Will it start? old tractor

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hello welcome to the man cave and today i did um tell you the week i was going to do this we're going to try and get this thing running um story about this little tractor i said i think that's 1950 i think t20 grey fergie petrol paraben and my dad's on this thing since 1974 i think it was 75 or something like that um used to rally it when i was a schoolboy this hasn't ran though for about oh eight to ten years because one day we stood up and it stood up for about a year and we tried to start it again and it never would start we've took the carb off and rebuilt it and it still didn't want to start start because we suspected it was a car problem so this carb has actually got a rebuilt kit in it we've replaced the manifold and exhaust gasket check the gasket for cracks and now she would only sort of at best we could just about get it started and it would run on full choke and as soon as you turn the choke off it would stop but we thought we'd give the old girl a refresh because other bits didn't work as well like it wouldn't start on the gear stick like it should so we're going to be replacing the starter solenoid in there i'm going to whip the starter motor out and just give that some duck oil because it hasn't been turned over for a long time and you can see the stake the ignition needs we're going to replace all of that come over the little bench excuse the airplane we've also got some water hoses we're going to put on we're going to tone on the old girl we've got points and condenser there's the starter switch we have a distributor cap we have some plugs and we have some leads start the camera now somewhere in here oh this is nice we also have a new coil and if we come in this little box here we have a brand new carburetor so we're going to fill all these bits i shall video the whole thing i shall just come back in bits and pieces to let you know what we've done that's a zenith 24 t2 which is the same as the one what's on there so one by one we're going to get all these bits onto that and then we will see but don't run then then there's something majorly wrong but no it ran perfectly well until it was stood up and didn't get used for a couple of years and then it just refused to start again compression's good pretty sure that so yeah i'm sure with all these new bits oh fuel's evaporated out of the float bowl look it's gone orange i bet that's gonna be right miserable i bet these tanks are film dry yep nothing in there at all so this is the tank for petrol and this is the bigger tank is for the tvo tractor vaporizing oil also empty [Music] right but another step i'm going to do before we even turn it over i'm going to take the plugs out and just put some um diesel in the balls and crank it over on the starter before we even try because that will be really dry in there so as you can see this hasn't been it's been good 10 years poor old girl's been sitting there right leave it with me we'll get a couple of jobs done we're also going to replace these hoses as well because then coolant hoses all won't do so we'll get them done and then we'll be back in a little guys bye-bye for now right guys a little more development what we've done now it's been about half an hour i've got the new start switch here i've took the old one out if you want to know they work it's a push glass seized up there's a push button on top there there you go and what that does is when you move because you start this by pushing the gear side where first is that's connected to this thing there's a pin go through so this basically sits in there like that and there's a you can't really see it i've got it held up with miguel but on the end of this yeah that little arm there pushes on this pin giving you your start so as far as we've got as we've done that we have put the hoses on the radiator because she wanted new hoses i've got the plugs out so while we're on camera i'm just going to i'm going to squirt some stuff in the plugs i'm going to hopefully i've got some yeah i've got a square put plenty in them board [Music] because i this hasn't been turned over such a long time you don't really want to turn it over dry i'm a spry is playing up [Music] [Applause] there you go so we've got plenty of dog oil in them plugs i'm not going to bust a starter out and give that an oil up that's an old inertia star so i'm sure that's going to want doing so next time you see me that will be back in and we'll have the starter out right let's see how we keep going with this thing bye-bye for now right we've got the starter switch in slight problem i seized up on the gas stick so although the gears are working the start position don't work i've had the um stick out and there's some sort of rod in there which just got seized up and we don't give it too much teddy we don't want to break it so we're going to try and we're going to have to just bridge that to um attempt to start and then hopefully once that's been used for a while that'll um soak in i have put plenty of penetrating oil and all the rods in there what we can see but for some reason that's just not connecting that rod to there that's just not moving so we've got the plugs out put the oil in we're now going to do the points and condenser so that'll be nice and fun and we'll put a coil on wasn't forgetting this is positive earth as well so your earth your life of your coil actually go to your earth of your distributor because everything's opposite way around or a car because if you look the life terminal of the battery goes to earth so so we tell right we'll be back in a little while bye bye for now right man cave lovers we have got as far as we put the point and condenser in we put the coil on we put the starter switch in so and we're now going to turn the engine over with these little plugs in that's had several soaks of fluid in there but i'm going to keep giving it a bit more because this has not been run for such a long time hasn't even been turned over i did just turn over quarter turn by hand to do the points gap but that's it so let's see if we turn over now it would certainly help if we actually connected the battery there you go now will it turn over right brilliant so she's turning over next step capping leads on put the carb on put some fresh fuel in i just gotta clean that fuel line out and then we can go for a start start-up and see if this old girl runs so but you can see by the state of the old leeds um i always spoke you know my dad's been giving me a hand doing this and he said to me this morning he bought this tractor actually in 1977. so he gave a hundred quid for in 1977 and this is the capital leaves that were on it when he bought it he's never changed them since 77 he has changed the plugs he reckoned once but they were some old ones out of a marina he put in it so we reckons never put new ones in it so but now we're going to give us some new plugs and yeah so we've got the new coil fit it has the old one and we've got them let's say points condenser in there put these cap and leads in these are actually acorn connectors if you look these two here are actually screw fit and oh that's a screw these are all like screw fit leads and they'll not just push fit so yeah that'll be interesting to see what the new ones are like in fact let's have a look now let's see what these new leads are like what they've given us while we're at it here here's the old contact breaker set you can see then points a little bit green probably would have cleaned up but i wasn't going to take the jar for the sake of about you know across the old chat about four quid i think i'll just get home in the ignition set so how they are there we go we have a new set of these are screw fit leads so [Music] [Applause] [Music] look yeah these are all good actually [Music] yeah that'll be the one that goes to the coil and we've got all the other leads here which go on our plugs perfect are these same soles or can they go on anyway why have they given us five leads one i've given us six leads and we only want four yeah we've got some different length leads two long ones that's a coil lead oh [Music] unless you guys actually want to watch me do this [Music] oh yeah [Applause] so we need to put this little plate that comes over the top of the top of the point we need the rotor arm which ah there you go she's on so we've got the rope and we want the cap on now there's a little recess that only go on one way perfect look at that i love when everything just goes together [Music] let me just grab these up there should be pictures of these leads on here all right so looking at this picture this top one went to here [Music] screw these in here there we go we might as well guys while we're at it we might as well just whip the plugs in get in there and yes these plugs have all got a suitable gap in them so [Music] i'm not sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm looking for the three-eighths rapture there it is there's our three-eight ratchet [Music] this tractor is actually 1950 t20 so you have to start on petrol sorry about the rubbish food you have to start on petal and once that's warm [Music] you can move over to paraffin [Music] uh [Music] this one next to it [Music] i wish cars had leads like this where they actually come [Music] that's actually got twisted on that lead has actually which lead will fit the coil i'm hoping to make it easier i'm hoping that this coil leave that give us does actually oh does that fit in there [Music] new leaves do not fit into that coil a lot of changes [Music] all right there you go that's basically gonna come down in there [Music] i started to rain i was hoping it weren't gonna rain [Music] i'll just get these other two leads on [Music] then i'm gonna have to get around the other side and do the carpet so this one goes to number four and this one goes to three [Music] this one oh there we go so this lead here comes before [Music] without giving it a hot twist [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] there you go oh that's got all them on fellas [Music] so now we've got the coil on cap on points condenser chain starts on no change we'll slam sort of this problem right because you look you've got first first second third fourth and here there's an s on whether you can see that well that s is where you're meant to push the gear stick in that position basically where fifth gear is in a car you're meant to push to start the gear stick up there and that's where you start switches to start the engine number one so you can't start it in gear and number two it's just a lot easier turn the key on there push him up there and that should turn the start but that mechanism is jammed up so to turn it over we just gotta bridge these wires on the solenoid and she will go well we hope so next stage we'll have to come around the other side here put that new carburetor on and feather so that's our choke enter yeah that's the choke lever so yeah we've got to put that new zenith carb on and see how we get on right i should be back in a minute guys tada for now right guys how far we've got is we've got the old carb off but i have noticed let's come over here and have a look we've actually got to take a couple of pieces off this old carb and put on the new one that fuel inlet there and this little tap if we get these [Music] swapped over i get my spanner is there an olive in there no that's a drive bit so oh yes it fits i like that [Music] and the little drain tap [Music] all this is a drawing to drain your float bowl reasons you'd need to do that is if you accidentally switched off when that was running on tvu you wouldn't start it again so you've then got to turn your fuel off at your tank undo this little tap drain the bowl out and turn it on the petrol and then you're on petrol again so as far as i'm aware the other thing i've noticed we've got a rod missing on this carb there's a rob now what that rod does i don't know because that just goes through this is the choke now why this rod's loose i do not know on this carb that's missing you can see that's meant to have one same setup but that rod has gone there but what that does i do not know i mean put the choke on it's not as if it adds a little bit of throttle when you put the choke on ah it does [Music] yes look yeah that when you pull the choke full on that push that up to give you a little bit extra throttle up and that was missing on this one [Music] so yeah right i'm just going to clean the flange up so we can put the new gasket on and then we can get that on the tractor here is here's the new gasket [Music] there you go what we got in here right we've got a little olive ah they give you the new fittings here so i don't need this one yep don't need that may give us a new one there look [Music] perfect yeah i can't use this because my petrol pipe gotta go under there so this really isn't any good to us but here's our gasket i'll just clean the flange up on the tractor [Applause] and then we can get this bolted on right we'll leave it there for the minute back in a little while bye-bye right we're going to undo this wing nut and flip that back and get this bowl off ah that stinks oh look at the color of that petal that literally stinks of varnish so let's give that a wipe out which this is a bit disgusting i'll get a rag in there [Music] this may not be the most intricate job [Music] but bear in mind this tractor was very old so these are designed to be fixed in the farm yard all right that's cleaned the bowl so let's let's put the bowl back on trying to do it one handed it tighten up again all right she's seated yep she's seated yeah starting to get tight now yeah that's seated [Music] yeah she's there right you're pushing the cat rolling dad i got it [Music] [Applause] we'll soon find out [Music] [Applause] so the moment of truth [Music] well i can't see any there's a bit of petal in there now all crikey if you've got quarter of a tank all right i can't see any petrol ah i can see a little weep coming on this tap but that might just be because that's dried out that might just want to swell a bit so let's turn this onto petrol ah petals coming out there look filling the bowl let's shoot around and wait for it to come out of the pipe block out with the carb because we want to make sure that's clean so we should have petrol come out here in a second that bowl is full so i should never there you go get the air out there you go [Music] i'm still getting a bit of air coming [Music] through block that end off let that bowl fill right up the bowl is through there there you go right turn it off dad [Music] all right that's turned off so now we'll get the car bomb back in a minute guys right we have everything in we have the carb all on there's the carb all the new gasket and we're now going to see if this thing will actually run so um what i need to do is undo that and we've got to turn the petrol on now let me just lean over the other side there you go we should get petal out here there you go so we know petals getting into the carb just let that carb fill up for a few minutes this has got to be a big test if all this work has actually done anything do the choke work all right chokers on [Music] oh there we have petrol leakage all right if you go flat out if we ever on half that ain't too bad that tap won't rebuild yeah that's pissing out of that tap but we've got petrol into the carve and the chokers on [Music] so it's now going to be a case of will this thing start and i'm not going to make a load of sparks around petrol ain't that good let's see what we do she's running wide open but she runs guys we know she runs so we just got sought out now why that's running flat out right we shall give this a little tinker and be back in a minute bye-bye right guys what it was the split pin we put in to hold the throttle mechanism to hold this throttle arm that was catching in the back there where that throttle's moving the split pin was catching on the card body so it weren't letting it return to throttle just stop a bit of rag back in there dad oh you out so whenever we got a petal leak but we just want to see if we fixed it put the ignition on [Music] and we're sticking still [Music] ah that's the rod itself what it is is this rod hope you guys can see in there this rod that come on the carb hitting on the body there that comes in goes all the way so really we've either got a short on that rod i think you're fine i think you're fine now that should be all right there you go yeah all it was is that throttle rod oh we're starting to get some smoke off well there you go so what it is is this rod guys that in and out movement is no good we've got to put a spring on that to hold that away from the card body but as you can see she's running all right considering this thing ain't ran for 10 years she ain't even smoking look at that of course some stuff burning off a lot yeah there's certainly some stuff burning off she's sweeter than that no little end big end knock i wish you guys could hear how sweet that sound no valve noise we've built the coolant system up we've got a bit of a leak i see we're pissing water out the top here now whether that's coming out of the cap or actually out the radiator i think that's over the radiator what's all this around here yeah that's that's leaking out at the top of this radiator look we've got a leak out of there so believe that try and fix that or get a replacement radiator but no she's running really nice now look at that don't even smoke she's lovely i am going to put the idle speed up a little because she's oiling just that tiny bit too slow [Applause] touching my hand on that manifold uh hey you can see all the goblins inside the dynamo working in there right that's going to be the end of mankind's video so bang a new tire on here and i think we'll be going around the field but it's been a long time since she's moved out of this spot right click subscribe guys wow she's certainly burning some crap off plenty more videos like this coming up and yeah i hope you enjoyed it speak to you next time for now [Music] you
Channel: Norfolk Man cave
Views: 35,229
Rating: 4.7891817 out of 5
Id: j3XqwPImJoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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