Prince William & Catherine: A Royal Love Story - Part I - The Royal Engagement (FULL MOVIE)

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[Music] Prince William and Kate Middleton's engagement announcement - a delighted global audience on November 16th 2010 was the feel-good news story everyone had been waiting for it's very much there's a true romantic in the midst of a financial recession it triggered congratulations from countries all around the world it also marked the transformation of Kate into a new celebrity princess for the first time in British history a commoner would marry into royal lineage changing the royal bloodline forever an awful lot of people reacted badly to the word commoner and it is such a dreadful word when you think about it this was a true fairy tale in every sense of the word for the first time in centuries a future King is going to marry a woman who is neither a member of royalty a foreign royal house or British aristocracy now in the lead-up to one of the most exciting regal events of the millennium royal insiders revealed what really makes the young couple tick they have not been able to dig up a single inch of dirt on this young woman and you know that they've been trying kate is already eclipsing all these alias stars that Jennifer Aniston Gwyneth Paltrow she's the one that people want to know more about she's the one that people want to dress like which is quite exciting he's definitely a Spencer in his appearance and in his character he's got charm he's got a readiness to laugh that sensitivity that Spencer sensitivity speaks well of him I I felt on the day when he went when it was obvious that was the ring he'd given us I thought that was his way of taking control of that narrative and taking control of that story that's what I think it was and you know he invited all of us to include his mother in his wedding and people will and they would have anyways I think the big question is who is likely to be in the frame as the designer for the wedding dress of the decade everyone is everyone in the design world is gonna be covering over themselves to dress Kate Middleton this is the extraordinary behind-the-scenes story of Prince William and Kate Middleton's romance nearly ten years in the making it's sometimes funny sometimes sad but always fascinating he is the United Kingdom's future heir to the throne and son to the most famous icon in the world she is his pretty stylish and educated young fiance the shiny new star in the show business firmament when William and Kate announced their engagement TV they seemed very secure in their new status as future bride and groom it's just really easy with being with each other and it's really fun and I'm obviously extremely funny and she loves that so I mean it's good and their family seemed equally delighted with the prospect the most celebrated royal wedding in 30 years I just like to say that Carol and I are absolutely delighted by today's announcement so maybe we just asked your reaction to the wedding pleaser obviously thrilled thank you very much but the royal romance hasn't always been full of hearts and flowers when Kate complained bitterly about press harassment the young prince threatened the British press with legal action in April 2007 the couple actually split up but a few months later and much the relief of friends and family a happy reconciliation followed since those problematic days Kate has emerged as a stylish and admired fashion icon in her own right always the epitome of grace and style she now frequently makes the best-dressed lists of high fashion magazines like Tattler and Vogue but how did this present-day Cinderella win her prince charming a man with so much global goodwill towards him I mean let's face it he's probably the most the best catch in the nation if not in the world but Kate played a very smart game because she kind of went the friendship route where William had a chance to get to know her no pressure no expectations and that ultimately really paid off I've no doubt that one of the things that is attractive William to Kate is the fact that she's lived basically the life that he would have loved to have lived Kate was born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton on january 9th 1982 in Reading Berkshire growing up with her brother James and sister Pippa family life in the Middleton household is said to have been fairly a Dilek and I think she had one of those childhoods where there was a lot of happiness there was a lot of family feeling and I think that that is what attracted William to her the fact that she came from a happy family let's not forget that kate has two parents her mother's side is very humble beginnings durum miners the working-class but Kate's father Michael Middleton comes from actually a very privileged background with several millionaires in his ancestral line so although much is made of Kate's very middle-class and even common upbringing she comes from a moneyed family she for a family that's inherited money that's been passed down generation to generation and you know certainly with three children in 27 thousand pound public schools each the Middleton's definitely had a amount of an inheritance when Kate was born further back in time her maternal great-grandfather had come from working-class mining stock there was little blue blood coursing through the Middleton family line but tenacity and determination seemed to be there in plenty qualities some believe helped Kate in her waiting game for her prince actually Kate and her sister Pippa were nicknamed the wisteria sisters at school fragrant decorative and very good at climbing these are two young girls who always seemed to be dating the most posh the most money boy the most successful boy and of course Kate ultimately landed probably the best catch in the country Kate's mother Carol was quite clearly an ambitious young girl growing up in Southall which is not a salute above where it's more or less like living under the flight path that John F Kennedy Airport in New York she could look up when she was a child and see the big glamorous airplanes landing and she thought to herself I'm gonna be a flight attendant and she ended up as a flight attendant and she ended up meeting a pilot and she ended up marrying him and there's definitely ambition in the family of the best sort a bootstrap operation but they were not poor they never were he was always on a pilot salary but they set out to make their own company Party Pieces they saw a niche in the market for doing mail-order and internet sales of everything you need for a glamorous or successful children's party in fact that she's got a family who had a company called Party Pieces makes the public like her even more because she does seem so down to earth I think she got quite a lot of stick from it from his friends at the very beginning because they used to when when all of them used to go out to their nightclubs I think some of his friends used to make the joke doors to manual when she walked through the door which was a reference to the fact that her mum used to be an air hostess as Kate flourished in her happy family of iron Prince William's upbringing was somewhat less cozy his arrival on June 21st 1982 at Mary's Hospital London sparked headlines across the world and a delighted British public welcomed a new future heir to the throne with open arms [Music] by now his mother Princess Diana had become one of the biggest icons in the world adored by millions for her compassionate nature and ever-ready shy smile Prince William's brother Harry was born on September the 15th 1984 at st. Mary's Hospital Paddington the British throne now had an heir and a spare I remember saying to Princess Diana on one occasion when her son was getting taller and taller I said you've bread's some height into the royal family and she said yes and good looks and good looks and what she was talking about was the introduction of her family the Spencer's into a very tight royal gene pool and the result was too good-looking sons by the mid-80s Diana's blinding popularity had totally eclipsed that of William's father Prince Charles and by the time William reached Eton College the most prestigious school in the country storm clouds had well and truly settled over what had been the ultimate fairy tale The Prince and Princess of Wales are two separate Buckingham Palace said the decision was reached emic ibly and the couple have no plans for divorce the palace said no third parties are involved the staff of fairytale dreams had turned into a royal nightmare but much worse was yet to come we have reports from Paris the Diana Princess of Wales has been killed in a car accident and that her partner Dodi Fayed has also been killed they were apparently being pursued by paparazzi on two motorcycles we have some of the latest pictures from the scene this was the car that Diana Dodi fired were travelling in clearly a horrendous impact there's one of the airbags clearly visible in the front end of the car the reports are that Diana has been killed Dodi Fayed also died as did the driver of the car there was universal sympathy for the young brothers their grief played out so publicly in the media spotlight William was 15 and Harry only 12 and an unprecedented outpouring of grief gripped nations worldwide nowhere more so than in the UK yeah I've no doubt that one of the things that is attractive William to Kay is the fact that she's lived basically the life that he would have loved to have lived safe secure middle-class upbringing going to a good school but not having any of those pressures of being afraid of being a wild on the shoulders I mean Williams upbringing has been horrendous as we all know meanwhile Kate Middleton's life was relatively free from care she had enrolled at one of the UK's most expensive and historic schools Marlborough College in Wiltshire Kate's young years were not entirely happy before she went to Marlborough school she was a preparatory school and she was bullied and she was very unhappy and she became very thin and she was miserable and her mother and father were smart enough to realize that this was not doing her any good at all and they looked around and they saw more Brown it was a lot of money to send her to this school but they decided that that would be the best thing to do the Kate Middleton that we see now is very different from a very shy quite asthmatic schoolgirl who frankly wasn't sort of everyone's best friend she wasn't the girl that everyone wanted to necessarily be seen with Kate was always seen as a very popular bubbly schoolgirl who was studied hard got good grades but was always well liked she was sporty she played a lot of sports and generally they haven't been able to find anything bad I mean I think what's remarkable about Kate Middleton is that there has been so little that's come out of her past that scandalous or some incident where she was rude to somebody or bullying I mean there's nothing she wasn't particularly popular at the beginning the boys apparently in the refectory in the dining hall as the young girls would come in they would hold up their paper napkins with scores on for the girl saying whether they were attractive or they were not attractive and when she first arrived rather thin rather nervous rather timorous you know they held up 1 or 0 or two not very nice for a young girl but she didn't complain she didn't cry she didn't ask to be taken out of the school she got on with it and she became successful and as she filled out a little bit and she got some color in her cheeks and she became more assured the attraction grew and she was a very popular person but not in a pushy sense you won't find a single person from Marlborough the school she went to who has a bad word to say about her she's sporty enthusiastic involved with people friendly academically successful that you just hate her a ring of protection had been wrapped around the boys after Diana's death the press had been told in no uncertain terms to leave William and Harry alone during their school years well after Princess Diana died there was an agreement with with certainly the British media we're with him and Harry the British media would basically leave him alone leave both of them alone in return for that every so often we'd given updates on where they were with their lives now shielded from a press that many believed had caused the tragic death of Princess Diana the boys began the painful journey of moving from adolescence to manhood without the mother they had adored as time appeared to be healing the lives of the shattered young prince's William was maturing into a shy but confident young man who many believed reflected his mother's gentle nature and his father's dedication to duty Prince William in many ways is a lucky man but I think one of the luckiest things is that he's taken so much from his mother's character he's definitely a Spencer in his appearance and in his character he's got charm he's got a readiness to laugh people don't realize because Diana was so often so troubled but she had a great sense of humor she loved nothing more than laughing until it she had almost eight and she would bend over almost paralyzed with laughter and he's got that readiness to laugh he's got a good heart he's full of goodwill he wants good things to happen and you know he's found his way through a very difficult path very successfully and I think the years he had with his mother when she was bringing him up she gave him an understanding of what the world was really about she gave him an understanding that he was immensely privileged that sensitivity that Spencer sensitivity speaks well of him Prince Harry however was another kettle of fish entirely Prince Harry is somebody it's this lovable rogue the British press can't get enough of him because he's this real novelty character and you've never known a member of the royal family to behave like him he's the one you can always rely on for making the biggest gaffes possibly italic to a party in a Nazi uniform completely I'm thinking about what he's doing he'll go to lap dancing clubs he's always seen stumbling out of nightclubs looking very scruffy eyed you can guarantee he's the one that's probably the last person standing the last person's of the drink and I think there's something really appealing about that in 2000 Prince William decided to take a gap here before going to university and ended up teaching in Chile I wanted to do something constructive my goblin I mean I could do quite a little work but I thought this is a bit more of a way of making trying to help people out and meet our range about different people from different countries and at the same time helping people in remote areas of Chile he may have been born to a life of privilege but in Patagonia no task is too humble for this future king cleaning the toilet floor was a weekly task for him during his rally expedition to Chile these latest pictures also show Prince William preparing to cook porridge for breakfast he admitted it wasn't a culinary triumph but the prince was an instant hit with children at a nursery in the village of Tor tell where he's been based for the last two months he says he chose to come to this remote land because he'd never been to South America and the Chileans friend said were very hospitable it's hardly been a holiday though the young prince doing a stint as a lumberjack in which not everything went exactly to plan William shrugged off the setback the prince has also had to do the washing with mixed results I can still smell it he said he's insisted he's treated like anyone else on this expedition that's meant sleeping in an old nursery classroom with fifteen others and chopping up the firewood for heating and cooking my name is will I am a wombat and then you try and make a noise that have won that race giving lessons at the village school he's shown that he's a natural with children it's evident that he's inherited his mother's easy manner as well as her looks he's emerged from his gappiya trip more confident and more relaxed than ever before the next rite of passage for William was to be University but where would he choose the small university town of st. Andrews had never seen anything like it Prince William greeted like a local hero as he arrived with his father even before he'd attended a single lecture of his art history course the student Prince was a celebrity he hooked a little uneasy with all the attention that didn't disappoint the crowds some of whom had waited hours to see him [Music] William today came dressed in casual clothes as if keen to get on with his student life and eager to step out of the media spotlight some territories is home to some 6,000 students two-thirds of whom come from state schools William how are you looking forward to your first term I am very much he said William and Kate met his freshers on the art history course and initially their relationship was purely platonic and at university their life was normal to the ends of the green William didn't live in a great big palatial house on the outskirts of town he rented a house with some friends from the University became is very tight in a circle of which Kate was obviously alive they used to hang out in Tesco's these go and have their dinner parties just like any normal student does Kate and William when they first met they clicked pretty instantly he thought she was quite attractive but to start with they were very much friends and they bonded and their kind of mutual appreciation for art history they were both doing the same course so they chat about that they would you know spend evenings just kind of sipping wine having picnics in the summer so it was all very very low-key at one point William wanted to quit since Andrews but his father intervened and once again reminded him of his duty and position from Prince William's point of view his decision to go to Scotland and study at Andrews was quite quite quickly became a bit of a nightmare for him and he very very nearly dropped out in his first year and you know I mean to the point which he'd spoken to his advisers he sort of said I don't want to be here I don't want to continue with this course and you know again this was in a period when the press gave them the space that they needed when they were in education but I think it's quite clear with hindsight that his his sudden interest in Kate Middleton shall we say resurrected his his desire to see his degree through its and Andrews but one social gathering in particular can be pinpointed as the moment where the platonic relationship blossomed into something altogether more tantalizing there the story that's become the stuff of legend now a moment in English history was when Kate Middleton as a young undergraduate at san andrews university walked out taking part in a charity fashion shoot and there she walked down the catwalk wide-eyed prince william at the end and she she was wearing and those pictures obviously exists but she was wearing leaving not long for lot to the imagination I don't know what Billie was thinking that day in the front row at that Fashion Show but it would certainly be hard not to have attracted his attention she walked out in basically a bra and knickers and not much else with a very free-flowing hairstyle lots of curls and flowers and their hair she looked beautiful young and fresh and natural and she really got Williams attention that day you know for all that has been said about Kate's somewhat dull maybe somewhat pedestrian personality the girl knows how to get attention when she wants it and she did a really good job that day of getting the attention of probably the one man whose attention she really wanted does he thicker to you that it's somewhat inappropriate for a future Queen of England to have been photographed in it does but back then I'm sure she had her reasons for wearing it I we still don't know what that she was put in it or if she chose to wear it which I like to think she chose to put it on because she thought it might be a bit of a showstopper it's a part of history now and yeah I don't think she'd been seaming it now and the dress yours for perhaps 10,000 pounds legend has it that that's what finally nailed William and made him decide that he was a young girl worth some more attention William and Kate at University this is a prince but he was wooing his girlfriend by cooking their spaghetti bolognaise isn't sitting in old jumpers very very normal stuff and I think that's fundamental to understanding the wedding understanding this sort of fairytale romance it was built from a period of normality when I was trying to impress Kate I was trying to put these amazing fancy dinners and all what happened was I burned something something with overspill something will catch on fire and she was sitting in the background just trying to help and basically taking control of the whole situation I was quite glad she was at the time William fell as much in love with Kate's family as he did with cage you know the Middleton clan is a very close-knit unit with three very happy well-adjusted children and parent a parental unit that's very strong and William would often come for Sunday lunch with a very typical British menu with her family and after lunch sit in front of the fire maybe even resting his head on mrs. Middleton shoulder very much William was treated as a part of the family and I think he fell in love for the first time really with the idea of belonging to a typical English family it seems the Royal romance was allowed to thrive because of a deal struck between Prince Charles's private office at Clarence House and the Press Complaints Commission they would spend time walking in the park not fearing a photographer and a hedge and while pictures were taken newspapers agreed under this special agreement that was made after Diana's death not to actually publish those pictures so there was no market you cannot underestimate how important that has been in their relationship William met Kate at University when he was in that period of being left alone by the media out of the public light film crews were banned from the University and then news broke that caused serious embarrassment to the royal family and it came from a very unlikely source there was a terrible time when the media literally had I mean to the point where we wouldn't even set foot in San Andres and wouldn't even go there if we had a relative that was Paco graduating it was that sensitive and then all of a sudden it emerged that a film crew was there following william around and who should be behind the whole thing with prince edward let's just say after a rather heated discussion with prince charles that that filming project ended quite quickly when journalists working for ardent productions were spotted by the young prince himself trying to film him as he left a lecture according to the university's rector there was even a scuffle when they refused to leave the earl of wessex owns the company which initially denied the intrusion insisting it had been given permission to film but then later came a guarded apology art and claimed it had no intention of breaching the privacy arrangements of the prince and said the company unreservedly apologizes if the activity of the production team has put those agreed Arrangements in doubt there's no doubt this incident has been hugely embarrassing for the royal family and it raises questions once again about their business interests it said that Prince Charles now wants the Earl to choose between his production company and his public duties and in early 2005 further embarrassment emerged to hold the Royals when pictures were published to Prince Harry dressed in a Nazi uniform at a fancy dress party it caused outrage across the world in January 2005 I ran a story about Prince Harry for picture that we got of Prince Harry going to a party actually with William and he was wearing a Nazi outfit it created a huge stink and when I saw William in Switzerland during a skiing holiday that we were doing an official photo called on he bent my ear about that story but he accepted that what Harry had done was wrong there is something very special with William and Harry that they are extremely close and anything bad for Harry William will stick up for him for the end of the green it is amazing how close we've become you know I mean ever since our mother died obviously we were close and but he is the one person on this earth who I can actually really you know we can talk about anything and we understand each other and we give each other support and everything's fine you got off the ground I just got excited still hard work but some I'm better than williamson's fun meanwhile Prince Charles had lost nothing of his contempt for the press particularly the British core or guru and only a few weeks after Harry's faux pas he made one of the biggest mistakes of his illustrious career in March 2005 front of a worldwide press corps he forgot that his radio microphone was open and his derision for journalists and the paparazzi soon became clear for all to witness and to hear very nice and very glad you heard of it anyway the slopes of clusters were to prove something of a landmark in the royal love story that same trip Prince William was asked a very probing question about his love life and his rather dismissive response made headlines all around the world so Prince William romance clearly in the air here could that be another wedding perhaps on the card sometimes you know in April 2005 William took the decision to take Kate Middleton his new girlfriend as she was then on the skiing holiday with her father and with Prince Charles in clusters and Switzerland now of course the fact that two years in a row suddenly this pretty brunette that we didn't know anything about was being brought on holiday again with with Prince Charles and William that caused massive media attention it was a frenzy frankly and just about every skiing photographer across the Alps rush to clusters to try and get pictures of Kate on that holiday I met up with William and Kate and Harry in a nightclub in cost is quite quite late at night but we had a long chat and William wanted to know quite bizarrely really I thought it would be obvious but he wanted to know why all of a sudden there was just this enormous media storm around his little skiing holiday in the Alps and of course I found myself in a position I was having to explain to William who I'm sure knows better than I did that we were naturally interested in the girl that frankly can be a future Queen of England and you know I think I think he understood it but I think he wanted me to tell him and it was at that time that he loved him laughing and just saying well I don't know what the fuss is about I don't want to get married until I'm 28 or maybe 30 and I'm naturally not likely to forget those words but it's quite interesting now that that five six years on from that chance meeting in a nightclub and actually he was he was giving me escaped William and Kate's graduation 2005 was a lively affair with the story once again making global headlines grappling with the press seems to be the name of the game for the Royals in 2005 later that year Kate Middleton complained by her lawyers about press harassment of Prince William and Prince Charles their lawyers stepped in to tries to do anything they could to protect Kate Middleton to try and stop her being pursued and being public property in the way that obviously towards the end of her life Prince William's mother was by now both princes were in long-term relationships Harry with South african-born Chelsea Davey and William with Kate they started partying on the London night club circuit and generally living like any normal 20-somethings unfortunately as heirs to the throne William and Harry were often in the public spotlight and Prince Harry in particular really resented the intrusion into his very private and party lifestyle resilient over the years to Press reports or do you do a still upset you they still upset me and I still read them why I do not know but I have to read them just for peace of mind just to know what they've written and to see who who wrote it and seems to take the photographs you know write that down either later but no I mean it's light I think I didn't think it's really a case of dealing with it I don't know if you can't deal with you just get on with it there's no particular method owned and read a paper go and sit in the corner and meditate and things sort of try and think about something else but I don't I know you don't want to sort of have a wind at the present way cuz I know that you realize it's you know part of who you are to have interest in you but it's not just you that is affected it's obviously anyone you're we're particularly a girlfriend your girlfriend how do they react do you feel protective towards them hugely protective and I would be very concerned if I wasn't protective obviously it is part of my life it's something it's part of the baggage that comes with me and she understands that and my friends understand that as well but I think it's it's fair to say that that is something that comes with me but also the the lies isn't something that comes with me that is something that I probably shouldn't be talking about but it's something that happens you know that is I suppose that is the media in general there's there's truth in there's wise and unfortunately I can't get the truth across because I don't have my own column in the paper which I'm thinking about getting but your girlfriend wise you know it's my private life so it's it's a different story but yes I am very pretty very protective Kate and William embarked on post universe two lives like most young male Royals William did his army training and later join the Royal Air Force where he learned to fly something that was to become a burning passion for him very good enjoying it very much in some ways yeah otherwise it's you know it's still the same sort of sort of camaraderie and everyone getting along really well now I understand you flew your first solo flight yesterday I did you out how did it go well I'm still a tattle-tale and I had me built four planes so so far it looks alright but as well as experiences wherever I thought and I never come around and I thought you know hopefully a bit longer yeah I get mobile practice Linux and I went struts jumps out and goes go on get on with it I was there first looking rather get what so I just did it and once you get up in the air was fine it's about but for Kate it wasn't so easy finding her feet after since Andrews she joined the English retail chain jigsaw for a while but soon gave it up it seemed her mind was elsewhere my sources say she spent most of her time there out in the parking lot on her mobile taking calls from William where if they had a fight she'd come in in tears she was already very much about the relationship and then there was a stint where she was gonna study photography there were reports that she was gonna study with Mario Testino who's a big friend of the family and he denied that that never happened then she went to work for mom and dad probably the safest career move because nobody could could you know say anything about the hours when she actually showed up or didn't show up and she could kind of base her entire life around being Williams professional girl I think this kind of thing got her to nickname way tkt because a lot of young women felt that she really sublimated any life of her own to run around like his Lackey and yet the job description of Williams wife or Williams fiance is very much along those lines and I think I think Kate was showing the royal family and William that she was ready and willing to to do what was required of her to fill that role William's Army and Royal Air Force training began in real earnest and on his passing out day a proud Kate was there to see her man get his stripes and show her support [Applause] [Music] but the next chapter in the royal love story came as something of a shock to the world not least to the British press when in April 2007 William and Kate split up during another skiing trip this time to Zermatt I think looking back it was clear that the pressure of the engagement was really getting to William and they'd been written about just a few days before that their pictures were already on tea towels when it was announced that they'd broken up a lot of royal insiders say that William and Kate never really broke up it was more to kind of get the public to back off a little bit and give them some time and space to figure out what they would do but they were always in touch throughout that time and even snuck off a few times to some country pubs to spend time together they didn't ever stop being in contact but I think there was a time when William was really evaluating whether or not it was fair to keep Kate waiting around or whether or not he knew he was going to marry her everybody assumed that Prince William and Kate Middleton were going to get married they were gonna stay together forever they've been together for a substantial amount of time and then when they split it made you realize just actually they are human beings they're going through a very public breakup there was pictures of Prince William cavorting about with some girl in Bournemouth near Bovington where he was in the army and you just thought Kate Middleton must hate this and if she's got to remain dignified throughout I don't think then anyone expected them to actually get back together because you thought they'd split up for a reason so when they did get back together you knew that it was serious stuff Prince William said that he'd been concerned about the pressures and whether she truly and he wanted to be sure that she truly understood what it is she was getting herself in for in into so the inference was that he had said let's give this time let's give this space for now it's over you know and see what you really think of it and I thought what was really really revealing was that she said when she lets she let him have his say and then she said I wasn't very happy about it at all it was very much trying to find her way in and we were growing up and so it was just sort of a bit of space and a bit of things of us and it soon works out for the better I think at the time wasn't very happy about it but actually it made me a stronger person you find out things about yourself that maybe hadn't realized ironically the reconciliation came about at a very sensitive time for William the 10th anniversary concert in memory of Princess Diana's death ever the discreet consort cage sat in array behind William at the concert but the press took it as a sure sign that the couple were once again dating the royal couple's romance continued to flourish admit stories of William getting his knuckles rapped for exploiting his position in the airport apparently he'd been flying unnecessary missions at great expense to sometimes surprise Kate Prince William had a real love for flying the skill that he'd obviously learnt as part of the RAF and that really showed his adventurous side he just couldn't get out of the plane for helicopters but one thing he didn't consider of course was the fact that the British press would be tossing up the amount of journeys that he was doing in his flight and saying this is public money you shouldn't be doing that there was a rumor actually that he'd even flown a couple of times we landed in Kate Middleton's garden just to surprise her which really is quite a romantic thing to do I don't think most people would complain about that but obviously the press saw differently they continued to enjoy nights out in the town often in the company of Prince Harry and his on-off girlfriend Chelsea and their favorite haunts were among the most stylish in London they were often seen either with their girlfriends or without them you know on the London nightclub scene and they got drunk and there were tales of raucous nights and huge bar bills and you know some people said it was a sign that they were going off the rails and criticized them but you know young men in their 20s having a great time so what you know it's not gonna get it can anyone is it and you get the feeling that for Harry that's an ongoing scenario from time to time but that William necessarily understands now that he has to be more circumspect about that kind of thing [Music] Kate and William do go to nightclubs where anyone can go you know places like Makiki or bujji's but at the same time they tend to surround themselves with a very large crowd a very protective friends who are from a very close-knit set and who they trust you know raffles in Chelsea is one of Kate's favorite places but it's a members-only Club it's a very posh Sloane set and I think she feels relatively safe when she goes there I mean you're not gonna see them you know popping into an just any nightclub on a given night but they're they're very careful I mean Makiki for example is part owned by one of William and Harry's good friends guy Pelle so they're careful about kind of where they go and when they go and when they do go I know for example with Prince Harry they have to call ahead and make sure there's enough security at bujji's they go in a separate entrance you know these nightclubs take care of the Royals because they're very happy to be associated with those names [Music] William decided to propose on a trip to Kenya he had always adored Africa and this trip was to celebrate passing his Ras search-and-rescue course which had been particularly difficult and demanding flying himself into the land his family have worked for generations he and Craig's plane touches down in Lai WA the romantic hideaway Prince William chose to make his proposal acutely aware of Williams desire for privacy family friend Craig played host to the couple when they wanted to come to Kenya of course Prince William is a close friend of us and we've known Kate now for several years and they're a couple like anybody in the world in love together they know each other they just the warmest people in the world despite being guests in their home he claims he and his wife Jane knew nothing about the engagement until yesterday Jane was massively emotional I was massively proud we were both massively proud but just and for Kenya for William and Kate but for all of us the implications a lovely new wedding at this level of two such special people really meant a lot for us it may be that the exotic beasts of laywer were the only living creatures to witness the moment William took the ring from his rucksack and placed it on Kate's finger we were out there with friends and things so I really didn't expect at all I thought he might have maybe thought about it but knew it was a total shock when it came and very excited if Kate didn't see Williams question coming then I would question her entire I know what planet she's been living on I mean frankly she everybody was waiting for the moment I recently found out through Palace staff that they were convinced that this was the holiday where William was finally going to pop the question they were all on standby to announce when they got back and that but for the fact that case grandfather was very very ill and actually died a couple of weeks later and they would have announced it weeks and weeks earlier than they did so if Kate didn't see that coming then no I find that rather hard to believe but I'm sure she has to say that we've been talking you're right about marriage for a while so it wasn't a massively big surprise but I took her up somewhere nice and in Kenya and proposed it's very montec there's a true romantic and I'm sure it's very romantic I'm sure he got down on one knee but I know it's very private very very private it's how they wanted it and it was personal to them producer ring yeah there and then I did yeah I've been carrying it around me in my rucksack for about three weeks before that and I'd literally would not let it go ever I went I was keeping a hold of it cuz I knew this thing if it disappeared I've been a lot of trouble and yeah because I planned it sort of it went fine as you know I hear a lot of horror stories about proposing and things get horribly wrong but it went really really well and yeah it was a repeat she said yes but as in most families a skeleton in the cupboard or blacksheep emerged as something of an embarrassment to Kate it appeared in the shape of her mother's brother her uncle Gary Goldsmith who sometimes lives on the hippie rock-and-roll island of Ibiza like all families the Middleton family is not without its skeleton in the cupboard I mean the Royals have Fergie so it's only fair you know Kate has Gary Goldsmith he's an an uncle of hers he's a big partier in Ibiza there were all kinds of headlines and scandals about his drugs used maybe selling drugs all kinds of tattoos really not the kind of person that you expect to be connected to a royal he's got nouveau riche tattooed on his back he's allegedly been involved in all sorts of underhand dealings drugs not something that you really want the royal family to be part of but Prince William still went out there with her to a mood affair which she called imagine in the first place and stayed with the uncle and apparently the uncle has got an invite to the wedding which is gonna make it very interesting and you can imagine the press they're gonna have a field day but it does again bring that couple back down to the ordinary level everyone can relate to having filmin in their family that they're a bit embarrassed by as with everything Kate took it all in her stride but as she really is demure and long-suffering as she appears to be to my mind I think the basis of the relation ship his respect she has never been a dog's body or a doormat she's always fought her corner somebody said aren't you very fortunate to be going out with Prince William and she said no he's very lucky to be going out with me and she was even though she came from several steps down the social ladder she never considered for a moment that she was a lesser person and I think she's very mature person almost very motherly she has never got into terrible scrapes I'm sure she's had drinks and she's enjoyed herself but there's never been any whiff of scandal about drugs or things of this nature and you can bet your life that the British tabloids were founded if they could possibly have done so and I think that the country is incredibly lucky to have somebody like Kate being you know the the new member of the royal family because she is just a lovely lovely genuinely kind girl and so I think that she has absolutely got what it takes because she's discrete and she's lovely and she's incredibly lovely to talk to he's got a wicked sense of humor and I know that this and plus obviously the deep love that they have for each other will carry them through any storm that the world cares to throw at them she's definitely very tenacious they're who she's you know a good thing really and I think you know a lot of girls can probably really relate to her people have called her weighty Katie because she's been waiting eight years for her prince to propose to her [Music] and what is Prince William really like it's astonishing when you when you do get the chance to speak to William and see how he carries himself in public how well balanced and mature he is Prince William has got such a solid kind of grounding really in the eyes of the press I think the press and the public really admire him they think he's very grown-up he had to grow up very quickly particularly after the death of his mother he's definitely the mature one through him and his brother Prince Harry and I just think there's a great deal of admiration and respect for him yet people feel that there's a connection with him it's not like he's one of those members of the royal family who seems so distant from the public and so far removed he genuinely seems like he really cares about the public is Kate likely to become the same kind of style icon that Diana was Kate whether she likes it or not is gonna be compared to Diana in terms of being a fashion icon I don't think she has got quite the same flair for experimenting as Diana possibly did but there's no doubt you know she's marrying the heir to the throne so there's all sorts of designers who are going to be desperate for her to be wearing their clothes so she will she will learn to develop her own sense of style and she'll learn to love fashion perhaps more than she does already just because it's gonna be falling at her feet Kate doesn't have the same kind of charisma maybe or x-factor that Princess Diana has she certainly doesn't love the camera the way Diana did however Kate's beauty her elegance and her innate sense of what looks good on her is gonna take her very far she's already been voted the best dressed on a many lists and I think that's only gonna continue as she finds her feet and what about Williams controversial decision to give his new bride Princess Diana's engagement ring the more superstitious claimed it was unlucky but William had no such qualms about his decision his phone ring yes it's my mother's engagement ring so I thought it was quite nice because I'm obviously she's not me ran to sharon near the the funnel excitement's with all this this is my way of keeping sort of close to at all your I think a lot of people were astonished that William gave Kate Diana's engagement ring because of the fact that she had had such an unhappy marriage and died so tragically I mean it was it would have been understandable to give Kate the ring but as her engagement ring that she wears every day I think people were surprised what it does show is that despite the bad luck that some people might say it shows that William has such a sentimental place still in his heart for his mom it shows how much he loves his mom and he wanted his mom to be a part of that very special day what's interesting is that it fit Kate perfectly there was no adjustments needed on that ring it was like it was made for her and he said I want my mother to be part of this to be present not in a sinister way of course not not the ghost at the feast but there to enjoy the celebrations and the fun of it all of a great occasion I I felt on the day when he went when it was obvious that was the ring he'd given her I thought that was his way of taking control of that narrative and taking control of that story that's what I think it was and you know he invited all of us to include his mother in his wedding and people will and they would have anyway I think Prince William will rarely ever talk about his mother publicly he will very very rarely do anything to kind of draw comparisons with him and his mother and certainly hates the thought that Kate might be seen as the new Princess Diana it's about carving her own future no one's gonna die trying you know no one's trying to fill my mother's shoes and and she what she did is fantastic it's about making your own future in your own destiny and Kate will do and will do a job that of course if he decided to go down to the local journalism by a little engagement ring then he would be accused of airbrushing Diana out of history and certainly Prince William's never going to do that his mother is still the most central figure in his life reactions to the news of the royal engagement were varied some predictable others less so that's the most brilliant news I'm just so happy for both of them they are so happy admit it's wicked so maybe we just asked your reaction to the wedding please sir obviously thrilled thank you very much as you know Katherine and Prince William have been going out together for quite a number of years which is great for us because we've got to go William really well we all think he's wonderful and we're extremely fond of him they make a lovely couple they're great fun to be with and we've had a lot of laughs together we wish them every happiness for the future I was given the news in a cabinet meeting I was passed a piece of paper and announced the news in the middle of the cabinet meeting and it was a great cheer went up and a great banging of the table one thing's for sure Kate Middleton's marriage into the royal family will change things but how will she cope living within the boundaries of one of the oldest dynasties in the world Kate will do her own thing she will establish herself in her own way and I think she will be a queen consort for the modern age I think we're going to see a British War family that is scaled down to some extent I think some of the stuffiness and starch will be taken out of it I think that there will be immensely good leaders in this particular context and I think there will Brook blow a breath of fresh air through the rather stuffy corridors of Buckingham Palace and I think they will do extraordinarily well it's inevitable that the British monarchy will change depending on who is at the helm and I just think this really fresh young couple are bound to do it differently one of the best-kept secrets in any royal wedding is always the dress designer at Princess Diana in Charles's wedding in 1981 Elizabeth and Manuel's frou-frou powderpuff creation remained a secret until the big day itself you look back at Diana's gown it wasn't Diana was it it was it wasn't a great dress and we read reports and years later but she didn't like she didn't think so either it was an odd thing really there was just so much media interest and all wanting to know what the dress was going to look like and of course we couldn't say anything but every night they would rummage through the rubbish to see if they could find bits of fabrics or threads and we used to leave bits of different colour threads and things just so you know so they put them on the wrong track really and we had to put blinds up so that people couldn't peer through the windows and we brought in security guards and probably be a bit overzealous with it or we probably didn't need the giant safe we got to put the dress in it every night but you know we felt really didn't want to risk it and we even had a spare dress hanging up just in case somebody did discover the secret who will make the dress will be very lucky to do it he's got a wonderful figure to dress Jesus thin as a pencil she's very attractive she's tall she moves properly she walks in a way that is regal without being obviously so everyone is everyone in the design world is gonna be coming over themselves to dress Kate Middleton she's hot Lee tips to choose a UK designer which would make a lot of sense Bruce Oldfield British designer who diana favoured as well is definitely the front-runner who is believed to be designing that dress Kate's mother and sister were actually spotted in Bruce's a very fancy shop the other day and Bruce himself came down to talk to them which he never does so in that really increased speculation that he's working with Kate her family to dress her and probably her sister for the big day I know Bruce very well I don't think he's going to design the wedding dress for the simple reason that he's talking about it if he was given to design it he wouldn't talk about it but I do believe that Bruce old food will probably design mrs. Middleton's outfit I think Kate Middleton has enough courage and an individuality to choose from all over the world who she wants to set designer it sir the designer esse because she's worn quite a few it's addresses the engage of the blue engagement day dress was by ESO it was a day dress obviously but who knows I I think they'll go British I think that they'll have to go British won't they so we'll see maybe it will be Bruce Oldfield but it's bound to be stunning I mean you just know she's not going to get it wrong turning honestly I've got no idea and everybody asked me these questions at the end of the day it's down down to Kate Middleton who she wants to go to I don't even know how essential it is for it to be a British designer honestly I've got no idea it's gonna be such a closely guarded secret because that she's not gonna want anyone to know until her big day even Victoria Beckham has been mentioned in the frame which would be quite an unusual one I'd be surprised if she chooses Victoria Beckham but I personally would like if she did the one thing I keep reading is that it will definitely have sleeves pastel sleeves apparently because an I suspect it will because it's a it's a formal royal wedding it's not just some beautiful girl who wants to look great and wear a strapless dress you know it will be I imagine that the fashion writers are correct when they say that could be Stella McCartney she comes from a family of music royalty and her father Paul McCartney obviously knows knows the Royals very well so that could be a distinct possibility I think you're going to see something that maybe Audrey Hepburn at her peak dressed by Siobhan she might have worn it will be simple stylish and very very attractive to both men and women and one could not ask for more in a royal bride with Diane you see she was very young when we got introduced to her and fashion was not one of her big interests so she hadn't really got her own sense of style but Kate Middleton - she's she's you know worked in fashion and she knows what suits her so you know that she knows you she's probably got a very firm idea in a head of what kind of dress shoot she might want and what does the ultra critical British press believe the prospects are for William and Kate is a young married couple I think Kate and William have a good chance of making this work they are both very committed to the monarchy and making kind of a united front whatever personal problems they might have kate has proven herself to be a team player she's proven herself to be discreet she's also proven that she's willing to put her own interests behind the interests of her husband-to-be I think also they've been together for eight years they've seen each other through a variety of circumstances and Williams seems to be doing a much better job of preparing Kate for royal life than Charles did for his mother so Kate has a support system in William she has a support system in her family which Diane also didn't have and she has a man she's known for eight years and she spent an awful lot of time getting to know I think they've got a good shot their relationship was it grew out of cold winter nights spent in a university digs having spaghetti bolognaise and talking about anything other than being a prince or princess king or king of Queen of England their relationship has grown out of being just William and Kate and I think that that's something that throughout their married life as much as they can they will try and retain and if they do then the prospects for them staying together for a long time will be very good I know that he desperately wants a happy family life and I'm sure that if they they get the breaks that will come through and that will make them as popular in the 21st century as the Queen Mother was in the 20th century I think people will recognize that this is a royal couple for the modern age they like the quiet life really which is perfect for somebody who is going to be running the country he's not going to be getting in as much trouble he'll leave that to his brother Harry with William now happily working with his RAF squadron in Anglesey a remote part of Wales day-to-day life for the royal couple is said to be quiet and sedate very different to previous royalty generations there's a secrecy pact about the exact location of william and kate's married address in Anglesey but he is currently a search and rescue pilot with the RAF based at an airbase rife out in this little island at the top of north of Wales he has rented a property there and we're quite limited in what we can even say about that property it's not identified but it's going to live there without any servants without any domestic staff that means that when he finishes work Kate will presumably have cooked the supper Anglesey with the best respect of angle C is not the kind of place you would associate with a young prince and his new bride there aren't an awful lot of things to do there other than perhaps walk a dog or really that's probably it so yes they want to live they want to live in Anglesey for the first two years of their married life they will retain an address in London as their official sort of residence but essentially they're there Hawking after the normal life this is the Royal romance that has captured the hearts of millions now it's last Prince William appears to have found true happiness with Kate Middleton an ordinary girl descended from a poor mining family who remarkably today finds herself in line as a future Queen of England their courtship may have taken a little extra time to get there but now their commitment shines for everyone to witness with so much global goodwill behind them Prince William and Kate Middleton enter the future with high hopes and expectations and a universal outpouring of support wishing this young royal couple all the love and luck in the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: Prince, Prince William, Catherine, Royalty, lovestory, queen, king, britishroyalty, video, royal family, england, britain, princess, full documentary, full movie, full stream, free movie, free documentary, free stream, freemovie, williamandkate
Id: oWkx5OAaen0
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Length: 67min 21sec (4041 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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