started dumping stop leak in it mhm yeah you can tell how well that worked out for him so anyway let's just ignore that and uh pretend we never looked at that and uh we'll just put a new water pump on it call it a day 50 bucks for this bad boy pretty nice water pump I got to say you'll note that I didn't clean the bolts off oh no I did that for a very specific reason because I'm lazy well no cuz the grease will hold the bolt in well yeah and I'm also stupid hey this a lot easier without the hood on it yeah I'm glad we did that you know maybe this thing will be like wow they're they're really taking care of me I mean they're really going to do great things for me maybe I'll maybe my transmission will just start working or you know maybe it won't do any of those things and then we burn it well do definitely not GD don't be ridiculous well let's get these fuel lines out of our way anyway right smells weird oh oh hey there was gas in it JD is trying to figure out how to work on the world's easiest heater hose see yeah it's very simple to get to that you know and tighten that clamp it's no problem really simple I don't know what the hold up is JD's getting it buttoned up up here putting the tensioner back on actually I had a new belt it was in the I bought it for the Jag on the way back from Arizona and it's for a vet so we'll go ahead and throw this on here and then we'll dig into the transmission you know the the actual problem here okay just put the belt on you know serpentine belts are way better than V belts you know it's modern and and Superior uhhuh see how simple and easy it is yeah you see how really just no problem it is to figure out there's a diagram right there though so we should probably work off of that around here it goes under that right yep so turns out you don't need this thing this is just to reduce the felt shock of the engine when the AC compressor kicks in so we'll just uh fill her up with some antifreeze we'll get her up in the air I guess we'll uh service a transmission HH that sounds like fun doesn't it yeah oh boy God look at the stop L coming up out of this no it's fine sh don't look at it it's fine no stop looking oh my no see how the back of the cars off the ground yeah the cars are very rigid they're actually pretty well made it looks like the crack head's got one of their catalytic converters they didn't quite make it through this one before they got shot but it's missing that one this one's halfway saw through Let's uh go ahead and continue this complete waste of time I'm going go ahead drop the pan drain the fluid into this mortar tray you know then we'll put a filter and more fluid in it and then it still won't work God stop it get it in your eye yes all over oh it stinks oh God it smells so bad what the hell is in this stuff it's so burned oh this thing's J oh God they're beautiful beautiful that's what we want to see there I mean that's actually not what we want to see at all but uh that's pretty bad yeah this is one of the worst I think I've ever seen we got an appetite now we'll just let that drip dry let's take a look in the pan oh man the fil filter is completely plugged that might have been it that's a magnet that's just metal actually not that bad I mean it's all stuck to this magnet that part's a little concerning that's pretty bad but like as far as the rest of the pan goes it's not that bad magnet did its job yeah it did I would say transmission definitely is good it's definitely fine yep apparently there's no bolts for this no there he goes oh of course the seal stay behind there's the new filter if you wanted to see any more than that on an automatic transmission um well you're not going to find it here because look I'm just some regular guy okay I'm not going to be here pretending that I'm some kind of Super Genius I don't know anything about this and this is not the car I want to learn on okay in fact I never want to learn on them like most guys that do this stuff right so I don't I just don't care enough I new again oh that magnet's flat it was just covered up so much oh look at all that clutch is that clutch yeah that's clutch material oh there we are yeah I'm kind of surprised this thing has a cast aluminum pain man that's kind of cool huh it' be cooler if it would bolt to the damn car we'll get this baby bolted back up we're going to let that RTV set up while we eat dinner and we'll fill it up with fluid and see if the thing moves I really think that might have been it I mean that thing is yeah pretty bad that's that's probably the worst filter I've ever seen actually you know normally even when you have a transmission that's bad you take him apart and I the fluid might look kind of gross like I've never seen a filter just plugged well let's change the oil here while we're waiting for that doing anything did I just round that off cuz I got the one size fit some wrench here and uh maybe I should just get the right wrench huh yeah she's got a pins oil oil filter oh oh yes yes pins oil oil filter it's only the finest for this piece of look at what I'm doing look at what I'm doing using an oil filter ramps to tighten an oil filter see that see that that's just the kind of evil that I am it's quite the interesting soup we've made here bathe in it only the finest of liquid Golds for this bad boy that's right store brand M see we don't have to use zinc in this cuz it's a roller C so if you think about it like that I'm basically saving money right now by owning this car got to warm up the goo so I'm just going to preemptively install some miracle goo in here uh that's going to fix it for sure oh it's too thick to go down the tube here I have an idea so we'll put a little of this in first and we know we're going to need at least a gallon now we just put this in here and then we put the whole mess in there we go we'll fill this up and fire it up pre a little need a little bit more okay way too much [Music] [Music] [Music] fell off oh shoot oopsies oh no look Run's pretty good yeah I know thought I get that timing set a little bit better but hey it works yeah I'll take that this distributor moved it itself a lot that's why it was so doggy yeah it'll probably run great now well we're going to actually Bolt the steering wheel on but before we do that I got to figure out a way to retain that bearing and the only thing that comes to my mind is to push it down in there and uh throw a tack weld on either side of that shaft and well that'll work somewhere like uh oh right about there not enough room in this there we go there oh a little wobble to it I can live with that yeah long as it stays in there you know seems like it's going to I think it works yo it's uh absolutely on fire it is oh oh no uh-oh oh my god oh no oh God damn 1980s cars are so flammable here is it still going I don't know there smoke coming out it's fine yep all right well I'm missing well you know everything to disassemble this or to reassemble the telescoping part of this column so I'm just going to shove it in and weld it and uh we will let me get this out of the way first there we go but but uh I just need to cut a little access hole here so I can weld it you know did we uh just set this on fire yeah oh okay we're going to do it again yeah probably no we're good look at that that works pretty good yeah cool I'll take it yeah all right I have returned today uh I want to start ripping the car apart I mean uh restoring it we got a few things to wrap up here on the engine we got to plug all this EGR nonsense I found so this is the big culprit right there that big tube there I cut off the other end of the tube and realized that one of the old intake bolts fits in there pretty good so we'll just weld that bolt in there and that'll seal that we'll copper coat it glue it right back down that'll plug that shoving a Giant Bolt will plug all these air pump um for this smog pump or whatever these will plug that no problem so I have this comically oversized bolt here it fits in there pretty nicely and we'll just cover it in some copper silicone cuz it's heat resistant and yeah I mean we want to really make sure that we're doing this right uh taking our time uh making sure that we're giving this car the Justice it deserves as a uh fine American sports car oh that is simply beautiful wow what a thing of Glory that is wow I I amaze myself all right let me just put this in the workbench here so I can weld it up there it is it's in the workbench now I know it's hard to tell look at that beauty oh my goodness now that's some welding folks m well I think the balancer has slipped or something super goofy cuz it was reading like 50° uh it's not that but well whatever it sounds better oh anyway let's completely dismantle this entire car we obviously got to make this thing as light as possible so that it is actually respectable as the original American sports car see if I can figure out how to pull this front bumper off of here mostly cuz I'm putting off actually doing things inside the car cuz uh I don't know if I mentioned this but I bought it off of a car lot and it's kind of in the not best neighborhood and there was homeless people living in the cars in the car lot and well this is one of them so I'm kind of scared what I'm going to find in there look at all these quality shins everywhere what a finely made car this is will you C off of there oh there's another bolt oh I'm kind a Corvette specialist uh yeah see this was junk anyway you don't want that on your bet that was kind of a it was a it was a rare option to to not have that part see we don't need any of that all optional we will of course be disposing of all of this in a environmentally friendly fashion so don't worry about that I think we might want to take it for a test drive okay uh before we uh delve too much further in we're actually putting bolts back in uh this was unbolted I didn't unbolt that brace but uh now JD will finish our battery hold down install you see for safety uh just uh sit anywhere you know okay you move some stuff uhhuh just some stuff what the heck is this I am not sure what the hell this thing is okay it's heavy whatever it is door one unlock you know of all the cars I bought this is the only one that had keys and they're not even the right keys I know it opened I did what well good thing that won't be there for long I mean uh we're going to restore this car yeah pop in ah from the comfort oh the glass see you got no roof it's nice uhhuh oh the tires oh the tires are really bad it might be that piece of crap fuel PFF those things are terrible ah Sho I can't see think I got it probably should have clean this out first huh yeah oh my God you good uh I think so all right oh God the tires are so [Music] bad it shifts like the transmission seems to work yeah that's actually surprising it's cool you left all these bird out marks down here huh [Applause] you know it runs okay I think the weights in that distributor are stuff but I was kind of wondering if all that stop leak might have been a head gasket but oil's nice and clean JD there's two ways to make something faster more power that's expensive or getting rid of weight that's cheap pretty much as I suspected they're not totally froze but they are definitely Rusty and nasty looking I mean barely hanging in there and they seem to work but they're sticky I have this Chinese distributor here I'll just go ahead and Rob the weights the Springs out of it and uh probably change out the cap and rotor while I'm at it with this one I didn't want to use the Chinese distributor cuz well they're terrible but uh maybe I should have in hindsight just open the door JD it's just just open it it's easy you need to cut those wires yeah but it's this that's no no no cut those wires open the door very easy very simple we'll take care of that door here in a second but just want to show you I just decided to clean up the uh Factory weights in here and put the new Springs on they move real nice now so we'll put this together with a new rotor and cap that should be good hey look what just showed up our new beanies from pbar merch.com you can pick you up one of these bad boys they're Champion they're nice we got a good deal on them they're like close out you know like bulk champion items I guess they don't make this kind anymore so we snagged them up and selling them as cheap as we possibly can so go to pobar march.com check them out you're actually not supposed to take the Target tops out of these cars a lot of people did and uh regretted it very badly [Music] yeah oh there you go I will dispose of this in an environmentally friendly fashion M I don't know what do you think should we I kind of like it right now I do too the vet cart I don't know I mean it's still recognizable as a vet like with the tail lights yeah yeah I mean I actually think this might be superior with the wing too mhm fancy speaker yeah just cut the wires well this is a good speaker that doesn't mean you can't cut the wires cut them on the other side of the pigtail and then we keep the whole thing God hey look evidence of the homeless people [Music] the special Corvette rck oh gentle we will dispose of that in accordance with EPA regulations what's in [Music] here oh god oh the hell is that thing I don't know what in the name of God is that the ABS pump it is what the hell what's in this one oo transmission fluid the jack a koozie W look at that that's very 90s oh a bottle Koozie uhhuh big Johnson fire hoses yeah I think we did the right thing keep keep the tub in here now it's useful that is useful gently remove this radio That's a [Music] classic all right we're all set aren't we I routed the fuel line more safely I've wired the starter to a push button for extreme convenience the snow is here so let's go drive it better buckle up at least we got seat belts heck yeah now our Dash is so much better now yeah this thing's pretty much a winter driver little w we did backu it dude this swirly as hell I don't want to drive too far on these tires we were freaking sideways like 30 m an hour can't you feel the thrill no it's beautiful today isn't it hang on hang on hang on fell off oh fire fire what the heck what is it dude exhaust the planes were just going all over it like coming out of it the whole time well it's fine are you sure no I just saw fire and I never put that back oh well that's gone now well at least it gets dark in like 5 minutes maybe the f is there a plug wire off or something it is it started to run kind of weird cuz it was like Flames were going coming out of the exhaust yeah it's cuz it's so amazing yeah hang on let me check the firing order just to be sure because I did put a new cap on it you know uhhuh I just verified the firing order it looks fine I don't really know but I don't know choke shut maybe that's why maybe it's all right yeah a little bit of blue flames but that's it that's normal all right I got to hold the battery in there we go hey that's the beauty of this uh setup here I can do maintenance and drive safe time pretty cool you don't get that on most cars you know pry okay we kind of lost the transmission there for a minute good thing I drove even further from home it's almost nighttime it's snowing and I don't even have my phone on me I don't either oh all right I hope it gets us home all right we've turned this into an Adventure all of a sudden I'll take it easy on it look at that beautiful I can multitask all day this is no problem it's making weird noises and feeling weird I don't know what's going to happen now what kind of car do you even get for 500 bucks these days what a piece of crap can't do anything it's get back in piece of oh my God it's so warm out I know here let me just oh yeah yeah yeah hell it doesn't work anymore piece of crap car oh my God I hate this car I love this car I love this car it's cool broken uhoh oh there he goes yeah he flashes lights at me like I have headlights what a dubass well I think it's safe to say that it's great it needs nothing what's what's wrong with it I honestly don't know uh why it's running that way actually I kind of wonder if it's that clicky clack fuel pump yeah prob is it's an $111 one from Amazon it ain't hot it's it seems okay [Applause] yeah here a buck huh did you hear a buck when it started yeah so it's the timing is a little far Advanced not too bad though the transmission is junk it's going bad definitely and but you know cuz it would run great yeah and then you know and then it just wouldn't even do anything I just started this to move it so this is reverse see how it's really hard to move yeah put it neutral the forward solenoids are stuck in the transmission it's stuck in forwards all the time even at Park it's trying to move well we'll just ignore that yeah I think the last thing we're going to do to this in this video is install the nostrils uh so I have this old can it kind of fits see thing is they're too too tall it needs to be up a little bit higher it needs to be up what I mean we could try to make it out of this can like make it bend it wider yeah we'll cut it up here uhhuh and then we'll just snip it up the side open it up and then make the cut out of tape I'll show you yeah [Music] wa look at that wow pretty good huh all right so we set her up just like this right now we go get some metal tape metal okay I see what you got here you see this uh yep see my genius pretty smart huh I can't afford a tunnel ram I can afford a coffee can behold the nostrils see those definitely won't fall off immediately but they look cool sitting here but with that I think the ultra budget vet cart has come to a close at least for today got any ideas down there I was thinking 671 then I was thinking transmission pretty much awall uh I don't know you let me know you got a got four speeed Ling around for cheap you know let me know hit me up uh uh we maybe we can do something with it this is honestly this will just be my little yard buggy and I'll use it to drive around here when I'm working on stuff uh and use it as a go-kart and drive it in the woods and stuff kind of like JD's Kia on the other channel outside the barn make sure you subscribe to that uh so check out the merch sites uh you know thanks for watching and uh we we'll see you next time up bar garage we'll be working on I don't know probably that red blond's next I'm guessing
Channel: Pole Barn Garage
Views: 221,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pontiac, gto, bullet goat, pole barn, car, junk, pile, roadkill, rat rod, project
Id: l0--R7UWb94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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