The Rivalry Between Prince Charles & Prince William | Father & Son?| Real Royalty

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[Music] Charles and William father-and-son heirs to a kingdom like characters in a Shakespeare play they have lived through more tragedy and change than most families could ever contemplate the scandal of a royal divorce and the untimely death of a mother Charles is controversial second marriage to Camilla the woman Diana blamed for her unhappiness these events could have broken the love of these two men yet they have remained visibly fond of each other it seems that adversity has only strengthened their bond a warm-hearted son to his father William has been no less generous to his sometimes troubled younger brother Harry Perry has completed its training and is now in the army effectively that means that he can't spend every weekend with his beloved papa as he once did down at Highgrove but I think they get on well the three of them I mean they've come together through pretty much through thick and thin you think back only nine years to Princess Diana's death Charles was the single parent and he's done a pretty good job of raising a confidante to his mother William at the age of 15 had his world riven asunder by her tragic death unlike William Charles is often perceived as eccentric and extravagant his aides put toothpaste on his toothbrush for him and he has an old-fashioned image Prince Charles is actually an old fogey 57 year old Prince Charles is old for his age and I think William's a bit young for his age along with Diana's charisma and film star looks William has inherited her strong will this obstinacy can create difficulties for his advisors diana was very stubborn and William errs as well it's very interesting that William will not be railroaded into anything he will put his foot down dig his heel in and he will not budge or be budged by anyone by going to Sandhurst Britain's military academy William accepted royal convention and followed his father's advice in his private life he has chosen a woman very unlike his father's less suitable choices Kate Middleton is a thoroughly modern and practical young woman who could one day be queen probably 99.9% certain that Kate and William will marry hate brings many things to William that make his life meaningful and special William being the very stubborn man that he is will not be hurried into any decision until he is full and ready for it unlike Charles William is a man of his time he's in touch perhaps it's here that the real possibility of rivalry could emerge William is already gaining an image better suited to a future king of the modern nation Britain is fast becoming Charles has worked hard to overcome the public hostility he faced at the time of his divorce and in the aftermath of Diana's death he and his sons present a united front however opinion polls are often against Charles's accession to the throne in favour of Williams if anyone is unhappy with the dynamic it will be Charles but having said that he's very generous he likes to he likes to share the limelight with the boys he wants them to be popular he he feels it's important that they learn about the kind of life they've got in the future [Music] [Applause] an autumn afternoon in London press cameramen and television crews await the arrival of Prince William to officially open a new baby unit at San Mary's Hospital the crowds give him a warm welcome the occasion is a very poignant one for Prince William it was here that he was born 24 years ago on these steps he was presented to the world by his proud parents Harry was born s and marries two years later William has returned to open the neonatal unit which cares for premature babies destined for a life very different to most people his easy royal manner and his youthful personality a very reminiscent of his mother's well they've got to be big enough to be able to take all the feeds on him so it won't be possible there any help wait they're doing that already sir I think being fed 12 times a day I think I don't put on weight definitely definitely very snug there's a lot of Diana in William and I'm sure Charles is probably the first person to see it Williams formal introduction to public duties came on son David stay March the 1st in 1991 he was 8 years old almost the same age as Charles when he was created Prince of Wales William learned how to respond to the crowds [Music] both parents introduced the shy William to the people of Wales but it was his mother who guided him and mentored his progress 15 years on William is making solo visits his royal career is now split between military training and carefully selected events such as this [Music] until he is king his role is to see and be seen by the people of Britain and the far-flung Commonwealth he began solo engagements representing the Queen in New Zealand in 2005 a year later he has mastered the delicate balance between friendliness and keeping a royal dignity on these occasions [Music] for the rest of his life the press will be nearby watching and recording his every public moment [Music] once reluctant to accept his royal duty William has matured and learned to make use of his commanding presence he is said to become one of Britain's tallest and best-looking Kings his mother was once called the jewel in the crown her role has been inherited by her elder son he's considered the great hope of the monarchy William's natural magnetism is something most politicians can only envy [Music] [Applause] his childhood shyness is gone but this relaxed style of his mid-twenties has not come easily I think he's practiced to feel at ease I don't think he always does I think if you can just look at his cheeks they flush up a little bit every time he goes on a public job I think he is still slightly nervous at the at the enormity of the task I was there what years ago when he was did his first major public outing in Canada when he saw these ghosts oh we love you William he doesn't like it but at the same time William loves the job that he's got he's got a face in the future he knows he's got a lot of responsibility and I think he does a good job when he goes out and does public duties in 2006 Charles and Camilla made an official visit to Pakistan an ally in the battle against terrorism this was a serious mission to defuse international tensions but the media revived memories of Diana's solo tour 15 years ago Charles's Peace Initiative was undermined by comparisons between Camilla's and Diana's clothes long after her death Diana can still overshadow Charles William cuts a more striking an impressive figure than his father I do think that Diana if she could see William today would think that he's got a lot of Spencer in him first of all he's got her steely determination he wants what he wants when he wants it and he gets what he wants normally William and Harry's relationship with Diana didn't evolve beyond that of child and parent her untimely death meant that they never had the chance to form an adult relationship with her in their memories she is still the vibrant and attentive mother who found time to share their youthful adventures and activities trying to compensate for a broken home she often accompanied them on daredevil adventures like this whitewater rafting holiday there were frequent trips to faraway locations such as film star Goldie horns ranch in Colorado where the boys could race around on quad bikes some might think that the young princes were rather spoiled by Diana's indulgence and that they developed a worrying taste for speed and thrills as well as driving cars William is fond of motorbikes Prince Charles is unhappy about the risks involved his motorbike because when he's got his helmet on he's totally anonymous and people you know don't notice him on the road but naturally like any parent his father doesn't approve of the motorbike he's been very reluctantly allowing him to have one but you know Williams old enough and sensible enough to to take care of himself on the road and he doesn't take unnecessary risks William went to sand Andrews University in Scotland after his gap year his father had gone to Cambridge on inferior grades but William won his University place fairly the media were more focused on his romantic than his academic life some helpfully paraded society beauties whom he might like to date [Music] Queen making became a press pastime [Music] but William made his own friends he took a group of them on a luxurious cruise this glossy posse of young people from well-connected backgrounds were all delighted to be part of Williams elite circle being close to or a member of the royal family it's almost like having some kind of magic dust all over you you can be as famous as you like but if you are if you have a title or in with the rules then it's then it's that little bit extra that really makes it special among that group are the Palmer Tomkinson sisters Santa on the left and her lively a sister Tara their parents were old friends of Charles and Tara liked to make the best of her royal connections she became an a-list celebrity somebody who's become famous just by being associated with the royal family she comes from a wealthy family and had access to all the right places she's good-looking and lot of men find her very attractive a lot of women found her very interested and they want to know what she was up to and all of a sudden she's everywhere tarah gained a flirtatious image which he did little to discourage she also admitted drug problems which she struggled to overcome her lifestyle and frequent appearances in gossip columns led to whispers about the extent of her royal friendships she was wrongly linked with William several years her junior unwisely she drew attention to the rumors by giving an interview I think a lot of people thought it was a way of bringing attention to herself and reminding everybody of how close she is to the rose to say that she hadn't slept with him now happily married to Camilla and the drama of his life with Diana behind him Charles must surely reflect on the past and what might have been if he had followed his heart in his youth and married Camilla when they first met versus a young man he led a very active bachelor life enjoying many relationships away from public gaze he relied on friends to provide a cover for his secret affairs as Prince of Wales he was a target for girls around the world every girl was scrutinized for her suitability glamorous blonde Divina Sheffield was a favorite contender until a previous lover revealed an affair Lady Jane Wellesley didn't want to be Princess of Wales lady Tryon was already married Jane Ward was divorced and out of the running as the years slipped by and Charles's friends got married Prince Philip wondered if Charles would ever find a bride well 30 odd years ago when Prince Charles was playing the field he dated a lot of girls a lot of women came and went and Philip was getting concerned because there was a lot of comment about it in the press at the time Charles himself had sort of indicated of what sort of age he should be married he said thirty was a good age thirty came thirty went he was 31 before he met Princess Diana Lady Diana Spencer she then was and there was no doubt there was some hesitation on Charles's part principally because his friends thought she was unsuited for a life as a royal consort and Charles picked up on all this confusion and doubt but when he confides in his father about it Philip felt that he'd led Donna up the garden path and had to go through with it she had to be the one but Charles was still close to another woman Camilla parker-bowles they met in their early twenties she married someone else but their long time affair dominated her marriage and Charles's against expectation William and Harry have accepted Camilla she has wisely sidestepped the role of stepmother I think that's one way in which Camilla hasn't played a part at all she entered the relationship and the marriage knowing full well that she could not take on the role as the stepmother to William and Harry because she would be perceived as the wicked stepmother there's nothing she could do to help she'd also been raising her own children don't forget and she felt that Charles was best placed to continue the way he was raising the boys rather than for her to interfere and she has stood back she hasn't got involved I'm sure the William does understand why his father so happy with Camilla she is a person it's like a crutch for him boosts his ego and you know tells him he's wonderful every day it's that's not the sort of job that sons like to take on and you know she's a sort of person that's a buffer between them and their father especially I think if they've done something that the father doesn't quite approve of Camilla's got a son herself and she understands that boys will be well for boys sometimes Diana and Charles broke with royal tradition by taking baby William on tour to Australia in 1983 they were both tactile parents who encouraged little William to have more freedom than royal children had in the past Charles had a much closer bond with his children than his mother and father did with him [Music] these now famous pictures of Charles waiting to greet the Queen after a long absence show his reactions he seemed bemused by the formality of the occasion at 8:00 Charles was sent to team a preparatory boarding school being educated away from the palace was considered progressive but it meant more sad separations from his busy mother burdened by the duties of state the Queen's been as good a mother as she has been able to do under the circumstances she was 26 year old mother of two when she was crowned and one minute she had a family the next minute she had a serious nearly 24-hour job and she had no chance to bring up her children it seems to have had a very lasting effect and they seem to have missed that bonding with their mother Gordon Stern the public school on the shores of the Moray Firth in Scotland might have seemed a good choice for Charles it was Prince Philip's old school and he had been happy there with its emphasis on character building it looked ideal but it seemed remote and hostile to 13 year old Charles set apart by royal birth he was a target for bullies Charles refused to send his son so far away he and Diana chose Eton College very near to the Royal comforts of Windsor Castle in theory the outdoor activities and teamwork Gordon Stern should have created confidence in the shy young Charles but he was a late developer and he didn't appreciate the school's ethos until the sixth form didn't really ever enjoy school very much because I always preferred the things I did at home on the hill but I still came to the conclusion towards the end of my time at Gordon stand that the kind of education I received and enormously valuable it also concentrated on developing the whole person you know the mind and the body whatever Charles's views he refused to send his boys to his old school William went to Eton in 1995 Harry followed three years later William was an Eton school boy when his mother died despite the enormity of her loss he made a success of his years there it was a good choice for him first of all didn't have the horrendous schooling that Charles had when he was so unhappy at Gordon Stern and William has been allowed to have so much more freedom than Charles did he's queued up at Disneyland to go on the rides because his mother insisted that he be just like every other child so Williams had an enormous amount of time to enjoy himself to lead a normal life which his father never had teenage William disliked public attention and tried to blend in with his schoolmates he hoped to be concealed in a crowd and friends often shielded him from prying eyes at other moments he held his head down or turned away trying to avoid recognition Eden's unrivaled facilities gave him the chance to shine at sport such as rowing rugby and watersports as well as in his academic work he became a prefect in a house captain and in the sixth form captain of the school swimming team a sport at which his mother had also excelled in her school days becoming a godfather for the first time at 16 marked another step into adulthood [Music] William carefully cradled Prince Constantin the grandson of the deposed King of Greece a close friend of Prince Charles in contrast Charles at 17 still looked boyish when he set off for timber top an outpost of Keylong Grammar School in Australia for two terms this was one school he did enjoy it was a very sad moment of course leaving England and seeing one's father and sister standing on the tarmac and waving one goodbye but I found the moment I got to Australia the people was so friendly and so welcoming and I must admit I'd been apprehensive about going there because I'd heard you know that the Australians were critical and were perhaps showed their feelings and I was worried about how I would appear to them but I had absolutely no need to worry this wonderful experience I've ever had at 18 Charles went to Cambridge it was the heyday of the Beatles and The Rolling Stones but the princes appearance and interests were out of time with his own generation he preferred the cello to the guitar he was an image makers nightmare another prince another age william was the coolest eighteen year old in the country in 2002 the Queen celebrated her golden jubilee with a pop concert at Buckingham Palace after Diana's death the royal family had to be seen to be more in touch with ordinary people Charles was there to enjoy the event with his sons and Camilla and other members of the royal family they watched with varying levels of appreciation leaving away in somewhere in central London but in fact the sad truth is there are a handful of courtiers some of whom are plugged into contemporary life hence this obsession with getting the Prince of Wales into events like pot and rock concerts where I have to say he looks so uncomfortable always suited and breezy there are people who feel he should be doing things which relate to what ordinary people in this country are interested in after Eton the grown-up Prince now eighteen and taller than his father faced the press at Highgrove to announce his gap year plans I want to do something constructive mcgaffey Robin I mean I could do quite a little work but I thought this is a bit more of a way of making trying to help people out and meet a whole range about different people from different countries and at the same time helping people in remote areas of Chile William went to Chile for ten weeks with Raleigh international a volunteer group ready to live and work together in primitive conditions he took his turn with the chores [Music] would you be well with hunters tied up in the 6:15 [Music] party feel - my father - is they can see what very sorry barrister I don't want your demo sugars up softly we tried first they come back - I thought you know that's the worst point I've ever tasted my life that is absolutely hideous oh that is foul oh we're living in a an old nursery it has got a big carpet it's got a roof over our heads which is meaning that I've had super on the floor your sleeping bags and about 16 other people come together and either slide or a climbing frame or something with one bathroom it's like it's it's what you need really you don't have any secrets in rally better I'm you share everything with everyone and that's why I find it very difficult myself to start with this I'm a very private person and a still and pro person but I'd like to deal with it more doesn't it the problem is you can't go anywhere to get space for privacy there's always someone around you you have to be with people or just it's very difficult get away for own time so that's one thing I had to learn to deal with Murray was Williams team leader and he followed her orders taking his turn on the cleaning rotor yeah Maurice who can use anything she knows what she knows about a bread's Buster doesn't say that's right well you gotta do this I don't read that way my order then marigolds are now officially a fashion item [Music] which is why I just like I think I'd get along with these guys so well as well they will come out here to join rallies to gain their experience in to gain a bit of knowledge about other parts of the world and we all get along so well because I I hope I don't come across as someone who's you know that I was trying to be treated differently by the staff when they will treat me the same a Lucas to be the same and I just I love being only knew strictly William helped out in a local nursery displaying the same easy rapport with children as his mother had [Music] he also kept in touch with Harry by writing frequent postcards home the Prince known there as will stood in as a disc jockey at a local radio station [Music] Williams performance impressed the Queen the Queen's very proud of William it took her a long time to really get to know him because she didn't see that much of him but she realizes that he has what it takes in her opinion to eventually be monarch he he's a very amusing good fun guy but he does know when to stop and he knows that you know that the time has to come when you have to be serious so I think he's very well balanced which pleases her and of course he's a gorgeous looking guy and the queen is always like rather macho gorgeous looking men so she's she obviously very proud of her grandson William originally went to suntanned ruse to study history of art but he grew unhappy with the course friends including Kate Middleton persuaded him to change to geography after his first year rather than drop out of university altogether geography was a better choice he settled down to his studies determined to succeed and gain a good degree he consulted his tutor about his last piece of coursework I've got this much needs but I really written about 2,000 words and the deadlines getting he's getting pretty worrying the close now but I'm gonna want some okay everything else so did this gonna ride this I will the student Prince worked hard for his finals this was his chance to shine among his contemporaries he was also planning to exert his authority when he finished its and Andrews really do not been controlled by in life and you know if if I didn't believe what some are saying or some was pushing on me that I I went out if I'm wrong and that right and people tell me that then obviously I don't mind you know I'm I'm always open for people saying you know I'm wrong because most oh well but you know I just I hate losing control and he's very important to you know see what you want to do and go through at university William shared student interests like Snuka [Applause] while public relations experts had to create an Action Man image for Charles there was no need in Williams case he's extremely athletic in a strong swimmer he also loves diving and surfing he seems the perfect Prince Harry and William have been close since nursery days they share many interests such as polo but there is an academic gap between them Harry didn't go to university as young brothers William and Harry were incredibly tight-knit I think the distance started when William went away to university and I think Harry found that quite difficult because he'd lost his soulmate he lost his confident and I know through friends that he did find that very difficult and William would come back at weekends especially to be with Harry Harry's troubles reflect the loss of his mother two years younger than William he was less able to deal with the tragedy the temptations of nightlife have sometimes proved too much for him the ever vigilant press mean a prince has to be careful even in his private life or unwelcome headlines will be the result Harry gained a reputation for hard partying and hard drinking sometimes he lost control and lashed out at photographers Charles too has an uneven temper he can hardly blame Harry for inheriting it but his tantrums swearing and poor team spirit can be embarrassing and watching it must be nerve-racking for a concerned father hot-headed Harry is not easy to calm and Charles often doesn't know what to say for the best his hesitancy has sometimes failed to curb Harry's unruliness being second born can mean second best in the royal pecking order but Harry has a competitive streak and likes to come first Harry has sort of been the one to to step into the media spotlight more than the William and he's the one who became associated with with girls at a younger age he was the wild child he was the one who we saw drinking out of beer bottles smoking cigarettes at polo matches and suddenly the focus shifted onto him William very much like his mother downcast eyes didn't want to get drawn in preferred to blend into the background very hard for a young man who's six foot four but he's done it pretty well Harry doesn't seem to mind so much he doesn't seem to care he just sort of takes it and deals with it William has had the advantage of the palace publicity machine to groom his image but is he really more like Harry I think it's very easy to label William a good boy and very easy to label Harry a bad boy I absolutely don't think that's the case I've heard so many stories about William that truly reflect that he is a party animal he's incredibly gregarious he's very vivacious I just think he's more careful than Harry to be perfectly honest the three Prince's have a special bond after Diana's death it was important to present a public image of family unity but his William once revealed there can be tensions between them we didn't long you know really well and I and my father you know the disagreements over serial pharmacy and when they are that you know big disagreements but when there's happy times we have a really good time it's just you know it's difficult getting all three of us in the same house at one point because obviously father's really busy William has taken an interest in Charles's major charity the Prince's Trust which helps underprivileged young people to start their own businesses he's defensive about media criticism of his father he's had a difficult time and you know it's it's it's just sad I said this last I'm not sure and use the same words but I just wish you know more of his charitable work was concentrated on because he does do a hell of a lot of work and the princess trust is just an amazing you know organization and you know I just I really hold him in great admiration about the amount of time he gives up to do work here in that in June 2005 William graduated with honors from st. Andrews University he had earned his degree without special favors his girlfriend Kate Middleton graduated on the same day William had tried to shield her from publicity and was annoyed when their secret romance was revealed in the press the previous year however caters one favor with the public and the palace the palace see Kate as a perfect suitor in every respect and she comes with very little baggage she has all the prerequisites of a princess she's discreet she's loyal she's been a good friend to William she's been sensible she encouraged him to stay on at university when his instinct told him that it wasn't for him and he ought to give up and I think this is exemplified in the fact that she is brought out at very public royal engagements and that wouldn't have happened with Kate if she wasn't absolutely right absolutely perfect and have all of those attributes which she very clearly does and this is very much a young woman his princess in Waiting after his graduation ceremony William must have realized that without Kate's good influence he would have missed this great milestone sadly Diana didn't live to see either her son's happiness with Kate or the fulfillment of Charles's relationship with Camilla I think Diana would be very happy to see William with such a nice girl and I think Diana would be very happy that Charles ended up with Camilla rather than someone else because it was Camilla that caused all the trouble in their marriage and I really really think that at the end of her life Diana was not worried by Camilla anymore and she thought as I've gone through all this heartache and pain at least he's ended up with her she would have been awful to go through all that heartache and pain and him ended up with someone else in February 2005 the marriage that had once seemed impossible was announced just prior to Charles's wedding the three princes who share a passion for skiing made a trip to clusters in Switzerland they agreed to an arranged photo call in exchange for privacy on the slopes it became clear that William is protective of his father can I ask you how you are feeling how in particular Princes William and Harry are feeling at the prospect of the marriage very happy yes very much so definitely those are going to lose the Rings arm all right the charles's words had been picked up by the ranks of Pressman to the discomfort of his sons I think the boys are embarrassed about their father's behavior in the way sons yeah sons are often embarrassed by their own fathers outside the royal family in the way I dare say that Prince Charles was embarrassed as a young man by the Duke of Edinburgh outspoken remarks from time to time having said that I think they share some of his prejudices and they don't particularly like the intrusion that comes with being a member of the royal family William in particular still finds it hard to deal with he's been enormously protective of his girlfriend in a way we've never seen before and it's understandable if at times the royal sort of lose it when they see someone they didn't particularly like in front of them asking questions they don't particularly want to answer on April the 9th 2005 Charles married Camilla in a civil ceremony at Windsors register office in the presence of William and Harry he didn't need someone to share the burden that's been thrust on him you know he's only Prince of Wales by an accident of birth and anybody who spends any length of time with the royal family knows that this is not a job a sensible person would would relish you don't look forward to it you know it's a life sentence and you can never retire he needs somebody that understands what that involves what that hideous job of being King in Waiting involves and I think he would have found someone he needs a mate for a long time perhaps he just would have been happy with a mistress but being a king you can't just have a mistress you've got to make it all legal and put a nice sort of veneer on it also he got married military training was considered as necessary for William and Harry as it had been for Charles in childhood both young princes had played at being soldiers William dressed up in the uniform of the parachute regiment Harry had some early lessons in tank driving his ambition to join the army remained into adult life he went to Sandhurst as an officer cadet after an extended gap year it was hoped that army discipline would sort out his disorderly behavior I think Prince Harry has come through that period I think there was a very tricky spell towards the end of his school years at Eton but the army really was seen as the the last chance to sort him out and by all accounts it has sorted in that he plays hard there's no question about that he enjoys smoking he enjoys drinking with his friends but you know what 21 year old twenty-two year old doesn't and you know he's entitled to let off steam Charles is more more concerned about the fact that whenever he does he seems to get caught in the public eye and he feels that's very unfair Charles joined the Royal Navy in the tradition of his grandfather King George the sixth and Prince Philip his father who was on active service in the Navy throughout World War two Charles served on several ships eventually commanding the mine hunter HMS Brunning ttan away from family and friends for long periods he relied on the camaraderie of his fellow officers he also joined the Fleet Air Arm taking a conversion course to enable him to pilot helicopters onboard areas this was one part of his training he really did appreciate I would just like to say it briefly how much I have enjoyed this entire course entirely do I think too the hard work put in by all these splendid chaps in red dragon but thank you all once again for for having me here I've enjoyed it enormously William is training to be an officer in the British Army before following Harry into Sandhurst he prepared for the tough regime by spending two weeks with the RAF Valley mountain rescue team in Wales he took part in a rescue exercise in January 2006 Sandhurst gained its most senior recruit as a cadet William would undergo rigorous training in a program which can push recruits to exhaustion he was still a student when he planned stage one of his military career Sunnis itself would be a great place to learn how to lead and to you know get earn respect cadet wails threw himself into the role repeating all the manoeuvres that Harry had done before him Williams training continued with the army keeping the press at bay he's off-limits he can really live the life of a soldier but I think we're only looking about 18 months now before we see William launched as a full-time royal they are waiting to do it they know the palace the powers that be at the palace that William needs to be relevant for the monarchy to continue in its present form Harry finished his Sandhurst course with the traditional passing out parade the Queen and Prince Phillip were there to see him he is now a second lieutenant in the Blues and Royals in the household cavalry William also wants to serve his country in the same regiment when he completes his course the fact that is there's no way William could go serving on the front line in Afghanistan or Iraq it's simply too dangerous after he does his year in the Blues and Royals you do a stint in the army a stint in the RAF and a stint in the Royal Navy each to get an understanding of what happens after that here be a full time Royals with engagements [Music] William and Harry now show their affection for Camilla while they cherish Diana's memory they accept that Camilla has made their father happy and as adults they have their own lives to lead William is shown as a prince in touch with ordinary people through the national game of football before the World Cup began he met Wayne Rooney and other members of the England squad to wish them well he takes his role as president of the Football Association seriously he needs to be honnest at the same time the sportsmanship side of football I think is a real key issue to focus on and let's get guys of these and girls who are coming through realizing you know that the role they have and the importance of their own respect they can earn being a poor owner of respectable world William has helped to train young footballers just as Harry has coached rugby hopefuls what does the public now expect for the two princes what we'll be looking for in both boys is obviously a happy Union for them both I mean William will obviously be under pressure almost immediately you know is this a union that can last can can the Queen's grandchildren make happy marriages where her own children couldn't there is no pressure on William in the way there was on his father to marry someone of a noble background he can marry pretty much whoever he likes and certainly that applies to Harry - I mean Harry's been dating a South African girl off and on for the last 18 months there's no reason why he shouldn't marry this girl if he should want it Chelsea is vivacious the antithesis of demure Kate they're wealthy but ordinary backgrounds presented a problem for old guard courtiers Chelsea is accepted as the girlfriend but she's nowhere near accepted as the royal girlfriend in the way that caters they're forgetting that these girls I really have that common tart I do a lot to woo an apathetic public and revive interest in the monarchy the Queen paid tribute to Diana I remember especially the happiness she gave to my two grandsons the Queen has restored popularity in the monarchy since the uneasy days after Diana's death as Charles's mother has grown older and his sons have grown up he has had to wait and watch Charles has been there in this position being groomed for the role of the monarch for many many years it's been it's been there for him since the beginning so if he was to hand over I think perhaps he might feel he'd been cheated of something I think a lot of this stems from public appetite and public argument it's the public that would perhaps prefer to see William take power over his father William upstages his father just the way Diana always did it's it's very difficult for William his more glamorous he's better-looking he resembles his mother and he's got a gorgeous girlfriend now anybody like that is going to put somebody who's a bit of an old fogey approaching sixty terribly in the shade that's you know that's just the way of the world there's nothing they can do about it so if William and Kate get married soon who's going to bother who's going to be interested in Charles and Camilla already there's a lot of apathy about them when Charles visited Australia just before his wedding he got a poor reception it was very different to the Welcome given the same week to Prince Frederick of Denmark and his Australian born wife Princess Mary she is now considered Kate Middleton's role model as two of Britain's most important ambassadors Charles and Camilla try hard but they're competing against the glamorous image of younger Royals at home and abroad in May 2006 William attended the wedding of Camilla's daughter Laura to former Calvin Klein model Harry Lopez [Music] William was now seen in public with Kate with her expert grooming we had a glimpse of her potential as his future bride he is with Kayson he's found companionship and happiness at least if he's going to take on this role there's someone that he loves and trusts and has full faith in that he can go and do that role with I mean going into something like that alone must be a terribly terribly lonely prospect William's role will grow significantly in the next few years and with it his popularity the question remains who will the public want as their next king William or Charles [Music] you
Channel: Real Royalty
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Keywords: prince charles and prince william royal rivals, prince william and kate middleton, prince william and harry, prince harry and meghan markle interview, prince william and harry talk about diana, prince william and kate middleton visit pakistan, royal family 2020, royal family channel, meghan markle prince harry prince william and kate interview, prince charles and camilla, princess diana conspiracy theory, prince andrew interview, royal drama
Id: qV9gBgBj2NE
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Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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