Will it run after 75 plus years 1931 model AA dump truck

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we have a 1931 model a dump truck and this old girl's been setting for about 75 years or more as you can see she's missing some important pieces here such as the front end when we went to get it the front end that was underneath it that is on the trailer now is out of a car instead of a uh ton and a half truck like this and as you can see at one point it did take a fairly firm hit to the front here and it bent the water pump it bent all this back and I'm gonna say that's what knocked the front end out of it to begin with but we're going to get this old girl running but uh you can see here that the intake has uh decided to rust off of here it is dripping oil and water because it's above freezing today so that's good I guess but right through there you can see it is full of dirt and rust it's very moist dirt so that may not be a uh good thing but hopefully not too much water's got in there this and I think is see oh yeah that one's completely full of mud and water so that might not be a good sign we're going to have to get that head off of there over here we got a dump bed this is a roller rocker dump and on this side over here it is serial number 001 Model 29 so I assume this is the first roller rocker dump built in this model and stuff I haven't tried to dump it but we're going to give her a try here I think it's going to dump let's see here oh I'm not tough enough to one second here oh there we go it kind of dumped a little is that thing not bolted down well it kind of leaned back nope I ain't tough enough to do that we will have to remove said snow and material that's in there and and figure that out but I do assume she'll dump we do have a grill and everything else to throw on this thing and another front end we're going to salvage some parts off some other old cars we've had laying around to get this old girl where she looks halfway like a truck again we're missing this piece here and on the good old mileage in this thing she is sitting at 2,826 you can see we're missing the top of the transmission this old girl has been used for yard art for about the past 40 years maybe a little long longer and before that it wasn't a salvage yard so as you can assume people bought pieces off of this thing and she's been scavenged for parts here and there like the top of the transmission and there's a few other pieces missing I'm sure someone needed this piece and at least they left the bed complete and they left us an engine to try to get running we would check the oil it has been leaking some out you can see there we got a clean up uh once it thought out it started leaking oil we're going to go ahead and start a fire underneath this truck so we can thaw out that cuz I'm sure it's full of a lot of water in that oil pan and we need to get some heat into this old motor so we can get these bolts apart get the plugs out and hopefully she'll start pretty easy we got another intake we're going to go get and put on here since that one's busted all in all she does she looks like she's going to run I mean she's got potential wasn't burning near that good a minute ago uh once the oil pan got a little bit of heat in it it let the frozen water loose in there and it let some oil out onto that then we're just smoldering but now they're burning pretty good hopefully we don't overcook her we're going to let her cook for about 45 more minutes at 350 until all the snow's gone and after that we should be good to start pulling some spark plugs out of her the main thing I want is all the water out of the oil pan and we're going to figure out where she's up leaking I think it's the oil drain plug maybe tore cuz I think it drugged when we put it on the trailer but once all this snow's gone it's melting it back there too it shouldn't take long and it's also melting the ice that's in this intake out which may or may not be a good sign I'll get back with you guys once she's done cooking this plug probably hasn't been out of here in 80 plus years so hopefully she'll come loose huh got a little bit of water in it see here that's too easy right there oh yeah she could be hot as fire better Moment of Truth here you can see there's not as much rust as youd expect for the intake being well cracked off of there and rusted pretty bad so that's a good sign I do have have to say I think we're in luck we will get a flashlight here in a minute show you guys down in there it doesn't look terrible so that's always a good sign I think somehow it's kept from getting water down in it over all these years we may be lucky and not have to pull the head the distributor cap is a whole another story it has seen many of better days we're going to have to clean all this up but we might be we might get lucky on this got all them plugs out of there and so far everything's looking good if you look down in here you can see there's some cobwebs and stuff some surface rust but nothing major same way with this one it's at top dead center you can see a little bit of that uh bright colored rust a little bit of surface rust and again there's nothing really major it a little bit around the Rings same way with this in here there's a bunch of cobwebs the Piston has turned that like galvanized tin color just from oxidation and this in here there's a bunch of carbon and stuff in it lot of stuff but we're going to fill them with acetone and transmission fluid let them soak for a while shop vac it out and rinse them out with some diesel to make sure we get all the stuff out of there we can because there's not a whole lot of stuff that would hurt the engine but we're not going to pull the head on this and then we don't want to score the cylinder walls because in all honesty they look really good for it sitting outside like it did and years old so it's doing pretty good it only had 20 some th000 miles on it so this motor's good for at least another 20 something th000 we're go ahead and pull that intake now but first we're going to put some stuff down in there to hopefully loosen the motor up boy it's thirsty ain't it okay something ain't right no it's feeling we're good I was wondering oh that's coming out the exhaust that one filled up and we'll go for this while of he them bolts with the propane torch to get them loose this in here's still steaming and the intake well the exhaust is on fire but we're going to pull that off of there and see what it looks like down in there hopefully it's nothing too terrible but we're going to try to save this intake because it's the one with the heater on it but I do believe well the intake might be separate I'm not really sure on these I think they're one piece but who knows that acetone burning off don't smell too good and just as I suspected the intake stuck on here oh oh uhoh so uh that didn't go as planned as you can see something was still on fire happen we're going to let it do its thing for a minute here uh it'll burn for a while that acetone should burn off rather quickly you can see over here they're pretty packed full of acorns from mice and rats and everything over the years but that's about to all be off of there when it burns out that's where the intake piece is cracked the exhaust manifold is in good shape we do need to get it out of there before we set the whole world on fire with it but all in all it wasn't too bad we can probably pull these plugs out now I think mainly most of that stuff in there is just uh dirt at least it ain't full of water I guess you'd say cuz that's always a good thing and the rat packing that in there as long as they didn't live in there it should have kept some of the moisture off of them valves but I'm sure the valve stems are rather Rusty we took a torch to all the intake and exhaust ports and we also took a wire brush and got all the rust and rat nest out of there we also sprayed it with some this rust dissolver gel I'm not sure if it's going to exactly work but maybe they'll get a little bit of that rust out from around the valve stem so it's easier to get them loose went ahead we pulled the starter the starter gear on it looks really good it moves so that's a plus most of the time these are stuck even if they had a hood and everything on them somehow in there's really nice and oily and everything in there looks really good the clutch even goes in we had to push the clutch in because it's stuck in gear because it's all rusted and the top of the transmission's been off forever down in here don't look too good on this starter uh hopefully nothing's rusted too bad we're going to go ahead take it inside pull it apart and hope for the best I thought Flathead starters were the same they kind of are but the Flathead starters the only difference is is this piece I believe and the bolt and also how they uh go on the top for the Flathead V8s I believe you can take this piece and this gear piece and put a flathead starter back on these things and make it work but we'll figure it out bottom of the starter and it catching all the water this is what I was afraid of the springs that hold the brushes on the bottom are completely rusted off but I think the little things that hold them are halfway there you can see what the Spring's supposed to look like there what this one looks like so we're going to go cannibalize another starter and and take the top brushes off the one on the doodle bug cuz they should be the best put them in here and that should somewhat give us a starter we went ahead and we got that starter on there we used the one off of the doodle bug and cleaned it up really good and it should work the one that was off this truck was too rusted towards the bottom of it and the barings were really tight in the end of the starter and it was really hard to turn so we didn't want to have to mess with trying to fix them cuz they'd been full of water we fixed the bendex on the end of this and it does what it's supposed to do so we're going to hook a battery up here and jump this thing and hopefully that starter has enough ugod Dugas to break this motor loose and we'll make sure the valves are working it shouldn't be too long and we'll have this old girl run time to P the battery up here and try not to melt it right now seems like a good time TR to dump the old starter on this thing he's probably fairly warm here left on it with the starter a whole bunch of times we've also PRI on the flywheel with a crowbar many of many of times and it won't budge so we're going to have to pull the head off of this thing and see what's going on it doesn't look like there's been any moisture in there really but I think the Rings are just stuck we've already unbolted this thing but these are kind of a pain to get out of there especially when they've been setting the elements like this in has we may not be able to get it out of there that is a problem this may end up being a problem okay use this kind of like a wedge maybe oh there we go we might get lucky on this one I think so uhoh I don't know what that crunch was but gets in there good I mean ain't in there as stuck as I thought it would be but it's had a lot of water around it there we go it turned surprisingly you can see all that rust around it from it just uh being in there so long and without a hood on it I don't think this is froze up but it could be that that oil pumps froze up so we'll give it a couple thumps with the starter and see if that does anything no just as I suspected now we got to go ahead and pull the head off this thing these have already been I guess you'd say heated and diesel fueled enough and PV Blaster they should come off little thing don't want to give up does it putting them back on most of the time as much trouble it's getting them off I know this one has closed valves so it won't break nothing here head off of there we did have to cut this bolt here but it came off there rather easy we murdered the head gasket so we have to get another one of them the cylinders don't look bad there's some surface rust here and there uh this in here is full of spiders that whole pile of stuff down there is just a bunch of spiders you can see they're just piled up there it needed to come off anyway cuz we didn't want to run all this through it but this thing just will not budge so I'm going to clean all this up with the shop vac and get us a head gasket ordered so we can you know put her back together halfway decent and not have to use a piece of cardboard which I think is what this is I don't think there's any any metal this may have been replaced at one point because I don't know it don't look like you know no there's a piece of cardboard there not cardboard but copper there and that's like some type of I don't know if it's the asbestos that they normally use or what that is cuz it just don't look right and started pulling this motor we skipped a bunch because we had to fight with this thing for several hours today to get it loose but we've got it to here and we're pulling it with that little tractor and the little engine hoist to try to get it out of here I'm going to say the pilot shaft is like welded into the uh crankshaft here because we tried getting the transmission loose with the motor in there all the stuff on the motor is a some Rust eating stuff I put on there to get the pitting out of the around the valves but we've got it to here we're going to go ahead and pull it the rest of the way out we do have the motor in the doodle bug and another motor we could put in this thing so we may have to just swap the motor completely but I think we can get this in running we're just going to have to get it out of here get the transmission loose swap transmission and clutches and we should be good from there but I'm put you guys up on the tripod we're going to go ahead and yank this out of here and hopefully everything goes good there one there she be transmission everything off the engine we pulled the other engine and we took the clutch out off the other one in the transmission we got a new pilot bearing in there we did get this motor loose we bumped it with the starter and it came right on loose after we got it out of there so it was the uh transmission being seized I'm going say the pilot bearing and all that stuff there was holding us up from rolling over I'm going to go ahead and we're going to use this as our clutch alignment tool we took a sledgehammer to the other transmission case it was busted in junk anyway so we had a way to align the clutch in there and we're going to get her put together and hopefully put back in there fairly easily it should work this go around we got it all nice some shiny there so maybe it won't not want to go together I mean it it looks halfway on there not going to say it's all the way on on there I think it's all the way on there [Applause] now now the question is can we get that shaft out of there once we put the clutch on sure we can not totally sure we can but I think we can see if this will wiggle on out of there please leave the pilot bearing intact in there good job now I'm going go drag a transmission over here we're going to wiggle it on there and hope for the best the motor still turns over we're good to go we whed it a few times it's real slow because transmissions in gear will mess with that once we have it in the truck so it ain't flying back in Forth here but it does roll over we have to replace some Valves and clean it up cuz it's just filthy you can see where the Pistons have been going up and down but we're going to throw her back in the truck and hope the motor and transmission in this thing and the motor turns over all that fancy stuff but I was whirling it over a minute ago and none of the valves move now so I'm not sure what happened there we did drill a hole in this one because it's stuck and we uh cut the valve stem off so we didn't break the camer or nothing cuz we went through the Crowbar made sure they all opened so now we have to put the front end underneath this thing move the Jack and Jack the motor up undo this front cover and pull this front cover off of it and hopefully figure out what's going on with the cam chef because it does not seem like anything's moving none of the valves move the motor turns over really good though but we don't have any valves moving so that's not a good sign been working on this cam gear for a while we did drill this out and get this valve somewhat loose we will replace it all the other ones seem to be opening the closing is the only hard part but we'll get them working back and forth we have two torches that one quit uh striking so we bought another one a while back and we just got them both on there we're going to get this thing as hot as we can we've been beating on this thing forever we got a wrench that would fit it it won't turn so hopefully we can get it hot enough to where it'll come loose the teeth just keep breaking off of there they're as brle as can be because it it's bake a lot but we're going to get her off there get another one on there and it lined up and replace that one valve put the head back on there and it shouldn't take too much after that to have her running but I'm going to let her cook for a while and get back with you guys that cam out of there we just had to lift the lifters and everything and pull it up and just pull the whole cam out because we heated it up till the gear melted off of it and couldn't get it loose so this is the cam out of the doodle bug we should have just put the Mot out of the doodle bug into this one because we knew it ran but that in my mind wouldn't have been a will it run so we've added a lot of extra steps it seems but we're going to try to jam this cam in there and let's find the little alignment spot well once we do that we should be good to go make sure she's all nice and clean well as clean as it can be for a nearly 100y old cam chef that's been in a motor set in the field for like 70 years or so but got to be real careful not to bump these lifters because they're holding on with a prayer right now cuz they're they're big they're big on the bottom and Tall uh short small on the top and if you bump them they'll fall through into the oil pan now have the cam where it's camming and doing what it's supposed to do we have everything where it's not binding and last night I filled this with maatic acid and we let it soak overnight and it took a good 4 5 minutes but we got that valve stem out of there uh we had to cut it in like three pieces here's some of it this was seized in there so we went to the motor that was in the doodle bug and pulled it out and we just pulled the valve out of it I mean we pulled it up took the spring off slid it down and it just it just fell apart because if you look here that's all nice and shiny and that's all rusty we're going to lap this valve in there probably don't even have to do it but we'll lap it in there just to make sure it'll seal right and put this in there clean the head surf up again throw a head gasket on it and a distributor and she should be ready to go here in a couple minutes well then we'll just have to do it this way is it hitting the lifter it's close to it boy this ain't exactly the proper way you're supposed to use that little spinny thing but it don't want to stick cuz the valve's all Gummy up from carbon and lad probably that ought to do it don't take much do what they're supposed to do we got the head gasket on there we got that bolt back there straightened out we're going to go ahead and throw the head on it we got a mess going on but we're going to throw that on there get her whirling over we had to put the distributor in there but number one's on top dead center and well we better take this off so we don't accidentally turn it and it shouldn't take a whole lot more she seems like the Rings are loose and it seems like the motor's fairly tight so as long as she has compression she should head off and run pretty easy we're right on the money just takes a wiggle there we go going on fairly easy this one here doesn't have the broke uh what fan and stuff on it so that's always a good thing and just lock that she's on there we'll torque her down and uh we got an intake to throw on here exhaust manifold and a few other little odds and ends but I think we've about got her whooped so we're going to go ahead and try this again we got new plugs in there we got we filled the cylinders with engine stop leak so maybe she won't blow up on us and maybe she'll run give her a little bit of the juice here and a little whirl for a minute that's not doing [Laughter] good huh close that up man something ain't valve relating properly it's it is timed it is getting spark huh strange I'm going go ahead and mess with it for a little bit and get back with you guys I'm not totally sure what's going on here it could be something as simple as this I mean it could be anything okay okay come on old girl everything's falling down that's a good sign come on come on oh crap we're leaking o uh hold up we got to put our cover back on this thing before we waste all our oil but she's going to run okay A little bit of Vance okay little bit more advanced what's leaking is that o oh no there's a hole in the old pan wouldn't we wouldn't expecting that I think we got our oil pan hole repaired I got to say she runs now ignore that nasty grinding sound you hear when she's whirling around I don't think that say it oh the oil Pan's leaking again I think I know what that is I think when this old girl was hit in the front end about however many years ago it was about 70 or so years ago I think it bopped the uh these have a pan in the oil pan kind of like the race motors do that goes underneath the crank I think it's rubbing the crank shaft because it's not a rod knock it's something rubbing so it shouldn't be that big of a deal I'm going to plug up the hole in the oil pan again I thought I fixed it I should just change this oil pan but we're in a mud hole right now we will change it later on but uh we have a good oil pan I didn't think about it when we pulled the motor because I fixed the drain plug and it was holding juice or oil and now it's leaking it so we're going to fix that on let's give her a world one two three and I lied I guess we ain't going to run it for a while what I [Music] do well what's that about really you knocked my stick out oh man we knocked even a bigger hole in the oil pan son of a gun she runs though got the old girl running I got to say she runs pretty Prett good for the shape she was in especially without having a hood and all that for years upon years all the racket in the oil pan was that tray that's loose we will end up putting another oil pan on this thing the other oil pan needs a little bit of work and I don't want to uh put a oil pan on this thing with old gaskets because well these leak anyway it's leaking at the rear main seal and this little piece here is leaking but we got the old girl running she runs good that's all that matters there I know you guys want to see these things running and dying driving next week we have a 28 Dodge car we might be able to get it driving and the next week we'll have a old Ford truck and I guarantee you we'll get it back on the road cuz it's got mechanical brakes and everything and the tires kind of hold air on it so we'll get that one on the road also I said that this bed was number 001 I was wrong it is one one 0 uh maybe I didn't see that or maybe you can see it better on the camera but I didn't see that one I thought it said 001 one so it's like the 101st one they made instead of the first one but this one I wanted to get it driving but the rear end is locked up and we don't have any Wheels with tires that fit this old girl I don't think but thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next video please consider leaving a like or maybe subscribing cuz we got a lot more cool videos coming to the channel also the old hearse we're going to bring it inside and start fixing some of the metal work you guys will see the a Cuda here pretty soon you should see a diamond te uh truck video this Monday and you should be seeing the old 36 International here pretty soon cuz I think I finally found a clutch for it and if not we're just going to send the one off in it and get it rebuilt
Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 468,684
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Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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