will and james watch beyond scared straight

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all right so today uh we are watching highly requested one beyond scared straight which uh contrary to my old beliefs isn't about conversion therapy [Music] jasmine meets her mom in jail oh come on jasmine jasmine drugs you've had so much cat that you've completely lost your human form and you're just a baggie i love marijuana weed because it's more relaxing yes just me and my thriller one of us one of us uh i found this in jasmine's room that's like a twitter app it sounds like a [ __ ] soundcloud rapper yeah it does trippy well yeah trippy red trippy kit trippy um tripping balls you could be it could be trippy balls i snorted pills like xanax oxycon percocets you know that sounds like a future verse [Music] yes um yes okay how many future songs could you name hands off the keyboard interesting uh interesting you are sir no hands off hands or fans off come on hey seriously uh name a future song you ask he did one with drake earlier in the year about uh i haven't done my taxes i'm too turned up what's that called you're asking the wrong person this one's quite quite a covid related one about having take mask on get mask off yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah leave me alone man all right everyone has very tastes maybe i do like listening to defying gravity uh by the original cast of wicked is that a problem no no no in a way futures defied gravity by being the jump man put it on the back of this so i know nothing else dirty's going wait is that close i can't show that in the second channel what was that powder you'd know uh the thickets i hate it when these tv shows right they have like these really old producers old cameramen and they're like right let's film this 14 year old literally crumb up some crack in front of us and just not stop her i put it on the back of this so i know nothing else dirty is going up my nose that's outrageous you're right they just stood there and gone yeah do it again do it again go on good shot this probably not the right hand gesture to be done well they're filming they're filming that's your lens that's that's your zoom and that's your focus stand up [Music] my name's nicole jasmine's my daughter and i'll do anything to make sure that she doesn't end up in jail like me this is heavy well you can't really do that being in jail yourself can you i was here before for a felony and now i'm back on a driving on a suspended charge it's okay that that [ __ ] upsets me that angers me how you're calling out your own daughter right if she hasn't gone to [ __ ] joe yeah she's doing hard drugs and that should probably start by the way but you've literally driven when you shouldn't be driving and you've put yourself in jail and so you can't care for your own daughter and now you're like someone's got to show up about how it's done show her out of jail i totally agree i i will give you a parenting manual as someone who has no children i don't have children promised all of y'all are going to end up in here if y'all don't straighten up and especially you and i know that firsthand and it's hard it is for me to sit here and see you in them damn handcuffs think how hard it is to see me and have to go home tonight and may not be there that's traumatic this is heavy isn't it great telly that's what we need mind more americans more americans this is traumatic for that girl that's this is traumatic james she bangs [ __ ] coke on just on our bedroom table but this is like this is like abusive this is like literally abusive like taking out your own [ __ ] problems on your daughter like that she's got the same good problems she's trying to patten her up okay yeah all right you know how i am on the street you live with me on a day-to-day basis you see the respect that i get on the street you think i get that in here started running around having sex early had her and her brother by the time i was 14 years old boo that's why i actually deserved to be in jail when she was 14 years old she had her daughter the us is so far removed from us in this sense no we've got crackheads banging coke and having kids yeah but do you know of anyone with a story like that i don't well not from your [ __ ] background of course you don't oh yeah of course me running the streets of the northeast you know do you know how much respect i get on the streets the past four years i've been locked up three times jasmine is it worth it well tell that to yourself then like you will just oh my god this is hurting my brain why are you taking this out on her this is your fault you are you are a person this isn't really one of them ones where we go oh haha take the piss out of people we'll just get we're getting too emotionally involved in this whoever suggested this part of me understands the moral like validity of saying i had to rob to feed my kids driving charges what where you're driving and you can't drive and you get put away for six months bro that's dumb shooter yeah what that's not what i said get off me don't do this man or what don't do it what don't do it what you gonna do if you're gonna do it you might as well do it all the way come on give me one set of my foods here i'm just gonna i'm just gonna buzz it in will is that all right don't leave this in mikey i'd rather not i'm just getting my scran your channel is important to me will and he's the only one we've been let on yeah the other two delinquents yeah oh i am your letters on right think of it this is the best of the bunch i promise i am really grateful for this opportunity will yep it's it is something that really matters to me and i may have ordered food but i i just want to remind you that i'm very grateful for this yeah yeah okay all right yeah that's fine that's fine go get your food at school i'm not on my phone or anything you know like i have been in previous recording just get your food all totally fine all right honestly oh what are you saying what are you saying what what do you say what did you say sorry about i think the line's going dodgy here is it hello i can't hear you right anyway so that's what i was saying that's why it's got no [ __ ] subscribers i have it on the speaker you won't be a man look what kind of a [ __ ] she's going we're not watching like an actual clip what is that break your neck they call me little jay kids are coming here who's that tattoo on his neck i think it's marilyn monroe right uh either that or gwen stefani i can't quite tell say hurry up get on the ground get my push-up hurry up let's go you're gonna mind me let's go hurry up push up i mean this isn't very intimidating no don't let the gym work it's just like having a personal trainer isn't it he's even doing the push-up with him yeah he ain't not up out of punishment [Music] you know what i do to her act bad i put her over my knee and i bring the boogie man out that's a weird name for your penis stop it i would not with that man he looks like someone you'd make in gta 5. come on get over here is she the one who want to be the little crap it's the [ __ ] right here why do they keep shouting you don't want to be a cripper the little 12 year old you do want to be a [ __ ] 70 percent of kids want to be youtubers and the other 30 want to be crips you think i ain't banging the game no i take a shower what drugs have she been doing wait it says she's doing drugs yeah [ __ ] calpol oh my god she's 12. what what sorry that was just reminded me of that in my most viewed video you can change your life you just got to do the right thing you control your anger because anger brings on violence and then someone gets hurt i quite like these people they seem to be saying the right things like i quite really don't kind of believe that they're not just paid actors hmm true i'm seth i'm 14 and i'm an unruly child wait no no you're not in what world is he an unruly kid specky little dog he's what's dangerous about him probably his smell by the looks why is your heart pounding like a little girl i can't kill me i can't kill me it makes no sense anybody can kill you you can slip and fall in the banana pill you can get in a car wreck you can fall off a bridge you could have an aneurysm on a toilet yeah this is a really um funny moment is this legal i mean not here probably only if it's in the name of good telly once you watch your mama when you come in here oh i thought you said i'ma beat your mama like as in well i'll show you how to do it properly oh my god jesus hold this it's kool-aid we put this on just like you lick your lips let's stick your hand in that kool-aid then stick it in there now take your finger just do this to the bottom one come here yeah i kiss you what love well why do you make me watch this this is not a joke this is not a game this is this is you to everyone who comes on s2w what do you mean ruthless dictator this is a way of life [Music] [Laughter] i always find kids crying really funny i don't know why it's always like you know like that bit where kids likes are halfway in between crying and not crying and they just start [ __ ] like you like that yeah you know like that like yeah funny stupid [ __ ] i would not want to be alcohol no no you're forgetting the biggest crime of them all will disrespects mom send him down jail is a bad place to be in because it kind of smells funny right that's it that's the reason jail badger if that's all he's came out of that show going well the only reason i don't want to go to jail is because it smells pretty bad i don't think they've done a very good job that's what stopped me from going into the eminem store in leicester square all these years because i went in the first time i was like god that [ __ ] stinks and now i just don't go to the general public no no the m m store they have like an em they have like a false m m smell and it just [ __ ] reeks in there why do they need to put a false m smell in there when they've got loads of real m m but they don't smell like the chocolate doesn't have a smell right so what did what does it smell like like cancer it smells so sweet jesus christ things like cancer you can tell i've stopped caring about what i say can't you just it smells like cuts you're university educated you like to fight homie that's what you like to do little [ __ ] use a [ __ ] homie use a pop tart use a [ __ ] use a pop tart your eyes glossy y'all it's glossy homie use a pop tart you sweet in the middle uh pop-tart you got the decorations just like the pop-tarts you pop-tarted out you think you hard click on yeah come on come on connell you go in and give them a hard time in that film [ __ ] for the [ __ ] you're on pop-tarts pop-tart you're in here for murder it popped up you were a little twinkie actually you can't say that can you that's that is it my name is ethan i'm 13 and i got in trouble for throwing books of teachers disrespecting teachers that is the biggest crime in the mall frying books at teachers pretty that is pretty mental made yeah i actually i never i don't even have a friend who's done that we used to have a teacher that had a hammer uh like a foam hammer not a real one and every time you did something wrong he'd hit people across the head with a foam hammer it was just like a little oh yeah you had no you just going to go with the head why did you smirk at me he says he don't know you can't speak up getting are you smacking you i see the same person three times yeah it's just duplicated the same i'm just i'm not wearing my glasses i think in minions factory except that everyone's grew go ahead wipe your little eyes go right ahead go round bro this guy brings it down he thinks he's like as hard as the other two aneurysm you might have an anger in him on the toilet [Applause] who's this dude look at look he's just smiling he's loving it y'all see me on the last show i did you did was i good y'all see me on the last show did you enjoy it people get molested in here people get beat up in here yeah good choice this one was these are the funniest moments will like these aren't funny moments these are the they asked for it funniest moments this still is collated guess what you are officially a dead man walking well he's not walking is he's he's lying down on a on a table right i think this isn't getting any better so it's goodbye and good night from me and uh jim tonight did you ever watch bear in the big blue house yeah that was a classic yeah what did he used to say when he said goodbye good night everyone if i remember correctly it was something like uh see you later madrillas or something like that i think he was it was a long don't think don't think it was quite hang on did he just like didn't he just like scream a racial slur hold on goodbye song should we sing it yeah [Music] um luna do you have time to sing a goodbye song oh bro this is actually hitting me here sorry i always wasn't supposed to take this too but we [Music] you've turned off your camera haven't you you're not yeah i turned mine off so it's just me now all right maybe we just had me dancing for like 20 seconds at the end of the video i don't know this isn't getting captain is it probably not yeah okay all right
Channel: S2W
Views: 2,767,800
Rating: 4.9717164 out of 5
Id: 6gV7BFQQneg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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