BIG Cummins Powered Truck SITTING in a COW Paddock for YEARS! Will it START?

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good day I'm Bruce and today I'm going to try and get this 49,000 running that's been sitting in this cow padic for a long time it was sitting over there in the bush but it has been dragged out of here for a farm cleanup you can see there's still a bit of bush sitting there and The Story Goes apparently the front diff packed it in blew up whatever you want to call it and then it was just parked there for years and then the people that own it needed the transmission to put in another truck so the transmission was pulled out of it but apparently the engine it supposed to be quite good it's a 350 big cam cumins where it was sitting it had stuff growing up all over it if you look down there you can see where the transmission has been removed and if you look over to the side you can see where the tail shaft has just tied up above the muffler like many old trucks in our area rust takes over rust beats them in the end looks like it's got a bit of a sunroof up the top there I don't think we'll be using this fuel tank when you look at that the cap looks like it's been off there for years and it looks like they've rubbed the fitting off the top of the tank there I would say that's probably the feed line for the engine still turns but we'll probably have to try and rig up something a bit better than that I don't know whe it's got water or dirt in no nothing came out it's a wonder it didn't they've rubbed the terminals off the end of the lead so we'll have to put some new terminals on there the battery box well looks like the batteries could fall straight through there we need a bit of wood to Chuck in there see if I can tilt the Bonnet forward there were a couple of wasps flying around there so there's bound to be a wasp nest here somewhere the whole machine's covered in cobwebs it looks like nobody's been anywhere near it for a long time this valve is just hanging down but I don't think that'll stop it from starting it looks like it's still got a starter motor there which is a good thing for us you can see this side's no different there's an abundance of rust and cobwebs turbo open on the end there too I wonder does it still turn oh yeah turns around yeah I can't make the impeller touch the housing this is a bit of a test to see how good the turbos really are just grab them grab them in the middle and turn them and see if you can make push him sideways and see if you can make them touch the housing make the impeller touch the housing but no the impeller's not touching the housing so that part's probably okay spins quite freely still got the pipes hooked up to the turbo supp I should have a look and see if there's any water in it that was just on top of the radiator cap Hornet's Nest that's another problem in area anything that's got a hole in any pipes or anywhere Hornet comes along and builds in it that's probably where the babies were and they probably they've probably left town there we are I can see there's a bit of water there but it's a long way down what we got here that's probably a tap for the heater I would imagine the alternator has been pulled off down there I can see the belts are still sitting there but the alternator is long gone looks like they've tied that off to keep the steering wheel straight while they've toed out of the Bush a good look around first here's the shot of the dash the speedo is showing 490,000 km but it's probably been around quite a few times I'd say the Hornets have moved in here but the Hornets don't really worry us but it's the ones you can't see the WASP where they're hiding up in somewhere or whe they're hiding up underneath the mud yards or somewhere if it's not wasps it can be worse it can be either spiders or snakes structurally I think the cab is fit with a scrap metal yard yeah rust's got a grip on it some of these places where it's Triple A of Steel rust grinding there pretty badly I've found where the dipstick supposed to be but someone's someone's fugged the dipstick out of it stolen the dipstick out of it that's where it should go I'll see if I can get a bit of wire and just run down and there and see if it still has got any oil in it I'll get some wire off of here see if I can use that as a dipstick it's been in a fire so it's fairly brittle well it's soft but it'll snap easy probably one part will probably be [Music] enough I have it's long enough I don't think it'll be long enough but we'll give it a go see what I mean about brittle piece just snapped off then I think the Hornets have found it I'm going to clean around here and see if I can undo the dipstick tube off the block get it that way I'm up against this here wherever I try and swing that shifter that BR is in the way so let TR all that oil and grease there you'd think it to come off easy that that is running downhill looks like it might have been just on the end looks like it's clear further down so if I can just get that to com out a bit there's the dirt coming out looks like the dirt's just come out now a bend on the end they might help that doesn't want to go in I can't get the wire to go down I think it's just too soft so I'm going to have a look around and see if I can pull a dips to go to something else to try it no dipstick there here it is right we'll go and give that a try right I've got that to go in don't know whether it's long enough lipstick is too short doesn't show anything anything so really need something longer than that it's a farm clean up but the cameram man went over and pulled this out of the scrap Heat well it's touching something well it's definitely got oil in it there's definitely oil there so there's oil from about here down so we know it's got some oil in it anyway right well well that's that pass that test I just going to put the dipstick the other dipstick back where it came from have my mud boots on I'm getting a bit of an audience over there the brahin are looking over still pretty wet here you look at the ground just going to stick this piece of rag back in the in the dipstick tube because if I don't and if it does start up they'll be all going everywhere make a big mess right that should stay in there right the job done I've just put that belt and that back on where it came from that way if the next person does want to use the motor while the bolts already sitting there right here I'll put some water in there I can see water in there but might have still been a fairway down I'm not sure oh there we are had more water in than what I thought it had yep doesn't look Rusty either I've just traced that back from the solo on the starter so I can't get it wrong I could probably do a bit of Sandpiper really to really get them back to the Copper I'm hoping to see a bit of copper [Music] should really have a washer on here I don't know if it's going to work even going to be close right that should be good right loosen them off a little bit just got to clean around this bung and put some diesel in the pump pretty hard to get around the back of it there I'll try and brush that dirt off like to get a piece of rag I know what I'll do I'll get a piece of hose and just BL off this is sort of a bush mechanics idea where you just have a bit of clear hose just to blow the Dirt away after it's all loosened up I guess now we'll try and mix up some Diesel and try and pour in there maybe with a little bit of oil and with the diesel just to lubricate the pump a bit because it's been standing for a long time so we won't try and turn the motor over until we've got something in that pump to lubricate it there we are get a bit more leverage on it if I can get that on me right I'll just get the hose again and give that another blow around it's always best to give him a second clean yeah the bung is out I'm just going to make mix up some engine oil and Diesel to put in that pump [Music] I reckon about that much oil I'm going to put some diesel on top of that give it a bit of a stir see if we can get all the air out of the pipe anyway a little buang back in there it like that there we get it screwdriver give that bit of a stir bit a stir I'm just going to put this piece of plastic hose into there right right got that sitting there no still going to take more I'm just going to put this small piece of plastic hose in the end here which will make it a bit easier to do the job cuz that should go down inside the hole where is the outer one I put the oil in with the first lot so this time I'm just going to pump it in with the upboard fuel tank yeah for all those that are wondering whether it's water or diesel dripping down that's water just dripping out of the the heater tap right just got to go and get the bung I'm just going to try this piece of wire and see if there's any hornet nest in the end no it looks to be looks to be clear now the other thing is I wouldn't normally do this with a dirty old pipe but it's it still has its own filter hooked up so any diesel gun through here is still going to be filed by the time it gets to the pump I'm going to try and shove this hose over top of this other one if I can do it yep it worked I didn't think it would but it will that's a new piece of Hose so it's a good nice soft piece this Tank's already been dosed with fuel doctor so we probably got enough in there to easily start it and run it for a bit so I've just got to try and push the fuel through now through the filter up into where I pull that bung out we've got a solid flow coming out around the thread which is looking good right the battery will be next we we're going to put the battery on this plate which is the plate that that came from around the gear stick so if the battery doesn't fall through there we'll be right we'll go from jumper leads on the ground to that one right so we've got our positive here push that back a bit we've got a buzzer going off inside side just going to add these jumper leads on it's a 12v system so there's that positive [Music] negative be careful down here they don't touch positive on there one to there these trucks if they have a 12vt system most times they have a couple of big 12vt batteries so these are 900 coal cranking amps each so we hope we've got enough that to spin it over most times they've got a big Delo Remy starter on them and that they need a lot of amps to kick them off I'm just going to put this 90° bend on here because um we are worried that dirt and dust might go back but it has got a Horton fan on it so the Horton fan probably won't do anything because it hasn't got any air pressure there to make it engage so we're just going to sit this on here now anyway it'll probably drop off if it starts up but at least we've tried I normally don't stand beside them when I go to start them but I am this time because there's no transmission in there so it can't go anywhere anyway so we've got a buzzer going off which is probably a low air buzzer I suspect so here goes nothing it has a start button on top I [Music] think no as long as it was not getting enough powder for the starter [Music] I'll turn the key on and I'm pushing the start button [Music] she's a runner did start she was running but I think the throttle might be seized nothing happening there I think there must have been some air somewhere around possibly in the filter so I'll just see if I can loosen that buang off there's bubbles coming out around the bung right here we'll go back and try again we've quickly shut it down because we've got an oil leak in here where it must be a bung or a pipe missing well looks like the engine's pretty good the 350 big cam comons ticking away there nicely the swaddle was seized so just as well we didn't rev it up anyway because we didn't realize it had an oil leak it looks like it must have a bung missing out the side of the block or or a hose that's been pulled off it so it was right out of sight until we could see the oil starting to come down the side there and we shut it down immediately now the farmers can make their mind up whether they're going to keep it or whe what's going to happen to it they're going to bring a D6 Dozer over and push it up onto that up onto that float over in America be a low boy the engine is probably the best part of this truck so even if they kept the engine or if somebody out there might need a a 350 big cam cumin they might be able to get in contact with me and I might be able to give them the farmer's number if they're interested in buying this engine the sun has just set over the hill now so it was pretty good that we got it going before it ended up being dark this has been a pretty fun little adventure for start when I pushed the pushed the start button had the key on and push the start button nothing happened there was only the the buzzer going off Bel low air I suspect I thought oh well we're going to have to hotwire the starter motor and then I don't know what happened some miracle I just kept pushing the button the next thing it started cranking so I was pretty lucky to to have that happen if you've had anything to do with these 350 cins big cam engines feel free to leave a comment I'll have to quickly pack up here now and get out of here before it's dark that'll be it for this video so until next time thanks very much for watching
Channel: Bruce In AUS
Views: 34,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Will it start, Will it run, Trucks, Cummins, Diesel engines, Ford, Turbo diesel, Automotive, Vintage truck
Id: Z38ZfjNDtxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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