This Chess Piece Can’t Move, But Upgrades TWICE! - Ouroboros King

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welcome back to oroboros King the chest like game that has dozens of New pieces and the ability to upgrade pieces here I have a bird the bird is cool because if it dies it actually re-spawns in the bottom corner pretty unique piece for that and of course I got the glass queen and the Catapult both heavy headers no doubt and I'm just trying to either Checkmate him or get his pieces but he's maneuvered so well it's kind of ridiculous hero attack is Cardinal directly just so I can get my queen in with check and then further send over the Catapult to hopefully keep checking let's do a queen check as well and now there's gotta be something let's see if I can get in with the glass Queen the glass Queen I have to be careful with because if it ever gets taken it dies for good so hopefully that doesn't happen to me huh [Music] I'm starting to realize how hard it actually is to actually get the king with this setup surely this has to be a great start though there's no way that the king could escape a bind such as this there we go back rank mate and after a fight I get a new piece like an egg cannot move upgrades to welp well I have to know what a whelp is just try the egg I guess I'm gonna take a fight then lets me upgrade a unit after winning I'll start by advancing my best piece the Catapult I'm hoping I can get a good shot on the king well bam check I guess I got you just kind of keep walking the king down is this checkmate yeah it's a back ranked Checkmate cause I could jump over his Knight oh two ladder mates I almost never have these so how does the egg upgrade whoa It's a it can have a second upgrade move up to two squares horizontally and vertically except diagonals upgrades to Dragon well that's exciting I have to try that out and this is a relic fight if I win I get a relic how exciting there's got a scary war wagon moves like a rook or a king I think again I'll Advance my catapult to try to get his King from behind or like directly over the war wagon then if I just take this war wagon he's kind of in the sticky spot I could get my glass Queen real close and personal with a series of checks and now he's trapped there I guess I could Advance the dragon whelp what does he think he's even doing a marshalled glass Queen here because it guards a very important Square oh you think you can check me do I have the fire chick try taking it threaten my dragon wolf well if I go here now I block off his previous one square of escape with the queen and I can take his King before he takes mine excellent so I could get 500 gold two rewinds if I start a combat with none and I guess that sits I'll take 500 gold especially since I'm coming up on a shop I also said all these pieces and none of them are attacking each other Preposterous I'll put an end to that are you threatening me he's trying to threaten me well I can threaten your king I'm gonna make a little probing move just go back with my catapults see if the King goes back okay ooh the king does mix up moves I was hoping you'd do something like that now I can hit him with a sweet Fork thanks for the free piece buddy shouldn't have gotten too clever well maybe I can try something like that again another catapult check I think it's time to get the fire chick into action for a bit to attack the bishop hope that he'd be stupid enough to just take it but alas is almost checking me with a fork but I can block with the Catapult and just be okay he likes that trade I also like that trade because he's out of really good pieces now that means I can involve my own dragon whelp and maybe do something special with it we're all I got is here I think he's gonna be running out of pieces if I take he takes I take just the king left that's an automatic win and now all my moves has turned on Bishop moves regardless of the unit moved I could also Boomerang a piece so take a piece and have it bounce right back so I'll take one of those you know I'll actually buy a second Boomerang because a hit and run tactics are strong and I'll try the bishop in the bottle just for a bit of move flexibility because it's the first boss fight time idea the witch Queen can go like a rook bishop or Knight well like always I'll start with the advance here what are you doing Adia you like that check are you that desperate to go after the glass Queen there's no way in hell the game would make this trade right as it shouldn't okay but this check is less threatening because I can block with the Catapult and counter-attack now things are looking sickly for idea because I can catapultira attack both the king and queen oh Adidas got a sack for the Catapult so I'll take her right back a check from the war wagon how about I get the fire chick back in the defense position unfortunately I feel like black has too many pieces so I gotta do a boomerang here go take the bishop and bounce back at least I've strengthened numbers now now I can start advancing the dragon welp slowly but surely and this is a fine place to park it pretty good Viking move if you ask me however at least it lets me advance the glass Queen with check of course I don't know what I was gonna do afterwards but it check how about I put in a little effort to pin the Viking to the king arching them back hold on I think I'll send in the dragon whelp right here it's kind of of a fork expecting the Viking to take I can take right back and the war wagon has to get a little creative our ride 2 can do some creative checks ooh you fell for it you absolutely Foon the Classic Glass Queen Fork another victory for me act two I definitely need more units in my Army and a lot of upgrades back to the map having portals well once again best thing to do is just Advance my best unit up these catapults put out a hit on my king bet I can't block it with the fire chick I'll send them left word if I send them right word I probably lose my glass Queen and again I'll slowly send over my catapult and hopes to do something oh is that a that's not a double attack on the dragon wolf I mean it is but it's defended it is moderately annoying I'll move my king back to this spot it was a good spot check me again okay I'm coming back here and there's the Berserker damn that thing's got a huge move radius I still can get away with a catapult check I was hoping he wouldn't go there but can't have everything you want how about I also back my dragon whelp away from the bishop catapults hitting it but protected by the fire chick ah move my king again the Berserker moves do I want to just win right now I mean this fight seems pretty hard I think I'll just take the win right now do a bishop move just so I can have dragon web wipe out his King I think my Army is just too strong to get a win so I need something good here how about a royal guard kills like a queen moves like a king an awfully aggressive piece at times okay and I think I need even more units it strengthened numbers of the game right now to begin with how would I do a dragon wealth welp advancement huh well the infiltrator comes and threatens it your threats don't scare about me but maybe they should walk in this back hold on I can throw down a nice double attack on this agent star and the infiltrator now the infiltrator going here actually blocks the dragon Wolf's movement which is something I'm just now aware of I don't know how much I value the infiltrator I'm gonna try valuing it a bit by just taking it out it does mean the night Queen becomes a queen for a little bit that probably means I can bring my own Queen try to wreck some Havoc interesting I quite like this in the corner of the map I'm gonna try something here I'll push up my king so I can Shuffle over my catapult and that's just basically attacking my queen yeah what did you think was gonna happen if I then went here [Music] yours still just giving me a free piece this isn't some 500 IQ trap right no I just get two pieces for free and you're a dumbass so thank you in that case I could just have a peace Gathering mindset try to create a battering ram on the leper I can't get in there so easily hold on let's send the king over the Catapult that wasn't what I was hoping for maybe it's actually easier to just approach Checkmate the only downsides my catapult is not really in the action but it can be now see what he does interesting check we'll have a beautiful Royal Guard move through the portal to get to here which attacks and defense at the same time let's try a catapult here see if I back him in the corner or just force them to take biking isn't taking but now I have a leper and if I go glass Quinn up here I could have a discovered attack wait is it bad if the glass Queen takes the leper do I lose it then actually I don't want to risk that let's undo yeah back that away real quick huh okay the Viking keeps approaching but before you do that how about I go for a glass Queen check and then back away the luck or more can't get me now I think it's time to advance the fire chick it's Immortal so you know what are you gonna do against an immortal piece huh what's what you're gonna do just let it respawn I don't think so I'm gonna record it all three of my pieces here I'm on glass Queen just can't quite trap him I can send them still further to the edge of the map eventually he'll run out of precious space Oh watch out there's nowhere for you to go my friend another king take all right so I need something good I don't think I want a marching Pawn but it does upgrade no Crusader is really good attacks diagonally and backwards vertically and hopefully now I can get one of those nice upgrades that I wanted oh I don't need to worry about this I can just smother the King by jumping over his pieces easy Checkmate that's a relief Dragon move up to three squares horizontally and vertically except diagonals I mean there's so much movement to this I gotta have it on my team that means maybe it should be like out in front swap with the fire chick anyways I love the idea of sacrificing something I love for something even better nothing gets me going like sacrifice speaking of black just sacrificed this piece by having it exist and the war wagon made a trade so I have to be careful with the infiltrator I can't take with that I can't take with a fire chick because otherwise my king is taken but I have to take with the glass Queen just yeah worried about the Catapult play now gotta March over the queen somewhere safe that also still protects the fire chick what's this bishop even doing threatening my dragon pinning it to the king dragon is a very valuable piece however I will gladly trade catapult for catapult any day of the week now I hope he doesn't sack the bishop for the Dragon sacked the bishop for the dragon I wanted to use that piece next time though what are you doing oh man you're doing nothing I will however March my glass Queen here just to pin it yeah force it back now I can advance with check see if anything comes of that I'll have a crusader hopefully I can get some merits out of it I don't care if he's attacking the fire chick you can waste the turn on that any day I wonder actually what happens if the fire chick is killed on the corner of the board where it would normally respawn I think I've made an oopsie yeah I let myself get forked here let's undo that one it's that out to be much more careful maybe a casual check maybe a little Bowman harassment because if I can just get rid of that last piece I'm pretty happy however time and time again it will merely prove to be annoying infiltrator is wow hitting to my pieces at once normally I would care but I have a fine course of action glass Queen here making him move the bow man which then lets me develop a check and I could get the Crusader to safety two so I will more checks because it just won't let up well don't let my king get to the edge of the board otherwise the infiltrator starts to have impact again well now I can finally develop a check for the first time in a bit and my follow-up is also check oh I could keep this going not for long the Bowman's actually in a stellar defensive position well fine I'll do it with all the fire chick somehow I can attack the bow man while it's not attacking me I am in check horizontally through the portal wow some move you got there now what I imagine you smothered enough that I can possibly get him how about this check what does it have him do oh advances in a way that I can check them again safely come on glass Queen there's gotta be enough moves to be able to get him don't tell him he can just hide in the corner there's no way I won't accept it I might be able to just barely seal himself in at least he's not counter-attacking anything and now I can take advantage of the fire chick put me in check first okay defensive fire chick okay he sent me back a few moves damn this bow man is annoying as you have so many damn moves check again yeah what happens if he takes the fire check now you won't okay I don't like being trapped on the back rank let's maybe get away from that I realize I have to be very very careful with the infiltrator too I'm in check again I know it feels like there's nothing well I keep making tricky moves in hopes that does something stupid I mean how tricky can I truly get oh put me in check I was already gonna move my king jokes on you I guess well at the Long March forward continue I'll hit your bow man kind of a fork but not really there's really almost no Escape there's just always someone for this Bowman to check my king I can't stop it this move looks bad but I can just March my king here now what man anywhere I go anywhere he's got an annoying move ah all right I gotta take that one back that's not a good set of moves I've been trying this for so long I gotta realize I'm not setting up something stupid He is unbelievable and the infiltrator's on the side of the board again huh it's just another thing to worry about you know never gonna win unless I get my Firebird to his King I think it's just a simple check I've seen plenty like it before just approached the scary bow man I know my fire check is running out of moves what does that accomplish nothing basically yeah who's making it so unbelievably hard for the fire chick to advance and checking me come on now I was just back to that nasty habit got a hit out on my crusade or I see and it's pinned feels like the only way I'm getting out of this fight is if I like sack my glass Queen which is so unbelievably annoying hey maybe there's a chance I just don't need it I really hope that's the case it all comes down to can I get my fire chicken here and walk the king I can continue to walk the king but I should be careful I don't know what that does he's not really threatening me I feel like I have Tempo on him right now he doesn't know what to do I've absolutely confused them finally the fire chick makes it and the classic king take King oh my gosh I can't believe I got out of that fight uh okay if sacrifice a catapult to get a centaur move like a bishop or a knight or I could sacrifice the thing that gives me rewinds with my king being unable to be hurt by the three bosses that seems like a fair trade I just gotta remember my king is safe from the boss Queens Tabitha can move like any of my pieces I'm safe from her I can also just wipe her out now but wouldn't it just be a better play um oh hold on wait they can Castle I can't smother his General so that means I should just wipe out Tabitha get rid of their best piece and now figure out what to do I think I'll try to get my Royal Guard a bit more active see if I can threaten whoa yeah you can swap any piece any piece I gotta be careful of that how about I start this party with a more aggressive Dragon play are you swapping Agent X is hitting the dragon that's the only real change I wouldn't like that trade for me however I do like getting my dragon right here put his king in check forcing The Immortal outs and totally blocking my movement that mortal Immortal is gonna be a total pain in my side um I could do a little bit of magic here though how about I March up the Crusader make his Berserker take it it didn't get taken however I almost consider that a good thing because I could March forward with check again castles well continue the assault get the glass Queen in here for some action now the Berserkers moderately annoying wait the Berserker can hit the glass Queen what the in that case it's time to launch a boomerang attack I need that Berserker gone glass Queen saved if this is the game I'm playing I can't afford to not just keep checking and miraculously I can save the dragon with check it's going there because it can't attack diagonally not what I would consider a good decision I'm not sure but I know that this Royal Guard check is good that's a nasty swap wow I think I gotta go Immortal then at least Wipe Out the catapult I gotta have something here I think I'd probably want to get rid of his last long moving pieces sack the Dragon for the agent X infiltrator can go around the board and admittedly annoy my Crusader oh unfortunately the Crusader saves my king right now I gotta get my king off the edge of the board ASAP well unless if I want to do this I could go Crusader here with check I didn't expect that take well that's pretty helpful for me because now I got rid of your last good moving piece magic should be pretty routine from here then just kind of slowly March up the other pieces make sure I don't get checkmated [Music] and unfortunately this still isn't Checkmate but it's really close because he's running out of time I've got the fire chick play and king take King these are nasty act three I get another piece and then I'm gonna want to upgrade a ton you just got a full Army let me tell you right now the fool is the piece that I'm scared of the most I'm okay with taking it out right away I have some powerful pieces and I don't want them to have those abilities for starters I can't believe this is almost Checkmate there's just one Centaur in the way I think I'll still do it it's good position forces him back nothing protects the Centaur so I could set up a second attacker with the Crusader forcing the sorcerer back because that protects it and hits my catapult it's brutal I think I'll still make the trade Crusader for centaur it's positive didn't expect that follow-up well how about I March back the Crusader hit a rook okay Crusader trade I should still have Tempo with like the Dragon yeah that sorcerer is actually really annoying as a defensive piece I won't let myself get deterred though I don't know this gets more dire by the second yeah I'll escape with check but can't keep that up forever maybe I could try set up some sort of double check or double attack right now this Rook is unprotected so I've got a pretty nasty play with the Dragon Here double check on the king and now a double attack on The Rook this is how I come back the only thing defending the Rook right now is the king I wonder if I can get the king away like I'm looking at maybe a check here see where he goes oh hang on can I weasel him away from the edge of the board well yeah it's a double attack on The Rook now and the King's the only thing defending it so again dragon can take and now I'm just up oh I think I could start trading now even I could pick up his sorcerer for free if he takes then I've got a very clean winning fork wow this didn't look like I was gonna come out on top all right so Musketeers definitely the best of the bunch after killing unit go back to his original position yes please yeah I'll take that and I'll see how it can Shuffle around my Army I guess Dragon could just be in the back maybe I'll put it out in front of the Crusader no dragon can just develop later it's a later game unit I think but it's pretty good really him too I don't know okay Dragon front we'll experiment see if I like it but now I need as many piece upgrades as I can get and already I can get good value out of the musketeer well unless the Berserker does that well I can still get a two for one more I think about the more I like it I get an agent L as well and he doesn't even take it it doesn't consider it worth the trade which is absurd to me well tell me then what happens if I just move my catapult up here oh I wish I'd checked him with the Crusader instead well hold on wait if I go here with the Catapult then where does he go he goes here now I can do a crusader check perfect oh forced to block what kind of chump has to block and then still be in check and I can keep marching forward um is this the check I want to make I can actually make this check take with the musketeer fall back and I can get the king my God this is a force to be reckoned with of these upgrades I gotta go glass Queen so I have mirror queen and I can stop fretting about her okay it's a relic battle maybe I can get something good with that I've got fantastic start with the musketeer all right his Knight does nothing I guess it just had to go to safety I know too well how annoying a bow man can be so I'll get rid of you I think I can continue being an ass with the musketeer what is he doing what is it that you're gonna take I mean I could just have you take neither why don't I instead like Crusade or check you what are you gonna do fall back instantly weakling I think this is actually a fair trade portal Mage is annoying and crusader is definitely one of my weakest and it's a free night now life must be really annoying for you with this catapult well I think the place to put the mirror Queen here first expecting an immortal block so now what I like is that if I take with the Catapult I could take again and I will it's pretty much over it's just like how quickly am I gonna get there turns out it takes a little bit I think the dragon actually comes in handy now there we go so well I can't afford an expensive one I could get more rewinds back and my units aren't affected by bomb explosions you know what I'm gonna try bomb immunity here it just seems like one of the things I don't take advantage of often I think it could go a long long way units are restricted what a chump so this is a weird one I think I'm just gonna send off my mirror Queen right now for a bow man have it become a bow man I'm not in check but it is a little awkward but what do I do now trade how about this I'll take it a stab at him instead with check okay Gorgon can't kill anybody I have to remember that so let me do a little Annoying Bowman harassment right now I actually got exactly what I was looking for which means putting the bow man here having the king move and then Bowman Trading this way is out of long attackers I'm not sure how to play this then maybe a dragon Strat wow he's just going right after the dragon that means I can start advancing the musketeer oh that's a nasty check Jesus okay take that back wow that's a terrifying play what the hell all right hold on how did I move my Royal Guard here okay I kind of want the troll gone never really thought about how annoying these things could be all right so I've got a discovered attack with the Crusader but the musketeer doesn't move out of the way too conveniently there's one thing I can do I can advance It Forward attacking the Viking prompting a move there and now I could move it over with check and enjoy the free piece all right sorcerer's going after my dragon I admit that's awfully annoying I think it's still worth it if I go ahead with the musketeer pick off their troll like this it's a free piece for a free piece however his sorcerer is held in place that means I can just go ahead with the Catapult to hear because he can't check me can't move now it can move however the bomb immunity comes in handy I'd like to hope it could be simple for the rest of the time but it almost never is oh Gorgon can't kill so this is just a fork there we go nice important upgrade do I ever want to go fire can move two squares cardonly or diagonally I mean this is probably one of my worst pieces but also making a night Templar be huge it turned my Crusader into yet another real threat so I'll take a second real threat or maybe not a second but like a fourth thrill from threat just in time for the boss fight they could not have started further away from me huh you know time for the long journey of advancing the Catapult over just got to be careful of Andromeda that's a scary piece right there what are you doing Gorgon I could pick it off for free right now or I could just start putting pressure on pieces like Andromeda oh their pieces aren't affected by bombs either so that would just be a waste of a turn okay we've come to an impasse both of us are immune to bombs on andromeda's hitting my catapult I hate it however what happens if I catapult here I'm hitting both the Gordon and Andromeda what did you take my dragon surely if that wasn't worth it I'm glad to see Andromeda that the Stars gone I mean damn also this Knight is actually undefended it's kind of defended by portal Mage but it's hidden to the king thus a free piece okay I'll fall back here I don't think I need to have it too far out oh Centaur threatening my queen all their scary pieces are gone I just trade down now trade trade trade away I'm a centaur we'll double tack on war wagon and King ball that up you've got almost no scary pieces left well I'll begin the slow journey of advancing the musketeer it's got to get some work done eventually this Gorgon is useless oh but it could be a little bit better than useless soon what does he do if I go here stops moving the Gorgon I see unpinned himself maybe that's just a bad idea yeah why would I willingly walk into the Gorgon instead of Chipotle like this trade off a poor Mage for a royal guard and then go musketeer here see what he does all right make him come to me now I gotta use the night Templar to get the Gorgon off my ass however it's not working yeah that's certainly fine especially the portal Mage just goes there because now I can get a nice Fork all right it's over just uh thinking I got a pretty simple move here and there we go all right now it's the boss fight like the real real boss fight but I am safe against all the queens now they can destroy Boulders they can castle and they're not affected by bombs and I start by attacking none of them but they can hit multiple of my pieces that's not good the fact they can move through Boulders is probably the worst of it all the best thing I can do is try to get my best unit in here the musketeer well my dragon's dead and it's protected by Cardinal Myra is sacking the Knight Templar for it I think so I what I want to do with the mirror Queen is to take one of their Queens so I can capture its Essence however that won't happen because I'm capturing a cardinal well I've got a shoddy put together team right here and nobody's being taken nobody's even close to threatened great I think I just gotta play defensive right now there's a double attack on the catapults but it is pretty defended on my end maybe I can scare him a little bit with the check hold on does that make me vulnerable I think it's fun well this is interesting actually my king can't be hurt by the three big queens and the fire chick always respawns so if like I can get rid of their non-queens my king becomes a deadly force because I have an immortal unit this gives me hope you don't concern me yet I need to get my good unit in there nice Castle so this is a perfectly safe spot for me advancing the knight in that's one of the pieces I want to go on still a safe spot and the portal Mage you're sack and everything for me thank you um do I care about that take well I probably should take it still right now I'm not sure which order is best my king isn't under attack I think this is fine because it's check especially if they do that oh the Musketeers gotten so many kills it's beautiful all I have to do is get rid of Tabitha which can move like all my pieces combined but you don't have the powers that I have you cannot hurt my king but you can hurt rocks all right get my Cardinal out of the way with check slowly gonna Advance my good pieces I think you're cute with that play I don't think so how about now oh that moves the musketeer back I didn't say that one coming annoyingly Tabitha I guess is pick up the musk no I'm not in check I could still run but I guess a bomb counts as a unit well hopefully I can hold on to this Musketeers done me so well so far yeah it's doing great oh here we go Cardinal in the action what are you even gonna do nothing it's over hell yeah what a win we didn't get to abuse the firebird but it was an interesting late game threat and you know what I'm tempted to do I could do another episode where I try this in Infinity mode let me know if you want to see that thank you all for watching hope you guys enjoyed seeing the next episode of orbos King have a wonderful day and peace [Music]
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 206,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, aliens rock, gameplay, walkthrough, strategy game, puzzle, puzzle game, puzzle solve, Chess, Chess piece, Roguelike, Chess rogulike, King, Ouroboros, Ouroboros king, Chess 2, New chess, Egg, Chess strategy, Chess tactics, Chess openings, Upgrades, Chess but, Chess variant
Id: CRncSJceoZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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