Will And James Watch King Of The Nerds

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right hello welcome back to will and jim today i asked editor jamie to go out and find the cringiest tv show he possibly could something that would really hurt our soul and he came back with king of the nerds i was actually going to come into this video saying i was the new king of the willaney channel so i guess that makes me the king of the nerds oh cause he's all love him so much oh tells funny jokes yeah well i'm really jealous now i am the people's champion do you want to just take this from here since you're the boss around here i've never had so many positive comments in my life i've got myself a boba tea to celebrate don't ruin it now they will call you really why what's wrong with boba tea okay the show features nerds and geeks with diverse backgrounds and interests competing in various challenges for a cash prize of a hundred grand very exciting premise i hope it's good and it's not a stinker also i hope he's all like my new hoodie that i was mentioning to james yesterday i bought without reading and says [ __ ] now suffer later see when i saw this i thought it meant have sex now it does that's what it means right no because it means [ __ ] now [ __ ] the now i thought it makes me look like i've got hiv or something i got in the lift yesterday and someone laughed at me so i'm now only wearing it exclusively in my bedroom and to the millions or hundreds of thousands of people depending on how this goes watching at home a project for the science fair this weekend of the nerds now a new fellowship oh my god oh yes 11. this is like raven for adults of the brainiest can i overpower some capacitors where is the linux machine gaming oh gaming one of the first words fantasy and science fiction lovingest nerds in the world i'm actually inside tron look at the trim what is that the enterprise would be the millennium falcon the falcon can fly circles around the enterprise especially when the ladder is diverting all power to shield wait wait wait wait wait was one of the judges the guy from star wars i thought it was the great carly they will compete in games of knowledge and skill imagine calculating relativity while flying on a broomstick do you really think you can beat me in a larping and gaming challenge that's me to you what's a larping challenge should we define larping live action role playing i'll never need to define that ever again what a word only one can be king of the nerds i'm on board i am so on board that's probably the best announcer they could find for this show i love how they can't for copyright issues they have to make every character slightly different did you see the pikachu rip-off [ __ ] is that pikachu's been stomped on a few times i'm zachary storch i'm one of the top 25 world of warcraft gamers on the planet top 25 on the planet that's nuts wow bow down fellas being a nerd is like a way of life because the greatest people throughout all of history the greatest people were nerds is that true i i think no short people short people are the bane of this earth i don't mean to be isis you will be competing for one hundred thousand dollars and the right to be crowned p of the nerd a hundred thousand dollars is a life-changing pokemon master that is the title you want the other ones have like fantasy writer mechanical engineer pokemon master well i guess if you go professional if you're like a professional gamer you could be a pokemon master but then again if you were professional at like cod you wouldn't be a lieutenant you know what i mean the first team captain is zachary awesome the x-ray force is honest he's going to be a handful the second team captain is chris yes i'm chris jackson and we should have intros like that should we do it [Music] i will be king of the nerds because i represent the engineering community you can't make an enterprise without engineers you can't do teleportation without engineers you can't make a lightsaber without engineers yeah they always just seem like kind of docks he's an actual like sinus so i don't know if it really counts but he has very unrealistic expectations for what engineers actually do if he thinks like oh i'm going into mechanical engineering i'm going to make a lightsaber i'm going to be a jedi look fella just because you couldn't hack a stem subject at uni don't get salty now it's 50 grams you now have two hours to explore nirvana and get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses let the nerd war of wits [Applause] opening the door and looking at nirvana who do you reckon that is what's up mike wazowski he's had a hard [ __ ] night if it's mike wazowski rough around see this looks good mate these looks pretty good they've got snook heads i don't know do many nerds play snooker across the board i am so psyched to see all the swords that can pick up and just like be the power of the warriors oh god where did they find him star trek are star wars there's no you can't compare yes you can my name's kayla i have a master's degree in space studies rocket scientist you're telling me we're putting pokemon rust there and rocket scientists on the same level i can't tell if that guy looks more like harry potter or bilbo baggins star trek is about exploration and my dream my goal my passion is to send humans to mars actual function human what do you mean actual functioning human she's a rocket scientist she's got a job she's got normal aspirations like she's just here because she's got funky pink hair can we talk about this idea of sending humans to mars and that being your dream have you seen pictures of mars right it looks cool but once you see a couple of meters of mars you pretty much get the general gist of mars it's just a big orange rock depends who you're sending there really doesn't it prisoners they're the french why did i look at the calculator first my name is jack and i study medicine oh hello bio engineer everyone here is a genius i'm introverted but i have been known to rap make them girls go loco when they see me bust a move on the periodic table it ain't easy check what they did to you fella but if you want to learn it then repeat after me hydrogen helium lithium beryllium on carbon uh yes oh yeah you get the gist i do i get the gist put a check i have nothing but respect for it actually i won a contest by nasa to pick their greatest fan and i was that winner anyone can be a fan anyone would be a fan of nasa yeah i wanted to work for nasa right yeah i wanted to be a translator for nasa and that's good well in it yeah it's actually going fantastic everybody's such an expert yeah it's a number one favorite that's the best thing you can say about yourself some people know me as jay witz on the internet i'm a pokemon master yeah i'm josh i run a pokemon centered youtube channel he's a youtuber he's got a million subs he's not a nerd that means you're cool i don't know top 10 worst pokeballs for catching the opposite gender that's so cursed the worst pokeballs i want the country's the opposite gender [Laughter] i'd like to take back my support for the pokemon master thank you very much no pokemon at one point became not cool i just never stopped caring nice to meet you i like him i like him well he was ahead of the curve yeah i bet he's worth a [ __ ] mint now god i don't know how to follow that i'm nicole i got my bachelor's degree in chemistry what was that pose what was she doing there is everything all right nicole inorganic chemist inorganic inorganic so not organic i think it's to do with carbon chains where did i come from i'm probably the resident like uber music nerd here this sounds like me wait did she say she was a drummer as well i've been drum major forgotten how long yeah so maybe she's like in chemistry she's like cooking up some fatty beets and that's why it's so it's such an inorganic banger you know what i mean you have given him too much confidence since the last [ __ ] video you've given oh nerds to the throne jesus christ that is the worst looking throne i've ever seen it's like bruce lane's hall of armor [ __ ] limb biscuit walked through the door and the right to sit at up the throne of game that's such a bad throw oh my god the throne of games do you get it oh like game of thrones yeah but backwards i like this show more and more as it goes our team is the midas attack all right steady on power rangers there's even a presentation it's amazing and you can let it go you can drop the answer it would be like if you were doing an s2w video and you're just like i just stayed like this that's my guy my god bro who's he even snapping at that's a wall that's a mirror there's a mirror right there he's going we can have it fun but i'm not to sing can you beatbox the whole time when we talk it's a science fair it's not a talent show yes i can beat box they should have put that as his slogan that's his [ __ ] talent that is some of the best beatboxing i've ever heard they're spending time today trying to paint a giant banner i think we're winning if we just don't forget that we're awesome oh it's criminal this is criminal just it's making my skin crawl up i am a very very zen person and i try to center myself bring myself down sort of fall into a meditative state for a moment this is me thinking of my next pun mary kate and i are working really hard to get these visual elements done anzac's taking a nap well he's just sleeping he's team leader i mean if he comes up with something with a banger though if the song's sick well he's asleep suck him no okay wait wait wait what did you zack sack him no okay bro hello my name is will bye the alchemy guy and i am here he doesn't want to be in that room he's like they need to be paying me more for this our crowning moment is throwing in the one ring be very careful about this um ready oh that's very nice i haven't seen a ring that explosive since after the vindaloo i ate last week there was so much screwed up with our presentation you just slept all day i got my thumb he's gone he's so gone the fourth vote oh my god he's gone he's muttered zach zack you will be going to the nerd off the producers are like can you can you say something please i'm going into this nerd off today i'm going to defeat whoever is in there and then i'm going to vote myself to the next one and defeat the next person again i am through with everything that was pretty [ __ ] badass oh my god he's quite scary isn't he going to go a deadlock the whole time i'm just gonna piss the lot josh you will be going into the nerd off this is great the least intelligent member of my team is josh he has similar gamer skills to me but similar gamer skills that's an important metric well you are a redundancy in our programming because i know every pokemon you know plus i have an iq of 146 i can absorb the world as i see it he's got such good attitude man i did everything they just completed my vision completed his vision all right scarlet witch sorry so that was a nerdy joke i'm really really glad i'm on this team i love you guys let's get a replay on that oh my god this blind-ended tube averages about 11 centimeters in length kind of sexy oh oh that was close come on josh but by a hair feels like a a time mage has actually used stuff on everything in the entire world we are now in a temporal bubble there is so much easier ways of saying that realistically time has stopped three words zack you have won this point no today i did something for the first time in my life that i've always wanted to do which is show a group of people who did not appreciate my abilities that i have abilities and that my abilities are superior to their abilities oh my god you may rejoin your team [Music] oh god look at him mate this is like a super villain formation arc this is unbelievable can we have one last beat box come on come on do it come on oh my god oh we can't send him home ah miss you bye josh i don't like seeing people go especially people who are good people he's not dead well you've done to make a paper mache volcano together this sweet is all about hang on what's my money what they done to you dave live action role playing and gaming if you've put on a costume and said that you're a character you've larped laughing sounds like sucking dick you know what i mean what you know what i mean oh god i know but i'm not trying something something crazy i've got most of my costume done i need to start i'm not having fun if you push me away from this team i will not be a member of it i will drive us into the ground and systematically destroy each and every one of you oh my god systemically have you seen the incredibles uh yeah this is syndrome careful oh god we're here to finally put an end to the impressive adam sono government i am magnus and my blade shall taste your flesh take this and another and another he's lost it he's [ __ ] lost on the left what does he do it's emotional support and the right to sit atop the throne okay every time i look at that it looks worse zach will be going to the nerd off i beg he loses oh my god he needs out oh and they were kicking off to the nerd off we have a disease in the house disease no chill for the last round midas touch attack has chosen zach as their driver if you can last more than 33 seconds you could win this nerd war i don't think a nerd ever has it's taken me a while guys but i managed to get one joking oh no what'd i just do it stop what the [Applause] [Music] okay zach it's fine you did the best you could okay that's not my best don't say it to my best i'm a world-class gamer and i can't believe i just did something that freaking pathetic a world-class gamer but that doesn't make you an athlete yeah it's high in a ball how does that like how does that apply every single time you start talking you act as if every single word you say is law it's not cut it out zach is like a young anakin skywalker well i'm trying to i'm not sure if i really see the similarities full of emotion and uncontrollable i don't want to compare chris to a sith lord but shut up brian you [ __ ] shut up you're a historian use historical figures with the score tied at two whoever knocks down the next ball will win this nerd-off oh my god he's lost it he's gonna lose [Music] yeah yes counts it counts zach your tale of survival here at nerdvana has become epic yes yes you're underselling it quite frankly but we anticipate the next chapter not only of your life but of the books that you are destined to write thank you what do you reckon the guess is how many directed he wrote he's still having a nap at the moment so we're not quite sure zachary oh he wrote a book zana all of the infinite planes but the home plane are thought to be shattered and lifeless do you want me to read all of this uh we'll keep going infinitely greater sacrifices have been made before do you want the accent i think approaches suck this bit off i think in any group you're going to end up with the outcast i did become that for this game he's andre 3080. what did he say he said there's always got to be an outcast so what i did was took andre 3000 and then called him andre 3080 which is a gaming capture card so we just do that again and i must say that what myself is i think is pretty spectacular so i i think i'm a pretty good self it's just crying that's me trying to convince myself that i'm not miserable oh there you go just burnt him that's the end of this episode of will and jim we hope you've enjoyed as always please subscribe to james if you haven't already like the video and subscribe to me and we will see you guys later goodbye
Channel: S2W
Views: 2,074,859
Rating: 4.9782143 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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