Definitely AVOID This Brand At All Costs

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have you ever heard of this brand before this thing is truly a lot more mystery and Oddity buried deep within corners of decaying mower shops ancient relics lie peculiar artifacts Left Behind baffling even today's most experienced repairman What Lies Beneath the surface of dust and filth will leave you dumbfounded enigmatic perplexing and unusual items small engine pundit pterodactyl takes you through learn more Mysteries and Oddities pterodactyl here and welcome to another edition of lawnmower Mysteries and Oddities but before we start the video I need for you to subscribe to this YouTube channel check this thing out this power smart and this thing isn't too smart you ever see one of these before I guess you can buy them at Home Depot you can get them online but this thing is like brand new and what had happened is it came into my brother feral shop and they won't work on this brand because from what I understand they're very hard to get parts for and to find a service center check it out I went online and looked at all the service centers and there's three right now as of the date of this video three service centers one in South Dakota one in Moline Illinois and one somewhere in Wisconsin and we've had this brand come in before a snow blower and we tried to fix it and we could not get the parts for it but what's a what a mystery and Oddity it is is if you look at it real close it's got a horizontally mounted engine it's got a horizontal shaft engine on it or a side shaft which goes into a gearbox which goes and Spins the blade so when this thing came into my brother's shop they wouldn't work on it they refused it the customer left and later on when my brother went to the dumpster his dumpster there this mower was sitting by the dumpster now this thing sells for about 250 dollars and I think the only thing wrong with it is a recoil bro so we're gonna see if we can get this Power Smart which isn't so smart it's going again for fell I don't know maybe some of you grass rats have this long one maybe you like it well you'll like it until you try to get part four to get it fixed let me put some tension on that by bending it but yeah we won't work on these either if customers bring them in we'll refuse them the only reason I took this is because my brother Farrell said check this thing out you should do a video on it let me get some handle bolts [Music] because it's got a horizontal shaft engine which lawn mowers are usually vertical shaft so I've got the handle bolted on now I know you're curious to see what's underneath I mean it's a good looking mower so here's a big old [Applause] plastic cover under here look at we're uncovering the mystery covered in this green leafy substance so I wonder if there's a belt well there's got to be a belt because it's got the drive it's got a drive system so let's uh oh let's remove the blade and this cover and take a look at how this how this thing is spinning the blade plus it's leaking gas out the muffin looks like it's got a little pipe plug in here I wonder if this is a separate gearbox here's the engine oil it's got oil in it I'm sure this is made in China but you got to remember a lot of dealers don't want to work on stuff they're not a dealer for so don't get mad at them because this stuff like this will bog your dealership down trying to chase down parts and help the customer because they bought it online you know you didn't buy it from them so they're not obligated to fix anything you walk through the door and then what am I going to do with this if I do get it running I'm not going to sell this thing to one of my customers because there's something breaks on it they're going to bring it back then I'm going to have trouble hey you sold me this piece of crap now it don't work so we'll put it in the lawnmower mystery and Oddity Museum where it belongs and I'm going to pull that little pipe plug out on the side so we could take a look in that little gearbox and then we'll pull that cover off because I know you're curious like a cat and you want to see how that thing operates me too I'm excited are you I can tell you're all excited I removed this plug and look there appears to be some kind of blue grease on there so there's no oil in there see there's nothing coming out it's Grease let me stick something in there here I got a straw from a can of spray yeah there's a blue grease in there because again we don't have the manual on this the customer probably threw the manual in the dumpster when he was parking the lawnmower next to the dumpster and this probably where these this brand of mower belongs this is the easy works of lawn mower smart yeah like I said it's a good looking lawnmower but looks can be deceiving take it from me look at me [Music] okay I removed the blade in the hub and there was a bolt here uh 13 millimeter and a 10 millimeter back there and check out how they're driving the blade on this thing check it out here is going to be the mystery revealed just like Sarah Mclaughlin song Building A Mystery well they built a piece of crap before this company there it is here's our gearbox and they've got a serpentine belt and look at this serpentine belt look at it now you can tell this thing has hardly ever been used it might have cut grass a couple times and look at this belt is already falling apart look at this thing and here's the drive belt or for the for the uh power drive and look at it it's rubbing on this cable back here it's almost rubbed through this cable already it's already rubbed through the casing no wonder nobody will work on these things and that was the trouble we had with that snowblower that came in here it needed some cables it had a bunch of crazy cables on it and we contacted the company we called the 800 number we were on hold for over an hour and never did get to talk to anybody we never could find the cables I told the guy come and get your snowblower I can't help you because what are you going to do when you can't get the parts and I'm not going to sit there and make cables you know we got an hour away shop right people want to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for some crap that they bought off at Amazon or somewhere all right so let's put it back together let's fix the recoil and see if we can get this mysterious piece of fecal runny Building A Mystery [Applause] okay so it looks like this bolt had come loose on the inside and the whole recoil just fell apart you know why because this is a cheap piece of fecal matter [Music] buyer beware and you know how you find out after you bought the piece of crap and then you're on that 800 number for an hour and you don't get to talk to anybody they just wear you down to the point where look at this thing [Applause] plenty of grease in there it's like a maze gotta get out of the maze get me out of the main well hopefully everything is here it looks like it is we wind up the spring it's a pretty stout spring foreign pretty easy nope all right this thing is pretty pretty stiff I have to get out my spring tool and it's all greasy so I bought this tool years ago 2004 I think when I went to the gie there was a company there selling this tool I don't know if you can still get it but it's for winding up recoil springs so you stick one end in there I haven't used it in a long time because I can usually just do it by hand but you get the get the one end in there like so then you get the other end to come out of this notch and you set it on a table and you spin it and it winds it up and you keep winding it up until it gets it all sucked in there then you'll let the tension off so now it's all wound up in there see you push it down a little then these different cups are for the different sizes so see this one fits right in there so now what I do is once I get it in there now I push this down or pull this up that's what I do and then foreign squeeze that up voila spring is all wound up and installed it's pretty slick ain't it see when I pull that up like that it releases the middle thing and then when I squeeze it it pushes the spring out and again I don't know if it's still available or not but I saw it I thought it was cool and I bought it and I needed it today so now we got to get to that locked into that little tab there which I did I got it to lock in see we got spring tension now we'll stick these poles back in and if you notice there's little springs in here so you got to pull that back and get the pole like so let's see the spring is right here it's a little return spring so this thing flips back and we got to do the same on this side see then we put that cover on which has got a spring in here boy they really loaded it up with grief I think they went a little crazy with the grease so what I want to do is I'm hoping this bolting stripped out I gotta clean it real good with some brake clean or some carb spray and I'm gonna put some Loctite on there we don't have to come back out it only wipe some of this grease off there geez I want a little nuts with your grease what is it some of these companies there's a part they need to grease they don't grease it other ones they put way too much grief you know that grief it's gonna act like sandpaper when dirt and grit gets in there just starts wearing everything out there's some carb spray there's a little bit in there I'll get a Q-tip cleaning out some threads and get a couple of them it's got to be nice and clean we want the Loctite to to cure and it ain't going to cure if it's got a bunch of a bunch of grease on it all right where's that a little spring go when I already lost a little spring there it is all right so the bolt goes in then the spring goes on there and we got some Lo-Fi red I'm going to use red a couple of drops which we sell in our online store you want to get some Loctite we sell the velco brand put over by lined everything up all right now I need a eight millimeter line these little dents up in this area here because as this thing spins it's going to kick these poles out and hopefully this will tighten up ah that's why the recoil failed probably over tightened it in the factory they probably use an air tool or something or electric branches these things are running down the assembly line stripped it out and just let it go down the line guy pulled it a couple times was able to get it started and then that was that [Applause] so now we gotta take it back apart I hope the spring don't come twang it up good thing we got that tool all right Carol it's got how many threads I can feel it with this it's got a good amount of threads it's this Bolt this shoulder bolt maybe I can find one that's got this length shoulder on it I've got a bunch of assortments of shoulder bolts but you know what when you get a hold of this company if you can they're not going to have this bolt they're gonna probably want to sell you or give you the whole recoil I bet you there's no individual parts for this thing and that's how everything is going to be starting to get I know Briggs does that too on some of their recoils you can't buy any parts to fix the recoil you got to buy the whole recoil now this this you know almost looks like it would maybe one from like a Harbor Freight or something might work that one's real close or tighten up oh it's a different size seven millimeter six millimeter so this must be standard [Applause] the six was too small seven was too big nine thirty seconds maybe no quarter inch yep quarter inch no stripped out can't put a nut cert in there [Applause] see you're gonna pay a shop to sit there and dig dig around for a piece of Hardware to fix this piece of crap they might do it one time and then after that they're gonna don't ever bring this thing back here Power Smart power fart because that's the noise you make before fecal comes out well let me search around see what I can find that's real close on the depth this is like a self-tapping screw I bet you if I open up that hole in the center oh I'll make sure that spring fits that spring fits over it maybe I can make this work I'll just open that hole up bigger just the shoulder to hold it shoulders a little bit yeah it's a little quite a bit longer so that's going to make this thing well the spring tension will hold against it hmm [Applause] that's an option here's another one I wonder what these were for come off for some lawnmower and I got quite a few of them in here all right so let's work with this shoulder bolt I found now another option if you don't have an assortment of shoulder bolts like I have you know you could put a little sleeve on there a little spacer a piece of tubing you know to do that and if that doesn't work look what I went upstairs in my parts room I got a bunch of recoils and look at this recoil this is off uh some crap Craftsman overhead valve engine 208cc so maybe even a predator Harbor Freight recoil might work because it looks identical it works the same way where the Falls shoot out so if this doesn't work for some reason by me tapping this screwing that in I can put this on because look there's multiple multiple mounting holes I would just have to put a longer rope in it so it'll go up the handle but I could get three of these to line up and it catches so this will work but man what a piece of crap this thing is even where the Rope is going to come up to go up there looks like it's going to rub on something so I'm going to go ahead grill that out put this in as a self-tapping screw I can tell because it's triangular shaped on the end that's how you can tell a self threading or self-tapping plus the way it's kind of fluted like a tap then we find a nut that fits on there quarter twenty if it's quarter twenty then I'll drill like a seven thirty seconds or next size now probably probably six millimeters so I'll get a drill six millimeter drill for a six millimeter cap I got a chart somewhere that'll tell me that I think I got one over here what size drill to use for that and that would be 3 16 13 64th now [Music] it's at 5 16 yep just like the original head we spray a little gel Lube on there which we also sell along with the Loctite in our online store [Applause] that yellow works good as tapping compound I was using just whatever I had laying around I grab PB Blaster I'd grab WD-40 whatever lubricant I had laying around I would use this tapping compound well one day I had a gel Lube was handy so I grabbed that gel glue and I'm like wow this stuff works good I'll start using this as tapping compound yeah we're cutting some good threads in there now okay there's a group I know all right so now that's a wind up the spring again my little tool if somebody's chips out of here punching John remember trip all right we got punch and John out of there all right I'll wind this thing back up probably not going to need any Loctite on there that Bolt if it's tight let me get all this stuff out of the way so we're not confused they're losing some of them now I need to open up that hole so I need to know what size to open it up to so that's why you got to have a drill gauge so 11 30 seconds grab this so it doesn't get ripped out of my hands didn't need much foreign close I give her a little Waller and there we go I had to Waller it a little get all that sawdust out of there our spring I know what you're saying here I would put lock card on it anyway Terrell if you want to pull Loctite on it if you're doing this repair you go right ahead I would put it on there anyway does it move does it work yeah it's gonna work all right so now we gotta wind up the string so now we got to put tension on the on the spring that's what that little notches a lot of times these recoils got that little notch that's for the Rope so you wind up the spring holding the rope in the notch the rule of thumb when you're doing any recoil wind it all the way up till it stops and you're going to want to back it off otherwise you over tighten the spring and you'll break it and we're going to wind it up until it stops moving on us which is about there and we're over here so let's back it up back it up back it up because that's the end of our rope right there [Applause] so let's back it up to there now when I let go of the Roll it'll suck it in okay and it's working see the Falls are coming out so I fixed it and again if you want a foot lock tight on there go right ahead but that thing's tight now it ain't coming out I can put a lot of tension on it now 10 feet all right so now we can get this original power fart now I gotta find uh some Hardware is this the fuel line gotta find some Hardware and we could cure that down and they look like they're just standard six millimeter metric Hardware so there was one in there again I got to get three more of these so I'll scrounge up three more okay we got it back together I don't know if it's gonna start I would think it would got a primer [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a pizza jump this thing is oh my Lord dancing around while I can't have a bent crankshaft because the crankshaft comes out of the side and goes to a belt the way it's dancing around the blade may be out of balance or that belt because it's starting to deteriorate I mean the blade doesn't have any like big Nicks in it and this thing look at the bolt in the center it's it's going true who came up with this design so this is the problem here because you know what the consumer he doesn't know he's not a lawnmower expert he just sees this thing at 250 dollars let's buy it and then you know finds out later after he bought it that this thing is a piece of junk I wouldn't I wouldn't want to be a repair center for these people no way what a pile of garbage distance so I hope this video helps you as a consumer you go out and buy one of these or you were looking at one because that's about all it's good for is looking at so again the beginning of the video you like this video subscribe to this channel I got it running I got it working but like I said earlier I'm not going to sell this to anybody any of my customers you know why because I'll just be giving them their money back it's going in the lawnmowers mystery and Oddity music so tune in again for another edition of lawnmower Mysteries and Oddities I'm Robert Stack I mean pterodactyl and there's your dinner no more Mysteries and Oddities hey stepping star and Jiffy Moore you got a new playmate the power fart I mean the power smart here's your new home power fart next to the other Mysteries and Oddity have a good night
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 389,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grass rats, garage, taryl, fixes, all, grass, rats, taryl fixes all, power, smart, Power Smart, Power, Smart, power smart, mower, push, pull behind, walk behind, cheap, amazon, china, made, cutter, lawn, brand, do not, buy, do not buy, don't buy, dont buy, by, avoid, review, reviews, diy, DIY, fix, recoil, won't start, won't run, run, start, won't, pull, rope, crappy, what, mowers, box store, not to buy, should not, would not, which, ones, good, bad, best, worst, to get, to buy, Lowe's, Home Depot, Menards, store, box, no
Id: BS-5j7-XE8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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