Supercharged Cummins! Can we get it to run?

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foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] in there is it open welcome back everyone today or yesterday we made the trip down in the motorhome with Jeffrey from Old American Iron and Dave from old Riggs Down Under Jeffrey's come all the way from Wisconsin to pull some parts off this thing is there one behind here well then there's six I think so I'm working on another this is a white a4t 1600 you've probably seen it on Dave's channel before you'll explain a bit about it in a minute [Music] she's got water in the supercharger it's got a one well I don't know what it is supercharged Cummins in it I'd imagine a 180 but I'm not sure it's got water in the blower Jeffrey's just pulling the inlet off it to drain that water out I think that's all we're doing at the moment Dave's putting another fuel pump on it because the last time you started up it ran away not overly sure why it did that what do you think's gonna happen this time mate hopefully it doesn't run away I just want to see it idle foreign something we just take for granted how you going with the Jeffrey and every bolt they can find on there and it's still he's moving there's yes and Jeffrey's got one a new one oh sorry foreign all right I don't think you'd mind if they were a little loose for a while so I can do them back up if you like you're gonna you're gonna hook all that up Dave we'll just see if you guys I'll just leave it alone might just get some brake clean or something and just spray it in there put some Petrol in there just so across it up yeah and like 11. stop everything else straight over the engine straight away so It's Gonna Run online might be better off leaving it like that to drip out you think or um yeah either way it's not going to matter much look truthfully it probably would have just got rid of it if we'd gone from mechanic to supervisor in about five minutes it didn't take that long how are you enjoying your time here mate oh I'm enjoying it it's I'll be smiling all on you I'm smiling better today though because it ain't raining oh yeah well the sun was out early into they're starting to roll back in now but I mean yesterday it was so cloudy injury yeah we'll do it on the way back hopefully it's with a positive nod after this thing is running an ailing and you can shut it up oh yeah I've heard of guys using like a thick phone book like that yeah when I like even it's only been two years ago and I start my 671 again I'll check the emergency flapper before yeah always pull up the cover and make sure the wreck's all through you know different thing with these ones [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah at least [Laughter] yeah yeah oh yeah three or four cans of that yeah the stickers The Ether bunny [Laughter] like a rabbit uh a little blue one a lot of small one is it or a small one yeah Jeffrey's gone and found the escalator is this a lot yeah oh yeah oh yeah today's having a quick one here too all these just settling manures so we're nearly ready for takeoff all um yeah Mambo Number Five [Laughter] so what's actually going on here mate what is this thing the tractor yeah um White uh a4t 1600 which is a Minneapolis Moline um they were made from about 1969 it's about 1972 or three um I originally came out with the 585 cubic inch mini male engine [Applause] it did have a little bit of a problem with the bottom end and oil pressure so yeah quite quite a few of them had re-powers or don't so this is a nhrs Cummins supercharged Cummins 743 cubic inch small ball um yeah a bit hard to know exactly what age the engine is but it's older than the tractor they went from from what I can understand through the probably late 50s through to the you know late 60s at the latest so um this one's got piston coolers on it it's got the supercharger as well so I've been told that you know they've got to about as much as 320 horsepower pretty rare engine in Australia this one with the orange paint um it might have come out of a bit of earth-moving equipment or something like that and I'll down track or something like that it's got the it's got the industrial type manifold on it the exhaust manifold and where's all the truck was everyone talks about the noise of those don't manifold you all geometry so is that different than what was in the Dodges and the old oh yeah it's been 8 000 Fords and that's bigger this is yeah to look at it's very similar to a 855 14 liter yeah it's just a smaller ball so that accessory drives the same um this is going to decompression lever on it a lot of the early ones did didn't they yeah yeah so I don't know look obviously these were the four runner to the to the 855 I get you know I guess that's that's what my assumption would be and then maybe they got referred to as a small ball later on once though E5 came out because if that was your Flagship model so maybe that's a nickname that's come along at a later date so anyway so did it bolt straight up they made an adaption plane would that that wouldn't have fit the original transmission would it yeah so he's just made his own adapter yeah hasn't done a bad job it looks looks fairly Factory is he's painted he's painted it all and he's probably given the tractor card paint as well um some of them were yellow but this one actually started off as green look in the point of pivot at the tractor yeah so they're all all still the same tractor but just yeah what minneapolis-moline and Oliver we're all the one entity at the time so this actually started off live part of the series has a 2655 Oliver right and yeah and apparently out here as well it was made out of a couple of tractors yeah tonight a lot of dealers there was that yeah so how come you're putting another pump on it what happened to the last one for those who didn't see these videos uh yeah so I started it up initially hadn't been running for 20 years or something like that and and that's the pump all this talk on the ground there off it yeah so that it initially bolted so it started up and just took off and went to full noise and I had to choke the choke the air and take to stop it and anyway that's took the pump off and kind of made of mine look at it yeah you said the metering valve was stuck in it which is common for something that might be sitting around could have had a bit of moisture in the fuel so you freed that up and we tried it again and the same thing tried to happen same thing happened so there's something in that variable speed Governor that's playing up that we couldn't quite get to the bottom off so we've just got this little bit later model Pap off an nh250 yep so so yeah I mean just failing rebuilding that thing completely and opening up a can of worms in that regard I suppose just got this other one here we'll try it and if it works it works it works and it's a problem he said yeah sure yeah otherwise probably a little bit stuffed as to why it would be wanting to get away the last time we just could barely stop it so what we're going to do here is just try and crank it over and see what happens with this fuel screw yeah just so if she comes out of that pipe yeah so all that fitting yeah so we'll probably get a bit of fuel coming out of probably get a little bit of fuel coming out of there because there's already fuel in the head um I filled that hose up here filter should have a bit of fuel in them so hopefully we might be able to just get some get some fuel to come out of there and then once we adjust that screw we might get it to stop we just want to try and it's only in or out in it's not an adjustment well yeah I mean it's just on a thread just overrides a solenoid doesn't it yeah I mean that's all the way in that there's probably see there's three turns or something like that that's only about a turn so it's just a valve on or off I might imagine yeah and look when you when you look at what it's doing it can't really be all that you know it's complicated to me no theoretically that just should stop the flower feel out of there yeah anyway tell me about your channel mate if they haven't seen it what do you call yourself old rigs Down Under you say a little bit of tractor stuff Fair bit of truck stuff yeah if you want to see a little bit of stuff about old Macs and white and Oliver tractors Minneapolis Marine tractors they've got a little bit of a little bit of that stuff on there so [ __ ] you've got a fantastic lineup of cab over Maxi which we'll do another thing on after this I guess that'll be a separate show but so for an episode you can run us through a few of them up there yeah I'll give you the guide at all and while we're talking about channels what's yours called Jeffrey All-American iron where are you from mate uh who else here a long ways away and you've flown all the way over here to say g'day to us yes I've always wanted to come to Australia and uh lo and behold it happened yeah I said I'm 68 years old no time like the present we picked up uh Steve was kind enough to invite me and I said like I said no time like the present and he said are you enjoying yourself well if I don't that'll be my own fault yes I'm having a ball he's brought the Rhine with himself I brought there was nothing but rain and cold at all it's not sunny Australia today we didn't record the trip down in the motorhome because of the rain but hopefully tomorrow it's sunny and so subscribe and have a look at old American Iron and old rigs down under these Two Fellas what's yours called Mick drink beer are you oros on my one you know sponsored boys yeah so I should all be nervous with you Dave or not what do you think mate you can't see me shaking because of the gimbal but surprised certainly it's cold here today for an old engine like this look if it's not in good condition and the manifold heat is sitting on the bump the bar so it's not going to do much so she's not going to fire off yet it's just going to spill fuel out of that didn't it well that's what we reckon so I can't run for long anyway it's not yeah well this is what I had to do last time was I saw you yeah smoke built near the other side of it that block was a lot bigger it sucked up most of that in didn't it so we had a fairly early night last night I think it was about 4 30 this morning and we come good haven't we mate we've what is it now 11 30 or something how fast one is it Whatever It Is yeah time does fly now when you enjoy yourself must have slipped in so we write for liftoff or not yeah we'll see you see what it wants to do you work that screw it yeah yeah just shoot myself he's just Delight in the process here the dogs fuel coming out of there at that screw in that's what I thought it ends to start I'm sure that's what I said before I'm sure I used to wind a mend override him yeah it's not a 24 volt starter is it it's just lazy yeah they were never 24 bar no I wouldn't think but just if he's put one on it you know we got Aaron sorry mate yeah got the air coming out of it is it you haven't got any spray fresh or sideline starter have you she'd probably lock up on it spinning that slow [Music] that's spinning a bit better [Applause] already um I'm walking another battery in a set of leads and put on that starter and put on one even put it back there or something straight on it would be better wouldn't it going through a different set foreign legs tell me when mine I'll just start one and I'll shower on there [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] out of that return I just mean to save the starter a little bit yeah but yeah still nothing out of that so we're not going to get any actually out of it until we get the fuel condenser still full of air but she's getting something it's getting up there screws in and yeah providing it sucking at the end of the tank it's got to be pushing it through there yeah let's give it enough to go and just and all on that body returned yeah I mean with these keep the decompression on them it's not struggling well I suppose it because it's still spinning until it flows and then let it go um shouldn't have to buddy move that's right sure it should be on idle well it's it'd be flat out until it cranks and then wouldn't it yeah Governor waits he should start [Applause] audiologist take a big impression back see if we can get some fuel at the return foreign oh that's music doesn't yep I mean these are there's a dribble there but it's not mine's eye I think seem like a lot of Dell there slows down that one or the net yeah thank you I don't know maybe it's just bloody ran itself and sucked itself took a while but it started coming out here still nothing at the return that muddy goes back onto the pump anyway well let's see what happens it's either not sucking it up or it's not yeah it hasn't bled yet yep oh my God foreign [Applause] you don't reckon that those things could have got through and then blocked them things I don't think it would have dislodged thank you there's a bit of fuel coming out of that return to tank right yep but it's pushing a heap of fumes out of it now like air or whatever so which way right back like fuel's coming out with like yeah so maybe it's still bleeding yeah it's getting that air from somewhere yeah give it another go we might have to Buddy get him to come back online for a couple of days we're gonna do try and start it'll just keep bleeding well I just wouldn't mind seeing if you'll come out that return yeah but maybe it might you know that's probably why you're probably right it's probably just a case drain that might I wonder if it'll just go there because that's the way that is it it's always going to go out the easiest path which is the big eyes I just thought I had fuel out the elastic I don't know it might have been pumping more because it was wide open I've got no idea nah oh no it's why do me chicken much good mate it started before without spray right yeah oh the the first time we started after that yeah I thought it was a fair bit warmer though too yeah um all right I suppose I'll let the decompression leave again and see what it wants to do we're getting oil pressure on that gauge anyway which is good yeah I wonder if it's your randomly mate oh just fiddling with those wires so if you don't know I had to touch him thank you nearly I didn't really want to give it a sniff but it is I mean it just might create that [ __ ] initial bang initial bang yeah don't matter would spit Your bloody you only need a Drifters just to get this if you want to give it a sniff I'll stand on it just yeah like it's I mean it's probably 15 degrees colder than when I um tried it before it smells fueling before it still seems to be spinning over okay like I didn't have obviously that was spinning better with it with the belt just do a little bit of a sniff either that if you want to get a spinner first okay she locks up if you want I'll hold the decompression so you know how much you want to give it a snap oh you oh well once it's once it's going anyway yeah yeah I'll just start it like initially with the decal oh my God you got any compression it didn't even need on that there at the end it blew a bit more smoke though yeah did you just get a whiff of that it's definitely suck how's the heat on that starter so let's just started yeah when you're ready I said to myself I'm not going to film because well well stop cranking it buddy I don't know I just excuse myself there's a lot of smoke for [ __ ] on idle isn't it it is but it made a difference so the throttles work I didn't touch the throttle oh you didn't it just went why what changed there's no smoke before next week she's wanting to jump over the road is that just the Earth getting through all of you oh baby that's what I mean she's possessed the Hornets haven't blocked that big file off there she used for this I'll give her another one you're ready so you just took your stock whining it and she stopped and I sort of started so you're making us all nervous too by the way I'll tell you what it's no fun when it takes off she's wanting to say hello but yeah I'd like to say I just I didn't touch the throttle then so that's witchcraft it's fine let's see the thing though there's no way not like a GM where you can have it stuck injector that sticks the whole rack yeah like if they're all individuals won't work I'll step down or something she might have been on idle then who knows I mean there's probably Fair bit saved up there a good exercise Fuel and Chip just sitting around yeah she won't run off that now and you smoke I mean did it sort of sound a bit rough and knock it maybe it was just wouldn't that evaporate down there stuff where she's been squirting the last hour yeah well that's right look there's this can if if in fact but what's wrong well get ready to turn around the Block's not exactly level either almost want to shoot a gasket paper casket paper right in there's black smoke what yeah she nearly brought the guy then yeah it was gone yeah she started to get that smoke was getting darker yeah [Laughter] oh United shut her off yeah that screw has to work mate it's got a good that cuts a fuel yeah where did you do it thank you again so it's not yeah thank you very fueling what really few I don't know that's trying to take off robot good Ness all right foreign thank you lucky you're Electric on and off do you put your where do you put your manual screw then do you leave it in the open position or you leave it all off yeah so you you have that's overriding it you leave it leave it out leave it out and that song will do the same thing yeah well do you want to try it without that without doing that jump on over there just see how it goes oh we can I'm just yeah just tell from the start of it if you want to yeah well it's probably as good an opportunity to see if that's if it's actually going to start on its own well it's good to let them warm straight with the decompression lever and not hooking the battery up yeah yeah we might just try that the rest would be charging too not that what because they're all synced up in parallel but the one I'm using is not part of the system so she's got the trickle charger it's topping them all back up yeah yeah the one I was using may even be pulling it down by now I don't know be honest I think they're funny I had a little bit of a leak off this filter before but I just type not that I've got much out of that bottom but I don't think it's leaking there it's just leaking off this air again starting to grip out of the blower drive too off the timing cover not hard just wait accessory Drive running the blower there it's just got a slight leak there dripping onto the out of the timing cover look at the back there oh you started to grip onto the I just saw a couple of drips under the engine mounted it must be just that seal who would have thought that'd be [ __ ] after 60 years 60 years old and right away it goes to hell sure they just don't make anything any good anywhere oh well I'll try it without your assistance wants to spin over dude ah Smoke's even gonna go did you have this one I was going to say there's no smokes you might be still turned off come on all right all right all right now [Applause] all right foreign all right thank you well no no no no no no no no no no [Applause] I think son I was really going to say that when you're near it although no no they're hanging in there well there you go she sounds good got coolant did it do you ever watch watch West work watch West work his channel no I see him he used to can't be that far from me he's in Northern Illinois and well there you go there's a White Plains and excuse me there's a white Plainsman supercharged Cummins first starting I don't know how many years it's up to watch Dave's Channel we'll tell you that the initial start I'm probably sure you'll say that thanks again everyone for watching foreign
Channel: Steve’s Place Down Under
Views: 19,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diesel, Tractor, Cummins, Supercharged, Engine, Farming, Mechanical
Id: -QmfF4h2esU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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