Will it run? We found a semi that will pull your house down!

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all right it's anything in writing we can read okay oh look at that clear prop Wilsonville Farm I got wild living today what's up hey good morning all right yeah warming up a little bit can I interest you in some lints kneecock sandwich cookies lemon cream flavor come on is that a trick question we're not sponsored by Lance well yes you can but we would love to be we eat we've shown these in a couple videos we're trying to give you guys a little behind the scenes look every now and again but we eat mountains of Lance Nikon sandwich cookies lemon cream variety we eat a lot of the Lance products what I'm proud of this is a six pack rather than a four pack you've been buying yeah well this is because I found these at the Dollar General I think it was so Dollar General wasn't hard to find was it no that's true are we gonna get them on camera now I have to I'll have to have the audio you know do your your chewing and chomping out but love this stuff not sponsored wish we were because we probably paid we probably paid for Lance's uh fuel bill in the last you know year and a half or whatever but anyway so I'm gonna get to that here in a sec we got an awesome video for you guys today we're at a pay star trans star low star it's the star series it's a star series it's a huge truck and we're actually it's parked right beside an old Mac you can see in the background if you haven't seen that video man you talk about obstacle after obstacle after obstacles to get that thing maybe cranked up I don't know did we it's up to you you got to go check it out so go check out that video if you want to see the old Mac crank up but right beside it is this old International and it's just a massive truck massive uh so we're gonna walk around it we're going to look at it we're going to check out the suspension on it we're going to check out the inside and we're going to fire this puppy up man it's uh or do we have tire air in the tires so unlike that other one that you was describing I think all the tires is aired up yeah maybe we'll get people maybe we can drive this around once we get it uh once we get it fired up because we're gonna get it fired up yeah I've seen the ending I'm just kidding now we're filming this let's go start working on this thing I'm going to get me some kneecots and uh work on this thing a little bit I had one they're fresh fresh good Wiley let's start from the back and work our way to the front empty this suspension is thick but I I seen something on this truck I've never seen before it's got a two by four and the channel of the of the frame yeah I've never seen that and that's and someone put that there yeah and keep it from bending over I think so I got a piece of beef jerky he's been hard to talk hey so what do you think about the current crisis and uh hey but look at this look at the brake system back here yeah I haven't ever noticed any breaks like that before motion one's got brake boosters with a long Cam that dash cam yeah I'm sure that's s-cam in there Behind These but I guess this is such a heavy payload it's got right well somebody I know would have seen this yeah well you haven't seen it what do you think about this setup for the uh for the brake system let us know in the comments below it's almost to me it looks like a suspension that may have come out of a military truck or something because how those bogeys are sitting on top usually you know the Rams got the banjo houses this is this way this banjo housings are up pointing up well like the Mac over there like a Mac yep yep and that does look like a five-ton suspension on it well today listen this I don't know who this must been that welder's first down the job oh man but yeah well the tires are military tires but that don't mean this you know the back end is military but it very well could have been yeah you know that's just what I think but especially it's a special built truck and that's the same people that build it could have built military trucks and put that suspension right in there like that yeah yeah it's definitely been heavily modified you can tell that for sure all right before we get going crazy let's check the engine to make sure everything's oh yeah on the engines nothing's missing loud starter good call foreign Transtar 4300 last tag in O2 oh it's got a Cummins in it they got Springs on it uh yes something yeah they're up top is that a v Cummins it is I don't know if I've ever seen one to be honest with you yeah which we're at uh like a Detroit 6V I know but no I'm talking about Cummins I don't know if I've ever seen HV 92 or something like that with v we just tried to start winning up but it was a Detroit oh yeah what is this Cummins yeah yeah I don't know if I've ever seen like a 903 I bet you that's a 903 okay leave a comment below if you know what Cummins that is now I've never personally seen a v block number 903 is a v-block yeah and I don't see I don't see nothing on this side as far as like the fuel pump or dipstick or I see the dipstick well you wanna check it out I see the fuel damn big old that big old hook right there so that's the water filter all right I mean the starter is easy to access over here oh that's a plus it is a plus known us knowing our look I don't know it's just a big truck golly Moses all right oh this is a short one ain't it's my kind of stick this thing's making oil this thing starts curly on top then either that's cool yeah if I could just ring that big old hole I'm gonna take the water while I'm here I can smell it I don't I can't necessarily see it it's not a turbo you know I think it's gutless Hank I don't think it has a whole lot of power for just low-end stuff like torque stuff but there's some mechanics screaming right now said you idiot yeah I see let's get some cleaner clean this valve cover off and see if it says it see if it's anything in writing we can read okay you got stuff on your side because I just have a Cummins level on my side and you know what I get a kick out of a meal and listen I love my viewers love the subscribers love the commenters yeah the people we're Southern we talk different you know people there's no G in Cummins yeah I know that but if I say Cummins come means Cummins you say tomato say tomato you know what I mean yeah there's a lot of things I say wrong anyway I don't know how I got off on that tangent well it is a lot of things you say wrong that's fact that's a fact Jack all right yeah let's get some let's clean up these valve covers I don't see anything I thought we might have something in right out here on this valve cover but nothing nothing all right let's see the let me see what the door you think we should Google 8v Cummins and see if they okay give us an option and we can choose yeah I'm gonna look at uh the door panel see but long about in the late 80s I believe that they come out with these Cummins 903s and their fuel squeezers supposed to get a lot better fuel mileage early 80s maybe who knows yeah early 80s not late 80s 204 horsepower you know okay let's Google 204 horsepower this might be another tow job buddy you know what the what this is another toe job look at this they've got the steering wheel tire tied to the gear shifter you know what they did these were sitting somewhere and they moved them with a excavator a bat I mean a front end loader and they tied them just to keep them straight yeah look at that brake pedal dude look at that it looks like a big I mean God Lee had a big foot winch lights air switch oh wait a minute now what's this turbo Switch it's got a turbo toggle switch but I didn't see a turbo on there it's got a key in IT Wiley it'll start then I believe it will 17 6 36 on the on the clock this is so cool these but it is a V8 on the Cummins is a V8 engine yeah let's see if this one that's got a turbo on it yeah these are non-turbo this right here is what we got but see it says 903 on the on the valve cover yeah let's see there's somebody that can Enlighten us we're not far away foreign maybe they made a 903 with no uh maybe they run out of stamps Wiley this truck's been sent in 20 years by the way 20 years so the old Mac over there was 17 or 19. I can't remember 17 years 19 years this one's 20 years wow and you know I couldn't turn the other one by hand a while ago so that don't necessarily mean nothing does it yeah let's say I don't necessarily mean nothing but this is so cool did you say the fuel pump was on the other side [Applause] [Laughter] is that being additional must be the old vented diesel thank you you wasn't holding your mouth right while I can see it from here oh yeah look at it pushing the stick up that's because I see something it's floating to Bobby I mean it's full yeah indeed and it's red indeed it's been 20 years it's back before uh I bet when his legs run off-road fuel yeah I know you should drifted on my sure can that tells us what color it was this sure can I'll put the Amazon Link in the link in the description below on the in the pin comment I'll put a link to this sure can have we not used that thing there was one guy that complained and I don't doubt it you nowhere to get a bad something he's always late but we have never no had any trouble out of what we use and we use them religiously and they they go through the they Bounce Around the tailgate they do everything I'll put now they're expensive they're expensive I think they're like 50 60 70 bucks but I'm telling you I when I bought mine I've had my about four years now I think I've had this one yeah something like that four years I think I get fifty dollars for mine and I think they're up to 70 because everything's inflation or whatever but if you watch this in 2030 you'll be like man remember the days when they were saying things [Laughter] go to Amazon buy you one of these I promise you won't be disappointed no they're nice they're handy all right uh batteries batteries foreign about this when an injector pump I don't know I'm not a mechanic but there's something a little different well I think it has to be on the other side I don't think it is I think it's all right in up here up top yeah let me see if the pedal accelerate and you can see us anything's moving yeah that's a good idea if I can get past this big old brake pedal that wire to go somewhere yeah okay [Applause] uh hold on yeah it's up top Wiley it's almost it's almost like a carburetor set up yeah know what I'm trying to say I know what you're saying actually okay foreign this is the throttle cable and it goes down to here where does that go on that Spring right there yeah it's connected to that spring yeah that's almost very carburetor-ish-esque very carburetor-esque yeah it does not have an inline fuel pump we're gonna do with that wire brush it's up right here so I just saw it somewhere over here like right here somewhere is it on the ground right there did I kick it and literally this idea yeah so do we put fuel let's grab right here 57 903 nope another oh yes I do okay here's a here's a fuel line I think where's this go to right here to the Wiggle It Again fuel tank yes that's a fuel hair that's air air probably got an air Keel on it okay well here okay let's go that's your air actually a good air actually your air uh compressor it does it does favor an air compressor that's what it is that's your air compressor but Wiley here's the thing that so the fuel pump must be in front of it yeah well no it's it's either no it's sitting on top because here's your fuel filters right here that's water filter are you sure because I'm pretty sure this goes straight to it go back at the hose coming out of it huh this this one with the hose coming out of that right there follow it to here nice water jacket okay so but not this one okay and and I don't think these two are connected no I know they're not if one's water or another one was fuel well no what I'm saying is you know you think sometimes you get like two fuel filters well oh yeah it says fuel filter on the side of it duh all right so what we'll do if we can since we're this close to our previous one we'll Rob the we'll just see if we can start it yeah let's see if it ain't locked up yeah that's amazing yeah let's just throw batteries and talk for hours still battery on it people people has had enough Hank they want good videos not talking boy we get that don't we a lot more action I want action tonight satisfaction all right you wanna come out no poison Hades hairband oh boy you poisoned my mind with that oh [Music] I'm definitely ground grind it to the frame [Applause] I got a buddy of mine who owns a photography business called off my frame oh made me think about that y'all need to check them out off my frame he does photography stuff foreign [Applause] oh look at that it's that liquid wrench let's get done here's a rust I think perfect [Music] you just slide the batteries out from under that can't you yeah I ain't sliding nothing [Laughter] all right I ain't sliding nothing foreign [Music] yeah jumper sir the ones that were on there no bueno for my Spanish-speaking friends hang on before you hook up the back ones let's get these long ones in I'm sorry hang on before you hook up these well I guess we can just see if it's bumping right yeah ain't nothing wrong with a little bit of bump and grinding we're gonna have people start unsubscribing we keep starting singing songs wildly that 9 16. thanks sir still got nothing on the battery really gauge nothing uh does that matter we got fire to the dash now yeah I didn't have it grounded okay 20 years save it to bump over foreign oh yeah she's not locked up that's awesome I'm gonna bump it again my hand's clear yes sir clear prop erly do anything sound like it's clicking Hank not not out I hear inside the cab all right you want to hook a fuel line to it let's take some method to it don't forget to check us out on other platforms at hamiltonville Farm so a lot of times while it would go out on his own he'll find equipment he'll take some video Snippets of it and they never end up in a in a one Standalone video but I got some really cool footage from Wiley that I think you guys are might be interested in seeing so let's interrupt the trans star just for a minute let's show you this clip that Wiley took while he was out by himself one day and then we'll get back to the Transtar and see if we can actually get it fired up this Saturday morning and we're headed up here to load up a piece of equipment when I say we ain't he's busy this morning with a sunflower Festival another Saturday and I don't have any how about that I should be at the truck here in about 15-20 minutes which would be about three seconds for y'all and we'll see if we can't get this old thing loaded and get you some more information about what we're doing this morning with trucks here this morning y'all seen this truck before on our videos loading up these people are out of Kentucky oh something happened there [Music] pretty nice looking Peterbilt there but anyway we're gonna like I said earlier we're going to try to get out here and get this piece of equipment loaded I hope y'all can hang around and see what we got going on foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I hope you're still with us this is really dusty here as you can tell there's the two machines that we're going to be picking up we're not going to pick both of them up today let me get down here and I'll show you what we have to do this is a machine we're picking up today that's a 460 D engine down first thing we're going to have to do is get in here and get the parking brakes backed off of it I got the hose from the parts house this morning and I hope I got the right size I think I do but there's four things we got to do we got to get the parking brake release we got to get the boom up and we have to get the blade up we're going to put the axles together the chain the axles together so it don't swivel them and hopefully we just take this this machine right here it does run or that Big John Deere Green one up there a Big John Deere Green one that big green John Deere up there and push this thing on the Lobo end Maybe in Hank's words 10 minutes I hope y'all hang around just see what happens okay there's a hydraulic hose I had made up this morning uh I wasn't sure if it was an eight or a ten so I got a I got both and then once we hook it up to the parking brakes we're just gonna Pump It full of grease we've done that before I think I've seen it on the video before so let me get down there and I'm by myself so I don't have a tripod I got a me pod and I'm gonna do the best I can to keep you all along and so y'all can see how how I have to do this by myself with that old Hank it's gonna be hard but I'm gonna try okay guys I got that off really uneventful but I just couldn't do it one-handed that hole somewhere right in there on the bottom is where I'm going to try to hook this um other hose up that component brakes off again I'm gonna have to put you all down because I can't do this one-handed I hope y'all haven't said now yet I hope you're still hanging on to see what happens if you can see the line that I've got the uh wrench hook too that's where I'm attempting to go if anybody knows an easier way to pump the brakes off on a G3 please leave a comment I would like to use hydraulic oil but I've got no way to pressurize it I don't know how to pressurize it with hydraulic oil and what kind of pump I could use I'm sure the grease is hard to get out of that system once we put it in there but it's the only way I know to unlock it the brakes the parking brakes work on the transmission it's a lot easier to do this than it is to do all these U-joints and and get their Drive Lines out of it so we're going this way with it I don't know if you can see it or not but uh that's what I'm trying to do is get that started I've been twisting and what I like about the jics is they are kind of made up pretty quick I'm having difficulty lining this and straight up just because the position the hose in but I'm not going to give up on it so hang with me we're gonna get her done that took about 45 minutes at least but we got that hooked up he's going to get a air grease gun and uh we're gonna see if we can't get these brakes pumped off but that was a challenge right there I'm just as greasy dirty but I did not expect that to take that long I thought I was better than that but evidently I wasn't where's Hank when you need him actually the guy that I bought this from actually come over here and started it for me so anyway we got that done we're about to see if we can get some grease in there to get these parking brakes released we're going to bump it he's up on the hill up there uh detached up there to him we're gonna chain this grapple up we're going to chain this blade up we're going to chain these uh rear axles together front and reactions together and we're gonna see if we can't get this loaded headed to Kentucky he has this air grease gun I can't tell how much grease I'm putting in there he's going to bring this machine around here I'm gonna hook the cable to the front end and he's just going to keep a little pressure on it and once it releases it's released he's new to that machine too he's been running these uh he don't know everything about it I know nothing about it I could play around with it and get it but we're going to see what we can do that thing runs so smooth [Applause] jerking around that's a 748 l thank you we got it all hooked up and then this big oversea won't move because it's Gotta region I guess they say the idle so long but we pumped it we pumped the brakes loose we change the grapple up got the blade released a little bit and we were just about to head to go try to load this thing the government you stepped in so what turned out to be maybe a easy thing is taking a little longer stay with us folks we we got together thank you well I heard it idle down I thought we was about to go this 460 Timberjack 460 D Timberjack and that 648 G3 are actually the same machines one's just painted green and called Timberjack because y'all may not know but John Deere bought Timberjack out and somewhere and oh two three or somewhere and you see it's got yellow boom where they either replaced it all the paint wore off of it I think they probably replaced that room but anyway once you skin all the black back it's yellow it's all John Deere but you'll be surprised at the people that go uh I ain't having one of those I want one of them yellow ones over there they're better machines just gave me the nod it's ready the chain wasn't strong enough to hold it they was right what else is here brakes had leaked off some foreign [Music] we get it up there foreign foreign [Music] bump it over just a little bit again same driver may be the same side of the truck we got this operated you can run it better than I can what's up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys we had a hard time getting that we had some troubles that I didn't foresee the skidder had to reach in the ramps on the lowboy but we got it loaded in this head of Kentucky and now back to your regularly scheduled program I kind of want to take off this air filter but anyway whenever you're ready all right let's see what it'll do that's amazing 20 years Wiley it doesn't seem like we're getting white smoke I didn't look do it again I got it that's awesome that wasn't even no ether so yeah we're getting some smoke that is crazy man is it building air pressure there you go what that was something popped I heard something pop back here do that again Wiley oh hold on Wiley I don't think I don't know oh I'm not sure that it's connected to the truck the whole the whole rear end it's like Canton you know like the bogey or something yeah yeah so like it like it's almost not connected to the brain if I pull it up it straightens it out come on there you go brakes are like let me see that let me see huh brakes are locked down huh well ask her to see him right lift can you hear the brakes moving back there there you go yeah the back end that that that rear axle's locked up yeah first move in 20 years yeah first move in 20 years thank you yeah you got it off the flat spot incredible I mean seriously that's incredible yeah that's pretty awesome yeah our first V Cummins yeah and to have it move like that that was pretty that was awesome dude give me something right there we can't we do we can't go because we don't have a horn yeah you're gonna leave me hanging that's cool we were stripped it yeah that was awesome dude 20 years it's been sitting here yeah 20 years I wish that was all this easy yeah a pretty easy one wasn't it yeah but you know what man we we're about about due for an easy one we do for about 20 easy ones in a row and we've had some we've had some hard ones for sure yeah I've been trying to get your stop by the Chevrolet place and let's start some 2023s will it start yeah so well this has been awesome man we uh this has been this is a fun one you know we did we didn't have to mess with the the V the V block much so that was pretty cool you know and uh fuel was still primed up didn't take much to all right yeah so yeah because we shot it with a shot of ether and then you was like well let's try it again or whatever you said I can't remember and then if I write up without me spraying ether in it so it was already good to go yeah so either the brakes are locked up because they're you know it's been set in 20 years or because of the air yeah yeah the parking brakes are on the rear yeah that's right that's probably why it's got two boosters yeah and it just ain't got enough air or something to release some more we could drive this than the parade we could drive it in a parade Christmas Thanksgiving Parade Macy's yeah this is this video will be out in December of 2022 so if you're watching it when it gets released uh we hope you have a merry Christmas if indeed it comes out before Christmas which I think it's coming out before Christmas so I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year if you're watching it after it's been released and we're into 2023 already check out the great content that we've got coming out in 2023 it's we've got some stuff lined up that'll just blow your mind there's no telling where we'll be in 23. laughs there's no telling what we might see in 28 23. but we've man we're having a blast we appreciate you guys hitting that subscribe button turning on your notification Bell I'm gonna give you a preview of what's coming up in a future video you guys take care God bless you guys next on hamiltonville Farm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thanks for watching the video links for Merch and discount codes are in the description box below
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 143,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homestead implements, heavy equipment, small farm, will it start, tractors, diesel, will it run, will it crank, old heavy equipment, abandoned vehicle, TYM, TYM Tractors
Id: mEk-epo0URw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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